
393 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (c) 2009 Sascha Peilicke <>
This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this application; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "akonadisyncsource.h"
#include <Akonadi/ItemCreateJob>
#include <Akonadi/ItemDeleteJob>
#include <Akonadi/ItemFetchJob>
#include <Akonadi/ItemFetchScope>
#include <Akonadi/ItemModifyJob>
#include <Akonadi/CollectionFetchJob>
#include <Akonadi/CollectionFetchScope>
#include <Akonadi/CollectionStatistics>
#include <Akonadi/CollectionStatisticsJob>
#include <Akonadi/ServerManager>
#include <Akonadi/Control>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <syncevo/util.h>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
using namespace Akonadi;
* We take over ownership of jobs by storing them in smart pointers
* (RAII). This is how SyncEvolution does things and more predictable
* than assuming that a future exec() call will auto-delete them as
* part of its event processing.
* To avoid double frees, we need to disable auto-deletion.
* This method does that. Use like this:
* std::unique_ptr<CollectionStatisticsJob> statisticsJob(DisableAutoDelete(new CollectionStatisticsJob(m_collection)));
template<class J> J *DisableAutoDelete(J *job) { job->setAutoDelete(false); return job; }
AkonadiSyncSource::AkonadiSyncSource(const char *submime,
const SyncSourceParams &params)
: TrackingSyncSource(params)
m_mimeTypes = QString(submime).split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
bool AkonadiSyncSource::isEmpty()
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
bool result;
GRunInMain(boost::lambda::var(result) = boost::lambda::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::isEmpty, this));
return result;
//To Check if the respective collection is Empty, without actually loading the collections
std::unique_ptr<CollectionStatisticsJob> statisticsJob(DisableAutoDelete(new CollectionStatisticsJob(m_collection)));
if (!statisticsJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, "Error fetching the collection stats");
return statisticsJob->statistics().count() == 0;
void AkonadiSyncSource::start()
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
GRunInMain(boost::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::start, this));
// Check for Akonadi server.
if (!Akonadi::ServerManager::isRunning()) {
// Don't try to start it. A normal KDE user should have it already
// running. Users of other desktop systems probably don't want it
// to run, if they have it installed at all.
// Starting it here also produces output that we don't want mixed
// into normal SyncEvolution command line output.
#if 0
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "Akonadi Server isn't running, and hence starting it.");
if (!Akonadi::Control::start()) {
SE_THROW("Couldn't Start Akonadi Server: hence the akonadi backend of syncevolution wont work ..");
SE_THROW("Akonadi is not running. It can be started with 'akonadictl start'.");
SyncSource::Databases AkonadiSyncSource::getDatabases()
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
Databases result;
GRunInMain(boost::lambda::var(result) = boost::lambda::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::getDatabases, this));
return result;
Databases res;
// Insert databases which match the "type" of the source, including a user-visible
// description and a database IDs. Exactly one of the databases should be marked
// as the default one used by the source.
// res.push_back("Contacts", "some-KDE-specific-ID", isDefault);
std::unique_ptr<CollectionFetchJob> fetchJob(DisableAutoDelete(new CollectionFetchJob(Collection::root(),
if (!fetchJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, "cannot list collections");
// Currently, the first collection of the right type is the default
// This decision should go to the GUI: which deals with sync profiles.
bool isFirst = true;
Collection::List collections = fetchJob->collections();
foreach (const Collection &collection, collections) {
isFirst = false;
return res;
void AkonadiSyncSource::open()
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
GRunInMain(boost::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::open, this));
// the "evolutionsource" property, empty for default,
// otherwise the collection URL or a name
string id = getDatabaseID();
// hack for testing: use first resp. second database
if (boost::starts_with(id, "Test_")) {
Databases databases = getDatabases();
ssize_t index = -1;
if (boost::ends_with(id, "_1")) {
index = 0;
} else if (boost::ends_with(id, "_2")) {
index = 1;
if (index >= 0) {
if (databases.size() <= (size_t)index) {
SE_THROW("need two Akonadi resources for testing");
id = databases[index].m_uri;
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "testing Akonadi with %s", id.c_str());
if (!boost::starts_with(id, "akonadi:")) {
// TODO: support selection by name and empty ID for default
SE_THROW("database must be selected via database = akonadi:?collection=<number>");
m_collection = Collection::fromUrl(KUrl(id.c_str()));
// Verify that the collection exists and ensure that
// m_collection.contentMimeTypes() returns valid information. The
// collection constructed so far only contains the collection ID.
std::unique_ptr<CollectionFetchJob> fetchJob(DisableAutoDelete(new CollectionFetchJob(m_collection,
if (!fetchJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, StringPrintf("cannot fetch collection %s", id.c_str()));
Collection::List collections = fetchJob->collections();
if (collections.isEmpty()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, StringPrintf("collection %s not found", id.c_str()));
m_collection = collections.front();
m_contentMimeType = "";
QStringList collectionMimeTypes = m_collection.contentMimeTypes();
foreach (const QString &mimeType, m_mimeTypes) {
if (collectionMimeTypes.contains(mimeType)) {
m_contentMimeType = mimeType;
if (m_contentMimeType.isEmpty()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, StringPrintf("Resource %s cannot store items of type(s) %s. It can only store %s.",
void AkonadiSyncSource::listAllItems(SyncSourceRevisions::RevisionMap_t &revisions)
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
GRunInMain(boost::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::listAllItems, this, boost::ref(revisions)));
// copy all local IDs and the corresponding revision
std::unique_ptr<ItemFetchJob> fetchJob(DisableAutoDelete(new ItemFetchJob(m_collection)));
if (!fetchJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, "listing items");
BOOST_FOREACH (const Item &item, fetchJob->items()) {
// Filter out items which don't have the right type (for example, VTODO when
// syncing events)
if (m_mimeTypes.contains(item.mimeType())) {
revisions[QByteArray::number(] =
void AkonadiSyncSource::close()
// TODO: close collection!?
TrackingSyncSource::InsertItemResult AkonadiSyncSource::insertItem(const std::string &luid, const std::string &data, bool raw)
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
InsertItemResult result;
GRunInMain(boost::lambda::var(result) = boost::lambda::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::insertItem, this, boost::cref(luid), boost::cref(data), raw));
return result;
Item item;
if (luid.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<ItemCreateJob> createJob(DisableAutoDelete(new ItemCreateJob(item, m_collection)));
if (!createJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, string("storing new item ") + luid);
return InsertItemResult("", "", ITEM_OKAY);
item = createJob->item();
} else {
Entity::Id syncItemId = QByteArray(luid.c_str()).toLongLong();
std::unique_ptr<ItemFetchJob> fetchJob(DisableAutoDelete(new ItemFetchJob(Item(syncItemId))));
if (!fetchJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, string("checking item ") + luid);
item = fetchJob->items().first();
std::unique_ptr<ItemModifyJob> modifyJob(DisableAutoDelete(new ItemModifyJob(item)));
// TODO: SyncEvolution must pass the known revision that
// we are updating.
// TODO: check that the item has not been updated in the meantime
if (!modifyJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, string("updating item ") + luid);
return InsertItemResult("", "", ITEM_OKAY);
item = modifyJob->item();
// Read-only datastores may not have actually added something here!
// The Jobs themselves throw errors, and hence the return statements
// above will take care of this
return InsertItemResult(QByteArray::number(,
void AkonadiSyncSource::removeItem(const string &luid)
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
GRunInMain(boost::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::removeItem, this, boost::cref(luid)));
Entity::Id syncItemId = QByteArray(luid.c_str()).toLongLong();
// Delete the item from our collection
// TODO: check that the revision is right (need revision from SyncEvolution)
std::unique_ptr<ItemDeleteJob> deleteJob(DisableAutoDelete(new ItemDeleteJob(Item(syncItemId))));
if (!deleteJob->exec()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, string("deleting item " ) + luid);
void AkonadiSyncSource::readItem(const std::string &luid, std::string &data, bool raw)
if (!GRunIsMain()) {
GRunInMain(boost::bind(&AkonadiSyncSource::readItem, this, boost::cref(luid), boost::ref(data), raw));
Entity::Id syncItemId = QByteArray(luid.c_str()).toLongLong();
std::unique_ptr<ItemFetchJob> fetchJob(DisableAutoDelete(new ItemFetchJob(Item(syncItemId))));
if (fetchJob->exec()) {
if (fetchJob->items().empty()) {
throwError(SE_HERE, STATUS_NOT_FOUND, string("extracting item ") + luid);
QByteArray payload = fetchJob->items().first().payloadData();
} else {
throwError(SE_HERE, string("extracting item " ) + luid);
QString AkonadiMemoSource::toKJots(QString data){
// KJots stores it's resource in the format
//Subject: Hello World
//Content-Type: text/plain <------- always plain text for the akonadi resource
//Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 01:02:48 +0530 <----date created
//MIME-Version: 1.0 <----- always the same
// <---- This line break seperates the content from the information
QString subject = "Subject: ";
QString contentType = "Content-Type: text/plain";
QString dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate);
QString mimeVersion = "MIME-Version: 1.0";
QString content;
QStringList lines = data.split('\n');
subject += lines.first();
content = data.remove(0,data.indexOf('\n')+1);
QString result = subject + '\n' +
contentType + '\n' +
dateTime + '\n'+
mimeVersion + "\n\n"+
return result;
QString AkonadiMemoSource::toSynthesis(QString data){
//Synthesis expects Plain Text in the form Subject + "\n" + Content
QString subject;
QString content;
subject = data.split('\n').first();
subject.remove("Subject: ");
content = data.remove(0,data.indexOf("\n\n")+2);
return subject+'\n'+content;
void AkonadiMemoSource::readItem(const std::string &luid, std::string &data, bool raw)
AkonadiSyncSource::readItem(luid, data, raw);
data = toSynthesis(QString::fromStdString(data)).toStdString();
TrackingSyncSource::InsertItemResult AkonadiMemoSource::insertItem(const std::string &luid, const std::string &data, bool raw)
std::string formattedData = toKJots(QString::fromStdString(data)).toStdString();
return AkonadiSyncSource::insertItem(luid, formattedData , raw);
# include "AkonadiSyncSourceRegister.cpp"