/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Funambol, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Patrick Ohly * Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ /** @cond API */ /** @addtogroup ClientTest */ /** @{ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_INTEGRATION_TESTS #include "ClientTest.h" #include "test.h" #include "ClientTestAssert.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CppUnit { /** * behaves like an int and can be compared against one in ASSERT_EQUAL, * but includes the item list when being printed */ struct ItemCount { SyncEvo::SyncSourceChanges::Items_t m_items; ItemCount() {} ItemCount(const SyncEvo::SyncSourceChanges::Items_t &items) : m_items(items) {} int size() const { return m_items.size(); } operator int () const { return size(); } }; static std::ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const ItemCount &count) { out << count.size() << " ( "; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &id, count.m_items) { out << id << " "; } out << ")"; return out; } template<> struct assertion_traits { template static bool equal(const E &expected, const ItemCount &count) { return expected == count; } static std::string toString(const ItemCount &count) { std::ostringstream out; out << count; return out.str(); } }; /** comparison between arbitrary type A and B */ template void assertEquals(const A& expected, const B& actual, SourceLine sourceLine, const std::string &message) { if (!assertion_traits::equal(expected,actual)) { Asserter::failNotEqual(assertion_traits::toString(expected), assertion_traits::toString(actual), sourceLine, message); } } } SE_BEGIN_CXX static set cleanupSet; /** * true when running as server, * relevant for sources instantiated by us * and testConversion, which does not work in * server mode (Synthesis engine not in the right * state when we try to run the test) */ static bool isServerMode() { const char *serverMode = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_MODE"); return serverMode && !strcmp(serverMode, "server"); } /** * CLIENT_TEST_SERVER env variable or "" if unset */ std::string currentServer() { const char *tmp = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_SERVER"); return tmp ? tmp : ""; } /** * CLIENT_TEST_NUM_ITEMS env variable or 100 */ int defNumItems() { char *numitems = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_NUM_ITEMS"); return numitems ? atoi(numitems) : 100; } static SyncMode RefreshFromPeerMode() { return isServerMode() ? SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_CLIENT : SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_SERVER; } static SyncMode RefreshFromLocalMode() { return isServerMode() ? SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_SERVER : SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_CLIENT; } static SyncMode OneWayFromPeerMode() { return isServerMode() ? SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_CLIENT : SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_SERVER; } static SyncMode OneWayFromLocalMode() { return isServerMode() ? SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_SERVER : SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_CLIENT; } /** * remove a certain property from buffer, return removed line */ static string stripProperty(std::string &data, const std::string &prop) { std::string res; size_t start = data.find(prop); if (start != data.npos) { size_t end = data.find('\n', start); if (end != data.npos) { size_t len = end + 1 - start; res = data.substr(start, len); data.erase(start, len); } } return res; } /** * insert a property (must include line end) before the end of an item */ static void insertProperty(std::string &data, const std::string &prop, const std::string &endProp = "END:VEVENT") { size_t pos = data.find(endProp); data.insert(pos, prop); } /** * remove parameter in all properties */ static void stripParameters(std::string &data, const std::string ¶m) { while (true) { size_t start = data.find(";" + param + "="); if (start == data.npos) { break; } size_t end = data.find_first_of(";:", start + 1); if (end == data.npos) { break; } data.erase(start, end - start); } } static void stripComponent(std::string &data, const std::string &comp) { size_t start = data.find("BEGIN:" + comp); if (start != data.npos) { size_t end = data.find("END:" + comp); if (end != data.npos) { end = data.find('\n', end); if (end != data.npos) { data.erase(start, end + 1 - start); } } } } /** * Using this pointer automates the open()/beginSync()/endSync()/close() * life cycle: it automatically calls these functions when a new * pointer is assigned or deleted. * * Anchors are stored globally in a hash which uses the tracking node * name as key. This name happens to be the unique file path that * is created for each source (see TestEvolution::createSource() and * SyncConfig::getSyncSourceNodes()). */ class TestingSyncSourcePtr : public std::auto_ptr { typedef std::auto_ptr base_t; bool m_active; static StringMap m_anchors; static std::string m_testName; public: TestingSyncSourcePtr() : m_active(false) {} TestingSyncSourcePtr(const TestingSyncSourcePtr &other) : m_active(false) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!other.get()); } ~TestingSyncSourcePtr() { // We can skip the full cleanup if the test has already failed. // Also avoids letting an exception escape from the // destructor during exception handling (= program aborted!) // when the endSync() call invoked by reset() needs to // report a proble. CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW() itself catches that // exception, but then forwards it, and thus does not // prevent the exception from escaping. if (!std::uncaught_exception()) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(reset(NULL)); } } enum Flags { SLOW, /**< erase anchor, start accessing database from scratch */ INCREMENTAL /**< allow source to do incremental data read */ }; void reset(TestingSyncSource *source = NULL, Flags flags = INCREMENTAL) { if (get() && m_active) { stopAccess(); } // avoid deleting the instance that we are setting // (shouldn't happen) if (get() != source) { base_t::reset(source); } if (source) { startAccess(flags); } } /** * done automatically as part of reset(), only to be called * after an explicit stopAccess() */ void startAccess(Flags flags = INCREMENTAL) { CT_ASSERT(get()); CT_ASSERT(!m_active); int delay = atoi(getEnv("CLIENT_TEST_SOURCE_DELAY", "0")); if (delay) { CLIENT_TEST_LOG("CLIENT_TEST_SOURCE_DELAY: sleep for %d seconds", delay); sleep(delay); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(get()->open()); string node = get()->getTrackingNode()->getName(); string anchor = m_anchors[node]; if (flags == SLOW) { anchor = ""; } get()->beginSync(anchor, ""); if (isServerMode()) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(get()->enableServerMode()); } // the replaced m_endSession callback was invoked here, // which shouldn't have been necessary - not calling // m_endDataWrite post-signal at the moment // CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(get()->getOperations().m_endDataWrite.getPostSignal()()); m_active = true; } /** * finish change tracking, source must be activated again * with startAccess() */ void stopAccess() { CT_ASSERT(get()); CT_ASSERT(m_active); m_active = false; char *dummy = const_cast("testing-source"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(get()->getOperations().m_endDataWrite.getPostSignal()(*get(), OPERATION_FINISHED, sysync::LOCERR_OK, true, &dummy)); string node = get()->getTrackingNode()->getName(); string anchor; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(anchor = get()->endSync(true)); m_anchors[node] = anchor; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(get()->close()); } }; StringMap TestingSyncSourcePtr::m_anchors; std::string TestingSyncSourcePtr::m_testName; bool SyncOptions::defaultWBXML() { const char *t = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_XML"); if (t && (!strcmp(t, "1") || !strcasecmp(t, "t"))) { // use XML return false; } else { return true; } } std::list listItemsOfType(TestingSyncSource *source, int state) { std::list res; BOOST_FOREACH(const string &luid, source->getItems(SyncSourceChanges::State(state))) { res.push_back(luid); } return res; } static std::list listNewItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return listItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::NEW); } static std::list listUpdatedItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return listItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::UPDATED); } static std::list listDeletedItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return listItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::DELETED); } static std::list listItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return listItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::ANY); } static CppUnit::ItemCount countItemsOfType(TestingSyncSource *source, int type) { return source->getItems(SyncSourceChanges::State(type)); } static CppUnit::ItemCount countNewItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return countItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::NEW); } static CppUnit::ItemCount countUpdatedItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return countItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::UPDATED); } static CppUnit::ItemCount countDeletedItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return countItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::DELETED); } static CppUnit::ItemCount countItems(TestingSyncSource *source) { return countItemsOfType(source, SyncSourceChanges::ANY); } /** insert new item, return LUID */ static std::string importItem(TestingSyncSource *source, const ClientTestConfig &config, std::string &data) { CT_ASSERT(source); if (data.size()) { SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source, res = source->insertItemRaw("", config.m_mangleItem(data, false))); CT_ASSERT(!res.m_luid.empty()); return res.m_luid; } else { return ""; } } /** overwrite existing item */ static void updateItem(TestingSyncSource *source, std::string &data, const std::string &luid) { CT_ASSERT(source); CT_ASSERT(!data.empty()); CT_ASSERT(!luid.empty()); SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source, res = source->insertItemRaw(luid, data)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(luid, res.m_luid); } /** remove existing item */ static void removeItem(TestingSyncSource *source, const std::string &luid) { CT_ASSERT(source); CT_ASSERT(!luid.empty()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source, source->deleteItem(luid)); } static void restoreStorage(const ClientTest::Config &config, ClientTest &client) { } static void backupStorage(const ClientTest::Config &config, ClientTest &client) { } /** adds the supported tests to the instance itself */ void LocalTests::addTests() { if (config.m_createSourceA) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testOpen); ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testIterateTwice); ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testDelete404); ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testReadItem404); if (!config.m_insertItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testSimpleInsert); ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testLocalDeleteAll); ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testComplexInsert); if (config.m_insertItem.find("\nUID:") != std::string::npos) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testInsertTwice); } if (!config.m_updateItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testLocalUpdate); if (config.m_createSourceB) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testChanges); ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testChangesMultiCycles); if (!config.m_linkedSources.empty()) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testLinkedSources); } } } if (config.m_import && config.m_dump && config.m_compare && !config.m_testcases.empty()) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testImport); ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testImportDelete); if (!config.m_essentialProperties.empty()) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testRemoveProperties); } } if (!config.m_templateItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(LocalTests, testManyChanges); } // create a sub-suite for each set of linked items for (int i = 0; i < (int)config.m_linkedItems.size(); i++) { const ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t &items = config.m_linkedItems[i]; CppUnit::TestSuite *linked = new CppUnit::TestSuite(getName() + "::LinkedItems" + items.m_name); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsParent); if (config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsChild); } ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsParentChild); if (items[1].find("RECURRENCE-ID") != items[1].npos) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsInsertBothUpdateChildNoIDs); } if (config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsChildParent); } if (config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsChildChangesParent); } if (config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsRemoveParentFirst); } ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsRemoveNormal); if (config.m_sourceKnowsItemSemantic) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsInsertParentTwice); if (config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsInsertChildTwice); } } ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsParentUpdate); if (config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsUpdateChild); if (items[1].find("RECURRENCE-ID") != items[1].npos) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsUpdateChildNoIDs); } } ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsInsertBothUpdateChild); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsInsertBothUpdateParent); // tests independent of data, only add to default item set if (i == 0) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsSingle404); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(linked, LocalTests, testLinkedItemsMany404); } addTest(linked); } // Create a sub-suite for each set of linked items. // items.size() can be fairly large for these tests, // so avoid testing all possible combinations. BOOST_FOREACH(const ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t &items, config.m_linkedItemsSubset) { CppUnit::TestSuite *linked = new CppUnit::TestSuite(getName() + "::LinkedItems" + items.m_name); int stride = (items.size() + 4) / 5; for (int start = 0; (size_t)start < items.size(); start += stride ) { for (int skip = 0; !skip || (size_t)(start + skip + 1) < items.size(); skip++) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE_SUFFIX(linked, LocalTests, testSubset, StringPrintf("Start%dSkip%d", start, skip)); } // add a test which uses start, start + 1 and last item // if that leads to a gap (EXDATE) if (start > 0 && items.size() - start > 3) { ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE_SUFFIX(linked, LocalTests, testSubset, StringPrintf("Start%dExdate", start)); } } addTest(linked); } } } } std::string LocalTests::insert(CreateSource createSource, const std::string &data, bool relaxed, std::string *inserted) { restoreStorage(config, client); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); // count number of already existing items int numItems = 0; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(numItems = countItems(source.get())); SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res; std::string mangled = config.m_mangleItem(data, false); if (inserted) { *inserted = mangled; } SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), res = source->insertItemRaw("", mangled)); CT_ASSERT(!res.m_luid.empty()); bool updated = false; if (res.m_state == ITEM_NEEDS_MERGE) { // conflict detected, overwrite existing item as done in the past std::string luid = res.m_luid; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), res = source->insertItemRaw(luid, mangled)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(luid, res.m_luid); CT_ASSERT(res.m_state == ITEM_OKAY); updated = true; } // delete source again CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); if (!relaxed) { // two possible results: // - a new item was added // - the item was matched against an existing one SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(numItems + ((res.m_state == ITEM_REPLACED || res.m_state == ITEM_MERGED || updated) ? 0 : 1), countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countNewItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); } backupStorage(config, client); return res.m_luid; } /** deletes specific item locally via sync source */ static std::string updateItem(CreateSource createSource, const ClientTestConfig &config, const std::string &uid, const std::string &data, std::string *updated = NULL) { std::string newuid; CT_ASSERT(createSource.createSource); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); // insert item SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res; std::string mangled; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(mangled = config.m_mangleItem(data, true)); if (updated) { *updated = mangled; } SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), res = source->insertItemRaw(uid, mangled.c_str())); SOURCE_ASSERT(source.get(), !res.m_luid.empty()); return res.m_luid; } /** updates specific item locally via sync source */ static void removeItem(CreateSource createSource, const std::string &luid) { CT_ASSERT(createSource.createSource); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); // remove item SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->deleteItem(luid)); } void LocalTests::update(CreateSource createSource, const std::string &data, bool check) { CT_ASSERT(createSource.createSource); restoreStorage(config, client); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); // get existing item, then update it SyncSourceChanges::Items_t::const_iterator it; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getAllItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getAllItems().end()); string luid = *it; SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), res = source->insertItemRaw(luid, config.m_mangleItem(data, true))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(luid, res.m_luid); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ITEM_OKAY, res.m_state); if (!check) { return; } // check that the right changes are reported when reopening the source SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countNewItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getAllItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getAllItems().end()); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(luid, *it); backupStorage(config, client); } void LocalTests::update(CreateSource createSource, const std::string &data, const std::string &luid) { CT_ASSERT(createSource.createSource); restoreStorage(config, client); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); // update it SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->insertItemRaw(luid, config.m_mangleItem(data, true))); backupStorage(config, client); } /** deletes all items locally via sync source */ void LocalTests::deleteAll(CreateSource createSource) { CT_ASSERT(createSource.createSource); restoreStorage(config, client); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); // delete all items SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->removeAllItems()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); // check that all items are gone SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); SOURCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "should be empty now", source.get(), countItems(source.get()) == 0); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, countNewItems(source.get()) ); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get()) ); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, countDeletedItems(source.get()) ); backupStorage(config, client); } /** deletes specific item locally via sync source */ static void deleteItem(CreateSource createSource, const std::string &uid) { CT_ASSERT(createSource.createSource); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); // delete item SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->deleteItem(uid)); } /** * takes two databases, exports them, * then compares them using synccompare * * @param refFile existing file with source reference items, NULL uses a dump of sync source A instead * @param copy a sync source which contains the copied items, begin/endSync will be called * @param raiseAssert raise assertion if comparison yields differences (defaults to true) */ bool LocalTests::compareDatabases(const char *refFile, TestingSyncSource ©, bool raiseAssert) { CT_ASSERT(config.m_dump); std::string sourceFile, copyFile; if (refFile) { sourceFile = refFile; } else { sourceFile = getCurrentTest() + ".A.test.dat"; simplifyFilename(sourceFile); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, config.m_dump(client, *source.get(), sourceFile)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } copyFile = getCurrentTest() + ".B.test.dat"; simplifyFilename(copyFile); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(©, 0, config.m_dump(client, copy, copyFile)); bool equal; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(equal = config.m_compare(client, sourceFile, copyFile)); CT_ASSERT(!raiseAssert || equal); return equal; } /** * compare data in source with vararg list of std::string pointers, NULL terminated */ void LocalTests::compareDatabases(TestingSyncSource ©, ...) { std::string sourceFile = getCurrentTest() + ".ref.test.dat"; simplifyFilename(sourceFile); ofstream out(sourceFile.c_str()); va_list ap; va_start(ap, copy); std::string *item; while ((item = va_arg(ap, std::string *)) != NULL) { out << *item; } va_end(ap); out.close(); compareDatabases(sourceFile.c_str(), copy); } void LocalTests::compareDatabasesRef(TestingSyncSource ©, const std::list &items) { std::string sourceFile = getCurrentTest() + ".ref.test.dat"; simplifyFilename(sourceFile); ofstream out(sourceFile.c_str()); BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &item, items) { out << item; } out.close(); compareDatabases(sourceFile.c_str(), copy); } std::string LocalTests::createItem(int item, const std::string &revision, int size) { std::string data = config.m_mangleItem(config.m_templateItem, false); std::stringstream prefix; // string to be inserted at start of unique properties; // avoid adding white space (not sure whether it is valid for UID) prefix << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << item << "-"; BOOST_FOREACH (std::string curProp, boost::tokenizer< boost::char_separator >(config.m_uniqueProperties, boost::char_separator(":"))) { std::string property; // property is expected to not start directly at the // beginning property = "\n"; property += curProp; property += ":"; size_t off = data.find(property); if (off != data.npos) { data.insert(off + property.size(), prefix.str()); } } boost::replace_all(data, "<>", prefix.str()); boost::replace_all(data, "<>", revision); if (size > 0 && (int)data.size() < size) { int additionalBytes = size - (int)data.size(); int added = 0; /* vCard 2.1 and vCal 1.0 need quoted-printable line breaks */ bool quoted = data.find("VERSION:1.0") != data.npos || data.find("VERSION:2.1") != data.npos; size_t toreplace = 1; CT_ASSERT(!config.m_sizeProperty.empty()); /* stuff the item so that it reaches at least that size */ size_t off = data.find(config.m_sizeProperty); CT_ASSERT(off != data.npos); std::stringstream stuffing; if (quoted) { stuffing << ";ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:"; } else { stuffing << ":"; } // insert after the first line, it often acts as the summary if (data.find("BEGIN:VJOURNAL") != data.npos) { size_t start = data.find(":", off); CT_ASSERT( start != data.npos ); size_t eol = data.find("\\n", off); CT_ASSERT( eol != data.npos ); stuffing << data.substr(start + 1, eol - start + 1); toreplace += eol - start + 1; } while(added < additionalBytes) { int linelen = 0; while(added + 4 < additionalBytes && linelen < 60) { stuffing << 'x'; added++; linelen++; } // insert line breaks to allow folding if (quoted) { stuffing << "x=0D=0Ax"; added += 8; } else { stuffing << "x\\nx"; added += 4; } } off = data.find(":", off); data.replace(off, toreplace, stuffing.str()); } return data; } /** * insert artificial items, number of them 100 * unless passed explicitly * * @param createSource a factory for the sync source that is to be used * @param startIndex IDs are generated starting with this value * @param numItems number of items to be inserted if non-null, otherwise config.numItems is used * @param size minimum size for new items * @return LUIDs of all inserted items */ std::list LocalTests::insertManyItems(CreateSource createSource, int startIndex, int numItems, int size) { std::list luids; CT_ASSERT(!config.m_templateItem.empty()); restoreStorage(config, client); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT(startIndex > 1 || !countItems(source.get())); int firstIndex = startIndex; if (firstIndex < 0) { firstIndex = 1; } int lastIndex = firstIndex + (numItems >= 1 ? numItems : defNumItems()) - 1; for (int item = firstIndex; item <= lastIndex; item++) { std::string data = createItem(item, "", size); luids.push_back(importItem(source.get(), config, data)); } backupStorage(config, client); return luids; } std::list LocalTests::insertManyItems(TestingSyncSource *source, int startIndex, int numItems, int size) { std::list luids; CT_ASSERT(!config.m_templateItem.empty()); CT_ASSERT(startIndex > 1 || !countItems(source)); int firstIndex = startIndex; if (firstIndex < 0) { firstIndex = 1; } int lastIndex = firstIndex + (numItems >= 1 ? numItems : defNumItems()) - 1; for (int item = firstIndex; item <= lastIndex; item++) { std::string data = createItem(item, "", size); luids.push_back(importItem(source, config, data)); } return luids; } void LocalTests::updateManyItems(CreateSource createSource, int startIndex, int numItems, int size, int revision, std::list &luids, int offset) { CT_ASSERT(!config.m_templateItem.empty()); restoreStorage(config, client); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); int firstIndex = startIndex; if (firstIndex < 0) { firstIndex = 1; } int lastIndex = firstIndex + (numItems >= 1 ? numItems : defNumItems()) - 1; std::string revstring = StringPrintf("REVISION #%d", revision); std::list::const_iterator it = luids.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < offset && it != luids.end(); i++, ++it) {} for (int item = firstIndex; item <= lastIndex && it != luids.end(); item++, ++it) { std::string data = createItem(item, revstring, size); updateItem(source.get(), data, *it); } backupStorage(config, client); } void LocalTests::removeManyItems(CreateSource createSource, int numItems, std::list &luids, int offset) { restoreStorage(config, client); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); std::list::const_iterator it = luids.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < offset && it != luids.end(); i++, ++it) {} for (int item = 0; item < numItems && it != luids.end(); item++, ++it) { removeItem(source.get(), *it); } backupStorage(config, client); } // update every single item in the database void LocalTests::updateData(CreateSource createSource) { // check additional requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_update); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSource())); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &luid, source->getAllItems()) { string item; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source->readItemRaw(luid, item)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(config.m_update(item)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source->insertItemRaw(luid, item)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } // creating sync source void LocalTests::testOpen() { // check requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); // Intentionally use the plain auto_ptr here and // call open directly. That way it is a bit more clear // what happens and where it fails, if it fails. std::auto_ptr source; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset(createSourceA())); // got a sync source? CT_ASSERT(source.get() != 0); // can it be opened? SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->open()); // delete it CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } // restart scanning of items void LocalTests::testIterateTwice() { // check requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); // open source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); SOURCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "iterating twice should produce identical results", source.get(), countItems(source.get()) == countItems(source.get())); } // deleteItem() must raise 404 for unknown item void LocalTests::testDelete404() { // check requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); // open source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); SyncMLStatus status = STATUS_OK; try { source->deleteItem("no-such-item"); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { status = ex.syncMLStatus(); } CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status); } // deleteItem() must raise 404 for unknown item void LocalTests::testReadItem404() { // check requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); // open source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); SyncMLStatus status = STATUS_OK; try { std::string data; source->readItem("no-such-item", data); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { status = ex.syncMLStatus(); } CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status); } void LocalTests::doInsert(bool withUID) { // check requirements CT_ASSERT(!config.m_insertItem.empty()); CT_ASSERT(!config.m_createSourceA.empty()); std::string item = config.m_insertItem; if (!withUID) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(stripProperty(item, "UID")); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(insert(createSourceA, item)); } // insert one contact without clearing the source first void LocalTests::testSimpleInsert() { // Insert the item without the UID. There is no guarantee that the // item wasn't already inserted before (database not cleaned by // test) and some backends (CalDAV) will catch an attempt to // add the same item twice. doInsert(false); } // delete all items void LocalTests::testLocalDeleteAll() { // check requirements CT_ASSERT(!config.m_insertItem.empty()); CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); // make sure there is something to delete, then delete again std::string item = config.m_insertItem; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(stripProperty(item, "UID")); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(insert(createSourceA, item)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); } // clean database, then insert void LocalTests::testComplexInsert() { CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInsert()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(testIterateTwice()); } // insert the same item (identified by UID) twice => either // ITEM_NEEDS_MERGE, ITEM_REPLACED or ITEM_MERGED are acceptable void LocalTests::testInsertTwice() { CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); CT_ASSERT(!config.m_insertItem.empty()); CT_ASSERT(config.m_insertItem.find("\nUID:") != std::string::npos); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); // create source TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); // mangle data once std::string data = config.m_mangleItem(config.m_insertItem, false); // insert new item SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult first; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), first = source->insertItemRaw("", data)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ITEM_OKAY, first.m_state); // and again SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult second; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), second = source->insertItemRaw("", data)); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("item %s", second.m_state == ITEM_NEEDS_MERGE ? "needs to be merged" : second.m_state == ITEM_REPLACED ? "was replaced" : second.m_state == ITEM_MERGED ? "was merged" : second.m_state == ITEM_OKAY ? "was added, which is broken!" : "unknown result ?!"); if (config.m_sourceKnowsItemSemantic) { CT_ASSERT(second.m_state == ITEM_NEEDS_MERGE || second.m_state == ITEM_REPLACED || second.m_state == ITEM_MERGED); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(first.m_luid, second.m_luid); } else { CT_ASSERT(second.m_state == ITEM_OKAY); CT_ASSERT(first.m_luid != second.m_luid); } if (second.m_state == ITEM_REPLACED || second.m_state == ITEM_MERGED) { CT_ASSERT(first.m_revision != second.m_revision); } } // clean database, insert item, update it void LocalTests::testLocalUpdate() { // check additional requirements CT_ASSERT(!config.m_updateItem.empty()); CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInsert()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(update(createSourceA, config.m_updateItem)); } // Complex sequence of changes, with one restarted instance of source // B to observe the changes or multiple instances of it. // Changes are made both via source A and via source B itself. void LocalTests::doChanges(bool restart) { SyncSourceChanges::Items_t::const_iterator it, it2; // check additional requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceB); CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("clean via source A"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("insert item via source A"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInsert()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("clean changes in sync source B by creating and closing it"); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("no new changes now in source B"); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); string item; string luid; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getAllItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getAllItems().end()); luid = *it; // It is not required for incremental syncing that sources must be // able to return unchanged items. For example, ActiveSyncSource doesn't support // it because it gets only IDs and data of added or updated items. // Don't test it. // SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->readItem(*it, item)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("delete item again via sync source A"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("check for deleted item via source B"); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getDeletedItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getDeletedItems().end()); CT_ASSERT(!it->empty()); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(luid, *it); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); // now make changes via source B directly: these changes are not to be // reported back SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); // add std::string mangled = config.m_mangleItem(config.m_insertItem, false); SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), res = source->insertItemRaw("", mangled)); CT_ASSERT(!res.m_luid.empty()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); // update SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); mangled = config.m_mangleItem(config.m_updateItem, false); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), res = source->insertItemRaw(res.m_luid, mangled)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); // delete SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->deleteItem(res.m_luid)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("insert another item via source A"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInsert()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("check for new item via source B"); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getAllItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getAllItems().end()); luid = *it; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->readItem(*it, item)); string newItem; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getNewItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getNewItems().end()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->readItem(*it, item)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(luid, *it); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("update item via source A"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(update(createSourceA, config.m_updateItem)); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("check for updated item via source B"); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); string updatedItem; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getUpdatedItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getUpdatedItems().end()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source->readItem(*it, updatedItem)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(luid, *it); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("one item, no changes in source B"); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("start anew in both sources"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("create and update an item in source A"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInsert()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(update(createSourceA, config.m_updateItem)); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("should only be listed as new or updated in source B, but not both"); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get()) + countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("start anew once more in both sources"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(restart ? source.stopAccess() : source.reset()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("create, delete and recreate an item in source A"); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInsert()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInsert()); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("should only be listed as new or updated in source B, even if\n " "(as for calendar with UID) the same LUID gets reused"); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), restart ? source.startAccess() : source.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get()) + countUpdatedItems(source.get())); if (countDeletedItems(source.get()) == 1) { // It's not nice, but acceptable to send the LUID of a deleted item to a // server which has never seen that LUID. The LUID must not be the same as // the one we list as new or updated, though. SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it = source->getDeletedItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it != source->getDeletedItems().end()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it2 = source->getNewItems().begin()); if (it2 == source->getNewItems().end()) { SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), it2 = source->getUpdatedItems().begin()); CT_ASSERT(it2 != source->getUpdatedItems().end()); } CT_ASSERT(*it != *it2); } else { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } // complex sequence of changes, with source B instantiated anew // after each change void LocalTests::testChanges() { doChanges(false); } // complex sequence of changes, with source B only instantiated once // and restarted multiple times void LocalTests::testChangesMultiCycles() { doChanges(true); } // Make changes in one source and verify that other linked // sources do not see and report any changes in their view // of the shared database. Source A of the other sources // is created once and is restarted, source B is created // from scratch after each change. void LocalTests::testLinkedSources() { // make changes in each of the sources (doesn't have t be // the current one) BOOST_FOREACH (LocalTests *main, m_linkedSources) { CLIENT_TEST_LOG("making changes in %s", main->getSourceName().c_str()); // first delete via *all* sources BOOST_FOREACH (LocalTests *test, m_linkedSources) { CLIENT_TEST_LOG("clean via source A of %s", test->getSourceName().c_str()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(test->deleteAll(test->createSourceA)); // reset change tracking in source B TestingSyncSourcePtr sourceB; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(sourceB.get(), sourceB.reset(test->createSourceB())); } std::map sourcesA; BOOST_FOREACH (LocalTests *test, m_linkedSources) { if (test == main) { continue; } TestingSyncSourcePtr &source = sourcesA[test->getSourceName()]; CLIENT_TEST_LOG("creating source A of %s", test->getSourceName().c_str()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(test->createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.stopAccess()); } // insert one item CLIENT_TEST_LOG("inserting into %s", main->getSourceName().c_str()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(main->doInsert()); BOOST_FOREACH (LocalTests *test, m_linkedSources) { if (test == main) { continue; } TestingSyncSourcePtr &source = sourcesA[test->getSourceName()]; CLIENT_TEST_LOG("checking %s after insertion into %s", test->getSourceName().c_str(), main->getSourceName().c_str()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.startAccess()); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.stopAccess()); TestingSyncSourcePtr sourceB; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(sourceB.get(), sourceB.reset(test->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countNewItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(sourceB.get())); } // update one item CLIENT_TEST_LOG("updating in %s", main->getSourceName().c_str()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(main->update(main->createSourceA, main->config.m_updateItem)); BOOST_FOREACH (LocalTests *test, m_linkedSources) { if (test == main) { continue; } TestingSyncSourcePtr &source = sourcesA[test->getSourceName()]; CLIENT_TEST_LOG("checking %s after update into %s", test->getSourceName().c_str(), main->getSourceName().c_str()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.startAccess()); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.stopAccess()); TestingSyncSourcePtr sourceB; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(sourceB.get(), sourceB.reset(test->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countNewItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(sourceB.get())); } // delete one item CLIENT_TEST_LOG("deleting in %s", main->getSourceName().c_str()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(main->deleteAll(main->createSourceA)); BOOST_FOREACH (LocalTests *test, m_linkedSources) { if (test == main) { continue; } TestingSyncSourcePtr &source = sourcesA[test->getSourceName()]; CLIENT_TEST_LOG("checking %s after delete in %s", test->getSourceName().c_str(), main->getSourceName().c_str()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.startAccess()); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.stopAccess()); TestingSyncSourcePtr sourceB; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(sourceB.get(), sourceB.reset(test->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countNewItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(sourceB.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(sourceB.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(sourceB.get())); } } } // clean database, import file, then export again and compare void LocalTests::testImport() { // check additional requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_import); CT_ASSERT(config.m_dump); CT_ASSERT(config.m_compare); CT_ASSERT(!config.m_testcases.empty()); CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); // import via sync source A TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); restoreStorage(config, client); std::string testcases; std::string importFailures = config.m_import(client, *source.get(), config, config.m_testcases, testcases, NULL); backupStorage(config, client); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); // export again and compare against original file, // without relying on change tracking (because // Google ActiveSync has problems with Fetch, // which would be needed for a data dump when // using the incremental approach) TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceA(), TestingSyncSourcePtr::SLOW)); bool equal = compareDatabases(testcases.c_str(), *copy.get(), false); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); if (importFailures.empty()) { CT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("imported and exported data equal", equal); } else { CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(""), importFailures); } } // same as testImport() with immediate delete void LocalTests::testImportDelete() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(testImport()); // delete again, because it was observed that this did not // work right with calendars in SyncEvolution CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); } // clean database, import file, update with minimized test data (= all // non-essential properties removed), compare: verifies that updates // can remove data void LocalTests::testRemoveProperties() { // check additional requirements CT_ASSERT(config.m_import); CT_ASSERT(config.m_dump); CT_ASSERT(config.m_compare); CT_ASSERT(!config.m_testcases.empty()); CT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); // import via sync source A TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); restoreStorage(config, client); std::string testcases; std::list luids; std::string importFailures = config.m_import(client, *source.get(), config, config.m_testcases, testcases, &luids); backupStorage(config, client); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); // don't check for correct importing - that is done in testImport // reduce data std::list items; std::string dummy; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(ClientTest::getItems(testcases, items, dummy)); static const pcrecpp::RE bodyre("^BEGIN:(VCARD|VEVENT|VTODO|VJOURNAL)\\r?\\n(.*)^(END:\\g1)", pcrecpp::RE_Options().set_multiline(true).set_dotall(true)); std::string updated = getCurrentTest(); updated += ".updated."; updated += config.m_sourceName; updated += ".dat"; simplifyFilename(updated); ofstream out(updated.c_str()); BOOST_FOREACH (std::string &item, items) { std::string kind; pcrecpp::StringPiece body; CT_ASSERT(bodyre.PartialMatch(item, &kind, &body)); static const pcrecpp::RE propre("^((\\S[^;:]*).*\\n(?:\\s.*\\n)*)", pcrecpp::RE_Options().set_multiline(true)); pcrecpp::StringPiece input(body); pcrecpp::StringPiece prop; std::string propname; std::list result; while (propre.Consume(&input, &prop, &propname)) { if (config.m_essentialProperties.find(propname) != config.m_essentialProperties.end()) { result.push_back(prop.as_string()); } } item.replace(body.data() - item.c_str(), body.size(), boost::join(result, "")); out << item << "\n"; } out.close(); // update SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); std::string updateFailures = config.m_import(client, *source.get(), config, updated, dummy, &luids); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); // compare TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceA(), TestingSyncSourcePtr::SLOW)); bool equal = compareDatabases(updated.c_str(), *copy.get(), false); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); if (importFailures.empty() && updateFailures.empty()) { CT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("imported and exported data equal", equal); } else { CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(""), importFailures + updateFailures); } } // test change tracking with large number of items void LocalTests::testManyChanges() { // check additional requirements CT_ASSERT(!config.m_templateItem.empty()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // now insert plenty of items int numItems; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(numItems = insertManyItems(createSourceA).size()); // check that exactly this number of items is listed as new SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), numItems, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), numItems, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // delete all items CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); // verify again SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), numItems, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } template int countEqual(const T &container, const V &value) { return count(container.begin(), container.end(), value); } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsParent() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // now insert main item CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); // check that exactly the parent is listed as new SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } // delete all items CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); // verify again SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsChild() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // same as above for child item CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsParentChild() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // insert parent first, then child CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (config.m_supportsReccurenceEXDates) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); CLIENT_TEST_LOG("retrieve parent as reported to the Synthesis engine, check for X-SYNCEVOLUTION-EXDATE-DETACHED"); std::string parentDataEngine; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source->readItem(parent, parentDataEngine)); size_t pos = childData.find("RECURRENCE-ID"); CT_ASSERT(pos != childData.npos); size_t end = childData.find_first_of("\r\n", pos); CT_ASSERT(end != childData.npos); std::string exdate = childData.substr(pos, end - pos); boost::replace_first(exdate, "RECURRENCE-ID", "X-SYNCEVOLUTION-EXDATE-DETACHED"); // not generated because not needed by Synthesis engine boost::replace_first(exdate, ";VALUE=DATE", ""); pos = parentDataEngine.find(exdate); CT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(exdate + " not found in:\n" + parentDataEngine, pos != parentDataEngine.npos); } if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsChildParent() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // insert child first, then parent CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &parentData)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], true, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsChildChangesParent() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // insert child first, check changes, then insert the parent CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], true, &parentData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listNewItems(copy.get()), parent)); } // relaxed semantic: the child item might be considered updated now if // it had to be modified when inserting the parent SOURCE_ASSERT(copy.get(), 1 >= countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsRemoveParentFirst() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // insert both items, remove parent, then child CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, parent)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); // deleting the parent may or may not modify the child SOURCE_ASSERT(copy.get(), 1 >= countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsRemoveNormal() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr source, copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // insert both items, remove child, then parent CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, child)); // The removal of the child fails with Exchange (BMC #22849). // Skip the testing, proceed to full removal. if (currentServer() != "exchange") { SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); #ifndef USE_ECAL_CLIENT if (getCurrentTest().find("::eds_event::") != std::string::npos) { // hack: ignore EDS side effect of adding EXDATE to parent, see http://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10906 size_t pos = parentData.rfind("DTSTART"); parentData.insert(pos, getCurrentTest().find("LinkedItemsAllDay") == std::string::npos ? "EXDATE:20080413T090000\n" : "EXDATE:20080413\n"); } #endif CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*source, &parentData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); // parent might have been updated int updated; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(updated = countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT(copy.get(), 0 <= updated && updated <= 1); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, parent)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), // Exchange did not actually remove child above, done now. currentServer() != "exchange" ? 1 : 2, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsInsertParentTwice() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // add parent twice (should be turned into update) CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listUpdatedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, parent)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsInsertChildTwice() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // add child twice (should be turned into update) CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1])); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listUpdatedItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsParentUpdate() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // add parent, then update it CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = updateItem(createSourceA, config, parent, items[0], &parentData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listUpdatedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, parent)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsUpdateChild() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // add child, then update it CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = updateItem(createSourceA, config, child, items[1], &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listUpdatedItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); } } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsInsertBothUpdateChild() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // add parent and child, then update child CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = updateItem(createSourceA, config, child, items[1], &childData)); // child has to be listed as modified, parent may be SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT(copy.get(), 1 <= countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT(copy.get(), 2 >= countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listUpdatedItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, parent)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } // test inserting, removing and updating of parent + child item in // various order plus change tracking void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsInsertBothUpdateParent() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // add parent and child, then update parent CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = updateItem(createSourceA, config, parent, items[0], &parentData)); // parent has to be listed as modified, child may be SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT(copy.get(), 1 <= countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT(copy.get(), 2 >= countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listUpdatedItems(copy.get()), parent)); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LINKED_ITEMS_NO_DELETE")) { return; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, parent)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteItem(createSourceA, child)); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countNewItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(copy.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 2, countDeletedItems(copy.get())); if (!config.m_sourceLUIDsAreVolatile) { SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), parent)); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 1, countEqual(listDeletedItems(copy.get()), child)); } } // - insert parent and child // - update child *without* UID and RECURRENCE-ID: source expected to re-insert them void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsInsertBothUpdateChildNoIDs() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; std::string parentData, childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // add parent and child, then update child CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false, &parentData)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); // remove UID and RECURRENCE-ID before updating std::string reducedChildData = items[1]; std::string uid; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(uid = stripProperty(reducedChildData, "UID")); std::string rid; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(rid = stripProperty(reducedChildData, "RECURRENCE-ID")); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = updateItem(createSourceA, config, child, reducedChildData, &childData)); // compare SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(insertProperty(childData, uid, "END:VEVENT")); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(insertProperty(childData, rid, "END:VEVENT")); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &parentData, &childData, NULL)); } // - insert child // - update child *without* UID and RECURRENCE-ID: source expected to re-insert them void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsUpdateChildNoIDs() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string child; std::string childData; TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; // add child, then update child CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false, &childData)); // remove UID and RECURRENCE-ID before updating std::string reducedChildData = items[1]; std::string uid; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(uid = stripProperty(reducedChildData, "UID")); std::string rid; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(rid = stripProperty(reducedChildData, "RECURRENCE-ID")); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = updateItem(createSourceA, config, child, reducedChildData, &childData)); // compare SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(insertProperty(childData, uid, "END:VEVENT")); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(insertProperty(childData, rid, "END:VEVENT")); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases(*copy, &childData, NULL)); } // insert parent, try to delete or retrieve non-existent child: // must report 404 void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsSingle404() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; // now insert main item CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false)); // fake subid: works for CalDAV and EDS child = parent + "no-such-subitem"; // read TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset((createSourceA()))); SyncMLStatus status = STATUS_OK; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(try { std::string data; source->readItem(child, data); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { status = ex.syncMLStatus(); } ); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status); // delete status = STATUS_OK; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(try { source->deleteItem(child); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { status = ex.syncMLStatus(); } ); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status); } // insert parent and child, try to delete or retrieve non-existent child: // must report 404 void LocalTests::testLinkedItemsMany404() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); std::string parent, child; // now insert two items CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(parent = insert(createSourceA, items[0], false)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(child = insert(createSourceA, items[1], false)); // fake subid: works for CalDAV and EDS child = parent + "no-such-subitem"; // read TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(createSourceA())); SyncMLStatus status = STATUS_OK; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(try { std::string data; source->readItem(child, data); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { status = ex.syncMLStatus(); } ); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status); // delete status = STATUS_OK; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(try { source->deleteItem(child); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { status = ex.syncMLStatus(); } ); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status); } // Is run as Client::Source::LinkedItems::testSubsetStartSkip // where start = first detached recurrence to send and skip = detached recurrences // to skip before adding the next one (=> 0 = send all). // // "Exdate" instead of Skip is special: it picks the , + 1 and last // item, which typically leads to an irregular pattern and requires adding EXDATEs // in the activesyncd. void LocalTests::testSubset() { ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t items = getParentChildData(); int start, skip; std::string test = getCurrentTest(); pcrecpp::RE re("testSubsetStart(\\d+)(?:Skip(\\d+)|(Exdate))"); std::string exdate, optSkip; CT_ASSERT(re.PartialMatch(test, &start, &optSkip, &exdate)); if (exdate.empty()) { // skip case CT_ASSERT(!optSkip.empty()); skip = atoi(optSkip.c_str()); } else { // EXDATE case CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("Exdate"), exdate); skip = -1; } CT_ASSERT(items.size() > (size_t)start); CT_ASSERT(skip >= -1); // check that everything is empty, also resets change counter of sync source B CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(createSourceA)); TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); // insert parent first, then child std::list sent; int i = start; while ((size_t)i < items.size() && ((start == 0 && skip == 0) || /* _0_0 really uses all items (stress test) */ skip == -1 || /* _x_e already is limited to 3 items */ i - start < 5)) { /* avoid huge number of items per test */ std::string data; std::string message = StringPrintf("start %d, skip %d, at %d of %d", start, skip, i, (int)items.size()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW_MESSAGE(message, insert(createSourceA, items[i], false, &data)); sent.push_back(data); SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(createSourceB())); std::list actual(sent); if (items.m_testLinkedItemsSubsetAdditional) { std::string event = items.m_testLinkedItemsSubsetAdditional(start, skip, i, items.size()); if (!event.empty()) { actual.push_back(event); } } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW_MESSAGE(message, compareDatabasesRef(*copy, actual)); if (skip >= 0) { // skip intermediate items i += skip + 1; } else if (i == start) { // go to second item i++; } else if (i == start + 1) { // go to last item CT_ASSERT((size_t)i != items.size() - 1); i = items.size() - 1; } else { // done with first, second and last item break; } } } ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t LocalTests::getParentChildData() { // extract suffix and use it as index for our config std::string test = getCurrentTest(); const std::string testname = "LinkedItems"; size_t off = test.find(testname); CT_ASSERT(off != test.npos); off += testname.size(); size_t end = test.find(':', off); CT_ASSERT(end != test.npos); std::string name = test.substr(off, end - off); BOOST_FOREACH(const ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t &items, config.m_linkedItems) { if (items.m_name == name) { return items; } } BOOST_FOREACH(const ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t &items, config.m_linkedItemsSubset) { if (items.m_name == name) { return items; } } CT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("linked items test data not found", false); return ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t(); } SyncTests::SyncTests(const std::string &name, ClientTest &cl, std::vector sourceIndices, bool isClientA) : CppUnit::TestSuite(name), client(cl) { sourceArray = new int[sourceIndices.size() + 1]; int offset = 0; for (std::vector::iterator it = sourceIndices.begin(); it != sourceIndices.end(); ++it) { ClientTest::Config config; client.getSyncSourceConfig(*it, config); if (!config.m_sourceName.empty()) { sourceArray[sources.size()+offset] = *it; if (!config.m_subConfigs.empty()) { vector subs; boost::split (subs, config.m_subConfigs, boost::is_any_of(",")); offset++; ClientTest::Config subConfig; BOOST_FOREACH (string sub, subs) { client.getSourceConfig (sub, subConfig); sources.push_back(std::pair(*it, cl.createLocalTests(sub, client.getLocalSourcePosition(sub), subConfig))); offset--; } } else { sources.push_back(std::pair(*it, cl.createLocalTests(config.m_sourceName, client.getLocalSourcePosition(config.m_sourceName), config))); } } } sourceArray[sources.size()+ offset] = -1; // check whether we have a second client ClientTest *clientB = cl.getClientB(); if (clientB) { accessClientB = clientB->createSyncTests(name, sourceIndices, false); } else { accessClientB = 0; } } SyncTests::~SyncTests() { for (source_it it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } delete [] sourceArray; if (accessClientB) { delete accessClientB; } } /** adds the supported tests to the instance itself */ void SyncTests::addTests(bool isFirstSource) { if (sources.size()) { const ClientTest::Config &config(sources[0].second->config); // run this test first, even if it is more complex: // if it works, all the following tests will run with // the server in a deterministic state if (config.m_createSourceA) { if (!config.m_insertItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testDeleteAllRefresh); } } ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testTwoWaySync); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testSlowSync); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromServerSync); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromClientSync); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromRemoteSync); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromLocalSync); // testTimeout is independent of the actual peer; all it needs // is a SyncML client config. Can't test for that explicitly // here, so only rule out the test if we run in server mode. if (isFirstSource && (!getenv("CLIENT_TEST_MODE") || strcmp(getenv("CLIENT_TEST_MODE"), "server"))) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testTimeout); } if (config.m_compare && !config.m_testcases.empty() && !isServerMode()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testConversion); } if (config.m_createSourceA) { if (!config.m_insertItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromServerSemantic); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromClientSemantic); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshStatus); // This test works regardless whether the peer can // restart: if restarts are not possible, it checks // that they don't occur. The rest of the tests then // only make sense when restarting works. ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testTwoWayRestart); if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_PEER_CAN_RESTART")) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testTwoWayRestart); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testSlowRestart); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromLocalRestart); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testOneWayFromLocalRestart); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testRefreshFromRemoteRestart); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testOneWayFromRemoteRestart); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testManyRestarts); } if (accessClientB && config.m_dump && config.m_compare) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testCopy); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testDelete); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testAddUpdate); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testManyItems); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testManyDeletes); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testSlowSyncSemantic); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testComplexRefreshFromServerSemantic); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testDeleteBothSides); if (config.m_updateItem.find("UID:") != std::string::npos && config.m_updateItem.find("LAST-MODIFIED:") != std::string::npos && sources.size() == 1) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testAddBothSides); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testAddBothSidesRefresh); } // only add when testing individual source, // test data not guaranteed to be available for all sources if (sources.size() == 1 && !config.m_linkedItems.empty()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testLinkedItemsParentChild); if (config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testLinkedItemsChild); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testLinkedItemsChildParent); } } if (!config.m_updateItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testUpdate); } if (!config.m_complexUpdateItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testComplexUpdate); } if (!config.m_mergeItem1.empty() && !config.m_mergeItem2.empty()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testMerge); } if (config.m_import) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testTwinning); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testItems); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testItemsXML); if (config.m_update) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testExtensions); } } if (!config.m_templateItem.empty()) { ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testMaxMsg); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testLargeObject); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testOneWayFromServer); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testOneWayFromClient); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testOneWayFromRemote); ADD_TEST(SyncTests, testOneWayFromLocal); } } } } if (config.m_retrySync && !config.m_insertItem.empty() && !config.m_updateItem.empty() && accessClientB && config.m_dump && config.m_compare) { CppUnit::TestSuite *retryTests = new CppUnit::TestSuite(getName() + "::Retry"); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeClientAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeClientRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeClientUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeServerAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeServerRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeServerUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeClientAddBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeClientUpdateBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeServerAddBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeServerUpdateBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(retryTests, SyncTests, testInterruptResumeFull); addTest(FilterTest(retryTests)); } if (config.m_suspendSync && !config.m_insertItem.empty() && !config.m_updateItem.empty() && accessClientB && config.m_dump && config.m_compare) { CppUnit::TestSuite *suspendTests = new CppUnit::TestSuite(getName() + "::Suspend"); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendClientAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendClientRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendClientUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendServerAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendServerRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendServerUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendClientAddBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendClientUpdateBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendServerAddBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendServerUpdateBig); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(suspendTests, SyncTests, testUserSuspendFull); addTest(FilterTest(suspendTests)); } if (config.m_resendSync && !config.m_insertItem.empty() && !config.m_updateItem.empty() && accessClientB && config.m_dump && config.m_compare) { CppUnit::TestSuite *resendTests = new CppUnit::TestSuite(getName() + "::Resend"); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendClientAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendClientRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendClientUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendServerAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendServerRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendServerUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendFull); addTest(FilterTest(resendTests)); } if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_RESEND_PROXY") && !config.m_insertItem.empty() && !config.m_updateItem.empty() && accessClientB && config.m_dump && config.m_compare) { CppUnit::TestSuite *resendTests = new CppUnit::TestSuite(getName() + "::ResendProxy"); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendProxyClientAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendProxyClientRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendProxyClientUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendProxyServerAdd); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendProxyServerRemove); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendProxyServerUpdate); ADD_TEST_TO_SUITE(resendTests, SyncTests, testResendProxyFull); addTest(FilterTest(resendTests)); } } } bool SyncTests::compareDatabases(const char *refFileBase, bool raiseAssert) { source_it it1; source_it it2; bool equal = true; CT_ASSERT(accessClientB); for (it1 = sources.begin(), it2 = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it1 != sources.end() && it2 != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it1, ++it2) { TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(it2->second->createSourceB())); if (refFileBase) { std::string refFile = refFileBase; refFile += it1->second->config.m_sourceName; refFile += ".dat"; simplifyFilename(refFile); if (!it1->second->compareDatabases(refFile.c_str(), *copy.get(), raiseAssert)) { equal = false; } } else { if (!it1->second->compareDatabases(NULL, *copy.get(), raiseAssert)) { equal = false; } } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } CT_ASSERT(it1 == sources.end()); CT_ASSERT(it2 == accessClientB->sources.end()); CT_ASSERT(!raiseAssert || equal); return equal; } /** deletes all items locally and on server */ void SyncTests::deleteAll(DeleteAllMode mode) { SyncPrefix prefix("deleteall", *this); const char *value = getenv ("CLIENT_TEST_DELETE_REFRESH"); if (value) { mode = DELETE_ALL_REFRESH; } switch(mode) { case DELETE_ALL_SYNC: // a refresh from server would slightly reduce the amount of data exchanged, but not all servers support it CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "init", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW)); // now that client and server are in sync, delete locally and sync again CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "twoway", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,-1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); break; case DELETE_ALL_REFRESH: // delete locally and then tell the server to "copy" the empty databases CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refreshserver", SyncOptions(RefreshFromLocalMode(), CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,-1, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL))); break; } } /** get both clients in sync with empty server, then copy one item from client A to B */ void SyncTests::doCopy() { SyncPrefix("copy", *this); // check requirements CT_ASSERT(accessClientB); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); accessClientB->deleteAll(); // insert into first database, copy to server CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesInsert()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // copy into second database accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } /** * Replicate server database locally. Works with all servers * (including those which do not support refresh sync) because the * Synthesis engine will do a local delete + slow sync (by default) * and a real refresh sync only when asked to explicitly (Funambol). */ void SyncTests::refreshClient(SyncOptions options) { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh", options .setSyncMode(SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE) .setCheckReport(CheckSyncReport(-1,0,-1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); } // delete all items, locally and on server using refresh-from-client sync void SyncTests::testDeleteAllRefresh() { source_it it; // start with clean local data CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); // copy something to server first; doesn't matter whether it has the // item already or not, as long as it exists there afterwards CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesInsert()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "insert", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW)); // now ensure we can delete it deleteAll(DELETE_ALL_REFRESH); // nothing stored locally? for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceA())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } // make sure server really deleted everything doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "check", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_SLOW))); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceA())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // refresh-from-server sync, regardless of peer's role void SyncTests::testRefreshFromServerSync() { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_SERVER, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, isServerMode() ? SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL : SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); } // do a refresh-from-client sync, regardless of peer's role void SyncTests::testRefreshFromClientSync() { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_CLIENT, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, isServerMode() ? SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE : SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL))); } // do a refresh-from-remote sync, regardless of peer's role void SyncTests::testRefreshFromRemoteSync() { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); } // do a refresh-from-local sync, regardless of peer's role void SyncTests::testRefreshFromLocalSync() { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL))); } // delete all items, locally and on server using two-way sync void SyncTests::testDeleteAllSync() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll(DELETE_ALL_SYNC)); } // test that a refresh sync from an empty server leads to an empty datatbase // and no changes are sent to server during next two-way sync void SyncTests::testRefreshFromServerSemantic() { source_it it; // clean client and server CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // insert item, then refresh from empty server CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesInsert()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), CheckSyncReport(0,0,-1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); // check for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceA())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "two-way", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); } // test that a refresh sync from an empty client leads to an empty datatbase // and no changes are sent to server during next two-way sync void SyncTests::testRefreshFromClientSemantic() { source_it it; // clean client and server CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // insert item, send to server CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesInsert()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // delete locally CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); // refresh from client doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh", SyncOptions(RefreshFromLocalMode(), CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL))); // check doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "check", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); } // tests the following sequence of events: // - insert item // - delete all items // - insert one other item // - refresh from client // => no items should now be listed as new, updated or deleted for this client during another sync void SyncTests::testRefreshStatus() { source_it it; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesInsert(false)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesInsert()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh-from-client", SyncOptions(RefreshFromLocalMode(), CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, -1,-1,-1, /* strictly speaking 1,0,0, but not sure exactly what the server will be told */ true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL))); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "two-way", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); } static void log(const char *text) { CLIENT_TEST_LOG("%s", text); } static void logSyncSourceReport(SyncSource *source) { CLIENT_TEST_LOG("source %s, start of cycle #%d: local new/mod/del/conflict %d/%d/%d/%d, remote %d/%d/%d/%d, mode %s", source->getName().c_str(), source->getRestarts(), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ADDED, SyncSource::ITEM_TOTAL), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_UPDATED, SyncSource::ITEM_TOTAL), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOVED, SyncSource::ITEM_TOTAL), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ANY, SyncSource::ITEM_REJECT), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ADDED, SyncSource::ITEM_TOTAL), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_UPDATED, SyncSource::ITEM_TOTAL), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOVED, SyncSource::ITEM_TOTAL), source->getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ANY, SyncSource::ITEM_REJECT), PrettyPrintSyncMode(source->getFinalSyncMode()).c_str()); } /** * Helper function, to be used inside a SyncOptions start callback * to connect all sources instantiated for a sync with the given * pre-operation signal. */ template bool connectSourceSignal(SyncContext &context, W SyncSource::Operations::*operation, M getSignal, const S &slot) { BOOST_FOREACH(const SyncSource *source, *context.getSources()) { ((source->getOperations().*operation).*getSignal)().connect(slot); } return false; } void SyncTests::doRestartSync(SyncMode mode) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); int startCount = 0; bool needToConnect = true; typedef std::map Reports_t; typedef std::map Cycles_t; Cycles_t results; // Triggered for every m_startDataRead. // // It records the current source statistics for later checking and // logs it. // // Also requests a restart at the very beginning, once. Must be // done before m_endDataWrite, because then it might be too late // to restart. boost::function start = (boost::lambda::if_then(boost::lambda::bind(&Cycles_t::empty, boost::ref(results)), (boost::lambda::bind(log, "requesting restart"), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync))), (boost::lambda::var(results)[boost::lambda::bind(&SyncSource::getRestarts, &boost::lambda::_1)] [boost::lambda::bind(&SyncSource::getName, &boost::lambda::_1)] = boost::lambda::_1), boost::lambda::bind(logSyncSourceReport, &boost::lambda::_1) ); // Triggered at the end of each m_endDataWrite. // // Adds a new item or (in later syncs) updates/deletes // it. Because the cycle is other, those changes won't // interfere with the cycle. Doing real concurrent // changes is something for another tests... boost::function end = boost::bind(boost::function( boost::lambda::if_then(++boost::lambda::var(startCount) == sources.size(), (boost::lambda::bind(log, "inserting one item"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesInsert, this, true))) )); SyncOptions::Callback_t setup = (boost::lambda::if_then(boost::lambda::var(needToConnect), (boost::lambda::var(needToConnect) = false, boost::lambda::bind(connectSourceSignal, boost::lambda::_1, &SyncSource::Operations::m_startDataRead, &SyncSource::Operations::StartDataRead_t::getPreSignal, boost::cref(start)), boost::lambda::bind(connectSourceSignal, boost::lambda::_1, &SyncSource::Operations::m_endDataWrite, &SyncSource::Operations::EndDataWrite_t::getPostSignal, boost::cref(end)) )), boost::lambda::constant(false) ); bool canRestart = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_PEER_CAN_RESTART") != NULL && !isServerMode(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "add", SyncOptions(mode, CheckSyncReport(0, 0, // TODO (?): should the item added after the initial refresh-from-remote be deleted in the second cycle? // Right now it isn't, because the second sync is // a one-way-from-remote. mode == SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE ? /* 1 */ 0 : 0, // nothing transferred when item only exists locally // and not transferring to peer !canRestart ? 0 : (mode == SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_REMOTE || mode == SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE) ? 0 : 1, 0, 0, true, mode) .setRestarts(canRestart ? 1 : 0)) .setStartCallback(setup) )); // two cycles if restarted, one otherwise CT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)(canRestart ? 2 : 1), results.size()); // nothing transfered before first or second cycle BOOST_FOREACH(const Cycles_t::value_type &cycle, results) { CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sources.size(), cycle.second.size()); BOOST_FOREACH(const Reports_t::value_type &entry, cycle.second) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(CheckSyncReport(0,0, 0, 0,0,0) .setRestarts(cycle.first) .check(entry.first, entry.second)); } } // one item exists now, in all cases // (but see remark about refresh-from-remote!) BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(source_pair.second->createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, countItems(source.get())); } if (mode == SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE || !canRestart) { // Can't continue testing for refresh-from-remote, because the // item was never sent to remote and will be gone locally // after the next refresh-from-remote (prevents updating and // deleting it locally). // Without restart support further tests don't make much sense. // We already verified above that a restart request was // correctly rejected/ignored. return; } // update item while the sync runs needToConnect = true; startCount = 0; results.clear(); end = boost::bind(boost::function( boost::lambda::if_then(++boost::lambda::var(startCount) == sources.size(), (boost::lambda::bind(log, "update one item"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesUpdate, this))) )); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(mode, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, // refresh-from-local and slow sync transfer existing item // in first cycle anew (mode == SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL || mode == SYNC_SLOW) ? 1 : 0, // nothing transferred when item only exists locally // and not transferring to peer mode == SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_REMOTE ? 0 : 1, 0, true, mode) .setRestarts(1)) .setStartCallback(setup) )); // two cycles CT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)2, results.size()); // nothing transfered before first or second cycle BOOST_FOREACH(const Cycles_t::value_type &cycle, results) { CLIENT_TEST_LOG("checking cycle #%d", cycle.first); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sources.size(), cycle.second.size()); BOOST_FOREACH(const Reports_t::value_type &entry, cycle.second) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, // refresh-from-local and slow sync transfer existing item // in first cycle anew (cycle.first == 1 && (mode == SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL || mode == SYNC_SLOW)) ? 1 : 0, 0,0) .setRestarts(cycle.first) .check(entry.first, entry.second)); } } // one item exists now, in all cases // (but see remark about refresh-from-remote!) BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(source_pair.second->createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, countItems(source.get())); } // delete item while the sync runs needToConnect = true; startCount = 0; results.clear(); end = boost::bind(boost::function( boost::lambda::if_then(++boost::lambda::var(startCount) == sources.size(), (boost::lambda::bind(log, "delete one item"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesDeleteAll, this))) )); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(mode, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, // refresh-from-local and slow sync transfer existing item // in first cycle anew (mode == SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL || mode == SYNC_SLOW) ? 1 : 0, 0, // nothing transferred when item only existed locally // and not transferring to peer mode == SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_REMOTE ? 0 : 1, true, mode) .setRestarts(1)) .setStartCallback(setup) )); // two cycles CT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)2, results.size()); // nothing transfered before first or second cycle BOOST_FOREACH(const Cycles_t::value_type &cycle, results) { CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sources.size(), cycle.second.size()); BOOST_FOREACH(const Reports_t::value_type &entry, cycle.second) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(CheckSyncReport(0,0, 0, // refresh-from-local and slow sync transfer existing item // in first cycle anew (cycle.first == 1 && (mode == SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL || mode == SYNC_SLOW)) ? 1 : 0, 0,0) .setRestarts(cycle.first) .check(entry.first, entry.second)); } } // no item exists now, in all cases BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(source_pair.second->createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countItems(source.get())); } } // two-way sync when both sides are empty, // insert item locally while sync runs, restart // => one item sent to peer void SyncTests::testTwoWayRestart() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doRestartSync(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); } // slow sync when both sides are empty, // insert item locally while sync runs, restart // => one item sent to peer void SyncTests::testSlowRestart() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doRestartSync(SYNC_SLOW)); } // refresh-from-local sync when both sides are empty, // insert item locally while sync runs, restart // => one item sent to peer void SyncTests::testRefreshFromLocalRestart() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doRestartSync(SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_LOCAL)); } // one-way-from-local sync when both sides are empty, // insert item locally while sync runs, restart // => one item sent to peer void SyncTests::testOneWayFromLocalRestart() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doRestartSync(SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_LOCAL)); } // refresh-from-remote sync when both sides are empty, // insert item locally while sync runs, restart // => *nothing* sent to peer void SyncTests::testRefreshFromRemoteRestart() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doRestartSync(SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE)); } // one-way-from-remote sync when both sides are empty, // insert item locally while sync runs, restart // => *nothing* sent to peer void SyncTests::testOneWayFromRemoteRestart() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doRestartSync(SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_REMOTE)); } // Start with empty database, refresh peer. // Then add 1, 2, 4, 8 items in four cycles, // update them the same way, and finally delete them. // Results in 12 cycles with different changes and // one empty, final cycle. void SyncTests::testManyRestarts() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); int startCount = 0; bool needToConnect = true; typedef std::map Reports_t; typedef std::map Cycles_t; Cycles_t results; std::map > luids; // Triggered for every m_startDataRead. // // It records the current source statistics for later checking, // logs it, and does the item changes. boost::function start = (boost::lambda::if_then(boost::lambda::var(startCount) % sources.size() == 0, ( boost::lambda::switch_statement(boost::lambda::var(startCount) / sources.size(), boost::lambda::case_statement<0>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "insert 1 item, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesInsertMany, this, 1, 1, boost::ref(luids)), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<1>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "insert 2 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesInsertMany, this, 2, 2, boost::ref(luids)), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<2>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "insert 4 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesInsertMany, this, 4, 4, boost::ref(luids)), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<3>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "insert 8 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesInsertMany, this, 8, 8, boost::ref(luids)), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<4>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "update 1 item, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesUpdateMany, this, 1, 1, 1, boost::ref(luids), 0), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<5>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "update 2 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesUpdateMany, this, 2, 2, 1, boost::ref(luids), 1), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<6>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "update 4 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesUpdateMany, this, 4, 4, 1, boost::ref(luids), 3), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<7>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "update 8 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesUpdateMany, this, 8, 8, 1, boost::ref(luids), 7), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )) ), // must break up switch statement, it only has a limited number of case slots boost::lambda::switch_statement(boost::lambda::var(startCount) / sources.size(), boost::lambda::case_statement<8>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "delete 1 item, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesRemoveMany, this, 1, boost::ref(luids), 0), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<9>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "delete 2 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesRemoveMany, this, 2, boost::ref(luids), 1), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<10>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "delete 4 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesRemoveMany, this, 4, boost::ref(luids), 3), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )), boost::lambda::case_statement<11>( (boost::lambda::bind(log, "delete 8 items, restart"), boost::lambda::bind(&SyncTests::allSourcesRemoveMany, this, 8, boost::ref(luids), 7), boost::lambda::bind(SyncContext::requestAnotherSync) )) ) ) ), (boost::lambda::var(results)[boost::lambda::bind(&SyncSource::getRestarts, &boost::lambda::_1)] [boost::lambda::bind(&SyncSource::getName, &boost::lambda::_1)] = boost::lambda::_1 ), boost::lambda::bind(logSyncSourceReport, &boost::lambda::_1), ++boost::lambda::var(startCount) ); SyncOptions::Callback_t setup = (boost::lambda::if_then(boost::lambda::var(needToConnect), (boost::lambda::var(needToConnect) = false, boost::lambda::bind(connectSourceSignal, boost::lambda::_1, &SyncSource::Operations::m_startDataRead, &SyncSource::Operations::StartDataRead_t::getPreSignal, boost::cref(start)) )), boost::lambda::constant(false) ); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0, 0, 0, 15, 15, 15, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY) .setRestarts(12)) .setStartCallback(setup) )); // 13 cycles CT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)13, results.size()); static const int changes[13][3] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, // nothing before first cycle { 1, 0, 0 }, // result of first cycle { 3, 0, 0 }, // statistics are cummulative: first + second { 7, 0, 0 }, { 15, 0, 0 }, { 15, 1, 0 }, { 15, 3, 0 }, { 15, 7, 0 }, { 15, 15, 0 }, { 15, 15, 1 }, { 15, 15, 3 }, { 15, 15, 7 }, { 15, 15, 15 } }; BOOST_FOREACH(const Cycles_t::value_type &cycle, results) { CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sources.size(), cycle.second.size()); BOOST_FOREACH(const Reports_t::value_type &entry, cycle.second) { const int *c = changes[cycle.first]; CLIENT_TEST_LOG("Checking stats before cycle #%d, source %s: expected remote %d/%d/%d", cycle.first, entry.first.c_str(), c[0], c[1], c[2]); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, c[0], c[1], c[2]) .setRestarts(cycle.first) .check(entry.first, entry.second)); } } // no item exists now BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(source_pair.second->createSourceA())); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, countItems(source.get())); } } // test that a two-way sync copies an item from one address book into the other void SyncTests::testCopy() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doCopy()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // test that a two-way sync copies updates from database to the other client, // using simple data commonly supported by servers void SyncTests::testUpdate() { CT_ASSERT(sources.begin() != sources.end()); CT_ASSERT(!sources.begin()->second->config.m_updateItem.empty()); // setup client A, B and server so that they all contain the same item CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doCopy()); source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->update(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_updateItem)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,1,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,1,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // test that a two-way sync copies updates from database to the other client, // using data that some, but not all servers support, like adding a second // phone number to a contact void SyncTests::testComplexUpdate() { // setup client A, B and server so that they all contain the same item CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doCopy()); source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { it->second->update(it->second->createSourceA, /* this test might get executed with some sources which have a complex update item while others don't: use the normal update item for them or even just the same item */ !it->second->config.m_complexUpdateItem.empty() ? it->second->config.m_complexUpdateItem : !it->second->config.m_updateItem.empty() ? it->second->config.m_updateItem : it->second->config.m_insertItem ); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,1,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,1,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // test that a two-way sync deletes the copy of an item in the other database void SyncTests::testDelete() { // setup client A, B and server so that they all contain the same item CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doCopy()); // delete it on A CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); // transfer change from A to server to B doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // check client B: shouldn't have any items now for (source_it it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(it->second->createSourceA())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(copy.get(), 0, countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } } // test what the server does when it finds that different // fields of the same item have been modified void SyncTests::testMerge() { // setup client A, B and server so that they all contain the same item CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doCopy()); // update in client A source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->update(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_mergeItem1)); } // update in client B for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->update(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_mergeItem2)); } // send change to server from client A (no conflict) doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,1,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // Now the changes from client B (conflict!). // There are several possible outcomes: // - client item completely replaces server item // - server item completely replaces client item (update on client) // - server merges and updates client accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "conflict", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // figure out how the conflict during ".conflict" was handled for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(it->second->createSourceA())); int numItems = 0; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), numItems = countItems(copy.get())); CT_ASSERT(numItems >= 1); CT_ASSERT(numItems <= 2); std::cerr << " \"" << it->second->config.m_sourceName << ": " << (numItems == 1 ? "conflicting items were merged" : "both of the conflicting items were preserved") << "\" "; std::cerr.flush(); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } // now pull the same changes into client A doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // client A and B should have identical data now CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); // Furthermore, it should be identical with the server. // Be extra careful and pull that data anew and compare once more. doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "check", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // test what the server does when it has to execute a slow sync // with identical data on client and server: // expected behaviour is that nothing changes void SyncTests::testTwinning() { // clean server and client A CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // import test data source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->testImport()); } // send to server doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); // ensure that client has the same data, thus ignoring data conversion // issues (those are covered by testItems()) CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(refreshClient()); // copy to client B to have another copy CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->refreshClient()); // slow sync should not change anything doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "twinning", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW)); // check CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // tests one-way sync from peer: // - get both clients and server in sync with no items anywhere // - add one item on first client, copy to server // - add a different item on second client, one-way-from-server // - two-way sync with first client // => one item on first client, two on second // - delete on first client, sync that to second client // via two-way sync + one-way-from-server // => one item left on second client (the one inserted locally) void SyncTests::doOneWayFromRemote(SyncMode oneWayFromRemote) { // no items anywhere CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->refreshClient()); // check that everything is empty, also resets change tracking // in second sources of each client source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // add one item on first client, copy to server, and check change tracking via second source for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insertManyItems(it->second->createSourceA, 200, 1)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // add a different item on second client, one-way-from-server // => one item added locally, none sent to server for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insertManyItems(it->second->createSourceA, 2, 1)); if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv", SyncOptions(oneWayFromRemote, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_REMOTE))); for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 2, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // two-way sync with first client for verification // => no changes doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "check", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // delete items on clientA, sync to server for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->deleteAll(it->second->createSourceA)); if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // sync the same change to second client // => one item left (the one inserted locally) accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(oneWayFromRemote, CheckSyncReport(0,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_REMOTE))); for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } } // one-way-from-remote test with one-way-from-client/server, depending // on role of remote side void SyncTests::testOneWayFromServer() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doOneWayFromRemote(OneWayFromPeerMode())); } void SyncTests::testOneWayFromRemote() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doOneWayFromRemote(SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_REMOTE)); } // tests one-way sync from local side: // - get both clients and server in sync with no items anywhere // - add one item on first client, copy to server // - add a different item on second client, one-way-from-client // - two-way sync with first client // => two items on first client, one on second // - delete on second client, sync that to first client // via one-way-from-client, two-way // => one item left on first client (the one inserted locally) void SyncTests::doOneWayFromLocal(SyncMode oneWayFromLocal) { // no items anywhere CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->deleteAll()); // check that everything is empty, also resets change tracking // in second sources of each client source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // add one item on first client, copy to server, and check change tracking via second source for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insertManyItems(it->second->createSourceA, 1, 1)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // add a different item on second client, one-way-from-client // => no item added locally, one sent to server for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insertManyItems(it->second->createSourceA, 2, 1)); if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(oneWayFromLocal, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_LOCAL))); for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // two-way sync with client A for verification // => receive one item doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "check", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 2, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // delete items on client B, sync to server for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->deleteAll(it->second->createSourceA)); if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(oneWayFromLocal, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,1, true, SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_LOCAL))); for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // sync the same change to client A // => one item left (the one inserted locally) doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countNewItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 1, countDeletedItems(source.get())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countUpdatedItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } } // do a two-way sync without additional checks, // may or may not actually be done in two-way mode void SyncTests::testTwoWaySync() { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); } void SyncTests::testSlowSync() { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, SYNC_SLOW))); } // one-way-from-local test with one-way-from-client/server, depending // on role of local side void SyncTests::testOneWayFromClient() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doOneWayFromLocal(OneWayFromLocalMode())); } // do a slow sync without additional checks void SyncTests::testOneWayFromLocal() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doOneWayFromLocal(SYNC_ONE_WAY_FROM_LOCAL)); } // get engine ready, then use it to convert our test items // to and from the internal field list void SyncTests::testConversion() { bool success = false; SyncOptions::Callback_t callback = boost::bind(&SyncTests::doConversionCallback, this, &success, _1, _2); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, false)) .setStartCallback(callback)); CT_ASSERT(success); } bool SyncTests::doConversionCallback(bool *success, SyncContext &syncClient, SyncOptions &options) { *success = false; for (source_it it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { const ClientTest::Config *config = &it->second->config; TestingSyncSource *source = static_cast(syncClient.findSource(config->m_sourceName)); CT_ASSERT(source); std::string type = source->getNativeDatatypeName(); if (type.empty()) { continue; } std::list items; std::string testcases; ClientTest::getItems(config->m_testcases, items, testcases); std::string converted = getCurrentTest(); converted += ".converted."; converted += config->m_sourceName; converted += ".dat"; simplifyFilename(converted); std::ofstream out(converted.c_str()); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &item, items) { string convertedItem = item; if(!sysync::DataConversion(syncClient.getSession().get(), type.c_str(), type.c_str(), convertedItem)) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "failed parsing as %s:\n%s", type.c_str(), item.c_str()); } else { out << convertedItem << "\n"; } } out.close(); // The test used peer-specific test cases, but the actual // result does not depend on the peer because we haven't // received the peer's DevInf at the point where we // import/export the test cases (=> don't apply peer-specific // synccompare workarounds). // // Due to the lack of DevInf, properties and parameters which // need to be enabled via DevInf get lost (= filter them out). ScopedEnvChange env("CLIENT_TEST_SERVER", ""); ScopedEnvChange envParams("CLIENT_TEST_STRIP_PARAMETERS", "X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT"); CT_ASSERT(config->m_compare(client, testcases, converted)); } // abort sync after completing the test successfully (no exception so far!) *success = true; return true; } // imports test data, transmits it from client A to the server to // client B and then compares which of the data has been transmitted void SyncTests::testItems() { // clean server and first test database CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // import data source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->testImport()); } // transfer from client A to server to client B doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY).setWBXML(true)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->refreshClient(SyncOptions().setWBXML(true))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // creates several items, transmits them back and forth and // then compares which of them have been preserved void SyncTests::testItemsXML() { // clean server and first test database CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // import data source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->testImport()); } // transfer from client A to server to client B using the non-default XML format doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY).setWBXML(false)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->refreshClient(SyncOptions().setWBXML(false))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // imports test data, transmits it from client A to the server to // client B, update on B and transfers back to the server, // then compares against reference data that has the same changes // applied on A void SyncTests::testExtensions() { // clean server and first test database CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // import data and create reference data source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->testImport()); string refDir = getCurrentTest() + "." + it->second->config.m_sourceName + ".ref.dat"; simplifyFilename(refDir); rm_r(refDir); mkdir_p(refDir); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; int counter = 0; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &luid, source->getAllItems()) { string item; source->readItemRaw(luid, item); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->config.m_update(item)); ofstream out(StringPrintf("%s/%d", refDir.c_str(), counter).c_str()); out.write(item.c_str(), item.size()); counter++; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } // transfer from client A to server to client B doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->refreshClient(SyncOptions())); // update on client B for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->updateData(it->second->createSourceB)); } // send back accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "patch", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); bool equal = true; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { string refDir = getCurrentTest() + "." + it->second->config.m_sourceName + ".ref.dat"; simplifyFilename(refDir); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); // Compare data in source A against reference data *without* // telling synccompare to ignore known data loss for the // server. CLIENT_TEST_SERVER is relevant for finding the // right source config and thus setting it must come after the // createSourceB() call. ScopedEnvChange env("CLIENT_TEST_SERVER", ""); ScopedEnvChange envParams("CLIENT_TEST_STRIP_PARAMETERS", "X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT"); ScopedEnvChange envProps("CLIENT_TEST_STRIP_PROPERTIES", "(PHOTO|FN)"); if (!it->second->compareDatabases(refDir.c_str(), *source, false)) { equal = false; } } CT_ASSERT(equal); } // tests the following sequence of events: // - both clients in sync with server // - client 1 adds item // - client 1 updates the same item // - client 2 gets item: the client should be asked to add the item // // However it has been observed that sometimes the item was sent as "update" // for a non-existant local item. This is a server bug, the client does not // have to handle that. See // http://forge.objectweb.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100096&aid=305018&group_id=96 void SyncTests::testAddUpdate() { // clean server and both test databases CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); accessClientB->refreshClient(); // add item source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insert(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_insertItem, false)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "add", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // update it for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->update(it->second->createSourceB, it->second->config.m_updateItem)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,1,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // now download the updated item into the second client accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // compare the two databases CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } // test copying with maxMsg and no large object support void SyncTests::testMaxMsg() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doVarSizes(true, false)); } // test copying with maxMsg and large object support void SyncTests::testLargeObject() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doVarSizes(true, true)); } // // stress tests: execute some of the normal operations, // but with large number of artificially generated items // // two-way sync with clean client/server, // followed by slow sync and comparison // via second client void SyncTests::testManyItems() { // clean server and client A CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // import artificial data: make them large to generate some // real traffic and test buffer handling source_it it; int num_items = defNumItems(); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insertManyItems(it->second->createSourceA, 0, num_items, 2000)); } // send data to server doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, num_items,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY), SyncOptions::DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_SIZE, SyncOptions::DEFAULT_MAX_OBJ_SIZE, true)); // ensure that client has the same data, ignoring data conversion // issues (those are covered by testItems()) CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(refreshClient()); // also copy to second client accessClientB->refreshClient(); // slow sync now should not change anything doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "twinning", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, SYNC_SLOW), SyncOptions::DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_SIZE, SyncOptions::DEFAULT_MAX_OBJ_SIZE, true)); // compare CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } /** * Tell server to delete plenty of items. */ void SyncTests::testManyDeletes() { // clean server and client A CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // import artificial data: make them small, we just want // many of them source_it it; int num_items = defNumItems(); for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insertManyItems(it->second->createSourceA, 0, num_items, 100)); } // send data to server doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, num_items,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY), 64 * 1024, 64 * 1024, true)); // ensure that client has the same data, ignoring data conversion // issues (those are covered by testItems()) CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(refreshClient()); // also copy to second client accessClientB->refreshClient(); // slow sync now should not change anything doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "twinning", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW, CheckSyncReport(-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, true, SYNC_SLOW), 64 * 1024, 64 * 1024, true)); // compare CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); // delete everything locally CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete-server", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,num_items, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY), 10 * 1024)); // Reporting locally deleted items depends on sync mode // recognition, see SyncContext.cpp. const char* checkSyncModeStr = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_NOCHECK_SYNCMODE"); // update second client accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete-client", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), checkSyncModeStr ? CheckSyncReport() : CheckSyncReport(0,0,num_items, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE), 10 * 1024)); } /** * - get client A, server, client B in sync with one item * - force slow sync in A: must not duplicate items, but may update it locally * - refresh client B (in case that the item was updated) * - delete item in B and server via two-way sync * - refresh-from-server in B to check that item is gone * - two-way in A: must delete the item */ void SyncTests::testSlowSyncSemantic() { // set up one item everywhere CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doCopy()); // slow in A doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "slow", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW, CheckSyncReport(0,-1,0, -1,-1,0, true, SYNC_SLOW))); // refresh B, delete item accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,-1,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->allSourcesDeleteAll()); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "check", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); // now the item should also be deleted on A doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); } /** * check that refresh-from-server works correctly: * - create the same item on A, server, B via testCopy() * - refresh B (one item deleted, one created) * - delete item on A and server * - refresh B (one item deleted) */ void SyncTests::testComplexRefreshFromServerSemantic() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(testCopy()); // Reporting locally deleted items depends on sync mode // recognition, see SyncContext.cpp. const char* checkSyncModeStr = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_NOCHECK_SYNCMODE"); // check refresh with one item on server const char *value = getenv ("CLIENT_TEST_NOREFRESH"); // If refresh_from_server or refresh_from_client (depending on this is a // server or client) is not supported, we can still test via slow sync. if (value) { accessClientB->refreshClient(); } else { accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh-one", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), checkSyncModeStr ? CheckSyncReport() : CheckSyncReport(1,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); } // delete that item via A, check again CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete-item", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); if (value) { accessClientB->refreshClient(); } else { accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "refresh-none", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), checkSyncModeStr ? CheckSyncReport() : CheckSyncReport(0,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE))); } } /** * - create the same item on A, server, B via testCopy() * - delete on both sides * - sync A * - sync B * * Must not fail, even though the Synthesis engine will ask the backends * for deletion of an already deleted item. */ void SyncTests::testDeleteBothSides() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(testCopy()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(allSourcesDeleteAll()); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->allSourcesDeleteAll()); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete-item-A", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // it is undefined whether the item is meant to be reported as deleted again here: // a SyncML client test will mark it as deleted, local sync as server won't accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "delete-item-B", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,-1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->config.m_createSourceB) { TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceB())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, countItems(source.get())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } } /** * - clean A, server, B * - create an item on A * - sync A * - create a modified version of the item on B * - sync B * * Depends on UID and LAST-MODIFIED in item data, i.e., iCalendar 2.0. * Uses the normal "insertItem" test case. Only works for a single source. * * The server must not duplicate the item *and* preserve the modified * properties. * * Temporary: because conflict resolution is server-dependent, such a strict * test fails. For example, with SyncEvolution 1.2 as server, DESCRIPTION and * LOCATION end up being concatenated (merge=lines mode). The test now avoids * using different data, with the expected outcome that only one item * is present at the end and no unnecessary data transfers happen (only true * for SyncEvolution server). * * A similar situation occurs on the client side, but it is harder to * trigger: the updated item must be added to the client's database * after it has reported its changes. Because if it happens earlier, * it would send an Add to the server and the server would have to * resolve the add<->add conflict, as in this test here. */ // using updated item data makes the test harder to pass: // server must use exactly the right item, which currently // is not the case for SyncEvolution bool addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem = true; // SyncEvolution passes with addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem == true // if we avoid changes to those properties in the iCalendar test // set which currently use merge=lines. bool addBothSidesNoMergeLines=true; // if true, relax expectations for updates from server: // may or may not send one bool addBothSidesMayUpdate = false; // if true, then accept that the Synthesis server mode counts // Add commands as "added items" even if they are turned into updates bool addBothSidesAddStatsBroken = false; // if true, then the peer is a SyncML server which does not // support UID/RECURRENCE-ID and thus doesn't detect // duplicates itself; the client needs to do that bool addBothSidesServerIsDumb = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_ADD_BOTH_SIDES_SERVER_IS_DUMB") != NULL; void SyncTests::testAddBothSides() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); accessClientB->deleteAll(); std::string insertItem = sources[0].second->config.m_insertItem; std::string updateItem = sources[0].second->config.m_updateItem; if (addBothSidesNoMergeLines) { // VEVENT boost::replace_all(updateItem, "LOCATION:big meeting room", "LOCATION:my office"); boost::replace_all(updateItem, "DESCRIPTION:nice to see you", "DESCRIPTION:let's talk<>"); // VJOURNAL boost::replace_all(updateItem, "DESCRIPTION:Summary\\nBody text", "DESCRIPTION:Summary Modified\\nBody text"); // VTODO boost::replace_all(updateItem, "DESCRIPTION:to be done", "DESCRIPTION:to be done<>"); } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(sources[0].second->insert(sources[0].second->createSourceA, insertItem)); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-old", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // insert updated item data on B std::string data; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->sources[0].second->insert(accessClientB->sources[0].second->createSourceA, addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem ? updateItem: insertItem, false, &data)); // As far as the client knows, it is adding an item; // server not expected to send back an update (our data was more recent // and completely overwrites the server's data). // When acting as server, we do the duplicate detection and thus know // more about the actual outcome. accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, isServerMode() ? CheckSyncReport(addBothSidesAddStatsBroken ? -1 : 0,0,0, 0, addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem ? 1 : 0, 0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY) : addBothSidesServerIsDumb ? CheckSyncReport(addBothSidesServerIsDumb ? 1 : 0, addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : 0, 0, // client got one redundant item from // server, had to receive it, match against // its own copy, then tell the server to // update one copy and delete the other; // no update necessary on server because // it already had the latest copy 1,0,1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY).setRestarts(1) : CheckSyncReport(0, addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : 0, 0, // client doesn't know that the add // was an update, in contrast to server 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // update sent to client A doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "update", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, (!isServerMode() && addBothSidesServerIsDumb) ? // server had to be told to update old item // and delete redundant one, which is what it now // also tells us here CheckSyncReport(1,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY) : CheckSyncReport(0, addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem ? 1 : 0, 0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // nothing necessary for client B accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "nop", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // now compare client A against reference data TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(sources[0].second->createSourceB())); sources[0].second->compareDatabases(*copy, &data, (void *)NULL); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } /** * compared to testAddBothSides the age of the items is reversed now; * a server which always copies the client's data passes testAddBothSides * but fails here */ void SyncTests::testAddBothSidesRefresh() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); accessClientB->deleteAll(); std::string insertItem = sources[0].second->config.m_insertItem; std::string updateItem = sources[0].second->config.m_updateItem; if (addBothSidesNoMergeLines) { boost::replace_all(updateItem, "LOCATION:big meeting room", "LOCATION:my office"); boost::replace_all(updateItem, "DESCRIPTION:nice to see you", "DESCRIPTION:let's talk<>"); } // insert initial item data on B CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(accessClientB->sources[0].second->insert(accessClientB->sources[0].second->createSourceA, insertItem)); // sleep one second to ensure that it's mangled LAST-MODIFIED is older than // the one from the next item, inserted on A sleep(1); // more recent data sent to server first std::string data; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(sources[0].second->insert(sources[0].second->createSourceA, addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem ? updateItem : insertItem, false, &data)); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-new", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // As far as the client knows, it is adding an item; // server expected to send back an update (client's data was out-dated); // When acting as server, we do the duplicate detection and thus // know more about the actual outcome. accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-old", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, isServerMode() ? CheckSyncReport(addBothSidesAddStatsBroken ? -1 : 0, addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : 0, 0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY) : // When the server is dumb, it // will just accept the added // item and send us an // with an item that has the // same UID as the one it just // received. The client then // must start a second sync and // fix the server by sending an update // (of the old version) and a delete (of the // new one) addBothSidesServerIsDumb ? CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 1,1,1, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY).setRestarts(1) : CheckSyncReport(0, addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : addBothSidesUsesUpdateItem ? 1 : 0, 0, // client doesn't know that add was // an update 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // potentially send update to A doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "nopA", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, (!isServerMode() && addBothSidesServerIsDumb) ? // receives extra changes because dumb server had to be fixed CheckSyncReport(1,0,1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY) : CheckSyncReport(0,addBothSidesMayUpdate ? -1 : 0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // nothing necessary for client B (already synchronized completely above in one sync) accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "nopB", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // now compare client A against reference data TestingSyncSourcePtr copy; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(copy.get(), copy.reset(sources[0].second->createSourceB())); sources[0].second->compareDatabases(*copy, &data, (void *)NULL); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(copy.reset()); } /** * - adds parent on client A * - syncs A * - adds unrelated item via client B (necessary to trigger corner cases in * change tracking, see BMC #22329) * - syncs B * - adds child on client A * - syncs A and B * - compares */ void SyncTests::testLinkedItemsParentChild() { source_it it; // clean server, client A and client B CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); accessClientB->refreshClient(); // create and copy parent item for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT(!it->second->config.m_linkedItems.empty()); CT_ASSERT(it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0].size() >= 2); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insert(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0][0], false)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-parent", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // create independent item, refresh client B and server for (it = accessClientB->sources.begin(); it != accessClientB->sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insert(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_insertItem, false)); } accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv-parent", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // add child on client A for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT(!it->second->config.m_linkedItems.empty()); CT_ASSERT(it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0].size() >= 2); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insert(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0][1], false)); } // parent may or may not be considered updated doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-child", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 1,-1,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // parent may or may not be considered updated here accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv-child", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,-1,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // final comparison CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } /** * - adds child on client A * - syncs A * - syncs B * - compare */ void SyncTests::testLinkedItemsChild() { source_it it; // clean server, client A and client B CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); accessClientB->refreshClient(); // create and copy child item for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT(!it->second->config.m_linkedItems.empty()); CT_ASSERT(it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0].size() >= 2); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insert(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0][1], false)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // final comparison CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } /** * - adds child on client A * - syncs A and B * - adds parent on client A * - syncs A and B * - compares */ void SyncTests::testLinkedItemsChildParent() { source_it it; // clean server, client A and client B CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); accessClientB->refreshClient(); // create and copy child item for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT(!it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0].empty()); CT_ASSERT(it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0].size() >= 2); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insert(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0][1], false)); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-child", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv-child", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,0,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // add parent on client A for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { CT_ASSERT(!it->second->config.m_linkedItems.empty()); CT_ASSERT(it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0].size() >= 2); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; // relaxed change checks because child event is also modified CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insert(it->second->createSourceA, it->second->config.m_linkedItems[0][0], true)); } // child may or may not be considered updated doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send-parent", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, 1,-1,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // child may or may not be considered updated here accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv-parent", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(1,-1,0, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY))); // final comparison CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } /** * implements testMaxMsg(), testLargeObject(), testLargeObjectEncoded() * using a sequence of items with varying sizes */ void SyncTests::doVarSizes(bool withMaxMsgSize, bool withLargeObject) { int maxMsgSize = 8 * 1024; const char* maxItemSize = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_MAX_ITEMSIZE"); int tmpSize = maxItemSize ? atoi(maxItemSize) : 0; if(tmpSize > 0) maxMsgSize = tmpSize; // clean server and client A CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleteAll()); // insert items, doubling their size, then restart with small size source_it it; for (it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { int item = 1; restoreStorage(it->second->config, client); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceA())); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { int size = 1; while (size < 2 * maxMsgSize) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(it->second->insertManyItems(source.get(), item, 1, it->second->config.m_templateItem.size() + 10 + size)); size *= 2; item++; } } backupStorage(it->second->config, client); } // transfer to server doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "send", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport(0,0,0, -1,0,0, true, SYNC_TWO_WAY), // number of items sent to server depends on source withMaxMsgSize ? SyncOptions::DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_SIZE: 0, withMaxMsgSize ? SyncOptions::DEFAULT_MAX_OBJ_SIZE : 0, withLargeObject)); // copy to second client const char *value = getenv ("CLIENT_TEST_NOREFRESH"); // If refresh_from_server or refresh_from_client (depending on this is a // server or client) is not supported, we can still test via slow sync. if (value) { accessClientB->refreshClient(); } else { accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "recv", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode(), CheckSyncReport(-1,0,-1, 0,0,0, true, SYNC_REFRESH_FROM_REMOTE), // number of items received from server depends on source withLargeObject ? maxMsgSize : withMaxMsgSize ? maxMsgSize * 100 /* large enough so that server can sent the largest item */ : 0, withMaxMsgSize ? maxMsgSize * 100 : 0, withLargeObject)); } // compare CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(compareDatabases()); } /** * Send message to server, then pretend that we timed out at exactly * one specific message, specified via m_interruptAtMessage. The * caller is expected to resend the message, without aborting the * session. That resend and all following message will get through * again. * * Each send() is counted as one message, starting at 1 for the first * message. */ class TransportResendInjector : public TransportWrapper{ private: int timeout; public: TransportResendInjector() :TransportWrapper() { const char *s = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_RESEND_TIMEOUT"); timeout = s ? atoi(s) : 0; } ~TransportResendInjector() { } virtual int getResendFailureThreshold() { return 0; } virtual void send(const char *data, size_t len) { m_messageCount++; if (m_interruptAtMessage >= 0 && m_messageCount == m_interruptAtMessage+1) { m_wrappedAgent->send(data, len); m_status = m_wrappedAgent->wait(); //trigger client side resend sleep (timeout); m_status = TIME_OUT; } else { m_wrappedAgent->send(data, len); m_status = m_wrappedAgent->wait(); } } virtual void getReply(const char *&data, size_t &len, std::string &contentType) { if (m_status == FAILED) { data = ""; len = 0; } else { m_wrappedAgent->getReply(data, len, contentType); } } }; /** * Stop sending at m_interruptAtMessage. The caller is forced to abort * the current session and will recover by retrying in another * session. * * Each send() increments the counter by two, so that 1 aborts before * the first message and 2 after it. */ class TransportFaultInjector : public TransportWrapper{ public: TransportFaultInjector() :TransportWrapper() { } ~TransportFaultInjector() { } virtual void send(const char *data, size_t len) { if (m_interruptAtMessage == m_messageCount) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "TransportFaultInjector: interrupt before sending message #%d", m_messageCount); } m_messageCount++; if (m_interruptAtMessage >= 0 && m_messageCount > m_interruptAtMessage) { throw string("TransportFaultInjector: interrupt before send"); } m_wrappedAgent->send(data, len); m_status = m_wrappedAgent->wait(); if (m_interruptAtMessage == m_messageCount) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "TransportFaultInjector: interrupt after receiving reply #%d", m_messageCount); } m_messageCount++; if (m_interruptAtMessage >= 0 && m_messageCount > m_interruptAtMessage) { m_status = FAILED; } } virtual void getReply(const char *&data, size_t &len, std::string &contentType) { if (m_status == FAILED) { data = ""; len = 0; } else { m_wrappedAgent->getReply(data, len, contentType); } } }; /** * Swallow data at various points: * - between "client sent data" and "server receives data" * - after "server received data" and before "server sends reply" * - after "server has sent reply" * * The client deals with it by resending. This is similar to * TransportResendInjector and the ::Resend tests, but more thorough, * and stresses the HTTP server more (needs to deal with "reply not * delivered" error). * * Each send() increments the counter by three, so that 0 aborts * before the first message, 1 after sending it, and 2 after receiving * its reply. * * Swallowing data is implemented via the proxy.py script. This is * necessary because the wrapped agent has no API to trigger the second * error scenario. The wrapped agent is told to use a specific port * on localhost, with the base port passing message and reply through, * "base + 1" intercepting the message, etc. * * Because of the use of a proxy, this cannot be used to test servers * where a real proxy is needed. */ class TransportResendProxy : public TransportWrapper { private: int port; public: TransportResendProxy() : TransportWrapper() { const char *s = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_RESEND_PROXY"); port = s ? atoi(s) : 0; } virtual int getResendFailureThreshold() { return 2; } virtual void send(const char *data, size_t len) { HTTPTransportAgent *agent = dynamic_cast(m_wrappedAgent.get()); CT_ASSERT(agent); m_messageCount += 3; if (m_interruptAtMessage >= 0 && m_interruptAtMessage < m_messageCount && m_interruptAtMessage >= m_messageCount - 3) { int offset = m_interruptAtMessage - m_messageCount + 4; SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "TransportResendProxy: interrupt %s", offset == 1 ? "before sending message" : offset == 2 ? "directly after sending message" : "after receiving reply"); agent->setProxy(StringPrintf("", offset + port)); } else { agent->setProxy(""); } agent->send(data, len); m_status = agent->wait(); } virtual void getReply(const char *&data, size_t &len, std::string &contentType) { if (m_status == FAILED) { data = ""; len = 0; } else { m_wrappedAgent->getReply(data, len, contentType); } } }; /** * Emulates a user suspend just after receving response * from server. */ class UserSuspendInjector : public TransportWrapper{ public: UserSuspendInjector() :TransportWrapper() { } ~UserSuspendInjector() { } virtual void send(const char *data, size_t len) { m_wrappedAgent->send(data, len); m_status = m_wrappedAgent->wait(); } virtual void getReply(const char *&data, size_t &len, std::string &contentType) { if (m_status == FAILED) { data = ""; len = 0; } else { if (m_interruptAtMessage == m_messageCount) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "UserSuspendInjector: user suspend after getting reply #%d", m_messageCount); } m_messageCount++; if (m_interruptAtMessage >= 0 && m_messageCount > m_interruptAtMessage) { m_options->m_isSuspended = true; } m_wrappedAgent->getReply(data, len, contentType); } } }; /** * This function covers different error scenarios that can occur * during real synchronization. To pass, clients must either force a * slow synchronization after a failed synchronization or implement * the error handling described in the design guide (track server's * status for added/updated/deleted items and resend unacknowledged * changes). * * The items used during these tests are synthetic. They are * constructed so that normally a server should be able to handle * twinning during a slow sync correctly. * * Errors are injected into a synchronization by wrapping the normal * HTTP transport agent. The wrapper enumerates messages sent between * client and server (i.e., one message exchange increments the * counter by two), starting from zero. It "cuts" the connection before * sending out the next message to the server respectively after the * server has replied, but before returning the reply to the client. * The first case simulates a lost message from the client to the server * and the second case a lost message from the server to the client. * * The expected result is the same as in an uninterrupted sync, which * is done once at the beginning. * * Each test goes through the following steps: * - client A and B reset local data store * - client A creates 3 new items, remembers LUIDs * - refresh-from-client A sync * - refresh-from-client B sync * - client B creates 3 different items, remembers LUIDs * - client B syncs * - client A syncs => A, B, server are in sync * - client A modifies his items (depends on test) and * sends changes to server => server has changes for B * - client B modifies his items (depends on test) * - client B syncs, transport wrapper simulates lost message n * - client B syncs again, resuming synchronization if possible or * slow sync otherwise (responsibility of the client!) * - client A syncs (not tested yet: A should be sent exactly the changes made by B) * - test that A and B contain same items * - test that A contains the same items as the uninterrupted reference run * - repeat the steps above ranging starting with lost message 0 until no * message got lost * * Set the CLIENT_TEST_INTERRUPT_AT env variable to a message number * >= 0 to execute one uninterrupted run and then interrupt at that * message. Set to -1 to just do the uninterrupted run. */ void SyncTests::doInterruptResume(int changes, boost::shared_ptr wrapper) { int interruptAtMessage = -1; const char *t = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_INTERRUPT_AT"); int requestedInterruptAt = t ? atoi(t) : -2; const char *s = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_INTERRUPT_SLEEP"); int sleep_t = s ? atoi(s) : 0; size_t i; std::string refFileBase = getCurrentTest() + ".ref."; bool equal = true; bool resend = wrapper->getResendFailureThreshold() != -1; bool suspend = dynamic_cast (wrapper.get()) != NULL; bool interrupt = dynamic_cast (wrapper.get()) != NULL; // better be large enough for complete DevInf, 20000 is already a // bit small when running with many stores size_t maxMsgSize = 20000; size_t changedItemSize = (changes & BIG) ? 5 * maxMsgSize / 2 : // large enough to be split over three messages 0; // After running the uninterrupted sync, we remember the number // of sent messages. We never interrupt between sending our // own last message and receiving the servers last reply, // because the server is unable to detect that we didn't get // the reply. It will complete the session whereas the client // suspends, leading to an unexpected slow sync the next time. int maxMsgNum = 0; while (true) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", interruptAtMessage); const char *prefix = interruptAtMessage == -1 ? "complete" : buffer; SyncPrefix prefixA(prefix, *this); SyncPrefix prefixB(prefix, *accessClientB); std::vector< std::list > clientAluids; std::vector< std::list > clientBluids; // create new items in client A and sync to server clientAluids.resize(sources.size()); for (i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { sources[i].second->deleteAll(sources[i].second->createSourceA); clientAluids[i] = sources[i].second->insertManyItems(sources[i].second->createSourceA, 1, 3, 0); } doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "fromA", SyncOptions(RefreshFromLocalMode())); // init client B and add its items to server and client A accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "initB", SyncOptions(RefreshFromPeerMode())); clientBluids.resize(sources.size()); for (i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { clientBluids[i] = accessClientB->sources[i].second->insertManyItems(accessClientB->sources[i].second->createSourceA, 11, 3, 0); } accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "fromB", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "updateA", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); // => client A, B and server in sync with a total of six items // make changes as requested on client A and sync to server for (i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { if (changes & SERVER_ADD) { sources[i].second->insertManyItems(sources[i].second->createSourceA, 4, 1, changedItemSize); } if (changes & SERVER_REMOVE) { // remove second item removeItem(sources[i].second->createSourceA, *(++clientAluids[i].begin())); } if (changes & SERVER_UPDATE) { // update third item updateItem(sources[i].second->createSourceA, sources[i].second->config, *(++ ++clientAluids[i].begin()), sources[i].second->createItem(3, "updated", changedItemSize).c_str()); } } // send using the same mode as in the interrupted sync with client B if (changes & (SERVER_ADD|SERVER_REMOVE|SERVER_UPDATE)) { doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "changesFromA", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY).setMaxMsgSize(maxMsgSize)); } // make changes as requested on client B for (i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { if (changes & CLIENT_ADD) { accessClientB->sources[i].second->insertManyItems(accessClientB->sources[i].second->createSourceA, 14, 1, changedItemSize); } if (changes & CLIENT_REMOVE) { // remove second item removeItem(accessClientB->sources[i].second->createSourceA, *(++clientBluids[i].begin())); } if (changes & CLIENT_UPDATE) { // update third item updateItem(accessClientB->sources[i].second->createSourceA, accessClientB->sources[i].second->config, *(++ ++clientBluids[i].begin()), accessClientB->sources[i].second->createItem(13, "updated", changedItemSize).c_str()); } } // Now do an interrupted sync between B and server. // The explicit delete of the TransportAgent is suppressed // by overloading the delete operator. int wasInterrupted; { CheckSyncReport check(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, false); if (resend && interruptAtMessage > wrapper->getResendFailureThreshold()) { // resend tests must succeed, except for the first // message in the session, which is not resent check.mustSucceed = true; } SyncOptions options(SYNC_TWO_WAY, check); options.setTransportAgent(wrapper); options.setMaxMsgSize(maxMsgSize); // disable resending completely or shorten the resend // interval to speed up testing options.setRetryInterval(resend ? 10 : 0); wrapper->setInterruptAtMessage(interruptAtMessage); accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "changesFromB", options); wasInterrupted = interruptAtMessage != -1 && wrapper->getMessageCount() <= interruptAtMessage; if (!maxMsgNum) { maxMsgNum = wrapper->getMessageCount(); } wrapper->rewind(); } if (interruptAtMessage != -1) { if (wasInterrupted) { // uninterrupted sync, done break; } // continue, wait until server timeout if(sleep_t) sleep (sleep_t); // no need for resend tests, unless they were interrupted at the first message if (!resend || interruptAtMessage <= wrapper->getResendFailureThreshold()) { SyncReport report; accessClientB->doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "retryB", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY, CheckSyncReport().setMode(SYNC_TWO_WAY).setReport(&report))); // Suspending at first and last message doesn't need a // resume, everything else does. When multiple sources // are involved, some may suspend, some may not, so we // cannot check. if (suspend && interruptAtMessage != 0 && interruptAtMessage + 1 != maxMsgNum && report.size() == 1) { BOOST_FOREACH(const SyncReport::SourceReport_t &sourceReport, report) { CT_ASSERT(sourceReport.second.isResumeSync()); } } } } // copy changes to client A doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "toA", SyncOptions(SYNC_TWO_WAY)); // compare client A and B if (interruptAtMessage != -1 && !compareDatabases(refFileBase.c_str(), false)) { equal = false; std::cerr << "====> comparison of client B against reference file(s) failed after interrupting at message #" << interruptAtMessage << std::endl; std::cerr.flush(); } if (!compareDatabases(NULL, false)) { equal = false; std::cerr << "====> comparison of client A and B failed after interrupting at message #" << interruptAtMessage << std::endl; std::cerr.flush(); } // save reference files from uninterrupted run? if (interruptAtMessage == -1) { for (source_it it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) { std::string refFile = refFileBase; refFile += it->second->config.m_sourceName; refFile += ".dat"; simplifyFilename(refFile); TestingSyncSourcePtr source; SOURCE_ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(source.get(), source.reset(it->second->createSourceA())); SOURCE_ASSERT_EQUAL(source.get(), 0, it->second->config.m_dump(client, *source.get(), refFile.c_str())); CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source.reset()); } } // pick next iteration if (requestedInterruptAt == -1) { // user requested to stop after first iteration break; } else if (requestedInterruptAt >= 0) { // only do one interrupted run of the test if (requestedInterruptAt == interruptAtMessage) { break; } else { interruptAtMessage = requestedInterruptAt; } } else { // interrupt one message later than before interruptAtMessage++; if (interrupt && interruptAtMessage + 1 >= maxMsgNum) { // Don't interrupt before the server's last reply, // because then the server thinks we completed the // session when we think we didn't, which leads to a // slow sync. Testing that is better done with a // specific test. break; } if (interruptAtMessage >= maxMsgNum) { // next run would not interrupt at all, stop now break; } } } CT_ASSERT(equal); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeClientAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeClientRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeClientUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeServerAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeServerRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeServerUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeClientAddBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeClientUpdateBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_UPDATE|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeServerAddBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_ADD|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeServerUpdateBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_UPDATE|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testInterruptResumeFull() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD|CLIENT_REMOVE|CLIENT_UPDATE| SERVER_ADD|SERVER_REMOVE|SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportFaultInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendClientAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendClientRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendClientUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendServerAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendServerRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendServerUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendClientAddBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendClientUpdateBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_UPDATE|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendServerAddBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_ADD|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendServerUpdateBig() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_UPDATE|BIG, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testUserSuspendFull() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD|CLIENT_REMOVE|CLIENT_UPDATE| SERVER_ADD|SERVER_REMOVE|SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new UserSuspendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendClientAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendClientRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendClientUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendServerAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendServerRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendServerUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendFull() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD|CLIENT_REMOVE|CLIENT_UPDATE| SERVER_ADD|SERVER_REMOVE|SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendInjector()))); } void SyncTests::testResendProxyClientAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendProxy()))); } void SyncTests::testResendProxyClientRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendProxy()))); } void SyncTests::testResendProxyClientUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendProxy()))); } void SyncTests::testResendProxyServerAdd() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_ADD, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendProxy()))); } void SyncTests::testResendProxyServerRemove() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_REMOVE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendProxy()))); } void SyncTests::testResendProxyServerUpdate() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendProxy()))); } void SyncTests::testResendProxyFull() { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(doInterruptResume(CLIENT_ADD|CLIENT_REMOVE|CLIENT_UPDATE| SERVER_ADD|SERVER_REMOVE|SERVER_UPDATE, boost::shared_ptr (new TransportResendProxy()))); } static bool setDeadSyncURL(SyncContext &context, SyncOptions &options, int port, bool *skipped) { vector urls = context.getSyncURL(); string url; if (urls.size() == 1) { url = urls.front(); } // use IPv4 localhost address, that's what we listen on string fakeURL = StringPrintf("", port); if (boost::starts_with(url, "http")) { context.setSyncURL(fakeURL, true); context.setSyncUsername("foo", true); context.setSyncPassword("bar", true); return false; } else if (boost::starts_with(url, "local://")) { FullProps props = context.getConfigProps(); string target = url.substr(strlen("local://")); props[target].m_syncProps["syncURL"] = fakeURL; props[target].m_syncProps["retryDuration"] = InitStateString("10", true); props[target].m_syncProps["retryInterval"] = InitStateString("10", true); context.setConfigProps(props); return false; } else { // cannot run test, tell parent *skipped = true; return true; } } void SyncTests::testTimeout() { // Create a dead listening socket, then run a sync with a sync URL // which points towards localhost at that port. Do this with no // message resending and a very short overall timeout. The // expectation is that the transmission timeout strikes. time_t start = time(NULL); int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); CT_ASSERT(fd != -1); struct sockaddr_in servaddr; memset(&servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); int res = bind(fd, (sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res); socklen_t len = sizeof(servaddr); res = getsockname(fd, (sockaddr *)&servaddr, &len); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res); res = listen(fd, 10); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res); bool skipped = false; SyncReport report; doSync(__FILE__, __LINE__, "timeout", SyncOptions(SYNC_SLOW, CheckSyncReport(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, false).setReport(&report)) .setPrepareCallback(boost::bind(setDeadSyncURL, _1, _2, ntohs(servaddr.sin_port), &skipped)) .setRetryDuration(20) .setRetryInterval(20)); time_t end = time(NULL); close(fd); if (!skipped) { CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_TRANSPORT_FAILURE, report.getStatus()); CT_ASSERT(end - start >= 19); CT_ASSERT(end - start < 40); // needs to be sufficiently larger than 20s timeout // because under valgrind the startup time is considerable } } void SyncTests::doSync(const SyncOptions &options) { int res = 0; static int syncCounter = 0; static std::string lastTest; std::stringstream logstream; // reset counter when switching tests if (lastTest != getCurrentTest()) { syncCounter = 0; lastTest = getCurrentTest(); } std::string prefix; prefix.reserve(80); for (std::list::iterator it = logPrefixes.begin(); it != logPrefixes.end(); ++it) { prefix += "."; prefix += *it; } if (!prefix.empty()) { printf(" %s", prefix.c_str() + 1); fflush(stdout); } logstream /* << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << syncCounter << "_" */ << getCurrentTest() << prefix << ".client." << (accessClientB ? "A" : "B"); std::string logname = logstream.str(); simplifyFilename(logname); syncCounter++; SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "%d. starting %s with sync mode %s", syncCounter, logname.c_str(), PrettyPrintSyncMode(options.m_syncMode).c_str()); try { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(res = client.doSync(sourceArray, logname, options)); } catch (...) { postSync(res, logname); throw; } CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(postSync(res, logname)); } void SyncTests::postSync(int res, const std::string &logname) { client.postSync(res, logname); } void SyncTests::allSourcesInsert(bool withUID) { BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source_pair.second->doInsert(withUID)); } } void SyncTests::allSourcesUpdate() { BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source_pair.second->update(source_pair.second->createSourceA, source_pair.second->config.m_updateItem)); } } void SyncTests::allSourcesDeleteAll() { BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source_pair.second->deleteAll(source_pair.second->createSourceA)); } } void SyncTests::allSourcesInsertMany(int startIndex, int numItems, std::map > &luids) { BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { std::list l; CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(l = source_pair.second->insertManyItems(source_pair.second->createSourceA, startIndex, numItems, 0)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)numItems, l.size()); // append instead of overwriting - useful when multiple // insertMany calls share the same luid buffer luids[source_pair.first].insert(luids[source_pair.first].end(), l.begin(), l.end()); } } void SyncTests::allSourcesUpdateMany(int startIndex, int numItems, int revision, std::map > &luids, int offset) { BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source_pair.second->updateManyItems(source_pair.second->createSourceA, startIndex, numItems, 0, revision, luids[source_pair.first], offset)); } } void SyncTests::allSourcesRemoveMany(int numItems, std::map > &luids, int offset) { BOOST_FOREACH(source_array_t::value_type &source_pair, sources) { CT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(source_pair.second->removeManyItems(source_pair.second->createSourceA, numItems, luids[source_pair.first], offset)); } } /** generates tests on demand based on what the client supports */ class ClientTestFactory : public CppUnit::TestFactory { public: ClientTestFactory(ClientTest &c) : client(c) {} virtual CppUnit::Test *makeTest() { int source; CppUnit::TestSuite *alltests = new CppUnit::TestSuite("Client"); CppUnit::TestSuite *tests; // create local source tests typedef std::map ConfigMap; ConfigMap configs; tests = new CppUnit::TestSuite(alltests->getName() + "::Source"); for (source=0; source < client.getNumLocalSources(); source++) { ClientTest::Config config; client.getLocalSourceConfig(source, config); if (!config.m_sourceName.empty()) { LocalTests *sourcetests = client.createLocalTests(tests->getName() + "::" + config.m_sourceName, source, config); sourcetests->addTests(); tests->addTest(FilterTest(sourcetests)); configs[config.m_sourceName] = sourcetests; } } // link configs of sources which share the same database BOOST_FOREACH (const ConfigMap::value_type &entry, configs) { LocalTests *sourcetests = entry.second; const ClientTest::Config &config = sourcetests->config; if (!config.m_linkedSources.empty()) { sourcetests->m_linkedSources.push_back(sourcetests); BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string &source, config.m_linkedSources) { sourcetests->m_linkedSources.push_back(configs[source]); } } } alltests->addTest(FilterTest(tests)); tests = 0; // create sync tests with just one source tests = new CppUnit::TestSuite(alltests->getName() + "::Sync"); for (source=0; source < client.getNumSyncSources(); source++) { ClientTest::Config config; client.getSyncSourceConfig(source, config); if (!config.m_sourceName.empty()) { std::vector sources; sources.push_back(source); SyncTests *synctests = client.createSyncTests(tests->getName() + "::" + config.m_sourceName, sources); synctests->addTests(source == 0); tests->addTest(FilterTest(synctests)); } } // create sync tests with all sources enabled, unless we only have one: // that would be identical to the test above std::vector sources; std::string name, name_reversed; for (source=0; source < client.getNumSyncSources(); source++) { ClientTest::Config config; client.getSyncSourceConfig(source, config); if (!config.m_sourceName.empty()) { sources.push_back(source); if (name.size() > 0) { name += "_"; name_reversed = std::string("_") + name_reversed; } name += config.m_sourceName; name_reversed = config.m_sourceName + name_reversed; } } if (sources.size() > 1) { SyncTests *synctests = client.createSyncTests(tests->getName() + "::" + name, sources); synctests->addTests(); tests->addTest(FilterTest(synctests)); synctests = 0; if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_REVERSE_SOURCES")) { // now also in reversed order - who knows, it might make a difference; // typically it just makes the whole run slower, so not enabled // by default std::reverse(sources.begin(), sources.end()); synctests = client.createSyncTests(tests->getName() + "::" + name_reversed, sources); synctests->addTests(); tests->addTest(FilterTest(synctests)); synctests = 0; } } alltests->addTest(FilterTest(tests)); tests = 0; return alltests; } private: ClientTest &client; }; void ClientTest::registerTests() { factory = (void *)new ClientTestFactory(*this); CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().registerFactory((CppUnit::TestFactory *)factory); } ClientTest::ClientTest(int serverSleepSec, const std::string &serverLog) : serverSleepSeconds(serverSleepSec), serverLogFileName(serverLog), factory(NULL) { } ClientTest::~ClientTest() { if(factory) { CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().unregisterFactory((CppUnit::TestFactory *)factory); delete (CppUnit::TestFactory *)factory; factory = 0; } } void ClientTest::registerCleanup(Cleanup_t cleanup) { cleanupSet.insert(cleanup); } void ClientTest::shutdown() { BOOST_FOREACH(Cleanup_t cleanup, cleanupSet) { cleanup(); } } LocalTests *ClientTest::createLocalTests(const std::string &name, int sourceParam, ClientTest::Config &co) { return new LocalTests(name, *this, sourceParam, co); } SyncTests *ClientTest::createSyncTests(const std::string &name, std::vector sourceIndices, bool isClientA) { return new SyncTests(name, *this, sourceIndices, isClientA); } int ClientTest::dump(ClientTest &client, TestingSyncSource &source, const std::string &file) { BackupReport report; boost::shared_ptr node(new VolatileConfigNode); rm_r(file); mkdir_p(file); CT_ASSERT(source.getOperations().m_backupData); source.getOperations().m_backupData(SyncSource::Operations::ConstBackupInfo(), SyncSource::Operations::BackupInfo(SyncSource::Operations::BackupInfo::BACKUP_OTHER, file, node), report); return 0; } void ClientTest::getItems(const std::string &file, list &items, std::string &testcases) { items.clear(); // import the file, trying a .tem file (base file plus patch) // first std::ifstream input; string server = currentServer(); testcases = file + '.' + server +".tem"; input.open(testcases.c_str()); if (input.fail()) { // try server-specific file (like eds_event.ics.local) testcases = file + '.' + server; input.open(testcases.c_str()); } if (input.fail()) { // try base file testcases = file; input.open(testcases.c_str()); } CT_ASSERT(!input.bad()); CT_ASSERT(input.is_open()); std::string data, line; while (input) { bool wasend = false; do { getline(input, line); CT_ASSERT(!input.bad()); // empty lines directly after line which starts with END mark end of record; // check for END necessary becayse vCard 2.1 ENCODING=BASE64 may have empty lines in body of VCARD! if ((line != "\r" && line.size() > 0) || !wasend) { data += line; data += "\n"; } else { if (!data.empty()) { items.push_back(data); } data = ""; } wasend = !line.compare(0, 4, "END:"); } while(!input.eof()); } if (data != "" && data != "\r\n" && data != "\n") { items.push_back(data); } } std::string ClientTest::import(ClientTest &client, TestingSyncSource &source, const ClientTestConfig &config, const std::string &file, std::string &realfile, std::list *luids) { list items; getItems(file, items, realfile); std::string failures; bool doImport = !luids || luids->empty(); std::list::const_iterator it; if (!doImport) { it = luids->begin(); } BOOST_FOREACH(string &data, items) { std::string luid; try { if (doImport) { luid = importItem(&source, config, data); CT_ASSERT(!luid.empty()); if (luids) { luids->push_back(luid); } } else { CT_ASSERT(it != luids->end()); luid = *it; ++it; // Did import already fail? If yes, then don't try to // update because it will also fail. if (!luid.empty()) { // TODO: should fail for status = 6 in eas updateItem(&source, data, luid); } } } catch (...) { std::string explanation; Exception::handle(explanation); failures += "Failed to "; if (doImport) { failures += "import:\n"; } else { failures += "update " + luid + ":\n"; } failures += data; failures += "\n"; failures += explanation; failures += "\n"; if (doImport && luids) { luids->push_back(""); } } } return failures; } bool ClientTest::compare(ClientTest &client, const std::string &fileA, const std::string &fileB) { setenv("CLIENT_TEST_HEADER", "\n\n", 1); setenv("CLIENT_TEST_LEFT_NAME", fileA.c_str(), 1); setenv("CLIENT_TEST_RIGHT_NAME", fileB.c_str(), 1); setenv("CLIENT_TEST_REMOVED", "only in left file", 1); setenv("CLIENT_TEST_ADDED", "only in right file", 1); bool success = false; const char* compareLog = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_COMPARE_LOG"); if(compareLog && strlen(compareLog)) { std::string cmdstr = std::string("synccompare ") + fileA + " " + fileB; string tmpfile = "____compare.log"; cmdstr =string("bash -c 'set -o pipefail;") + cmdstr; cmdstr += " 2>&1|tee " +tmpfile+"'"; success = system(cmdstr.c_str()) == 0; } else { // Shortcut: run synccompare directly, without shell in the middle // (reduces overhead and output when running under valgrind). pid_t child = fork(); switch (child) { case -1: perror("fork"); break; case 0: // child execl("synccompare", "synccompare", fileA.c_str(), fileB.c_str(), (char *)NULL); perror("synccompare"); exit(1); break; default: // parent int status; child = waitpid(child, &status, 0); if (child == -1) { perror("wait for synccompare"); } else if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) { success = true; } break; } } if (!success) { printf("failed: env CLIENT_TEST_SERVER=%s synccompare %s %s\n", currentServer().c_str(), fileA.c_str(), fileB.c_str()); } return success; } void ClientTest::update(std::string &item) { const static char *props[] = { "\nSUMMARY", "\nNOTE", NULL }; for (const char **prop = props; *prop; prop++) { size_t pos; pos = item.find(*prop); if (pos != item.npos) { // Modify existing property. Fast-forward to : (works as // long as colon is not in parameters). pos = item.find(':', pos); } if (pos != item.npos) { item.insert(pos + 1, "MOD-"); } else if (!strcmp(*prop, "\nNOTE") && (pos = item.find("END:VCARD")) != item.npos) { // add property, but only if it is allowed in the item item.insert(pos, "NOTE:MOD\n"); } } } void ClientTest::postSync(int res, const std::string &logname) { #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(serverSleepSeconds * 1000); #else sleep(serverSleepSeconds); // make a copy of the server's log (if found), then truncate it if (serverLogFileName.size()) { int fd = open(serverLogFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR); if (fd >= 0) { int out = open((logname + ".server.log").c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP); if (out) { char buffer[4096]; bool cont = true; ssize_t len; while (cont && (len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { ssize_t total = 0; while (cont && total < len) { ssize_t written = write(out, buffer, len); if (written < 0) { perror(("writing " + logname + ".server.log").c_str()); cont = false; } else { total += written; } } } if (len < 0) { perror(("reading " + serverLogFileName).c_str()); } close(out); } if (ftruncate(fd, 0)) { perror("truncating log file"); } close(fd); } else { perror(serverLogFileName.c_str()); } } #endif } static string mangleGeneric(const std::string &data, bool update) { std::string item = data; if (update) { boost::replace_first(item, "NOTE:", "NOTE:U "); } return item; } static string mangleICalendar20(const std::string &data, bool update) { std::string item = data; std::string type; static const pcrecpp::RE re("BEGIN:(VEVENT|VJOURNAL|VTODO)\n"); re.PartialMatch(data, &type); if (update) { if (type == "VJOURNAL") { // Need to modify first line of description and summary // consistently for a note because in plain text // representation, these lines are expected to be // identical. boost::replace_first(item, "SUMMARY:", "SUMMARY:U "); } boost::replace_first(item, "DESCRIPTION:", "DESCRIPTION:U "); } if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_NO_UID")) { stripProperty(item, "UID"); } else if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_SIMPLE_UID")) { boost::replace_all(item, "UID:1234567890!@#$%^&*()<>@dummy", "UID:1234567890@dummy"); } if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_UNIQUE_UID")) { // Making UID unique per test to avoid issues // when the source already holds older copies. // Might still be an issue in real life?! static time_t start; static std::string test; if (test != getCurrentTest()) { start = time(NULL); test = getCurrentTest(); } std::string unique = StringPrintf("UID:UNIQUE-UID-%llu-", (long long unsigned)start); boost::replace_all(item, "UID:", unique); } else if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_LONG_UID")) { boost::replace_all(item, "UID:", "UID:this-is-a-ridiculously-long-uid-"); } size_t offset = item.find("\nLAST-MODIFIED:"); static const size_t len = strlen("\nLAST-MODIFIED:20100131T235959Z"); if (offset != item.npos) { // Special semantic for iCalendar 2.0: LAST-MODIFIED should be // incremented in updated items. Emulate that by inserting the // current time. time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm tm; gmtime_r(&now, &tm); std::string mod = StringPrintf("\nLAST-MODIFIED:%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02dZ", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); item.replace(offset, len, mod); } const static string sequence("\nSEQUENCE:XXX"); offset = item.find(sequence); if (offset != item.npos) { if (getenv("CLIENT_TEST_INCREASE_SEQUENCE")) { // Increment sequence number in steps of 100 to ensure that our // new item is considered more recent than any corresponding // item in the source. Some storages (Google CalDAV) check that. static int counter = 100; item.replace(offset, sequence.size(), StringPrintf("\nSEQUENCE:%d", counter)); counter += 100; } else { item.replace(offset, sequence.size(), "\nSEQUENCE:1"); } } return item; } static std::string additionalYearly(const std::string &single, const std::string &many, int start, int skip, int index, int total) { int startYear = 2012 + start - 1; std::string event; if (start == 0) { // no missing parent, nothing to add } else if (start == index) { // inserting a single detached recurrence event = StringPrintf(single.c_str(), startYear); } else { // many detached recurrences int endYear = startYear + index - start; std::string exdates; for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++) { // a gap? if ((year - startYear) % (skip + 1)) { exdates += StringPrintf("EXDATE;TZID=Standard Timezone:%04d0101T120000\n", year); } } event = StringPrintf(many.c_str(), startYear, endYear, exdates.c_str()); } SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "additional yearly: start %d, skip %d, index %d/%d:\n%s", start, skip, index, total, event.c_str()); return event; } static std::string additionalMonthly(const std::string &single, const std::string &many, int day, int start, int skip, int index, int total) { int startMonth = 1 + start - 1; std::string event; int endMonth = startMonth + index - start; int time = (endMonth >= 4 && endMonth <= 10) ? 10 : 11; if (start == 0) { } else if (start == index) { event = StringPrintf(single.c_str(), startMonth, day, time); } else { // Monthly recurrence uses INTERVAL instead of // EXDATEs, in contrast to yearly recurrence // (where Exchange somehow didn't grok the // INTERVAL). So EXDATEs are only necessary // for the first, second, last case. if (skip == -1 ) { std::string exdates; for (int month = startMonth; month <= endMonth; month++) { int step = month - startMonth; // a gap? if (step > 1 && step < total - start - 1) { exdates += StringPrintf("EXDATE;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012%02d01T120000\n", month); } } event = StringPrintf(many.c_str(), startMonth, day, endMonth, time, 1, exdates.c_str()); } else { event = StringPrintf(many.c_str(), startMonth, day, endMonth, time, skip + 1, ""); } } SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "additional monthly: start %d, skip %d, index %d/%d:\n%s", start, skip, index, total, event.c_str()); return event; } // instead of trying to determine the dates of all Sundays in 2012 // algorithmically, hard-code them... static const struct { int m_month, m_day; } sundays[] = { { 1, 1 }, { 1, 8 }, { 1, 15 }, { 1, 22 }, { 1, 29 }, { 2, 5 }, { 2, 12 }, { 2, 19 }, { 2, 26 }, { 3, 4 }, { 3, 11 }, { 3, 18 }, // winter time ends on March 25th, week 12 (counting from zero) #define SUNDAYS_2012_WINTER_TIME_ENDS 12 { 3, 25 }, { 4, 1 }, { 4, 8 }, { 4, 15 }, { 4, 22 }, { 4, 29 }, { 5, 6 }, { 5, 13 }, { 5, 20 }, { 5, 27 }, { 6, 3 }, { 6, 10 }, { 6, 17 }, { 6, 24 }, { 7, 1 }, { 7, 8 }, { 7, 15 }, { 7, 22 }, { 7, 29 }, { 8, 5 }, { 8, 12 }, { 8, 19 }, { 8, 26 }, { 9, 2 }, { 9, 9 }, { 9, 16 }, { 9, 23 }, { 9, 30 }, { 10, 7 }, { 10, 14 }, { 10, 21 }, // winter time start on October 28th, week 43 (counting from zero) #define SUNDAYS_2012_WINTER_TIME_STARTS 43 { 10, 28 }, { 11, 4 }, { 11, 11 }, { 11, 18 }, { 11, 25 }, { 12, 2 }, { 12, 9 }, { 12, 16 }, { 12, 23 }, { 12, 30 }, { 0, 0 } }; static std::string additionalWeekly(const std::string &single, const std::string &many, int start, int skip, int index, int total) { int startWeek = start - 1; // numbered from zero in "sundays" array if (startWeek < 0) { startWeek = 0; } std::string event; int endWeek = startWeek + index - start; int time = (endWeek >= SUNDAYS_2012_WINTER_TIME_ENDS && endWeek < SUNDAYS_2012_WINTER_TIME_STARTS) ? 12 : 13; int startMonth = sundays[startWeek].m_month; int startDay = sundays[startWeek].m_day; if (start == 0) { } else if (start == index) { event = StringPrintf(single.c_str(), startMonth, startDay, time); } else { int endMonth = sundays[endWeek].m_month; int endDay = sundays[endWeek].m_day; // Weekly recurrence uses INTERVAL instead of // EXDATEs, in contrast to yearly recurrence // (where Exchange somehow didn't grok the // INTERVAL). So EXDATEs are only necessary // for the first, second, last case. std::string exdates; if (skip == -1 ) { for (int week = startWeek; week <= endWeek; week++) { int step = week - startWeek; // a gap? if (step > 1 && step < total - start - 1) { exdates += StringPrintf("EXDATE;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012%02d%02dT140000\n", sundays[week].m_month, sundays[week].m_day); } } event = StringPrintf(many.c_str(), startMonth, startDay, endMonth, endDay, time, 1, exdates.c_str()); } else { event = StringPrintf(many.c_str(), startMonth, startDay, endMonth, endDay, time, skip + 1, ""); } } SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "additional weekly: start %d, skip %d, index %d/%d:\n%s", start, skip, index, total, event.c_str()); return event; } static void addMonthly(size_t &index, ClientTestConfig::MultipleLinkedItems_t &subset, const std::string &pre, const std::string &post, const char *suffix, int day, int months) { index++; subset.resize(index + 1); ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t *items = &subset[index]; items->m_name = std::string("Monthly") + suffix; /* month varies */ std::string parent = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:monthly\n" "DTSTAMP:20110101T120000Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T121000\n" "SUMMARY:monthly " + suffix + " Berlin\n" "RRULE:BYMONTHDAY=1;COUNT=12;FREQ=MONTHLY\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; std::string child = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:monthly\n" "DTSTAMP:20110101T120000Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T121000\n" "SUMMARY:%1$04d monthly " + suffix + " Berlin\n" "RECURRENCE-ID;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T120000\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; items->push_back(StringPrintf(parent.c_str(), 1, day)); for (int month = 1; month <= months; month++) { items->push_back(StringPrintf(child.c_str(), month, day)); } if (currentServer() == "exchange") { /* month of event varies and UTC time of UNTIL clause (11 during winter time, 10 during summer) */ std::string single = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:[[activesyncd pseudo event - ignore me]]\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T120000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T" "%3$02d" "0000Z;BYMONTHDAY=1;BYMONTH=%1$d\n" "UID:monthly\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; /* first month, last month, UTC time, INTERVAL and sometimes EXDATE varies */ std::string many = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:[[activesyncd pseudo event - ignore me]]\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T120000\n" "RRULE:BYMONTHDAY=1;FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=%5$d;UNTIL=2012" "%3$02d" "%2$02d" "T" "%4$02d" "0000Z\n" "%6$s" "UID:monthly\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; items->m_testLinkedItemsSubsetAdditional = boost::bind(additionalMonthly, single, many, day, _1, _2, _3, _4); } } void ClientTest::getTestData(const char *type, Config &config) { std::string server = currentServer(); config = Config(); char *env = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_RETRY"); config.m_retrySync = (env && !strcmp (env, "t")) ?true :false; env = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_RESEND"); config.m_resendSync = (env && !strcmp (env, "t")) ?true :false; env = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_SUSPEND"); config.m_suspendSync = (env && !strcmp (env, "t")) ?true :false; config.m_sourceKnowsItemSemantic = true; config.m_linkedItemsRelaxedSemantic = true; config.m_itemType = ""; config.m_import = import; config.m_dump = dump; config.m_compare = compare; // Sync::*::testExtensions not enabled by default. config.m_update = 0; config.m_genericUpdate = update; // redirect requests for "eds_event" towards "eds_event_noutc"? bool noutc = false; env = getenv ("CLIENT_TEST_NOUTC"); if (env && !strcmp (env, "t")) { noutc = true; } config.m_mangleItem = mangleGeneric; static std::set vCardEssential = boost::assign::list_of("FN")("N")("UID")("VERSION"), iCalEssential = boost::assign::list_of("DTSTART")("DTEND")("DTSTAMP")("SUMMARY")("UID")("RRULE")("RECURRENCE-ID")("VERSION"); // RRULE is not essential for a valid item, but removing it has implications // for other properties (EXDATE) and other items (detached recurrences) and // thus cannot be tested in testRemoveProperties (because it doesn't know about // these inter-depdendencies). if (!strcmp(type, "eds_contact")) { config.m_sourceName = "eds_contact"; config.m_sourceNameServerTemplate = "addressbook"; config.m_uri = "card3"; // ScheduleWorld config.m_type = "text/vcard"; config.m_essentialProperties = vCardEssential; config.m_insertItem = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "TITLE:tester\n" "FN:John Doe\n" "N:Doe;John;;;\n" "TEL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=VOICE:business 1\n" "X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\\, John\n" "X-MOZILLA-HTML:FALSE\n" "END:VCARD\n"; config.m_updateItem = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "TITLE:tester\n" "FN:Joan Doe\n" "N:Doe;Joan;;;\n" "X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\\, Joan\n" "TEL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=VOICE:business 2\n" "BDAY:2006-01-08\n" "X-MOZILLA-HTML:TRUE\n" "END:VCARD\n"; /* adds a second phone number: */ config.m_complexUpdateItem = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "TITLE:tester\n" "FN:Joan Doe\n" "N:Doe;Joan;;;\n" "X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\\, Joan\n" "TEL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=VOICE:business 1\n" "TEL;TYPE=HOME;TYPE=VOICE:home 2\n" "BDAY:2006-01-08\n" "X-MOZILLA-HTML:TRUE\n" "END:VCARD\n"; /* add a telephone number, email and X-AIM to initial item */ config.m_mergeItem1 = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "TITLE:tester\n" "FN:John Doe\n" "N:Doe;John;;;\n" "X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\\, John\n" "X-MOZILLA-HTML:FALSE\n" "TEL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=VOICE:business 1\n" "EMAIL:john.doe@work.com\n" "X-AIM:AIM JOHN\n" "END:VCARD\n"; config.m_mergeItem2 = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "TITLE:developer\n" "FN:John Doe\n" "N:Doe;John;;;\n" "TEL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=VOICE:123456\n" "X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\\, John\n" "X-MOZILLA-HTML:TRUE\n" "BDAY:2006-01-08\n" "END:VCARD\n"; // use NOTE and N to make the item unique config.m_templateItem = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "TITLE:tester\n" "N:Doe;<>;<>;;\n" "FN:<> Doe\n" "TEL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=VOICE:business 1\n" "X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\\, <>\n" "X-MOZILLA-HTML:FALSE\n" "NOTE:<>\n" "END:VCARD\n"; config.m_uniqueProperties = ""; config.m_sizeProperty = "NOTE"; config.m_testcases = "testcases/eds_contact.vcf"; if (server == "exchange" || server == "googleeas") { // X-MOZILLA-HTML not supported by ActiveSync. boost::replace_first(config.m_updateItem, "X-MOZILLA-HTML:TRUE", "X-MOZILLA-HTML:FALSE"); boost::replace_first(config.m_complexUpdateItem, "X-MOZILLA-HTML:TRUE", "X-MOZILLA-HTML:FALSE"); boost::replace_first(config.m_mergeItem2, "X-MOZILLA-HTML:TRUE", "X-MOZILLA-HTML:FALSE"); } } else if (!strcmp(type, "eds_event") && !noutc) { config.m_sourceName = "eds_event"; config.m_sourceNameServerTemplate = "calendar"; config.m_uri = "cal2"; // ScheduleWorld config.m_type = "text/x-vcalendar"; config.m_essentialProperties = iCalEssential; if (server == "exchange") { // currently cannot remove EXDATE properties, see BMC #24290 config.m_essentialProperties.insert("EXDATE"); } config.m_mangleItem = mangleICalendar20; config.m_insertItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:phone meeting - old\n" "DTEND:20060406T163000Z\n" "DTSTART:20060406T160000Z\n" "UID:1234567890!@#$%^&*()<>@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20060406T211449Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060409T213201Z\n" "CREATED:20060409T213201Z\n" "LOCATION:my office\n" "DESCRIPTION:let's talk<>\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_updateItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:meeting on site - updated\n" "DTEND:20060406T163000Z\n" "DTSTART:20060406T160000Z\n" "UID:1234567890!@#$%^&*()<>@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20060406T211449Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060409T213201Z\n" "CREATED:20060409T213201Z\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "LOCATION:big meeting room\n" "DESCRIPTION:nice to see you\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; /* change location and description of insertItem in testMerge(), add alarm */ config.m_mergeItem1 = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:phone meeting\n" "DTEND:20060406T163000Z\n" "DTSTART:20060406T160000Z\n" "UID:1234567890!@#$%^&*()<>@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20060406T211449Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060409T213201Z\n" "CREATED:20060409T213201Z\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "LOCATION:calling from home\n" "DESCRIPTION:let's talk\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "BEGIN:VALARM\n" "DESCRIPTION:alarm\n" "ACTION:DISPLAY\n" "TRIGGER;VALUE=DURATION;RELATED=START:-PT15M\n" "END:VALARM\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; /* change location to something else, add category */ config.m_mergeItem2 = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:phone meeting\n" "DTEND:20060406T163000Z\n" "DTSTART:20060406T160000Z\n" "UID:1234567890!@#$%^&*()<>@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20060406T211449Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060409T213201Z\n" "CREATED:20060409T213201Z\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "LOCATION:my office\n" "CATEGORIES:WORK\n" "DESCRIPTION:what the heck\\, let's even shout a bit\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; // Servers have very different understandings of how // recurrence interacts with time zones and RRULE. // Must use different test cases for some servers to // avoid having the linkedItems test cases fail // because of that. // default: time zones + UNTIL in UTC, with VALARM config.m_linkedItems.resize(1); config.m_linkedItems[0].m_name = "Default"; config.m_linkedItems[0].resize(2); config.m_linkedItems[0][0] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" "TZID:Europe/Berlin\n" "X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin\n" "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0100\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0200\n" "TZNAME:CEST\n" "DTSTART:19700329T020000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3\n" "END:DAYLIGHT\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0200\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0100\n" "TZNAME:CET\n" "DTSTART:19701025T030000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20080407T193125Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20080406T090000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20080406T093000\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring\n" "DESCRIPTION:recurs each Monday\\, 10 times\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20080608T070000Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=SU\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193241Z\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_linkedItems[0][1] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" "TZID:Europe/Berlin\n" "X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin\n" "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0100\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0200\n" "TZNAME:CEST\n" "DTSTART:19700329T020000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3\n" "END:DAYLIGHT\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0200\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0100\n" "TZNAME:CET\n" "DTSTART:19701025T030000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20080407T193125Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20080413T090000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20080413T093000\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring: Modified\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193647Z\n" "RECURRENCE-ID;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20080413T090000\n" "DESCRIPTION:second instance modified\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; bool recurringAllDay = false; bool recurringNoTZ = false; bool subsets = false; if (server == "funambol") { // converts UNTIL into floating time - broken?! config.m_linkedItems[0].m_name = "UntilFloatTime"; config.m_linkedItems[0][0] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" "TZID:Europe/Berlin\n" "X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin\n" "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0100\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0200\n" "TZNAME:CEST\n" "DTSTART:19700329T020000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3\n" "END:DAYLIGHT\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0200\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0100\n" "TZNAME:CET\n" "DTSTART:19701025T030000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20080407T193125Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20080406T090000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20080406T093000\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring\n" "DESCRIPTION:recurs each Monday\\, 10 times\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20080608T090000;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=SU\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193241Z\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; } else if (server == "mobical") { // UTC time config.m_linkedItems[0].m_name = "UTC"; config.m_linkedItems[0][0] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20080407T193125Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART:20080406T070000Z\n" "DTEND:20080406T073000Z\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring\n" "DESCRIPTION:recurs each Monday\\, 10 times\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20080608T070000Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=SU\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193241Z\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_linkedItems[0][1] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20080407T193125Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART:20080413T070000Z\n" "DTEND:20080413T073000Z\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring: Modified\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193647Z\n" "RECURRENCE-ID:20080413T070000Z\n" "DESCRIPTION:second instance modified\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; } else if (server == "memotoo") { // local floating time, always, regardless what the original // time zone might have been (TZID, UTC, floating) config.m_linkedItems[0].m_name = "LocalTime"; config.m_linkedItems[0][0] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20080407T193125Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART:20080406T070000\n" "DTEND:20080406T073000\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring\n" "DESCRIPTION:recurs each Monday\\, 10 times\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20080608T070000;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=SU\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193241Z\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_linkedItems[0][1] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20080407T193125Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART:20080413T070000\n" "DTEND:20080413T073000\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring: Modified\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193647Z\n" "RECURRENCE-ID:20080413T070000\n" "DESCRIPTION:second instance modified\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; // also affects normal test items std::string *items[] = { &config.m_insertItem, &config.m_updateItem, &config.m_mergeItem1, &config.m_mergeItem2 }; BOOST_FOREACH(std::string *item, items) { static const pcrecpp::RE times("^(DTSTART|DTEND)(.*)Z$", pcrecpp::RE_Options().set_multiline(true)); times.GlobalReplace("\\1\\2", item); } } else if (server == "exchange") { config.m_linkedItems[0].m_name = "StandardTZ"; BOOST_FOREACH(std::string &item, config.m_linkedItems[0]) { // time zone name changes on server to "Standard Timezone", // with some information stripped boost::replace_all(item, "Europe/Berlin", "Standard Timezone"); // some properties are not stored/supported boost::replace_all(item, "TZNAME:CET\n", ""); boost::replace_all(item, "TZNAME:CEST\n", ""); boost::replace_all(item, "X-LIC-LOCATION:Standard Timezone\n", ""); } recurringAllDay = true; subsets = true; } else { // in particular for Google Calendar: also try with // VALARM, because testing showed that the server works // differently with and without VALARM data included config.m_linkedItems.resize(2); config.m_linkedItems[1].m_name = "WithVALARM"; config.m_linkedItems[1].resize(2); const std::string valarm = "BEGIN:VALARM\n" "ACTION:DISPLAY\n" "DESCRIPTION:This is an event reminder\n" "TRIGGER;VALUE=DURATION;RELATED=START:-PT1H\n" "X-EVOLUTION-ALARM-UID:foo@bar\n" "END:VALARM\nEND:VEVENT"; config.m_linkedItems[1][0] = config.m_linkedItems[0][0]; boost::replace_first(config.m_linkedItems[1][0], "END:VEVENT", valarm); config.m_linkedItems[1][1] = config.m_linkedItems[0][1]; boost::replace_first(config.m_linkedItems[1][1], "END:VEVENT", valarm); // also enable other linked item variants recurringAllDay = true; recurringNoTZ = true; } if (boost::starts_with(server, "google")) { // converts local time into time zone of the user, // which breaks the test recurringNoTZ = false; } // test is fairly slow, only test with some CalDAV servers if (boost::starts_with(server, "apple")) { subsets = true; } if (recurringAllDay) { // also test recurring all-day events with exceptions size_t index = config.m_linkedItems.size(); config.m_linkedItems.resize(index + 1); config.m_linkedItems[index].m_name = "AllDay"; config.m_linkedItems[index].resize(2); config.m_linkedItems[index][0] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20110829T130000Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20080406\n" "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20080407\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring all day event\n" "DESCRIPTION:recurs each Monday\\, 3 times\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20080420;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=SU\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193241Z\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; // workaround for http://code.google.com/p/google-caldav-issues/issues/detail?id=63 // Google CalDAV inserts a time into the UNTIL clause, do the same in the // reference data. if (boost::starts_with(server, "google")) { config.m_linkedItems[index].m_name = "AllDayGoogle"; boost::replace_first(config.m_linkedItems[index][0], "UNTIL=20080420", "UNTIL=20080420T070000Z"); } config.m_linkedItems[index][1] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:20110829T130000Z-19554-727-1-50@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20080407T193125Z\n" "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20080413\n" "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20080414\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "SUMMARY:Recurring: Modified second instance\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "CREATED:20080407T193241Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20080407T193647Z\n" "RECURRENCE-ID;VALUE=DATE:20080413\n" "DESCRIPTION:second instance modified\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; } if (recurringNoTZ) { // also test recurring event with no timezone size_t index = config.m_linkedItems.size(); config.m_linkedItems.resize(index + 1); config.m_linkedItems[index].m_name = "NoTZ"; config.m_linkedItems[index].resize(2); config.m_linkedItems[index][0] = config.m_linkedItems[0][0]; config.m_linkedItems[index][1] = config.m_linkedItems[0][1]; stripComponent(config.m_linkedItems[index][0], "VTIMEZONE"); stripParameters(config.m_linkedItems[index][0], "TZID"); stripComponent(config.m_linkedItems[index][1], "VTIMEZONE"); stripParameters(config.m_linkedItems[index][1], "TZID"); } if (subsets) { static const std::string pre = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" // Actually, this is Europe/Berlin. // Was renamed to fit the simplified activesyncd naming // and DTSTART was adapted. "TZID:Standard Timezone\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "DTSTART:19701025T030000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0200\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0100\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT\n" "DTSTART:19700329T020000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0100\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0200\n" "END:DAYLIGHT\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n"; static const std::string post = "END:VCALENDAR\n"; size_t index = config.m_linkedItemsSubset.size(); config.m_linkedItemsSubset.resize(index + 1); ClientTestConfig::LinkedItems_t *items = &config.m_linkedItemsSubset[index]; items->m_name = "Yearly"; /* year varies */ std::string parent = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:yearly\n" "DTSTAMP:20110101T120000Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T121000\n" "SUMMARY:yearly Berlin\n" "RRULE:BYMONTH=1;BYMONTHDAY=1;UNTIL=20140101T110000Z;FREQ=YEARLY\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; std::string child = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:yearly\n" "DTSTAMP:20110101T120000Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T121000\n" "SUMMARY:" "%1$04d" "yearly Berlin\n" "RECURRENCE-ID;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T120000\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; boost::assign::push_back(config.m_linkedItemsSubset[index]) (StringPrintf(parent.c_str(), 2012)) (StringPrintf(child.c_str(), 2012)) (StringPrintf(child.c_str(), 2013)) (StringPrintf(child.c_str(), 2014)) ; if (server == "exchange") { /* only year of event varies */ std::string single = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:[[activesyncd pseudo event - ignore me]]\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T120000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=" "%1$04d" "0101T110000Z;BYMONTHDAY=1;BYMONTH=1\n" "UID:yearly\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; /* first year, last year and EXDATE varies */ std::string many = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:[[activesyncd pseudo event - ignore me]]\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T120000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:" "%1$04d" "0101T120000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=" "%2$04d" "0101T110000Z;BYMONTHDAY=1;BYMONTH=1\n" "%3$s" "UID:yearly\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; items->m_testLinkedItemsSubsetAdditional = boost::bind(additionalYearly, single, many, _1, _2, _3, _4); } addMonthly(index, config.m_linkedItemsSubset, pre, post, "First", 1, 12); addMonthly(index, config.m_linkedItemsSubset, pre, post, "Middle", 1, 6); index++; config.m_linkedItemsSubset.resize(index + 1); items = &config.m_linkedItemsSubset[index]; items->m_name = "Weekly"; items->push_back(pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:weekly\n" "DTSTAMP:20110101T120000Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:20120101T140000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:20120101T141000\n" "SUMMARY:weekly Sunday Berlin\n" "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=54;BYDAY=SU\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post); for (int i = 0; sundays[i].m_month; i++) { items->push_back(StringPrintf((pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "UID:weekly\n" "DTSTAMP:20110101T120000Z\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d%2$02d" "T140000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d%2$02d" "T141000\n" "SUMMARY:2012-%1$02d-%2$02d %3$d. weekly Sunday Berlin\n" "RECURRENCE-ID;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d%2$02d" "T140000\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post).c_str(), sundays[i].m_month, sundays[i].m_day, i + 1)); } if (server == "exchange") { /* date varies and UTC time of UNTIL clause (11 during winter time, 10 during summer) */ std::string single = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:[[activesyncd pseudo event - ignore me]]\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T140000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T140000\n" "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T" "%3$02d" "0000Z;BYMONTHDAY=%2$d;BYMONTH=%1$d\n" "UID:weekly\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; /* first month, last month, UTC time, INTERVAL and sometimes EXDATE varies */ std::string many = pre + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:[[activesyncd pseudo event - ignore me]]\n" "DTSTART;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T140000\n" "DTEND;TZID=Standard Timezone:2012" "%1$02d" "%2$02d" "T140000\n" "RRULE:BYDAY=SU;FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=%6$d;UNTIL=2012" "%3$02d" "%4$02d" "T" "%5$02d" "0000Z\n" "%7$s" "UID:weekly\n" "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n" "END:VEVENT\n" + post; items ->m_testLinkedItemsSubsetAdditional = boost::bind(additionalWeekly, single, many, _1, _2, _3, _4); } } config.m_templateItem = config.m_insertItem; config.m_uniqueProperties = "SUMMARY:UID:LOCATION"; config.m_sizeProperty = "DESCRIPTION"; config.m_testcases = "testcases/eds_event.ics"; } else if (!strcmp(type, "eds_event_noutc") || (!strcmp(type, "eds_event") && noutc)) { config.m_sourceName = "eds_event"; config.m_sourceNameServerTemplate = "calendar"; config.m_uri = "cal2"; // ScheduleWorld config.m_type = "text/x-vcalendar"; config.m_essentialProperties = iCalEssential; config.m_mangleItem = mangleICalendar20; config.m_insertItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" "TZID:Asia/Shanghai\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "DTSTART:19670101T000000\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0800\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0800\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" "TZID:/freeassociation.sourceforge.net/Tzfile/Asia/Shanghai\n" "X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Shanghai\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "TZNAME:CST\n" "DTSTART:19700914T230000\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0800\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0800\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:phone meeting\n" "DTEND;TZID=/freeassociation.sourceforge.net/Tzfile/Asia/Shanghai:20060406T163000\n" "DTSTART;TZID=/freeassociation.sourceforge.net/Tzfile/Asia/Shanghai:20060406T160000\n" "UID:1234567890!@#$%^&*()<>@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20060406T211449Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060409T213201Z\n" "CREATED:20060409T213201Z\n" "LOCATION:my office\n" "DESCRIPTION:let's talk<>\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_updateItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" "TZID:Asia/Shanghai\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "DTSTART:19670101T000000\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0800\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0800\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n" "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" "TZID:/freeassociation.sourceforge.net/Tzfile/Asia/Shanghai\n" "X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Shanghai\n" "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" "TZNAME:CST\n" "DTSTART:19700914T230000\n" "TZOFFSETFROM:+0800\n" "TZOFFSETTO:+0800\n" "END:STANDARD\n" "END:VTIMEZONE\n" "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" "SUMMARY:meeting on site\n" "DTEND;TZID=/freeassociation.sourceforge.net/Tzfile/Asia/Shanghai:20060406T163000\n" "DTSTART;TZID=/freeassociation.sourceforge.net/Tzfile/Asia/Shanghai:20060406T160000\n" "UID:1234567890!@#$%^&*()<>@dummyVEVENT\n" "DTSTAMP:20060406T211449Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060409T213201Z\n" "CREATED:20060409T213201Z\n" "LOCATION:big meeting room\n" "DESCRIPTION:nice to see you\n" "CLASS:PUBLIC\n" "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n" "SEQUENCE:XXX\n" "END:VEVENT\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; /* change location and description of insertItem in testMerge(), add alarm */ config.m_mergeItem1 = ""; config.m_mergeItem2 = ""; config.m_templateItem = config.m_insertItem; config.m_uniqueProperties = "SUMMARY:UID:LOCATION"; config.m_sizeProperty = "DESCRIPTION"; config.m_testcases = "testcases/eds_event.ics"; } else if(!strcmp(type, "eds_task")) { config.m_sourceName = "eds_task"; config.m_sourceNameServerTemplate = "todo"; config.m_uri = "task2"; // ScheduleWorld config.m_type = "text/x-vcalendar"; config.m_essentialProperties = iCalEssential; config.m_mangleItem = mangleICalendar20; config.m_insertItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTODO\n" "UID:20060417T173712Z-4360-727-1-2730@dummyVTODO\n" "DTSTAMP:20060417T173712Z\n" "SUMMARY:do me\n" "DESCRIPTION:to be done<>\n" "PRIORITY:0\n" "STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION\n" "CREATED:20060417T173712Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060417T173712Z\n" "END:VTODO\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_updateItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTODO\n" "UID:20060417T173712Z-4360-727-1-2730@dummyVTODO\n" "DTSTAMP:20060417T173712Z\n" "SUMMARY:do me ASAP\n" "DESCRIPTION:to be done\n" "PRIORITY:1\n" "STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION\n" "CREATED:20060417T173712Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060417T173712Z\n" "END:VTODO\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; /* change summary in insertItem in testMerge() */ config.m_mergeItem1 = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTODO\n" "UID:20060417T173712Z-4360-727-1-2730@dummyVTODO\n" "DTSTAMP:20060417T173712Z\n" "SUMMARY:do me please\\, please\n" "DESCRIPTION:to be done\n" "PRIORITY:0\n" "STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION\n" "CREATED:20060417T173712Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060417T173712Z\n" "END:VTODO\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_mergeItem2 = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VTODO\n" "UID:20060417T173712Z-4360-727-1-2730@dummyVTODO\n" "DTSTAMP:20060417T173712Z\n" "SUMMARY:do me\n" "DESCRIPTION:to be done\n" "PRIORITY:7\n" "STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION\n" "CREATED:20060417T173712Z\n" "LAST-MODIFIED:20060417T173712Z\n" "END:VTODO\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_templateItem = config.m_insertItem; config.m_uniqueProperties = "SUMMARY:UID"; config.m_sizeProperty = "DESCRIPTION"; config.m_testcases = "testcases/eds_task.ics"; } else if(!strcmp(type, "eds_memo")) { // The "eds_memo" test uses iCalendar 2.0 VJOURNAL // as format because synccompare doesn't handle // plain text. A backend which wants to use this // test data must support importing/exporting // the test data in that format, see EvolutionMemoSource // for an example. config.m_uri = "note"; // ScheduleWorld config.m_sourceName = "eds_memo"; config.m_sourceNameServerTemplate = "memo"; config.m_type = "memo"; config.m_itemType = "text/calendar"; config.m_essentialProperties = iCalEssential; config.m_mangleItem = mangleICalendar20; config.m_insertItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VJOURNAL\n" "SUMMARY:Summary\n" "DESCRIPTION:Summary\\nBody text\n" "END:VJOURNAL\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_updateItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VJOURNAL\n" "SUMMARY:Summary Modified\n" "DESCRIPTION:Summary Modified\\nBody text\n" "END:VJOURNAL\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; /* change summary, as in updateItem, and the body in the other merge item */ config.m_mergeItem1 = config.m_updateItem; config.m_mergeItem2 = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VJOURNAL\n" "SUMMARY:Summary\n" "DESCRIPTION:Summary\\nBody modified\n" "END:VJOURNAL\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_templateItem = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" "PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n" "VERSION:2.0\n" "BEGIN:VJOURNAL\n" "SUMMARY:Summary\n" "DESCRIPTION:Summary\\nBody text <>\n" "END:VJOURNAL\n" "END:VCALENDAR\n"; config.m_uniqueProperties = "SUMMARY:DESCRIPTION"; config.m_sizeProperty = "DESCRIPTION"; config.m_testcases = "testcases/eds_memo.ics"; }else if (!strcmp (type, "calendar+todo")) { config.m_uri=""; config.m_sourceNameServerTemplate = "calendar+todo"; } } void CheckSyncReport::check(SyncMLStatus status, SyncReport &report) const { if (m_report) { *m_report = report; } stringstream str; str << report; str << "----------|--------CLIENT---------|--------SERVER---------|\n"; str << " | NEW | MOD | DEL | NEW | MOD | DEL |\n"; str << "----------|-----------------------------------------------|\n"; str << StringPrintf("Expected | %3d | %3d | %3d | %3d | %3d | %3d |\n", clientAdded, clientUpdated, clientDeleted, serverAdded, serverUpdated, serverDeleted); str << "Expected sync mode: " << PrettyPrintSyncMode(syncMode) << "\n"; str << "Expected cycles: " << restarts + 1 << "\n"; SE_LOG_INFO(NULL, NULL, "sync report:\n%s\n", str.str().c_str()); if (mustSucceed) { // both STATUS_OK and STATUS_HTTP_OK map to the same // string, so check the formatted status first, then // the numerical one CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("no error (remote, status 0)"), Status2String(status)); CT_ASSERT_EQUAL(STATUS_OK, status); } BOOST_FOREACH(SyncReport::value_type &entry, report) { const std::string &name = entry.first; const SyncSourceReport &source = entry.second; SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "Checking sync source %s...", name.c_str()); if (mustSucceed) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, STATUS_OK, source.getStatus()); } check(name, source); } SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "Done with checking sync report."); } void CheckSyncReport::check(const std::string &name, const SyncSourceReport &source) const { // this code is intentionally duplicated to produce nicer CPPUNIT asserts CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, 0, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ANY, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REJECT)); CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, 0, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ANY, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REJECT)); const char* checkSyncModeStr = getenv("CLIENT_TEST_NOCHECK_SYNCMODE"); bool checkSyncMode = true; bool checkSyncStats = getenv ("CLIENT_TEST_NOCHECK_SYNCSTATS") ? false : true; if (checkSyncModeStr && (!strcmp(checkSyncModeStr, "1") || !strcasecmp(checkSyncModeStr, "t"))) { checkSyncMode = false; } if (syncMode != SYNC_NONE && checkSyncMode) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, syncMode, source.getFinalSyncMode()); } CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, restarts + 1, source.getRestarts() + 1); if (clientAdded != -1 && checkSyncStats) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, clientAdded, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ADDED, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_TOTAL)); } if (clientUpdated != -1 && checkSyncStats) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, clientUpdated, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_UPDATED, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_TOTAL)); } if (clientDeleted != -1 && checkSyncStats) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, clientDeleted, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_LOCAL, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOVED, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_TOTAL)); } if (serverAdded != -1 && checkSyncStats) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, serverAdded, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_ADDED, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_TOTAL)); } if (serverUpdated != -1 && checkSyncStats) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, serverUpdated, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_UPDATED, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_TOTAL)); } if (serverDeleted != -1 && checkSyncStats) { CLIENT_TEST_EQUAL(name, serverDeleted, source.getItemStat(SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOTE, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_REMOVED, SyncSourceReport::ITEM_TOTAL)); } } /** @} */ /** @endcond */ #endif // ENABLE_INTEGRATION_TESTS SE_END_CXX