Patrick Ohly bfb7a85f84 configuration: removed builtin templates
The code for builtin templates had side effects, like always adding
all four standard sources to a template, even if the template itself
didn't have all of them defined. It also hid the problem that listing
templates didn't work for templates on disk.

Another benefit is that template files can be packaged separately. By
choosing the packages which are to be installed, a distributor of
SyncEvolution (like MeeGo) can choose which services to offer by

Therefore this patch removes the "builtin templates" feature, which
was only useful in unusual use cases anyway (for example, single-binary

Because there are no more default values for source properties, all
templates must specify the "backend" explicitly. syncevo-phone-config
was adapted accordingly, and also updated to use the current names of
the properties in the process.

As part of moving the templates into separate files, some of them
were cleaned up:
- Mobical: now points to Everdroid, its new name
- Google, Ovi: SSL verification is always enabled in the templates;
               the workaround for old libsoup should no longer be
               necessary for most users
- Google: renamed to "Google_Contacts", with "Google" as alias,
          because there will be two Google templates soon
- Scheduleworld: use "server no longer in operation" instead of
                 an invalid URL

The finger print match had a special case for "default". The exact
intention of that is unknown. Perhaps it was meant to give that
template a boost when it wouldn't match the string that is getting
searched for at all.

But it had the effect that an exact match when searching for the
"default" template was not found and thus that template couldn't be
used in the command line after moving it from builtin to external.

Removed the complete check.
2011-06-08 12:19:51 +02:00

728 lines
31 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (C) 2010 Intel Corporation
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
Automatically trying different configurations for a phone to sync with
import sys, optparse, os, time, tempfile
import shutil
import ConfigParser
import glob
import os.path
# source names as commonly used in SyncEvolution
allSources = ['addressbook', 'calendar', 'todo', 'memo', 'calendar+todo']
# valid SyncMLVersion values
allVersions = ['1.2', '1.1', '1.0']
########################### cmdline options ##########################################
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-b", "--bt-address", action = "store", type = "string",
dest = "btaddr", help = "The Bluetooth mac address for the testing phone", default = "")
parser.add_option ("-p", "--protocol-version", action = "store", type = "string",
dest="version", help = "The SyncML protocal version for testing, can be one of " +
"|".join(allVersions) + ", by default it will try all versions one by one",
default = "")
parser.add_option ("-s", "--source", action = "store", type = "string", dest=
"source", help = "The local database for testing, can be one of " + "|".join(allSources),
default = "")
parser.add_option ("-u", "--uri", action = "store", type = "string", dest =
"uri", help = "The URI for testing the selected source, invalid when no specific source is selected via --source", default = "")
parser.add_option ("-t", "--type", action = "store", type = "string", dest =
"type", help = "The content type for testing the selected source, invalid when no specific source is selected via --source"
,default = "")
parser.add_option ("-i", "--identifier", action = "store", type="string",
dest = "identifier", help = "The identifier used when contacting the phone, can be arbitray string. By default it will try 'PC Suite','Nokia PC Suite' and empty string",
default = "")
parser.add_option ("", "--without-ctcap", action = "store_true", default =False,
dest = "ctcap", help = "Testing without sending CTCap information")
parser.add_option ("-v", "--verbose", action = "count",
dest = "verbose", help = "Increase amount of output")
parser.add_option ("-a", "--advanced", action = "store_true", default = False,
dest = "advanced", help = "More extensive test with sending/receving data, WARNING: will destroy your data on the tested phone")
parser.add_option("-c", "--create-config", action ="store", type = "string",
dest = "create", help = "If set, a configuration file with the name will be created based on the testing result",
default ="")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
####################semantic check for cmdline options #######################################
if not options.btaddr:
parser.error ("Please provide the Bluetooth MAC address for the phone with -b/--bt-address.")
if options.version and options.version not in allVersions:
parser.error("Option -p/--protocol-version can only be one of " + "|".join(allVersions) + ".")
if options.source and options.source not in allSources:
parser.error("Option -s/--source can only be one of " + "|".join(allSources) + ".")
if options.uri and not options.source:
parser.error ("Option -u/--uri only works in combination with -s/--source.")
if options.type and not options.source:
parser.error ("Option -t/--type only works in combination with -s/--source.")
#######################some global parameters ######################
syncevoCmd = 'syncevolution'
configName = 'test-phone' # inside temporary testConfig dir
# real paths set in main() inside temporary directory
testFolder = '/dev/null/data'
testResult = '/dev/null/cache'
testConfig = '/dev/null/config'
#################### Configuration Parameter #######################
class ConfigurationParameter:
def __init__ (self, version, source, uri, type, ctcap, identifier):
self.version = version
self.source = source
self.uri = uri
self.type = type
self.ctcap = ctcap
self.identifier = identifier
def printMe(self):
print "Test parameter: "
print "With CTCap: %s" %(self.ctcap,)
print "Identifier: %s" %(self.identifier,)
print "SyncML version: %s" %(self.version,)
print "Sync Source: %s" %(self.source,)
print "URI: %s" %(self.uri,)
print "Content Type: %s" %(self.type,)
def __str__(self):
res = []
if self.ctcap:
res.append("with CTCap")
res.append("without CTCap")
res.append("%s = %s + %s" % (self.source, self.uri, self.type))
return ", ".join(res)
def equalWith(self, config):
return (config and \
self.ctcap == config.ctcap and \
self.identifier == config.identifier and \
self.version == config.version and \
self.uri == config.uri and \
self.type == config.type)
###################### utility functions ####################
def clearLocalSyncData(sources):
for source in sources:
dirname = "%s/%s" % (testFolder, source)
def createFile(filename, content):
f = open(filename, "w")
def insertLocalSyncData(sources, type):
for source in sources:
testcase, keys = getTestCase (source, type)
createFile(os.path.join(testFolder, source, "0"), testcase)
def getTestCase(source, type):
"""Returns a pair of test item string plus a list of sub strings
which are expected to come back from the phone. Type comparison is
intentionally a bit vague, so that it doesn't matter whether the
type contains a version or a ! force flag."""
if source == 'addressbook' and type.startswith('text/vcard'):
return ("BEGIN:VCARD\n"
"FN:John Doe\n"
["VCARD", "TITLE:tester", "Doe", "John"])
if source == 'addressbook' and type.startswith('text/x-vcard'):
return ("BEGIN:VCARD\n"
"FN:John Doe\n"
["VCARD", "TITLE:tester", "Doe", "John"])
if source == 'calendar' and type.startswith('text/calendar'):
"PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n"
"SUMMARY:phone meeting\n"
"LOCATION:my office\n"
["VCALENDAR", "VEVENT", "phone meeting", "my office"])
if source == 'calendar' and type.startswith('text/x-vcalendar'):
"SUMMARY:phone meeting\n"
"LOCATION:my office\n"
["VCALENDAR", "VEVENT", "phone meeting", "my office"])
if source == 'todo' and type.startswith('text/calendar'):
"PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n"
"SUMMARY:do me\n"
["VCALENDAR", "VTODO", "do me"])
if source == 'todo' and type.startswith('text/x-vcalendar'):
"PRODID:-//Ximian//NONSGML Evolution Calendar//EN\n"
"SUMMARY:do me\n"
["VCALENDAR", "VTODO", "do me"])
if source == 'memo':
return ("Summary Line\n"
["Summary Line"])
raise "no test data defined for source %s and type %s" % (source, type)
# Compare the received data with the sent data, we only match selected keywords in received
# data for a basic sanity test
def compareSyncData(sources, type):
for source in sources:
testcase, keys = getTestCase (source, type)
received = ''
recFile = "%s/%s/0" %(testFolder, source)
rf = open (recFile)
received =
return False
if (options.verbose > 1):
print "comparing received file:"
print received
print "with built in keywords in test case:"
print keys
for key in keys:
if (received.find(key) <0):
return False
return True
# wrapper of running a shell command
def runCommand(cmd, exception = True):
"""Log and run the given command, throwing an exception if it fails."""
if (options.verbose > 1):
print "%s: %s" % (os.getcwd(), cmd)
cmd += ' >/dev/null'
result = os.system(cmd)
if result != 0 and exception:
raise Exception("%s: failed (return code %d)" % (cmd, result>>8))
def runSync(sync):
rm_r("%s/syncevolution" % testResult)
status = True
interrupt = False
runCommand (sync)
status = False
# session name is unknown, but we know there is only one, so let
# glob find it for us
resultFile = glob.glob("%s/syncevolution/*/status.ini" % testResult)[0]
# inject [main] at start of file for ConfigParser,
# because SyncEvolution doesn't write sections
class IniFile:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.fp = open(filename, "r") = False
def readline(self):
if not = True
return "[main]"
return self.fp.readline()
ini = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({"status": "0", "error": ""})
statuscode = ini.get("main", "status")
if statuscode == "20015":
# aborted by user, stop testing
status = False
interrupt = True
if statuscode == "22002":
# syncevolution failed (for example, kill -9), warn and abort
print "\nSyncEvolution binary died prematurely, aborting testing."
status = False
interrupt = True
return (status, interrupt)
# recursive directory removal, without throwing an error if directory does not exist
def rm_r(dirname):
if os.path.isdir(dirname):
def hash2ini(hash):
"""convert key/value pairs into .ini file without sections"""
res = []
for key, value in hash.items():
res.append("%s = %s" % (key, value))
return "\n".join(res)
def strip_version(type):
"""turn type[:version][!] into type[!]"""
res = type.split(':')[0]
if type.endswith('!'):
res += '!'
return res
class TestingConfiguration():
def __init__(self, versions, sources, uris, types, ctcaps, identifiers, btaddr):
if (versions):
self.versions = versions
self.versions = allVersions
# If "calendar+todo" is tested, then "calendar" and "todo"
# must be tested first. If they lead to the same result,
# then they have to be combined for "calendar+todo".
# "calendar+todo" itself is never tested directly.
if sources:
self.sources = sources
self.sources = allSources
if "calendar+todo" in self.sources:
if not "calendar" in self.sources:
if not "todo" in self.sources:
if (uris):
self.uris = uris
self.uris = {}
self.uris['addressbook'] = ['Contact', 'contact', 'Contacts', 'contacts', 'Addressbook', 'addressbook']
self.uris['calendar'] = ['Calendar', 'calendar', 'Agenda','agenda']
self.uris['todo'] = self.uris['calendar'] + ['Task', 'task', 'Tasks', 'tasks', 'Todo','todo']
self.uris['memo'] = ['Memo', 'memo', 'Notes', 'notes', 'Note', 'note']
if (types):
self.types = types
# - must include version numbers because file backend needs them
# - current types like 'text/vcard:3.0' are "downgraded" to the
# legacy types when sending a SAN, so they are basically identical;
# to really send a SAN with these current types, we have to "force" them
self.types = {}
self.types['addressbook'] = ['text/vcard:3.0', 'text/x-vcard:2.1', 'text/vcard:3.0!']
self.types['calendar'] = self.types['todo'] = ['text/calendar:2.0', 'text/x-vcalendar:1.0', 'text/calendar:2.0!']
self.types['memo'] = ['text/plain:1.0']
if (ctcaps):
self.ctcaps = ctcaps
self.ctcaps = [True, False]
if (identifiers):
self.identifiers = identifiers
self.identifiers = ['PC Suite','','Nokia PC Suite']
self.btaddr = btaddr
#before each configuration is really tested, prepare is called.
#returns True if we decide current configuration need not be tested
def prepare (self, allconfigs, curconfig):
# Decide whether this config should be skipped (because we already found
# a working configuration
# Test is skipped either because
# 1) we already found a working configuration for the data source;
# 2) based on the working configuration for source A, we can reasonably
# guess a working configuration for source B must have the same
# 'identifier', 'ctcap' and 'SyncMLVersion' setting.
# 3) we already found a working configuration for combined calendar and
# task, thus seperate testing for calendar and task is not needed.
skip = False
for source, config in self.wConfigs.items():
if (config):
if ( (config.source == self.source) or (config.identifier != self.identifier ) or (config.ctcap != self.ctcap) or (config.version != self.version)):
skip = True
if (skip):
if (options.verbose > 1):
print "Test %d/%d skipped because already found a working configuration" % (curconfig, allconfigs)
elif options.verbose > 0:
print "Test %d/%d skipped" %(curconfig, allconfigs), \
ConfigurationParameter(self.version, self.source, self.uri, self.type, self.ctcap, self.identifier)
print "Test %d/%d skipped" %(curconfig, allconfigs)
print ("Start %d/%d test" % (curconfig, allconfigs)),
if (options.verbose > 0):
config = ConfigurationParameter(self.version, self.source, self.uri, self.type, self.ctcap, self.identifier)
if (options.verbose > 1):
print config
return skip
#run the real sync test with current configuration parameter
#if advanced option is set and the basic test succeed, it will contintue with
#the advanced test
def testWithCurrentConfiguration(self):
""" Prepare the configuration and run a sync session, Returns true if
the test was successful, otherwise false"""
cmdPrefix = "XDG_CACHE_HOME=%s XDG_CONFIG_HOME=%s " %(testResult, testConfig)
syncevoTest = "%s %s --daemon=no" % (cmdPrefix, syncevoCmd)
runCommand ("%s -c --template 'SyncEvolution Client' --sync-property peerIsClient=1 %s" % (syncevoTest, configName))
# set the local database
filesource = testFolder+'/'+self.source
configCmd = "%s --configure --source-property evolutionsource='file:///%s' %s %s" %(syncevoTest, filesource, configName, self.source)
runCommand (configCmd)
configCmd = "%s --configure --sync-property logLevel=5 --sync-property SyncURL=obex-bt://%s --sync-property SyncMLVersion=%s %s" % (syncevoTest, self.btaddr,self.version, configName)
runCommand (configCmd)
if (self.identifier):
configCmd = "%s --configure --sync-property remoteIdentifier='%s' %s" %(syncevoTest, self.identifier, configName)
runCommand (configCmd)
configCmd = "%s --configure --source-property 'type=file:%s' --source-property uri=%s %s %s" %(syncevoTest, self.type, self.uri, configName, self.source)
runCommand (configCmd)
""" start the sync session """
if (not self.ctcap):
syncCmd = " ".join((cmdPrefix, syncevoCmd, "--daemon=no", configName, self.source))
(status,interrupt) = runSync(syncCmd)
if (options.advanced and status and not interrupt):
(status,interrupt)= self.advancedTestWithCurrentConfiguration()
return (status, interrupt)
'''Basic test for sending/receiving data
It will work as:
Clear local data and data on the phone via 'slow-sync' and 'two-way' sync
Send local test case to the phone via 'two-way'
Clear local data and get the data from the phone via 'slow-sync'
compare the sent data with the received data to decide whether the test was successful
Note that this depends on the phone support 'slow-sync' and 'two-way' sync and
implements the semantics correctly as specified in the spec. Otherwise the results will
be undefined.
def advancedTestWithCurrentConfiguration (self):
Sending/receving real data for basic sanity test
sources = []
#step 1: clean the data both locally and remotely using a 'slow-sync' and 'two-way'
cmdPrefix="XDG_CACHE_HOME=%s XDG_CONFIG_HOME=%s " % (testResult, testConfig)
if (not self.ctcap):
syncevoTest = "%s %s --daemon=no" % (cmdPrefix, syncevoCmd)
syncCmd = "%s --sync slow %s %s" % (syncevoTest, configName, self.source)
status,interrupt = runSync(syncCmd)
if (not status or interrupt):
return (status, interrupt)
syncCmd = "%s --sync two-way %s %s" % (syncevoTest, configName, self.source)
status,interrupt = runSync(syncCmd)
if (not status or interrupt):
return (status, interrupt)
#step 2: insert testcase to local data and sync with 'two-way'
insertLocalSyncData(sources, self.type)
syncCmd = "%s --sync two-way %s %s" % (syncevoTest, configName, self.source)
status,interrupt = runSync(syncCmd)
if (not status or interrupt):
return (status, interrupt)
#step 3: delete local data and sync with 'slow-sync'
syncCmd = "%s --sync slow %s %s" % (syncevoTest, configName, self.source)
status,interrupt = runSync(syncCmd)
if (not status or interrupt):
return (status, interrupt)
#step 4: compare the received data with test case
status = compareSyncData(sources, self.type)
return (status, interrupt)
The test driver iterating all possible test combinations and try them one by one
def run(self):
#first round of iterating, calculating all possible configuration numbers
allconfigs = 0
for self.ctcap in self.ctcaps:
for self.identifier in self.identifiers:
for self.version in self.versions:
for self.source in self.sources:
for self.uri in self.uris[self.source]:
for self.type in self.types[self.source]:
allconfigs +=1
print "Starting test for %d configurations..." %(allconfigs,)
curconfig = 0
self.wConfigs = {}
for source in self.sources:
self.wConfigs[source] = None
#second round of iterating, test for each configuration
interrupt = False
for self.source in self.sources:
for self.ctcap in self.ctcaps:
for self.version in self.versions:
for self.identifier in self.identifiers:
for self.uri in self.uris[self.source]:
for self.type in self.types[self.source]:
curconfig +=1
skip = self.prepare (allconfigs, curconfig)
if (not skip):
(status, interrupt) = self.testWithCurrentConfiguration ()
if (status and not interrupt):
self.wConfigs[self.source] = ConfigurationParameter (self.version, self.source, self.uri, self.type, self.ctcap, self.identifier)
print "Found a working configuration for %s" % (self.source,)
if (options.verbose > 0):
if (interrupt):
print "Test Interrupted"
return 1
print "Test Ended"
#Test finished, print summary and generating configurations
print "****************SUMMARY****************"
found = False
for source,config in self.wConfigs.items():
if (config):
found = True
print "------------------------------------------"
print "Configuration parameter for %s:" % (source,)
if (not found):
print "No working configuration found"
have_combined = \
self.wConfigs.has_key('calendar') and \
self.wConfigs.has_key('todo') and \
self.wConfigs['calendar'] and \
self.wConfigs['todo'] and \
self.wConfigs['calendar'].uri == self.wConfigs['todo'].uri
if (options.create):
#first remove the previous configuration if there is a configuration with the same name
create = options.create
cmd = "%s --remove '%s'" %(syncevoCmd, create)
runCommand (cmd)
cmd = "%s -c --template 'SyncEvolution Client' --sync-property peerIsClient=1 %s" %(syncevoCmd, create)
runCommand (cmd)
#disable all sources by default
for source in allSources:
if source == 'calendar+todo':
cmd = "%s -c --source-property sync='disabled' %s %s" %(syncevoCmd, create, source)
syncCreated = False
for source,config in self.wConfigs.items():
if (config):
if (not syncCreated):
#set the sync parameter
cmd = "%s --configure --sync-property syncURL='obex-bt://%s' --sync-property remoteIdentifier='%s' --sync-property SyncMLVersion='%s' '%s'" %(syncevoCmd, self.btaddr, config.identifier, config.version, create)
syncCreated = True
runCommand (cmd)
#set each source parameter
ltype = strip_version(config.type)
cmd = "%s --configure --source-property sync='two-way' --source-property URI='%s' --source-property type='%s:%s' '%s' '%s'" %(syncevoCmd, config.uri, source, ltype, create, config.source)
if have_combined:
ltype = strip_version(self.wConfigs['calendar'].type)
uri = self.wConfigs['calendar'].uri
cmd = "%s --configure --source-property evolutionsource='calendar,todo' --source-property sync='two-way' --source-property URI='%s' --source-property type='virtual:%s' '%s' calendar+todo" %(syncevoCmd, uri, ltype, create)
for source in ('calendar', 'todo'):
cmd = "%s --configure --source-property sync='none' --source-property URI='%s' '%s' %s" %(syncevoCmd, uri, create, source)
if (options.advanced):
print ""
print "We have conducted basic test by sending and receiving"
print "data to the phone. You can help the SyncEvolution project"
print "and other users by submitting the following configuration"
print "template at"
print ""
configini = { "peerIsClient": "1" }
sourceConfigInis = {}
for source,config in self.wConfigs.items():
sourceini = {}
if (config.identifier):
configini["remoteIdentifier"] = config.identifier
if (config.version != '1.2'):
configini["SyncMLVersion"] = config.version
sourceini["sync"] = "two-way"
sourceini["uri"] = config.uri
sourceini["backend"] = source
sourceini["syncFormat"] = strip_version(config.type)
sourceConfigInis[source] = sourceini
# create 'calendar+todo' entry, disable separate 'calendar' and 'todo'?
if have_combined:
sourceini = {}
sourceini["sync"] = "two-way"
sourceini["database"] = "calendar,todo"
sourceini["uri"] = self.wConfigs['calendar'].uri
sourceini["backend"] = "virtual"
sourceini["syncFormat"] = strip_version(self.wConfigs['calendar'].type)
sourceConfigInis['calendar+todo'] = sourceini
# disable the sub datasources
for source in ('calendar', 'todo'):
sourceConfigInis[source]["sync"] = "none"
# print template to stdout
sep = "--------------------> snip <--------------------"
print sep
print "=== template.ini ==="
print "fingerprint = <Model> <Manufacturer>"
print "=== config.ini ==="
print hash2ini(configini)
print "consumerReady = 1"
for source, configini in sourceConfigInis.items():
print "=== sources/%s/config.ini ===" % source
print hash2ini(configini)
print sep
print ""
print "We just conducted minimum test by syncing with the phone"
print "without checking received data. For more reliable result,"
print "use the --advanced option, but beware that it will overwrite"
print "contacts, events, tasks and memos on the phone."
if (options.create):
print ""
print "Created configuration: %s" %(options.create)
print "You may start syncing with: syncevolution %s" %(options.create)
def main():
versions = []
sources = []
ctcaps = []
identifiers = []
uris = {}
types = {}
if (options.version):
versions.append (options.version)
if (options.source):
sources.append (options.source)
if (options.uri):
uris[sources[0]] = []
if (options.type):
types[sources[0]] = []
if (options.ctcap):
ctcaps.append (options.ctcap)
if (options.identifier):
identifiers.append (options.identifier)
config = TestingConfiguration (versions, sources, uris, types, ctcaps,
identifiers, options.btaddr)
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="syncevo-phone-config")
global testFolder
global testResult
global testConfig
testFolder = tmpdir+'/data'
testResult = tmpdir+'/cache'
testConfig = tmpdir+'/config'
print "Running test with test data inside %s and test results inside %s" %(testFolder, testResult)
if __name__ == "__main__":