/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Patrick Ohly * Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; SE_BEGIN_CXX // synopsis and options char strings #include "CmdlineHelp.c" Cmdline::Cmdline(int argc, const char * const * argv) : m_argc(argc), m_argv(argv), m_validSyncProps(SyncConfig::getRegistry()), m_validSourceProps(SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry()) {} Cmdline::Cmdline(const vector &args) : m_args(args), m_validSyncProps(SyncConfig::getRegistry()), m_validSourceProps(SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry()) { m_argc = args.size(); m_argvArray.reset(new const char *[args.size()]); for(int i = 0; i < m_argc; i++) { m_argvArray[i] = m_args[i].c_str(); } m_argv = m_argvArray.get(); } Cmdline::Cmdline(const char *arg, ...) : m_validSyncProps(SyncConfig::getRegistry()), m_validSourceProps(SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry()) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, arg); for (const char *curr = arg; curr; curr = va_arg(argList, const char *)) { m_args.push_back(curr); } va_end(argList); m_argc = m_args.size(); m_argvArray.reset(new const char *[m_args.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < m_argc; i++) { m_argvArray[i] = m_args[i].c_str(); } m_argv = m_argvArray.get(); } bool Cmdline::parse() { vector parsed; return parse(parsed); } /** * Detects "--sync foo", "--sync=foo", "-s foo". */ static bool IsKeyword(const std::string arg, const char *longWord, const char *shortWord) { return boost::istarts_with(arg, std::string(longWord) + "=") || boost::iequals(arg, longWord) || boost::iequals(arg, shortWord); } bool Cmdline::parse(vector &parsed) { parsed.clear(); if (m_argc) { parsed.push_back(m_argv[0]); } m_delimiter = "\n\n"; // All command line options which ask for a specific operation, // like --restore, --print-config, ... Used to detect conflicting // operations. vector operations; int opt = 1; bool ok; while (opt < m_argc) { parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--")) { // separator between options and : // swallow it and leave option parsing opt++; break; } if (m_argv[opt][0] != '-') { if (strchr(m_argv[opt], '=')) { // property assignment if (!parseProp(UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_TYPE, NULL, m_argv[opt], NULL)) { return false; } else { opt++; continue; } } else { break; } } if (IsKeyword(m_argv[opt], "--sync", "-s")) { if (!parseAssignment(opt, parsed, SOURCE_PROPERTY_TYPE, "sync", NULL)) { return false; } // disable requirement to add --run explicitly in order to // be compatible with traditional command lines m_run = true; } else if (IsKeyword(m_argv[opt], "--keyring", "-k")) { if (!parseAssignment(opt, parsed, SYNC_PROPERTY_TYPE, "keyring", "true")) { return false; } } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--sync-property") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-y")) { opt++; if (!parseProp(SYNC_PROPERTY_TYPE, m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt])) { return false; } parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--source-property") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-z")) { opt++; if (!parseProp(SOURCE_PROPERTY_TYPE, m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt])) { return false; } parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); }else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--template") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-l")) { opt++; if (opt >= m_argc) { usage(false, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_template = m_argv[opt]; m_configure = true; string temp = boost::trim_copy (m_template); if (temp.find ("?") == 0){ m_printTemplates = true; m_dontrun = true; m_template = temp.substr (1); } } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-databases")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printDatabases = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-servers") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-peers") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-configs")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printServers = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-config") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-p")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printConfig = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-sessions")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printSessions = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--configure") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-c")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_configure = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--remove")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_remove = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--run") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-r")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_run = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--restore")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); opt++; if (opt >= m_argc) { usage(false, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } m_restore = m_argv[opt]; if (m_restore.empty()) { usage(false, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } //if can't convert it successfully, it's an invalid path if (!relToAbs(m_restore)) { usage(false, string("parameter '") + m_restore + "' for " + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1]) + " must be log directory"); return false; } parsed.push_back(m_restore); } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--before")) { m_before = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--after")) { m_after = true; } else if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--print-items")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_printItems = m_accessItems = true; } else if ((boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--export") && (m_export = true)) || (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--import") && (m_import = true)) || (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--update") && (m_update = true))) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_accessItems = true; opt++; if (opt >= m_argc || !m_argv[opt][0]) { usage(false, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } m_itemPath = m_argv[opt]; if (m_itemPath != "-") { string dir, file; splitPath(m_itemPath, dir, file); if (dir.empty()) { dir = "."; } if (!relToAbs(dir)) { SyncContext::throwError(dir, errno); } m_itemPath = dir + "/" + file; } parsed.push_back(m_itemPath); } else if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--delimiter")) { opt++; if (opt >= m_argc) { usage(false, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1])); return false; } m_delimiter = m_argv[opt]; parsed.push_back(m_delimiter); } else if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--delete-items")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_deleteItems = m_accessItems = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--dry-run")) { m_dryrun = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--migrate")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_migrate = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--status") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-t")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_status = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--quiet") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-q")) { m_quiet = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--help") || boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-h")) { m_usage = true; } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--version")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_version = true; } else if (parseBool(opt, "--daemon", NULL, true, m_useDaemon, ok)) { if (!ok) { return false; } } else if(boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--monitor")|| boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "-m")) { operations.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_monitor = true; } else if (boost::iequals(m_argv[opt], "--luids")) { // all following parameters are luids; can't be combined // with setting config and source name while (++opt < m_argc) { parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); m_luids.push_back(CmdlineLUID::toLUID(m_argv[opt])); } } else { usage(false, string(m_argv[opt]) + ": unknown parameter"); return false; } opt++; } if (opt < m_argc) { m_server = m_argv[opt++]; while (opt < m_argc) { parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); if (m_sources.empty() || !m_accessItems) { m_sources.insert(m_argv[opt++]); } else { // first additional parameter was source, rest are luids m_luids.push_back(CmdlineLUID::toLUID(m_argv[opt++])); } } } // check whether we have conflicting operations requested by user if (operations.size() > 1) { usage(false, boost::join(operations, " ") + ": mutually exclusive operations"); return false; } // common sanity checking for item listing/import/export/update if (m_accessItems) { if ((m_import || m_update) && m_dryrun) { usage(false, operations[0] + ": --dry-run not supported"); return false; } } return true; } bool Cmdline::parseBool(int opt, const char *longName, const char *shortName, bool def, Bool &value, bool &ok) { string option = m_argv[opt]; string param; size_t pos = option.find('='); if (pos != option.npos) { param = option.substr(pos + 1); option.resize(pos); } if ((longName && boost::iequals(option, longName)) || (shortName && boost::iequals(option, shortName))) { ok = true; if (param.empty()) { value = def; } else if (boost::iequals(param, "t") || boost::iequals(param, "1") || boost::iequals(param, "true") || boost::iequals(param, "yes")) { value = true; } else if (boost::iequals(param, "f") || boost::iequals(param, "0") || boost::iequals(param, "false") || boost::iequals(param, "no")) { value = false; } else { usage(false, string("parameter in '") + m_argv[opt] + "' must be 1/t/true/yes or 0/f/false/no"); ok = false; } // was our option return true; } else { // keep searching for match return false; } } bool Cmdline::isSync() { // make sure command line arguments really try to run sync if (m_usage || m_version || m_printServers || boost::trim_copy(m_server) == "?" || m_printTemplates || m_dontrun || m_argc == 1 || (m_useDaemon.wasSet() && m_argc == 2) || m_printDatabases || m_printConfig || m_remove || (m_server == "" && m_argc > 1) || m_configure || m_migrate || m_status || m_printSessions || !m_restore.empty() || m_accessItems || m_dryrun || (!m_run && m_props.hasProperties(FullProps::IGNORE_GLOBAL_PROPS))) { return false; } else { return true; } } bool Cmdline::isRestore() const { return !m_restore.empty(); } bool Cmdline::dontRun() const { // this mimics the if() checks in run() if (m_usage || m_version || m_printServers || boost::trim_copy(m_server) == "?" || m_printTemplates) { return false; } else { return m_dontrun; } } void Cmdline::makeObsolete(boost::shared_ptr &from) { string oldname = from->getRootPath(); string newname, suffix; for (int counter = 0; true; counter++) { ostringstream newsuffix; newsuffix << ".old"; if (counter) { newsuffix << "." << counter; } suffix = newsuffix.str(); newname = oldname + suffix; if (from->hasPeerProperties()) { boost::shared_ptr renamed(new SyncConfig(from->getPeerName() + suffix)); if (renamed->exists()) { // don't pick a config name which has the same peer name // as some other, existing config continue; } } // now renaming should succeed, but let's check anyway if (!rename(oldname.c_str(), newname.c_str())) { break; } else if (errno != EEXIST && errno != ENOTEMPTY) { SE_THROW(StringPrintf("renaming %s to %s: %s", oldname.c_str(), newname.c_str(), strerror(errno))); } } string newConfigName; string oldContext = from->getContextName(); if (from->hasPeerProperties()) { newConfigName = from->getPeerName() + suffix + oldContext; } else { newConfigName = oldContext + suffix; } from.reset(new SyncConfig(newConfigName)); } void Cmdline::copyConfig(const boost::shared_ptr &from, const boost::shared_ptr &to, const set &selectedSources) { const set *sources = NULL; set allSources; if (!selectedSources.empty()) { // use explicitly selected sources sources = &selectedSources; } else { // need an explicit list of all sources which will be copied, // for the createFilters() call below BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &source, from->getSyncSources()) { allSources.insert(source); } sources = &allSources; } // Apply config changes on-the-fly. Regardless what we do // (changing an existing config, migrating, creating from // a template), existing shared properties in the desired // context must be preserved unless explicitly overwritten. // Therefore read those, update with command line properties, // then set as filter. ConfigProps syncFilter; SourceProps sourceFilters; m_props.createFilters(to->getContextName(), to->getConfigName(), sources, syncFilter, sourceFilters); from->setConfigFilter(true, "", syncFilter); BOOST_FOREACH(const SourceProps::value_type &entry, sourceFilters) { from->setConfigFilter(false, entry.first, entry.second); } // Modify behavior of target UI before using it: set keyring // property separately. InitStateTri keyring = from->getKeyring(); if (keyring.wasSet()) { to->setKeyring(keyring); } // Write into the requested configuration, creating it if necessary. to->prepareConfigForWrite(); to->copy(*from, sources); } void Cmdline::finishCopy(const boost::shared_ptr &from, const boost::shared_ptr &to) { // give a change to do something before flushing configs to files to->preFlush(to->getUserInterfaceNonNull()); // done, now write it m_configModified = true; to->flush(); // migrating peer? if (m_migrate && from->hasPeerProperties()) { // also copy .synthesis dir string fromDir, toDir; fromDir = from->getRootPath() + "/.synthesis"; toDir = to->getRootPath() + "/.synthesis"; if (isDir(fromDir)) { cp_r(fromDir, toDir); } // Succeeded so far, remove "ConsumerReady" flag from migrated // config to hide that old config from normal UI users. Must // do this without going through SyncConfig, because that // would bump the version. BoolConfigProperty ready("ConsumerReady", "", "0"); // Also disable auto-syncing in the migrated config. StringConfigProperty autosync("autoSync", "", ""); { FileConfigNode node(from->getRootPath(), "config.ini", false); if (ready.getPropertyValue(node)) { ready.setProperty(node, false); } if (!autosync.getProperty(node).empty()) { autosync.setProperty(node, "0"); } node.flush(); } // same for very old configs { FileConfigNode node(from->getRootPath() + "/spds/syncml", "config.txt", false); if (!autosync.getProperty(node).empty()) { autosync.setProperty(node, "0"); } node.flush(); } // Set ConsumerReady for migrated SyncEvolution < 1.2 // configs, because in older releases all existing // configurations where shown. SyncEvolution 1.2 is more // strict and assumes that ConsumerReady must be set // explicitly. The sync-ui always has set the flag for // configs created or modified with it, but the command // line did not. Matches similar code in // syncevo-dbus-server. if (from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_PEER, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) == 0 /* SyncEvolution < 1.2 */) { to->setConsumerReady(true); to->flush(); } } } void Cmdline::migratePeer(const std::string &fromPeer, const std::string &toPeer) { boost::shared_ptr from(new SyncConfig(fromPeer)); makeObsolete(from); // hack: move to different target config for createSyncClient() m_server = toPeer; boost::shared_ptr to(createSyncClient()); // Special case for Memotoo: explicitly set preferred sync format // to vCard 3.0 as part of the SyncEvolution 1.1.x -> 1.2 migration, // because it works better. Template was also updated in 1.2, but // that alone wouldn't improve existing configs. if (from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_PEER, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) == 0) { vector urls = from->getSyncURL(); if (urls.size() == 1 && urls[0] == "http://sync.memotoo.com/syncML") { boost::shared_ptr to(createSyncClient()); m_props[to->getContextName()].m_sourceProps["addressbook"].insert(make_pair("syncFormat", "text/vcard")); } } copyConfig(from, to, set()); finishCopy(from, to); } /** * Finds first instance of delimiter string in other string. In * addition, it treats "\n\n" in a special way: that delimiter also * matches "\n\r\n". */ class FindDelimiter { const string m_delimiter; public: FindDelimiter(const string &delimiter) : m_delimiter(delimiter) {} boost::iterator_range operator()(string::iterator begin, string::iterator end) { if (m_delimiter == "\n\n") { // match both "\n\n" and "\n\r\n" while (end - begin >= 2) { if (*begin == '\n') { if (*(begin + 1) == '\n') { return boost::iterator_range(begin, begin + 2); } else if (end - begin >= 3 && *(begin + 1) == '\r' && *(begin + 2) == '\n') { return boost::iterator_range(begin, begin + 3); } } ++begin; } return boost::iterator_range(end, end); } else { boost::sub_range range(begin, end); return boost::find_first(range, m_delimiter); } } }; bool Cmdline::run() { // --dry-run is only supported by some operations. // Be very strict about it and make sure it is off in all // potentially harmful operations, otherwise users might // expect it to have an effect when it doesn't. // TODO: check filter properties for invalid config and source // names if (m_usage) { usage(true); } else if (m_version) { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "SyncEvolution %s%s\n%s%s", VERSION, SyncContext::isStableRelease() ? "" : " (pre-release)", EDSAbiWrapperInfo(), SyncSource::backendsInfo().c_str()); } else if (m_printServers || boost::trim_copy(m_server) == "?") { dumpConfigs("Configured servers:", SyncConfig::getConfigs()); } else if (m_printTemplates) { SyncConfig::DeviceList devices; if (m_template.empty()){ devices.push_back (SyncConfig::DeviceDescription("", "", SyncConfig::MATCH_FOR_CLIENT_MODE)); dumpConfigTemplates("Available configuration templates (servers):", SyncConfig::getPeerTemplates(devices), false); } else { //limiting at templates for syncml clients only. devices.push_back (SyncConfig::DeviceDescription("", m_template, SyncConfig::MATCH_FOR_SERVER_MODE)); dumpConfigTemplates("Available configuration templates (clients):", SyncConfig::matchPeerTemplates(devices), true); } } else if (m_dontrun) { // user asked for information } else if (m_printDatabases) { // list databases const SourceRegistry ®istry(SyncSource::getSourceRegistry()); boost::shared_ptr nodes; std::string header; boost::shared_ptr context; FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter sourceFilter = m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, ""); FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter::const_iterator backend = sourceFilter.find("backend"); if (!m_server.empty()) { // list for specific backend chosen via config if (m_sources.size() != 1) { SE_THROW(StringPrintf("must specify exactly one source after the config name '%s'", m_server.c_str())); } context.reset(new SyncContext(m_server)); if (!context->exists()) { SE_THROW(StringPrintf("config '%s' does not exist", m_server.c_str())); } nodes.reset(new SyncSourceNodes(context->getSyncSourceNodesNoTracking(*m_sources.begin()))); header = StringPrintf("%s/%s", m_server.c_str(), m_sources.begin()->c_str()); if (!nodes->dataConfigExists()) { SE_THROW(StringPrintf("%s does not exist", header.c_str())); } } else { context.reset(new SyncContext); boost::shared_ptr sharedNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr configNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr hiddenNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr trackingNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); boost::shared_ptr serverNode(new VolatileConfigNode()); nodes.reset(new SyncSourceNodes(true, sharedNode, configNode, hiddenNode, trackingNode, serverNode, "")); header = backend != sourceFilter.end() ? backend->second : "???"; } nodes->getProperties()->setFilter(sourceFilter); FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter syncFilter = m_props.createSyncFilter(m_server); context->setConfigFilter(true, "", syncFilter); SyncSourceParams params("list", *nodes, context); if (!m_server.empty() || backend != sourceFilter.end()) { // list for specific backend auto_ptr source(SyncSource::createSource(params, false, NULL)); if (source.get() != NULL) { listSources(*source, header); SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "\n"); } else { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s:\n cannot list databases", header.c_str()); } } else { // list for all backends BOOST_FOREACH(const RegisterSyncSource *source, registry) { BOOST_FOREACH(const Values::value_type &alias, source->m_typeValues) { if (!alias.empty() && source->m_enabled) { SourceType type(*alias.begin()); nodes->getProperties()->setProperty("backend", type.m_backend); std::string header = boost::join(alias, " = "); try { auto_ptr source(SyncSource::createSource(params, false)); if (!source.get()) { // silently skip backends like the "file" backend which do not support // listing databases and return NULL unless configured properly } else { listSources(*source, header); SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "\n"); } } catch (...) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "%s:\nlisting databases failed", header.c_str()); Exception::handle(); } } } } } } else if (m_printConfig) { boost::shared_ptr config; ConfigProps syncFilter; SourceProps sourceFilters; if (m_template.empty()) { if (m_server.empty()) { usage(false, "--print-config requires either a --template or a server name."); return false; } config.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); if (!config->exists()) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "Server '%s' has not been configured yet.", m_server.c_str()); return false; } // No need to include a context or additional sources, // because reading the m_server config already includes // the right information. m_props.createFilters("", m_server, NULL, syncFilter, sourceFilters); } else { string peer, context; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(m_template, SyncConfig::NormalizeFlags(SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_SHORTHAND|SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_IS_NEW)), peer, context); config = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate(peer); if (!config.get()) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "No configuration template for '%s' available.", m_template.c_str()); return false; } // When instantiating a template, include the properties // of the target context as filter to preserve shared // properties, the final name inside that context as // peer config name, and the sources defined in the template. list sourcelist = config->getSyncSources(); set sourceset(sourcelist.begin(), sourcelist.end()); m_props.createFilters(std::string("@") + context, "", &sourceset, syncFilter, sourceFilters); } // determine whether we dump a peer or a context int flags = DUMP_PROPS_NORMAL; string peer, context; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(config->getConfigName(), peer, context); if (peer.empty()) { flags |= HIDE_PER_PEER; checkForPeerProps(); } if (m_sources.empty() || m_sources.find("main") != m_sources.end()) { boost::shared_ptr syncProps(config->getProperties()); syncProps->setFilter(syncFilter); dumpProperties(*syncProps, config->getRegistry(), flags); } list sources = config->getSyncSources(); sources.sort(); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &name, sources) { if (m_sources.empty() || m_sources.find(name) != m_sources.end()) { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "[%s]", name.c_str()); SyncSourceNodes nodes = config->getSyncSourceNodes(name); boost::shared_ptr sourceProps = nodes.getProperties(); sourceProps->setFilter(sourceFilters.createSourceFilter(name)); dumpProperties(*sourceProps, SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry(), flags | ((name != *(--sources.end())) ? HIDE_LEGEND : DUMP_PROPS_NORMAL)); } } } else if (m_configure || m_migrate) { if (!needConfigName()) { return false; } if (m_dryrun) { SyncContext::throwError("--dry-run not supported for configuration changes"); } // name of renamed config ("foo.old") after migration string newname; // True if the target configuration is a context like @default // or @foobar. Relevant in several places in the following // code. bool configureContext = false; bool fromScratch = false; string peer, context; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(m_server), peer, context); if (peer.empty()) { configureContext = true; checkForPeerProps(); } // Make m_server a fully-qualified name. Useful in error // messages and essential for migrating "foo" where "foo" // happens to map to "foo@bar". Otherwise "foo" will be // mapped incorrectly to "foo@default" after renaming // "foo@bar" to "foo.old@bar". // // The inverse problem can occur for "foo@default": after // renaming, "foo" without "@default" would be mapped to // "foo@somewhere-else" if such a config exists. m_server = peer + "@" + context; // Both config changes and migration are implemented as copying from // another config (template resp. old one). Migration also moves // the old config. The target configuration is determined by m_server, // but the exact semantic of it depends on the operation. boost::shared_ptr from; boost::shared_ptr to; string origPeer; if (m_migrate) { if (!m_sources.empty()) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "cannot migrate individual sources"); return false; } string oldContext = context; from.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); if (!from->exists()) { // for migration into a different context, search for config without context oldContext = ""; from.reset(new SyncConfig(peer)); if (!from->exists()) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "Server '%s' has not been configured yet.", m_server.c_str()); return false; } } // Check if we are migrating an individual peer inside // a context which itself is too old. In that case, // the whole context and everything inside it needs to // be migrated. if (!configureContext) { bool obsoleteContext = false; if (from->getLayout() < SyncConfig::SHARED_LAYOUT) { // check whether @default context exists and is too old; // in that case migrate it first SyncConfig target("@default"); if (target.exists() && target.getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_CONTEXT, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) < CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION) { // migrate all peers inside @default *and* the one outside origPeer = m_server; m_server = "@default"; obsoleteContext = true; } } else { // config already is inside a context; need to check that context if (from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_CONTEXT, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) < CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION) { m_server = string("@") + context; obsoleteContext = true; } } if (obsoleteContext) { // hack: move to different config and back later from.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); peer = ""; configureContext = true; } } // rename on disk and point "from" to it makeObsolete(from); // modify the config referenced by the (possibly modified) m_server to.reset(createSyncClient()); } else { from.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); // m_server known, modify it to.reset(createSyncClient()); if (!from->exists()) { // creating from scratch, look for template fromScratch = true; string configTemplate; if (m_template.empty()) { if (configureContext) { // configuring a context, template doesn't matter => // use default "SyncEvolution" template configTemplate = peer = "SyncEvolution"; from = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate(peer); } else if (peer == "target-config") { // Configuring the source context for local sync // => determine template based on context name. configTemplate = context; from = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate(context); } else { // template is the peer name configTemplate = m_server; from = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate(peer); } } else { // Template is specified explicitly. It must not contain a context, // because the context comes from the config name. configTemplate = m_template; if (SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(configTemplate, SyncConfig::NormalizeFlags(SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_SHORTHAND|SyncConfig::NORMALIZE_IS_NEW)), peer, context)) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "Template %s must not specify a context.", configTemplate.c_str()); return false; } string tmp; SyncConfig::splitConfigString(SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(m_server), tmp, context); from = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate(peer); } list missing; if (!from.get()) { // check if all obligatory sync properties are specified; needed // for both the "is complete" check and the error message below ConfigProps syncProps = m_props.createSyncFilter(to->getContextName()); bool complete = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, SyncConfig::getRegistry()) { if (prop->isObligatory() && syncProps.find(prop->getMainName()) == syncProps.end()) { missing.push_back(prop->getMainName()); complete = false; } } // if everything was specified and no invalid template name was given, allow user // to proceed with "none" template; if a template was specified, we skip // this and go directly to the code below which prints an error message if (complete && m_template.empty()) { from = SyncConfig::createPeerTemplate("none"); } } if (!from.get()) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "No configuration template for '%s' available.", configTemplate.c_str()); if (m_template.empty()) { SE_LOG_INFO(NULL, NULL, "Use '--template none' and/or specify relevant properties on the command line to create a configuration without a template. Need values for: %s", boost::join(missing, ", ").c_str()); } else if (missing.empty()) { SE_LOG_INFO(NULL, NULL, "All relevant properties seem to be set, omit the --template parameter to proceed."); } SE_LOG_INFO(NULL, NULL, "\n"); SyncConfig::DeviceList devices; devices.push_back(SyncConfig::DeviceDescription("", "", SyncConfig::MATCH_ALL)); dumpConfigTemplates("Available configuration templates (clients and servers):", SyncConfig::getPeerTemplates(devices), false, Logger::INFO); return false; } } } // Which sources are configured is determined as follows: // - all sources in the template by default (empty set), except when // - sources are listed explicitly, and either // - updating an existing config or // - configuring a context. // // This implies that when configuring a peer from scratch, all // sources in the template will be created, with command line // source properties applied to all of them. This might not be // what we want, but because this is how we have done it // traditionally, I keep this behavior for now. // // When migrating, m_sources is empty and thus the whole set of // sources will be migrated. Checking it here for clarity's sake. set sources; if (!m_migrate && !m_sources.empty() && (!fromScratch || configureContext)) { sources = m_sources; } // Also copy (aka create) sources listed on the command line if // creating from scratch and // - "--template none" enables the "do what I want" mode or // - source properties apply to it. // Creating from scratch with other sources is a possible typo // and will trigger an error below. if (fromScratch) { BOOST_FOREACH(const string &source, m_sources) { if (m_template == "none" || !m_props.createSourceFilter(to->getContextName(), source).empty()) { sources.insert(source); } } } // Special case for migration away from "type": older // SyncEvolution could cope with "type" only set correctly for // peers. Real-world case: Memotoo config, context had "type = // calendar" set for address book. // // Setting "backend" based on an incorrect "type" from the // context would lead to a broken, unusable config. Solution: // take "backend" and "databaseFormat" from a peer config when // migrating a context. // // Note that peers are assumed to be consistent. Not attempt is // made to detect a config which has inconsistent peer configs. if (m_migrate && configureContext && from->getConfigVersion(CONFIG_LEVEL_CONTEXT, CONFIG_CUR_VERSION) == 0) { list peers = from->getPeers(); peers.sort(); // make code below deterministic BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string source, from->getSyncSources()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const string &peer, peers) { FileConfigNode node(from->getRootPath() + "/peers/" + peer + "/sources/" + source, "config.ini", true); string sync = node.readProperty("sync"); if (sync.empty() || boost::iequals(sync, "none") || boost::iequals(sync, "disabled")) { // ignore this peer, it doesn't use the source continue; } SourceType type(node.readProperty("type")); if (!type.m_backend.empty()) { // found some "type": use "backend" and // "dataFormat" in filter, unless the user // already set a value there ConfigProps syncFilter; SourceProps sourceFilters; set set; set.insert(source); m_props.createFilters(to->getContextName(), "", &set, syncFilter, sourceFilters); const ConfigProps &sourceFilter = sourceFilters[source]; if (sourceFilter.find("backend") == sourceFilter.end()) { m_props[to->getContextName()].m_sourceProps[source]["backend"] = type.m_backend; } if (!type.m_localFormat.empty() && sourceFilter.find("databaseFormat") == sourceFilter.end()) { m_props[to->getContextName()].m_sourceProps[source]["databaseFormat"] = type.m_localFormat; } // use it without bothering to keep looking // (no consistenty check!) break; } } } } // copy and filter into the target config: createSyncClient() // creates a SyncContext for m_server, with propert // implementation of the password handling methods in derived // classes (D-Bus server, real command line) copyConfig(from, to, sources); // Sources are active now according to the server default. // Disable all sources not selected by user (if any selected) // and those which have no database. if (fromScratch) { list configuredSources = to->getSyncSources(); set sources = m_sources; BOOST_FOREACH(const string &source, configuredSources) { boost::shared_ptr sourceConfig(to->getSyncSourceConfig(source)); string disable = ""; set::iterator entry = sources.find(source); bool selected = entry != sources.end(); if (!m_sources.empty() && !selected) { disable = "not selected"; } else { if (entry != sources.end()) { // The command line parameter matched a valid source. // All entries left afterwards must have been typos. sources.erase(entry); } // check whether the sync source works SyncSourceParams params(source, to->getSyncSourceNodes(source), to); auto_ptr syncSource(SyncSource::createSource(params, false, to.get())); if (syncSource.get() == NULL) { disable = "no backend available"; } else { try { SyncSource::Databases databases = syncSource->getDatabases(); if (databases.empty()) { disable = "no database to synchronize"; } } catch (...) { disable = "backend failed"; } } } // Do sanity checking of source (can it be enabled?), // but only set the sync mode if configuring a peer. // A context-only config doesn't have the "sync" // property. string syncMode; if (!disable.empty()) { // abort if the user explicitly asked for the sync source // and it cannot be enabled, otherwise disable it silently if (selected) { SyncContext::throwError(source + ": " + disable); } syncMode = "disabled"; } else if (selected) { // user absolutely wants it: enable even if off by default ConfigProps filter = m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, source); ConfigProps::const_iterator sync = filter.find("sync"); syncMode = sync == filter.end() ? "two-way" : sync->second; } if (!syncMode.empty() && !configureContext) { sourceConfig->setSync(syncMode); } } if (!sources.empty()) { SyncContext::throwError(string("no such source(s): ") + boost::join(sources, " ")); } } // flush, move .synthesis dir, set ConsumerReady, ... finishCopy(from, to); // Now also migrate all peers inside context? if (configureContext && m_migrate) { BOOST_FOREACH(const string &peer, from->getPeers()) { migratePeer(peer + from->getContextName(), peer + to->getContextName()); } if (!origPeer.empty()) { migratePeer(origPeer, origPeer + to->getContextName()); } } } else if (m_remove) { if (!needConfigName()) { return false; } if (m_dryrun) { SyncContext::throwError("--dry-run not supported for removing configurations"); } // extra sanity check if (!m_sources.empty() || m_props.hasProperties(FullProps::IGNORE_GLOBAL_PROPS)) { usage(false, "too many parameters for --remove"); return false; } else { boost::shared_ptr config; config.reset(new SyncConfig(m_server)); if (!config->exists()) { SyncContext::throwError(string("no such configuration: ") + m_server); } config->remove(); m_configModified = true; return true; } } else if (m_accessItems) { // need access to specific source boost::shared_ptr context; context.reset(createSyncClient()); // operating on exactly one source (can be optional) string sourceName; bool haveSourceName = !m_sources.empty(); if (haveSourceName) { sourceName = *m_sources.begin(); } // apply filters context->setConfigFilter(true, "", m_props.createSyncFilter(m_server)); context->setConfigFilter(false, "", m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, sourceName)); SyncSourceNodes sourceNodes = context->getSyncSourceNodesNoTracking(sourceName); SyncSourceParams params(sourceName, sourceNodes, context); cxxptr source; try { source.set(SyncSource::createSource(params, true)); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { // Creating the source failed. Detect some common reasons for this // and log those instead. None of these situations are fatal by themselves, // but in combination they are a problem. if (ex.syncMLStatus() == SyncMLStatus(sysync::LOCERR_CFGPARSE)) { std::list explanation; explanation.push_back(ex.what()); if (!m_server.empty() && !context->exists()) { explanation.push_back(StringPrintf("configuration '%s' does not exist", m_server.c_str())); } if (haveSourceName && !sourceNodes.exists()) { explanation.push_back(StringPrintf("source '%s' does not exist", sourceName.c_str())); } else if (!haveSourceName) { explanation.push_back("no source selected"); } SyncSourceConfig sourceConfig(sourceName, sourceNodes); if (!sourceConfig.getBackend().wasSet()) { explanation.push_back("backend property not set"); } SyncContext::throwError(SyncMLStatus(sysync::LOCERR_CFGPARSE), boost::join(explanation, "\n")); } else { throw; } } sysync::TSyError err; #define CHECK_ERROR(_op) if (err) { SE_THROW_EXCEPTION_STATUS(StatusException, string(source->getName()) + ": " + (_op), SyncMLStatus(err)); } // acquire passwords before doing anything (interactive password // access not supported for the command line) { ConfigPropertyRegistry& registry = SyncConfig::getRegistry(); BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, registry) { prop->checkPassword(context->getUserInterfaceNonNull(), m_server, *context->getProperties()); } } { ConfigPropertyRegistry ®istry = SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry(); BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, registry) { prop->checkPassword(context->getUserInterfaceNonNull(), m_server, *context->getProperties(), source->getName(), sourceNodes.getProperties()); } } source->open(); const SyncSource::Operations &ops = source->getOperations(); if (m_printItems) { SyncSourceLogging *logging = dynamic_cast(source.get()); if (!ops.m_startDataRead || !ops.m_readNextItem) { source->throwError("reading items not supported"); } err = ops.m_startDataRead(*source, "", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); list luids; readLUIDs(source, luids); BOOST_FOREACH(string &luid, luids) { string description; if (logging) { description = logging->getDescription(luid); } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s%s%s", CmdlineLUID::fromLUID(luid).c_str(), description.empty() ? "" : ": ", description.c_str()); } } else if (m_deleteItems) { if (!ops.m_deleteItem) { source->throwError("deleting items not supported"); } list luids; bool deleteAll = std::find(m_luids.begin(), m_luids.end(), "*") != m_luids.end(); err = ops.m_startDataRead(*source, "", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); if (deleteAll) { readLUIDs(source, luids); } else { luids = m_luids; } if (ops.m_endDataRead) { err = ops.m_endDataRead(*source); CHECK_ERROR("stop reading items"); } if (ops.m_startDataWrite) { err = ops.m_startDataWrite(*source); CHECK_ERROR("writing items"); } BOOST_FOREACH(const string &luid, luids) { sysync::ItemIDType id; id.item = (char *)luid.c_str(); err = ops.m_deleteItem(*source, &id); CHECK_ERROR("deleting item"); } char *token; err = ops.m_endDataWrite(*source, true, &token); if (token) { free(token); } CHECK_ERROR("stop writing items"); } else { SyncSourceRaw *raw = dynamic_cast(source.get()); if (!raw) { source->throwError("reading/writing items directly not supported"); } if (m_import || m_update) { err = ops.m_startDataRead(*source, "", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); if (ops.m_endDataRead) { err = ops.m_endDataRead(*source); CHECK_ERROR("stop reading items"); } if (ops.m_startDataWrite) { err = ops.m_startDataWrite(*source); CHECK_ERROR("writing items"); } cxxptr inFile; if (m_itemPath =="-" || !isDir(m_itemPath)) { string content; string luid; if (m_itemPath == "-") { context->getUserInterfaceNonNull().readStdin(content); } else if (!ReadFile(m_itemPath, content)) { SyncContext::throwError(m_itemPath, errno); } if (m_delimiter == "none") { if (m_update) { if (m_luids.size() != 1) { SyncContext::throwError("need exactly one LUID parameter"); } else { luid = *m_luids.begin(); } } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "#0: %s", insertItem(raw, luid, content).getEncoded().c_str()); } else { typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; int count = 0; FindDelimiter finder(m_delimiter); // when updating, check number of luids in advance if (m_update) { unsigned long total = 0; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(content, finder); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { total++; } if (total != m_luids.size()) { SyncContext::throwError(StringPrintf("%lu items != %lu luids, must match => aborting", total, (unsigned long)m_luids.size())); } } list::const_iterator luidit = m_luids.begin(); for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(content, finder); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string luid; if (m_update) { if (luidit == m_luids.end()) { // was checked above SyncContext::throwError("internal error, not enough luids"); } luid = *luidit; ++luidit; } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "#%d: %s", count, insertItem(raw, luid, string(it->begin(), it->end())).getEncoded().c_str()); count++; } } } else { ReadDir dir(m_itemPath); int count = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const string &entry, dir) { string content; string path = m_itemPath + "/" + entry; if (!ReadFile(path, content)) { SyncContext::throwError(path, errno); } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "#%d: %s: %s", count, entry.c_str(), insertItem(raw, "", content).getEncoded().c_str()); } } char *token = NULL; err = ops.m_endDataWrite(*source, true, &token); if (token) { free(token); } CHECK_ERROR("stop writing items"); } else if (m_export) { err = ops.m_startDataRead(*source, "", ""); CHECK_ERROR("reading items"); ostream *out = NULL; cxxptr outFile; if (m_itemPath == "-") { // not actually used, falls back to SE_LOG_SHOW() out = &std::cout; } else if(!isDir(m_itemPath)) { outFile.set(new ofstream(m_itemPath.c_str())); out = outFile; } if (m_luids.empty()) { readLUIDs(source, m_luids); } bool haveItem = false; // have written one item bool haveNewline = false; // that item had a newline at the end BOOST_FOREACH(const string &luid, m_luids) { string item; raw->readItemRaw(luid, item); if (!out) { // write into directory string fullPath = m_itemPath + "/" + luid; ofstream file((m_itemPath + "/" + luid).c_str()); file << item; file.close(); if (file.bad()) { SyncContext::throwError(fullPath, errno); } } else { std::string delimiter; if (haveItem) { if (m_delimiter.size() > 1 && haveNewline && m_delimiter[0] == '\n') { // already wrote initial newline, skip it delimiter = m_delimiter.substr(1); } else { delimiter = m_delimiter; } } if (out == &std::cout) { // special case, use logging infrastructure SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s%s", delimiter.c_str(), item.c_str()); // always prints newline haveNewline = true; } else { // write to file *out << item; haveNewline = boost::ends_with(item, "\n"); } haveItem = true; } } if (outFile) { outFile->close(); if (outFile->bad()) { SyncContext::throwError(m_itemPath, errno); } } } } source->close(); } else { if (!needConfigName()) { return false; } std::set unmatchedSources; boost::shared_ptr context; context.reset(createSyncClient()); context->setConfigProps(m_props); context->setQuiet(m_quiet); context->setDryRun(m_dryrun); context->setConfigFilter(true, "", m_props.createSyncFilter(m_server)); if (m_sources.empty()) { // Special semantic of 'no source selected': apply // filter (if any exists) only to sources which are // *active*. Configuration of inactive sources is left // unchanged. This way we don't activate sync sources // accidentally when the sync mode is modified // temporarily. BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &source, context->getSyncSources()) { boost::shared_ptr source_config = context->getSyncSourceConfig(source); if (!source_config->isDisabled()) { context->setConfigFilter(false, source, m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, source)); } } } else { // apply (possibly empty) source filter to selected sources BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &source, m_sources) { boost::shared_ptr source_config = context->getSyncSourceConfig(source); ConfigProps filter = m_props.createSourceFilter(m_server, source); if (!source_config || !source_config->exists()) { // invalid source name in m_sources, remember and // report this below unmatchedSources.insert(source); } else if (filter.find("sync") == filter.end()) { // Sync mode is not set, must override the // "sync=disabled" set below with the original // sync mode for the source or (if that is also // "disabled") with "two-way". The latter is part // of the command line semantic that listing a // source activates it. string sync = source_config->getSync(); filter["sync"] = sync == "disabled" ? "two-way" : sync; context->setConfigFilter(false, source, filter); } else { // sync mode is set, can use m_sourceProps // directly to apply it context->setConfigFilter(false, source, filter); } } // temporarily disable the rest FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter disabled; disabled["sync"] = "disabled"; context->setConfigFilter(false, "", disabled); } // check whether there were any sources specified which do not exist if (unmatchedSources.size()) { context->throwError(string("no such source(s): ") + boost::join(unmatchedSources, " ")); } if (m_status) { context->status(); } else if (m_printSessions) { vector dirs; context->getSessions(dirs); bool first = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const string &dir, dirs) { if (first) { first = false; } else if(!m_quiet) { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "\n"); } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s", dir.c_str()); if (!m_quiet) { SyncReport report; context->readSessionInfo(dir, report); ostringstream out; out << report; SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s", out.str().c_str()); } } } else if (!m_restore.empty()) { // sanity checks: either --after or --before must be given, sources must be selected if ((!m_after && !m_before) || (m_after && m_before)) { usage(false, "--restore must be used with either --after (restore database as it was after that sync) or --before (restore data from before sync)"); return false; } if (m_sources.empty()) { usage(false, "Sources must be selected explicitly for --restore to prevent accidental restore."); return false; } context->restore(m_restore, m_after ? SyncContext::DATABASE_AFTER_SYNC : SyncContext::DATABASE_BEFORE_SYNC); } else { if (m_dryrun) { SyncContext::throwError("--dry-run not supported for running a synchronization"); } // safety catch: if props are given, then --run // is required if (!m_run && (m_props.hasProperties(FullProps::IGNORE_GLOBAL_PROPS))) { usage(false, "Properties specified, but neither '--configure' nor '--run' - what did you want?"); return false; } return (context->sync(&m_report) == STATUS_OK); } } return true; } void Cmdline::readLUIDs(SyncSource *source, list &luids) { const SyncSource::Operations &ops = source->getOperations(); sysync::ItemIDType id; sysync::sInt32 status; sysync::TSyError err = ops.m_readNextItem(*source, &id, &status, true); CHECK_ERROR("next item"); while (status != sysync::ReadNextItem_EOF) { luids.push_back(id.item); StrDispose(id.item); StrDispose(id.parent); err = ops.m_readNextItem(*source, &id, &status, false); CHECK_ERROR("next item"); } } CmdlineLUID Cmdline::insertItem(SyncSourceRaw *source, const string &luid, const string &data) { SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult res = source->insertItemRaw(luid, data); CmdlineLUID cluid; cluid.setLUID(res.m_luid); return cluid; } string Cmdline::cmdOpt(const char *opt, const char *param) { string res = "'"; if (opt) { res += opt; } // parameter was provided as part of option bool included = opt && param && boost::ends_with(std::string(opt), std::string("=") + param); if (!included && opt && param) { res += " "; } if (!included && param) { res += param; } res += "'"; return res; } bool Cmdline::parseProp(PropertyType propertyType, const char *opt, const char *param, const char *propname) { std::string args = cmdOpt(opt, param); if (!param) { usage(false, string("missing parameter for ") + args); return false; } // determine property name and parameter for it string propstr; string paramstr; if (propname) { propstr = propname; paramstr = param; } else if (boost::trim_copy(string(param)) == "?") { paramstr = param; } else { const char *equal = strchr(param, '='); if (!equal) { usage(false, string("the '=' part is missing in: ") + args); return false; } propstr.assign(param, equal - param); paramstr.assign(equal + 1); } boost::trim(propstr); boost::trim_left(paramstr); // parse full property string PropertySpecifier spec = PropertySpecifier::StringToPropSpec(propstr); // determine property type and registry const ConfigPropertyRegistry *validProps = NULL; switch (propertyType) { case SYNC_PROPERTY_TYPE: validProps = &m_validSyncProps; break; case SOURCE_PROPERTY_TYPE: validProps = &m_validSourceProps; break; case UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_TYPE: // must guess based on both registries if (!propstr.empty()) { bool isSyncProp = m_validSyncProps.find(spec.m_property) != NULL; bool isSourceProp = m_validSourceProps.find(spec.m_property) != NULL; if (isSyncProp) { if (isSourceProp) { usage(false, StringPrintf("property '%s' in %s could be both a sync and a source property, use --sync-property or --source-property to disambiguate it", propname, args.c_str())); return false; } else { validProps = &m_validSyncProps; } } else if (isSourceProp || boost::iequals(spec.m_property, "type")) { validProps = &m_validSourceProps; } else { if (propname) { usage(false, StringPrintf("unrecognized property '%s' in %s", propname, args.c_str())); } else { usage(false, StringPrintf("unrecognized property in %s", args.c_str())); } return false; } } else { usage(false, StringPrintf("a property name must be given in %s", args.c_str())); return false; } } if (boost::trim_copy(string(param)) == "?") { m_dontrun = true; if (propname) { return listPropValues(*validProps, spec.m_property, opt ? opt : ""); } else { return listProperties(*validProps, opt ? opt : ""); } } else { if (boost::trim_copy(paramstr) == "?") { m_dontrun = true; return listPropValues(*validProps, spec.m_property, args); } else { const ConfigProperty *prop = validProps->find(spec.m_property); if (!prop && boost::iequals(spec.m_property, "type")) { // compatiblity mode for "type": map to the properties which // replaced it prop = validProps->find("backend"); if (!prop) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "backend: no such property"); return false; } SourceType sourceType(paramstr); string error; if (!prop->checkValue(sourceType.m_backend, error)) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "%s: %s", args.c_str(), error.c_str()); return false; } ContextProps &props = m_props[spec.m_config]; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["backend"] = sourceType.m_backend; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["databaseFormat"] = sourceType.m_localFormat; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["syncFormat"] = sourceType.m_format; props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source]["forceSyncFormat"] = sourceType.m_forceFormat ? "1" : "0"; return true; } else if (!prop) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "%s: no such property", args.c_str()); return false; } else { string error; if (!prop->checkValue(paramstr, error)) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "%s: %s", args.c_str(), error.c_str()); return false; } else { ContextProps &props = m_props[spec.m_config]; if (validProps == &m_validSyncProps) { // complain if sync property includes source prefix if (!spec.m_source.empty()) { SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "%s: source name '%s' not allowed in sync property", args.c_str(), spec.m_source.c_str()); return false; } props.m_syncProps[spec.m_property] = paramstr; } else { props.m_sourceProps[spec.m_source][spec.m_property] = paramstr; } return true; } } } } } bool Cmdline::parseAssignment(int &opt, vector &parsed, PropertyType propertyType, const char *propname, const char *def) { string param; bool haveParam = false; string cmdopt(m_argv[opt]); size_t off = cmdopt.find('='); if (off != cmdopt.npos) { // value embedded in option param = cmdopt.substr(off + 1); haveParam = true; } else if (!def && ++opt < m_argc) { // assume next entry is parameter param = m_argv[opt]; parsed.push_back(m_argv[opt]); haveParam = true; } else if (def) { // use default param = def; haveParam = true; } return parseProp(propertyType, cmdopt.c_str(), haveParam ? param.c_str() : NULL, propname); } bool Cmdline::listPropValues(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps, const string &propName, const string &opt) { const ConfigProperty *prop = validProps.find(propName); if (!prop && boost::iequals(propName, "type")) { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s\n" " [:[:getComment(); if (comment != "") { list commentLines; ConfigProperty::splitComment(comment, commentLines); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &line, commentLines) { out << " " << line << endl; } } else { out << " no documentation available" << endl; } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s", out.str().c_str()); return true; } } bool Cmdline::listProperties(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps, const string &opt) { // The first of several related properties has a comment. // Remember that comment and print it as late as possible, // that way related properties preceed their comment. string comment; bool needComma = false; ostringstream out; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, validProps) { if (!prop->isHidden()) { string newComment = prop->getComment(); if (newComment != "") { if (!comment.empty()) { out << endl; dumpComment(out, " ", comment); out << endl; needComma = false; } comment = newComment; } std::string def = prop->getDefValue(); if (def.empty()) { def = "no default"; } ConfigProperty::Sharing sharing = prop->getSharing(); if (needComma) { out << ", "; } out << boost::join(prop->getNames(), " = ") << " (" << def << ", " << ConfigProperty::sharing2str(sharing) << (prop->isObligatory() ? ", required" : "") << ")"; needComma = true; } } out << endl; dumpComment(out, " ", comment); SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s", out.str().c_str()); return true; } static void findPeerProps(FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter &filter, ConfigPropertyRegistry ®istry, set &peerProps) { BOOST_FOREACH(StringPair entry, filter) { const ConfigProperty *prop = registry.find(entry.first); if (prop && prop->getSharing() == ConfigProperty::NO_SHARING) { peerProps.insert(entry.first); } } } void Cmdline::checkForPeerProps() { set peerProps; BOOST_FOREACH(FullProps::value_type &entry, m_props) { ContextProps &props = entry.second; findPeerProps(props.m_syncProps, SyncConfig::getRegistry(), peerProps); BOOST_FOREACH(SourceProps::value_type &entry, props.m_sourceProps) { findPeerProps(entry.second, SyncSourceConfig::getRegistry(), peerProps); } } if (!peerProps.empty()) { string props = boost::join(peerProps, ", "); if (props == "forceSyncFormat, syncFormat") { // special case: these two properties might have been added by the // legacy "sync" property, which applies to both shared and unshared // properties => cannot determine that here anymore, so ignore it } else { SyncContext::throwError(string("per-peer (unshared) properties not allowed: ") + props); } } } void Cmdline::listSources(SyncSource &syncSource, const string &header) { ostringstream out; out << header << ":\n"; if (syncSource.isInactive()) { out << "not enabled during compilation or not usable in the current environment\n"; } else { SyncSource::Databases databases = syncSource.getDatabases(); BOOST_FOREACH(const SyncSource::Database &database, databases) { out << " " << database.m_name << " (" << database.m_uri << ")"; if (database.m_isDefault) { out << " "; } out << endl; } } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s", out.str().c_str()); } void Cmdline::dumpConfigs(const string &preamble, const SyncConfig::ConfigList &servers) { ostringstream out; out << preamble << endl; BOOST_FOREACH(const SyncConfig::ConfigList::value_type &server,servers) { out << " " << server.first << " = " << server.second <m_templateId << " = " << server->m_description; if (printRank){ out << " " << server->m_rank *20 << "%"; } out << endl; } if (!templates.size()) { out << " none" << endl; } SE_LOG(level, NULL, NULL, "%s", out.str().c_str()); } void Cmdline::dumpProperties(const ConfigNode &configuredProps, const ConfigPropertyRegistry &allProps, int flags) { list perPeer, perContext, global; ostringstream out; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProperty *prop, allProps) { if (prop->isHidden() || ((flags & HIDE_PER_PEER) && prop->getSharing() == ConfigProperty::NO_SHARING)) { continue; } if (!m_quiet) { string comment = prop->getComment(); if (!comment.empty()) { out << endl; dumpComment(out, "# ", comment); } } InitStateString value = prop->getProperty(configuredProps); if (!value.wasSet()) { out << "# "; } out << prop->getMainName() << " = " << value.get() << endl; list *type = NULL; switch (prop->getSharing()) { case ConfigProperty::GLOBAL_SHARING: type = &global; break; case ConfigProperty::SOURCE_SET_SHARING: type = &perContext; break; case ConfigProperty::NO_SHARING: type = &perPeer; break; } if (type) { type->push_back(prop->getMainName()); } } if (!m_quiet && !(flags & HIDE_LEGEND)) { if (!perPeer.empty() || !perContext.empty() || !global.empty()) { out << endl; } if (!perPeer.empty()) { out << "# per-peer (unshared) properties: " << boost::join(perPeer, ", ") << endl; } if (!perContext.empty()) { out << "# shared by peers in same context: " << boost::join(perContext, ", ") << endl; } if (!global.empty()) { out << "# global properties: " << boost::join(global, ", ") << endl; } } SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s", out.str().c_str()); } void Cmdline::dumpComment(ostream &stream, const string &prefix, const string &comment) { list commentLines; ConfigProperty::splitComment(comment, commentLines); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &line, commentLines) { stream << prefix << line << endl; } } void Cmdline::usage(bool full, const string &error, const string ¶m) { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "%s", synopsis); if (full) { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "\nOptions:\n%s", options); } if (error != "") { SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "\n"); SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "%s", error.c_str()); } if (param != "") { SE_LOG_INFO(NULL, NULL, "use '%s%s?' to get a list of valid parameters", param.c_str(), boost::ends_with(param, "=") ? "" : " "); } } bool Cmdline::needConfigName() { if (m_server.empty()) { usage(false, "No configuration name specified."); return false; } else { return true; } } SyncContext* Cmdline::createSyncClient() { return new SyncContext(m_server, true); } #ifdef ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS /** simple line-by-line diff */ static string diffStrings(const string &lhs, const string &rhs) { ostringstream res; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; string_split_iterator lit = boost::make_split_iterator(lhs, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); string_split_iterator rit = boost::make_split_iterator(rhs, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); while (lit != string_split_iterator() && rit != string_split_iterator()) { if (*lit != *rit) { res << "< " << *lit << endl; res << "> " << *rit << endl; } ++lit; ++rit; } while (lit != string_split_iterator()) { res << "< " << *lit << endl; ++lit; } while (rit != string_split_iterator()) { res << "> " << *rit << endl; ++rit; } return res.str(); } # define CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF( expected, actual ) \ do { \ string expected_ = (expected); \ string actual_ = (actual); \ if (expected_ != actual_) { \ CPPUNIT_NS::Message cpputMsg_(string("expected:\n") + \ expected_); \ cpputMsg_.addDetail(string("actual:\n") + \ actual_); \ cpputMsg_.addDetail(string("diff:\n") + \ diffStrings(expected_, actual_)); \ CPPUNIT_NS::Asserter::fail( cpputMsg_, \ CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE() ); \ } \ } while ( false ) // true if = static bool isPropAssignment(const string &buffer) { // ignore these comments (occur in type description) if (boost::starts_with(buffer, "KCalExtended = ") || boost::starts_with(buffer, "mkcal = ") || boost::starts_with(buffer, "QtContacts = ")) { return false; } size_t start = 0; while (start < buffer.size() && !isspace(buffer[start])) { start++; } if (start + 3 <= buffer.size() && buffer.substr(start, 3) == " = ") { return true; } else { return false; } } // remove pure comment lines from buffer, // also empty lines, // also defaultPeer and keyring (because reference properties do not include global props) static string filterConfig(const string &buffer) { ostringstream res; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(buffer, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string line = boost::copy_range(*it); if (!line.empty() && line.find("defaultPeer =") == line.npos && line.find("keyring =") == line.npos && (!boost::starts_with(line, "# ") || isPropAssignment(line.substr(2)))) { res << line << endl; } } return res.str(); } static string removeComments(const string &buffer) { ostringstream res; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(buffer, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string line = boost::copy_range(*it); if (!line.empty() && !boost::starts_with(line, "#")) { res << line << endl; } } return res.str(); } // remove comment lines from scanFiles() output static string filterFiles(const string &buffer) { ostringstream res; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(buffer, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string line = boost::copy_range(*it); if (line.find(":#") == line.npos) { res << line; // do not add extra newline after last newline if (!line.empty() || it->end() < buffer.end()) { res << endl; } } } return res.str(); } static string injectValues(const string &buffer) { string res = buffer; #if 0 // username/password not set in templates, only in configs created // via the command line - not anymore, but if it ever comes back, // here's the place for it boost::replace_first(res, "# username = ", "username = your SyncML server account name"); boost::replace_first(res, "# password = ", "password = your SyncML server password"); #endif return res; } // remove lines indented with spaces static string filterIndented(const string &buffer) { ostringstream res; bool first = true; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(buffer, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { if (!boost::starts_with(*it, " ")) { if (!first) { res << endl; } else { first = false; } res << *it; } } return res.str(); } // sort lines by file, preserving order inside each line static void sortConfig(string &config) { // file name, line number, property typedef pair > line_t; vector lines; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; int linenr = 0; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(config, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it, ++linenr) { string line(it->begin(), it->end()); if (line.empty()) { continue; } size_t colon = line.find(':'); string prefix = line.substr(0, colon); lines.push_back(make_pair(prefix, make_pair(linenr, line.substr(colon)))); } // stable sort because of line number sort(lines.begin(), lines.end()); size_t len = config.size(); config.resize(0); config.reserve(len); BOOST_FOREACH(const line_t &line, lines) { config += line.first; config += line.second.second; config += "\n"; } } // convert the internal config dump to .ini style (--print-config) static string internalToIni(const string &config) { ostringstream res; string section; typedef boost::split_iterator string_split_iterator; for (string_split_iterator it = boost::make_split_iterator(config, boost::first_finder("\n", boost::is_iequal())); it != string_split_iterator(); ++it) { string line(it->begin(), it->end()); if (line.empty()) { continue; } size_t colon = line.find(':'); string prefix = line.substr(0, colon); // internal values are not part of the --print-config output if (boost::contains(prefix, ".internal.ini") || boost::contains(line, "= internal value")) { continue; } // --print-config also doesn't duplicate the "type" property // => remove the shared property if (boost::contains(line, ":type = ") && boost::starts_with(line, "sources/")) { continue; } // sources//config.ini or // spds/sources//config.ini size_t endslash = prefix.rfind('/'); if (endslash != line.npos && endslash > 1) { size_t slash = prefix.rfind('/', endslash - 1); if (slash != line.npos) { string newsource = prefix.substr(slash + 1, endslash - slash - 1); if (newsource != section && prefix.find("/sources/") != prefix.npos && newsource != "syncml") { res << "[" << newsource << "]" << endl; section = newsource; } } } string assignment = line.substr(colon + 1); // substitude aliases with generic values boost::replace_first(assignment, "= syncml:auth-md5", "= md5"); boost::replace_first(assignment, "= syncml:auth-basix", "= basic"); res << assignment << endl; } return res.str(); } /** result of removeComments(filterRandomUUID(filterConfig())) for Google Calendar template/config */ static const std::string googlecaldav = "syncURL = https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/%u/user/?SyncEvolution=Google\n" "printChanges = 0\n" "dumpData = 0\n" "deviceId = fixed-devid\n" "IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/google-calendar\n" "ConsumerReady = 1\n" "peerType = WebDAV\n" "[calendar]\n" "sync = two-way\n" "backend = CalDAV\n"; /** result of removeComments(filterRandomUUID(filterConfig())) for Yahoo Calendar + Contacts */ static const std::string yahoo = "printChanges = 0\n" "dumpData = 0\n" "deviceId = fixed-devid\n" "IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/yahoo\n" "ConsumerReady = 1\n" "peerType = WebDAV\n" "[addressbook]\n" "sync = disabled\n" "backend = CardDAV\n" "[calendar]\n" "sync = two-way\n" "backend = CalDAV\n"; /** * Testing is based on a text representation of a directory * hierarchy where each line is of the format * : * * The order of files is alphabetical, of lines in the file as * in the file. Lines in the file without line break cannot * be represented. * * The root of the hierarchy is not part of the representation * itself. */ class CmdlineTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(CmdlineTest); CPPUNIT_TEST(testFramework); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupScheduleWorld); CPPUNIT_TEST(testFutureConfig); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPeerConfigMigration); CPPUNIT_TEST(testContextConfigMigration); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupDefault); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupRenamed); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupFunambol); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSetupSynthesis); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintServers); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintConfig); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintFileTemplates); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPrintFileTemplatesConfig); CPPUNIT_TEST(testTemplate); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMatchTemplate); CPPUNIT_TEST(testAddSource); CPPUNIT_TEST(testSync); CPPUNIT_TEST(testKeyring); CPPUNIT_TEST(testWebDAV); CPPUNIT_TEST(testConfigure); CPPUNIT_TEST(testConfigureTemplates); CPPUNIT_TEST(testConfigureSources); CPPUNIT_TEST(testOldConfigure); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMigrate); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMigrateContext); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMigrateAutoSync); CPPUNIT_TEST(testItemOperations); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: CmdlineTest() : m_testDir("CmdlineTest") { } void setUp() { rm_r(m_testDir); mkdir_p(m_testDir); } protected: /** verify that createFiles/scanFiles themselves work */ void testFramework() { const string root(m_testDir); const string content("baz:line\n" "caz/subdir:booh\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# comment\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# foo = bar\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# empty = \n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# another comment\n" "foo:bar1\n" "foo:\n" "foo: \n" "foo:bar2\n"); const string filtered("baz:line\n" "caz/subdir:booh\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# foo = bar\n" "caz/subdir2/sub:# empty = \n" "foo:bar1\n" "foo: \n" "foo:bar2\n"); createFiles(root, content); string res = scanFiles(root); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filtered, res); } void removeRandomUUID(string &buffer) { string uuidstr = "deviceId = syncevolution-"; size_t uuid = buffer.find(uuidstr); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(uuid != buffer.npos); size_t end = buffer.find("\n", uuid + uuidstr.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(end != buffer.npos); buffer.replace(uuid, end - uuid, "deviceId = fixed-devid"); } string filterRandomUUID(const string &buffer) { string copy = buffer; removeRandomUUID(copy); return copy; } /** create new configurations */ void testSetupScheduleWorld() { doSetupScheduleWorld(false); } void doSetupScheduleWorld(bool shared) { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; string peer; if (shared) { peer = root + "/peers/scheduleworld"; } else { peer = root; } { rm_r(peer); TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync-property", "proxyHost = proxy", "scheduleworld", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_first(expected, "# proxyHost = ", "proxyHost = proxy"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:sync = disabled", "addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } { rm_r(peer); TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } } void expectTooOld() { bool caught = false; try { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { caught = true; if (ex.syncMLStatus() != STATUS_RELEASE_TOO_OLD) { throw; } else { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(StringPrintf("SyncEvolution %s is too old to read configuration 'scheduleworld', please upgrade SyncEvolution.", VERSION), string(ex.what())); } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } void testFutureConfig() { ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); // bump min/cur version to something not supported, then // try to read => should fail IniFileConfigNode root(m_testDir, "/syncevolution/.internal.ini", false); IniFileConfigNode context(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default", ".internal.ini", false); IniFileConfigNode peer(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld", ".internal.ini", false); root.setProperty("rootMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_ROOT_MIN_VERSION + 1)); root.setProperty("rootCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_ROOT_CUR_VERSION + 1)); root.flush(); context.setProperty("contextMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION + 1)); context.setProperty("contextCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION + 1)); context.flush(); peer.setProperty("peerMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION + 1)); peer.setProperty("peerCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION + 1)); peer.flush(); expectTooOld(); root.setProperty("rootMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_ROOT_MIN_VERSION)); root.flush(); expectTooOld(); context.setProperty("contextMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION)); context.flush(); expectTooOld(); // okay now peer.setProperty("peerMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION)); peer.flush(); SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); } void expectMigration(const std::string &config) { bool caught = false; try { SyncConfig c(config); c.prepareConfigForWrite(); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { caught = true; if (ex.syncMLStatus() != STATUS_MIGRATION_NEEDED) { throw; } else { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(StringPrintf("Proceeding would modify config '%s' such that the " "previous SyncEvolution release will not be able to use it. " "Stopping now. Please explicitly acknowledge this step by " "running the following command on the command line: " "syncevolution --migrate '%s'", config.c_str(), config.c_str()), string(ex.what())); } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } void testPeerConfigMigration() { ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); // decrease min/cur version to something no longer supported, // then try to write => should migrate in release mode and fail otherwise IniFileConfigNode peer(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld", ".internal.ini", false); peer.setProperty("peerMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION - 1)); peer.setProperty("peerCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION - 1)); peer.flush(); SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); expectMigration("scheduleworld"); SyncContext::setStableRelease(true); { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } // should be okay now SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } // do the same migration with command line SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); rm_r(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, rename((m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld.old").c_str(), (m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld").c_str())); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { SyncConfig config("scheduleworld"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } } void testContextConfigMigration() { ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); // decrease min/cur version to something no longer supported, // then try to write => should migrate in release mode and fail otherwise IniFileConfigNode context(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default", ".internal.ini", false); context.setProperty("contextMinVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION - 1)); context.setProperty("contextCurVersion", StringPrintf("%d", CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION - 1)); context.flush(); SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); expectMigration("@default"); SyncContext::setStableRelease(true); { SyncConfig config("@default"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old@default.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } // should be okay now SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); { SyncConfig config("@default"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } // do the same migration with command line SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); rm_r(m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, rename((m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld.old").c_str(), (m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld").c_str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, rename((m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default.old").c_str(), (m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default").c_str())); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { SyncConfig config("@default"); config.prepareConfigForWrite(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " scheduleworld.old@default.old = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default.old/peers/scheduleworld.old\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } } void testSetupDefault() { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "default", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "some-other-server", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "some-other-server"); string expected = DefaultConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "/syncevolution/", "/some-other-server/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testSetupRenamed() { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "scheduleworld", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "scheduleworld2", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "scheduleworld2"); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld2/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testSetupFunambol() { doSetupFunambol(false); } void doSetupFunambol(bool shared) { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; string peer; if (shared) { peer = root + "/peers/funambol"; } else { peer = root; } rm_r(peer); const char * const argv_fixed[] = { "--configure", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", // templates are case-insensitive "FunamBOL", NULL }, * const argv_shared[] = { "--configure", "FunamBOL", NULL }; TestCmdline cmdline(shared ? argv_shared : argv_fixed); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "funambol"); string expected = FunambolConfig(); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testSetupSynthesis() { doSetupSynthesis(false); } void doSetupSynthesis(bool shared) { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; string peer; if (shared) { peer = root + "/peers/synthesis"; } else { peer = root; } rm_r(peer); const char * const argv_fixed[] = { "--configure", "--sync-property", "deviceID = fixed-devid", "synthesis", NULL }, * const argv_shared[] = { "--configure", "synthesis", NULL }; TestCmdline cmdline(shared ? argv_shared : argv_fixed); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root, "synthesis"); string expected = SynthesisConfig(); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } void testTemplate() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); TestCmdline failure("--template", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(failure.expectUsageError("[ERROR] missing parameter for '--template'\n")); TestCmdline help("--template", "? ", NULL); help.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates (servers):\n" " template name = template description\n" " eGroupware = http://www.egroupware.org\n" " Funambol = http://my.funambol.com\n" " Google_Calendar = event sync via CalDAV, use for the 'target-config@google-calendar' config\n" " Google_Contacts = contact sync via SyncML, see http://www.google.com/support/mobile/bin/topic.py?topic=22181\n" " Goosync = http://www.goosync.com/\n" " Memotoo = http://www.memotoo.com\n" " Mobical = https://www.everdroid.com\n" " Oracle = http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/beehive/index.html\n" " Ovi = http://www.ovi.com\n" " ScheduleWorld = server no longer in operation\n" " SyncEvolution = http://www.syncevolution.org\n" " Synthesis = http://www.synthesis.ch\n" " WebDAV = contact and event sync using WebDAV, use for the 'target-config@' config\n" " Yahoo = contact and event sync using WebDAV, use for the 'target-config@yahoo' config\n", help.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help.m_err.str()); } void testMatchTemplate() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "testcases/templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/dev/null"); TestCmdline help1("--template", "?nokia 7210c", NULL); help1.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates (clients):\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " Nokia_7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 100%\n" " SyncEvolution_Client = SyncEvolution server side template 40%\n", help1.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help1.m_err.str()); TestCmdline help2("--template", "?nokia", NULL); help2.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates (clients):\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " Nokia_7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 100%\n" " SyncEvolution_Client = SyncEvolution server side template 40%\n", help2.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help2.m_err.str()); TestCmdline help3("--template", "?7210c", NULL); help3.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates (clients):\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " Nokia_7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 60%\n" " SyncEvolution_Client = SyncEvolution server side template 20%\n", help3.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help3.m_err.str()); TestCmdline help4("--template", "?syncevolution client", NULL); help4.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Available configuration templates (clients):\n" " template name = template description matching score in percent (100% = exact match)\n" " SyncEvolution_Client = SyncEvolution server side template 100%\n" " Nokia_7210c = Template for Nokia S40 series Phone 40%\n", help4.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help4.m_err.str()); } void testPrintServers() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doSetupScheduleWorld(false); doSetupSynthesis(true); doSetupFunambol(true); TestCmdline cmdline("--print-servers", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("Configured servers:\n" " funambol = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/funambol\n" " scheduleworld = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/scheduleworld\n" " synthesis = CmdlineTest/syncevolution/default/peers/synthesis\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); } void testPrintConfig() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); testSetupFunambol(); { TestCmdline failure("--print-config", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(failure.expectUsageError("[ERROR] --print-config requires either a --template or a server name.\n")); } { TestCmdline failure("--print-config", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("[ERROR] Server 'foo' has not been configured yet.\n"), failure.m_err.str()); } { TestCmdline failure("--print-config", "--template", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("[ERROR] No configuration template for 'foo' available.\n"), failure.m_err.str()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); // deviceId must be the one from Funambol CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); string filtered = injectValues(filterConfig(actual)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())), filtered); // there should have been comments CPPUNIT_ASSERT(actual.size() > filtered.size()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld@nosuchcontext", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); // deviceId must *not* be the one from Funambol because of the new context CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "Default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(DefaultConfig())), actual); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(FunambolConfig())), injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str()))); } { // override context and template properties TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", "syncURL=foo", "database=Personal", "--source-property", "sync=disabled", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); boost::replace_first(expected, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = foo"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = Personal"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { // override context and template properties, using legacy property name TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", "--sync-property", "syncURL=foo", "--source-property", "evolutionsource=Personal", "--source-property", "sync=disabled", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); boost::replace_first(expected, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = foo"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = Personal"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--quiet", "--template", "scheduleworld", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig()), injectValues(filterConfig(actual))); } { // change shared source properties, then check template again TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "database=Personal", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--quiet", "--template", "scheduleworld", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); // from modified Funambol config boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = Personal"); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { // print config => must not use settings from default context TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld@nosuchcontext", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); // source settings *not* from modified Funambol config string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); removeRandomUUID(actual); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } { // create config => again, must not use settings from default context TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "scheduleworld", "other@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "other@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); // source settings *not* from modified Funambol config string expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())); string actual = injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); removeRandomUUID(actual); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, actual); } } void testPrintFileTemplates() { // use local copy of templates in build dir (no need to install) ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "./templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doPrintFileTemplates(); } void testPrintFileTemplatesConfig() { // simulate reading templates from user's XDG HOME symlink("../templates", (m_testDir + "/syncevolution-templates").c_str()); ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "/dev/null"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); doPrintFileTemplates(); } void doPrintFileTemplates() { // Compare only the properties which are really set. // // note that "backend" will be take from the @default context if one // exists, so run this before setting up Funambol below { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "google calendar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(googlecaldav, removeComments(filterRandomUUID(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())))); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "yahoo", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(yahoo, removeComments(filterRandomUUID(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())))); } testSetupFunambol(); { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "--template", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); string actual = cmdline.m_out.str(); // deviceId must be the one from Funambol CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::contains(actual, "deviceId = fixed-devid")); string filtered = injectValues(filterConfig(actual)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(ScheduleWorldConfig())), filtered); // there should have been comments CPPUNIT_ASSERT(actual.size() > filtered.size()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "funambol", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(filterConfig(internalToIni(FunambolConfig())), injectValues(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str()))); } } void testAddSource() { string root; ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); testSetupScheduleWorld(); root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/default"; { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "uri = dummy", "scheduleworld", "xyz", NULL); cmdline.doit(); string res = scanFiles(root); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); expected += "\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:# sync = disabled\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:uri = dummy\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/xyz/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# backend = select backend\n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/xyz/config.ini:# databasePassword = "; sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); } } void testSync() { TestCmdline failure("--sync", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(failure.expectUsageError("[ERROR] missing parameter for '--sync'\n")); TestCmdline failure2("--sync", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure2.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure2.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("[ERROR] '--sync foo': not one of the valid values (two-way, slow, refresh-from-local, refresh-from-remote = refresh, one-way-from-local, one-way-from-remote = one-way, refresh-from-client = refresh-client, refresh-from-server = refresh-server, one-way-from-client = one-way-client, one-way-from-server = one-way-server, disabled = none)\n", failure2.m_err.str()); TestCmdline failure3("--sync=foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure3.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure3.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("[ERROR] '--sync=foo': not one of the valid values (two-way, slow, refresh-from-local, refresh-from-remote = refresh, one-way-from-local, one-way-from-remote = one-way, refresh-from-client = refresh-client, refresh-from-server = refresh-server, one-way-from-client = one-way-client, one-way-from-server = one-way-server, disabled = none)\n", failure3.m_err.str()); TestCmdline help("--sync", " ?", NULL); help.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("--sync\n" " Requests a certain synchronization mode when initiating a sync:\n" " \n" " two-way\n" " only send/receive changes since last sync\n" " slow\n" " exchange all items\n" " refresh-from-remote\n" " discard all local items and replace with\n" " the items on the peer\n" " refresh-from-local\n" " discard all items on the peer and replace\n" " with the local items\n" " one-way-from-remote\n" " transmit changes from peer\n" " one-way-from-local\n" " transmit local changes\n" " disabled (or none)\n" " synchronization disabled\n" " \n" " refresh/one-way-from-server/client are also supported. Their use is\n" " discouraged because the direction of the data transfer depends\n" " on the role of the local side (can be server or client), which is\n" " not always obvious.\n" " \n" " When accepting a sync session in a SyncML server (HTTP server), only\n" " sources with sync != disabled are made available to the client,\n" " which chooses the final sync mode based on its own configuration.\n" " When accepting a sync session in a SyncML client (local sync with\n" " the server contacting SyncEvolution on a device), the sync mode\n" " specified in the client is typically overriden by the server.\n", help.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", help.m_err.str()); TestCmdline filter("--sync", "refresh-from-server", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(filter.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!filter.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(filter.expectUsageError("[ERROR] No configuration name specified.\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("sync = refresh-from-server", string(filter.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_sourceProps[""])); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", string(filter.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_syncProps)); TestCmdline filter2("--source-property", "sync=refresh", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(filter2.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!filter2.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(filter2.expectUsageError("[ERROR] No configuration name specified.\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("sync = refresh", string(filter2.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_sourceProps[""])); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", string(filter2.m_cmdline->m_props[""].m_syncProps)); TestCmdline filter3("--source-property", "xyz=1", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!filter3.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), filter3.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("[ERROR] '--source-property xyz=1': no such property\n"), filter3.m_err.str()); TestCmdline filter4("xyz=1", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!filter4.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(filter4.expectUsageError("[ERROR] unrecognized property in 'xyz=1'\n")); TestCmdline filter5("=1", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!filter5.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(filter5.expectUsageError("[ERROR] a property name must be given in '=1'\n")); } void testKeyring() { ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); { TestCmdline cmdline(NULL, NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--sync-property", "keyring=True", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("keyring=True", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=true", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=1", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=Yes", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=false", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_FALSE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=0", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_FALSE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=NO", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_FALSE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=GNOME", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_STRING, keyring.getValue()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("GNOME"), keyring.get()); } // empty config prop { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("@foobar", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } // now set the value permanently { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring", "--configure", "@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("@foobar", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_TRUE, keyring.getValue()); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--keyring=KDE", "--configure", "@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("@foobar", NULL); boost::shared_ptr context = cmdline.parse(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(context); InitStateTri keyring = context->getKeyring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, keyring.wasSet()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(InitStateTri::VALUE_STRING, keyring.getValue()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("KDE"), keyring.get()); } // allow sync operation although --keyring was set { TestCmdline cmdline("keyring=GNOME", "foobar@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(""), cmdline.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("[ERROR] No configuration for server \"foobar@default\" found.\n[ERROR] cannot proceed without configuration"), cmdline.m_err.str()); } // catch invalid "keyring" value { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "username=foo", "password=bar", "syncURL=http://no.such.server", "keyring=no-such-keyring", "foobar@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(""), cmdline.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("[ERROR] Unsupported value for the \"keyring\" property, no such keyring found: no-such-keyring"), cmdline.m_err.str()); } } void testWebDAV() { #ifdef ENABLE_DAV ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); // configure Yahoo under a different name, with explicit template selection { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "yahoo", "target-config@my-yahoo", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "target-config@my-yahoo", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(yahoo, removeComments(filterRandomUUID(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())))); } // configure Google Calendar with template derived from config name { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "target-config@google-calendar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", "target-config@google-calendar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(googlecaldav, removeComments(filterRandomUUID(filterConfig(cmdline.m_out.str())))); } // test "template not found" error cases { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "yahooxyz", "target-config@my-yahoo-xyz", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cmdline.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!cmdline.m_cmdline->run()); static const char error[] = "[ERROR] No configuration template for 'yahooxyz' available.\n" "[INFO] \n" "[INFO] Available configuration templates (clients and servers):\n"; std::string out = cmdline.m_out.str(); std::string err = cmdline.m_err.str(); std::string all = cmdline.m_all.str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::starts_with(err, error)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::ends_with(err, "\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::ends_with(err, "\n\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), out); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(all, err); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "target-config@foobar", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cmdline.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!cmdline.m_cmdline->run()); static const char error[] = "[ERROR] No configuration template for 'foobar' available.\n" "[INFO] Use '--template none' and/or specify relevant properties on the command line to create a configuration without a template. Need values for: syncURL\n" "[INFO] \n" "[INFO] Available configuration templates (clients and servers):\n"; std::string out = cmdline.m_out.str(); std::string err = cmdline.m_err.str(); std::string all = cmdline.m_all.str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::starts_with(err, error)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::ends_with(err, "\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::ends_with(err, "\n\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), out); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, all); } #endif } void testConfigure() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); testSetupScheduleWorld(); string expected = doConfigure(ScheduleWorldConfig(), "sources/addressbook/config.ini:"); { // updating "type" for peer is mapped to updating "backend", // "databaseFormat", "syncFormat", "forceSyncFormat" TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "addressbook/type=file:text/vcard:3.0", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); boost::replace_first(expected, "backend = addressbook", "backend = file"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); string shared = filterConfig(printConfig("@default")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("backend = file") != shared.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("databaseFormat = text/vcard") != shared.npos); } { // updating type for context must not affect peer TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "type=file:text/x-vcard:2.1", "@default", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); boost::replace_first(expected, "databaseFormat = text/vcard", "databaseFormat = text/x-vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); string shared = filterConfig(printConfig("@default")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("backend = file") != shared.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shared.find("databaseFormat = text/x-vcard") != shared.npos); } string syncProperties("syncURL (no default, unshared, required)\n" "\n" "username (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "password (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "logdir (no default, shared)\n" "\n" "loglevel (0, unshared)\n" "\n" "notifyLevel (3, unshared)\n" "\n" "printChanges (TRUE, unshared)\n" "\n" "dumpData (TRUE, unshared)\n" "\n" "maxlogdirs (10, shared)\n" "\n" "autoSync (0, unshared)\n" "\n" "autoSyncInterval (30M, unshared)\n" "\n" "autoSyncDelay (5M, unshared)\n" "\n" "preventSlowSync (TRUE, unshared)\n" "\n" "useProxy (FALSE, unshared)\n" "\n" "proxyHost (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "proxyUsername (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "proxyPassword (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "clientAuthType (md5, unshared)\n" "\n" "RetryDuration (5M, unshared)\n" "\n" "RetryInterval (2M, unshared)\n" "\n" "remoteIdentifier (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "PeerIsClient (FALSE, unshared)\n" "\n" "SyncMLVersion (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "PeerName (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "deviceId (no default, shared)\n" "\n" "remoteDeviceId (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "enableWBXML (TRUE, unshared)\n" "\n" "maxMsgSize (150000, unshared), maxObjSize (4000000, unshared)\n" "\n" "SSLServerCertificates (" SYNCEVOLUTION_SSL_SERVER_CERTIFICATES ", unshared)\n" "\n" "SSLVerifyServer (TRUE, unshared)\n" "\n" "SSLVerifyHost (TRUE, unshared)\n" "\n" "WebURL (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "IconURI (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "ConsumerReady (FALSE, unshared)\n" "\n" "peerType (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "defaultPeer (no default, global)\n" "\n" "keyring (yes, global)\n"); string sourceProperties("sync (disabled, unshared, required)\n" "\n" "uri (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "backend (select backend, shared)\n" "\n" "syncFormat (no default, unshared)\n" "\n" "forceSyncFormat (FALSE, unshared)\n" "\n" "database = evolutionsource (no default, shared)\n" "\n" "databaseFormat (no default, shared)\n" "\n" "databaseUser = evolutionuser (no default, shared), databasePassword = evolutionpassword (no default, shared)\n"); { TestCmdline cmdline("--sync-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(syncProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--source-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(sourceProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--source-property", "?", "--sync-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(sourceProperties + syncProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--sync-property", "?", "--source-property", "?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(syncProperties + sourceProperties, filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--source-property", "sync=?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("'--source-property sync=?'\n", filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("sync=?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("'sync=?'\n", filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } { TestCmdline cmdline("syncURL=?", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("'syncURL=?'\n", filterIndented(cmdline.m_out.str())); } } /** * Test semantic of config creation (instead of updating) with and without * templates. See BMC #14805. */ void testConfigureTemplates() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); rm_r(m_testDir); { // catch possible typos like "sheduleworld" TestCmdline failure("--configure", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); static const char error[] = "[ERROR] No configuration template for 'foo@default' available.\n" "[INFO] Use '--template none' and/or specify relevant properties on the command line to create a configuration without a template. Need values for: syncURL\n" "[INFO] \n" "[INFO] Available configuration templates (clients and servers):\n"; std::string out = failure.m_out.str(); std::string err = failure.m_err.str(); std::string all = failure.m_all.str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::starts_with(err, error)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::ends_with(err, "\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::ends_with(err, "\n\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), out); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(all, err); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // catch possible typos like "sheduleworld" when // enough properties are specified to continue without // a template TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=http://foo.com", "--template", "foo", "bar", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!failure.m_cmdline->run()); static const char error[] = "[ERROR] No configuration template for 'foo' available.\n" "[INFO] All relevant properties seem to be set, omit the --template parameter to proceed.\n" "[INFO] \n" "[INFO] Available configuration templates (clients and servers):\n"; std::string out = failure.m_out.str(); std::string err = failure.m_err.str(); std::string all = failure.m_all.str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::starts_with(err, error)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::ends_with(err, "\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!boost::ends_with(err, "\n\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), out); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(all, err); } string fooconfig = StringPrintf("syncevolution/.internal.ini:rootMinVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/.internal.ini:rootCurVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/.internal.ini:contextMinVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/.internal.ini:contextCurVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/config.ini:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/.internal.ini:peerMinVersion = %d\n" "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/.internal.ini:peerCurVersion = %d\n", CONFIG_ROOT_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_ROOT_CUR_VERSION, CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION, CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION); string syncurl = "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/config.ini:syncURL = local://@bar\n"; string configsource = "syncevolution/default/peers/foo/sources/eds_event/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "syncevolution/default/sources/eds_event/config.ini:backend = calendar\n"; rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: should result in no sources configured TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); bool success = failure.m_cmdline->run(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(success); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: should result in no sources configured, // even if general source properties are specified TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "backend=calendar", "foo", NULL); bool success = failure.m_cmdline->parse() && failure.m_cmdline->run(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(success); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: should result in no sources configured, // even if specific source properties are specified TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "eds_event/backend=calendar", "foo", NULL); bool success = failure.m_cmdline->parse() && failure.m_cmdline->run(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(success); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish and possible: here eds_event is not usable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "foo", "eds_event", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); bool caught = false; try { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { if (!strcmp(ex.what(), "eds_event: no backend available")) { caught = true; } else { throw; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish and possible: here eds_event is not configurable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "foo", "eds_event", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); bool caught = false; try { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { if (!strcmp(ex.what(), "no such source(s): eds_event")) { caught = true; } else { throw; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish and possible: here eds_event is not configurable (wrong context) TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "eds_event/backend@xyz=calendar", "foo", "eds_event", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); bool caught = false; try { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); } catch (const StatusException &ex) { if (!strcmp(ex.what(), "no such source(s): eds_event")) { caught = true; } else { throw; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(caught); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they wish: configure exactly the specified sources TestCmdline failure("--configure", "--template", "none", "backend=calendar", "foo", "eds_event", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + configsource, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they provide enough information: should result in no sources configured TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "foo", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + syncurl, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they provide enough information; // source created because listed and usable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "backend=calendar", "foo", "eds_event", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + syncurl + configsource, filterFiles(res)); } rm_r(m_testDir); { // allow user to proceed if they provide enough information; // source created because listed and usable TestCmdline failure("--configure", "syncURL=local://@bar", "eds_event/backend@default=calendar", "foo", "eds_event", NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->parse()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(failure.m_cmdline->run()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_out.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", failure.m_err.str()); string res = scanFiles(m_testDir); removeRandomUUID(res); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(fooconfig + syncurl + configsource, filterFiles(res)); } } void testConfigureSources() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); // create from scratch with only addressbook configured { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "database = file://tmp/test", "--source-property", "type = file:text/x-vcard", "@foobar", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } string root = m_testDir; root += "/syncevolution/foobar"; string res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); string expected = StringPrintf(".internal.ini:contextMinVersion = %d\n" ".internal.ini:contextCurVersion = %d\n" "config.ini:# logdir = \n" "config.ini:# maxlogdirs = 10\n" "config.ini:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:backend = file\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/x-vcard\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n", CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION, CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // add calendar { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "database@foobar = file://tmp/test2", "--source-property", "backend = calendar", "@foobar", "calendar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); expected += "sources/calendar/config.ini:backend = calendar\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test2\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // add ScheduleWorld peer: must reuse existing backend settings { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "scheduleworld@foobar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_all(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:backend = addressbook", "addressbook/config.ini:backend = file"); boost::replace_all(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:# database = ", "addressbook/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test"); boost::replace_all(expected, "addressbook/config.ini:# databaseFormat = ", "addressbook/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/x-vcard"); boost::replace_all(expected, "calendar/config.ini:# database = ", "calendar/config.ini:database = file://tmp/test2"); sortConfig(expected); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // disable all sources except for addressbook { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "addressbook/sync=two-way", "--source-property", "sync=none", "scheduleworld@foobar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } res = scanFiles(root); removeRandomUUID(res); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(expected, "sync = disabled", "sync = two-way"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, res); // override type in template while creating from scratch { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "SyncEvolution", "--source-property", "addressbook/type=file:text/vcard:3.0", "--source-property", "calendar/type=file:text/calendar:2.0", "syncevo@syncevo", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } string syncevoroot = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/syncevo"; res = scanFiles(syncevoroot + "/sources/addressbook"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("backend = file\n") != res.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("databaseFormat = text/vcard\n") != res.npos); res = scanFiles(syncevoroot + "/sources/calendar"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("backend = file\n") != res.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res.find("databaseFormat = text/calendar\n") != res.npos); } void testOldConfigure() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); string oldConfig = OldScheduleWorldConfig(); InitList props = InitList("serverNonce") + "clientNonce" + "devInfoHash" + "HashCode" + "ConfigDate" + "deviceData" + "adminData" + "synthesisID" + "rootMinVersion" + "rootCurVersion" + "contextMinVersion" + "contextCurVersion" + "peerMinVersion" + "peerCurVersion" + "lastNonce" + "last"; BOOST_FOREACH(string &prop, props) { boost::replace_all(oldConfig, prop + " = ", prop + " = internal value"); } rm_r(m_testDir); createFiles(m_testDir + "/.sync4j/evolution/scheduleworld", oldConfig); // Cannot read/and write old format anymore. SyncContext::setStableRelease(false); expectMigration("scheduleworld"); // Migrate explicitly. { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); } // now test with new format string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_first(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); // migrating "type" sets forceSyncFormat (always) // and databaseFormat (if format was part of type, as for addressbook) boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); doConfigure(expected, "sources/addressbook/config.ini:"); } string doConfigure(const string &SWConfig, const string &addressbookPrefix) { string expected; { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "sync = disabled", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(SWConfig)); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--source-property", "sync = one-way-from-server", "scheduleworld", "addressbook", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); expected = SWConfig; boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = two-way", "sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(expected, addressbookPrefix + "sync = disabled", addressbookPrefix + "sync = one-way-from-server"); expected = filterConfig(internalToIni(expected)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); } { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync", "two-way", "-z", "database=source", // note priority of suffix: most specific wins "--sync-property", "maxlogdirs@scheduleworld@default=20", "--sync-property", "maxlogdirs@default=10", "--sync-property", "maxlogdirs=5", "-y", "LOGDIR@default=logdir", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = one-way-from-server", "sync = two-way"); boost::replace_all(expected, "sync = disabled", "sync = two-way"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# database = ", "database = source"); boost::replace_all(expected, "database = xyz", "database = source"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# maxlogdirs = 10", "maxlogdirs = 20"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# logdir = ", "logdir = logdir"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, filterConfig(printConfig("scheduleworld"))); } return expected; } void testMigrate() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); string oldRoot = m_testDir + "/.sync4j/evolution/scheduleworld"; string newRoot = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default"; string oldConfig = OldScheduleWorldConfig(); { // migrate old config createFiles(oldRoot, oldConfig); string createdConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); // migrating SyncEvolution < 1.2 configs sets // ConsumerReady, to keep config visible in the updated // sync-ui boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); // migrating "type" sets forceSyncFormat (always) // and databaseFormat (if format was part of type, as for addressbook) boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot + ".old"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } { // rewrite existing config with obsolete properties // => these properties should get removed // // There is one limitation: shared nodes are not rewritten. // This is acceptable. createFiles(newRoot + "/peers/scheduleworld", "config.ini:# obsolete comment\n" "config.ini:obsoleteprop = foo\n", true); string createdConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld"); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld"); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld.old.1"); boost::replace_first(createdConfig, "ConsumerReady = 1", "ConsumerReady = 0"); boost::replace_all(createdConfig, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old.1/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } { // migrate old config with changes and .synthesis directory, a second time createFiles(oldRoot, oldConfig); createFiles(oldRoot, ".synthesis/dummy-file.bfi:dummy = foobar\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/changes/config.txt:foo = bar\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/changes/config.txt:foo2 = bar2\n", true); string createdConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot); rm_r(newRoot); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); boost::replace_first(expected, "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini", "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.other.ini:foo = bar\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.other.ini:foo2 = bar2\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini"); boost::replace_first(expected, "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini", "peers/scheduleworld/.synthesis/dummy-file.bfi:dummy = foobar\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot + ".old.1"); boost::replace_first(createdConfig, "ConsumerReady = 1", "ConsumerReady = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } { string otherRoot = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/other"; rm_r(otherRoot); // migrate old config into non-default context createFiles(oldRoot, oldConfig); string createdConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } string migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot + ".old"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); // migrate the migrated config again inside the "other" context, // with no "default" context which might interfere with the tests // // ConsumerReady was set as part of previous migration, // must be removed during migration to hide the migrated // config from average users. rm_r(newRoot); { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld@other", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld"); expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); renamedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld.old.3"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old.3/"); boost::replace_all(expected, "ConsumerReady = 1", "ConsumerReady = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, renamedConfig); // migrate once more, this time without the explicit context in // the config name => must not change the context, need second .old dir { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld.old.3/", "/scheduleworld/"); boost::replace_all(expected, "ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); renamedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld.old.4"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old.4/"); boost::replace_all(expected, "ConsumerReady = 1", "ConsumerReady = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, renamedConfig); // remove ConsumerReady: must be remain unset when migrating // hidden SyncEvolution >= 1.2 configs { TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--sync-property", "ConsumerReady=0", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } // migrate once more => keep ConsumerReady unset { TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } migratedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld.old.4/", "/scheduleworld/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); renamedConfig = scanFiles(otherRoot, "scheduleworld.old.5"); boost::replace_all(expected, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old.5/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, renamedConfig); } } void testMigrateContext() { // Migrate context containing a peer. Must also migrate peer. // Covers special case of inconsistent "type". ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); string root = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default"; string oldConfig = "config.ini:logDir = none\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# password = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:type = addressbook:text/vcard\n" // correct! "sources/addressbook/config.ini:type = calendar\n" // wrong! "peers/funambol/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.funambol.com/funambol/ds\n" "peers/funambol/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/funambol/config.ini:# password = \n" "peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-server\n" "peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:uri = cal\n" "peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:type = calendar\n" // correct! "peers/funambol/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# sync = disabled\n" "peers/funambol/sources/addressbook/config.ini:type = file\n" // not used for context because source disabled "sources/calendar/config.ini:type = memos\n" // wrong! "peers/memotoo/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.memotoo.com/memotoo/ds\n" "peers/memotoo/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/memotoo/config.ini:# password = \n" "peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-client\n" "peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:uri = cal\n" "peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:type = memo:text/plain\n" // correct! "sources/memo/config.ini:type = todo\n" // wrong! ; { createFiles(root, oldConfig); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "memo/backend=file", // override memo "backend" during migration "@default", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(root); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/addressbook/config.ini:backend = addressbook") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/addressbook/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/vcard") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/calendar/config.ini:backend = calendar") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseFormat = ") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:# syncFormat = ") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/calendar/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-server") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/funambol/sources/memo/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/memo/config.ini:backend = file") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("sources/memo/config.ini:databaseFormat = text/plain") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:syncFormat = text/plain") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/calendar/config.ini:# sync = disabled") != migratedConfig.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(migratedConfig.find("peers/memotoo/sources/memo/config.ini:sync = refresh-from-client") != migratedConfig.npos); } } void testMigrateAutoSync() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); string oldRoot = m_testDir + "/.sync4j/evolution/scheduleworld"; string newRoot = m_testDir + "/syncevolution/default"; string oldConfig = "spds/syncml/config.txt:autoSync = 1\n"; oldConfig += OldScheduleWorldConfig(); { // migrate old config createFiles(oldRoot, oldConfig); string createdConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_first(expected, "# autoSync = 0", "autoSync = 1"); sortConfig(expected); // migrating SyncEvolution < 1.2 configs sets // ConsumerReady, to keep config visible in the updated // sync-ui boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); // migrating "type" sets forceSyncFormat (always) // and databaseFormat (if format was part of type, as for addressbook) boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(oldRoot + ".old"); // autoSync must have been unset boost::replace_first(createdConfig, ":autoSync = 1", ":autoSync = 0"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } { // rewrite existing config with autoSync set string createdConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld"); TestCmdline cmdline("--migrate", "scheduleworld", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); string migratedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld"); string expected = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_first(expected, "# autoSync = 0", "autoSync = 1"); sortConfig(expected); boost::replace_all(expected, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# database = ", "database = xyz"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseUser = ", "databaseUser = foo"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databasePassword = ", "databasePassword = bar"); boost::replace_all(expected, "# forceSyncFormat = 0", "forceSyncFormat = 0"); boost::replace_first(expected, "# databaseFormat = ", "databaseFormat = text/vcard"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(expected, migratedConfig); string renamedConfig = scanFiles(newRoot, "scheduleworld.old.1"); // autoSync must have been unset boost::replace_first(createdConfig, ":autoSync = 1", ":autoSync = 0"); // the scheduleworld config was consumer ready, the migrated one isn't boost::replace_all(createdConfig, "ConsumerReady = 1", "ConsumerReady = 0"); boost::replace_all(createdConfig, "/scheduleworld/", "/scheduleworld.old.1/"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(createdConfig, renamedConfig); } } void testItemOperations() { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); { // "foo" not configured TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", "foo", "bar", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("[ERROR] bar: backend not supported or not correctly configured (backend=select backend databaseFormat= syncFormat=)\nconfiguration 'foo' does not exist\nsource 'bar' does not exist\nbackend property not set", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // "foo" not configured, no source named TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", "foo", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("[ERROR] backend not supported or not correctly configured (backend=select backend databaseFormat= syncFormat=)\nconfiguration 'foo' does not exist\nno source selected\nbackend property not set", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // nothing known about source TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("[ERROR] backend not supported or not correctly configured (backend=select backend databaseFormat= syncFormat=)\nno source selected\nbackend property not set", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // now create foo TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "--template", "default", "foo", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // "foo" now configured, still no source TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", "foo", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("[ERROR] backend not supported or not correctly configured (backend=select backend databaseFormat= syncFormat=)\nno source selected\nbackend property not set", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // foo configured, but "bar" is not TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", "foo", "bar", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("[ERROR] bar: backend not supported or not correctly configured (backend=select backend databaseFormat= syncFormat=)\nsource 'bar' does not exist\nbackend property not set", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // add "bar" source, using file backend TestCmdline cmdline("--configure", "backend=file", ("database=file://" + m_testDir + "/addressbook").c_str(), "databaseFormat=text/vcard", "foo", "bar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // no items yet TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", "foo", "bar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_out.str()); } static const std::string john = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "FN:John Doe\n" "N:Doe;John;;;\n" "END:VCARD\n", joan = "BEGIN:VCARD\n" "VERSION:3.0\n" "FN:Joan Doe\n" "N:Doe;Joan;;;\n" "END:VCARD\n"; { // create one file std::string file1 = "1:" + john, file2 = "2:" + joan; boost::replace_all(file1, "\n", "\n1:"); file1.resize(file1.size() - 2); boost::replace_all(file2, "\n", "\n2:"); file2.resize(file2.size() - 2); createFiles(m_testDir + "/addressbook", file1 + file2); TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", "foo", "bar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("1\n2\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // alternatively just specify enough parameters, // without the foo bar config part TestCmdline cmdline("--print-items", "backend=file", ("database=file://" + m_testDir + "/addressbook").c_str(), "databaseFormat=text/vcard", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("1\n2\n", cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // export all TestCmdline cmdline("--export", "-", "backend=file", ("database=file://" + m_testDir + "/addressbook").c_str(), "databaseFormat=text/vcard", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(john + "\n" + joan, cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // export all via config TestCmdline cmdline("--export", "-", "foo", "bar", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(john + "\n" + joan, cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // export one TestCmdline cmdline("--export", "-", "backend=file", ("database=file://" + m_testDir + "/addressbook").c_str(), "databaseFormat=text/vcard", "--luids", "1", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(john, cmdline.m_out.str()); } { // export one via config TestCmdline cmdline("--export", "-", "foo", "bar", "1", NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(john, cmdline.m_out.str()); } // TODO: check configuration of just the source as @foo bar without peer { // check error message for missing config name TestCmdline cmdline((const char *)NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(cmdline.expectUsageError("[ERROR] No configuration name specified.\n")); } { // check error message for missing config name, version II TestCmdline cmdline("--run", NULL); cmdline.doit(false); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(cmdline.expectUsageError("[ERROR] No configuration name specified.\n")); } } const string m_testDir; private: /** * vararg constructor with NULL termination, * out and error stream into stringstream members */ class TestCmdline : private LoggerBase { void init() { pushLogger(this); m_argv.reset(new const char *[m_argvstr.size() + 1]); m_argv[0] = "client-test"; for (size_t index = 0; index < m_argvstr.size(); ++index) { m_argv[index + 1] = m_argvstr[index].c_str(); } m_cmdline.set(new KeyringSyncCmdline(m_argvstr.size() + 1, m_argv.get()), "cmdline"); } public: TestCmdline(const char *arg, ...) { va_list argList; va_start (argList, arg); for (const char *curr = arg; curr; curr = va_arg(argList, const char *)) { m_argvstr.push_back(curr); } va_end(argList); init(); } TestCmdline(const char * const argv[]) { for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++) { m_argvstr.push_back(argv[i]); } init(); } ~TestCmdline() { popLogger(); } boost::shared_ptr parse() { if (!m_cmdline->parse()) { return boost::shared_ptr(); } boost::shared_ptr context(new SyncContext(m_cmdline->m_server)); context->setConfigFilter(true, "", m_cmdline->m_props.createSyncFilter(m_cmdline->m_server)); return context; } void doit(bool expectSuccess = true) { bool success = false; m_out.str(""); m_err.str(""); // emulates syncevolution.cpp exception handling try { success = m_cmdline->parse() && m_cmdline->run(); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { m_err << "[ERROR] " << ex.what(); } catch (...) { std::string explanation; Exception::handle(explanation); m_err << "[ERROR] " << explanation; } if (expectSuccess && m_err.str().size()) { m_out << endl << m_err.str(); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_out.str(), success == expectSuccess); } /** verify that Cmdline::usage() produced a short usage info followed by a specific error message */ void expectUsageError(const std::string &error) { // expect short usage info as normal output std::string out = m_out.str(); std::string err = m_err.str(); std::string all = m_all.str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::starts_with(out, "List databases:\n")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(out.find("\nOptions:\n") == std::string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(boost::ends_with(out, "Remove item(s):\n" " syncevolution --delete-items [--] ( ... | '*')\n\n")); // exact error message CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(error, err); // also check order CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF(out + err, all); } // separate streams for normal messages and error messages ostringstream m_out, m_err; // combined stream with all messages ostringstream m_all; cxxptr m_cmdline; private: vector m_argvstr; boost::scoped_array m_argv; /** capture output produced while test ran */ void messagev(Level level, const char *prefix, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *format, va_list args) { if (level <= INFO) { ostringstream &out = level != SHOW ? m_err : m_out; std::string str = StringPrintfV(format, args); if (level != SHOW) { out << "[" << levelToStr(level) << "] "; m_all << "[" << levelToStr(level) << "] "; } out << str; m_all << str; if (!boost::ends_with(str, "\n")) { out << std::endl; m_all << std::endl; } } } virtual bool isProcessSafe() const { return false; } }; string DefaultConfig() { string config = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_first(config, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = http://yourserver:port"); boost::replace_first(config, "http://www.scheduleworld.com", "http://www.syncevolution.org"); boost::replace_all(config, "ScheduleWorld", "SyncEvolution"); boost::replace_all(config, "scheduleworld", "syncevolution"); boost::replace_first(config, "PeerName = SyncEvolution", "# PeerName = "); boost::replace_first(config, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(config, "uri = card3", "uri = addressbook"); boost::replace_first(config, "uri = cal2", "uri = calendar"); boost::replace_first(config, "uri = task2", "uri = todo"); boost::replace_first(config, "uri = note", "uri = memo"); boost::replace_first(config, "syncFormat = text/vcard", "# syncFormat = "); return config; } string ScheduleWorldConfig(int contextMinVersion = CONFIG_CONTEXT_MIN_VERSION, int contextCurVersion = CONFIG_CONTEXT_CUR_VERSION, int peerMinVersion = CONFIG_PEER_MIN_VERSION, int peerCurVersion = CONFIG_PEER_CUR_VERSION) { // properties sorted by the order in which they are defined // in the sync and sync source property registry string config = StringPrintf("peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:peerMinVersion = %d\n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:peerCurVersion = %d\n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# HashCode = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# ConfigDate = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# lastNonce = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# deviceData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/.internal.ini:# webDAVCredentialsOkay = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# username = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# password = \n" ".internal.ini:contextMinVersion = %d\n" ".internal.ini:contextCurVersion = %d\n" "config.ini:# logdir = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# loglevel = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# notifyLevel = 3\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# printChanges = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# dumpData = 1\n" "config.ini:# maxlogdirs = 10\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# autoSync = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# autoSyncInterval = 30M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# autoSyncDelay = 5M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# preventSlowSync = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# useProxy = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# proxyHost = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# proxyUsername = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# proxyPassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# clientAuthType = md5\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# RetryDuration = 5M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# RetryInterval = 2M\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# remoteIdentifier = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# PeerIsClient = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SyncMLVersion = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:PeerName = ScheduleWorld\n" "config.ini:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" /* this is not the default! */ "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# remoteDeviceId = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# enableWBXML = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# maxMsgSize = 150000\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# maxObjSize = 4000000\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLServerCertificates = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLVerifyServer = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLVerifyHost = 1\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/scheduleworld\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# ConsumerReady = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# peerType = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:backend = addressbook\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/addressbook/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/addressbook/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:uri = cal2\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:backend = calendar\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/calendar/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/calendar/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:uri = note\n" "sources/memo/config.ini:backend = memo\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/memo/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/memo/config.ini:# databasePassword = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/.internal.ini:# adminData = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/.internal.ini:# synthesisID = 0\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:sync = two-way\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:uri = task2\n" "sources/todo/config.ini:backend = todo\n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:# syncFormat = \n" "peers/scheduleworld/sources/todo/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0\n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# database = \n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# databaseFormat = \n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# databaseUser = \n" "sources/todo/config.ini:# databasePassword = ", peerMinVersion, peerCurVersion, contextMinVersion, contextCurVersion); #ifdef ENABLE_LIBSOUP // path to SSL certificates has to be set only for libsoup boost::replace_first(config, "SSLServerCertificates = ", "SSLServerCertificates = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt:/usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"); #endif #if 0 // Currently we don't have an icon for ScheduleWorld. If we // had (MB #2062) one, then this code would ensure that the // reference config also has the right path for it. const char *templateDir = getenv("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR"); if (!templateDir) { templateDir = TEMPLATE_DIR; } if (isDir(string(templateDir) + "/ScheduleWorld")) { boost::replace_all(config, "# IconURI = ", string("IconURI = file://") + templateDir + "/ScheduleWorld/icon.png"); } #endif return config; } string OldScheduleWorldConfig() { // old style paths string oldConfig = "spds/syncml/config.txt:syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# username = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# password = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# logdir = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# loglevel = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# notifyLevel = 3\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# printChanges = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# dumpData = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# maxlogdirs = 10\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# autoSync = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# autoSyncInterval = 30M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# autoSyncDelay = 5M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# preventSlowSync = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# useProxy = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# proxyHost = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# proxyUsername = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# proxyPassword = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# clientAuthType = md5\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# RetryDuration = 5M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# RetryInterval = 2M\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# remoteIdentifier = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# PeerIsClient = 0\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SyncMLVersion = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:PeerName = ScheduleWorld\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:deviceId = fixed-devid\n" /* this is not the default! */ "spds/syncml/config.txt:# remoteDeviceId = \n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# enableWBXML = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# maxMsgSize = 150000\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# maxObjSize = 4000000\n" #ifdef ENABLE_LIBSOUP // path to SSL certificates is only set for libsoup "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLServerCertificates = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt:/usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt\n" #else "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLServerCertificates = \n" #endif "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLVerifyServer = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# SSLVerifyHost = 1\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/scheduleworld\n" "spds/syncml/config.txt:# ConsumerReady = 0\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:type = addressbook:text/vcard\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:evolutionsource = xyz\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:uri = card3\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:evolutionuser = foo\n" "spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt:evolutionpassword = bar\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:type = calendar\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:# database = \n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:uri = cal2\n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:# evolutionuser = \n" "spds/sources/calendar/config.txt:# evolutionpassword = \n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:type = memo\n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:# database = \n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:uri = note\n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:# evolutionuser = \n" "spds/sources/memo/config.txt:# evolutionpassword = \n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:sync = two-way\n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:type = todo\n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:# database = \n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:uri = task2\n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:# evolutionuser = \n" "spds/sources/todo/config.txt:# evolutionpassword = \n"; return oldConfig; } string FunambolConfig() { string config = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_all(config, "/scheduleworld/", "/funambol/"); boost::replace_all(config, "PeerName = ScheduleWorld", "PeerName = Funambol"); boost::replace_first(config, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = http://my.funambol.com/sync"); boost::replace_first(config, "WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com", "WebURL = http://my.funambol.com"); boost::replace_first(config, "IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/scheduleworld", "IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/funambol"); boost::replace_first(config, "# ConsumerReady = 0", "ConsumerReady = 1"); boost::replace_first(config, "# enableWBXML = 1", "enableWBXML = 0"); boost::replace_first(config, "# RetryInterval = 2M", "RetryInterval = 0"); boost::replace_first(config, "addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3", "addressbook/config.ini:uri = card"); boost::replace_all(config, "addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard", "addressbook/config.ini:# syncFormat = "); boost::replace_first(config, "calendar/config.ini:uri = cal2", "calendar/config.ini:uri = event"); boost::replace_all(config, "calendar/config.ini:# syncFormat = ", "calendar/config.ini:syncFormat = text/calendar"); boost::replace_all(config, "calendar/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0", "calendar/config.ini:forceSyncFormat = 1"); boost::replace_first(config, "todo/config.ini:uri = task2", "todo/config.ini:uri = task"); boost::replace_all(config, "todo/config.ini:# syncFormat = ", "todo/config.ini:syncFormat = text/calendar"); boost::replace_all(config, "todo/config.ini:# forceSyncFormat = 0", "todo/config.ini:forceSyncFormat = 1"); return config; } string SynthesisConfig() { string config = ScheduleWorldConfig(); boost::replace_all(config, "/scheduleworld/", "/synthesis/"); boost::replace_all(config, "PeerName = ScheduleWorld", "PeerName = Synthesis"); boost::replace_first(config, "syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld.com/funambol/ds", "syncURL = http://www.synthesis.ch/sync"); boost::replace_first(config, "WebURL = http://www.scheduleworld.com", "WebURL = http://www.synthesis.ch"); boost::replace_first(config, "IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/scheduleworld", "IconURI = image://themedimage/icons/services/synthesis"); boost::replace_first(config, "addressbook/config.ini:uri = card3", "addressbook/config.ini:uri = contacts"); boost::replace_all(config, "addressbook/config.ini:syncFormat = text/vcard", "addressbook/config.ini:# syncFormat = "); boost::replace_first(config, "calendar/config.ini:uri = cal2", "calendar/config.ini:uri = events"); boost::replace_first(config, "calendar/config.ini:sync = two-way", "calendar/config.ini:sync = disabled"); boost::replace_first(config, "memo/config.ini:uri = note", "memo/config.ini:uri = notes"); boost::replace_first(config, "todo/config.ini:uri = task2", "todo/config.ini:uri = tasks"); boost::replace_first(config, "todo/config.ini:sync = two-way", "todo/config.ini:sync = disabled"); return config; } /** create directory hierarchy, overwriting previous content */ void createFiles(const string &root, const string &content, bool append = false) { if (!append) { rm_r(root); } size_t start = 0; ofstream out; string outname; out.exceptions(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit); while (start < content.size()) { size_t delim = content.find(':', start); size_t end = content.find('\n', start); if (delim == content.npos || end == content.npos) { // invalid content ?! break; } string newname = content.substr(start, delim - start); string line = content.substr(delim + 1, end - delim - 1); if (newname != outname) { if (out.is_open()) { out.close(); } string fullpath = root + "/" + newname; size_t fileoff = fullpath.rfind('/'); mkdir_p(fullpath.substr(0, fileoff)); out.open(fullpath.c_str(), append ? (ios_base::out|ios_base::ate|ios_base::app) : (ios_base::out|ios_base::trunc)); outname = newname; } out << line << endl; start = end + 1; } } /** turn directory hierarchy into string * * @param root root path in file system * @param peer if non-empty, then ignore all /peers/ directories * where != peer * @param onlyProps ignore lines which are comments */ string scanFiles(const string &root, const string &peer = "", bool onlyProps = true) { ostringstream out; scanFiles(root, "", peer, out, onlyProps); return out.str(); } void scanFiles(const string &root, const string &dir, const string &peer, ostringstream &out, bool onlyProps) { string newroot = root; newroot += "/"; newroot += dir; ReadDir readDir(newroot); sort(readDir.begin(), readDir.end()); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &entry, readDir) { if (isDir(newroot + "/" + entry)) { if (boost::ends_with(newroot, "/peers") && !peer.empty() && entry != peer) { // skip different peer directory continue; } else { scanFiles(root, dir + (dir.empty() ? "" : "/") + entry, peer, out, onlyProps); } } else { ifstream in; in.exceptions(ios_base::badbit /* failbit must not trigger exception because is set when reaching eof ?! */); in.open((newroot + "/" + entry).c_str()); string line; while (!in.eof()) { getline(in, line); if ((line.size() || !in.eof()) && (!onlyProps || (boost::starts_with(line, "# ") ? isPropAssignment(line.substr(2)) : !line.empty()))) { if (dir.size()) { out << dir << "/"; } out << entry << ":"; out << line << '\n'; } } } } } string printConfig(const string &server) { ScopedEnvChange templates("SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR", "templates"); ScopedEnvChange xdg("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", m_testDir); ScopedEnvChange home("HOME", m_testDir); TestCmdline cmdline("--print-config", server.c_str(), NULL); cmdline.doit(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_DIFF("", cmdline.m_err.str()); return cmdline.m_out.str(); } }; SYNCEVOLUTION_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(CmdlineTest); #endif // ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS SE_END_CXX