This document is used to show interoperability test information with funambol server. * The Funambol Server's device information Funambol Data Synchronization Server v.7.1.1 Man=Funambol Mod=DS Server CarEd SwV=7.1.1 HwV=- FwV=- OEM=- DevID=funambol DevTyp=server VerDTD=1.2 UTC=true SupportLargeObjs=true SupportNumberOfChanges=true Ext=X-funambol-smartslow * Test Environment Variables Settings CLIENT_TEST_SERVER=funambol CLIENT_TEST_XML=1 CLIENT_TEST_MAX_ITEMSIZE=2048 \ CLIENT_TEST_EVOLUTION_PREFIX=file:///tmp/test/ * Test Profiles Settings Make sure your calendar type is 'calendar:text/calendar!' and task type is 'tasks:text/calendar!' to force to use ical20 * Data formats we need to test: Client::Sync::vcard21 Client::Sync::ical20 Client::Sync::itodo20 Client::Sync::text * Know Limitations in Funambol server: VCard21 -- Below properties are lost: CALURI, FBURL, X-MOZILLA-HTML, X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS, X-AIM, X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL, X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL, X-GROUPWISE, X-ICQ, X-YAHOO, X-ASSISTANT -- 'ORG' loses 'office' -- 'TEL' has no concept of 'preferred' phone number ical20 -- Below properties are lost: UID, SEQUENCE, TRANSP, LAST-MODIFIED, X-EVOLUTION-ALARM-UID, RECURRENCE-ID, ATTENDEE -- Below properties(together with default values) are added by server: REPEAT:0 -- Below properties lose parameters by server: ORGANIZER(CN) itodo20 -- Below properties are lost: UID, SEQUENCE, TRANSP, LAST-MODIFIED, X-EVOLUTION-ALARM-UID, STATUS, URL -- Below properties(together with default values) are added by server: CLASS:PUBLIC, PERCENT-COMPLETE:0 Both itodo20 and ical20: -- ACTION in VALARM is never sent although required by standard * Known test failures: Client::Sync::vcard21 -- NONE Client::Sync::ical20 -- Client::Sync::ical20::testItems -- Client::Sync::ical20::testItemsXML Client::Sync::itodo20 -- NONE Client::Sync::text -- NONE