/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Patrick Ohly * Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SE_BEGIN_CXX // synopsis and options char strings #include "CmdlineHelp.c" Cmdline::Cmdline(int argc, const char * const * argv, ostream &out, ostream &err) : m_argc(argc), m_argv(argv), m_out(out), m_err(err), m_validSyncProps(SyncConfig::getRegistry()), m_validSourceProps(SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry()) {} Cmdline::Cmdline(const vector &args, ostream &out, ostream &err) : m_args(args), m_out(out), m_err(err), m_validSyncProps(SyncConfig::getRegistry()), m_validSourceProps(SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry()) { m_argc = args.size(); m_argvArray.reset(new const char *[args.size()]); for(int i = 0; i < m_argc; i++) { m_argvArray[i] = m_args[i].c_str(); } m_argv = m_argvArray.get(); } Cmdline::Cmdline(ostream &out, ostream &err, const char *arg, ...) : m_out(out), m_err(err), m_validSyncProps(SyncConfig::getRegistry()), m_validSourceProps(SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry()) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, arg); for (const char *curr = arg; curr; curr = va_arg(argList, const char *)) { m_args.push_back(curr); } va_end(argList); m_argc = m_args.size(); m_argvArray.reset(new const char *[m_args.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < m_argc; i++) { m_argvArray[i] = m_args[i].c_str(); } m_argv = m_argvArray.get(); } bool Cmdline::parse() { vector parsed; return parse(parsed); } bool Cmdline::parse(vector &parsed) { parsed.clear(); if (m_argc) { parsed.push_back(m_argv[0]); } m_delimiter = "\n\n"; // All command line options which ask for a specific operation, // like --restore, --print-config, ... Used to detect conflicting // operations. vector operations; int opt = 1; bool ok; while (opt < m_argc) { parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--")) { // separator between options and : // swallow it and leave option parsing opt++; break; } if (m_argv[opt][0] != '-') { if (strchr(m_argv[opt], '=')) { // property assignment if (!parseProp(UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_TYPE, NULL, m_argv[opt], NULL)) { return false; } else { opt++; continue; } } else { break; } } if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--sync") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-s")) { opt++; string param; string cmdopt(m_argv[opt - 1]); if (!parseProp(SOURCE_PROPERTY_TYPE, m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt], "sync")) { return false; } parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); // disable requirement to add --run explicitly in order to // be compatible with traditional command lines m_run = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--sync-property") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-y")) { opt++; if (!parseProp(SYNC_PROPERTY_TYPE, m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt])) { return false; } parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--source-property") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-z")) { opt++; if (!parseProp(SOURCE_PROPERTY_TYPE, m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt])) { return false; } parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); }else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--template") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-l")) { opt++; if (opt >= m_argc) { usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_template = m_argv[opt]; m_configure = true; string temp = boost::trim_copy (m_template); if (temp.find ("?") == 0){ m_printTemplates = true; m_dontrun = true; m_template = temp.substr (1); } } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-servers") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-peers") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-configs")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printServers = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-config") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-p")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printConfig = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-sessions")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printSessions = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--configure") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-c")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_configure = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--remove")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_remove = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--run") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-r")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_run = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--restore")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); opt++; if (opt >= m_argc) { usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } m_restore = m_argv[opt]; if (m_restore.empty()) { usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } //if can't convert it successfully, it's an invalid path if (!relToAbs(m_restore)) { usage(true, string("parameter '") + m_restore + "' for " + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1]) + " must be log directory"); return false; } parsed.push_back(m_restore); } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--before")) { m_before = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--after")) { m_after = true; } else if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-items")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printItems = m_accessItems = true; } else if ((boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--export") && (m_export = true)) || (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--import") && (m_import = true)) || (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--update") && (m_update = true))) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_accessItems = true; opt++; if (opt >= m_argc || !m_argv[opt][0]) { usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } m_itemPath = m_argv[opt]; if (m_itemPath != "-") { string dir, file; splitPath(m_itemPath, dir, file); if (dir.empty()) { dir = "."; } if (!relToAbs(dir)) { SyncContext::throwError(dir, errno); } m_itemPath = dir + "/" + file; } parsed.push_back(m_itemPath); } else if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--delimiter")) { opt++; if (opt >= m_argc) { usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } m_delimiter = m_argv[opt]; parsed.push_back(m_delimiter); } else if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--delete-items")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_deleteItems = m_accessItems = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--dry-run")) { m_dryrun = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--migrate")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_migrate = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--status") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-t")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_status = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--quiet") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-q")) { m_quiet = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--help") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-h")) { m_usage = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--version")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_version = true; } else if (parseBool(opt, "--keyring", "-k", true, m_keyring, ok)) { if (!ok) { return false; } } else if (parseBool(opt, "--daemon", NULL, true, m_useDaemon, ok)) { if (!ok) { return false; } } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--monitor")|| boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-m")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_monitor = true; } else { usage(false, string(m_argv[opt]) + ": unknown parameter"); return false; } opt++; } if (opt < m_argc) { m_server = m_argv[opt++]; while (opt < m_argc) { parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); if (m_sources.empty() || !m_accessItems) { m_sources.insert(m_argv[opt++]); } else { // first additional parameter was source, rest are luids m_luids.push_back(CmdlineLUID::toLUID(m_argv[opt++])); } } } // check whether we have conflicting operations requested by user if (operations.size() > 1) { usage(false, boost::join(operations, " ") + ": mutually exclusive operations"); return false; } // common sanity checking for item listing/import/export/update if (m_accessItems) { if (m_server.empty()) { usage(false, operations[0] + ": needs configuration name"); return false; } if (m_sources.size() == 0) { usage(false, operations[0] + ": needs source name"); return false; } if ((m_import || m_update) && m_dryrun) { usage(false, operations[0] + ": --dry-run not supported"); return false; } } return true; } bool Cmdline::parseBool(int opt, const char *longName, const char *shortName, bool def, Bool &value, bool &ok) { string option = m_argv[opt]; string param; size_t pos = option.find('='); if (pos != option.npos) { param = option.substr(pos + 1); option.resize(pos); } if ((longName && boost::iequals(option, longName)) || (shortName && boost::iequals(option, shortName))) { ok = true; if (param.empty()) { value = def; } else if (boost::iequals(param, "t") || boost::iequals(param, "1") || boost::iequals(param, "true") || boost::iequals(param, "yes")) { value = true; } else if (boost::iequals(param, "f") || boost::iequals(param, "0") || boost::iequals(param, "false") || boost::iequals(param, "no")) { value = false; } else { usage(true, string("parameter in '") + m_argv[opt] + "' must be 1/t/true/yes or 0/f/false/no"); ok = false; } // was our option return true; } else { // keep searching for match return false; } } bool Cmdline::isSync() { // make sure command line arguments really try to run sync if (m_usage || m_version || m_printServers || boost::trim_copy(m_server) == "?" || m_printTemplates || m_dontrun || m_argc == 1 || (m_useDaemon.wasSet() && m_argc == 2) || m_printConfig || m_remove || (m_server == "" && m_argc > 1) || m_configure || m_migrate || m_status || m_printSessions || !m_restore.empty() || m_accessItems || m_dryrun || (!m_run && m_props.hasProperties())) { return false; } else { return true; } } bool Cmdline::dontRun() const { // this mimics the if() checks in run() if (m_usage || m_version || m_printServers || boost::trim_copy(m_server) == "?" || m_printTemplates) { return false; } else { return m_dontrun; } } void Cmdline::makeObsolete(boost::shared_ptr &from) { string oldname = from->getRootPath(); string newname, suffix; int counter = 0; while (true) { ostringstream newsuffix; newsuffix << ".old"; if (counter) { newsuffix << "." << counter; } suffix = newsuffix.str(); newname = oldname + suffix; if (!rename(oldname.c_str(), newname.c_str())) { break; } else if (errno != EEXIST && errno != ENOTEMPTY) { SE_THROW(StringPrintf("renaming %s to %s: %s", oldname.c_str(), newname.c_str(), strerror(errno))); } counter++; } string newConfigName; string oldContext = from->getContextName(); if (from->hasPeerProperties()) { newConfigName = from->getPeerName() + suffix + oldContext; } else { newConfigName = oldContext + suffix; } from.reset(new SyncConfig(newConfigName)); } void Cmdline::copyConfig(const boost::shared_ptr &from, const boost::shared_ptr &to, const set &selectedSources) { const set *sources = NULL; set allSources; if (!selectedSources.empty()) { // use explicitly selected sources sources = &selectedSources; } else { // need an explicit list of all sources which will be copied, // for the createFilters() call below BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &source, from->getSyncSources()) { allSources.insert(source); } sources = &allSources; } // Apply config changes on-the-fly. Regardless what we do // (changing an existing config, migrating, creating from // a template), existing shared properties in the desired // context must be preserved unless explicitly overwritten. // Therefore read those, update with command line properties, // then set as filter. ConfigProps syncFilter; SourceProps sourceFilters; m_props.createFilters(to->getContextName(), to->getConfigName(), sources, syncFilter, sourceFilters); from->setConfigFilter(true, "", syncFilter); BOOST_FOREACH(const SourceProps::value_type &entry, sourceFilters) { from->setConfigFilter(false, entry.first, entry.second); } // Write into the requested configuration, creating it if necessary. to->prepareConfigForWrite(); to->copy(*from, sources); } void Cmdline::finishCopy(const boost::shared_ptr &from, const boost::shared_ptr &to) { // give a change to do something before flushing configs to files to->preFlush(*to); // done, now write it m_configModified = true; to->flush(); // migrating peer? if (m_migrate && from->hasPeerProperties()) { // also copy .synthesis dir string fromDir, toDir; fromDir = from->getRootPath() + "/.synthesis"; toDir = to->getRootPath() + "/.synthesis"; if (isDir(fromDir)) { cp_r(fromDir, toDir); } // Succeeded so far, remove "ConsumerReady" flag from migrated // config to hide that old config from normal UI users. Must // do this without going through SyncConfig, because that // would bump the version. FileConfigNode node(from->getRootPath(), "config.ini", false); BoolConfigProperty ready("ConsumerReady", "", "0"); if (ready.getPropertyValue(node)) { ready.setProperty(node, false); } node.flush(); // Set ConsumerReady for migrated SyncEvolution < 1.2 // configs, because in older releases all existing // configurations where shown. SyncEvolution 1.2 is more // strict and assumes that ConsumerReady must be set // explicitly. The sync-ui always has set the flag for // configs created or modified with it, but the command // line did not. Matches similar code in // syncevo-dbus-server. if (from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_PEER, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) == 0 /* SyncEvolution < 1.2 */) { to->setConsumerReady(true); to->flush(); } } } void Cmdline::migratePeer(const std::string &fromPeer, const std::string &toPeer) { boost::shared_ptr from(new SyncConfig(fromPeer)); makeObsolete(from); // hack: move to different target config for createSyncClient() m_server = toPeer; boost::shared_ptr to(createSyncClient()); // Special case for Memotoo: explicitly set preferred sync format // to vCard 3.0 as part of the SyncEvolution 1.1.x -> 1.2 migration, // because it works better. Template was also updated in 1.2, but // that alone wouldn't improve existing configs. if (from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_PEER, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) == 0) { vector urls = from->getSyncURL(); if (urls.size() == 1 && urls[0] == "http://sync.memotoo.com/syncML") { boost::shared_ptr to(createSyncClient()); m_props[to->getContextName()].m_sourceProps["addressbook"].insert(make_pair("syncFormat", "text/vcard")); } } copyConfig(from, to, set()); finishCopy(from, to); } /** * Finds first instance of delimiter string in other string. In * addition, it treats "\n\n" in a special way: that delimiter also * matches "\n\r\n". */ class FindDelimiter { const string m_delimiter; public: FindDelimiter(const string &delimiter) : m_delimiter(delimiter) {} boost::iterator_range operator()(string::iterator begin, string::iterator end) { if (m_delimiter == "\n\n") { // match both "\n\n" and "\n\r\n" while (end - begin >= 2) { if (*begin == '\n') { if (*(begin + 1) == '\n') { return boost::iterator_range(begin, begin + 2); } else if (end - begin >= 3 && *(begin + 1) == '\r' && *(begin + 2) == '\n') { return boost::iterator_range(begin, begin + 3); } } ++begin; } return boost::iterator_range(end, end); } else { boost::sub_range range(begin, end); return boost::find_first(range, m_delimiter); } } }; bool Cmdline::run() { // --dry-run is only supported by some operations. // Be very strict about it and make sure it is off in all // potentially harmful operations, otherwise users might // expect it to have an effect when it doesn't. // TODO: check filter properties for invalid config and source // names if (m_usage) { usage(true); } else if (m_version) { printf("SyncEvolution %s%s\n", VERSION, SyncContext::isStableRelease() ? "" : " (pre-release)"); printf("%s", EDSAbiWrapperInfo()); printf("%s", SyncSource::backendsInfo().c_str()); } else if (m_printServers || boost::trim_copy(m_server) == "?") { dumpConfigs("Configured servers:", SyncConfig::getConfigs()); } else if (m_printTemplates) { SyncConfig::DeviceList devices; if (m_template.empty()){ dumpConfigTemplates("Available configuration templates:", SyncConfig::getPeerTemplates(devices), false); } else { //limiting at templates for syncml clients only. devices.push_back (SyncConfig::DeviceDescription("", m_template, SyncConfig::MATCH_FOR_SERVER_MODE)); dumpConfigTemplates("Available configuration templates:", SyncConfig::matchPeerTemplates(devices), true); } } else if (m_dontrun) { // user asked for information } else if (m_argc == 1 || (m_useDaemon.wasSet() && m_argc == 2)) { // no parameters: list databases and short usage const SourceRegistry ®istry(SyncSource::getSourceRegistry()); boost::shared_ptr sharedNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr configNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr hiddenNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr trackingNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr serverNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); SyncSourceNodes nodes(true, sharedNode, configNode, hiddenNode, trackingNode, serverNode, ""); SyncSourceParams params("list", nodes, boost::shared_ptr()); BOOST_FOREACH(const RegisterSyncSource *source, registry) { BOOST_FOREACH(const Values::value_type &alias, source->m_typeValues) { if (!alias.empty() && source->m_enabled) { SourceType type(*alias.begin()); sharedNode->setProperty("backend", type.m_backend); sharedNode->setProperty("databaseFormat", type.m_localFormat); auto_ptr source(SyncSource::createSource(params, false)); if (source.get() != NULL) { listSources(*source, boost::join(alias, " = ")); m_out << "\n"; } } } } usage(false); } else if (m_printConfig) { boost::shared_ptr config; ConfigProps syncFilter; SourceProps sourceFilters; if (m_template.empty()) { if (m_server.empty()) { m_err << "ERROR: --print-config requires either a --template or a server name." << endl; return false; } config.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); if (!config->exists()) { m_err << "ERROR: server '" << m_server << "' has not been configured yet." << endl; return false; } // No need to include a context or additional sources, // because reading the m_server config already includes // the right information. m_props.createFilters("", m_server, NULL, syncFilter, sourceFilters); } else { string peer, context; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(m_template, SyncConfig::NormalizeFlags(SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_SHORTHAND|SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_IS_NEW)), peer, context); config = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate(peer); if (!config.get()) { m_err << "ERROR: no configuration template for '" << m_template << "' available." << endl; return false; } // When instantiating a template, include the properties // of the target context as filter to preserve shared // properties, the final name inside that context as // peer config name, and the sources defined in the template. list sourcelist = config->getSyncSources(); set sourceset(sourcelist.begin(), sourcelist.end()); m_props.createFilters(std::string("@") + context, "", &sourceset, syncFilter, sourceFilters); } // determine whether we dump a peer or a context int flags = DUMP_PROPS_NORMAL; string peer, context; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(config->getConfigName(), peer, context); if (peer.empty()) { flags |= HIDE_PER_PEER; checkForPeerProps(); } if (m_sources.empty() || m_sources.find("main") != m_sources.end()) { boost::shared_ptr syncProps(config->getProperties()); syncProps->setFilter(syncFilter); dumpProperties(*syncProps, config->getRegistry(), flags); } list sources = config->getSyncSources(); sources.sort(); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &name, sources) { if (m_sources.empty() || m_sources.find(name) != m_sources.end()) { m_out << endl << "[" << name << "]" << endl; SyncSourceNodes nodes = config->getSyncSourceNodes(name); boost::shared_ptr sourceProps = nodes.getProperties(); sourceProps->setFilter(sourceFilters.createSourceFilter(name)); dumpProperties(*sourceProps, SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry(), flags | ((name != *(--sources.end())) ? HIDE_LEGEND : DUMP_PROPS_NORMAL)); } } } else if (m_server == "" && m_argc > 1) { // Options given, but no server - not sure what the user wanted?! usage(true, "server name missing"); return false; } else if (m_configure || m_migrate) { if (m_dryrun) { SyncContext::throwError("--dry-run not supported for configuration changes"); } if (m_keyring) { #ifndef USE_GNOME_KEYRING m_err << "Error: this syncevolution binary was compiled without support for storing " "passwords in a keyring. Either store passwords in your configuration " "files or enter them interactively on each program run." << endl; return false; #endif } // name of renamed config ("foo.old") after migration string newname; // True if the target configuration is a context like @default // or @foobar. Relevant in several places in the following // code. bool configureContext = false; bool fromScratch = false; string peer, context; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(m_server), peer, context); if (peer.empty()) { configureContext = true; checkForPeerProps(); } // Make m_server a fully-qualified name. Useful in error // messages and essential for migrating "foo" where "foo" // happens to map to "foo@bar". Otherwise "foo" will be // mapped incorrectly to "foo@default" after renaming // "foo@bar" to "foo.old@bar". // // The inverse problem can occur for "foo@default": after // renaming, "foo" without "@default" would be mapped to // "foo@somewhere-else" if such a config exists. m_server = peer + "@" + context; // Both config changes and migration are implemented as copying from // another config (template resp. old one). Migration also moves // the old config. The target configuration is determined by m_server, // but the exact semantic of it depends on the operation. boost::shared_ptr from; boost::shared_ptr to; string origPeer; if (m_migrate) { if (!m_sources.empty()) { m_err << "ERROR: cannot migrate individual sources" << endl; return false; } string oldContext = context; from.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); if (!from->exists()) { // for migration into a different context, search for config without context oldContext = ""; from.reset(new SyncConfig(peer)); if (!from->exists()) { m_err << "ERROR: server '" << m_server << "' has not been configured yet." << endl; return false; } } // Check if we are migrating an individual peer inside // a context which itself is too old. In that case, // the whole context and everything inside it needs to // be migrated. if (!configureContext) { bool obsoleteContext = false; if (from->getLayout() < SyncConfig::SHARED_LAYOUT) { // check whether @default context exists and is too old; // in that case migrate it first SyncConfig target("@default"); if (target.exists() && target.getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_CONTEXT, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) < CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION) { // migrate all peers inside @default *and* the one outside origPeer = m_server; m_server = "@default"; obsoleteContext = true; } } else { // config already is inside a context; need to check that context if (from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_CONTEXT, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) < CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION) { m_server = string("@") + context; obsoleteContext = true; } } if (obsoleteContext) { // hack: move to different config and back later from.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); peer = ""; configureContext = true; } } // rename on disk and point "from" to it makeObsolete(from); // modify the config referenced by the (possibly modified) m_server to.reset(createSyncClient()); } else { from.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); // m_server known, modify it to.reset(createSyncClient()); if (!from->exists()) { // creating from scratch, look for template fromScratch = true; string configTemplate; if (m_template.empty()) { // template is the peer name configTemplate = m_server; if (configureContext) { // configuring a context, template doesn't matter => // use default "SyncEvolution" template configTemplate = peer = "SyncEvolution"; } } else { // Template is specified explicitly. It must not contain a context, // because the context comes from the config name. configTemplate = m_template; if (SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(configTemplate, SyncConfig::NormalizeFlags(SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_SHORTHAND|SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_IS_NEW)), peer, context)) { m_err << "ERROR: template " << configTemplate << " must not specify a context." << endl; return false; } string tmp; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(m_server), tmp, context); } from = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate(peer); list missing; if (!from.get()) { // check if all obligatory sync properties are specified, if so, allow user // to proceed with "none" template ConfigProps syncProps = m_props.createSyncFilter(to->getContextName()); bool complete = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, SyncConfig::getRegistry()) { if (prop->isObligatory() && syncProps.find(prop->getMainName()) == syncProps.end()) { missing.push_back(prop->getMainName()); complete = false; } } if (complete) { from = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate("none"); } } if (!from.get()) { m_err << "ERROR: no configuration template for '" << configTemplate << "' available." " Use '--template none' and/or specify relevant properties on the command line to create a configuration without a template." << " Need values for: " << boost::join(missing, ", ") << endl; dumpConfigTemplates("Available configuration templates:", SyncConfig::getPeerTemplates(SyncConfig::DeviceList())); return false; } } } // Which sources are configured is determined as follows: // - all sources in the template by default (empty set), except when // - sources are listed explicitly, and either // - updating an existing config or // - configuring a context. // // This implies that when configuring a peer from scratch, all // sources in the template will be created, with command line // source properties applied to all of them. This might not be // what we want, but because this is how we have done it // traditionally, I keep this behavior for now. // // When migrating, m_sources is empty and thus the whole set of // sources will be migrated. Checking it here for clarity's sake. set sources; if (!m_migrate && !m_sources.empty() && (!fromScratch || configureContext)) { sources = m_sources; } // Also copy (aka create) sources listed on the command line if // creating from scratch and // - "--template none" enables the "do what I want" mode or // - source properties apply to it. // Creating from scratch with other sources is a possible typo // and will trigger an error below. if (fromScratch) { BOOST_FOREACH(const string &source, m_sources) { if (m_template == "none" || !m_props.createSourceFilter(to->getContextName(), source).empty()) { sources.insert(source); } } } // Special case for migration away from "type": older // SyncEvolution could cope with "type" only set correctly for // peers. Real-world case: Memotoo config, context had "type = // calendar" set for address book. // // Setting "backend" based on an incorrect "type" from the // context would lead to a broken, unusable config. Solution: // take "backend" and "databaseFormat" from a peer config when // migrating a context. // // Note that peers are assumed to be consistent. Not attempt is // made to detect a config which has inconsistent peer configs. if (m_migrate && configureContext && from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_CONTEXT, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) == 0) { list peers = from->getPeers(); peers.sort(); // make code below deterministic BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string source, from->getSyncSources()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const string &peer, peers) { FileConfigNode node(from->getRootPath() + "/peers/" + peer + "/sources/" + source, "config.ini", true); string sync = node.readProperty("sync"); if (sync.empty() || boost::iequals(sync, "none") || boost::iequals(sync, "disabled")) { // ignore this peer, it doesn't use the source continue; } SourceType type(node.readProperty("type")); if (!type.m_backend.empty()) { // found some "type": use "backend" and // "dataFormat" in filter, unless the user // already set a value there ConfigProps syncFilter; SourceProps sourceFilters; set set; set.insert(source); m_props.createFilters(to->getContextName(), "", &set, syncFilter, sourceFilters); const ConfigProps &sourceFilter = sourceFilters[source]; if (sourceFilter.find("backend") == sourceFilter.end()) { m_props[to->getContextName()].m_sourceProps[source]["backend"] = type.m_backend; } if (!type.m_localFormat.empty() && sourceFilter.find("databaseFormat") == sourceFilter.end()) { m_props[to->getContextName()].m_sourceProps[source]["databaseFormat"] = type.m_localFormat; } // use it without bothering to keep looking // (no consistenty check!) break; } } } } // copy and filter into the target config: createSyncClient() // creates a SyncContext for m_server, with propert // implementation of the password handling methods in derived // classes (D-Bus server, real command line) copyConfig(from, to, sources); // Sources are active now according to the server default. // Disable all sources not selected by user (if any selected) // and those which have no database. if (fromScratch) { list configuredSources = to->getSyncSources(); set sources = m_sources; BOOST_FOREACH(const string &source, configuredSources) { boost::shared_ptr sourceConfig(to->getSyncSourceConfig(source)); string disable = ""; set::iterator entry = sources.find(source); bool selected = entry != sources.end(); if (!m_sources.empty() && !selected) { disable = "not selected"; } else { if (entry != sources.end()) { // The command line parameter matched a valid source. // All entries left afterwards must have been typos. sources.erase(entry); } // check whether the sync source works SyncSourceParams params("list", to->getSyncSourceNodes(source), to); auto_ptr syncSource(SyncSource::createSource(params, false, to.get())); if (syncSource.get() == NULL) { disable = "no backend available"; } else { try { SyncSource::Databases databases = syncSource->getDatabases(); if (databases.empty()) { disable = "no database to synchronize"; } } catch (...) { disable = "backend failed"; } } } // Do sanity checking of source (can it be enabled?), // but only set the sync mode if configuring a peer. // A context-only config doesn't have the "sync" // property. string syncMode; if (!disable.empty()) { // abort if the user explicitly asked for the sync source // and it cannot be enabled, otherwise disable it silently if (selected) { SyncContext::throwError(source + ": " + disable); } syncMode = "disabled"; } else if (selected) { // user absolutely wants it: enable even if off by default ConfigProps filter = m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, source); ConfigProps::const_iterator sync = filter.find("sync"); syncMode = sync == filter.end() ? "two-way" : sync->second; } if (!syncMode.empty() && !configureContext) { sourceConfig->setSync(syncMode); } } if (!sources.empty()) { SyncContext::throwError(string("no such source(s): ") + boost::join(sources, " ")); } } // flush, move .synthesis dir, set ConsumerReady, ... finishCopy(from, to); // Now also migrate all peers inside context? if (configureContext && m_migrate) { BOOST_FOREACH(const string &peer, from->getPeers()) { migratePeer(peer + from->getContextName(), peer + to->getContextName()); } if (!origPeer.empty()) { migratePeer(origPeer, origPeer + to->getContextName()); } } } else if (m_remove) { if (m_dryrun) { SyncContext::throwError("--dry-run not supported for removing configurations"); } // extra sanity check if (!m_sources.empty() || m_props.hasProperties()) { usage(true, "too many parameters for --remove"); return false; } else { boost::shared_ptr config; config.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); if (!config->exists()) { SyncContext::throwError(string("no such configuration: ") + m_server); } config->remove(); m_configModified = true; return true; } } else if (m_accessItems) { // need access to specific source boost::shared_ptr context; context.reset(createSyncClient()); context->setOutput(&m_out); // operating on exactly one source string sourceName = *m_sources.begin(); // apply filters context->setConfigFilter(true, "", m_props.createSyncFilter(m_server)); context->setConfigFilter(false, "", m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, sourceName)); SyncSourceNodes sourceNodes = context->getSyncSourceNodesNoTracking(sourceName); SyncSourceParams params(sourceName, sourceNodes, context); cxxptr source(SyncSource::createSource(params, true)); sysync::TSyError err; #define CHECK_ERROR(_op) if (err) { SE_THROW_EXCEPTION_STATUS(StatusException, string(source->getName()) + ": " + (_op), SyncMLStatus(err)); } source->open(); const SyncSource::Operations &ops = source->getOperations(); if (m_printItems) { SyncSourceLogging *logging = dynamic_cast(source.get()); if (!ops.m_startDataRead || !ops.m_readNextItem) { source->throwError("reading items not supported"); } err = ops.m_startDataRead("", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); list luids; readLUIDs(source, luids); BOOST_FOREACH(string &luid, luids) { string description; if (logging) { description = logging->getDescription(luid); if (!description.empty()) { description.insert(0, ": "); } } m_out << CmdlineLUID::fromLUID(luid) << description << std::endl; } } else if (m_deleteItems) { if (!ops.m_deleteItem) { source->throwError("deleting items not supported"); } list luids; bool deleteAll = std::find(m_luids.begin(), m_luids.end(), "*") != m_luids.end(); err = ops.m_startDataRead("", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); if (deleteAll) { readLUIDs(source, luids); } else { luids = m_luids; } if (ops.m_endDataRead) { err = ops.m_endDataRead(); CHECK_ERROR("stop reading items"); } if (ops.m_startDataWrite) { err = ops.m_startDataWrite(); CHECK_ERROR("writing items"); } BOOST_FOREACH(const string &luid, luids) { sysync::ItemIDType id; id.item = (char *)luid.c_str(); err = ops.m_deleteItem(&id); CHECK_ERROR("deleting item"); } char *token; err = ops.m_endDataWrite(true, &token); if (token) { free(token); } CHECK_ERROR("stop writing items"); } else { SyncSourceRaw *raw = dynamic_cast(source.get()); if (!raw) { source->throwError("reading/writing items directly not supported"); } if (m_import || m_update) { err = ops.m_startDataRead("", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); if (ops.m_endDataRead) { err = ops.m_endDataRead(); CHECK_ERROR("stop reading items"); } if (ops.m_startDataWrite) { err = ops.m_startDataWrite(); CHECK_ERROR("writing items"); } cxxptr inFile; if (m_itemPath =="-" || !isDir(m_itemPath)) { string content; string luid; if (m_itemPath == "-") { context->readStdin(content); } else if (!ReadFile(m_itemPath, content)) { SyncContext::throwError(m_itemPath, errno); } if (m_delimiter == "none") { if (m_update) { if (m_luids.size() != 1) { SyncContext::throwError("need exactly one LUID parameter"); } else { luid = *m_luids.begin(); } } m_out << "#0: " << insertItem(raw, luid, content).getEncoded() << endl; } else { typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; int count = 0; FindDelimiter finder(m_delimiter); // when updating, check number of luids in advance if (m_update) { unsigned long total = 0; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(content, finder); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { total++; } if (total != m_luids.size()) { SyncContext::throwError(StringPrintf("%lu items != %lu luids, must match => aborting", total, (unsigned long)m_luids.size())); } } list::const_iterator luidit = m_luids.begin(); for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(content, finder); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { m_out << "#" << count << ": "; string luid; if (m_update) { if (luidit == m_luids.end()) { // was checked above SyncContext::throwError("internal error, not enough luids"); } luid = *luidit; ++luidit; } m_out << insertItem(raw, luid, string(it->begin(), it->end())).getEncoded() << endl; count++; } } } else { ReadDir dir(m_itemPath); int count = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const string &entry, dir) { string content; string path = m_itemPath + "/" + entry; m_out << count << ": " << entry << ": "; if (!ReadFile(path, content)) { SyncContext::throwError(path, errno); } m_out << insertItem(raw, "", content).getEncoded() << endl; } } char *token = NULL; err = ops.m_endDataWrite(true, &token); if (token) { free(token); } CHECK_ERROR("stop writing items"); } else if (m_export) { err = ops.m_startDataRead("", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); ostream *out = NULL; cxxptr outFile; if (m_itemPath == "-") { out = &m_out; } else if(!isDir(m_itemPath)) { outFile.set(new ofstream(m_itemPath.c_str())); out = outFile; } if (m_luids.empty()) { readLUIDs(source, m_luids); } bool haveItem = false; // have written one item bool haveNewline = false; // that item had a newline at the end try { BOOST_FOREACH(const string &luid, m_luids) { string item; raw->readItemRaw(luid, item); if (!out) { // write into directory string fullPath = m_itemPath + "/" + luid; ofstream file((m_itemPath + "/" + luid).c_str()); file << item; file.close(); if (file.bad()) { SyncContext::throwError(fullPath, errno); } } else { if (haveItem) { if (m_delimiter.size() > 1 && haveNewline && m_delimiter[0] == '\n') { // already wrote initial newline, skip it *out << m_delimiter.substr(1); } else { *out << m_delimiter; } } *out << item; haveNewline = !item.empty() && item[item.size() - 1] == '\n'; haveItem = true; } } } catch (...) { // ensure that we start following output on new line if (m_itemPath == "-" && haveItem && !haveNewline) { m_out << endl; } throw; } if (outFile) { outFile->close(); if (outFile->bad()) { SyncContext::throwError(m_itemPath, errno); } } } } source->close(); } else { std::set unmatchedSources; boost::shared_ptr context; context.reset(createSyncClient()); context->setConfigProps(m_props); context->setQuiet(m_quiet); context->setDryRun(m_dryrun); context->setConfigFilter(true, "", m_props.createSyncFilter(m_server)); context->setOutput(&m_out); if (m_sources.empty()) { // Special semantic of 'no source selected': apply // filter (if any exists) only to sources which are // *active*. Configuration of inactive sources is left // unchanged. This way we don't activate sync sources // accidentally when the sync mode is modified // temporarily. BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &source, context->getSyncSources()) { boost::shared_ptr source_config = context->getSyncSourceConfig(source); if (source_config->getSync() != "disabled") { context->setConfigFilter(false, source, m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, source)); } } } else { // apply (possibly empty) source filter to selected sources BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &source, m_sources) { boost::shared_ptr source_config = context->getSyncSourceConfig(source); ConfigProps filter = m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, source); if (!source_config || !source_config->exists()) { // invalid source name in m_sources, remember and // report this below unmatchedSources.insert(source); } else if (filter.find("sync") == filter.end()) { // Sync mode is not set, must override the // "sync=disabled" set below with the original // sync mode for the source or (if that is also // "disabled") with "two-way". The latter is part // of the command line semantic that listing a // source activates it. string sync = source_config->getSync(); filter["sync"] = sync == "disabled" ? "two-way" : sync; context->setConfigFilter(false, source, filter); } else { // sync mode is set, can use m_sourceProps // directly to apply it context->setConfigFilter(false, source, filter); } } // temporarily disable the rest FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter disabled; disabled["sync"] = "disabled"; context->setConfigFilter(false, "", disabled); } // check whether there were any sources specified which do not exist if (unmatchedSources.size()) { context->throwError(string("no such source(s): ") + boost::join(unmatchedSources, " ")); } if (m_status) { context->status(); } else if (m_printSessions) { vector dirs; context->getSessions(dirs); bool first = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const string &dir, dirs) { if (first) { first = false; } else if(!m_quiet) { m_out << endl; } m_out << dir << endl; if (!m_quiet) { SyncReport report; context->readSessionInfo(dir, report); m_out << report; } } } else if (!m_restore.empty()) { // sanity checks: either --after or --before must be given, sources must be selected if ((!m_after && !m_before) || (m_after && m_before)) { usage(false, "--restore must be used with either --after (restore database as it was after that sync) or --before (restore data from before sync)"); return false; } if (m_sources.empty()) { usage(false, "Sources must be selected explicitly for --restore to prevent accidental restore."); return false; } context->restore(m_restore, m_after ? SyncContext::DATABASE_AFTER_SYNC : SyncContext::DATABASE_BEFORE_SYNC); } else { if (m_dryrun) { SyncContext::throwError("--dry-run not supported for running a synchronization"); } // safety catch: if props are given, then --run // is required if (!m_run && (m_props.hasProperties())) { usage(false, "Properties specified, but neither '--configure' nor '--run' - what did you want?"); return false; } return (context->sync(&m_report) == STATUS_OK); } } return true; } void Cmdline::readLUIDs(SyncSource *source, list &luids) { const SyncSource::Operations &ops = source->getOperations(); sysync::ItemIDType id; sysync::sInt32 status; sysync::TSyError err = ops.m_readNextItem(&id, &status, true); CHECK_ERROR("next item"); while (status != sysync::ReadNextItem_EOF) { luids.push_back(id.item); err = ops.m_readNextItem(&id, &status, false); CHECK_ERROR("next item"); } } CmdlineLUID Cmdline::insertItem(SyncSourceRaw *source, const string &luid, const string &data) { SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res = source->insertItemRaw(luid, data); CmdlineLUID cluid; cluid.setLUID(res.m_luid); return cluid; } string Cmdline::cmdOpt(const char *opt, const char *param) { string res = "'"; if (opt) { res += opt; } if (opt && param) { res += " "; } if (param) { res += param; } res += "'"; return res; } bool Cmdline::parseProp(PropertyType propertyType, const char *opt, const char *param, const char *propname) { std::string args = cmdOpt(opt, param); if (!param) { usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + args); return false; } // determine property name and parameter for it string propstr; string paramstr; if (propname) { propstr = propname; paramstr = param; } else if (boost::trim_copy(string(param)) == "?") { paramstr = param; } else { const char *equal = strchr(param, '='); if (!equal) { usage(true, string("the '=' part is missing in: ") + args); return false; } propstr.assign(param, equal - param); paramstr.assign(equal + 1); } boost::trim(propstr); boost::trim_left(paramstr); // parse full property string PropertySpecifier spec = PropertySpecifier::StringToPropSpec(propstr); // determine property type and registry const ConfigPropertyRegistry *validProps = NULL; switch (propertyType) { case SYNC_PROPERTY_TYPE: validProps = &m_validSyncProps; break; case SOURCE_PROPERTY_TYPE: validProps = &m_validSourceProps; break; case UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_TYPE: // must guess based on both registries if (!propstr.empty()) { bool isSyncProp = m_validSyncProps.find(spec.m_property) != NULL; bool isSourceProp = m_validSourceProps.find(spec.m_property) != NULL; if (isSyncProp) { if (isSourceProp) { usage(true, StringPrintf("property '%s' in %s could be both a sync and a source property, use --sync-property or --source-property to disambiguate it", propname, args.c_str())); return false; } else { validProps = &m_validSyncProps; } } else if (isSourceProp || boost::iequals(spec.m_property, "type")) { validProps = &m_validSourceProps; } else { usage(true, StringPrintf("unrecognized property '%s' in %s", propname, args.c_str())); return false; } } else { usage(true, StringPrintf("a property name must be given in '%s'", args.c_str())); } } if (boost::trim_copy(string(param)) == "?") { m_dontrun = true; if (propname) { return listPropValues(*validProps, spec.m_property, opt ? opt : ""); } else { return listProperties(*validProps, opt ? opt : ""); } } else { if (boost::trim_copy(paramstr) == "?") { m_dontrun = true; return listPropValues(*validProps, spec.m_property, args); } else { const ConfigProperty *prop = validProps->find(spec.m_property); if (!prop && boost::iequals(spec.m_property, "type")) { // compatiblity mode for "type": map to the properties which // replaced it prop = validProps->find("backend"); if (!prop) { m_err << "ERROR: backend: no such property" << endl; return false; } SourceType sourceType(paramstr); string error; if (!prop->checkValue(sourceType.m_backend, error)) { m_err << "ERROR: " << args << ": " << error << endl; return false; } ContextProps &props = m_props[spec.m_config]; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["backend"] = sourceType.m_backend; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["databaseFormat"] = sourceType.m_localFormat; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["syncFormat"] = sourceType.m_format; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["forceSyncFormat"] = sourceType.m_forceFormat ? "1" : "0"; return true; } else if (!prop) { m_err << "ERROR: " << args << ": no such property" << endl; return false; } else { string error; if (!prop->checkValue(paramstr, error)) { m_err << "ERROR: " << args << ": " << error << endl; return false; } else { ContextProps &props = m_props[spec.m_config]; if (validProps == &m_validSyncProps) { // complain if sync property includes source prefix if (!spec.m_source.empty()) { m_err << "ERROR: " << args << ": source name '" << spec.m_source << "' not allowed in sync property" << endl; return false; } props.m_syncProps[spec.m_property] = paramstr; } else { props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source][spec.m_property] = paramstr; } return true; } } } } } bool Cmdline::listPropValues(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps, const string &propName, const string &opt) { const ConfigProperty *prop = validProps.find(propName); if (!prop && boost::iequals(propName, "type")) { m_out << opt << endl; m_out << " [:[:getComment(); if (comment != "") { list commentLines; ConfigProperty::splitComment(comment, commentLines); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &line, commentLines) { m_out << " " << line << endl; } } else { m_out << " no documentation available" << endl; } return true; } } bool Cmdline::listProperties(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps, const string &opt) { // The first of several related properties has a comment. // Remember that comment and print it as late as possible, // that way related properties preceed their comment. string comment; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, validProps) { if (!prop->isHidden()) { string newComment = prop->getComment(); if (newComment != "") { if (!comment.empty()) { dumpComment(m_out, " ", comment); m_out << endl; } comment = newComment; } m_out << prop->getMainName() << ":" << endl; } } dumpComment(m_out, " ", comment); return true; } static void findPeerProps(FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter &filter, ConfigPropertyRegistry ®istry, set &peerProps) { BOOST_FOREACH(StringPair entry, filter) { const ConfigProperty *prop = registry.find(entry.first); if (prop && prop->getSharing() == ConfigProperty::NO_SHARING) { peerProps.insert(entry.first); } } } void Cmdline::checkForPeerProps() { set peerProps; BOOST_FOREACH(FullProps::value_type &entry, m_props) { ContextProps &props = entry.second; findPeerProps(props.m_syncProps, SyncConfig::getRegistry(), peerProps); BOOST_FOREACH(SourceProps::value_type &entry, props.m_sourceProps) { findPeerProps(entry.second, SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry(), peerProps); } } if (!peerProps.empty()) { string props = boost::join(peerProps, ", "); if (props == "forceSyncFormat, syncFormat") { // special case: these two properties might have been added by the // legacy "sync" property, which applies to both shared and unshared // properties => cannot determine that here anymore, so ignore it } else { SyncContext::throwError(string("per-peer (unshared) properties not allowed: ") + props); } } } void Cmdline::listSources(SyncSource &syncSource, const string &header) { m_out << header << ":\n"; SyncSource::Databases databases = syncSource.getDatabases(); BOOST_FOREACH(const SyncSource::Database &database, databases) { m_out << " " << database.m_name << " (" << database.m_uri << ")"; if (database.m_isDefault) { m_out << " "; } m_out << endl; } } void Cmdline::dumpConfigs(const string &preamble, const SyncConfig::ConfigList &servers) { m_out << preamble << endl; BOOST_FOREACH(const SyncConfig::ConfigList::value_type &server,servers) { m_out << " " << server.first << " = " << server.second <m_templateId << " = " << server->m_description; if (printRank){ m_out << " " << server->m_rank *20 << "%"; } m_out << endl; } if (!templates.size()) { m_out << " none" << endl; } } void Cmdline::dumpProperties(const ConfigNode &configuredProps, const ConfigPropertyRegistry &allProps, int flags) { list perPeer, perContext, global; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, allProps) { if (prop->isHidden() || ((flags & HIDE_PER_PEER) && prop->getSharing() == ConfigProperty::NO_SHARING)) { continue; } if (!m_quiet) { string comment = prop->getComment(); if (!comment.empty()) { m_out << endl; dumpComment(m_out, "# ", comment); } } bool isDefault; prop->getProperty(configuredProps, &isDefault); if (isDefault) { m_out << "# "; } m_out << prop->getMainName() << " = " << prop->getProperty(configuredProps) << endl; list *type = NULL; switch (prop->getSharing()) { case ConfigProperty::GLOBAL_SHARING: type = &global; break; case ConfigProperty::SOURCE_SET_SHARING: type = &perContext; break; case ConfigProperty::NO_SHARING: type = &perPeer; break; } if (type) { type->push_back(prop->getMainName()); } } if (!m_quiet && !(flags & HIDE_LEGEND)) { if (!perPeer.empty() || !perContext.empty() || !global.empty()) { m_out << endl; } if (!perPeer.empty()) { m_out << "# per-peer (unshared) properties: " << boost::join(perPeer, ", ") << endl; } if (!perContext.empty()) { m_out << "# shared by peers in same context: " << boost::join(perContext, ", ") << endl; } if (!global.empty()) { m_out << "# global properties: " << boost::join(global, ", ") << endl; } } } void Cmdline::dumpComment(ostream &stream, const string &prefix, const string &comment) { list commentLines; ConfigProperty::splitComment(comment, commentLines); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &line, commentLines) { stream << prefix << line << endl; } } void Cmdline::usage(bool full, const string &error, const string ¶m) { ostream &out(error.empty() ? m_out : m_err); out << synopsis; if (full) { out << endl << "Options:" << endl << options; } if (error != "") { out << endl << "ERROR: " << error << endl; } if (param != "") { out << "INFO: use '" << param << (param[param.size() - 1] == '=' ? "" : " ") << "?' to get a list of valid parameters" << endl; } } SyncContext* Cmdline::createSyncClient() { return new SyncContext(m_server, true); } #ifdef ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS /** simple line-by-line diff */ static string diffStrings(const string &lhs, const string &rhs) { ostringstream res; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; string_split_iterator lit = boost::make_split_iterator(lhs, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); string_split_iterator rit = boost::make_split_iterator(rhs, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); while (lit != string_split_iterator() && rit != string_split_iterator()) { if (*lit != *rit) { res << "< " << *lit << endl; res << "> " << *rit << endl; } ++lit; ++rit; } while (lit != string_split_iterator()) { res << "< " << *lit << endl; ++lit; } while (rit != string_split_iterator()) { res << "> " << *rit << endl; ++rit; } return res.str(); } # define CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF( expected, actual ) \ do { \ string expected_ = (expected); \ string actual_ = (actual); \ if (expected_ != actual_) { \ CPPUNIT_NS::Message cpputMsg_(string("expected:\n") + \ expected_); \ cpputMsg_.addDetail(string("actual:\n") + \ actual_); \ cpputMsg_.addDetail(string("diff:\n") + \ diffStrings(expected_, actual_)); \ CPPUNIT_NS::Asserter::fail( cpputMsg_, \ CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE() ); \ } \ } while ( false ) // returns last line, including trailing line break, empty if input is empty static string lastLine(const string &buffer) { if (buffer.size() < 2) { return buffer; } size_t line = buffer.rfind("\n", buffer.size() - 2); if (line == buffer.npos) { return buffer; } return buffer.substr(line + 1); } // true if = static bool isPropAssignment(const string &buffer) { // ignore these comments (occur in type description) if (boost::starts_with(buffer, "KCalExtended = ") || boost::starts_with(buffer, "mkcal = ") || boost::starts_with(buffer, "QtContacts = ")) { return false; } size_t start = 0; while (start < buffer.size() && !isspace(buffer[start])) { start++; } if (start + 3 <= buffer.size() && buffer.substr(start, 3) == " = ") { return true; } else { return false; } } // remove pure comment lines from buffer, // also empty lines, // also defaultPeer (because reference properties do not include global props) static string filterConfig(const string &buffer) { ostringstream res; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(buffer, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string line = boost::copy_range(*it); if (!line.empty() && line.find("defaultPeer =") == line.npos && (!boost::starts_with(line, "# ") || isPropAssignment(line.substr(2)))) { res << line << endl; } } return res.str(); } // remove comment lines from scanFiles() output static string filterFiles(const string &buffer) { ostringstream res; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(buffer, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string line = boost::copy_range(*it); if (line.find(":#") == line.npos) { res << line; // do not add extra newline after last newline if (!line.empty() || it->end() < buffer.end()) { res << endl; } } } return res.str(); } static string injectValues(const string &buffer) { string res = buffer; #if 0 // username/password not set in templates, only in configs created // via the command line - not anymore, but if it ever comes back, // here's the place for it boost::replace_first(res, "# username = ", "username = your SyncML server account name"); boost::replace_first(res, "# password = ", "password = your SyncML server password"); #endif return res; } // remove lines indented with spaces static string filterIndented(const string &buffer) { ostringstream res; bool first = true; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(buffer, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { if (!boost::starts_with(*it, " ")) { if (!first) { res << endl; } else { first = false; } res << *it; } } return res.str(); } // sort lines by file, preserving order inside each line static void sortConfig(string &config) { // file name, line number, property typedef pair > line_t; vector lines; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; int linenr = 0; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(config, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it, ++linenr) { string line(it->begin(), it->end()); if (line.empty()) { continue; } size_t colon = line.find(':'); string prefix = line.substr(0, colon); lines.push_back(make_pair(prefix, make_pair(linenr, line.substr(colon)))); } // stable sort because of line number sort(lines.begin(), lines.end()); size_t len = config.size(); config.resize(0); config.reserve(len); BOOST_FOREACH(const line_t &line, lines) { config += line.first; config += line.second.second; config += "\n"; } } // convert the internal config dump to .ini style (--print-config) static string internalToIni(const string &config) { ostringstream res; string section; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(config, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string line(it->begin(), it->end()); if (line.empty()) { continue; } size_t colon = line.find(':'); string prefix = line.substr(0, colon); // internal values are not part of the --print-config output if (boost::contains(prefix, ".internal.ini") || boost::contains(line, "= internal value")) { continue; } // --print-config also doesn't duplicate the "type" property // => remove the shared property if (boost::contains(line, ":type = ") && boost::starts_with(line, "sources/")) { continue; } // sources//config.ini or // spds/sources//config.ini size_t endslash = prefix.rfind('/'); if (endslash != line.npos && endslash > 1) { size_t slash = prefix.rfind('/', endslash - 1); if (slash != line.npos) { string newsource = prefix.substr(slash + 1, endslash - slash - 1); if (newsource != section && prefix.find("/sources/") != prefix.npos && newsource != "syncml") { res << "[" << newsource << "]" << endl; section = newsource; } } } string assignment = line.substr(colon + 1); // substitude aliases with generic values boost::replace_first(assignment, "= F", "= 0"); boost::replace_first(assignment, "= T", "= 1"); boost::replace_first(assignment, "= syncml:auth-md5", "= md5"); boost::replace_first(assignment, "= syncml:auth-basix", "= basic"); res << assignment << endl; } return res.str(); } /** * Testing is based on a text representation of a directory * hierarchy where each line is of the format * : * * The order of files is alphabetical, of lines in the file as * in the file. Lines in the file without line break cannot * be represented. * * The root of the hierarchy is not part of the representation * itself. */ class CmdlineTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(CmdlineTest); CPPUNIT_TEST(testFramework); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupScheduleWorld); CPPUNIT_TEST(testFutureConfig); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPeerConfigMigration); CPPUNIT_TEST(testContextConfigMigration); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupDefault); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupRenamed); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupFunambol); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupSynthesis); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintServers); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintConfig); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintFileTemplates); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintFileTemplatesConfig); CPPUNIT_TEST(testTemplate); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMatchTemplate); CPPUNIT_TEST(testAddSource); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSync); CPPUNIT_TEST(testConfigure); CPPUNIT_TEST(testConfigureTemplates); CPPUNIT_TEST(testConfigureSources); CPPUNIT_TEST(testOldConfigure); CPPUNIT_TEST(testListSources); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMigrate); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMigrateContext); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: CmdlineTest() : m_testDir("CmdlineTest") { } protected: /** verify that createFiles/scanFiles themselves work */ void testFramework() { const string root(m_testDir); const string content("baz:line\n" "caz/subdir:booh\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# comment\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# foo = bar\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# empty = \n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# another comment\n" "foo:bar1\n" "foo:\n" "foo: \n" "foo:bar2\n"); const string filtered("baz:line\n" "caz/subdir:booh\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# foo = bar\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# empty = \n" "foo:bar1\n" "foo: \n" "foo:bar2\n"); createFiles(root, content); string res = scanFiles(root); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filtered, res); } void removeRandomUUID(string &buffer) { string uuidstr = "deviceId = syncevolution-"; size_t uuid = buffer.find(uuidstr); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(uuid != buffer.npos); size_t end = buffer.find("\n", uuid + uuidstr.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(end != buffer.npos); buffer.replace(uuid, end - uuid, "deviceId = fixed-devid"); } /** create new configurations */ void testSetupScheduleWorld() { doSetupScheduleWorld(false); } void doSetupScheduleWorld(bool shared) { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; string peer; if (shared) { peer = root + "/peers/scheduleworld"; } else { peer = root; } { rm_r(peer); TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync-property", "proxyHost = proxy", "scheduleworld", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_first(expected, "# proxyHost = ", "proxyHost = proxy"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:sync = disabled", "addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } { rm_r(peer); TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } } void expectTooOld() { bool caught = false; try { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { caught = true; if (ex.syncMLStatus() != STATUS_RELEASE_TOO_OLD) { throw; } else { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(StringPrintf("SyncEvolution %s is too old to read configuration 'scheduleworld', please upgrade SyncEvolution.", VERSION), string(ex.what())); } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } void testFutureConfig() { ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); // bump min/cur version to something not supported, then // try to read => should fail IniFileConfigNode root(m_testDir, "/syncevolution/.internal.ini", false); IniFileConfigNode context(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default", ".internal.ini", false); IniFileConfigNode peer(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld", ".internal.ini", false); root.setProperty("rootMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_ROOT_MIN_VERSION + 1)); root.setProperty("rootCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_ROOT_CUR_VERSION + 1)); root.flush(); context.setProperty("contextMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION + 1)); context.setProperty("contextCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION + 1)); context.flush(); peer.setProperty("peerMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION + 1)); peer.setProperty("peerCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION + 1)); peer.flush(); expectTooOld(); root.setProperty("rootMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_ROOT_MIN_VERSION)); root.flush(); expectTooOld(); context.setProperty("contextMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION)); context.flush(); expectTooOld(); // okay now peer.setProperty("peerMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION)); peer.flush(); SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); } void expectMigration(const std::string &config) { bool caught = false; try { SyncConfig c(config); c.prepareConfigForWrite(); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { caught = true; if (ex.syncMLStatus() != STATUS_MIGRATION_NEEDED) { throw; } else { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(StringPrintf("Proceeding would modify config '%s' such that the " "previous SyncEvolution release will not be able to use it. " "Stopping now. Please explicitly acknowledge this step by " "running the following command on the command line: " "syncevolution --migrate '%s'", config.c_str(), config.c_str()), string(ex.what())); } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } void testPeerConfigMigration() { ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); // decrease min/cur version to something no longer supported, // then try to write => should migrate in release mode and fail otherwise IniFileConfigNode peer(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld", ".internal.ini", false); peer.setProperty("peerMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION - 1)); peer.setProperty("peerCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION - 1)); peer.flush(); SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); expectMigration("scheduleworld"); SyncContext::setStableRelease(true); { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } // should be okay now SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } // do the same migration with command line SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); rm_r(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, rename((m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld.old").c_str(), (m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld").c_str())); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } } void testContextConfigMigration() { ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); // decrease min/cur version to something no longer supported, // then try to write => should migrate in release mode and fail otherwise IniFileConfigNode context(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default", ".internal.ini", false); context.setProperty("contextMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION - 1)); context.setProperty("contextCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION - 1)); context.flush(); SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); expectMigration("@default"); SyncContext::setStableRelease(true); { SyncConfig config("@default"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old@default.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } // should be okay now SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); { SyncConfig config("@default"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } // do the same migration with command line SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); rm_r(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, rename((m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld.old").c_str(), (m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld").c_str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, rename((m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default.old").c_str(), (m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default").c_str())); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { SyncConfig config("@default"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old@default.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } } void testSetupDefault() { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; rm_r(root); TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "default", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "some-other-server", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "some-other-server"); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/some-other-server/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testSetupRenamed() { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; rm_r(root); root += "/syncevolution/default"; TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "scheduleworld", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "scheduleworld2", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "scheduleworld2"); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld2/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testSetupFunambol() { doSetupFunambol(false); } void doSetupFunambol(bool shared) { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; string peer; if (shared) { peer = root + "/peers/funambol"; } else { peer = root; } rm_r(peer); const char * const argv_fixed[] = { "--configure", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", // templates are case-insensitive "FunamBOL", NULL }, * const argv_shared[] = { "--configure", "FunamBOL", NULL }; TestCmdline cmdline(shared ? argv_shared : argv_fixed); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "funambol"); string expected = FunambolConfig(); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testSetupSynthesis() { doSetupSynthesis(false); } void doSetupSynthesis(bool shared) { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; string peer; if (shared) { peer = root + "/peers/synthesis"; } else { peer = root; } rm_r(peer); const char * const argv_fixed[] = { "--configure", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "synthesis", NULL }, * const argv_shared[] = { "--configure", "synthesis", NULL }; TestCmdline cmdline(shared ? argv_shared : argv_fixed); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "synthesis"); string expected = SynthesisConfig(); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testTemplate() { TestCmdline failure("--template", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("ERROR: missing parameter for '--template'\n"), lastLine(failure.m_err.str())); TestCmdline help("--template", "? ", NULL); help.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates:\n" " template name = template description\n" " Funambol = http://my.funambol.com\n" " Google = http://m.google.com/sync\n" " Goosync = http://www.goosync.com/\n" " Memotoo = http://www.memotoo.com\n" " Mobical = http://www.mobical.net\n" " Oracle = http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/beehive/index.html\n" " Ovi = http://www.ovi.com\n" " ScheduleWorld = http://www.scheduleworld.com\n" " SyncEvolution = http://www.syncevolution.org\n" " Synthesis = http://www.synthesis.ch\n", help.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help.m_err.str()); } void testMatchTemplate() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "testcases/templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/dev/null"); TestCmdline help1("--template", "?nokia 7210c", NULL); help1.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates:\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " Nokia 7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 100%\n" " SyncEvolution Client = SyncEvolution server side template 40%\n", help1.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help1.m_err.str()); TestCmdline help2("--template", "?nokia", NULL); help2.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates:\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " Nokia 7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 100%\n" " SyncEvolution Client = SyncEvolution server side template 40%\n", help2.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help2.m_err.str()); TestCmdline help3("--template", "?7210c", NULL); help3.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates:\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " Nokia 7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 60%\n" " SyncEvolution Client = SyncEvolution server side template 20%\n", help3.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help3.m_err.str()); TestCmdline help4("--template", "?syncevolution client", NULL); help4.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates:\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " SyncEvolution Client = SyncEvolution server side template 100%\n" " Nokia 7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 40%\n", help4.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help4.m_err.str()); } void testPrintServers() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); doSetupSynthesis(true); doSetupFunambol(true); TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " funambol = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/funambol\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " synthesis = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/synthesis\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); } void testPrintConfig() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); testSetupFunambol(); { TestCmdline failure("--print-config", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("ERROR: --print-config requires either a --template or a server name.\n"), lastLine(failure.m_err.str())); } { TestCmdline failure("--print-config", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("ERROR: server 'foo' has not been configured yet.\n"), lastLine(failure.m_err.str())); } { TestCmdline failure("--print-config", "--template", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("ERROR: no configuration template for 'foo' available.\n"), lastLine(failure.m_err.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); // deviceId must be the one from Funambol CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); string filtered = injectValues(filterConfig(actual)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())), filtered); // there should have been comments CPPUNIT_ASSERT(actual.size() > filtered.size()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld@nosuchcontext", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); // deviceId must *not* be the one from Funambol because of the new context CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "Default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())), actual); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(FunambolConfig())), injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str()))); } { // override context and template properties TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", "syncURL=foo", "database=Personal", "--source-property", "sync=disabled", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); boost::replace_first(expected, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = foo"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = Personal"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { // override context and template properties, using legacy property name TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", "--sync-property", "syncURL=foo", "--source-property", "evolutionsource=Personal", "--source-property", "sync=disabled", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); boost::replace_first(expected, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = foo"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = Personal"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--quiet", "--template", "scheduleworld", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig()), injectValues(filterConfig(actual))); } { // change shared source properties, then check template again TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "database=Personal", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--quiet", "--template", "scheduleworld", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); // from modified Funambol config boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = Personal"); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { // print config => must not use settings from default context TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld@nosuchcontext", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); // source settings *not* from modified Funambol config string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); removeRandomUUID(actual); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { // create config => again, must not use settings from default context TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "scheduleworld", "other@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "other@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); // source settings *not* from modified Funambol config string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); removeRandomUUID(actual); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } } void testPrintFileTemplates() { rm_r(m_testDir); // use local copy of templates in build dir (no need to install) ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "./templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doPrintFileTemplates(); } void testPrintFileTemplatesConfig() { rm_r(m_testDir); mkdir_p(m_testDir); symlink("../templates", (m_testDir + "/syncevolution-templates").c_str()); ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doPrintFileTemplates(); } void doPrintFileTemplates() { testSetupFunambol(); { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); // deviceId must be the one from Funambol CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); string filtered = injectValues(filterConfig(actual)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())), filtered); // there should have been comments CPPUNIT_ASSERT(actual.size() > filtered.size()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(FunambolConfig())), injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str()))); } } void testAddSource() { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); testSetupScheduleWorld(); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "uri = dummy", "scheduleworld", "xyz", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); expected += "\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:# sync = disabled\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:uri = dummy\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# backend = select backend\n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# databasePassword = "; sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } } void testSync() { TestCmdline failure("--sync", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("ERROR: missing parameter for '--sync'\n"), lastLine(failure.m_err.str())); TestCmdline failure2("--sync", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure2.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure2.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("ERROR: '--sync foo': not one of the valid values (two-way, slow, refresh-from-client = refresh-client, refresh-from-server = refresh-server = refresh, one-way-from-client = one-way-client, one-way-from-server = one-way-server = one-way, disabled = none)\n"), lastLine(failure2.m_err.str())); TestCmdline help("--sync", " ?", NULL); help.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("--sync\n" " Requests a certain synchronization mode when initiating a sync:\n" " two-way = only send/receive changes since last sync\n" " slow = exchange all items\n" " refresh-from-client = discard all remote items and replace with\n" " the items on the client\n" " refresh-from-server = discard all local items and replace with\n" " the items on the server\n" " one-way-from-client = transmit changes from client\n" " one-way-from-server = transmit changes from server\n" " disabled (or none) = synchronization disabled\n" " When accepting a sync session in a SyncML server (HTTP server), only\n" " sources with sync != disabled are made available to the client,\n" " which chooses the final sync mode based on its own configuration.\n" " When accepting a sync session in a SyncML client (local sync with\n" " the server contacting SyncEvolution on a device), the sync mode\n" " specified in the client is typically overriden by the server.\n", help.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help.m_err.str()); TestCmdline filter("--sync", "refresh-from-server", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(filter.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!filter.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", filter.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("sync = refresh-from-server", string(filter.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_sourceProps[""])); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", string(filter.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_syncProps)); TestCmdline filter2("--source-property", "sync=refresh", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(filter2.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!filter2.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", filter2.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("sync = refresh", string(filter2.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_sourceProps[""])); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", string(filter2.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_syncProps)); } void testConfigure() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); testSetupScheduleWorld(); string expected = doConfigure(ScheduleWorldConfig(), "sources/addressbook/config.ini:"); { // updating "type" for peer is mapped to updating "backend", // "databaseFormat", "syncFormat", "forceSyncFormat" TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "addressbook/type=file:text/vcard:3.0", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); boost::replace_first(expected, "backend = addressbook", "backend = file"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); string shared = filterConfig(printConfig("@default")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("backend = file") != shared.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("databaseFormat = text/vcard") != shared.npos); } { // updating type for context must not affect peer TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "type=file:text/x-vcard:2.1", "@default", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); boost::replace_first(expected, "databaseFormat = text/vcard", "databaseFormat = text/x-vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); string shared = filterConfig(printConfig("@default")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("backend = file") != shared.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("databaseFormat = text/x-vcard") != shared.npos); } string syncProperties("syncURL:\n" "\n" "username:\n" "\n" "password:\n" "\n" "logdir:\n" "\n" "loglevel:\n" "\n" "printChanges:\n" "\n" "dumpData:\n" "\n" "maxlogdirs:\n" "\n" "autoSync:\n" "\n" "autoSyncInterval:\n" "\n" "autoSyncDelay:\n" "\n" "preventSlowSync:\n" "\n" "useProxy:\n" "\n" "proxyHost:\n" "\n" "proxyUsername:\n" "\n" "proxyPassword:\n" "\n" "clientAuthType:\n" "\n" "RetryDuration:\n" "\n" "RetryInterval:\n" "\n" "remoteIdentifier:\n" "\n" "PeerIsClient:\n" "\n" "SyncMLVersion:\n" "\n" "PeerName:\n" "\n" "deviceId:\n" "\n" "remoteDeviceId:\n" "\n" "enableWBXML:\n" "\n" "maxMsgSize:\n" "maxObjSize:\n" "\n" "enableCompression:\n" "\n" "SSLServerCertificates:\n" "\n" "SSLVerifyServer:\n" "\n" "SSLVerifyHost:\n" "\n" "WebURL:\n" "\n" "IconURI:\n" "\n" "ConsumerReady:\n" "\n" "defaultPeer:\n"); string sourceProperties("sync:\n" "\n" "uri:\n" "\n" "backend:\n" "\n" "syncFormat:\n" "\n" "forceSyncFormat:\n" "\n" "database:\n" "\n" "databaseFormat:\n" "\n" "databaseUser:\n" "databasePassword:\n"); { TestCmdline cmdline("--sync-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(syncProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--source-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(sourceProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--source-property", "?", "--sync-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(sourceProperties + syncProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--sync-property", "?", "--source-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(syncProperties + sourceProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--source-property", "sync=?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("'--source-property sync=?'\n", filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("sync=?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("'sync=?'\n", filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("syncURL=?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("'syncURL=?'\n", filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } } /** * Test semantic of config creation (instead of updating) with and without * templates. See BMC #14805. */ void testConfigureTemplates() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); { // catch possible typos like "sheduleworld" TestCmdline failure("--configure", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::starts_with(failure.m_out.str(), "Available configuration templates:\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("ERROR: no configuration template for 'foo@default' available. Use '--template none' and/or specify relevant properties on the command line to create a configuration without a template. Need values for: syncURL\n"), lastLine(failure.m_err.str())); } string fooconfig = StringPrintf("syncevolution/.internal.ini:rootMinVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/.internal.ini:rootCurVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/.internal.ini:contextMinVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/.internal.ini:contextCurVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/config.ini:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/.internal.ini:peerMinVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/.internal.ini:peerCurVersion = %d\n", CONFIG_ROOT_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_ROOT_CUR_VERSION, CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION, CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION); string syncurl = "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/config.ini:syncURL = local://@bar\n"; string configsource = "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/sources/ical20/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "syncevolution/default/sources/ical20/config.ini:backend = calendar\n"; rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: should result in no sources configured TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: should result in no sources configured, // even if general source properties are specified TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "backend=calendar", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: should result in no sources configured, // even if specific source properties are specified TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "ical20/backend=calendar", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish and possible: here ical20 is not usable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "foo", "ical20", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); bool caught = false; try { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { if (!strcmp(ex.what(), "ical20: no backend available")) { caught = true; } else { throw; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish and possible: here ical20 is not configurable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "foo", "ical20", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); bool caught = false; try { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { if (!strcmp(ex.what(), "no such source(s): ical20")) { caught = true; } else { throw; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish and possible: here ical20 is not configurable (wrong context) TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "ical20/backend@xyz=calendar", "foo", "ical20", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); bool caught = false; try { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { if (!strcmp(ex.what(), "no such source(s): ical20")) { caught = true; } else { throw; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: configure exactly the specified sources TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "backend=calendar", "foo", "ical20", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + configsource, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they provide enough information: should result in no sources configured TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + syncurl, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they provide enough information; // source created because listed and usable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "backend=calendar", "foo", "ical20", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + syncurl + configsource, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they provide enough information; // source created because listed and usable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "ical20/backend@default=calendar", "foo", "ical20", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + syncurl + configsource, filterFiles(res)); } } void testConfigureSources() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); // create from scratch with only addressbook configured { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "database = file://tmp/test", "--source-property", "type = file:text/x-vcard", "@foobar", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } string root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/foobar"; string res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); string expected = StringPrintf(".internal.ini:contextMinVersion = %d\n" ".internal.ini:contextCurVersion = %d\n" "config.ini:# logdir = \n" "config.ini:# maxlogdirs = 10\n" "config.ini:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:backend = file\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/x-vcard\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n", CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // add calendar { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "database@foobar = file://tmp/test2", "--source-property", "backend = calendar", "@foobar", "calendar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); expected += "sources/calendar/config.ini:backend = calendar\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test2\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // add ScheduleWorld peer: must reuse existing backend settings { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "scheduleworld@foobar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_all(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:backend = addressbook", "addressbook/config.ini:backend = file"); boost::replace_all(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:# database = ", "addressbook/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test"); boost::replace_all(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:# databaseFormat = ", "addressbook/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/x-vcard"); boost::replace_all(expected, "calendar/config.ini:# database = ", "calendar/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test2"); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // disable all sources except for addressbook { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "addressbook/sync=two-way", "--source-property", "sync=none", "scheduleworld@foobar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(expected, "sync = disabled", "sync = two-way"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // override type in template while creating from scratch { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "SyncEvolution", "--source-property", "addressbook/type=file:text/vcard:3.0", "--source-property", "calendar/type=file:text/calendar:2.0", "syncevo@syncevo", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } string syncevoroot = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/syncevo"; res = scanFiles(syncevoroot + "/sources/addressbook"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("backend = file\n") != res.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("databaseFormat = text/vcard\n") != res.npos); res = scanFiles(syncevoroot + "/sources/calendar"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("backend = file\n") != res.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("databaseFormat = text/calendar\n") != res.npos); } void testOldConfigure() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); string oldConfig = OldScheduleWorldConfig(); InitList props = InitList("serverNonce") + "clientNonce" + "devInfoHash" + "HashCode" + "ConfigDate" + "deviceData" + "adminData" + "synthesisID" + "rootMinVersion" + "rootCurVersion" + "contextMinVersion" + "contextCurVersion" + "peerMinVersion" + "peerCurVersion" + "lastNonce" + "last"; BOOST_FOREACH(string &prop, props) { boost::replace_all(oldConfig, prop + " = ", prop + " = internal value"); } rm_r(m_testDir); createFiles(m_testDir + "/.sync4j/evolution/scheduleworld", oldConfig); // Cannot read/and write old format anymore. SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); expectMigration("scheduleworld"); // Migrate explicitly. { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } // now test with new format string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_first(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); // migrating "type" sets forceSyncFormat (always) // and databaseFormat (if format was part of type, as for addressbook) boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); doConfigure(expected, "sources/addressbook/config.ini:"); } string doConfigure(const string &SWConfig, const string &addressbookPrefix) { string expected; { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "sync = disabled", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(SWConfig)); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "sync = one-way-from-server", "scheduleworld", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); expected = SWConfig; boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(expected, addressbookPrefix + "sync = disabled", addressbookPrefix + "sync = one-way-from-server"); expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(expected)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync", "two-way", "-z", "database=source", // note priority of suffix: most specific wins "--sync-property", "maxlogdirs@scheduleworld@default=20", "--sync-property", "maxlogdirs@default=10", "--sync-property", "maxlogdirs=5", "-y", "LOGDIR@default=logdir", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = one-way-from-server", "sync = two-way"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = disabled", "sync = two-way"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = source"); boost::replace_all(expected, "database = xyz", "database = source"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# maxlogdirs = 10", "maxlogdirs = 20"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# logdir = ", "logdir = logdir"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); } return expected; } void testListSources() { // pick the varargs constructor; NULL alone is ambiguous TestCmdline cmdline(NULL, NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); // exact output varies, do not test } void testMigrate() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); string oldRoot = m_testDir + "/.sync4j/evolution/scheduleworld"; string newRoot = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default"; string oldConfig = OldScheduleWorldConfig(); { // migrate old config createFiles(oldRoot, oldConfig); string createdConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); // migrating SyncEvolution < 1.2 configs sets // ConsumerReady, to keep config visible in the updated // sync-ui boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); // migrating "type" sets forceSyncFormat (always) // and databaseFormat (if format was part of type, as for addressbook) boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot + ".old"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } { // rewrite existing config with obsolete properties // => these properties should get removed // // There is one limitation: shared nodes are not rewritten. // This is acceptable. createFiles(newRoot + "/peers/scheduleworld", "config.ini:# obsolete comment\n" "config.ini:obsoleteprop = foo\n", true); string createdConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld"); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld"); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld.old"); boost::replace_all(createdConfig, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } { // migrate old config with changes and .synthesis directory, a second time createFiles(oldRoot, oldConfig); createFiles(oldRoot, ".synthesis/dummy-file.bfi:dummy = foobar\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/changes/config.txt:foo = bar\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/changes/config.txt:foo2 = bar2\n", true); string createdConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot); rm_r(newRoot); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); boost::replace_first(expected, "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini", "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.other.ini:foo = bar\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.other.ini:foo2 = bar2\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini"); boost::replace_first(expected, "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini", "peers/scheduleworld/.synthesis/dummy-file.bfi:dummy = foobar\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot + ".old.1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } { string otherRoot = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/other"; rm_r(otherRoot); // migrate old config into non-default context createFiles(oldRoot, oldConfig); string createdConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } string migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot + ".old"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); // migrate the migrated config again inside the "other" context, // with no "default" context which might interfere with the tests // // ConsumerReady was set as part of previous migration, // must be removed during migration to hide the migrated // config from average users. rm_r(newRoot); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld"); expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); renamedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld.old"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old/"); boost::replace_all(expected, "ConsumerReady = 1", "ConsumerReady = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, renamedConfig); // migrate once more, this time without the explicit context in // the config name => must not change the context, need second .old dir { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld.old/", "/scheduleworld/"); boost::replace_all(expected, "ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); renamedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld.old.1"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old.1/"); boost::replace_all(expected, "ConsumerReady = 1", "ConsumerReady = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, renamedConfig); // remove ConsumerReady: must be remain unset when migrating // hidden SyncEvolution >= 1.2 configs { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync-property", "ConsumerReady=0", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } // migrate once more => keep ConsumerReady unset { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld.old.1/", "/scheduleworld/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); renamedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld.old.2"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old.2/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, renamedConfig); } } void testMigrateContext() { // Migrate context containing a peer. Must also migrate peer. // Covers special case of inconsistent "type". ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); string root = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default"; string oldConfig = "config.ini:logDir = none\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# password = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:type = addressbook:text/vcard\n" // correct! "sources/addressbook/config.ini:type = calendar\n" // wrong! "peers/funambol/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.funambol.com/funambol/ds\n" "peers/funambol/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/funambol/config.ini:# password = \n" "peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-server\n" "peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:uri = cal\n" "peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:type = calendar\n" // correct! "peers/funambol/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# sync = disabled\n" "peers/funambol/sources/addressbook/config.ini:type = file\n" // not used for context because source disabled "sources/calendar/config.ini:type = memos\n" // wrong! "peers/memotoo/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.memotoo.com/memotoo/ds\n" "peers/memotoo/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/memotoo/config.ini:# password = \n" "peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-client\n" "peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:uri = cal\n" "peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:type = memo:text/plain\n" // correct! "sources/memo/config.ini:type = todo\n" // wrong! ; { createFiles(root, oldConfig); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "memo/backend=file", // override memo "backend" during migration "@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(root); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/addressbook/config.ini:backend = addressbook") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/addressbook/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/vcard") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/calendar/config.ini:backend = calendar") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseFormat = ") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:# syncFormat = ") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-server") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/memo/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/memo/config.ini:backend = file") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/memo/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/plain") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:syncFormat = text/plain") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/calendar/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-client") != migratedConfig.npos); } } const string m_testDir; private: /** * vararg constructor with NULL termination, * out and error stream into stringstream members */ class TestCmdline { void init() { m_argv.reset(new const char *[m_argvstr.size() + 1]); m_argv[0] = "client-test"; for (size_t index = 0; index < m_argvstr.size(); ++index) { m_argv[index + 1] = m_argvstr[index].c_str(); } m_cmdline.set(new Cmdline(m_argvstr.size() + 1, m_argv.get(), m_out, m_err), "cmdline"); } public: TestCmdline(const char *arg, ...) { va_list argList; va_start (argList, arg); for (const char *curr = arg; curr; curr = va_arg(argList, const char *)) { m_argvstr.push_back(curr); } va_end(argList); init(); } TestCmdline(const char * const argv[]) { for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++) { m_argvstr.push_back(argv[i]); } init(); } void doit() { bool success; success = m_cmdline->parse() && m_cmdline->run(); if (m_err.str().size()) { m_out << endl << m_err.str(); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_out.str(), success); } ostringstream m_out, m_err; cxxptr m_cmdline; private: vector m_argvstr; boost::scoped_array m_argv; }; string ScheduleWorldConfig(int contextMinVersion = CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION, int contextCurVersion = CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION, int peerMinVersion = CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION, int peerCurVersion = CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION) { // properties sorted by the order in which they are defined // in the sync and sync source property registry string config = StringPrintf("peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:peerMinVersion = %d\n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:peerCurVersion = %d\n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# HashCode = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# ConfigDate = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# lastNonce = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# deviceData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# password = \n" ".internal.ini:contextMinVersion = %d\n" ".internal.ini:contextCurVersion = %d\n" "config.ini:# logdir = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# loglevel = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# printChanges = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# dumpData = 1\n" "config.ini:# maxlogdirs = 10\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# autoSync = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# autoSyncInterval = 30M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# autoSyncDelay = 5M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# preventSlowSync = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# useProxy = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# proxyHost = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# proxyUsername = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# proxyPassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# clientAuthType = md5\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# RetryDuration = 5M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# RetryInterval = 2M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# remoteIdentifier = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# PeerIsClient = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SyncMLVersion = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# PeerName = \n" "config.ini:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" /* this is not the default! */ "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# remoteDeviceId = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# enableWBXML = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# maxMsgSize = 150000\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# maxObjSize = 4000000\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# enableCompression = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLServerCertificates = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLVerifyServer = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLVerifyHost = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# IconURI = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# ConsumerReady = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:backend = addressbook\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:uri = cal2\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:backend = calendar\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:uri = note\n" "sources/memo/config.ini:backend = memo\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:uri = task2\n" "sources/todo/config.ini:backend = todo\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# databasePassword = ", peerMinVersion, peerCurVersion, contextMinVersion, contextCurVersion); #ifdef ENABLE_LIBSOUP // path to SSL certificates has to be set only for libsoup boost::replace_first(config, "SSLServerCertificates = ", "SSLServerCertificates = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt:/usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"); #endif #if 0 // Currently we don't have an icon for ScheduleWorld. If we // had (MB #2062) one, then this code would ensure that the // reference config also has the right path for it. const char *templateDir = getenv("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR"); if (!templateDir) { templateDir = TEMPLATE_DIR; } if (isDir(string(templateDir) + "/ScheduleWorld")) { boost::replace_all(config, "# IconURI = ", string("IconURI = file://") + templateDir + "/ScheduleWorld/icon.png"); } #endif return config; } string OldScheduleWorldConfig() { // old style paths string oldConfig = "spds/syncml/config.txt:syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# username = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# password = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# logdir = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# loglevel = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# printChanges = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# dumpData = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# maxlogdirs = 10\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# autoSync = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# autoSyncInterval = 30M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# autoSyncDelay = 5M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# preventSlowSync = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# useProxy = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# proxyHost = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# proxyUsername = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# proxyPassword = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# clientAuthType = md5\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# RetryDuration = 5M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# RetryInterval = 2M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# remoteIdentifier = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# PeerIsClient = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SyncMLVersion = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# PeerName = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" /* this is not the default! */ "spds/syncml/config.txt:# remoteDeviceId = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# enableWBXML = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# maxMsgSize = 150000\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# maxObjSize = 4000000\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# enableCompression = 0\n" #ifdef ENABLE_LIBSOUP // path to SSL certificates is only set for libsoup "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLServerCertificates = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt:/usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt\n" #else "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLServerCertificates = \n" #endif "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLVerifyServer = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLVerifyHost = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# IconURI = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# ConsumerReady = 0\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:type = addressbook:text/vcard\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:evolutionsource = xyz\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:uri = card3\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:evolutionuser = foo\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:evolutionpassword = bar\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:type = calendar\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:# database = \n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:uri = cal2\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:# evolutionuser = \n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:# evolutionpassword = \n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:type = memo\n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:# database = \n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:uri = note\n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:# evolutionuser = \n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:# evolutionpassword = \n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:type = todo\n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:# database = \n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:uri = task2\n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:# evolutionuser = \n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:# evolutionpassword = \n"; return oldConfig; } string FunambolConfig() { string config = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_all(config, "/scheduleworld/", "/funambol/"); boost::replace_first(config, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = http://my.funambol.com/sync"); boost::replace_first(config, "WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com", "WebURL = http://my.funambol.com"); boost::replace_first(config, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(config, "# enableWBXML = 1", "enableWBXML = 0"); boost::replace_first(config, "# RetryInterval = 2M", "RetryInterval = 0"); boost::replace_first(config, "addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3", "addressbook/config.ini:uri = card"); boost::replace_all(config, "addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard", "addressbook/config.ini:# syncFormat = "); boost::replace_first(config, "calendar/config.ini:uri = cal2", "calendar/config.ini:uri = event"); boost::replace_all(config, "calendar/config.ini:# syncFormat = ", "calendar/config.ini:syncFormat = text/calendar"); boost::replace_all(config, "calendar/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0", "calendar/config.ini:forceSyncFormat = 1"); boost::replace_first(config, "todo/config.ini:uri = task2", "todo/config.ini:uri = task"); boost::replace_all(config, "todo/config.ini:# syncFormat = ", "todo/config.ini:syncFormat = text/calendar"); boost::replace_all(config, "todo/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0", "todo/config.ini:forceSyncFormat = 1"); return config; } string SynthesisConfig() { string config = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_all(config, "/scheduleworld/", "/synthesis/"); boost::replace_first(config, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = http://www.synthesis.ch/sync"); boost::replace_first(config, "WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com", "WebURL = http://www.synthesis.ch"); boost::replace_first(config, "addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3", "addressbook/config.ini:uri = contacts"); boost::replace_all(config, "addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard", "addressbook/config.ini:# syncFormat = "); boost::replace_first(config, "calendar/config.ini:uri = cal2", "calendar/config.ini:uri = events"); boost::replace_first(config, "calendar/config.ini:sync = two-way", "calendar/config.ini:sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(config, "memo/config.ini:uri = note", "memo/config.ini:uri = notes"); boost::replace_first(config, "todo/config.ini:uri = task2", "todo/config.ini:uri = tasks"); boost::replace_first(config, "todo/config.ini:sync = two-way", "todo/config.ini:sync = disabled"); return config; } /** create directory hierarchy, overwriting previous content */ void createFiles(const string &root, const string &content, bool append = false) { if (!append) { rm_r(root); } size_t start = 0; ofstream out; string outname; out.exceptions(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit); while (start < content.size()) { size_t delim = content.find(':', start); size_t end = content.find('\n', start); if (delim == content.npos || end == content.npos) { // invalid content ?! break; } string newname = content.substr(start, delim - start); string line = content.substr(delim + 1, end - delim - 1); if (newname != outname) { if (out.is_open()) { out.close(); } string fullpath = root + "/" + newname; size_t fileoff = fullpath.rfind('/'); mkdir_p(fullpath.substr(0, fileoff)); out.open(fullpath.c_str(), append ? ios_base::out : (ios_base::out|ios_base::trunc)); outname = newname; } out << line << endl; start = end + 1; } } /** turn directory hierarchy into string * * @param root root path in file system * @param peer if non-empty, then ignore all /peers/ directories * where != peer * @param onlyProps ignore lines which are comments */ string scanFiles(const string &root, const string &peer = "", bool onlyProps = true) { ostringstream out; scanFiles(root, "", peer, out, onlyProps); return out.str(); } void scanFiles(const string &root, const string &dir, const string &peer, ostringstream &out, bool onlyProps) { string newroot = root; newroot += "/"; newroot += dir; ReadDir readDir(newroot); sort(readDir.begin(), readDir.end()); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &entry, readDir) { if (isDir(newroot + "/" + entry)) { if (boost::ends_with(newroot, "/peers") && !peer.empty() && entry != peer) { // skip different peer directory continue; } else { scanFiles(root, dir + (dir.empty() ? "" : "/") + entry, peer, out, onlyProps); } } else { ifstream in; in.exceptions(ios_base::badbit /* failbit must not trigger exception because is set when reaching eof ?! */); in.open((newroot + "/" + entry).c_str()); string line; while (!in.eof()) { getline(in, line); if ((line.size() || !in.eof()) && (!onlyProps || (boost::starts_with(line, "# ") ? isPropAssignment(line.substr(2)) : !line.empty()))) { if (dir.size()) { out << dir << "/"; } out << entry << ":"; out << line << '\n'; } } } } } string printConfig(const string &server) { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", server.c_str(), NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); return cmdline.m_out.str(); } }; SYNCEVOLUTION_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(CmdlineTest); #endif // ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS SE_END_CXX