Patrick Ohly f2378b7909 ForkExec: allow passing arguments to helper
The optional args array will be used when executing the helper
2013-07-11 11:40:51 +02:00

310 lines
9.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
# include "config.h"
#if defined(HAVE_GLIB)
#include <syncevo/util.h>
#include <syncevo/GLibSupport.h>
#include <syncevo/SmartPtr.h>
#include "gdbus-cxx-bridge.h"
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
class ForkExecParentDBusAPI;
* Utility class which starts a specific helper binary in a second
* process. The helper binary is identified via its base name like
* "syncevo-dbus-helper", exact location is then determined
* automatically, or via an absolute path.
* Direct D-Bus communication is set up automatically. For this to
* work, the helper must use ForkExecChild::connect(). To debug this
* when using GIO DBus, set G_DBUS_DEBUG=message.
* There are more options mentioned here:
* Progress (like "client connected") and failures ("client disconnected")
* are reported via boost::signal2 signals. To make progess, the user of
* this class must run a glib event loop in the default context.
* Note that failures encountered inside the class methods themselves
* will be reported via exceptions. Only asynchronous errors encountered
* inside the event loop are reported via the failure signal.
* Slots connected to the signals may throw exceptions. They will be
* propagated up to the caller when ForkExec methods were called directly.
* When thrown inside the event loop, the exception will be logged and
* then reported via the onFailure signal.
class ForkExec : private boost::noncopyable {
* Called when the D-Bus connection is up and running. It is ready
* to register objects that the peer might need. It is
* guaranteed that any objects registered now will be ready before
* the helper gets a chance to make D-Bus calls.
typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &)> OnConnect;
OnConnect m_onConnect;
* Called when an exception cannot be propagated up to the caller
* because it was thrown inside the event loop, or when some other
* kind of failure is encountered which cannot be reported via some
* other means. The original problem is already logged when
* onFailure is invoked, so further logging should not be done unless
* it adds new information.
* Bad results of asynchronous method calls are reported via the
* result callback of the method, not via onFailure.
* When a failure occurs, the peer should be considered dead and
* the connection to it should be shut down (if any had been
* established at all).
* When the child quits before establishing a connection or quits
* with a non-zero return code, onFailure will be called. That way
* a user of ForkExecParent doesn't have to connect to onQuit.
typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (SyncMLStatus, const std::string &)> OnFailure;
OnFailure m_onFailure;
* A unique string for the ForkExecParent/Child pair which can be used
* as D-Bus path component.
std::string getInstance() const { return m_instance; }
std::string m_instance;
* The parent side of a fork/exec.
class ForkExecParent : public ForkExec
* A ForkExecParent instance must be created via this factory
* method and then be tracked in a shared pointer. This method
* will not start the helper yet: first connect your slots, then
* call start().
static boost::shared_ptr<ForkExecParent> create(const std::string &helper,
const std::vector<std::string> &args = std::vector<std::string>());
* the helper string passed to create()
std::string getHelper() const { return m_helper; }
* run the helper executable in the parent process
void start();
* request that the child process terminates by sending it a
* @param signal if zero (default), send both signals, otherwise
* the specified one
void stop(int signal = 0);
* kill the child process without giving it a chance to shut down
* by sending it a SIGKILL
void kill();
* Called when the helper has quit. The parameter of the signal is
* the return status of the helper (see waitpid()). If output
* redirection is active, then this signal will only be invoked
* after processing all output.
typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (int)> OnQuit;
OnQuit m_onQuit;
* Called when output from the helper is available. The buffer is
* guaranteed to be nul-terminated with a byte that is not
* included in the size.
* Register slots *before* calling start(), because output
* redirection of the helper will only be done if someone is
* waiting for it. If m_onOutput has a slot, then both stderr and
* stdout are redirected into the same stream and only m_onOutput
* will be invoked.
typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (const char *buffer, size_t length)> OnOutput;
OnOutput m_onOutput;
OnOutput m_onStdout;
OnOutput m_onStderr;
enum State {
IDLE, /**< instance constructed, but start() not called yet */
STARTING, /**< start() called */
CONNECTED, /**< child has connected, D-Bus connection established */
TERMINATED /**< child has quit */
State getState()
return m_hasQuit ? TERMINATED :
m_hasConnected ? CONNECTED :
m_watchChild ? STARTING :
* Get the childs pid. This can be used as a unique id common to
* both parent and child.
int getChildPid() { return static_cast<int>(m_childPid); }
* Simply pushes a new environment variable onto m_envStrings.
void addEnvVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &value);
ForkExecParent(const std::string &helper, const std::vector<std::string> &args);
std::string m_helper;
std::vector<std::string> m_args;
boost::shared_ptr<GDBusCXX::DBusServerCXX> m_server;
boost::scoped_array<char *> m_argv;
std::list<std::string> m_argvStrings;
boost::scoped_array<char *> m_env;
std::list<std::string> m_envStrings;
GPid m_childPid;
bool m_hasConnected;
bool m_hasQuit;
gint m_status;
bool m_sigIntSent;
bool m_sigTermSent;
boost::scoped_ptr<class ForkExecParentDBusAPI> m_api;
/** invoke m_onOutput while reading from a single stream */
bool m_mergedStdoutStderr;
GIOChannel *m_out, *m_err;
guint m_outID, m_errID;
GSource *m_watchChild;
static void watchChildCallback(GPid pid,
gint status,
gpointer data) throw();
void newClientConnection(GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn) throw();
void setupPipe(GIOChannel *&channel, guint &sourceID, int fd);
static gboolean outputReady(GIOChannel *source,
GIOCondition condition,
gpointer data) throw ();
void checkCompletion() throw ();
static void forked(gpointer me) throw();
* The child side of a fork/exec.
* At the moment, the child cannot monitor the parent or kill it.
* Might be added (if needed), in which case the corresponding
* ForkExecParent members should be moved to the common ForkExec.
class ForkExecChild : public ForkExec
* A ForkExecChild instance must be created via this factory
* method and then be tracked in a shared pointer. The process
* must have been started by ForkExecParent (directly or indirectly)
* and any environment variables set by ForkExecParent must still
* be set.
static boost::shared_ptr<ForkExecChild> create();
* Initiates connection to parent, connect to ForkExec::m_onConnect
* before calling this function to be notified of success and
* ForkExec::m_onFailure for failures.
* m_onConnect is guaranteed to be called before message processing
* starts. It's the right place to add objects to the bus that are
* expected by the parent.
void connect();
* Called when the parent has quit.
typedef boost::signals2::signal<void ()> OnQuit;
OnQuit m_onQuit;
enum State {
IDLE, /**< created, connect() not called yet */
CONNECTING, /**< connect() called but no connection yet */
CONNECTED, /**< connection established */
DISCONNECTED /**< lost connection or failed to establish it */
State getState() const { return m_state; }
* true if the current process was created by ForkExecParent
static bool wasForked();
static const char *getParentDBusAddress();
void connectionLost();
State m_state;
#endif // HAVE_GLIB
#endif // INCL_FORK_EXEC