
122 lines
3.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Ohly
#include "SyncEvolutionConfig.h"
#include "FilterConfigNode.h"
class EvolutionSyncSource;
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
class SyncEvolutionCmdlineTest;
class SyncEvolutionCmdline {
* @param out stdout stream for normal messages
* @param err stderr stream for error messages
SyncEvolutionCmdline(int argc, const char * const *argv, ostream &out, ostream &err);
* parse the command line options
* @retval true if command line was okay
bool parse();
bool run();
class Bool {
Bool(bool val = false) : m_value(val) {}
operator bool () { return m_value; }
Bool & operator = (bool val) { m_value = val; return *this; }
bool m_value;
int m_argc;
const char * const * m_argv;
ostream &m_out, &m_err;
Bool m_quiet;
Bool m_status;
Bool m_version;
Bool m_usage;
Bool m_configure;
Bool m_run;
Bool m_migrate;
Bool m_printServers;
Bool m_printConfig;
Bool m_dontrun;
FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter m_syncProps, m_sourceProps;
const ConfigPropertyRegistry &m_validSyncProps;
const ConfigPropertyRegistry &m_validSourceProps;
string m_server;
string m_template;
set<string> m_sources;
/** compose description of cmd line option with optional parameter */
static string cmdOpt(const char *opt, const char *param = NULL);
* parse sync or source property
* @param validProps list of valid properties
* @retval props add property name/value pair here
* @param opt command line option as it appeard in argv (e.g. --sync|--sync-property|-z)
* @param param the parameter following the opt, may be NULL if none given (error!)
* @param propname if given, then this is the property name and param contains the param value (--sync <param>)
bool parseProp(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps,
FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter &props,
const char *opt,
const char *param,
const char *propname = NULL);
bool listPropValues(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps,
const string &propName,
const string &opt);
bool listProperties(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps,
const string &opt);
* list all known data sources of a certain type
void listSources(EvolutionSyncSource &syncSource, const string &header);
void dumpServers(const string &preamble,
const EvolutionSyncConfig::ServerList &servers);
void dumpProperties(const ConfigNode &configuredProps,
const ConfigPropertyRegistry &allProps);
void copyProperties(const ConfigNode &fromProps,
ConfigNode &toProps,
bool hidden,
const ConfigPropertyRegistry &allProps);
void dumpComment(ostream &stream,
const string &prefix,
const string &comment);
/** print usage information */
void usage(bool full,
const string &error = string(""),
const string &param = string(""));
friend class SyncEvolutionCmdlineTest;