Patrick Ohly a009f28520 D-Bus server: fork/exec for sync, command line and restore operations
This commit moves the blocking syncing, database restore and command
line execution into a separate, short-lived process executing the
syncevo-dbus-helper. The advantage is that the main
syncevo-dbus-server remains responsive under all circumstances (fully
asynchronous now) and suffers less from memory leaks and/or crashes
during a sync.

The core idea behind the new architecture is that Session remains the
D-Bus facing side of a session. It continues to run inside
syncevo-dbus-server and uses the syncevo-dbus-helper transparently via
a custom D-Bus interface between the two processes. State changes of
the helper are mirrored in the server.

Later the helper might also be used multiple times in a Session. For
example, anything related to loading backends should be moved into the
helper (currently the "is config usable" check still runs in the
syncevo-dbus-server and needs to load/initialize backends). The
startup code of the helper already handles that (see boolean result of
operation callback), but it is not used yet in practice.

At the moment, only the helper provides a D-Bus API. It sends out
signals when it needs information from the server. The server watches
those and replies when ready. The helper monitors the connection to
the parent and detects that it won't get an answer if that connection
goes down.

The problem of "helper died unexpectedly" is also handled, by not
returning a D-Bus method reply until the requested operation is
completed (different from the way how the public D-Bus API is

The Connection class continues to use such a Session, as before. It's
now fully asynchronous and exchanges messages with the helper via the
Session class.

Inside syncevo-dbus-server, boost::signals2 and the dbus-callbacks
infrastructure for asynchronous methods execution are used heavily
now. The glib event loop is entered exactly once and only left to shut

Inside syncevo-dbus-helper, the event loop is entered only as
needed. Password requests sent from syncevo-local-sync to
syncevo-dbus-helper are handled asynchronously inside the event loop
driven by the local transport.

syncevo-dbus-helper and syncevo-local-sync are conceptually very
similar. Should investigate whether a single executable can serve both

The AutoSyncManager was completely rewritten. The data structure is a
lot simpler now (basically just a cache of transient information about
a sync config and the relevant config properties that define auto
syncing). The main work happens inside the schedule() call, which
verifies whether a session can run and, if not possible for some
reasons, ensures that it gets invoked again when that blocker is
gone (timeout over, server idle, etc.). The new code also uses
signals/slots instead of explicit coupling between the different

All code still lives inside the src/dbus/server directory. This
simplifies checking differences in partly modified files like
dbus-sync.cpp. A future commit will move the helper files.

The syslog logger code is referenced by the server, but never used.
This functionality needs further thought:
- Make usage depend on command line option? Beware that
  looks for the "ready to run" output and thus startup breaks when
  all output goes to syslog instead of stdout.
- Redirect glib messages into syslog (done by LogRedirect, disabled when
  using LoggerSyslog)?

The syncevo-dbus-server now sends the final "Session.StatusChanged
done" signal immediately. The old implementation accidentally delayed
sending that for 100 seconds. The revised checks for
more "session done" quit events to cover this fix.

Only user-visible messages should have the INFO level in any of the
helpers. Messages about starting and stopping processes are related to
implementation details and thus should only have DEBUG level.

The user also doesn't care about where the operation eventually
runs. All messages related to it should be in INFO/DEBUG/ERROR
messages without a process name. Therefore now syncevo-dbus-server
logs with a process name (also makes some explicit argv[0] logging
redundant; requires changes in and syncevo-dbus-helper

syncevo-local-sync is different from syncevo-dbus-helper: it produces
user-relevant output (the other half of the local sync). It's output
is carefully chosen so that the process name is something the user
understands (target context) and output can be clearly related to one
side or the other (for example, context names are included in the sync

Output handling is based on the same idea as output handling in the
- Session registers itself as the top-most logger and sends
  SyncEvolution logging via D-Bus to the parent, which re-sends
  it with the right D-Bus object path as output of the session.
- Output redirection catches all other output and feeds it back
  to the Session log handler, from where it goes via D-Bus
  to the parent.

The advantage of this approach is that level information is made
available directly to the parent and that message boundaries are
preserved properly.

stderr and stdout are redirected into the parent and logged there as
error. Normally the child should not print anything. While it runs,
LogRedirect inside it will capture output and log it
internally. Anything reaching the parent thus must be from early
process startup or shutdown.

Almost all communication from syncevo-dbus-helper to
syncevo-dbus-server is purely information for the syncevo-dbus-server;
syncevo-dbus-helper doesn't care whether the signal can be
delivered. The only exception is the information request, which must

Instead of catching exceptions everywhere, the optional signals are
declared as such in the EmitSignal template parameterization and
no longer throw exceptions when something goes wrong. They also don't
log anything, because that could lead to quite a lof of output.
2012-05-10 22:08:49 +02:00

495 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
#include "auto-sync-manager.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "dbus-callbacks.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
AutoSyncManager::AutoSyncManager(Server &server) :
static void updatePresence(Timespec *t, bool present)
*t = present ?
Timespec::monotonic() :
boost::shared_ptr<AutoSyncManager> AutoSyncManager::createAutoSyncManager(Server &server)
boost::shared_ptr<AutoSyncManager> result(new AutoSyncManager(server));
result->m_me = result;
// update cached information about a config each time it changes
server.m_configChangedSignal.connect(Server::ConfigChangedSignal_t::slot_type(&AutoSyncManager::initConfig, result.get(), _1).track(result));
// monitor running sessions
server.m_newSyncSessionSignal.connect(Server::NewSyncSessionSignal_t::slot_type(&AutoSyncManager::sessionStarted, result.get(), _1).track(result));
// Keep track of the time when a transport became online. As with
// time of last sync, we are pessimistic here and assume that the
// transport just now became available.
PresenceStatus &p = server.getPresenceStatus();
Timespec now = Timespec::monotonic();
if (p.getBtPresence()) {
result->m_btStartTime = now;
if (p.getHttpPresence()) {
result->m_httpStartTime = now;
return result;
void AutoSyncManager::init()
m_notificationManager = NotificationManagerFactory::createManager();
SyncConfig::ConfigList list = SyncConfig::getConfigs();
BOOST_FOREACH(const SyncConfig::ConfigList::value_type &server, list) {
void AutoSyncManager::initConfig(const std::string &configName)
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: updating info about config %s", configName.c_str());
if (configName.empty()) {
// Anything might have changed. Check all configs we know
// about (might have been removed) and all existing configs
// (might have been modified).
std::set<std::string> configs;
BOOST_FOREACH (const PeerMap::value_type &entry, m_peerMap) {
const std::string &configName = entry.first;
BOOST_FOREACH (const StringPair &entry, SyncConfig::getConfigs()) {
const std::string &configName = entry.first;
BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string &configName, configs) {
if (!configName.empty()) {
// TODO: only call schedule() once in this case, instead
// once per recursive initConfig().
// TODO: once we depend on shared settings, remember to check
// all other configs which share the same set of settings.
// Not currently the case.
// Create anew or update, directly in map. Never remove
// old entries, because we want to keep the m_lastSyncTime
// in cases where configs get removed and recreated.
boost::shared_ptr<AutoSyncTask> &task = m_peerMap[configName];
if (!task) {
task.reset(new AutoSyncTask(configName));
// We should check past sessions here. Instead we assume
// the "worst" case, which is that the session ran zero
// seconds ago. This has the additional benefit that we
// don't run automatic sync sessions directly after
// starting up (the system or syncevo-dbus-server).
task->m_lastSyncTime = Timespec::monotonic();
SyncConfig config (configName);
if (config.exists()) {
std::vector<std::string> urls = config.getSyncURL();
std::string autoSync = config.getAutoSync();
//enable http and bt?
bool http = false, bt = false;
bool any = false;
if (autoSync.empty() ||
boost::iequals(autoSync, "0") ||
boost::iequals(autoSync, "f")) {
http = false;
bt = false;
any = false;
} else if (boost::iequals(autoSync, "1") ||
boost::iequals(autoSync, "t")) {
http = true;
bt = true;
any = true;
} else {
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string op,
boost::tokenizer< boost::char_separator<char> >(autoSync,
boost::char_separator<char>(","))) {
if(boost::iequals(op, "http")) {
http = true;
} else if(boost::iequals(op, "obex-bt")) {
bt = true;
task->m_peerName = config.getPeerName();
if (task->m_peerName.empty()) {
task->m_peerName = configName;
task->m_interval = config.getAutoSyncInterval();
task->m_delay = config.getAutoSyncDelay();
task->m_remoteDeviceId = config.getRemoteDevID();
// Assume that whatever change was made might have resolved
// the past problem -> allow auto syncing again.
task->m_permanentFailure = false;
"auto sync: %s: auto sync '%s', %s, %s, %d seconds repeat interval, %d seconds online delay",
bt ? "Bluetooth" : "no Bluetooth",
http ? "HTTP" : "no HTTP",
task->m_interval, task->m_delay);
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string url, urls) {
AutoSyncTask::Transport transport = AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_OTHER; // fallback for unknown sync URL
if (boost::istarts_with(url, "http")) {
transport = AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_HTTP;
} else if (boost::istarts_with(url, "local")) {
// TODO: instead of assuming that local sync needs HTTP, really look into the target config
// and determine what the peerType is
transport = AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_HTTP;
} else if (boost::istarts_with(url, "obex-bt")) {
transport = AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_BT;
if((transport == AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_HTTP && http) ||
(transport == AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_BT && bt) ||
(transport == AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_OTHER && any)) {
task->m_urls.push_back(std::make_pair(transport, url));
"auto sync: adding config %s url %s",
} else {
// Just clear urls, which disables auto syncing.
bool lock = preventTerm();
if (m_autoTermLocked && !lock) {
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: allow auto shutdown");
m_autoTermLocked = false;
} else if (!m_autoTermLocked && lock) {
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: prevent auto shutdown");
m_autoTermLocked = true;
// reschedule
schedule("initConfig() for " + configName);
void AutoSyncManager::schedule(const std::string &reason)
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: reschedule, %s", reason.c_str());
// idle callback will be (re)set if needed
if (!preventTerm()) {
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: nothing to do");
if (!m_server.isIdle()) {
// Only schedule automatic syncs when nothing else is
// going on or pending.
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: server not idle");
// Now look for a suitable task that is ready to run.
Timespec now = Timespec::monotonic();
BOOST_FOREACH (const PeerMap::value_type &entry, m_peerMap) {
const std::string &configName = entry.first;
const boost::shared_ptr<AutoSyncTask> &task = entry.second;
if (task->m_interval <= 0 || // not enabled
task->m_permanentFailure) { // don't try again
if (task->m_lastSyncTime + task->m_interval > now) {
// Ran too recently, check again in the future. Always
// reset timer, because both m_lastSyncTime and m_interval
// may have changed.
int seconds = (task->m_lastSyncTime + task->m_interval - now).seconds() + 1;
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: %s: interval expires in %ds",
configName + " interval timer"));
std::string readyURL;
BOOST_FOREACH (const AutoSyncTask::URLInfo_t::value_type &urlinfo, task->m_urls) {
// check m_delay against presence of transport
Timespec *starttime = NULL;
PresenceStatus::PresenceSignal_t *signal = NULL;
Timeout *timeout = NULL;
switch (urlinfo.first) {
case AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_HTTP:
starttime = &m_httpStartTime;
signal = &m_server.getPresenceStatus().m_httpPresenceSignal;
timeout = &task->m_httpTimeout;
case AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_BT:
starttime = &m_btStartTime;
signal = &m_server.getPresenceStatus().m_btPresenceSignal;
timeout = &task->m_btTimeout;
case AutoSyncTask::NEEDS_OTHER:
if (!starttime || // some other transport, assumed to be online, use it
(*starttime && // present
(task->m_delay <= 0 || *starttime + task->m_delay > now))) { // present long enough
readyURL = urlinfo.second;
if (!*starttime) {
// check again when it becomes present
"presence change").track(m_me));
} else {
// check again after waiting the requested amount of time
int seconds = (*starttime + task->m_delay - now).seconds() + 1;
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: %s: presence delay expires in %ds",
configName + " transport timer"));
if (!readyURL.empty()) {
// Found a task, run it. The session is not attached to any client,
// but we keep a pointer to it, so it won't go away.
// m_task = task;
// Just in case... also done in syncDone() when we detect
// that session is completed.
task->m_syncSuccessStart = false;
m_session = Session::createSession(m_server,
// Temporarily set sync URL to the one which we picked above
// once the session is active (setConfig() not allowed earlier).
ReadOperations::Config_t config;
config[""]["syncURL"] = readyURL;
true, true,
// Run sync as soon as it is active.
// Now run it.
// Reschedule when server is idle again.
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: nothing to do");
void AutoSyncManager::connectIdle()
m_idleConnection =
"server is idle").track(m_me));
void AutoSyncManager::sessionStarted(const boost::shared_ptr<Session> &session)
// Do we have a task for this config?
std::string configName = session->getConfigName();
PeerMap::iterator it = m_peerMap.find(configName);
if (it == m_peerMap.end()) {
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: ignore running sync %s without config",
boost::shared_ptr<AutoSyncManager> me = m_me.lock();
if (!me) {
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: already destructing, ignore new sync %s",
const boost::shared_ptr<AutoSyncTask> &task = it->second;
task->m_lastSyncTime = Timespec::monotonic();
// track permanent failure
session->m_doneSignal.connect(Session::DoneSignal_t::slot_type(&AutoSyncManager::anySyncDone, this, task.get(), _1).track(task).track(me));
if (m_session == session) {
// Only for our own auto sync session: notify user once session starts successful.
// In the (unlikely) case that the AutoSyncTask gets deleted, the
// slot won't get involved, thus skipping user notifications.
// Also protects against manager destructing before session.
session->m_syncSuccessStartSignal.connect(Session::SyncSuccessStartSignal_t::slot_type(&AutoSyncManager::autoSyncSuccessStart, this, task.get()).track(task).track(me));
// Notify user once session ends, with or without failure.
// Same instance tracking as for sync success start.
session->m_doneSignal.connect(Session::DoneSignal_t::slot_type(&AutoSyncManager::autoSyncDone, this, task.get(), _1).track(task).track(me));
bool AutoSyncManager::preventTerm()
BOOST_FOREACH (const PeerMap::value_type &entry, m_peerMap) {
const boost::shared_ptr<AutoSyncTask> &task = entry.second;
if (task->m_interval > 0 &&
!task->m_permanentFailure &&
!task->m_urls.empty()) {
// that task might run
return true;
return false;
void AutoSyncManager::autoSyncSuccessStart(AutoSyncTask *task)
task->m_syncSuccessStart = true;
SE_LOG_INFO(NULL, NULL,"Automatic sync for '%s' has been successfully started.\n",
if (m_server.notificationsEnabled()) {
std::string summary = StringPrintf(_("%s is syncing"), task->m_peerName.c_str());
std::string body = StringPrintf(_("We have just started to sync your computer with the %s sync service."),
// TODO: set config information for 'sync-ui'
m_notificationManager->publish(summary, body);
* True if the error is likely to go away by itself when continuing
* with auto-syncing. This errs on the side of showing notifications
* too often rather than not often enough.
static bool ErrorIsTemporary(SyncMLStatus status)
switch (status) {
return true;
// pretty much everying this not temporary
return false;
void AutoSyncManager::autoSyncDone(AutoSyncTask *task, SyncMLStatus status)
SE_LOG_INFO(NULL, NULL,"Automatic sync for '%s' has been done.\n", task->m_peerName.c_str());
if (m_server.notificationsEnabled()) {
// send a notification to notification server
std::string summary, body;
if (task->m_syncSuccessStart && status == STATUS_OK) {
// if sync is successfully started and done
summary = StringPrintf(_("%s sync complete"), task->m_peerName.c_str());
body = StringPrintf(_("We have just finished syncing your computer with the %s sync service."),
//TODO: set config information for 'sync-ui'
m_notificationManager->publish(summary, body);
} else if (task->m_syncSuccessStart || !ErrorIsTemporary(status)) {
// if sync is successfully started and has errors, or not started successful with a permanent error
// that needs attention
summary = StringPrintf(_("Sync problem."));
body = StringPrintf(_("Sorry, there's a problem with your sync that you need to attend to."));
//TODO: set config information for 'sync-ui'
m_notificationManager->publish(summary, body);
// keep session around to give clients a chance to query it
void AutoSyncManager::anySyncDone(AutoSyncTask *task, SyncMLStatus status)
// set "permanently failed" flag according to most recent result
task->m_permanentFailure = !ErrorIsTemporary(status);
SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, NULL, "auto sync: sync session %s done, result %d %s",
task->m_permanentFailure ?
"is a permanent failure" :
status == STATUS_OK ?
"is success" :
"is temporary failure");