Patrick Ohly 4880f8a0b9 command line + daemon mode: don't run with DEBUG output enabled (MB #5043)
Why was the output level temporarily increased to DEBUG when using the
daemon? That might have been useful during development, but the final
version should run with INFO level again, like it does in non-daemon
mode. Uncommenting the lines which change the level...

This leads to the question of "which messages should be sent across
D-Bus at all"? Long term clients should decide, but short term we
should reduce the level to INFO and lower to reduce overhead.
2010-03-29 11:01:36 +02:00

981 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Patrick Ohly <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
#include "config.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
#include <libgen.h>
#ifdef HAVE_GLIB
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <syncevo/Cmdline.h>
#include "EvolutionSyncSource.h"
#include <syncevo/SyncContext.h>
#include <syncevo/LogRedirect.h>
#include "CmdlineSyncClient.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <syncevo/declarations.h>
#include <gdbus-cxx-bridge.h>
struct SourceStatus {
string m_mode;
string m_status;
uint32_t m_error;
template<> struct dbus_traits<SourceStatus> :
public dbus_struct_traits<SourceStatus,
dbus_member<SourceStatus, string, &SourceStatus::m_mode,
dbus_member<SourceStatus, string, &SourceStatus::m_status,
dbus_member_single<SourceStatus, uint32_t, &SourceStatus::m_error> > > >
#if defined(ENABLE_MAEMO) && defined (ENABLE_EBOOK)
// really override the symbol, even if redefined by EDSAbiWrapper
#undef e_contact_new_from_vcard
extern "C" EContact *e_contact_new_from_vcard(const char *vcard)
static typeof(e_contact_new_from_vcard) *impl;
if (!impl) {
impl = (typeof(impl))dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "e_contact_new_from_vcard");
// Old versions of EDS-DBus parse_changes_array() call
// e_contact_new_from_vcard() with a pointer which starts
// with a line break; Evolution is not happy with that and
// refuses to parse it. This code forwards until it finds
// the first non-whitespace, presumably the BEGIN:VCARD.
while (*vcard && isspace(*vcard)) {
return impl ? impl(vcard) : NULL;
* This is a class derived from Cmdline. The purpose
* is to implement the factory method 'createSyncClient' to create
* new implemented 'CmdlineSyncClient' objects.
class KeyringSyncCmdline : public Cmdline {
KeyringSyncCmdline(int argc, const char * const * argv, ostream &out, ostream &err):
Cmdline(argc, argv, out, err)
* create a user implemented sync client.
SyncContext* createSyncClient() {
return new CmdlineSyncClient(m_server, true, m_keyring);
class RemoteSession;
typedef map<string, StringMap> Config_t;
* Act as a dbus server. All requests to dbus server
* are passed through this class.
class RemoteDBusServer : public DBusRemoteObject
virtual const char *getDestination() const {return "org.syncevolution";}
virtual const char *getPath() const {return "/org/syncevolution/Server";}
virtual const char *getInterface() const {return "org.syncevolution.Server";}
virtual DBusConnection *getConnection() const {return m_conn.get();}
GMainLoop *getLoop() { return m_loop; }
* check whether the server is started and can be attached.
* If not, report an error message
bool checkStarted();
* execute arguments from command line
* @param args the arguments of command line
* @param config the config name parsed from arguments if has
* @param runSync arguments to run a sync
* @return true if successfully
bool execute(const vector<string> &args, const string &config, bool runSync);
* To implement the feature of '--monitor' option, monitor a
* given config if there is a session running.
* If config is empty, then peak a running session to monitor.
* @param config the config name parsed from arguments if has
* @return true if successfully
bool monitor(const string &config);
* To implement the feature of '--status' without a server.
* get and print all running sessions in the dbus server
bool runningSessions();
/** whether the dbus call(s) has/have completed */
bool done() { return m_replyTotal == m_replyCounter; }
/** one reply returns. Increase reply counter. */
void replyInc();
/** set whether there is an error */
void setResult(bool result) { m_result = result; }
/** call 'Attach' until it returns */
void attachSync();
/** callback of 'Server.Attach' */
void attachCb(const string &error);
/** callback of 'Server.GetSessions' */
void getSessionsCb(const vector<string> &sessions, const string &error);
/** callback of 'Server.SessionChanged' */
void sessionChangedCb(const DBusObject_t &object, bool active);
/** callback of 'Server.LogOutput' */
void logOutputCb(const DBusObject_t &object, uint32_t level, const string &log);
/** callback of calling 'Server.StartSession' */
void startSessionCb(const DBusObject_t &session, const string &error);
/** update active session vector according to 'SessionChanged' signal */
void updateSessions(const string &session, bool active);
/** check m_session is active */
bool isActive();
/** get all running sessions. Used internally. */
void getRunningSessions();
/** set the total number of replies we must wait */
void resetReplies(int total = 1)
m_replyTotal = total;
m_replyCounter = 0;
/** signal handler for 'CTRL-C' */
static void handleSignal(int sig);
// session used for signal handler,
// used to call 'suspend' and 'abort'
static boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> g_session;
// the main loop
GMainLoop *m_loop;
// connection
DBusConnectionPtr m_conn;
// whether client can attach to the daemon.
// It is also used to indicate whether daemon is ready to use.
bool m_attached;
// error flag
bool m_result;
// config name
string m_configName;
// active session object path
boost::shared_ptr<string> m_activeSession;
// session created or monitored
boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> m_session;
// active sessions after listening to 'SessionChanged' signals
vector<string> m_activeSessions;
// all sessions in dbus server
vector<boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> > m_sessions;
// the number of total dbus calls
unsigned int m_replyTotal;
// the number of returned dbus calls
unsigned int m_replyCounter;
// sessions which are running
vector<boost::weak_ptr<RemoteSession> > m_runSessions;
// listen to dbus server signal 'SessionChanged'
boost::shared_ptr<SignalWatch2<DBusObject_t, bool> > m_sessionChanged;
// listen to dbus server signal 'LogOutput'
boost::shared_ptr<SignalWatch3<DBusObject_t, uint32_t, string> > m_logOutput;
* Act as a session. All requests to a session are passed
* through this class.
class RemoteSession : public DBusRemoteObject
RemoteSession(RemoteDBusServer &server, const std::string &path);
virtual const char *getDestination() const {return "org.syncevolution";}
virtual const char *getPath() const {return m_path.c_str();}
virtual const char *getInterface() const {return "org.syncevolution.Session";}
virtual DBusConnection *getConnection() const {return m_server.getConnection();}
* call 'Execute' method of 'Session' in dbus server
* without waiting for return
void executeAsync(const vector<string> &args);
* call 'GetStatus' method of 'Session' in dbus server
* without waiting for return
void getStatusAsync();
* call 'Suspend' method of 'Session' in dbus server
* without waiting for return
void suspendAsync();
* call 'Abort' method of 'Session' in dbus server
* without waiting for return
void abortAsync();
* call 'GetConfig' method of 'Session' in dbus server
* without waiting for return
void getConfigAsync();
/** get config name of this session */
string configName() { return m_configName; }
/** status 'done' is sent by session */
bool statusDone() { return boost::iequals(m_status, "done"); }
/** get current status */
string status() { return m_status; }
/** monitor status of the sesion until it is done */
void monitorSync();
/** pass through logoutput and print them if m_output is true */
void logOutput(Logger::Level level, const string &log);
/** set whether to print output */
void setOutput(bool output) { m_output = output; }
typedef std::map<std::string, SourceStatus> SourceStatuses_t;
/** callback of calling 'Session.Execute' */
void executeCb(const string &error);
/** callback of 'Session.GetStatus' */
void getStatusCb(const string &status,
uint32_t errorCode,
const SourceStatuses_t &sourceStatus,
const string &error);
/** callback of 'Session.GetConfig' */
void getConfigCb(const Config_t &config, const string &error);
/** callback of 'Session.StatusChanged' */
void statusChangedCb(const string &status,
uint32_t errorCode,
const SourceStatuses_t &sourceStatus);
/** callback of 'Session.Suspend' */
void suspendCb(const string &);
/** callback of 'Session.Abort' */
void abortCb(const string &);
/** dbus server */
RemoteDBusServer &m_server;
/* whether to log output */
bool m_output;
/** object path */
string m_path;
/** config name of the session */
string m_configName;
/** current status */
string m_status;
/** signal watch 'StatusChanged' */
SignalWatch3<std::string, uint32_t, SourceStatuses_t> m_statusChanged;
extern "C"
int main( int argc, char **argv )
// EDS-DBus uses potentially long-running calls which may fail due
// to the default 25s timeout. Some of these can be replaced by
// their async version, but e_book_async_get_changes() still
// triggered it.
// The workaround for this is to link the binary against a libdbus
// which has the dbus-timeout.patch and thus let's users and
// the application increase the default timeout.
setenv("DBUS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT", "600000", 0);
// Intercept stderr and route it through our logging.
// stdout is printed normally. Deconstructing it when
// leaving main() does one final processing of pending
// output.
LogRedirect redirect(false);
#if defined(HAVE_GLIB)
// this is required when using glib directly or indirectly
setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
// Expand PATH to cover the directory we were started from?
// This might be needed to find normalize_vcard.
char *exe = strdup(argv[0]);
if (strchr(exe, '/') ) {
char *dir = dirname(exe);
string path;
char *oldpath = getenv("PATH");
if (oldpath) {
path += oldpath;
path += ":";
path += dir;
setenv("PATH", path.c_str(), 1);
try {
* don't log errors to cerr: LogRedirect cannot distinguish
* between our valid error messages and noise from other
* libs, therefore it would get suppressed (logged at
* level DEVELOPER, while output is at most INFO)
KeyringSyncCmdline cmdline(argc, argv, std::cout, std::cout);
if(!cmdline.parse()) {
return 1;
if(cmdline.monitor()) {
// monitor a session
RemoteDBusServer server;
if(server.checkStarted() && server.monitor(cmdline.getConfigName())) {
return 0;
return 1;
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "ERROR: can't monitor running a session. "
"this syncevolution binary was compiled without support of daemon. "
"Try to re-configure with '--enable-dbus-service' option.");
return 1;
} else if(cmdline.status() &&
cmdline.getConfigName().empty()) {
// '--status' and no server name, try to get running sessions
RemoteDBusServer server;
if(server.checkStarted() && server.runningSessions()) {
return 0;
return 1;
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "ERROR: can't get all running sessions. "
"this syncevolution binary was compiled without support of daemon. "
"Try to re-configure with '--enable-dbus-service' option.");
return 1;
} else if(boost::iequals(cmdline.useDaemon(), "yes") ||
RemoteDBusServer server;
vector<string> arguments;
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
bool result;
result = server.execute(arguments, cmdline.getConfigName(), cmdline.isSync());
//if '--use-daemon' is not set as 'yes' and can't execute
//successfully using daemon, falling back to run sync in the process
if(boost::iequals(cmdline.useDaemon(), "yes") && result == false) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "ERROR: this syncevolution can't run by using daemon. "
"Either run syncevolution with '--use-daemon no' or without option.");
return 1;
} else if(result == true) {
return 0;
} else if(cmdline.useDaemon().empty()) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "WARNING: can't run syncevolution with daemon. "
"Try to run your arguments directly.");
if(boost::iequals(cmdline.useDaemon(), "yes")) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "ERROR: this syncevolution binary was compiled without support of daemon. "
"Either run syncevolution with '--use-daemon no' or without option.");
// if forcing not using daemon or trying to use daemon with failures,
// run arguments in the process
if(cmdline.useDaemon().empty() ||
boost::iequals(cmdline.useDaemon(), "no")) {
* don't log errors to cerr: LogRedirect cannot distinguish
* between our valid error messages and noise from other
* libs, therefore it would get suppressed (logged at
* level DEVELOPER, while output is at most INFO)
if ( {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
} catch ( const std::exception &ex ) {
SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "%s", ex.what());
} catch (...) {
SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, NULL, "unknown error");
return 1;
/********************** RemoteDBusServer implementation **************************/
:m_attached(false), m_result(true),
m_replyTotal(0), m_replyCounter(0)
m_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
m_conn = g_dbus_setup_bus(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL, true, NULL);
if(m_conn) {
//check whether we can attach to the daemon
if(m_attached) {
m_sessionChanged.reset(new SignalWatch2<DBusObject_t, bool>(*this,"SessionChanged"));
(*m_sessionChanged)(boost::bind(&RemoteDBusServer::sessionChangedCb, this, _1, _2));
m_logOutput.reset(new SignalWatch3<DBusObject_t, uint32_t, string>(*this,"LogOutput"));
(*m_logOutput)(boost::bind(&RemoteDBusServer::logOutputCb, this, _1, _2, _3));
bool RemoteDBusServer::checkStarted()
if(!m_attached) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL,"The Daemon can't be started successfully. Try to check it is successfully setup.");
return false;
return true;
void RemoteDBusServer::attachSync()
DBusClientCall0 attach(*this, "Attach");
attach(boost::bind(&RemoteDBusServer::attachCb, this, _1));
while(!done()) {
void RemoteDBusServer::attachCb(const string &error)
if(error.empty()) {
// don't print error information, leave it to caller
m_attached = true;
void RemoteDBusServer::logOutputCb(const DBusObject_t &object,
uint32_t level,
const string &log)
if(m_session &&
(boost::equals(object.c_str(), getPath()) ||
boost::equals(m_session->getPath(), object.c_str()))) {
m_session->logOutput((Logger::Level)level, log);
void RemoteDBusServer::sessionChangedCb(const DBusObject_t &object, bool active)
// update active sessions if needed
updateSessions(object, active);
boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> RemoteDBusServer::g_session;
void RemoteDBusServer::handleSignal(int sig)
if(g_session) {
const SuspendFlags &flags = SyncContext::getSuspendFlags();
if(flags.state == SuspendFlags::CLIENT_SUSPEND) {
} else if(flags.state == SuspendFlags::CLIENT_ABORT) {
bool RemoteDBusServer::execute(const vector<string> &args, const string &peer, bool runSync)
//the basic workflow is:
//1) start a session
//2) waiting for the session becomes active
//3) execute 'arguments' once it is active
// start a new session
DBusClientCall1<DBusObject_t> call(*this, "StartSession");
call(peer, boost::bind(&RemoteDBusServer::startSessionCb, this, _1, _2));
// wait until 'StartSession' returns
while(!done()) {
if(m_session) {
//if session is not active, just wait
while(!isActive()) {
// Logger::Level level = LoggerBase::instance().getLevel();
// LoggerBase::instance().setLevel(Logger::DEBUG);
while(!done()) {
//if encoutering errors, return
if(!m_result) {
return m_result;
//g_session is used to pass 'abort' or 'suspend' commands
//make sure session is ready to run
g_session = m_session;
//set up signal handlers to send 'suspend' or 'abort' to dbus server
//only do this once session is executing and can suspend and abort
struct sigaction new_action, old_action;
struct sigaction old_term_action;
if(runSync) {
memset(&new_action, 0, sizeof(new_action));
new_action.sa_handler = handleSignal;
sigaction(SIGINT, NULL, &old_action);
if (old_action.sa_handler == SIG_DFL) {
sigaction(SIGINT, &new_action, NULL);
sigaction(SIGTERM, NULL, &old_term_action);
if (old_term_action.sa_handler == SIG_DFL) {
sigaction(SIGTERM, &new_action, NULL);
//wait until status is 'done'
while(!m_session->statusDone()) {
if(runSync) {
sigaction (SIGINT, &old_action, NULL);
sigaction (SIGTERM, &old_term_action, NULL);
//reset session
//restore logging level
// LoggerBase::instance().setLevel(level);
return m_result;
void RemoteDBusServer::startSessionCb(const DBusObject_t &sessionPath, const string &error)
if(!error.empty()) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "ERROR: %s", error.c_str());
m_result = false;
m_session.reset(new RemoteSession(*this, sessionPath));
bool RemoteDBusServer::isActive()
/** if current session is active and then start to call 'Execute' method */
if(m_session) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const string &session, m_activeSessions) {
if(boost::equals(m_session->getPath(), session.c_str())) {
return true;
return false;
void RemoteDBusServer::getRunningSessions()
//get all sessions
DBusClientCall1<vector<string> > sessions(*this, "GetSessions");
sessions(boost::bind(&RemoteDBusServer::getSessionsCb, this, _1, _2));
while(!done()) {
// get status of each session
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> &session, m_sessions) {
// waiting for all sessions 'GetStatus'
while(!done()) {
// collect running sessions
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> &session, m_sessions) {
if(boost::istarts_with(session->status(), "running")) {
bool RemoteDBusServer::runningSessions()
//the basic working flow is:
//1) get all sessions
//2) check each session and collect running sessions
//3) get config name of running sessions and print them
if(m_runSessions.empty()) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "No running session(s) just now");
} else {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "Running session(s): ");
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::weak_ptr<RemoteSession> &session, m_runSessions) {
boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> lock = session.lock();
if(lock) {
//wait for 'GetConfig' returns
while(!done()) {
// print all running sessions
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::weak_ptr<RemoteSession> &session, m_runSessions) {
boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> lock = session.lock();
if(!lock->configName().empty()) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, " %s (%s)", lock->configName().c_str(), lock->getPath());
return m_result;
void RemoteDBusServer::getSessionsCb(const vector<string> &sessions, const string &error)
if(!error.empty()) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "ERROR: %s", error.c_str());
m_result = false;
//create local objects for sessions
BOOST_FOREACH(const DBusObject_t &value, sessions) {
boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> session(new RemoteSession(*this, value));
void RemoteDBusServer::updateSessions(const string &session, bool active)
if(active) {
//add it into active list
} else {
//if inactive, remove it from active list
for(vector<string>::iterator it = m_activeSessions.begin();
it != m_activeSessions.end(); ++it) {
if(boost::equals(session, *it)) {
void RemoteDBusServer::replyInc()
// increase counter and check whether all replies are returned
if(done()) {
bool RemoteDBusServer::monitor(const string &peer)
//the basic working flow is:
//1) get all sessions
//2) check each session and collect running sessions
//3) peak one session with the given peer and monitor it
if(peer.empty()) {
//peak the first running sessions
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::weak_ptr<RemoteSession> &session, m_runSessions) {
boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> lock = session.lock();
if(lock) {
m_session = lock;
while(!done()) {
return m_result;
//if no running session
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "No session is going to be monitored.");
} else {
string peerNorm = SyncConfig::normalizeConfigString(peer);
// get config names of running sessions
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::weak_ptr<RemoteSession> &session, m_runSessions) {
boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> lock = session.lock();
//wait for 'GetConfig' returns
while(!done()) {
//find a session with the given name
vector<boost::shared_ptr<RemoteSession> >::iterator it = m_sessions.begin();
while(it != m_sessions.end()) {
string tempNorm = (*it)->configName();
if (peerNorm == tempNorm) {
m_session = *it;
//monitor the session status
return m_result;
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is not running.", peer.c_str());
return m_result;
/********************** RemoteSession implementation **************************/
RemoteSession::RemoteSession(RemoteDBusServer &server,
const string &path)
:m_server(server), m_output(false), m_path(path),
m_statusChanged(*this, "StatusChanged")
m_statusChanged(boost::bind(&RemoteSession::statusChangedCb, this, _1, _2, _3));
void RemoteSession::executeAsync(const vector<string> &args)
//start to print outputs
m_output = true;
DBusClientCall0 call(*this, "Execute");
call(args, boost::bind(&RemoteSession::executeCb, this, _1));
void RemoteSession::executeCb(const string &error)
if(!error.empty()) {
SE_LOG_SHOW(NULL, NULL, "ERROR: %s", error.c_str());
//end to print outputs
m_output = false;
void RemoteSession::statusChangedCb(const string &status,
uint32_t errorCode,
const SourceStatuses_t &sourceStatus)
m_status = status;
if(status == "done") {
//if session is done, quit the loop
m_output = false;
void RemoteSession::getStatusAsync()
DBusClientCall3<string, uint32_t, SourceStatuses_t> call(*this, "GetStatus");
call(boost::bind(&RemoteSession::getStatusCb, this, _1, _2, _3, _4));
void RemoteSession::getStatusCb(const string &status,
uint32_t errorCode,
const SourceStatuses_t &sourceStatus,
const string &error)
if(!error.empty()) {
//ignore the error
m_status = status;
void RemoteSession::getConfigAsync()
DBusClientCall1<Config_t> call(*this, "GetConfig");
call(false, boost::bind(&RemoteSession::getConfigCb, this, _1, _2));
void RemoteSession::getConfigCb(const Config_t &config, const string &error)
if(!error.empty()) {
//ignore the error
// set config name
Config_t::const_iterator it = config.find("");
if(it != config.end()) {
StringMap global = it->second;
StringMap::iterator git = global.find("configName");
if(git != global.end()) {
m_configName = git->second;
void RemoteSession::suspendAsync()
DBusClientCall0 suspend(*this, "Suspend");
suspend(boost::bind(&RemoteSession::suspendCb, this, _1));
void RemoteSession::suspendCb(const string &error)
//avoid logging messages in handleSignal
if(!error.empty()) {
void RemoteSession::abortCb(const string &error)
//avoid logging messages in handleSignal
if(!error.empty()) {
void RemoteSession::abortAsync()
DBusClientCall0 abort(*this, "Abort");
abort(boost::bind(&RemoteSession::abortCb, this, _1));
void RemoteSession::logOutput(Logger::Level level, const string &log)
if(m_output) {
SE_LOG(level, NULL, NULL, "%s", log.c_str());
void RemoteSession::monitorSync()
m_output = true;
// Logger::Level level = LoggerBase::instance().getLevel();
// LoggerBase::instance().setLevel(Logger::DEBUG);
SE_LOG(Logger::SHOW, NULL, NULL, "Monitoring '%s' (%s)\n", m_configName.c_str(), getPath());
while(!statusDone()) {
SE_LOG(Logger::SHOW, NULL, NULL, "Monitoring done");
// LoggerBase::instance().setLevel(level);
m_output = false;