
423 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Ohly
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
#include "SyncEvolutionCmdline.h"
#include "FilterConfigNode.h"
#include "VolatileConfigNode.h"
#include "EvolutionSyncSource.h"
#include "EvolutionSyncClient.h"
#include "SyncEvolutionUtil.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
SyncEvolutionCmdline::SyncEvolutionCmdline(int argc, char **argv, ostream &out, ostream &err) :
bool SyncEvolutionCmdline::parse()
int opt = 1;
while (opt < m_argc) {
if (m_argv[opt][0] != '-') {
if (!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--sync") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-s")) {
string param;
string cmdopt(m_argv[opt - 1]);
if (!parseProp(m_validSourceProps, m_sourceProps,
m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt],
"sync")) {
return false;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--sync-property") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-y")) {
if (!parseProp(m_validSyncProps, m_syncProps,
m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt])) {
return false;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--source-property") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-z")) {
if (!parseProp(m_validSourceProps, m_sourceProps,
m_argv[opt - 1], opt == m_argc ? NULL : m_argv[opt])) {
return false;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--properties") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-r")) {
/* TODO */
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--template") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-l")) {
if (opt >= m_argc) {
usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(m_argv[opt - 1]));
return false;
m_template = m_argv[opt];
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--print-servers")) {
m_printServers = true;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--print-config") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-p")) {
m_printConfig = true;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--configure") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-c")) {
m_configure = true;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--migrate")) {
m_migrate = true;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--status") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-t")) {
m_status = true;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--quiet") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-q")) {
m_quiet = true;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--help") ||
!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "-h")) {
m_usage = true;
} else if(!strcasecmp(m_argv[opt], "--version")) {
m_version = true;
} else {
usage(false, string(m_argv[opt]) + ": unknown parameter");
return false;
if (opt < m_argc) {
m_server = m_argv[opt++];
while (opt < m_argc) {
return true;
bool SyncEvolutionCmdline::run() {
if (m_usage) {
} else if (m_version) {
printf("SyncEvolution %s\n", VERSION);
} else if (m_printServers) {
EvolutionSyncConfig::ServerList servers = EvolutionSyncConfig::getServers();
m_out << "Configured servers:" << endl;
for (EvolutionSyncConfig::ServerList::const_iterator it = servers.begin();
it != servers.end();
++it) {
m_out << " " << it->first << " = " << it->second << endl;
if (!servers.size()) {
m_out << " none" << endl;
} else if (m_dontrun) {
// user asked for information
} else if (m_argc == 1) {
const SourceRegistry &registry(EvolutionSyncSource::getSourceRegistry());
boost::shared_ptr<FilterConfigNode> configNode(new VolatileConfigNode());
boost::shared_ptr<FilterConfigNode> hiddenNode(new VolatileConfigNode());
boost::shared_ptr<FilterConfigNode> trackingNode(new VolatileConfigNode());
SyncSourceNodes nodes(configNode, hiddenNode, trackingNode);
EvolutionSyncSourceParams params("list", nodes, "");
for (SourceRegistry::const_iterator source = registry.begin();
source != registry.end();
++source) {
for (Values::const_iterator alias = (*source)->m_typeValues.begin();
alias != (*source)->m_typeValues.end();
++alias) {
if (!alias->empty() && (*source)->m_enabled) {
configNode->setProperty("type", *alias->begin());
auto_ptr<EvolutionSyncSource> source(EvolutionSyncSource::createSource(params, false));
if (source.get() != NULL) {
listSources(*source, join(" = ", alias->begin(), alias->end()));
cout << "\n";
} else if (m_printConfig) {
boost::shared_ptr<EvolutionSyncConfig> config;
if (m_template.empty()) {
config.reset(new EvolutionSyncConfig(m_server));
if (!config->exists()) {
cerr << "ERROR: server '" << m_server << "' has not been configured yet." << endl;
return false;
} else {
config = EvolutionSyncConfig::createServerTemplate(m_template);
if (!config.get()) {
cerr << "ERROR: no configuration template for '" << m_template << "' available." << endl;
return false;
if (m_sources.empty()) {
boost::shared_ptr<FilterConfigNode> syncProps(config->getProperties());
dumpProperties(*syncProps, config->getRegistry());
list<string> sources = config->getSyncSources();
for (list<string>::const_iterator it = sources.begin();
it != sources.end();
++it) {
if (m_sources.empty() ||
m_sources.find(*it) != m_sources.end()) {
m_out << endl << "[" << *it << "]" << endl;
boost::shared_ptr<PersistentEvolutionSyncSourceConfig> source(config->getSyncSourceConfig(*it));
boost::shared_ptr<FilterConfigNode> sourceProps(source->getProperties());
dumpProperties(*sourceProps, source->getRegistry());
} else if (m_server == "" && m_argc > 1) {
// Options given, but no server - not sure what the user wanted?!
usage(true, "server name missing");
return false;
} else if (m_configure || m_migrate) {
} else {
EvolutionSyncClient client(m_server, true, m_sources);
client.setConfigFilter(true, m_syncProps);
client.setConfigFilter(false, m_sourceProps);
if (m_status) {
} else {
return true;
string SyncEvolutionCmdline::cmdOpt(const char *opt, const char *param)
string res = "'";
res += opt;
if (param) {
res += " ";
res += param;
res += "'";
return res;
bool SyncEvolutionCmdline::parseProp(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps,
FilterConfigNode::ConfigFilter &props,
const char *opt,
const char *param,
const char *propname)
if (!param) {
usage(true, string("missing parameter for ") + cmdOpt(opt, param));
return false;
} else if (!strcmp(param, "?")) {
m_dontrun = true;
if (propname) {
return listPropValues(validProps, propname, opt);
} else {
return listProperties(validProps, opt);
} else {
string propstr;
string paramstr;
if (propname) {
propstr = propname;
paramstr = param;
} else {
const char *equal = strchr(param, '=');
if (!equal) {
usage(true, string("the '=<value>' part is missing in: ") + cmdOpt(opt, param));
return false;
propstr.assign(param, equal - param);
paramstr.assign(equal + 1);
if (paramstr == "?") {
m_dontrun = true;
return listPropValues(validProps, propstr, cmdOpt(opt, param));
} else {
const ConfigProperty *prop = validProps.find(propstr);
if (!prop) {
m_err << "ERROR: " << cmdOpt(opt, param) << ": no such property" << endl;
return false;
} else {
string error;
if (!prop->checkValue(paramstr, error)) {
m_err << "ERROR: " << cmdOpt(opt, param) << ": " << error << endl;
return false;
} else {
props.set(propstr, paramstr);
return true;
bool SyncEvolutionCmdline::listPropValues(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps,
const string &propName,
const string &opt)
const ConfigProperty *prop = validProps.find(propName);
if (!prop) {
m_err << "ERROR: "<< opt << ": no such property" << endl;
return false;
} else {
m_out << opt << endl;
string comment = prop->getComment();
if (comment != "") {
list<string> commentLines;
ConfigProperty::splitComment(comment, commentLines);
for (list<string>::const_iterator line = commentLines.begin();
line != commentLines.end();
++line) {
m_out << " " << *line << endl;
} else {
m_out << " no documentation available";
return true;
bool SyncEvolutionCmdline::listProperties(const ConfigPropertyRegistry &validProps,
const string &opt)
// The first of several related properties has a comment.
// Remember that comment and print it as late as possible,
// that way related properties preceed their comment.
string comment;
for (ConfigPropertyRegistry::const_iterator prop = validProps.begin();
prop != validProps.end();
++prop) {
if (!(*prop)->isHidden()) {
string newComment = (*prop)->getComment();
if (newComment != "") {
dumpComment(m_out, " ", comment);
m_out << endl;
comment = newComment;
m_out << (*prop)->getName() << ":" << endl;
dumpComment(m_out, " ", comment);
return true;
void SyncEvolutionCmdline::listSources(EvolutionSyncSource &syncSource, const string &header)
m_out << header << ":\n";
EvolutionSyncSource::sources sources = syncSource.getSyncBackends();
for (EvolutionSyncSource::sources::const_iterator it = sources.begin();
it != sources.end();
it++) {
m_out << " " << it->m_name << " (" << it->m_uri << ")\n";
void SyncEvolutionCmdline::dumpProperties(const ConfigNode &configuredProps,
const ConfigPropertyRegistry &allProps)
for (ConfigPropertyRegistry::const_iterator it = allProps.begin();
it != allProps.end();
++it) {
if (!m_quiet) {
string comment = (*it)->getComment();
if (!comment.empty()) {
m_out << endl;
dumpComment(m_out, "# ", comment);
m_out << (*it)->getName() << " = " << (*it)->getProperty(configuredProps) << endl;
void SyncEvolutionCmdline::dumpComment(ostream &stream,
const string &prefix,
const string &comment)
list<string> commentLines;
ConfigProperty::splitComment(comment, commentLines);
for (list<string>::const_iterator line = commentLines.begin();
line != commentLines.end();
++line) {
stream << prefix << *line << endl;
void SyncEvolutionCmdline::usage(bool full, const string &error, const string &param)
m_out << m_argv[0] << endl;
m_out << m_argv[0] << " [<options>] <server> [<source> ...]" << endl;
m_out << m_argv[0] << " --help|-h" << endl;
m_out << m_argv[0] << " --version" << endl;
if (full) {
m_out << endl <<
"Options:" << endl <<
" --sync|-s <mode>" << endl <<
" Temporarily synchronize the active sources in that mode. Useful" << endl <<
" for a 'refresh-from-server' or 'refresh-from-client' sync which" << endl <<
" clears all data at one end and copies all items from the other." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --status|-t" << endl <<
" The changes made to local data since the last synchronization are" << endl <<
" shown without starting a new one. This can be used to see in advance" << endl <<
" whether the local data needs to be synchronized with the server." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --quiet|-q" << endl <<
" Suppresses most of the normal output during a synchronization. The" << endl <<
" log file still contains all the information." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --help|-h" << endl <<
" Prints usage information." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --version" << endl <<
" Prints the SyncEvolution version." << endl;
if (error != "") {
m_out << endl << "ERROR: " << error << endl;
if (param != "") {
m_out << "INFO: use '" << param << (param[param.size() - 1] == '=' ? "" : " ") <<
"?' to get a list of valid parameters" << endl;