Patrick Ohly 5937277102 SignonAuthProvider: fix ref counting issue
The account data was unreferenced once too often, or rather, a suitable ref
count increase was missing. A debug build of glib detects that ("GLib:
g_variant_unref: assertion 'value->ref_count > 0' failed"), but without that
check the code might also crash.
2016-11-03 00:50:26 -07:00
accounts gSSO: adapt to gSSO >= 2.0 2014-05-22 17:05:08 +02:00 signon: make Accounts optional 2014-05-22 17:05:08 +02:00
README signon: make Accounts optional 2014-05-22 17:05:08 +02:00
signon-accounts.cpp SignonAuthProvider: fix ref counting issue 2016-11-03 00:50:26 -07:00 signon: move libaccounts-based plugins into their own source file 2015-03-03 10:15:44 +01:00
signon.cpp AuthProvider: removed failure count 2015-03-03 10:30:29 +01:00
signon.h signon: ensure consistent use of "username" provider prefix 2015-03-03 10:44:03 +01:00
signonRegister.cpp signon: ensure consistent use of "username" provider prefix 2015-03-03 10:44:03 +01:00

Google CalDAV/CardDAV via OAuth2

Setup with gSSO and Accounts

SyncEvolution needs an active account for Google. Services for CardDAV
and CalDAV can be used, but are not required if the provider was
already configured to ask for CardDAV and CalDAV access.

SyncEvolution source code ships with example .provider, .service, and
.service-type files in the src/backends/signon/accounts
directory. These files work with gSSO and (when compiled for that
instead ) with UOA.

When compiling, it is possible to insert valid client ID+secret into
these files using the --with-google-client-* configure options. The
example files then get installed into

SyncEvolution binaries from are compiled with valid
client ID+secret. Distributions are encouraged to *not* reuse the same
credentials and register themselves with Google instead. That way,
abuse of the credentials affects less users and the quota available to
all users of the same credentials does not get exhausted as quickly.

Users of the binaries need to install the
/usr/share/doc/syncevolution/accounts themselves, typically in their
home directory:
  cp -a /usr/share/doc/syncevolution/accounts ~/.local/share/accounts

A "google" account needs to be created and enabled:
  ag-tool create-account google google-for-syncevolution
  ID=`ag-tool list-accounts | grep google-for-syncevolution | sed -e 's/ .*//'`
  ag-tool enable-account $ID

Optionally, one can also enable the services:
  ag-tool enable-service $ID google-carddav
  ag-tool enable-service $ID google-caldav

It is not possible to create signond identities via command line
tools. SyncEvolution will create those automatically and store them
for the provider so that it can be reused in future operations.

Setup with gSSO and without Accounts

An identity must be created once:

$ gsso-example --create-identity=google-for-syncevolution --identity-method=oauth
Identity stored with id 3
$ ID=3

On normal Linux desktops, access control is based on executable file
paths. On such a system grant SyncEvolution access to the new identity with:
$ gsso-example --add-context=$ID --system-context=<path>/syncevolution --application-context=
$ gsso-example --add-context=$ID --system-context=<path>/libexec/syncevo-dbus-server --application-context=
$ gsso-example --add-context=$ID --system-context=<path>/libexec/syncevo-dbus-helper --application-context=
$ gsso-example --add-context=$ID --system-context=<path>/libexec/syncevo-local-sync --application-context=

On Tizen, set a Smack label: --system-context=User --application-context=

Then use
{'identity': <uint32 $ID>, 'method': <'oauth'>, 'mechanism': <'oauth2'>, 'session': <{'TokenHost': <''>, 'ForceClientAuthViaRequestBody': <true>, 'Scope': <'email'>, 'UiPolicy': <uint32 0>, 'ClientId': <''>, 'AuthPath': <'/o/oauth2/auth'>, 'ResponseType': <'code'>, 'AuthHost': <''>, 'ClientSecret': <'2YDYzyI6HWSJFd5dOqz0uZGj'>, 'Realms': <['']>, 'RedirectUri': <'http://localhost'>, 'TokenPath': <'/o/oauth2/token'>}> }"

in the commands below. This is the information that SyncEvolution
would normally find in the accounts system.


OAuth2 authentication with gSSO is enabled by setting username or
databaseUser to a string of the format
   gsso:<numeric accountID>[,<service name>]

When used without service name, SyncEvolution will ask for access to
CalDAV and CardDAV only once. When used with service name, it will ask
for access to only CalDAV or CardDAV, but it will have to ask twice
(once for each service).

The base URL for each service currently needs to be given via syncURL:

  syncevolution --print-databases \
                backend=carddav \
                username=gsso:$ID,google-carddav \

  src/syncevolution --print-databases \
                    backend=caldav \
                    username=gsso:$ID,google-caldav \

Once that works, follow the "CalDAV and CardDAV" instructions from the
README with the different username and syncURL.


Add --daemon=no to the command line to prevent shifting the actual
command executing into syncevo-dbus-server and (from there)

  Warning: gsignond limits access to the identity to the executable which created
  it. One has to use different accounts for syncevolution with and without
  --daemon=no and another account when using valgrind.

Set SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=1 to see all debug messages and increase the
loglevel to see HTTP requests:

  SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=1 syncevolution --daemon=no \
                        loglevel=4 \
                        --print-databases \