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* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Patrick Ohly <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
#include <syncevo/SyncML.h>
#include <syncevo/Logging.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <exception>
#include <list>
#include <type_traits>
#include <syncevo/Timespec.h> // definitions used to be included in util.h,
// include it to avoid changing code using the time things
#include <syncevo/Exception.h> // same for Exception and SE_THROW*
extern template class std::basic_string<char>; // std::string
extern template class std::vector<std::string>;
extern template class std::list<std::string>;
// Does not work:
// undefined reference to `std::pair<...>::pair(...)'
// extern template struct std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
// extern template class std::map<std::string, std::string>;
#include <syncevo/declarations.h>
/** case-insensitive less than for assoziative containers */
template <class T> class Nocase : public std::binary_function<T, T, bool> {
bool operator()(const T &x, const T &y) const { return boost::ilexicographical_compare(x, y); }
/** case-insensitive equals */
template <class T> class Iequals : public std::binary_function<T, T, bool> {
bool operator()(const T &x, const T &y) const { return boost::iequals(x, y); }
/** shorthand, primarily useful for BOOST_FOREACH macro */
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> StringPair;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> StringMap;
* Similar to boost::make_iterator_range(). Reimplemented to avoid
* depending on boost for this rather minor helper.
* The end iterator is optional in make_iterator_range(),
* thus making it possible to do:
* for (const auto &match: make_iterator_range(boost::make_split_iterator(...))
template<typename I> class iterator_range
I m_begin, m_end;
iterator_range(I &&begin, I &&end) :
I begin() { return m_begin; }
I end() { return m_end; }
template<typename I> auto make_iterator_range(I &&begin, I &&end = {})
return iterator_range<I>(std::forward<I>(begin), std::forward<I>(end));
* A string piece refers to a chunk of memory stored elsewhere.
* Memory is read-only. Replaces StringPiece.
class StringPiece
const char *m_ptr;
size_t m_length;
StringPiece() { clear(); }
StringPiece(const char *str) { set(str); }
StringPiece(const char *ptr, size_t len) { set(ptr, len); }
// Anything that has begin/end that converts to a char ptr,
// like std::sub_match or std::string.
template<class C> StringPiece(const C &c) {
const char *data() const { return m_ptr; }
size_t size() const { return m_length; }
bool empty() const { return m_length == 0; }
// Can be used in a range-based for loop.
const char *begin() const { return m_ptr; }
const char *end() const { return m_ptr + m_length; }
void clear() { m_ptr = nullptr; m_length = 0; }
void set(const char *str) { m_ptr = str; m_length = strlen(str); }
void set(const char *ptr, size_t len) { m_ptr = ptr; m_length = len; }
void set(const StringPiece &other) {
set(, static_cast<size_t>(other.size()));
template<class C> void set(const C &c) {
m_ptr = &*std::begin(c);
m_length = std::distance(std::begin(c), std::end(c));
template<typename C> StringPiece & operator = (const C &other) {
return *this;
* Iterate through a container in reverse order:
* for (auto entry: reverse(some_container)
template<typename C> auto reverse(C &container)
// Explicit namespace, to avoid ambiguity when C is from boost
// and thus boost::make_iterator_range() also becomes a candidate
// thanks to ADL.
return SyncEvo::make_iterator_range(container.rbegin(), container.rend());
* enable_weak_from_this and it's shared_from_this() have one
* limitation: the call fails when invoked during
* destruction. Obviously a shared pointer cannot be constructed
* anymore because the reference count already reached zero, but a
* weak_ptr might still make sense even though it cannot be locked
* anymore. Some classes (e.g. Session) rely on that in common utility
* code. To overcome this limitation, a weak_ptr must be created
* already when constructing the instance.
* Usage:
* class Foo : public enable_weak_from_this<Foo> {
* Foo();
* // Due to the complex syntax for declaring template
* // methods as friends, make_weak_shared is an empty
* // class with template methods.
* friend make_weak_shared;
* };
* auto ptr = make_weak_shared::make<Foo>();
template <class C> class enable_weak_from_this {
std::weak_ptr<C> m_me;
auto weak_from_this() const { return m_me; }
auto shared_from_this() const {
auto ptr = m_me.lock();
if (!ptr) {
throw std::bad_weak_ptr();
return ptr;
void set_weak(const std::shared_ptr<C> &ptr) { m_me = ptr; }
class make_weak_shared {
template<class C, typename ...A> static std::shared_ptr<C> make(A &&...a) {
std::shared_ptr<C> ptr(new C(std::forward<A>(a)...));
return ptr;
* remove multiple slashes in a row and dots directly after a slash if not followed by filename,
* remove trailing /
std::string normalizePath(const std::string &path);
* Returns last component of path. Trailing slash is ignored.
* Empty if path is empty.
std::string getBasename(const std::string &path);
* Returns path without the last component. Empty if nothing left.
std::string getDirname(const std::string &path);
* Splits path into directory and file part. Trailing slashes
* are stripped first.
void splitPath(const std::string &path, std::string &dir, std::string &file);
* convert relative path to canonicalized absolute path
* @param path will be turned into absolute path if possible, otherwise left unchanged
* @return true if conversion is successful, false otherwise(errno will be set)
bool relToAbs(std::string &path);
/** ensure that m_path is writable, otherwise throw error */
void mkdir_p(const std::string &path);
inline bool rm_r_all(const std::string &path, bool isDir) { return true; }
* remove a complete directory hierarchy; invoking on non-existant directory is okay
* @param path relative or absolute path to be removed
* @param filter an optional callback which determines whether an entry really is
* to be deleted (return true in that case); called with full path
* to entry and true if known to be a directory
void rm_r(const std::string &path, std::function<bool (const std::string &,
bool)> filter = rm_r_all);
* copy complete directory hierarchy
* If the source is a directory, then the target
* also has to be a directory name. It will be
* created if necessary.
* Alternatively, both names may refer to files.
* In that case the directory which is going to
* contain the target file must exist.
* @param from source directory or file
* @param to target directory or file (must have same type as from)
void cp_r(const std::string &from, const std::string &to);
/** true if the path refers to a directory */
bool isDir(const std::string &path);
* try to read a file into the given string, throw exception if fails
* @param filename absolute or relative file name
* @retval content filled with file content
* @return true if file could be read
bool ReadFile(const std::string &filename, std::string &content);
bool ReadFile(std::istream &in, std::string &content);
enum ExecuteFlags {
EXECUTE_NO_STDERR = 1<<0, /**< suppress stderr of command */
EXECUTE_NO_STDOUT = 1<<1 /**< suppress stdout of command */
* system() replacement
* If called without output redirection active (see LogRedirect),
* then it will simply call system(). If output redirection is
* active, the command is executed in a forked process without
* blocking the parent process and the parent reads the output,
* passing it through LogRedirect for processing.
* This is necessary to capture all output reliably: LogRedirect
* ensures that we don't deadlock, but to achieve that, it drops
* data when the child prints too much of it.
* @param cmd command including parameters, without output redirection
* @param flags see ExecuteFlags
* @return same as in system(): use WEXITSTATUS() to decode it
int Execute(const std::string &cmd, ExecuteFlags flags) throw();
* Simple string hash function, derived from Dan Bernstein's algorithm.
unsigned long Hash(const char *str);
unsigned long Hash(const std::string &str);
* SHA-256 implementation, returning hash as lowercase hex string (like sha256sum).
* Might not be available, in which case it raises an exception.
std::string SHA_256(const std::string &in);
* escape/unescape code
* Escaping is done URL-like, with a configurable escape
* character. The exact set of characters to replace (besides the
* special escape character) is configurable, too.
* The code used to be in SafeConfigNode, but is of general value.
class StringEscape
enum Mode {
SET, /**< explicit list of characters to be escaped */
INI_VALUE, /**< right hand side of .ini assignment:
escape all spaces at start and end (but not in the middle) and the equal sign */
INI_WORD, /**< same as before, but keep it one word:
escape all spaces and the equal sign = */
STRICT /**< general purpose:
escape all characters besides alphanumeric and -_ */
char m_escapeChar;
Mode m_mode;
std::set<char> m_forbidden;
* default constructor, using % as escape character, escaping all spaces (including
* leading and trailing ones), and all characters besides alphanumeric and -_
StringEscape(char escapeChar = '%', Mode mode = STRICT) :
* @param escapeChar character used to introduce escape sequence
* @param forbidden explicit list of characters which are to be escaped
StringEscape(char escapeChar, const char *forbidden);
/** special character which introduces two-char hex encoded original character */
char getEscapeChar() const { return m_escapeChar; }
void setEscapeChar(char escapeChar) { m_escapeChar = escapeChar; }
Mode getMode() const { return m_mode; }
void setMode(Mode mode) { m_mode = mode; }
* escape string according to current settings
std::string escape(const std::string &str) const;
/** escape string with the given settings */
static std::string escape(const std::string &str, char escapeChar, Mode mode);
* unescape string, with escape character as currently set
std::string unescape(const std::string &str) const { return unescape(str, m_escapeChar); }
* unescape string, with escape character as given
static std::string unescape(const std::string &str, char escapeChar);
* This is a simplified implementation of a class representing and calculating
* UUIDs v4 inspired from RFC 4122. We do not use cryptographic pseudo-random
* numbers, instead we rely on rand/srand.
* We initialize the random generation with the system time given by time(), but
* only once.
* Instantiating this class will generate a new unique UUID, available afterwards
* in the base string class.
class UUID : public std::string {
* Safety check for string pointer.
* Returns pointer if valid, otherwise the default string.
inline const char *NullPtrCheck(const char *ptr, const char *def = "(null)")
return ptr ? ptr : def;
* A C++ wrapper around readir() which provides the names of all
* directory entries, excluding . and ..
* In contrast to the underlying readdir(), this class sorts
* the result by name before granting access to it.
class ReadDir {
ReadDir(const std::string &path, bool throwError = true);
typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef std::vector<std::string>::iterator iterator;
iterator begin() { return m_entries.begin(); }
iterator end() { return m_entries.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return m_entries.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return m_entries.end(); }
* check whether directory contains entry, returns full path
* @param caseInsensitive ignore case, pick first entry which matches randomly
std::string find(const std::string &entry, bool caseSensitive);
std::string m_path;
std::vector<std::string> m_entries;
* Using this macro ensures that tests, even if defined in
* object files which are not normally linked into the test
* binary, are included in the test suite under the group
* "SyncEvolution".
* Use it like this:
* @verbatim
#include "config.h"
# include "test.h"
class Foo : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
void testBar();
extern "C" { int funambolAutoRegisterRegistry ## ATestFixtureType = 12345; }
std::string StringPrintf(const char *format, ...)
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
std::string StringPrintfV(const char *format, va_list ap);
* strncpy() which inserts adds 0 byte
char *Strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);
* sleep() with sub-second resolution. Might be interrupted by signals
* or SuspendFlags abort/suspend requests before the time has elapsed.
* @return seconds not elapsed yet, 0 if not interrupted
double Sleep(double seconds);
* Acts like the underlying type. In addition ensures that plain types
* are not left uninitialized.
template<class T> class Init {
Init(const T &val) : m_value(val) {}
Init() : m_value{} {}
Init(const Init &other) : m_value(other.m_value) {}
Init & operator = (const T &val) { m_value = val; return *this; }
Init & operator = (const Init &other) { m_value = other.m_value; return *this; }
operator const T & () const { return m_value; }
operator T & () { return m_value; }
T m_value;
* Version of InitState for scalar values (can't derive from them):
* acts like the underlying type. In addition ensures that plain types
* are not left uninitialized and tracks whether a value was every
* assigned explicitly.
template<class T, bool isClass> class InitStateBase {
T m_value;
InitStateBase() : m_value{} {}
InitStateBase(const InitStateBase &other) : m_value(other.m_value) {}
template<class V> InitStateBase(const V &val) : m_value(val) {}
operator const T & () const { return m_value; }
operator T & () { return m_value; }
const T & get() const { return m_value; }
T & get() { return m_value; }
/** version of InitState for classes: can call methods directly */
template<class T> class InitStateBase<T, true> : public T {
InitStateBase() {}
template<class V> InitStateBase(const V &val) : T(val) {}
InitStateBase(const InitStateBase &other) : T(other) {}
const T & get() const { return *this; }
T & get() { return *this; }
template<class T> class InitState : public InitStateBase<T, std::is_class<T>::value> {
typedef InitStateBase<T, std::is_class<T>::value> parent_type;
bool m_wasSet;
typedef T value_type;
InitState() : m_wasSet(false) {}
InitState(const InitState &other) : parent_type(other.get()), m_wasSet(other.m_wasSet) {}
template<class V> InitState(const V &val, bool wasSet = false) : parent_type(val), m_wasSet(wasSet) {}
InitState & operator = (const InitState &val) { this->get() = val; m_wasSet = val.m_wasSet; return *this; }
template<class V> InitState & operator = (const V &val) { this->get() = val; m_wasSet = true; return *this; }
* Only tracks modifications done through this class.
* Modifications of the contained value after obtaining
* direct access to it (for example, via get()) are not
* noticed.
bool wasSet() const { return m_wasSet; }
* Retrieve value if found in map, otherwise the
* default. wasSet() returns true only in the first case.
template<class C> InitState<typename C::mapped_type>
GetWithDef(const C &map,
const typename C::key_type &key,
const typename C::mapped_type &def = {})
typename C::const_iterator it = map.find(key);
if (it != map.end()) {
return InitState<typename C::mapped_type>(it->second, true);
} else {
return InitState<typename C::mapped_type>(def, false);
* a nop destructor which doesn't do anything, for std::shared_ptr
struct NopDestructor
template <class T> void operator () (T *) {}
* Acts like a boolean, but in addition, can also tell whether the
* value was explicitly set. Defaults to false for both.
typedef InitState<bool> Bool;
* Acts like a string, but in addition, can also tell whether the
* value was explicitly set.
typedef InitState<std::string> InitStateString;
* Version of InitState where the value can true, false, or a string.
* Recognizes 0/1/false/true/no/yes case-insensitively as special
* booleans, everything else is considered a string.
class InitStateTri : public InitStateString
InitStateTri(const std::string &val, bool wasSet) : InitStateString(val, wasSet) {}
InitStateTri() {}
InitStateTri(const char *val) : InitStateString(val, false) {}
InitStateTri(const InitStateTri &other) : InitStateString(other) {}
InitStateTri(const InitStateString &other) : InitStateString(other) {}
enum Value {
// quick check for true/false, use get() for string case
Value getValue() const;
* replace ${} with environment variables, with
* defaults
std::string SubstEnvironment(const std::string &str);
/** getenv() with default value */
inline const char *getEnv(const char *var, const char *def)
const char *res = getenv(var);
return res ? res : def;
inline std::string getHome() { return getEnv("HOME", "."); }
* Parse a separator splitted set of strings src, the separator itself is
* escaped by a backslash. Spaces around the separator is also stripped.
* */
std::vector<std::string> unescapeJoinedString (const std::string &src, char separator);
* mapping from int flag to explanation
struct Flag {
int m_flag;
const char *m_description;
* turn flags into comma separated list of explanations
* @param flags bit mask
* @param descr array with zero m_flag as end marker
* @param sep used to join m_description strings
std::string Flags2String(int flags, const Flag *descr, const std::string &sep = ", ");
* Returns the path to the data directory. This is generally
* /usr/share/syncevolution/ but can be overridden by setting the
* SYNCEVOLUTION_DATA_DIR environment variable.
* @retval dataDir the path to the data directory
std::string SyncEvolutionDataDir();
* Temporarily set env variable, restore old value on destruction.
* Useful for unit tests which depend on the environment.
class ScopedEnvChange
ScopedEnvChange(const std::string &var, const std::string &value);
std::string m_var, m_oldval;
bool m_oldvalset;
std::string getCurrentTime();
// GRunWhile(), GRunInMain(), GRunIsMain() depend on glib support,
// which pretty much is a hard requirement of SyncEvolution these days.
// Different implementations would be possible and the APIs do not depend
// on glib types, therefore they are defined here. The glib implemention
// is in GLibSupport.cpp.
* Process events in the default context while the callback returns
* true.
* This must be used instead of g_main_context_iterate() by code which
* may get called in other threads. In that case the check is
* transferred to the main thread which does the actual event
* processing. g_main_context_iterate() would just block because we
* register the main thread as permanent owner of the default context,
* or would suffer from race conditions if we didn't.
* The main thread must also be running GRunWhile().
* Exceptions in the check code are fatal and should be avoided.
* The check code will be called in the current thread once if checkFirst
* is true, otherwise it will only be invoked in the main thread. Use that
* latter mode for code which must run in the main thread.
void GRunWhile(const std::function<bool ()> &check, bool checkFirst = true);
* Runs the action in the main thread once, then returns. Any
* exception thrown by the action will be caught and rethrown in the
* calling thread.
void GRunInMain(const std::function<void ()> &action);
* True iff the calling thread is handling the main event loop. Can
* be used to avoid GRunInMain().
bool GRunIsMain();