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Please DO NOT read this from A to Z

This is intended as a translation table between many different namespaces, so this has no beginning, and no end

Some of my favorite namespaces:

Ideally, you already know one of these namespaces, then you can try to find (Ctrl-F) the section by some keywords

Example keywords:

  • Carl Jung
  • MBTI
  • True Colors
  • Parenting style
  • Attachment theory
  • endomorph
  • Politics
  • Liberal
  • Conservative
  • Hans Eysenck
  • David Keirsey
  • Friedrich Nietzsche
  • ...

... or you can scroll to a random position and start from there

alchi-maps, the mental chemistry maps
for humans and their relations

who is my self? and who are my friends?

i am looking for my self and my friends
and this is my plan ....

we can put all humans into one of sixteen boxes.
these sixteen boxes are:

B1 C2 B3 C4
D2 A1 D4 A3
B4 C3 B2 C1
D3 A4 D1 A2

yes, this is different from the sixteen types of MBTI,
cos MBTI is blind for age and gender.

a letter shows the two "outer values" of age and gender.
age = S or L = young or old.
gender = F or M = female or male.

we propose an exact definition of "nature and nurture". nature translates to body type = element. nurture translates to the six friends of each body, and the three different bond types [three modalities] between one body and its six friends.

collisions of namespaces: different authors can have different definitions for the same words. for example the contrast between "abstract" and "concrete", where we have different definitions from a. carl jung (four cognitive functions, 34 abstract + 12 concrete), and b. david kolb (four learning styles, 14 abstract + 23 concrete). or take the contrast "extravert" and "introvert", where we have different definitions from a. myers-briggs (mbti: 23 extravert + 14 introvert) and b. hans eysenck (13 extravert + 24 introvert).

element or property? it is hard to differentiate between elements (pure types) and properties (mixed types). generally, there are two solutions: 1. mental gender is ternary 2. mental gender is binary 1. one element is masculine (fire), one element is feminine (earth), two elements are bisexual (air + water). 2. two elements are masculine (fire + water), two elements are feminine (air + earth). here we prefer the second solution (mental gender is binary), so that "masculine" is a property, not a type. for example, see the William Herrmann, HBDI, Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument: surveys show that "quadrant A ~ male gender", and that "quadrat C ~ female gender". we assume that males prefer their masculine subtypes (x14), so in total, they appear extremely masculine = psychotic = quadrant A. ... and that females prefer their feminine subtypes (x23), so in total, they appear extremely feminine = neurotic = quadrant C. = more property than element = between two elements = properties are confused with elements, cos education to only one subtype seems very common (so the four properties are used as types). the survey also shows, that quadrants B and D are not correlated to gender, so we translate the domain B—D to mental age. example 2: helen fisher, love types

son mother daughter father
boy woman girl man
fire outside earth outside air outside water outside
Small Male Large Female Small Female Large Male
young male old female young female old male
young age
male gender
old age
female gender
young age
female gender
old age
male gender
smart + weak dumb + strong half-smart + half-strong half-dumb + half-weak
smart dumb strong weak

a number shows the two "inner values" of sense and move.
number = inner values = element = personality = temperament = character = personal truth = type of intelligence = talent = definition of mental health = inner age and inner gender.

sense move
inner age inner gender
top half bottom half
E or I N or P
extravert or introvert neurotic or psychotic
young inside or old inside female inside or male inside

TODO introduce four elements

four numbers:
(some systems flip earth and water, so earth = 4 and water = 2,
because earth is planet number 4 in the solar system. but here we reject the "as above, so below" symmetry between cosmos and humans,
because that view is "simple but wrong".)
1 2 3 4
second digits in modulo five system: 6 mod 5 = 1, etc.
6 7 8 9
fire earth air water
translation to outer values:
son inside mother inside daughter inside father inside
young inside
male inside
old inside
female inside
young inside
female inside
old inside
male inside
alternative translation to outer values
12 are ageless (timeless, classic, middle age, middle class)
34 are genderless (asexual or bisexual)
man woman child grandparent
sense + move, Hans Eysenck terminology:
extravert psychotic introvert neurotic extravert neurotic introvert psychotic
extravert sense
psychotic move
introvert sense
neurotic move
extravert sense
neurotic move
introvert sense
psychotic move
Neurobiology, The Science of Emotions & Relationships | Huberman Lab Podcast #13 → 21:08 The Architecture Of A Feeling: (At Least) 3 Key Questions To Ask Yourself
low valence = bad mood = loner = rational = masculine = psychotic = 14
high valence = good mood = social = emotional = feminine = neurotic = 23
low arousal = lazy = passive = specialist = mentally old = introverted = 24
high arousal = eager = active = generalist = mentally young = extraverted = 13
rational generalist emotional specialist emotional generalist rational specialist
negative active positive passive positive active negative passive
sense + tone:
extrasense vagotone introsense vagotone extrasense sympatone introsense sympatone
move + tone:
psychomove vagotone neuromove vagotone neuromove sympatone psychomove sympatone
carl jung, jungian functions
anti-rational/rational = vagotone/sympatone = 12/34
Ntuiting Sensing Feeling Thinking
anti-rational anti-rational rational rational
Robert Moore, Douglas Gillette: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
(via Elliott Hulse, The-Four-Layers-of-Strength.pdf)
Warrior Lover Magician King or Queen
derived from the enneagram wing-subtypes and alchi modality rule: 1x4x2x3x1x4x2x3x....
→ two neighbors must not be opposite elements (1—2 and 3—4, see tenscross)
→ enneagram 123456789 = alchi 423114231
fire appears 3 times, other elements 2 times
4 5 9 2 7 3 8 1 6
Loyal Skeptic
Enneagram wing-subtypes with cardinal modality (x13) = extraverted subtypes
4w3 = 1x3
9w8 = 1x3
2w3 = 2x3
7w8 = 2x3
3w4 = 3x1
8w9 = 3x1
1w9 = 4x1
6w5 = 4x1
Enneagram wing-subtypes with fixed modality (x24) = introverted subtypes
5w6 = 1x4
9w1 = 1x4
2w1 = 2x4
7w6 = 2x4
3w2 = 3x2
8w7 = 3x2
1w2 = 4x2
6w7 = 4x2
four humors, variant CMSP [TODO right?],
Galen Of Pergamon
dry/wet = vagotonic/sympatonic = 12/34
video: 4 Types of Human Temperament, The Four Temperaments - How To Assess People Quickly,
Choleric Type [1] Melancholic Type [2] Sanguinic Type [3] Phlegmatic Type [4]
four humors, variant SMCP [TODO wrong?],
Hippocrates, Kant
dry/wet = neurotic/psychotic = 23/14
Sanguinic Type [1] Melancholic Type [2] Choleric Type [3] Phlegmatic Type [4]
four humors, variant SMCP, Ivan Pavlov (18491936), dog temperaments,
two factors: active/passive and extreme/moderate response
Sanguinic Melancholic Choleric Phlegmatic
Lively, strong, balanced, mobile Weak inhibitory, weak Strong excitatory, strong, unbalanced, easily aroused, excitable Calm imperturbable, strong, balanced, sluggish
active moderate passive moderate active extreme passive extreme
extrasense vagotone
young mesomorph
introsense vagotone
old mesomorph
extrasense sympatone
young extramorph
introsense sympatone
old mesomorph
four humors, variant CMSP,
Alfred Adler (1900), four styles of life,
two factors: activity [sense] and social interest [tone]
Ruling, Dominant
Socially Useful
Getting or Leaning [seeking?]
high activity
low social interest
low activity
low social interest
high activity
high social interest
low activity
high social interest
extrasense vagotone introsense vagotone extrasense sympatone introsense sympatone
classic liberal classic conservative neo-liberal neo-conservative
Hans Eysenck, Political Spectrum:
communist capitalist socialist fascist
radical authoritarian moderate democratic radical democratic moderate authoritarian
proud author diplomatic democrat proud democrat diplomatic author
young masculine old feminine young feminine old masculine
circular paradigm (archive)
via Noam Chomsky - Propaganda And Control of The Public Mind/15 Free Trade.mp3.
two factors: age x diagonal.
liberal separatist conservative separatist liberal integrationist conservative integrationist
political compass, four ideologies
Josef Stalin, Robert Mugabe, Pol Pot, forced collectivism Milton Friedman, economic security + social liberty Mahatma Gandhi, voluntary collectivism, anarcho-syndicalism, libertarian socialism Margaret Thatcher
political spectrum, David Nolan, Nolan Chart
Conservatives Liberals Libertarians Authoritarians
economic freedom + personal control economic control + personal freedom economic freedom + personal freedom economic control + personal control
Erich Fromm (1947), Character orientation,
two groups: assimilation or socialization = vagotone or sympatone
Hoarding, save what they already have obtained, posessive/obsessive? Marketing, empty, current needs of the market determine value, relativistic ethic, [other value, capitalist, whore] Exploitative, stealing, actively take what they want, [hyper active] Receptive, wait passive, need security, lack creativity, [hyper passive]
relate to things
relate to things
relate to people
relate to people
Erich Fromm 2, TODO verify
Exploitative Hoarding Marketing Receptive
DiSC assessment System (1928)
John G. Geier, William Marston
two factors:
Assertive/Passive = extrasense/introsense
Controlled/Open = vagotone/sympatone

translation 1: DSIC
DiSC assessment System (1928)

translation 2: DCIS
video: How to Sell to Different Personality Types
S and C are similar (moderate types = 24 = mentally old = centrist = not extreme)
high energy
low energy
high energy
low energy
direct tone
fast pace
confident posture
soft tone
slow pace
relaxed posture
funny tone
fast pace
lively posture
neutral tone
slow pace
focussed posture
direct, honest
decide quick, impatient, ready to go, get to the point, short attention span
want abstract information, bored by details
can be rude/annoyed/aggressive
busy, keep moving, get back to work
come close, firm handshake
fast pace
hard skill, task focus
decisions are variable, can quickly change their decisions
slow pace, slow to decide
patient, long attention span
relaxed, lazy, chilled, laid back
go with the flow
avoid pressure
low energy
neutral emotions
polite, indirect, subliminal, cautious
balance between soft skill (raport, who are you) and hard skill (get to the point, content, what do you want)
want to build relationships, want to build raport
need to trust, decide based on trust, personal reasons
high energy, expressive, eager
talk with hands
abstract, bored by details
quickly change emotions
socially useful
soft skill, people focus
knowledge, want to know many details
detail oriented
engineer, accountant
interoverted, reserved, guarded, low curiosity
distant, socially awkward
need objective facts, ignore subjective opinions
feelings are bad
dont want any subjective recommendations
want to decide based on neutral information
polite, indirect, subliminal, cautious
"did that answer your question? do you have more questions about that?"
patient, long attention span
Merrill-Wilson, Merrill-Reid, social personality style, 1960.
based on Carl Jung.
introvert/extravert x peoplefocus/taskfocus.
m1. Dan O'Connor 1
m1. Dan O'Connor 2
platinum rule:
treat others as they want to be treated.
driver amiable expressive analytical
tell, assert, claim, assume, suggest, "you are X!" ask, "are you X?" tell ask
control emotions, strong, inhibited display emotions, weak, expressive display emotions control emotions
tell, assume, suggest ask tell ask
panther, lion, tiger koala star, peacock owl
leader, attention seeking, visible, proud, exhibitionist, provocative, want to be seen, abstract, big picture thinker, creative, start new things, aggressive, pioneer, curious follower, shy, background, back office, good with details, invisible, passive, defensive, finish old things, conservative, cautious leader follower
distant, antisocial, cold, loner, prefer to be alone, being alone gives energy, the hermit, get the job done, task focus, hard skills, hate incompetent people social, soft skills, warm, good with people, being alone is painful, take everything personal ("its my fault" or "hes envious of me" or "it has something to do with me") social distant
car: practical, efficient, understatement luxury symbol, elegant, classy car: family car, minivan, round (like human face), car: mustang convertible, cadillac escalade, visible, loud, flashy, pretty but useless, big or round, sports cars, extravagant, expressive, eccentric car: old, durable, patient, strategic, planned, efficient, utilitarian, rational, pragmatic, functional
dress: grey, black, navy, expensive, only one pair of shoes (max. two pairs of shoes) for every season (summer vs winter) or for every situation (indoor vs outdoor), militant style, milahu: 15:00 "militant style" of drivers. yepp! ^^ i prefer "tactical" designs - function first (e.g. high quality softshell jacket) but the function is hidden/invisible (understatement, classy, weak colors or black/white/grey, max one plain color, ideally no logo print, no patterns, no gradients). say: "a rich heart wears poor clothes" -> preference for "spiritual" values, inner values, function + mysterious on the outside dress: comfortable, soft, dress: colorful, rich, patterns, high variety, experiment often, superficial, overrate outside values, overrate first impression, impatient dress: cheap, understatement, decent, "impressive", underrate outside values, more concerned with inner values (spiritual), "a rich heart wears poor clothes", deep
posture: chest out, proud, inhaled, much air in lungs, ready to fight, ready to exhale/scream
speech: start sentences, throw keywords speech: monoton, slow, boring, serious, cold, complete sentences, robot voice, tell story with many details
workplace: clean, few useful tools, achieved trophies workplace: personal, hang on to sentimental values, things have emotional value, personal reasons, want to share their love for things workplace: chaotic, big picture thinker, creative
motivation: tangible results (trophies), win awards motivation: please others, "your coworkers would appreciate X" motivation: be seen as good example, get attention, "your coworkers celebrate you for X", "your coworkers would see you as their star" motivation: understand better, know, specialize, learn details
family photos: thats mine! show posession, mark own territory, do NOT share family photos: want to share their love
song: joy to the world, want to be friends with everybody, want everybody to like them, need harmony, avoid conflict song: Celebration by Kool and the Gang (celebrate good times, come on!), want everyone to party / have fun
Thomas and Chess (Alexander Thomas, Stella Chess), child temperament
video: Goodness of Fit One Size Does Not Fit All | Carla Jeffrey | TEDxBendigo
easy child slow to warm up: shy, reserved, weak, lazy/focussed/patient, withdraw in new situations, avoid surprises, avoid spontaneity, avoid change in large steps, prefer change in small steps, moderate, anti-radical, slow to adapt, inert, "stubborn", anxious, fear of being alone difficult child: loud, dramatic, very reactive, trouble eating, trouble sleeping, need long time to adapt to new situations, strong frustrations and temper tantrums easy child
Director Supporter Socializer Thinker
Embraces change
Direct management style
Works well independently
Demands maximum freedom
Good administrative skills
Highly competitive
Good delegation skills
Fair and equitable
Looks approachable
Appearance of strength
Minimal mood swings
Good at routines or repetitive tasks
Easily liked by most people
Idea person
Plays by the rules
Critical thinker
Quality control
A Director likes to be in charge and be in control of their environment and their lives. They're normally not very detail-oriented, choosing to delegate details to others. They're usually very goal-oriented and practical in their solutions. And arriving at their solutions and goals will entail a no-nonsense, bottom-line approach. A Supporter takes a slower, easier pace toward their work and life in general. They seek security and longevity on the job and are very happy doing a repetitive task, day in and day out. The repetition allows them to become very skilled in what they do. Likewise, they won't like it if the rules change a lot, as that's contrary to their desire to minimize change and stick with what they know works. For the Type D personality, even though the current way may be unpleasant, they worry that the unknown may be even worse. The Socializer is a very outgoing, energetic, and fast-paced individual who likes to be around people and enjoys being the center of attention. They're good relationship builders, and most people like them right away. Their driving need is for approval, so they try to like everyone in hopes everyone will like them too. Compliments, acknowledgement of their achievements, words of admiration, and even applause from groups will be the most important thing you can do for them. Thinkers are very detail-oriented individual who likes to be involved in things that are controlled and stable. They're interested in accuracy, rationality, and logic. People who can't seem to control their emotions will bother them because Thinkers believe being emotional makes objectivity difficult or perhaps impossible. They also dislike being around people who are full of hype, since they desire facts, accuracy, and logic. Other people's emotions may not be a priority for them, as they tend to strive for the facts and let the chips fall where they may.
Helen Fisher, Four Love Types, brain areas in fMRT scans, test: Helen Fisher's Personality Test
book: Why Him? Why Her? by Helen Fisher

The dimensions were named:
13 = Curious/Energetic = general intelligence = elevated sex drive = sex is important to a successful partnership
Cautious/Social Norm Compliant = 24
Analytical/Tough-minded = 14
Prosocial/ Empathetic = 23
4 = serotonin = suppressed sexual desire = suppressed sexual function
Cautious/Social Norm Compliant = serotonin? = 4 or 24
Cautious/Social Norm Compliant:
significantly more likely to be members
of an organized religious community.
the Cautious/Social Norm Compliant scale
may measure, to some degree, serotonergic factors, because
genetic data associate aspects of the serotonin system with
religiosity and traditionalism.

Political Orientation
Cautious/Social Norm Compliant scale
politically conservative
respect for authority and tradition
traditionalism is linked
in the biological literature with aspects of the serotonin

Prosocial/ Empathetic = estrogen and oxytocin = 2 or 23
It was also predicted that participants who scored highest
on the Prosocial/Empathetic scale would be significantly more
liberal in their political views, because self-reported liberals
in dozens of countries score higher than conservatives on
scales of caring/nurturance (Graham et al., 2009), qualities associated in the biological literature with the estrogen and
oxytocin systems (Knickmeyer et al., 2006).

Consistent with
the prediction, political conservatism was negatively associated
with high scores on the Prosocial/Empathetic scale. These data
further support other research that variability in political values
is not simply attributable to differences in cognitive style,
but is also, in part, associated with differences in biological
factors (Alford et al., 2005; Amodio et al., 2007; Kanai et al.,

interpretation 1: types = types.

Director Negotiator Explorer Builder
testosterone estrogen, oxytocin dopamine serotonin
DIRECTORS shoot for the stars. These men (and women) express traits linked with the testosterone system in the brain. They tend to excel at analytical and strategic thinking. They are also direct, decisive, exacting and tough minded. Directors are good at what scientists call "rule-based systems," aptitudes such as higher math, mechanics, computers, engineering and/or music. And they are often competitive, as well as skeptical and emotionally contained. Directors approach dating and relationships the same way they approach their other interests, by rationally analyzing their hopes, needs and intentions. Foremost they seek a partner who shares their goals, as well as someone who is eager to exchange ideas, build theories and talk about science, philosophy, history or whatever interests them.

To balance out their forthright style and tendency to make decisions quickly, Directors tend to gravitate to partners who weigh alternatives, listen actively, handle conflicts deftly and have other well-honed social skills. Because they analyze their own emotions, as well as hide them, Directors tend to seek mates who are emotionally expressive. Because they have difficulty dealing with "controlling" people, they tend to be attracted to those who are flexible, even indecisive. Thus they often gravitate to Negotiators who have the empathy and emotional complexity to handle their forceful personalities.
NEGOTIATORS are philosophers. These women (and men) express traits linked with the estrogen system in the brain. These people see the big picture. They are imaginative and intuitive. They have superb language and people skills. They are also emotionally expressive, as well as agreeable, trusting and compassionate. Negotiators seek someone with whom they can make an intensely intimate, deeply meaningful, inspiring and spiritual connection.

Negotiators, like Directors, prefer to go out with one person at a time and to explore the depths of this potential partnership. They dislike wasting time on irrelevant, trivial or boring socializing. When they find "The One," Negotiators are superb at generating and maintaining intimacy with this partner. They avoid conflicts with a mate, and make major personal adjustments to strengthen this cherished bond. They give thoughtful gifts, such as a treasured book or photograph. They share their most personal feelings. And they want their partner to share his or her feelings too.
EXPLORERS are born free. They express more of the traits linked with the dopamine system in the brain. These men and women love novelty; they are willing to take risks to experience adventures of the mind and/or body. They are optimistic, energetic, spontaneous, mentally flexible, often generous and highly curious and creative.

And they often seek a partner who will go adventuring with them: another Explorer. Because they are friendly and enthusiastic, have little interest in rules or schedules, and have no desire to control others they can make a date feel comfortable quickly. Explorers are also good at listening and talking. They are inquisitive, so they are likely to ask you about yourself in order to engage you and satisfy their curiosity. But they tend to play the field and seek as much freedom and variety as possible — until they are ready to settle down.
BUILDERS are pillars of society. Most likely highly expressive of the serotonin system in the brain, they are traditional and conventional, as well as cautious, calm and often social. These men and women like to build networks; community and family are important to them. They make good managers because they are orderly, conscientious, thorough and loyal. And they respect rules and like schedules. Builders seek a stable and predictable team player, someone who shares their fidelity to family and tradition.

They take courtship seriously, too. Builders don't choose a partner impulsively. They believe in good manners, old-fashioned courtesy, punctuality and well-arranged schedules. Builders tend to think concretely; they are literal; they like and trust facts. So on a date, a Builder is likely to engage in tangible conversations - about food, travel, sports, the weather, TV programs and/or movies. They are often good at "small talk," short conversations on concrete topics. They can be very modest when discussing their achievements. And they tend to take the opinions of their friends and relatives seriously.
opposites attract: Director + Negotiator opposites attract: Negotiator + Director similarity attracts: Explorer + Explorer similarity attracts: Builder + Builder
1. I understand complex machines easily.
2. I enjoy competitive conversations.
3. I am intrigued by rules and patterns that govern systems.
4. I am more analytical and logical than most people.
5. I pursue intellectual topics thoroughly and regularly.
6. I am able to solve problems without letting emotion get in the way.
7. I like to figure out how things work.
8. I am tough-minded.
9. Debating is a good way to match my wits with others.
10. I have no trouble making a choice, even when several alternatives seem equally good at first.
11. When I buy a new machine (like a camera, computer or car), I want to know all of its technical features.
12. I like to avoid the nuances and say exactly what I mean.
13. I think it is important to be direct.
14. When making a decision, I like to stick to the facts rather than be swayed by people's feelings.
1. I like to get to know my friends' deepest needs and feelings.
2. I highly value deep emotional intimacy in my relationships.
3. Regardless of what is logical, I generally listen to my heart when making important decisions.
4. I frequently catch myself daydreaming.
5. I can change my mind easily.
6. After watching an emotional film, I often still feel moved by it several hours later.
7. I vividly imagine both wonderful and horrible things happening to me.
8. I am very sensitive to people's feelings and needs.
9. I often find myself getting lost in my thoughts during the day.
10. I feel emotions more deeply than most people.
11. I have a vivid imagination.
12. When I wake up from a vivid dream, it takes me a few seconds to return to reality.
13. When reading, I enjoy it when the writer takes a sidetrack to say something beautiful or meaningful.
14. I am very empathetic.
1. I find unpredictable situations exhilarating.
2. I do things on the spur of the moment.
3. I get bored when I have to do the same familiar things.
4. I have a very wide range of interests.
5. I am more optimistic than most people.
6. I am more creative than most people.
7. I am always looking for new experiences.
8. I am always doing new things.
9. I am more enthusiastic than most people.
10. I am willing to take risks to do what I want to do.
11. I get restless if I have to stay home for any length of time.
12. My friends would say I am very curious.
13. I have more energy than most people.
14. On my time off, I like to be free to do what ever looks fun.
1. I think consistent routines keep life orderly and relaxing.
2. I consider (and reconsider) every option thoroughly before making a plan.
3. People should behave according to established standards of proper conduct.
4. I enjoy planning way ahead.
5. In general, I think it is important to follow rules.
6. Taking care of my possessions is a high priority for me.
7. My friends and family would say I have traditional values.
8. I tend to be meticulous in my duties.
9. I tend to be cautious, but not fearful.
10. People should behave in ways that are morally correct.
11. It is important to respect authority.
12. I would rather have loyal friends than interesting friends.
13. Long established customs need to be respected and preserved.
14. I like to work in a straightforward path toward completing the task.
Helen Fisher, Four Love Types, brain areas in fMRT scans

interpretation 2: types = properties.

study page 10:
Sex Differences on the Analytic/Tough-Minded and Prosocial/Empathetic scales
Males and females scored in the predicted direction for the Analytic/Tough-minded [masculine]
and Prosocial/Empathetic [feminine] scales in North America and also in six other countries tested, including both Western and Eastern societies.
Importantly, a sample from a university population (rather than a dating site) showed the same results, with even greater odds ratios for the
Analytic/Tough-minded and Prosocial/Empathetic dimensions, and odds ratios closer to one for the other two dimensions.
There were sex differences for some of the other scales, but these were exceptionally small
(e.g., r = 0.004 for the Cautious/Social Norm Compliant scale in the North American sample).
These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the Analytic/Tough-minded scale measures some influence by the testosterone system,
and the Prosocial/Empathetic scale measures some influence by the estrogen/oxytocin system.
These data are also consistent with the results of two fMRI studies using the FTI (Brown et al., 2013).
The FTI Analytical/Tough-minded scale co-varied with activity in regions of the occipital and parietal cortices associated with visual acuity and mathematical
Director + Explorer Negotiator + Builder Negotiator + Explorer Director + Builder
testosterone + dopamine estrogen + serotonin estrogen + dopamine testosterone + serotonin
HBDI, Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, Whole Brain Thinking, by William Herrmann in 1970
There are four modes: Upper Lower Left Right [elements or properies?]. The Upper mode is typified by abstract and reasoned ways of thinking.
In contrast, the Lower mode represents the grounded, gut-level ways of knowing.
The characteristics of the Upper and Lower modes are just as important in establishing a person's distribution
of thinking preferences as the differences between the better-known Left and Right modes are.
The Left mode is more structured and analytical, and the Right mode is more free-flowing and intuitive.
research on couples: Opposite styles often attract each other.
Most married couples have some degree of difference in their styles, ranging from one or two quadrants in common to very different profiles.
motion sickness studies of Dr. Charles S. Mirabile, Jr.:
right mode (CD): tolerance for inconsistent information
left mode (AB): override or ignore one of the conflicting inputs
upper right lower left lower right upper left
D introverted subtype:
off in own world, does own thing, loner
B introverted subtype:
controlled, a doer, often keeps to self
C introverted subtype:
expressive though writing or nonverbal mechanisms, caring in a quiet way
A introverted subtype:
quiet, serious, very focused
D extraverted subtype:
constant flow of ideas, loves to experiment with others, has fun
B extraverted subtype:
dominant, organizer of events and people
C extraverted subtype:
talkative, interested in bringing people together, sharing
A extraverted subtype:
debater, often funny, driven
Yellow Green Red Blue
Imaginative Sequential Interpersonal Analytical
Lightbulb Clock Heart Graph
cerebral right limbic left limbic right cerebral left
Theoretical Intuitive Realistic Rational Realistic Intuitive Theoretical Rational
complexity or detailed
Feeling Based
Fact based
looking at the big picture
taking initiative
challenging assumptions
metaphoric thinking
creative problem solving
long-term thinking
following directions
detail-oriented work
step-by-step problem solving
listening to and expressing ideas
looking for personal meaning
sensory input
group interaction
collecting data
understanding how things work
judging ideas based on facts
criteria and logical reasoning
entrepreneur project manager teacher engineer
interested in the why of any given situation interested in the when of any given situation interested in the who of given situations and bothered about relationships interested in the what of given situations
future-based area of the brain form-based area of the brain feelings-based area of the brain fact-based area of the brain
ideas people organized and sequential can be great communicators strong logical and rational side
imaginative, holistic, and conceptual thinkers.
planned and detailed in their approach, often wanting a plan of how we get there and the desire to know the next steps.
have a fantastic interpersonal skill and are often musical with a spiritual side to their thinking.
analyzers and often find mathematical, technical and problem solving thought processes more natural.
HBDI, Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, Whole Brain Thinking, by William Ned Herrmann in 1970

research of well over 2 million profiles shows that,
on average, males have a higher score in the blue A quadrant than females, with the lowest score in the red C quadrant.
Conversely, average female data shows a higher score in the C quadrant and the lowest in the A quadrant.
The B and D are about equally divided between the sexes.

→ interpretation 2:
A = masculine = psychotic = fire or water = 14
C = feminine = neurotic = earth or air = 23
quadrants = properties, modes = elements
upper lower right left
Analytical + Imaginative Interpersonal + Sequential Interpersonal + Imaginative Analytical + Sequential
motion sickness studies of Dr. Charles S. Mirabile, Jr.:
right mode (CD): tolerance for inconsistent information
left mode (AB): override or ignore one of the conflicting inputs
Alpha Beta Theta Delta
9 - 13 Hz 14 - 30 Hz 4 - 8 Hz 1 - 3 Hz
relaxed, calm, lucid, not thinking awake, normal alert consciousness deep relaxation and meditation, mental imagery deep, dreamless sleep
Regarded as “general” or regular programming, ALPHA is within the base control personality. It characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength [athletic, strong upper body] and visual acuity [aesthetic, good taste for beauty]. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victim's personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division [ambidextrous], allowing for a programmed union of Left and Right through neuron pathway stimulation. BETA is referred to as “sexual” programming (slaves). This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. Known as Kitten programming, it is the most visible kind of programming as some female celebrities, models, actresses, and singers have been subjected to this kind of programming. In popular culture, clothing with feline prints often denotes Kitten programming. THETA - Considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems. DELTA is known as “killer” programming and was originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression are evident. Subjects are devoid of fear and very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.

Personality Assessment System by John Gittinger via Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula
Fritz Springmeier says he is IFA (page 28), "which helps explain why he is trying to reform society and religion"

Internalizer-Externalizer = intellectual dimension.
Internalizer = ability to manipulate internal stimuli or symbols without being distracted by the external world.
The internalizer relies more on his own experience and internal landscape [prone to fantasy] and is likely to be less active than externalizers. Internalizers are predisposed to the production of mental fantasy.
The externalizer is dependent on input from the outside and is more dependent on relating for the sake of relating.
Internalizer = thinker = psychotic = loner = tough minded = intellectual = "masculine".
Externalizer = talker = neurotic = social = psychosomatic = tender minded = "feminine".

Regulated-Flexible dimension = procedural dimension.
a "regulated" person can see details within a whole, but not the whole.
The regulated person is more stimulus-bound and less able to see the "big picture".
The regulated person is more procedurally oriented (linear, narrow mind) and emotionally insulated (cold, good conscious).
Regulated (R) personalities like to have narrow limitations on their activity. This makes them suitable for programming. The R's readily accept authority, and will not try to step out of the range of their habits. The R has a marked ability to learn without understanding [imitate] [copy] [reproduce]. They easily learn material by rote, because they do not need to understand it before they will learn it. This is another asset they have that the programmers like.
The flexible person is involved with relationships and has attention diverted from step by step procedures (open mind, multi tasking, easy to distract).
In theory, the regulated person has a high sensory threshold (numb, high standards, choosy, narrow expectations, few big joys) which is therefore satisfied less often than a flexible person (many small joys).

Adaptable-Uniform = social dimension. [modality in astrology] [version in Carl Jung] [subtype]
The Role Adaptable-Role Uniform dimension refers to a person's skill in meeting demands that others make of him [follow others].
The adaptable person easily plays a variety of roles, being charming and moving easily in many different situations always making good first impressions. [meet expectations of others] [weak opinions] [trust others] [follow others] [defensive] [wants to be liked] [Charisma] [charming] [country singer] [bring together many people]
The role uniform person is able to handle only a few social roles at best and is often said to be socially inept. [make expectations for others] [strong opinions] [influence others] [lead others] [aggressive] [wants to be right] [stubborn] [rigid] [righteous] [computer programmer]
The behavior is most apparent in new social situations, since the role uniform may comfortable and accepted in a very familiar situation.
The role adaptive can suffer from making good first impressions and then not understanding the unrealistic expectations others place upon him.

nature and nurture: The PAS is based on premises (among others) that behavior is determined by both heredity and environment. behavior is determined by an interacting system of traits. these traits can be modified through learning.
Because Gittinger believed genetic-based differences exist in people, which is one of the bases for the Monarch Programming, his work was not accepted by main stream psychology.
Personality Assessment System: Four Basetypes
= 1x1
= Sagittarius
= 2x2
= Virgo
= 3x3
= Gemini
= 4x4
= Pisces
Personality Assessment System: Eight Mixtypes = Four Basetypes x Two Subtypes (Adaptable or Uniform)
=? 1x3
=? Aries
If the baby were graphed this way (i.e. I-F-A), then the Programmers would automatically know this child's mind will become a social or religious reformer. The child's programming charts would then be labelled some suitable occupation such as "Environmental Activist", "Pentecostal church reformer", "Consumer Advocate", or "Activist against Narcotics". (page 28)
=? 2x3
=? Capricorn
=? 3x2
=? Aquarius
=? 4x2
=? Scorpius
=? 1x4
=? Leo
IFU children often are autistic
=? 2x4
=? Taurus
=? 3x1
=? Libra
=? 4x1
=? Cancer
IRU are schizophrenic children
Ernst Kretschmer (1920)
TODO verify
Hypomanic [?] Anesthetic [?] Depressive [?] Hyperesthetic [?]
CPI 260, California Psychological Inventory (1948)
f1: action, social confidence/inner life, privacy
f2: Rule-favoring/questioning, stability/value system, Agreeable/disagreeable
Leader Supporter [?] Innovator Visualizer [?]
MBTI codes (1958), Socionics,
mapped by David Keirsey

PF/JT = Extravert/Introvert = extrasense/introsense = 13/24
N/S = Interaction Style: Informative/Directive = Ntuiting/Sensing
= people/task focus = sympatone/vagotone = 34/12

The same reduction from 16 MBTI types to 4 elements is used by

This reduction is "different" because it uses the "virtual" dimension 12/34 = S/N = dry/wet humor.
I call 12/34 a "virtual" dimension because it is derived from the 2 "natural" dimensions 13/24 and 14/23.
To me, this encoding feels unnatural and unbalanced, because it combines the virtual dimension 12/34 with the natural dimension 13/24.
I prefer "balanced" encodings which combine the 2 natural dimensions 13/24 and 14/23.
_S_P → SP _S_J → SJ _NF_ → NF _NT_ → NT
alternative mapping to MBTI.
first letter = Extravert/Introvert → inner age = 13 or 24 = extrasense/introsense.
third letter = Thinking/Feeling → class = diagonal = 12 or 34 = vagotone/sympatone
E_T_ I_T_ E_F_ I_F_ using 16 MBTI types with reduction to 4 elements by David Keirsey.
_S_P → SP _S_J → SJ _NF_ → NF _NT_ → NT
Explorer Sentinel Diplomat Analyst
Orange Blue
[alchi: upper body dress color: blue-white]
[alchi: lower body dress color: green-black]
Observant (S) and Prospecting (P) Observant (S) and Judging (J) Intuitive (N) and Feeling (F) Intuitive (N) and Thinking (T)
focus on order
focus on security
focus on stability
diplomatic skills
passionate idealism
intellectual excellence
NERIS model (year 2011?), big five + mbti + david keirsey
Identity was added to mbti as fifth domain. as in big five, this should measure sense (13/24), because in sense, most people are balanced.
balanced sense is caused by same-age groups in normal education.
Strategy = Identity x Mind = 13/24 x 14/23 = 1234.
neris-mind = move = 14/23 = mbti-introvert/mbti-extravert.
I___-T E___-A E___-T I___-A
Introverted and Turbulent Extraverted and Assertive Extraverted and Turbulent Introverted and Assertive
Constant Improvement People Mastery Social Engagement Confident Individualism
quiet, individualistic people. They tend to be perfectionistic and success-driven, often spending a lot of time and effort making sure that the result of their work is the best it can be. As their name says, Constant Improvers are high achieving individuals dedicated to their craft however, they also tend to worry too much about their performance. seek social contact and tend to have very good communication skills, feeling at ease in social events or in situations where they need to rely on or direct other people. These types are confident in their abilities and do not hesitate to express their opinions. Playing an active role in the society and knowing what makes other people tick mean a lot for People Masters; however, they are not too concerned about what other people think about them. sociable, energetic and success-driven types. Social Engagers tend to be restless, perfectionistic individuals, prone to experiencing both very positive and very negative emotions. Their curiosity and willingness to work hard also mean that they are usually high-achieving, even if quite sensitive people. Types favoring this strategy also tend to place a lot of importance on other people's opinions; they value their social status and are eager to succeed in everything they do. prefer doing things alone, choosing to rely on their own skills and instincts as opposed to seeking contact with other people. They know what they are good at and have high self-confidence. These personality types firmly believe that personal responsibility and trust in yourself are very important values. Confident Individualists do not pay much attention to other people's opinions and prefer to rely on themselves.
Big Five, NEO-PI-R
13 = Openness = Extraversion = Low Conscientiousness.
23 = Neuroticism.
34 = Agreeableness.
big five claims to have five orthogonal domains, but this is bullshit.
all models of personality can be translated to three domains:
move (14/23) x sense (13/24) x subtype (cardinal/mutable/fixed)
= 2 x 2 x 3 = 12 types = 12 zodiac signs.
two domains are binary, one domain is ternary (allows a neutral value).
you can derive five domains from this "base model", but these five domains can NOT be orthogonal.
five domains:
1. sense = conscientiousness
2. move = neuroticism
3. fire-ness = extraversion = high fire + low earth
4. air-ness = openness = high air + low water
5. diagonal = agreeableness = high air-or-water + low fire-or-earth.
Earth Fire Air Water Neuroticism Conscientiousness (Openness) (Extraversion) Extraversion = Openness Agreeableness Agreeableness
big five uses three domains to measure sense (13/24), because in sense, most people are balanced.
balanced sense is caused by same-age groups in normal education.
instead of allowing a neutral answer, big five tries to find a weak signal by asking more questions.
this is a sign of a broken model, and instead of fixing the model, bigfive will troll its users with more redundant questions ...
High Openness
Low Conscientiousness
High Extraversion
Low Openness
High Conscientiousness
Low Extraversion
High Openness
Low Conscientiousness
High Extraversion
Low Openness
High Conscientiousness
Low Extraversion
Low agreeableness Low Agreeableness High Agreeableness High Agreeableness
Low Neuroticism High Neuroticism High Neuroticism Low Neuroticism
Self-Centered Average Role Model Reserved
ocean ocean ocean ocean
o---- O
-o--- C
----o E
-o--- A
--o-- N
o---- O
---o- C
---o- E
---o- A
----o N
---o- O
----o C
---o- E
----o A
o---- N
o---- O
---o- C
--o-- E
---o- A
o---- N
Self-Centered people score very high in extraversion and below average in openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. "These are people you don't want to hang out with," Revelle said. There is a very dramatic decrease in the number of self-centered types as people age, both with women and men. [childish = 13] Average people are high in neuroticism and extraversion, while low in openness. Females are more likely than males to fall into the Average type. [feminine = 23] Role Models score low in neuroticism and high in all the other traits. The likelihood that someone is a role model increases dramatically with age. [mature = 24] "These are people who are dependable and open to new ideas," Amaral said. "These are good people to be in charge of things. In fact, life is easier if you have more dealings with role models." More women than men are likely to be role models. [feminine = 23] The Reserved type is emotionally stable, but not open or neurotic. They are not particularly extraverted but are somewhat agreeable and conscientious.
green blue orange gold
"Greens" find innovative thinking and problem solving exciting. If you're a Green, you tend to be able to see the big picture and able to effectively analyze situations. Thinking outside the box is a real strength. You also have an extreme need to be right. "Blues" tend to be very social people. If you're a Blue, you value relationships and harmony. Genuine kindness, sincerity, and compassion are important to you. You enjoy opportunities to work with others and collaborate and any opportunity to develop a connection. "Oranges" tend to be action-oriented and are comfortable taking risks. You probably also tend to be competitive and seek out adventures with opportunities to push the boundaries. Living in the moment and enjoying an adaptable time schedule are important to you. "Golds" tend to need structure and organization. If you're a Gold, then order, rules, respect, and dependability are important to you. Time is a key part of your life if you're a Gold personality type. You need to be on time and want others to be punctual as well. Following the plan or schedule it best for you.
1. I am driven to understand things and events using logic and analysis.
2. I need to be valued for my knowledge and expertise.
3. I am good at developing strategies to solve problems.
4. I seek to develop competence in myself and others. I value intelligence.
5. I believe the purpose in life is to be successful at whatever one does.
6. I am an abstract thinker. I live in a world of ideas. I enjoy thinking.
7. If asked for my opinion, I am likely to offer constructive criticism.
8. I like to think about how things work-- "cause and effect" relationships.
9. My head rules my heart: Logic is more important than feelings.
10. Others often see me as cool and unemotional. I dislike being emotional.
1. I seek to create harmony and cooperation among people. I hate conflict.
2. Relationships are the central focus of my life.
3. I naturally care about other's feelings and want them to care about mine.
4. I need to feel important and significant to those I care about.
5. I believe life must be meaningful. I try to make a difference in the world.
6. Harmony is essential in order for me to be productive and happy in life.
7. I need authenticity and honesty in my relationships.
8. I like to be seen as different and unique. I desire to express my true self.
9. I am a true romantic. I enjoy being affectionate and loving in my behavior.
10. I seek to develop the potential in others so they can be their best.
1. I thrive on action and adventure.
2. I seldom plan ahead. I dislike too much structure in my life.
3. I am naturally impulsive. I prefer to be spontaneous.
4. I welcome change and like variety.
5. I naturally like to take risks.
6. I am competitive by nature. I go all out to win.
7. I seek to create excitement in my life.
8. I believe the purpose of life is to be enjoyed.
9. I am naturally playful. I have a good sense of humor.
10. I value physical skillfulness more than intelligence and/or sensitivity.
1. I am naturally organized. I need order and structure in my life.
2. I need to be valued for being responsible, hard working, and dedicated.
3. I naturally respect authority and follow the rules.
4. I seek to develop, responsibility and good behavior in myself and others.
5. I believe the purpose of life is to work hard and do what is right.
6. I am a practical person. I have a strong need for security.
7. I cherish the traditions of home and family and try to uphold them.
8. I like to make lists and follow them so I can get lots of things done.
9. I have a strong sense of right and wrong.
10. I usually plan ahead. I like stability and predictability in my life.
Parenting style
Maccoby and Martin's Four Parenting Styles, Eleanor Maccoby and John Martin (1983)
two dimensions: Demanding and Responsive.
Demanding = psychotic = masculine = fire or water = 14 = rules, systems, concepts, abstract expectations.
Undemanding = neurotic = feminine = earth or air = 23.
Responsive = extravert = childish = fire or air = 13 = supportive and accepting of the child's needs.
Unresponsive = introvert = mature = earth or water = 24.

alchi predicts:
the perfect parent/educator/teacher/leader/idol/example
has "same element and different body"
different body = different age and different sex.
sample: fire daughter and fire father = C1 + D1.
→ positive aspect of sigmund freud's oedipus complex
Oedipus complex = a child's unconscious (sexual) desire for the opposite-sex parent.
Oedipus myth = Oedipus (the son) unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother.
Neglectful Permissive
Laissez-faire ("let it do")
Demanding + Responsive Undemanding + Unresponsive Undemanding + Responsive Demanding + Unresponsive
control + warm freedom + cold freedom + warm control + cold
Tough-Minded + liberal Tender-Minded + conservative Tender-Minded + liberal Tough-Minded + conservative
smart liberal dumb conservative dumb liberal smart conservative
systematic help chaotic prohibition chaotic help systematic prohibition
control + equality freedom + distance freedom + equality control + distance
control + involved freedom + ignorant freedom + involved control + ignorant
challenging + active unchallenging + lazy unchallenging + active challenging + lazy
mentally active + physically active mentally passive + physically passive mentally passive + physically active mentally active + physically passive
animal, wake, stimulant
lead by example
plant, sleep, narcotic
go with the flow
its all in the body
its all in the mind
Archetypal pedagogy, Carl Jung, analytical psychology
prophet mother philosopher priest
justice passive complexity order
calls students to their "noblest traditions and aspirations" in terms of social justice and communal equity mysterious and paradoxical form of "non-teaching" and counsellor/mother teaching is grounded in receptiveness, relatedness and responsiveness (focused on the needs of the Other) can foster 'cognitive intelligence' and 'higher order thinking' Teacher becomes "minister of light and love", and teaching is seen as a sacred act that incarnates religious doctrine into a teaching practice in order to create a positive learning environment for all students (regardless of faith commitment)
The Child Whisperer. by Carol Tuttle
summary by Nicolette
The Determined Child The Sensitive Child The Fun-Loving Child The Serious Child
Determined Sensitive Funny Serious
Oh boy, you know when you have a determined child on your hands
because the type 3 child is the most noticeable.
The determined child is naturally more physical, active, and... stubborn.
He or she was born with a drive to get things done, usually in their own specific way.
Type 3s are usually told to "calm down" or "stop being so demanding."
The sensitive child has a naturally calm and easy-going personality.
They are often called the "peacemaker" of the family because they don't like conflict.
The type 2 child is tender with emotions very close to the surface.
They are generally quieter and are often asked to "talk louder" or "hurry up."
They do things on their own time.
A parent may get frustrated when they ask their type 2 child
to clean his room and come back 15 minutes later to find it still not done.
When you recognize your child's innate "sensitive" personality,
it helps you understand why they do the things they do.
The fun-loving child is bubbly, bright, and social.
They are full of ideas and are playful and animated.
Sometimes their energy can be seen as a fault
when they don't want to sit still
or when they interrupt you to share their ideas.
But parents who recognize their pizzazz as a gift and not a flaw
can help them develop into creative, happy adults.
A more seriously inclined child is logical, independent, and focused.
People often marvel at how "mature they are for their age."
They are the authority on many matters and relish in perfection.
The determined child's mantra is:
Let's get results!
The type 2 child's mantra is:
I will watch, observe, and then make a plan.
The fun-loving child's mantra is:
I have a new idea and we can do it!
A serious child's mantra is:
Let's see what this is, let's analyze it, and I know a way to make it better.
Some clues you might have a determined child:

They have a strong will.
They will pursue several big goals at once.
Determined types are naturally active and adventurous—they are ready to go, do, and explore!
Want to try leadership positions in school, home, or work.
Self-motivated rather than motivated by others.
Can be loud, forceful, or straight to the point (also seen as bluntly honest.)
Some clues you might have a sensitive child:

They have built-in calm demeanor.
They like to plan and that planning can sometimes take a long time.
Type two children are worriers; they like to know what to expect in every situation so they can prepare for it.
Contention in the house greatly upsets them.
Some clues that you might have a fun-loving child:
They are curious and love to touch and explore. They love to make noise, laugh, and play. Creative/imaginative Eager to please otherslikes when others are happy and especially needs you to be happy. May have many friends or change friends often.
Some clues you might have a serious child:

They are not as light and playful as other children.
They can be pretty rigid and inflexible when it comes to doing things.
He or she is an innate perfectionist.
Their ideas for ways to make something better often come across as criticism.
They like to arrange items (toy cars, crayons, etc.) in a specific row.
The best way to connect with a determined child:
Try not to let your stubborn personality butt heads with their stubborn personality. Instead of struggling to reign them in, try giving a determined child a bit more freedom to discover for herself. Cheer them on in their goals! Encourage their confidence and passion. Instead of questioning, "Do you think that's a good idea?" try offering: "I'm excited for you and I'm here to help! But have you ever thought about..."
The best way to connect with a sensitive child:
Make them feel safe. Let them know you are there for them in any given situation. Fill them in on the details. If you're going into an unfamiliar situation, prepare them beforehand with what to expect. Provide a peaceful place for them. Obviously, your house can't be peaceful all the time, but have a room your sensitive child can go in when things get crazy. Don't push them to be more outgoing. They will try things at their own pace.
The best way to connect with a fun-loving child:
Praise their good ideas and encourage them to share those ideas with others. Learn to be okay when they start one thing and then change their minds. They are exploring what works for them. Have fun with them! Get down on their level, toss a ball around with them, or join in their creative play. Be grateful for the positive energy they bring to the family. A ride on toy is always a great gift for fun loving children. Give them the freedom to explore and test out their creativity and ideas.
The best way to connect with a serious child:
Try relating to them mentally before emotionally. Understand what they are thinking rather than feeling. Serious children crave adult respect; let them know you respect their thoughts and opinions. When communicating, speak in logical terms that they will understand. Some kids respond to: "It would make me so happy if you cleaned your room.." but a serious kid will respond better to: "I need you to clean your room because it poses a danger of me tripping or twisting an ankle. Ask for their opinions and solutions often.
Attachment theory (pdf)

The Strange Situation: separation and reunion, loss and return.
measuring attachment style in one year old kids.

the caretaker (usually the mother) is the "secure base" from where the kid can explore its world,
and where the child can find safety and help when necessary.

Strange Situation Experiment.mp4
1:30 3:43 4:43 = secure avoidant ambivalent = B A C = fire water air

for adults, the separation probably can be simulated with:
forced solitary confinement (jail),
loss of something expensive (1000 USD phone) or important (ID card),
sensory deprivation (starvation, craving for tobacco, etc.).
generally, "the strange situation" is a "loss and return" (loss and win) of something very important

The 4 Attachment Styles Explained | What's Yours? (POWERFUL!)
Attachment - secure
The Strange Situation - Mary Ainsworth [secure attachment]
Strange Situation Experiment.mp4 @ T=1:30
Part 4 - Disorganized Attachment [analysis of NF's lyrics]
Strange Situation Experiment.mp4 @ T=4:43
Attachment - avoidant
Strange Situation Experiment.mp4 @ T=3:43
Balanced, secure Disorganized, disoriented, Fearful Coercive, ambivalent, anxious-ambivalent, resistant, angry Avoidant, anxious-avoidant
Low Emotional Avoidance
(often express their emotions)
Low Anxiety
(rarely worried about loss)
High Emotional Avoidance
(rarely express their emotions)
High Anxiety
(often worried about loss)
Low Emotional Avoidance

High anxiety
High Emotional Avoidance

Low Anxiety
Positive view of others
Positive view of self
Negative view of others
Negative view of self
Positive view of others
Negative view of self
Negative view of others
Positive view of self
quickly adapt to loss and return of caretaker, very often? (50%) → idealized type, expected type chaotic, no clear strategy, unpredictable, overloaded, passive. very rare? (5%) → probably oscillate between Disorganized and Avoidant style, but never show Balanced style mood swings, helper syndrome, take care of others, more women, average frequency (20%) distant, many superficial friends, only shallow relations, no close relations, always deflecting (avoid conflict), never serious, always seek harmony, secretive, cannot open up, self reliant, independent, more men, average frequency (25%)
children who show some distress when their caregiver leaves, but are able to compose themselves quickly when the caregiver returns. will explore freely while the caregiver is present, typically engages with strangers, is often visibly upset when the caregiver departs, and is generally happy to see the caregiver return. Such children are certain that their parents will be responsive to their needs and communications. Secure attachment is the most common type of attachment relationship seen throughout societies. Securely attached children are best able to explore when they have the knowledge of a secure base (their caregiver) to return to in times of need. When assistance is given, this bolsters the sense of security and also, assuming the parent's assistance is helpful, educates the child in how to cope with the same problem in the future. Therefore, secure attachment can be seen as the most adaptive attachment style. Cassidy-Marvin Method The central finding of studies using the C-M method in middle class, normative samples is that children classified as secure were better adjusted than anxiously attached children. Specifically, they were more obedient, had more positive affect, experienced less fear of strangers, were more emotionally open to negative feelings, were more socially competent, and had better emotion regulation in the school years than insecure children. all studies using the C-M method reported perplexingly high numbers of at risk children who were assessed as securely attached. Application of the PAA to middle class, normative samples indicates that securely attached children had the highest Bayley developmental quotients (DQ)i and more adaptive behavior reports (whereas A/C children performed the worst), had the highest expectations of maternal availability when care was needed, and showed the best conflict regulation skills at four years of age. tense movements such as hunching the shoulders, putting the hands behind the neck and tensely cocking the head, in the separation episodes, prodromal to crying, when a child is attempting to control crying, hold tension until crying breaks through. anxiety. fear. overt displays of fear; contradictory behaviours or affects occurring simultaneously or sequentially [hate self ↔ hate others]; stereotypic, asymmetric, misdirected or jerky movements; freezing and apparent dissociation [freeze response, trauma]. self-regulating: 52% [when child and parent are compatible] of disorganized infants continue to approach the caregiver, seek comfort, and cease their distress without clear ambivalent or avoidant behavior. anxious-ambivalent. When the caregiver departs, the child is often highly distressed. The child is generally ambivalent when the caregiver returns. displays of anger (ambivalent resistant, C1) or displays of helplessness (ambivalent passive, C2) towards the caregiver on reunion can be regarded as a conditional strategy for maintaining the availability of the caregiver by preemptively taking control of the interaction. abusive childhood experiences. difficulties in maintaining intimate relationships. inconsistent. mothers of ambivalent children reported the highest stress. Coercive (Type C) children showed the worst conflict regulation skills at four years of age. avoid or ignore the caregiver, show little emotion when the caregiver departs or returns. the apparently unruffled behaviour of the avoidant infants was in fact a mask for distress, a hypothesis later evidenced through studies of the heart-rate of avoidant infants. If picked up, the baby shows little or no contact-maintaining behavior; he tends not to cuddle in; he looks away and he may squirm to get down. weak emotional needs.
B D C1 = ambivalent-resistant = 3x1 = cardinal air = Fe. The C1 (ambivalent resistant) subtype is coded when "resistant behavior is particularly conspicuous. The mixture of seeking and yet resisting contact and interaction has an unmistakably angry quality and indeed an angry tone may characterize behavior in the preseparation episodes". C3 = highly aggressive children. A2 = 4x1 approach and ignore the caregiver on return. less inhibited.
B D C2 = ambivalent-passive = 3x2 = fixed air = Fi. C2 infants are passive. Their exploratory behavior is limited throughout the SS and their interactive behaviors are relatively lacking in active initiation. Nevertheless, in the reunion episodes they obviously want proximity to and contact with their mothers, even though they tend to use signalling rather than active approach, and protest against being put down rather than actively resisting release ... In general the C2 baby is not as conspicuously angry as the C1 baby. C4 = children who fake helplessness. A1 = 4x2 ignore the caregiver on return. highly inhibited.
1x1 = A/C = alternation in one child at different moments of a Type A and Type C strategy 2x2 = A/C = alternation in one child at different moments of a Type A and Type C strategy C A
Attachment theory, three types (quiz)
I don't question the relationship because of a single argument
I might be seen as boring because I'm rather stable
I'm comfortable speaking up if I disagree with someone
I quickly get over jealousy if someone I'm involved in looks at other people
If someone I'm dating acts cold I wonder what's happened, but I don't think it's about me
If my partner of a few months wants to break up I'd be hurt but I'd get over it
I have no problem in platonically staying in touch with an ex
I don't create much drama in my relationships
It's easy to be affectionate with my partner
I'm comfortable with being dependent on my partner
I'm generally content with my relationships
I express my needs and wants rather easily
If you're honest, most people are also honest and dependable
I am comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings
[complete opposite of B]
I'm uncomfortable when my partner gets too close
My partner often urges me to be more intimately close
I miss my partner, but when we're together for long I miss my own space
I don't like the feeling that someone else depends on me
I am relieved if someone I'm involved with looks at other people because they won't try to make things too serious
If someone I'm dating acts cold I am indifferent, sometimes even relieved.
Sometimes in a relationship I get what I want and then I'm not sure about what I want anymore
Emotionally supporting my partner is not easy for me
I bounce back quickly after break ups
My independence comes first
I don't share my deepest feelings with my partner
I don't like being dependent on my romantic partner
Sometimes I'm angry and annoyed at my partner without a clear reason
I prefer casual sex to sex in committed relationships
I'm scared that if we break up I won't find anyone else
During arguments I tend to say things I later regret
I worry I am not good looking enough
I get depressed if someone I'm involved with looks at other people
If someone I'm dating acts cold I worry I've done something wrong
If my partner wants to break up I'll try to show them what they'll miss
I often worry my partner might get involved with someone else
When I'm single I'm more anxious and "incomplete"
I fear that if someone knows the real me they won't like me
I often worry my partner will stop loving me
I'm afraid my partner will not return my feelings if I share them
I often think about my relationships
I get attached very quickly
I'm hypersensitive to my partner's moods
13 sensitive to environment
stressed by new noises, bad light, too many people, perceptive (see many colors, hear many tones)
24 tolerant to environment sensitive to environment tolerant to environment
14? weak body, cry quiet, hide their feelings, silent voice 23? intense, strong body, cry loud, temper tantrums, show their feelings, loud voice, passionate, talkative intense weak
13? active 24? passive active passive
13? chaotic 24? regular chaotic regular
14? open to new people, strong mind, strong alone, self-calming 23? reserved to new people, strong body, mentally dependent, poor self-calming reserved to new people open to new people
13? easily adapt to change
learn quick, open to change, easy to travel
24? resist change
learn slow, shy away from new situations, may struggle with abrupt changes, travel anxiety (comforts of home)
easily adapt to change resist change
13? positive mood, cheerful, happy, smile often 24? negative mood, sad, grump face on many fotos 13 positive Mood 24 negative mood
14/24 hard to distract, hard to calm when fussy 23/13 easy to distract, easy to calm when fussy, suddenly all is right in the world 23 easy to distract 14 hard to distract
short attention span
"attention deficit"
long attention span
focused, persistent, can persist for long time in one activity, can play with one toy for hours on end without distraction
short attention span long attention span
fearful child?
slow to warm up
slow to adapt to new situations
hold onto Mommy or Daddy's hand when taken to daycare for the first time
if they're pushed too quickly into "scary" situations, their shyness can worsen
sensitive? look away when eye contact comes too close
difficult child
feisty, aggressive, rude, active, challenging, intense, volatile, explosive, drama
has difficulty sleeping through the night
hates to follow a set schedule
adapt slowly to new people/places
express dissatisfaction verbally
more temper tantrums
hard to calm after "the strange situation"
when hungry, will continue crying before breastfeeding
easy child?
follow a set schedule
adapt to change with ease
happy in mood
easy for caregivers
cry quietly, quiet tears
excitement response.
four phases: (calm) → rise → excited → fall → (calm).
the four elements have different steady-points (continue last state, and cautiously seek next state)
and break-points (abruptly leave last state, eagerly seek next state).
13 "overshoot" the rise phase (break early, stay later),
24 "undershoot" the rise phase (stay early, break later).
23 "overshoot" the fall phase (stay early, break later),
14 "undershoot" the fall phase (break early, stay later).
strong self-control
poor self-control
poor self-control
strong self-control
confront and leave resist and stay confront and stay resist and leave
break early, stay later stay early, break later over excited = hyper active under excited = hyper passive
rise early, fall early rise late, fall late rise early, fall late rise late, fall early
early late high low
playing card suits, french suit:
♡ ♥ ♤ ♠ ♧ ♣ ♢ ♦
coeurs, [cores], Hearts piques, [peaks = mountain tops], Pikes, Spades trefles, [tree, flower], Clubs, Clovers carreaux, [carrow], Tiles, Diamonds
Killer Explorer Socializer Achiever
[Club ♣] Spade ♠ [Heart ♥] Diamond ♦
Player [E] + Acting [P] World [I] + Interacting [N] Player [E] + Interacting [N] World [I] + Acting [P]
competition, action, fight other players [E], multi player, brief talk, use few strong words, antisocial [P], prefer to work alone, hunter, stalker, sadistic, enjoy to annoy others, make others suffer, like to have a bad reputation, wants to be feared discover new areas, get lost in the game world, slow, enjoy finding secrets, solve puzzles, memorize details, single player, find bugs [details], secret tactics play to socialize, play to meet other players [people focus], interact with other players [E], multi player, play popular games with many other players, seek new relationships, join groups of players, use game for chat / gossip / small talk, talkative gain status, patient, complete missions, seek praise from Socializers [4+3], forget details, single player
counter strike, fifa, call of duty, rainbow six [competition, action] portal, kingdom hearts, minecraft [puzzle] overwatch, league of legends, fortnite, defense of the ancients, monster hunter [social, multiplayer] super mario, minecraft, legend of zelda, world of warcraft [goal orientation]
four body shapes
apple, carrot, [inverted triangle] pear, [triangle] hourglass rectangle, banana
David Kibbe, 13 body types (reddit: r/Kibbe). the two impure classics were moved to Romantic and Dramatic
Natural Gamine Romantic Dramatic
Soft Yang Petite Yin Lush Yin Sharp Yang
Yin + Yin
young + feminine = daughter
Yang + Yang
mature + masculine = father
1x3 = Soft Natural 2x3 = Soft Gamine 3x1 = Theatrical Romantic 4x1 = Classic Dramatic
("Dramatic Classic")
1x1 = Pure Natural 2x2 = Pure Gamine 3x3 = Pure Romantic 4x4 = Pure Dramatic
1x4 = Flamboyant Natural 2x4 = Flamboyant Gamine 3x2 = Soft Romantic
("Soft Classic")
4x2 = Soft Dramatic
Julia Ross, Kenneth Blum, Charles Gant, Neuronutrition, Orthomolecular Medicine, Nutrient Therapy, Mood Type, Typical Burnout, Typical Hormone Depletion, Typical Protein Deficiency, Typical signs of starvation, Type of hunger
Low in Catecholamines [Adrenalin, Dopamine] Low in Endorphin [natural opiates] Low in GABA or Cortisol Low in Serotonin
Need more Tyrosine or L-PhenylAlanine Need more D-PhenylAlanine, DPA or DLPA, DLPA is more stimulating Need more GABA, Theanine Need more Tryptophan, 5-HTP, Melatonin, Glutamine, Chromium, Biotin
Tyrosine: 1500 to 4500 mg per day DPA: 2000 to 4000 mg per day GABA: 400 to 3000 mg per day Tryptophan: 1500 to 4500 mg per day
Glutamine: 2000 to 8000 mg per day
suffering from "the blahs"?
often feel depressed - the flat, bored, apathetic kind? [phlegmatic, lazy]
low on physical or mental energy?
feel tired a lot, have to push yourself to exercise?
drive, enthusiasm, and motivation quota on the low side?
have difficulty focusing or concentrating?
easily chilled? have cold hands or feet?
tend to put on weight too easily?
feel the need to get more alert and motivated by consuming a lot of coffee or other "uppers" like sugar, [chocolate], diet soda, smart drinks, Adderall, meth [amphetamine], or cocaine?
too sensitive for life's pain?
consider yourself or others consider you to be very sensitive? Does emotional pain, or perhaps physical pain, really get to you?
tear up or cry easily - for instance, even during TV commercials?
tend to avoid dealing with painful issues?
find it hard to get over losses or get through grieving?
been through a great deal of physical or emotional pain?
crave pleasure, comfort, reward, enjoyment, or numbing from treats like chocolate, bread or other foods, wine [alcohol], lattes, romance novels, marijuana [cannabis], tobacco, or oxycontin [opiates]?
Is stress your problem?
often feel overworked, pressured, or deadlined?
have trouble relaxing, loosening up, or getting to sleep?
body tend to be stiff, uptight, tense?
easily upset, frustrated, or snappy under stress?
often feel overwhelmed or as though you just can't get it all done?
feel weak or shaky at times?
sensitive to bright light, noise, or chemical fumes? Do you need to wear dark glasses a lot?
feel significantly worse if you skip meals or go too long without eating?
use tobacco, alcohol, food, or drugs to relax and calm down?
Are you under a dark cloud?
have a tendency to be negative, to see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full?
have dark, pessimistic thoughts?
really dislike the dark weather or have a clear-cut fall/winter depression (SAD)?
often worried and anxious?
have feelings of low self-esteem and lack confidence?
easily get to feeling self-critical and guilty?
behavior often get a bit, or a lot, obsessive?
hard for you to make transitions, to be flexible?
a perfectionist, a neatnik, or a control freak? A computer, TV, or work addict?
apt to be irritable, impatient, edgy, or angry?
tend to be shy or fearful?
get nervous or panicky about heights, flying, enclosed spaces, public performance, spiders, snakes, bridges, crowds, leaving the house, or anything else?
hyperactive, restless, can't slow down or turn your brain off?
had anxiety attacks or panic attacks (your heart races, it's hard to breathe)?
have facial or body tics, or Tourette's?
get PMS or menopausal moodiness (tears, anger, depression)?
hate hot weather?
night owl, or do you often find it hard to get to sleep, even though you want to?
wake up in the night, have restless or light sleep, or wake up too early in the morning?
routinely like to have sweet or starchy snacks, wine, or marijuana [cannabis] in the afternoons, evenings, or in the middle of the night (but not earlier in the day)?
find relief from any of the above symptoms through exercise?
had fibromyalgia (unexplained muscle pain) or TMJ (pain, tension, and grinding associated with your jaw)?
had suicidal thoughts or plans?
Julia Ross, Craving Type
The Crashed Craver (Low Blood Sugar) can affect all four Elements
The Fatigued Craver The Comfort Craver The Stressed Craver The Depressed Craver
Low in Catecholamines [Adrenaline, Dopamine], need more tyrosine and phenylalanine Low in Endorphin [natural opiates] Low in GABA [or Cortisol?] Low in Serotonin
gravitate toward the stimulant effect of caffeine, coffees, sodas (including artificially sweetened ones), iced teas, energy drinks, or anything chocolate.
energy is on the low side.
frequently feel the need to be more alert and focused.
low in drive and motivation.
Sweets give a "pick-me-up."
have trouble concentrating, or have attention problems.
easily bored and feel the need for some excitement.
have tried, and liked. stimulant drugs like Ritalin, Adderall, diet pills, methamphetamine, cocaine.
crave / love certain foods. They are treats that give feelings of pleasure, enjoyment, or reward and taste "sooo goood."
think of comfort foods as best friends.
Chocolate is particularly beloved.
get extra pleasure if read, watch TV, or play with the computer pad, or phone while you eat.
very sensitive to emotional or physical pain.
often feel sad, lonely, or hurt.
tear up or cry easily; even at TV commercials.
adore animals and need their loving company.
get a high from bulimic bingeing or purging or from restricting calories
have a history of chronic physical pain from back or other injuries, or have chronic emotional pain from unresolved trauma or protracted personal ordeals.
dough lover — bread, cookies, and pasta are at the top of the list. have trouble eating even whole wheat products moderately.
Cheese, ice cream, frozen yogurt, butter, and even milk are irresistible.
Dough and milk combined are top treats: crackers and cheese, pizza, macaroni and cheese or the ultimate, dough and milk with chocolate — chocolate cheesecake, and cookie dough ice cream.
may also crave certain other substances or activities that give similar feelings: painkillers [opiates], pot [cannabis] or alcohol; serious aerobic exercise [running], porn [sex gives endorphin], or self-harm.
overstressed or burnt out.
reach for snack food to counteract stress.
unable to relax and loosen up easily. [hyper active, nervous]
stiff, tense, or painful muscles.
mind is cluttered and it's hard to focus. [easy to distract]
hard to meditate, pray, or be mindful, still, or at peace.
feel easily overwhelmed
can feel close to panic.
don't get away on regular vacations to relax, rest, and regenerate.
hard to get to sleep (or stay asleep) at times because of the above symptoms. drawn to alcohol on a regular basis [as sedative / downer].
cravings are strongest toward the dim end of the day — in the afternoon or evening.
wake up in the night and head for the fridge.
eat to get (back) to sleep.
crave more (and perhaps gain more) in fall and winter. mood is worse in winter, too. tend to be negative, depressed, or pessimistic.
frequently worry or feel anxious.
frequent feelings of low self-esteem, guilt, or shame.
obsessed with certain thoughts or behaviors (e.g., body, weight, biting nails, pulling eyelashes out).
perfectionist or a neat freak. tend to be controlling with others. subject to irritability or anger.
panic attacks.
phobias: fear of heights, small spaces, crowds, snakes, etc.
hyperactive [earth plays air]
have a nervous stomach (knots, butterflies).
night owl or have middle of the night insomnia.
suffer pain from headaches, TMJ, or fibromyalgia.
using or have used an SSRI antidepressant drug (like Zoloft, Lexapro, or Prozac) with some benefit

The Crashed Craver.
Low in Glutamine.
cravings for sugar or starch are stronger when skipped or delayed a meal.
tend to skip breakfast and/or other meals.
cravings spike later in the day if you've skipped any earlier meals.
suspect to have (or you have been diagnosed with) hypoglycemia [low blood sugar].
diabetic or pre-diabetic. (blood sugar levels rise too high, but drop too low at times, as well.) get dizzy, shaky, or headachy if you go too long between meals.
find it harder to concentrate when go too long without healthy meals
can get irritable, or blow up, if you go too long without full meals.
feel more stressed the fewer regular meals you eat. [should eat many small meals.] Hypoglycemia [low blood sugar], diabetes, or alcoholism run in your family. You are drawn to alcohol on a regular basis.
ADD, depressed attention-deficit, bipolar, schizoid = weak emotions Borderline, bipolar, affective ADHD, hyperactive attention-deficit, affective Schizophrenic, schizoid = weak emotions
Psychiatry, personality disorders
grandiose narciss, narcissistic Borderline, vulnerable narciss ADHD, hyperactive attention-deficit, hysteric, paranoid, wild fantasies, wild imagination Schizophrenic, schizoid
favorite drugs, four types of drugs [drugs world], favorite state of flow [see flowgenomeproject, flow profile]
stimulants + hallucinogens: phenethylamines, MDMA, 2C = extravert psychotic depressants + anti-psychotics: benzos, valium, ketamine = introvert neurotic stimulants + anti-psychotics: ritalin, SSRIs, sertraline = extravert neurotic depressants + hallucinogens: dissociatives, ketamine = introvert psychotic
favorite season of the year:
fall spring summer winter
harvest sowing growth sleep
people in cold polar climates tend to be endomorph, can survive long winters without food (autophagia of deposited fat) people in hot tropic climates tend to be ectomorph, need constant supply of food, would starve in a long hard winter
the court cards of tarot:
knight queen page king
the four suits of tarot minor arcana:
wands pentacles swords cups
TODO four suits of tarot emotions, affection from old experience, feminine, relations, intuition
joanne k. rowling, harry potter, hogwarts houses:
Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin
body part:
tongue, bust nose, ass head neck
eigen color:
red green yellow blue
dress code:
yellow top
blue bottom
blue top
yellow bottom
red top
green bottom
green top
red bottom, health type:
Crusader Guardian Connector Sensor, flow profile:
Hard Charger Flow Goer Crowd Pleaser Deep Thinker
body weight, how do you gain weight:
upper gainer lower gainer easy gainer hard gainer
William Sheldon, "morph" body types:
[heartshape-] mesomorph [pearshape-] mesomorph endomorph ectomorph
soft or hard
warm blood or cold blood
"soft" body parts [outside] need one stable temperature
= warming in winter, cooling in summer
"hard" body parts [outside] tolerate more extreme temperatures,
both cold and hot
soft / hard hard / soft soft hard
soft top
hard bottom
hard top
soft bottom
soft hard
warm or cold, temperature, climate:
warm / cold cold / warm warm cold
warm top
cold bottom
cold top
warm bottom
warm cold
Tobias Beck, deutsch, die vier Sprachen, "wenn du willst dass andere Menschen dich verstehen, dann musst du in ihrer Sprache mit ihnen reden" [rollentausch in diagonal-beziehung → dialog] video: Die 4 tierischen Menschentypen
Was hab ich davon dass es Andere gibt?
egoist, wichtigstes wort "ich"
arrogant, frech, patzig, direkt, Beleidiger, Befehlston (sags in einem wort, fasse dich kurz, nenner, namensgeber, stichwortgeber, wortschöpfer)
urlaub: las vegas, hauptsache es sieht gut aus (ästhetiker, alles für die optik)
luxus, nur das beste ist gut genug, high quality, top of the world
Was haben Andere davon dass ich hier bin?
Diener: serviert essen (kuchen, kaffee, kekse, bananen, limonade, ...)
Urlaub: Camping
Kleider: dunkel
zu spät kommen: Angst
lieblingswort "sorry": immer für alles entschuldigen
party: fahrer, bleibt nüchtern damit andere saufen können
Wo ist die nächste Party?
player, hedonist
egoist, wichtigstes wort "ich"
mit minimalem einsatz den maximalen gewinn rausholen
kleider: bunt, auffällig, blinkend
TV: stefan raab wok WM
urlaub: italien 99 euro 2 wochen all inclusive sauftour
kommt immer zu spät, ist aber voll egal
analytiker, spezialist, will alle details wissen
denker, overthinking
kommt nie zu spät, kommt eher eine stunde zu früh
zu spät kommen: erklärbär, erzählt sachlich die ganze geschichte warum er zu spät kommt ("ich bin unschuldig weil: grund 1, grund 2, grund 3, ...")
auto: volvo
urlaub: ALLES dabei, packen ihre koffer mit packplan
kleider: jack wolfskin, "das ist so schön praktisch, ich kann hier die beine abmachen" (aber sieht scheisse aus, für einen hai)
D high energy distant S low energy social I high energy social C low energy distant
bull: high assertive/decisive, low emotion, direct/impatient, fear of exploits, fast to decide, fast pace, need to control situations, no time for small talk, busy, tiger
Conflict Styles Assessment
by The United States Institute of Peace

type 5 (Accommodator) is probably a mix of type 2 and type 3. quote:

"Accommodators have a harmonizing approach to conflict.
They often focus on supporting others in a conflict situation
and are adept at placating people in uncomfortable situations.
Accommodators often gain strong appreciation from others involved in a conflict.

Weaknesses: Accommodators may build up resentment from denying their own needs.
It also may be difficult for those who want to get to the root of the problem
to work with Accommodators who tend to focus on making others happy."
Competer Avoider Compromiser Problem Solver
Competers are known for being persuasive and direct. They know the result they want in a conflict situation, and they go for it. Their strengths are that they are often passionate about their views and dedicated to pursuing their convictions. Competers are good at making quick decisions, and tend not to waste time, which is especially helpful in the time of crisis. Avoiders tend to step away from conflict. They often keep their opinions to themselves in conflict situations so as not to continue or escalate the conflict. They are often admired for having a calming, quiet presence in the face of crisis. Compromisers approach conflict with the goal of compromise. They tend to think about what they are willing to give up and what they are willing to hold on to, and try to gear communication to focus on this give and take for all parties. It is a good way to promote cooperation. It can be done fairly quickly when both parties are engaged. Problem Solvers tend to want to discuss all the details of a problem and work through it together so that everyone gets what he or she wants and is happy in the end. Their strengths are that they tend to welcome differences, build high-levels of trust and mutual understanding in relationships. There is also the potential to learn from creative problem solving.
Weaknesses: Sometimes Competers wind up with unequal relationships with others, and feelings of others can be hurt or overlooked with their decision-making style. [dominant-subordinate = type1-type2] Weaknesses: Avoiders sometimes keep their feelings bottled up and then aren't able to meet their own needs. This can result in a frustrating buildup of emotions. Weaknesses: When time is a factor, it is difficult to spend the energy and time needed to process the way Problem Solvers tend do. There is also the potential for burnout from over-processing.
the simpsons
B1. Marge
one hair
D2. Homer
two hair
A3. Bart
N x three hair
C4. Lisa
N x four hair
D1. snake (thief)
D1. ned flanders (the devil, criminal as child)
A1. Milhouse Van Houten (desperate crush on C4. lisa)
D1? Carl Carlson
D1. Seymour Skinner (school principal, ex soldier, lives with his mom B4? agnes skinner)
D2? smithers (gay, has malibu stacy dolls) (or D1?)
D2? McBain (movie hero, revenge, justice, similar to Rambo: solves all problems by shooting people)
D3. barney gumble
D3. clancy wiggum (chief of police)
A3. ralph wiggum
B3. Patty and Selma Bouvier (twins → gemini @ zodiac)
C3. Sherri and Terri Mackleberry (twins → gemini @ zodiac)
A3. martin prince (school-smart, chubby)
D3? Gary Chalmers (boss of Seymour Skinner, superintendent of Springfield Elementary School, strict but inconsequent, mood swings, "produces extreme anxiety in Principal Skinner, who offers increasingly improbable stories to explain what is happening")
B3. Kodos Johnson and D3. Kang Johnson (green aliens from planet Rigel 7, twins → gemini @ zodiac)
D4. mister burns
D4. otto the busdriver
D4. sideshow bob
D4? Lenny Leonard
B4? Agnes Skinner (mother of Seymour Skinner)
D4? krusty the clown
the simpsons, ensemble in moe's bar
D1? Moe Szyslak
D1? Carl Carlson
D2. homer simpson
D3. barney gumble
D4? Lenny Leonard
south park:
A1. Kenny McCormick
The lovable hedonist
A2. Stan Marsh
The Only Sane (and snarky) Everyman
A3. Eric Cartman
The magnificent and genre savvy but also manipulative and unsympathetic Anti-Hero
A4. Kyle Broflovski
The moral guy and Insufferable Genius
american dad, the smith family:
A1. Steve D2. Stan B3. Francine C4. Hailey
family guy, the griffin family:
C1. meg A2. chris D3. peter B4. lois
D1. Joe? D2. Cleveland Brown? D3. peter griffin D4. Quagmire?
M1. bender
F1. Leela
M3. Fry
F3. Amy Wong
M4. Prof. Farnsworth
rick and morty:
M3. Morty
M3. dad
M4. Rick
F4. Summer
F4. mom
spongebob squarepants
M2. patrick star M3. spongebob M4. squidward tentacles
bojack horseman
M13? Mr. Peanutbutter
former sitcom rival of BoJack
penetrant, over-confident, trolling, constantly energetic, constantly positive, nice, cheerful, kind, playful, unpredictabile, impulsive, ignorant, childish
a bonehead who has difficulty understanding metaphors or puns. This causes him to crack jokes that instead of being funny, just make people around him scratch their heads.
can also be described as a "man-child," as he is BoJack's age but still acts like a twenty-something-year-old party animal.
cares a great deal about BoJack's opinion and admires him for his work on Horsin' Around
always trying to reach out to BoJack and be his friend. BoJack finds this annoying and always shoots Mr. Peanutbutter down, although that never stops Mr. Peanutbutter from trying to befriend BoJack.
spoiled: A life of success, wealth, and fame meant Mr. Peanutbutter has never faced any real challenges or had to make difficult decisions, leaving him almost completely inept in the real world.
can at times show hidden depth
can be very headstrong, defensive, dislikes change
has traces of nihilism: "the key to being happy is to just distract yourself with unimportant nonsense until you eventually die."
blissfully ignorant: biggest flaw seems to be that he does not listen
acts like a a "man-child" who places all the responsibilities on others
M2? Todd Chavez
fandom: Todd is a friendly, well-meaning, and mostly upbeat slacker who has been shown to possess a plethora of skills including an understanding of Japanese, entrepreneurial know-how, and artistic capabilities.
F3. Princess Carolyn
fandom: Princess Carolyn is the earnest, clever, hard-working agent. She often finds herself forced to choose between prioritizing her career and her relationships. She is very ambitious, having gone from the daughter of a maid, an agent's assistant, an agent, then to the head of her own agency/management company.
M4. bojack horseman
horse, long face
wants to be loved by everyone → cannot say no
was an actor in the TV sitcom "Horsin' Around" (father of three kids, three → element air), now a loser
living in the past, watching himself in his 15 year old TV sitcom
self-pitying masochist, bitter, depressed, self-loathing, narcissistic, self-destructive.
often bad-tempered and irritable, with little patience for a lot of people around him, who are constantly insulted and looked down upon by BoJack's very bitter nature.
pessimist: "sometimes I think I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me and now it's all gone. And I'll never get it back in me. It's too late. Life is a series of closing doors, isn't it?"
F2? Diane Nguyen
girlfriend of Mr. Peanutbutter, ghost writer for bojack's autobiography
Invader Zim:
M1. Gir? M2. Dib? M3. Zim M4. Gaz?
King of the Hill:
M1. Bill Dauterive? Boomhauer? M2. Hank Hill? M3. Dale Gribble? M4. Boomhauer? Bill Dauterive?
M1. Olive Oyl? M2. Popeye? M3. Bluto/Brutus? M4. Wimpy?
F1. Daphne? The most optimistic and cheerful of the group. Red hair M2. Fred? Obsessive (when it comes to traps) and emotionally high-strung (when Daphne is in danger). Blue trousers F3. Velma? Exhibiting leadership when solving the mystery and can be pushy; a rather violent Tsundere at her worst. Yellow sweater
[Tsundere: a character who "runs hot and cold", alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck).]
M4. Shaggy? Non-Action Guy who runs from anything spooky; simply there to react to the situations. Green shirt
mr. inbetween
Australian black comedy-crime drama television series
the mr. inbetween season 3 poster shows D1. ray with a burning match in his mouth → element fire
D1. Ray Shoesmith (hitman with a heart)
D2. Gary (Ray's best friend)
B2? Ally (Ray's girlfriend, paramedic)
D3? Freddy (Ray's boss, owner of a night club)
B3 zoe (ray's second girlfriend, graphic design student, drug smuggler, has fake orgasms so she dont have to hurt other's feelings, chubby, is on a diet)
C4? Brittany (Ray's daughter, loves unicorns)
B4? gary's russian ex-girlfriend (disgusted by gary's "pee pee" sex movies, lesbian)
triple X, aka XXX (2002 film)
D1. Yorgi (was a soldier in the Soviet Union, now a wealthy hedonist. leader of Anarchy 99, a group of militant anarchists with a disdain for all forms of government and authority, and society in general. Yorgi's plan: false-flag terrorism to provoke war and global anarchy)
D3. Xander Cage (Triple X, rebellious attitude, unorthodox methods)
B3. Yelena (Yorgi's girlfriend)
D4? Agent Toby Lee Shavers (NSA techno-genius and gadget specialist)
F1. Jessica Hyde (hero)
M1? Kevin Christie (villain)
F2? Becky Todd ("be nice")
M2/M3? Wilson Wilson
F3/F1 Samantha (leader)
F3 Artemis
M3? Grant
M3? Arby
M4? Ian Ackerman (nerd)
M4. Thomas Christie
the purge - election year (2016 movie)
M1. Leo, bodyguard of the F3 senator, grumpy ("rich hearts wears poor coats"), distrust against his "colleague" who betrays him ("the traitor", leads the nazi gang to the senator)
M1? the new shop owner (mexican, soldier, good shooter → archer, sagittarius)
F2. the nurse, who helps others to survive the purge night
M2? the old shop owner (pessimistic, realistic)
F3. senator who wants to end the purge (similar to nix log /nix/store/sfdqyvddg0qm45s9y74skrixj8kvcn45-crate-c2rust-ast-exporter-0.15.0.drv) M4. nazi leader, is using high-tech machines (tracking bullet, helicopter, military gear) → leviathan, technical
M4. church helper (skinny, pale, weak, looks sick)
Two and a Half Men
American television sitcom
D1. Alan Harper (chiropractor, poor, loyal, honest loser, low influence)
A3. Jake Harper (son of Alan)
B3. Rose
B3. Berta
D4. Charlie Harper (rich, slutty, successful trickster, music composer, high influence)
B4. Evelyn Harper (mother of Charlie and Alan)
B4. Judith Harper (ex-wife of Alan)
Beavis and Butt-Head, aka Beavis and Butthead
American adult animated comedy television series created by D1. Mike Judge
Beavis and Butthead love to stay home and watch TV. they hate school and work
A1. beavis (pyromanic, obsessed with fire, curious, creative, short nose, blonde hair)
A4. butthead (good long-term memory, steals ideas from beavis, long nose, dark-brown hair)
C1? Daria Morgendorffer (smart, called "Diarrhea" by Beavis, more annoyed by Beavis than Butthead, lonely kid in school, Beavis than Butthead have more respect towards Daria than everyone else in the whole school, ). PDB: Daria is a deadpan cynic. She is naturally intelligent but also highly apathetic and somewhat lazy, showing no motivation to apply anything above the minimum required effort and never taking part in extracurricular activities by her own volition, entirely content to coast through high school with her inherent academic talents. Because of this lack of engagement with other students, in addition to her often bored or pessimistic expression and status as an outsider, she is commonly perceived as being very unhappy; while she considers herself realistic and in "The Misery Chick" she clarifies she's not nihilistic, she will occasionally appeal to nihilism and even consideration of suicide for the sake of an offhand joke. fan of the TV series Sick Sad World. only friend is C4? Jane Lane. C4? Jane Lane, PDB: Jane is Daria's best (and only) friend. An aspiring artist, Jane shares Daria's cynicism, but Jane is much better adjusted.
13? The Smart Guy
More intelligent than his friends. His Five-Man Band equivalent can do research for the group or explain some of the tougher concepts to the rest of the band or the audience, but this variant is primarily geared towards Lampshading the relative stupidity for the others and being humiliated for his arrogance. Alternatively he may be a Mad Scientist type, with insane inventions.
24? Only Sane Man
Or maybe just the guy who comes the closest to being sane most often. Every zany gang must have a straight man, and the other three leads have to share one. While his (or her, although the role is usually male) friends act out, the Normal Guy's role is to Lampshade and be embarassed by their behaviour. He will be more successful with the opposite sex than his friends, notably The Pervert.
34? The Pervert
This guy has a perverted mind. He usually takes one of two common forms - the Loveable Sex Maniac whose high sex drive is his most memorable trait, or the Comedic Sociopath, who has bursts of hilarious violence. In lighter examples, certain concepts may be Played for Laughs, whereas in darker examples the character may draw on Black Comedy Rape.
24? The Butt Monkey
A character who serves as a target for the others' jokes. There are a few tropes that could make the Band's Butt Monkey; The Ditz, the Extreme Doormat or others. This member has remarkably less charisma than his friends or is a better target for jokes. The others will pick on him frequently and make him the target of practical jokes. Sometimes, however, this character may get one over on his bandmates, and this will thoroughly humiliate the others.
M1. Dr. Peter Venkman? M2. Winston Zeddmore? M3. Dr. Egon Spengler? M4. Dr. Raymond Stantz?
The Beatles:
M1. John Lennon? [M4?] M2. Paul McCartney? M3. George Harrison? M4. Ringo Starr?
The Big Bang Theory (TV series)
M1. Raj Koothrappali M2. Leonard Hofstadter M3. Howard Wolowitz
fandom, horny engineer, Jewish aerospace engineer and ex-astronaut [element air], best friend of Raj, the only member of the group lacking a doctoral degree, designs important devices like the "space toilet". Fancying himself a smooth ladies' man, Howard is rather confident in trying to woo girls (unlike the other three), mostly through creepy overtures and sometimes with his knowledge of foreign languages, of which he knows seven. He is consistently depicted as the most sex-crazed of the guys, although he doesn't think his sexual behavior is any different from other men. describes himself as a romantic, although he usually comes across as overtly sexual and, in Penny's words, disgusting.)
M4. Sheldon Cooper
F1? Penny (girlfriend of M2. Leonard, naturally smart, street-smart, blonde, later: short hair, PDB, aspiring actress but mostly unsuccessful, worked as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory) F3? Bernadette Rostenkowski (girlfriend of M3. Howard) F4? Amy Farrah Fowler (girlfriend of M4. Sheldon)
The Penguins of Madagascar:
M1. Rico? M2. Skipper? M3. Kowalski? M4. Private?
Fantastic Four
1. Johnny Storm 2. Ben Grimm / The Thing 3. Sue Storm 4. Reed Richards
1. Liz can produce fire 2. Hellboy has a hand made of rock (earth) 3. Dr. Krauss, a ghost made of smoke-like ectoplasm (Hellboy II) 4. Abe Sapien is a Deep One
Arch Angels, Kabbalistic Cross
1. Michael 2. Uriel 3. Raphael 4. Gabriel
Islamic archangels
1. Mika'il 2. Izra'il (Azrael) 3. Isra'fil 4. Jibra'il
An Octave Higher (Visual Novel)
1. Courage 2. Willpower 3. Faith 4. Intelligence
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
1. Wheeler 2. Kwame 3. Linka 4. Gi
1. Taranee 2. Cornelia 3. Hay Lin 4. Irma
Adventure Time
1. fire 2. slime? 3. candy? 4. ice?
The Four Gods
1. The White Tiger
The God to the West.
It represents Autumn and Metal and is centered by the Hairy Head house.
2. The Azure Dragon
The God to the East.
It represents Spring and Wood and is centered by the Heart house.
3. The Vermilion Bird
The God to the South.
It represents Summer and Fire and is centered by the Star house.
4. The Black Tortoise (literal: Occult Martial)
The God to the North.
It represents Winter and Water and is centered by the Emptiness house.
Temperament, Four Temperament Ensemble
1. fire = Choleric (yellow bile) Extroverted, short-tempered, and task-oriented. Normally callous and unemotional, but will get angry for personal reasons. Key Strengths: Takes the lead, hard worker, strong-willed, practical, passionate, a good repossession worker, an excellent strongman/woman of the team (drill sergeant at the most extreme), determined, goal-oriented and thrives under criticism. In common with sanguine: Confident, loves a challenge, hard to embarrass. In common with melancholic: Good planner, independent, honest without any compromisation, Excellent agent of change, pure hard worker. Key Weaknesses: Hot-tempered, rude, rebellious, can be cruel, stubborn, harsh, bossy, expects complete devotion, insensitive, often condescending, can become psychotic in overbearing situations, workaholic, without compassion or conscience, can be a warmonger, vindictive, a shallow cynic of people's character, most likely a bad winner/loser, and may nastily misinterpret jokes. In common with sanguine: Arrogant, boisterous, often dramatic, unhinged, unfiltered in speech, often likes to make "in your face" insults. In common with melancholic: Inflexible, emotionally distant, strict, demanding and fastidious, not very cooperative, vengeful, self-righteous and dogmatic, harshly sarcastic, sees the worst in people. Expressive high, responsive low; response's delay short, duration long. The Dominant Driver of DISC and MyersBriggs types generally E_T_. Will often correspond with The Cynic, or the Apathetic when in a Four-Philosophy Ensemble. Amongst the four main "Dere Types" can qualify as a pure type A Tsundere (Harsh and Maturing). Oni type and Good Cop/Bad Cop: Red Oni and harsh, pure "Bad Cop". Corresponding element, season, and division of a day: (hot and dry) fire, summer, and afternoon. In a person's life, it corresponds with adolescence and young adulthood (roughly ages 13-35). Organ: Gall bladder/Stomach. Archetypal color: Darker shades of yellow, all shades of red or orange (the colors of a Volcano). The Yin-Yang Duo: Yang (Red). The Four Gods: Vermilion Bird. Planet or Satellite: Mars and the Sun. Western Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Leadership type: Headstrong. Personality Blood Type: O Apocalypse Horseman: War. Family member: Father. Eating disorder: Orthorexia [excessive preoccupation with eating healthy food]. Cardinal Point: South 2. earth = Melancholic (black bile) Introverted, brooding, and task-oriented. Normally highly sensitive and empathetic, but can be blunt and harsh. Key Strengths: Detailed, conservative, analytical, organized, perfectionistic, faithful to a fault, discreet will of stone, elegant (in the more dignified ways), selfless, an excellent medic or lawyer. In common with choleric: Excellent leader, practical, an effective manipulator of people, punctual. In common with phlegmatic: Polite, ethical to a fault, deep, thoughtful, sensitive, artistic. Key Weaknesses: Rigid, too straight-laced, critical, bashful, pessimistic, moody, depressed, impractical (yes, both practical and impractical), has unrealistically high expectations, very paranoid. In common with choleric: Inflexible, snobbish, emotionally distant, strict, resentful, vengeful, self-righteous and dogmatic, sees the worst in people (including themselves). In common with phlegmatic: Shy, insecure, easily embarrassed, slowpoke Expressive low, responsive low; response's delay long, duration long. The Contemplating Conscience of DISC and MyersBriggs types generally I_T_. Will often correspond with The Cynic, or the Realist Four-Philosophy Ensemble. Amongst the four main "Dere Types" can qualify as a pure Kuudere (Cold and Blunt on the outside, but troubled on the inside). Oni type and Good Cop/Bad Cop: Stoic, aloof Blue Oni, a cold "Bad Cop" with less involvement (if not a coward). Corresponding element, season, and division of a day: (cool and dry) earth, autumn, and evening. In a person's life, it corresponds to middle-aged adulthood (roughly ages 35-65). Organ: Spleen/Brain. Archetypal color: Navy blue, dark purple, olive or darker shades of green, all shades of brown or black (the colors of a cave or cavern). The Yin-Yang Duo: Yin (black). The Four Gods: White Tiger. Planet or Satellite: Saturn. Western Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Leadership type: Mastermind. Personality Blood Type: A Apocalypse Horseman: Famine. Family Member: Son. Eating disorder: Anorexia or Bulimia [Anorexia: food restriction, fear of gaining weight, and an overpowering desire to be thin. Many people with anorexia see themselves as overweight although they are, in fact, underweight]. Cardinal Point: West 3. air = Sanguine (blood) Extroverted, cheerful, and people-oriented. Can be more or less empathetic and sensitive towards others. Key Strengths: Charming, cheerful, loves people, energetic, talkative, passionate and compassionate, positive, sometimes unpredictable, expressive influencer, an excellent comedian, salesman or clown, quirky or eccentric and just plain fun. In common with phlegmatic: Friendly, forgiving, optimistic endurer, emotionally available, won't get negative, good with relationships. In common with choleric: Adventurous, confident, hard to embarrass. Key Weaknesses: Undisciplined, too talkative, emotionally unstable, hyperactive, scatterbrained, gullible, disorganized, late for work, and sometimes frivolous. In common with phlegmatic: Weak-willed, likes to appease other people, gullible, overly idealistic to the point of inability to grasp what's gone wrong. In common with choleric: Impulsive, egotistical, shallow and self-absorbed at times. Expressive high, responsive high; response's delay short, duration short. The Inspired Influencer of DISC and MyersBriggs types generally E_F_. Will often correspond with the Optimist, or the Realist when in a Four-Philosophy Ensemble. Amongst the "Dere Types" can qualify as a Deredere, a Genki Girl/Guy, a type B Tsundere, or, in much worse cases, as a Yandere (Playful and Obsessive). Oni type and Good Cop/Bad Cop: Brash Red Oni with snark, but an overall diplomatic "Good Cop". Corresponding element, season, and division of a day: (hot and moist) air, spring, and morning. In a person's life, it corresponds to young childhood (roughly ages 0-13). Organ: Lungs. Archetypal color: Gold, brighter shades of yellow, all shades of pink or aqua (the colors of the Sky). The Yin-Yang Duo: Yang (white). The Four Gods: Azure Dragon. Planet or Satellite: Venus and Jupiter [and the Sun]. Western Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Leadership type: Charismatic. Personality Blood Type: B Apocalypse Horseman: Conquest. Family member: Daughter. Eating disorder: Bulimia Binge eating. Cardinal Point: East 4. water = Phlegmatic (phlegm) Introverted, quiet, and people-oriented. Kind, sensitive, and empathetic towards others. note Key Strengths: Calm, humble, an excellent assistant, spy or librarian, discreet, flexible will of steel (flexible steel), elegant (in the simpler ways), thoughtful, patient, modest, a real sweetheart, accommodating, steady-paced, sympathetic, perceptive, faith in morality (and leading by example), very compassionate, assuming innocent until proven guilty, a good listener, open-minded, considerate, and empathetic to all. In common with melancholic: Polite, reserved, gentle, ethical to a fault, dependable, mysterious, quiet and stealthy, a deep poker face. In common with sanguine: Pleasant, forgiving, witty, easygoing, idealistic endurer, emotionally available, a good sense of humour, good with relationships. Key Weaknesses: Indifferent, submissive, lazy, slow, shy and passive, slacker, indecisive and too yielding. In common with melancholic: Timid and docile, scared of sudden change, stubborn (about certain things), easily embarrassed. In common with sanguine: teasing, too compromising, forgetful, unable to find what's wrong. Expressive low, responsive high; response's delay long, duration short. The Stable Supporter of DISC and MyersBriggs types generally I_F_. Will often correspond with the Optimist, or the Apathetic when in a Four-Philosophy Ensemble. Amongst the four main "Dere Types" can qualify as a more shy Deredere or a pure Dandere. Oni type and Good Cop/Bad Cop: Blue Oni and gentle, diplomatic "Good Cop". Corresponding element, season, and division of a day: (cool and moist) water, winter, and deep night. In a person's life, it corresponds to older adulthood (roughly ages 65 and up). Organ: Heart. Archetypal color: Teal, green, white, gray, all shades of blue or black (the colors of the ocean). The Yin-Yang Duo: Yin (blue). The Four Gods: Black Tortoise. Planet or Satellite: The Moon. Western Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Leadership type: Levelheaded. Personality Blood Type: AB Apocalypse Horseman: Death. Family member: Mother. Eating disorder: Binge eating Bulimia or Anorexia [Bulimia: binge eating followed by purging; excessive concern with body shape and weight. The aim of this activity is to expel the body of calories eaten from the binging phase of the process.] Cardinal Point: North
Temperament, CMSP (TODO move) video deutsch: So verkaufst du besser: Die 4 Menschentypen von Kunden // Gereon Jörn
1. choleric 2. melancholic 3. sanguine 4. phlegmatic
Temperament, CPSM (TODO move), Tim LaHaye? (Evidence-based Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine I: History Francesco Chiappelli, Paolo Prolo and Olivia S. Cajulis)
1. choleric The choleric temperament manifested a short response time-delay, but the response was sustained for a relatively long time. 2. phlegmatic The Phlegmatic was characterized by a longer response-delay but the response was also short-lived. 3. sanguine The sanguine temperament showed quick, impulsive and relatively brief reactions. (i.e. short delay, short sustain) 4. melancholic The melancholic temperament (renamed "Melancholy") exhibited a long response time-delay, and the response was sustained at length, if not, seemingly, permanently.
Name by Temperament, CMSP (TODO move)
1. choleric Chloe 2. melancholic Melania 3. sanguine Saint 4. phlegmatic Flamer
1. animals 2. plants demeter 3. sun (extreme round) Helios? jesus? 4. moon (extreme long) Selene Isis?
Tarot, four suits
Wands Pentacles, Coins Swords Cups
physics - four states of matter
1. plasma 2. solid 3. gas 4. liquid
Elliot Abravanel, Glands and Hormones:
Adrenal Gonad Pituitary Thyroid
Testosterone, Adrenaline Estrogen, Oxytocin, [Endorphin] Dopamine Serotonine
learning styles, David Kolb (1984):
learning cycle: air → earth → water → fire → air
converging diverging accommodating assimilating
thinking [P] and doing [E] feeling [N] and watching [I] feeling [N] and doing [E] thinking [P] and watching [I]
solve practical problems, technical, task focus, work alone, find practical use for theories, translate from theory to practice, experiment with new ideas, apply inspirations to reality, focus on practical application see different concrete perspectives, sensitive, passive, imaginate solutions, generate ideas, brainstorming, interested in people, emotional, artistic, work in groups, receive personal feedback learning by doing, "hands on" learning style, intuition [extraversion, association, interaction], practical, experimental, let others analyze, execute orders, realize plans by others, attracted to new experiences and challenges, [impulsive, incautious], act on gut instinct, rely on others for information and analysis logical, concise, compact, work alone, task oriented [things, ideas, concepts], theoretical, understand and organize information, compress, condense, clarify, value theoretical harmony more than practical value, information technology, [data] science, learn by reading / lecture / analysis, need time to think, slow
abstract conceptualization [P] and active experimentation [E] concrete experience [N] and reflective observation [I] concrete experience [N] and active experimentation [E] abstract conceptualization [P] and reflective observation [I]
abstract [P] and active [E] concrete [N] and passive [I] concrete [N] and active [E] abstract [P] and passive [I]
practical [12] practical [12] theoretical [34] theoretical [34]
Deloitte Business Chemistry:
mutable / cardinal / fixed
Book: Kim Christfort, Suzanne Vickberg - Business Chemistry. Practical Magic for Crafting Powerful Work Relationships
Heather Rangel (F1) on Deloitte Business Chemistry
Suzanne Vickberg (F1?) on Deloitte Business Chemistry
[mutable fire = 1x1]
solve difficult problems, seek challenges, focused, competitive, direct, explicit, avoid small talk, technical, like to argue, love to debate, curious, impatient, pragmatic interests, practical, experimental, dislike ambiguity, look for patterns and solutions, impolite, honest, facts over feelings, rational, seek calculated risk, unapologetic, logical, rational, approach work like an algorithm, analyze options and outcomes, avoid second-guessing, no fear of conflict [take risks], no worry about collateral damage, costs are necessary to get things done, obstacles are challenges, achieve objectives, useful for a team, high value for other people, least enjoyable type to work with [high expectations]
Queen Victoria
[Queen Victoria may be mistyped here, could be 4x2 = water plays earth = Integrator plays Guardian]
Pioneer Integrator
Abraham Lincoln
extroverted Driver
[cardinal fire = 1x3]
disciplined, tough-minded, leader, in charge, dominant presence is hard to miss, not reserved, energetic, quick speaking, outgoing, social, less curious, highly focused, hard to distract, action over deliberation, extremely competitive, create competitions, bragging, "my X is better than your Y"
introverted Driver
[fixed fire = 1x4]
work alone, focused on ideas, intellectual, highly curious, love to explore / probe / experiment, understand problems, find solutions, complete missions, highly visual, picturing problems in their mind, less traditional, try new things to find hidden truths.
David Keirsey, Plato, Four Temperaments:
David Keirsey - Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types (1984).
David Keirsey - Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence (1998).
Artisan Guardian Idealist Rational
Tactical Logistical Diplomatic Strategic
Concrete Pragmatic (12 n 14 = 1) Concrete Cooperative (12 n 23 = 2) Abstract Cooperative (34 n 23 = 3) Abstract Pragmatic (34 n 14 = 4)
Sensing Perceiving (SP) Sensing Judging (SJ) Ntuiting Feeling (NF) Ntuiting Thinking (NT)
art duty soul tech
Dionysos Epimetheus Apollon Prometheus
iconic pistic noetic dianoetic
freedom, epikur, aesthetic stoic/stoa, worker, commerce, trade self realization, religion, idealism, ethics science, theory, power
concrete [12] and adaptable. Seeking stimulation and virtuosity. concerned with making an impact. troubleshooting, agility, manipulation of tools / instruments / equipment concrete [12] and organized (scheduled). Seeking security and belonging. concerned with responsibility and duty. organizing, facilitating, checking, supporting abstract [34] and compassionate. Seeking meaning and significance. concerned with personal growth and finding their own unique identity. clarifying, individualizing, unifying, inspiring abstract [34] and objective. Seeking mastery and self-control. concerned with their own knowledge and competence. logical investigation, engineering, conceptualizing, theorizing, coordinating
Left Brain Right Hand Left Hand Right Brain
language, speech, logic, reason (black white), emotion, image processing, grafic (red green blue), deep face recognition, in-depth cognitive processing of faces, dyslexia (weak at reading texts)
Language functions such as grammar, vocabulary and literal meaning are typically lateralized to the left hemisphere, especially in right-handed individuals. language production is left-lateralized in up to 90% of right-handers (50% of left-handers). Broca's area (production of speech) and Wernicke's area (comprehension of speech) are located in the left cerebral hemisphere for about 95% of right-handers (70% of left-handers). processing pleasurable experiences. more involved in decision-making processes (active). left hemisphere creatively and chaotically links between concepts. linguistic interpretation (idealist). language production is more bilateral, or even right-lateralized, in approximately 50% of left-handers. emotion, image processing, grafic, Depression is linked with a hyperactive right hemisphere. processing negative emotions, pessimistic thoughts and unconstructive thinking styles (passive). vigilance (alertness, looking for enemies), arousal (nervous) and self-reflection (weak alone?). right hemisphere tends to adhere to specific date and time. spatio-temporal interpretation (space and time) (realist).
active Brain passive Hand active Hand passive Brain
perceive from theory judge by reality, result perceive from reality judge by theory, intention
Early-rising Brain Late-rising Hand Early-rising Hand Late-rising Brain
Right Hand Path Right Hand Path Left Hand Path Left Hand Path
Brain leads, hand follows Brain leads, hand follows Hand leads, brain follows Hand leads, brain follows
Think then act Think then act Act then think Act then think
Rational Rational Emotional Emotional
Type 1 creates ideas for Type 2 Type 2 uses ideas from Type 1 Type 3 creates movements for Type 4 Type 4 uses movements from Type 3
theoretical creator practical multiplyer practical creator theoretical multiplyer
concept artist producer try and error, learning by doing manager, controller, observer, Sublimation, Rationalization
mentally creative physically productive physically creative mentally productive
chinese five elements:
zero / five is 木 wood
火 fire 土 earth 金 metal 水 water
Zang-fu, chinese twelve organs:
zero / five / 木 wood is 肝 Liver and 胆 Gall Bladder
心 Heart
三焦 Triple Burner
脾 Spleen 肺 Lung 肾 Kidney
小肠 Small Intestine
心包 Pericardium
胃 Stomach 大肠 Large Intestine 膀胱 Bladder
Dowon Kuon:
wood earth metal water
zodiac signs
NOTE: personality type is NOT corelated with birthday.
natural order must work without a calendar.
killer-argument: how did calendar-astrology work 10 million years ago?
modality: cardinal / mutable / fixed
modality equals version in carl jung: extraverted / ambiverted / introverted.
Aries = 1x3 Capricorn = 2x3 Libra = 3x1 Cancer = 4x1
Sagittarius = 1x1 Virgo = 2x2 Gemini = 3x3 Pisces = 4x4
Leo = 1x4 Taurus = 2x4 Aquarius = 3x2 Scorpius = 4x2
MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator:
basetype / subtype

simple reduction from 16 MBTI types to 4 elements:
basetype and subtype are encoded with the "natural" dimensions 14/23 and 13/24.

Introversion = Thinking = types 14 = masculine brain
Extraversion = Feeling = types 23 = feminine brain
Ntuition = Perceiving = types 13 = young brain
Sensing = Judging = types 24 = old brain

alternative reduction: David Keirsey
IN__ ES__ EN__ IS__
__TP __FJ __FP __TJ
MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator:
subtypes: cardinal / mutable / fixed / paradox

paradox subtype = basetype and subtype are opposite types
→ "paradox" subtype is same as "mutable" subtype, but different encoding:
the "paradox subtype" encoding has both subtypes but no basetype.
so when someone has a "paradox" MBTI type, my question is: what is the basetype?
then the correct MBTI type is that basetype with its mutable subtype.
INFP = 1x3 ESFP = 2x3 ENTP = 3x1 ISTP = 4x1
INTP = 1x1 ESFJ = 2x2 ENFP = 3x3 ISTJ = 4x4
INTJ = 1x4 ESTJ = 2x4 ENFJ = 3x2 ISFJ = 4x2
INFJ = "1x2"
→ 3x3 or 4x4 = ENFP or ISTJ
ESTP = "2x1"
→ 3x3 or 4x4 = ENFP or ISTJ
ENTJ = "3x4"
→ 1x1 or 2x2 = INTP or ESFJ
ISFP = "4x3"
→ 1x1 or 2x2 = INTP or ESFJ
MBTI with names:
cardinal / mutable / fixed / paradox
INFP = 1x3
ESFP = 2x3
ENTP = 3x1
ISTP = 4x1
INTP = 1x1
ESFJ = 2x2
ENFP = 3x3
ISTJ = 4x4
INTJ = 1x4
ESTJ = 2x4
ENFJ = 3x2
ISFJ = 4x2
INFJ = "1x2" → 3x3 or 4x4
ESTP = "2x1" → 3x3 or 4x4
ENTJ = "3x4" → 1x1 or 2x2
ISFP = "4x3" → 1x1 or 2x2
MBTI via temperament (Carl Jung Equivalents for Each Personality Type) (
cardinal / mutable / fixed / forbidden
Pure Temperaments: Choleric Phlegmatic Sanguine Melancholic = CPSM.
Mixed Temperaments: predominant-secondary = basetype-subtype
comment: this mapping between mbti and four elements is even more confusing than the mapping by david keirsey.
video: Four Basic Personality Types: Performer, Zach Anderson portrays the four basic personality types in this skit in Hungarian, but subtitled in English. [low quality]
Testosterone Rules!
The Choleric personality type is associated with testosterone, and although every temperamental makeup is represented by members of both genders, most choleric people are men.

work is fun
very practical
naturally gifted businesspeople
build successful businesses that thrive and benefit others
never do well in a subordinate position they are all about independence
Exact Sciences: ability to systematize everything (math)
have a hard time trying to understand why the approaches they use for solving a mathematical problem cannot be used when addressing relationship issues. [until they find THE LOVE FORMULA, like milahu/alchi]
Testosterone also contributes to their spatial skills. [orientation in landscape, reading maps]
Their spatial skills can be reflected in musical and athletic ability, particularly sports that require spatial skills, such as soccer.
Their concentration is deep and narrow. When they are busy with something, Cholerics are simply not capable of noticing other things that are going on around them. [fire "burns" for its passions, interests - until burnout]
analytical and logical.
prefer to prove themselves with action and put the talk aside
confident, bold, high self-esteem.
can be rude, impolite, aggressive, radical.
Highly independent people with not much respect for diplomas and other credentials, they are armed with their autonomy and independence.
highly competitive
work long and hard
rarely satisfied, never happy, high expectations (be excellent!), perfectionistic
generally avoid socializing unless they are interested in the conversation, which of course should be somehow related to their goals (task focus)
emotional control
usually appear calm and collected
don't smile much, avoid eye contact
the Web Thinkers
People with phlegmatic personality are unassuming, agreeable, and intuitive. They possess the ability of "web thinking" [endorphine = earth], i.e., to see the relationship between many bits of data they collect.

Phlegmatic Skills
They have an incredible skill to gather facts, classify them into different categories, and then see the relationship between seemingly contradicting elements. [12, patient, parasympathetic] Essentially, it is the ability to read between the lines. Phlegmatic men and women don't do very well at memorizing separate unrelated facts. They grow bored and annoyed. To be excited by the process, they need to be able to generalize.
It's all about the estrogen!
Phlegmatic personality traits are linked to estrogen, which is present in both men and women. However, phlegmatic people are predominantly females. Millions of nerve fibers connect the two hemispheres of the brain, and estrogen builds more nerve connections between the remote areas within each region. These connections assist the ability of "seeing a bigger picture" or "web thinking".
These people are imaginative; they like to think abstractly. For example, they will try to read your body language and tell you what you were thinking.
Phlegmatics want to know other people's deepest feelings and strive to build intimate attachments with about everyone in their lives.
They are interested in cooperation and interpersonal harmony, and this is why they preserve their family ties and friendships. When there is a conflict, they seek to agree and to satisfy the needs of everyone involved.
These men and women are very empathetic and compassionate. They try to understand what the other person is thinking and feeling, then to respond accordingly, which allows them to connect with that person. People with a phlegmatic personality are very agreeable.
Phlegmatics could be described as cooperative, considerate, charitable, sympathetic, trusting, and warm. They like to express their feelings, sometimes dramatizing their experience, which is the evidence of high estrogen activity.
Phlegmatic men and women seek to contribute to society at large. They strive to fight cancer, donate to orphanages, and help the poor. They also strive to greater self-knowledge, which they see as a must.
On the negative side, people with a phlegmatic personality can be indecisive and unable to focus on essential details. They keep ruminating on the bigger picture while ignoring the crucial aspects. Their TALKATIVEness can be annoying, and because they seek connection, they may appear NEEDY [clingy], constantly demanding reassurance. They may be trying to understand you, but they also may assume that you see and feel the world the same way they do. They might take criticisms as an insult [personally offended] and pout for days, weeks, and months. Finally, they are very prone to depression.
The Sanguine personality is affected by a chemical called dopamine, which makes these people intensely curious and creative. Their curiosity can be expressed in their love for reading and different kinds of knowledge. Sanguine people usually possess high amounts of energy, so they may seem restless and spontaneous.

The Luxurious Lifestyle
This type of personality loves the life of luxury; they like to impress others by their expensive clothes, designer accessories, and flashy cars. If choleric people thrive on the money-making process itself, sanguine people know how to enjoy money, luxury, and comfort like nobody else. They are big spenders. If they can afford it, they travel a lot. They are likely to stay in splendid hotels, enjoying exciting safaris and luxury cruises, deriving full happiness and pleasure from their wealth. They will indulge in their rich, comfortable, and sumptuous living effectively ignoring the world's problems and crises.
The Risk Takers
Sanguine Personality Traits - the Boredom BustersPeople with a sanguine personality are willing to take risks for the sake of pursuit of their diverse interests. These people feel bored if they are not absorbed by something intriguing. Their constant cravings for adventure and novelty are the primary motivating force behind their actions, decisions, and choices. People with a sanguine personality adapt quickly and, generally, can play many roles. Buoyant, lively and optimistic, they have the ability to absolutely charm the pants off anyone that seeks their attention. Their need for variety and luxury explains why they prefer to live in big cities where they can satisfy their desires much easier.
The Boredom Busters!
Sanguine people are very poor at tolerating boredom. Routine jobs, repetitive experiences, and dull companions annoy and irritate them. For the most part, they will try to avoid routine and monotony at all costs. Even more so, they love and thrive on interruptions because they get energized during these small changes in course. These people are impulsive, and they will often find it difficult to control their cravings and may struggle with weight [endomorph = air]. More than any other types of personality, this temperament is more susceptible to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling, and risky behaviors. Their spontaneity reflects in last-minute plans and moments of intellectual discovery. Sanguine people are usually more creative than other types, be it poetry, music, theater, art, business, or cooking. Sadly, they are also most susceptible to chemical imbalances, addictions, and mood disorders. This personality type is characterized by curiosity and having a wide range of interests. People of this type seem to be hungry for knowledge some of them are walking encyclopedias, while some others visit almost every country in the world. Many stay in school years and years after their peers have graduated. They will do almost anything to satisfy their always present need to be absorbed by something meaningful and exciting. As a result, they will often end up having several degrees.
The Dopamine Course!
Dopamine activity promotes motivation and goal-oriented behavior, as well as enthusiasm, focus, assertiveness, incentive, and drive to achieve. However, sanguine people are so busy with their many interests that they will procrastinate completing their tasks. They are just too busy to think about deadlines and actually finishing one task before going ahead to begin another. These people are very autonomous and unconventional. They trust their impulses and take risks. Their motto is: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". They launch into projects that seem sure to fail but somehow always manage to win big! People with sanguine personality are extreme optimists who make it their job to seek joy and find a way to be happy. These are sensation seekers that derive pleasure from highly arousing experiences; they "drink life" and enjoy it to the fullest.
Patient, Orderly and Attentive
Men and women with melancholic personality share many traits they tend to be loyal to their family and friends and extremely careful. Respectability and moral issues are particularly important to them; they prefer to follow typical "norms" of society and family traditions.

They are respectful to authority, follow the rules, and feel comfortable in hierarchies where structure, regulations, and order are implemented. They need want to be a part of the larger community. They see their loyalty to it as a duty. Melancholic personality traits are associated with serotonin [water?], which suppresses aggressive tendencies. That explains why melancholic people are calm and self-confident, deeply attached to their family and community, and loyal. They are very orderly and don't like unpredictability they enjoy making definite plans and keeping schedules. They love routines, which they find relaxing, and this should not come as a big surprise any repetitive motion increases serotonin levels. It is relaxing in its nature, but nobody enjoys it more than a melancholic!
Attention to Detail
These people pay attention to detail: They remember special dates, anniversaries, and events. They will remember details about their neighbors and colleagues. Melancholics don't see family and social ties as something that limits their freedom and flexibility as this could be with sanguines or cholerics. To them, these are safety nets, kind of a soft place to fall but on a much grander scale. It is also something that adds meaning to their life. Since society and family ties are such an essential part of their daily lifestyles and routines, they absolutely can't see themselves without it. Take this part away from them, and they will be devastated. That is why the melancholic is not likely to be somebody who would marry a foreigner or leave to another country for permanent residence.
It's All About The Order!
Melancholics need to be orderly even in their speech. They will express themselves precisely, accurately, providing all of the relevant information. If you interrupt them or ask them a question, they will think you are not interested in what they are talking about. Unlike Sanguine people, they hate distractions and get frustrated by them. If you want to impress them, don't talk about your big ideas. Instead, give them precise information and stick to the details. Their need for order is expressed even in their jokes they won't be a fan of nonsense humor or unresolved humor. Even their jokes reflect order, predictability, and closure.
Accuracy Counts!
People with a melancholic personality are thorough and accurate. They are process-oriented and like to pursue their goals in a precise, straightforward way. Before they start a specific task, they need to organize themselves and break down the task into the manageable steps. An average melancholic is not the kind of person that will work well under pressure. To be comfortable in a given situation, they need to be in a clear-cut place where the details are known and proven.
Patience is a Virtue!
Melancholic Personality Traits - Patient, Orderly and Attentive
Melancholics are persistent and patient. They don't get bored easily and excel at tasks that require attention and repetition. Interestingly, repetitive actions raise levels of serotonin even more. That is why some people repeat the same movement over and over when they are anxious.
The Taste Test
Their orderliness is also reflected in their tastes. Melancholics love geometrical designs that are simple, orderly, predictable, repetitive, and symmetrical. If you give a melancholic man one striped shirt and hundred shirts with asymmetrical design, he will be wearing that one striped shirt every day. Asymmetry makes them too uncomfortable.
The Melancholic Manager
These people make excellent managers and administrators because they follow the rules and stick to the facts. Even more so, they are reliable and make it a point to maintain social ties. They are superb at managing people, whether it is at work or at home. One of their strongest needs is the need to belong, and this is why they want to be reliable, respectable, and charitable. Their emotional well-being depends on their social networks.
Melancholics are proud of their accomplishments they will display their trophies, medals, diplomas, certificates, and photos with influential people. Generally, they want to do the things in an accepted way; they prefer to plan things in advance and to know ahead of the time what they are going to do.
The Negatives
On the negative side, people with a melancholic personality may become close-minded, dogmatic, and stubborn. They also tend to turn to pessimism which may turn into fatalism, believing that nothing will ever change for better. Sometimes they get overly critical and judgmental because they often believe in their own moral superiority. Their frugality may turn into stinginess. Some melancholics can become fixated on the past. They can ruminate for hours how their life would be if they did or chose something else in the past. Also, they may have difficulty with stopping what they are doing, so hoarding is often a very common problem.
ESTP = 1x3 = CxS
ISFP = 2x3 = PxS
ENFP = 3x2 = SxP
INFJ = 4x2 = MxP
ENTJ = 1x1 = CxC
pure Choleric
INFP = 2x2 = PxP
pure Phlegmatic
ESFP = 3x3 = SxS
pure Sanguine
ISTJ = 4x4 = MxM
pure Melancholic
ESTJ = 1x4 = CxM
ISFJ = 2x4 = PxM
ENTP = 3x1 = SxC
INTJ = 4x1 = MxC
ENFJ = "1x2" = CxP
→ 3x3 or 4x4 = SxS or MxM
INTP = "2x1" = PxC
→ 3x3 or 4x4 = SxS or MxM
ESFJ = "3x4" = SxM
→ 1x1 or 2x2 = CxC or PxP
ISTP = "4x3" = MxS
→ 1x1 or 2x2 = CxC or PxP
Compatibility of the Four Temperaments (
type: I II III IV
= element: air earth fire water
= temperament: Choleric Phlegmatic Sanguine Melancholic (CPSM)
fire + fire = 1+1 = C+C = III+III = Type III + Type III. Savvy and analytical Type III looks for an intelligent partner, someone who they could talk to about their work and interests, someone who can appreciate what they are doing. Type III + Type III union satisfies this need; they practically thrill each other. Problems may arise due to their natural competitiveness when they begin to compete with each other. [fire] Another issue is that both tend to get absorbed by work, leaving very little time for each other. [fire] earth + earth = 2+2 = P+P = II+II = Type II + Type II. Romantic, irrational, and imaginative Type II looks for an ideal mate and, if two people belonging to this type form a union, they will make sure to fulfill each other's dreams. On the negative side of things, Type II people tend to avoid conflicts, leaving many issues unresolved. [fear of pain] Instead of confronting their partners and trying to resolve the problem, they will keep ruminating or gossiping about their spouses behind their backs. air + air = 3+3 = S+S = I+I = Type I + Type I. These two share many interests. Both crave adventure and unique experiences, which makes them a perfect match for each other. Both are optimists and like to look at the positive side of things, which means they are unlikely to fight about the small stuff. On the negative side, however, both like to flirt and may flirt with other people. [air] Another issue is that both are prone to addiction and tend to reinforce bad habits in each other. [air] water + water = 4+4 = M+M = IV+IV = Type IV + Type IV. Type IV is most compatible with its own type. Type IV men are naturally attracted to Type IV women and vice-versa. This couple is most likely to be happy and is least likely to divorce. They have similar values, and even if they have some differences, their desire to have a stable family will help them to work out a solution. If they ever fight at all, that would be about small trivial things like housekeeping hardly a threat to their marriage!
fire + water = 1+4 = C+M = III+IV = Type III + Type IV. Type III and Type IV typically dislike each other because they have a very different approach to life and different priorities. However, they still may have a relationship due to circumstances, or maybe because timing is just right. While they are very different, they share one thing in common: Both want to maintain a stable family life. If they learn to respect their differences, things may work out for them too. earth + fire = 2+1 = P+C = II+III = Type II + Type III = Type II + Type III. Opposites attract [opposite elements earth and fire], and these two are a good example. There is a natural attraction at work between Type II and Type III. They admire their differences; Type II likes the independence and the analytical mind of Type III [fire], and Type III likes the warmth and loyalty of Type II [earth]. However, they have some problem areas too. For example, Type III [fire] doesn't confess their love very often, but for Type II [earth] it is something essential. Type II [earth] may decide that the connection is lost and become overly sensitive. Type III [fire] dislikes drama. As a result, he or she might become even more unavailable. air + earth = 3+2 = S+P = I+II = Type I + Type II. While these two personality types have little in common, they have complementary strengths that compensate for their differences. Type I and Type II are naturally attracted to each other [both are neurotic, social] and end up together quite often. Type I loves the openness and loyalty of Type II [earth], while Type II finds Type I [air] incredibly attractive. Problems may arise due to the fact that Type I [air] needs a lot of privacy and independence, while Type II [earth] requires connection and intimacy. 4+2: see 2+4
1+2: see 2+1 earth + water = 2+4 = P+M = II+IV = Type II + Type IV. While there is no initial natural attraction here [both are passive], Type II and Type IV still get involved with each other; and when that happens, the relationship is very stable. Both look for a lasting relationship. Both have excellent social skills. Both are loyal. Type II and Type IV are particularly effective as parents [both are mentally old] and raise happy children [at least from the parent's point of view]. air + fire = 3+1 = S+C = I+III. These two types are almost opposites of each other and rarely end up together. [half opposite elements air and fire] However, this doesn't mean they don't have the potential for a healthy and lasting relationship. Both types are highly independent and self-sufficient and will give each other plenty of personal space. Type III enjoys the spontaneity of Type I [air], and Type I is impressed by the analytical mind of Type III [fire]. On the negative side of things, Type III may sometimes see Type I as foolish and lazy [air], while Type I may decide that Type III is just a bore [fire, inhibiting]. 4+3: see 3+4
1+3: see 3+1 2+3: see 3+2 air + water = 3 + 4 = S+M = I+IV. These two could not be more different [opposite elements air and water], and still, they end up together quite often. Strangely enough, this seemingly unlikely union of impulsive and adventurous Type I [air] and calm and cautious Type IV [earth] works just fine. Their differences can compensate for each other, which makes for a very balanced couple. Problems may arise because of their different attitudes towards money. Type I is a fun-loving spender [air], while Type IV is a saver [earth]. Type IV may regard his / her partner as irresponsible [air], while Type I may refer to Type IV as "a ball and a chain" [earth, inhibiting]. 4+3: see 3+4
Work style C
You are a natural leader. Bold and energetic, you naturally take charge of any situation. Your superb problem-solving skills allow you to handle complex business challenges and unexpected situations. You know how to assess a problem quickly and accurately. Moreover, you aren't a hesitant type and can make swift and effective decisions. You are an ambitious person, and you define yourself by your job. While your approach is very strategic and goal-oriented, you are not afraid to take calculated risks. In addition, you are open to new ways of thinking and to learning from others, which helps produce original work. You are good at time management and enjoy planning and building to-do lists. Having said that, you do not get stuck researching and planning. You know when to pull the trigger. You constantly scan your environment, looking for opportunities to advance yourself and your organization. Your ideal job should be both challenging and rewarding.
Work style A
Your career is a major part of your identity, and the quality of your work is outstanding! You accomplish tasks effectively and with great attention to detail. "Good enough" is never enough for you, and a half-finished job is unacceptable. You honor deadlines, and if you promise that something will be done by a specific date, rest assured, you will deliver on time. You are not one of those innovative types and prefer to follow established procedures to get a guaranteed result. You hate wasting time and money and focus on being productive and cost-conscious. You like to be busy and do not look forward to vacations. To you, work comes before leisure and even before your family and friends. You want to work in stable organizations with a clear structure and order. You need clear instructions and a good amount of privacy to be able to concentrate on your job. You are most satisfied when you can produce something tangible. When put in a leadership position, you lead by example. Being a task-oriented person, you may sometimes fail to meet the emotional needs of your team members.
Work style B
You certainly have a lot to offer. First of all, you contribute your originality and your ability to see the bigger picture. Because you don't focus on details, you can see how all parts fit in together. Second, you are a very relationship-oriented person and can be successful in any position that requires communication. Because of your perfectionistic tendencies, you may have a little bit of a problem finishing tasks on time. Even when you do finish a project, it may still be incomplete in your mind. You always feel like things can be revised and improved. You aren't very good at following rules and regulations because you think that it kills creativity. You need a lot of privacy and a lot of freedom so that you can get things done in your own style. Generally, you do not seek leadership positions, but if you have to be a leader, you lead very gently encouraging instead of giving orders, suggesting rather than criticizing.
Work style D
You contribute your positivity, optimism and energy, and your co-workers definitely enjoy having you around. Another reason they like you is because you accept them as they are, without trying to change them or make them more like yourself. Because you have this ability to understand people, you know how to motivate them or how to make them feel better about their situation at work. On top of that, you are great at idea generation. Because you tend to look outside of yourself, you see a lot of possibilities and opportunities. Your focus is rather scattered and your knowledge is wide, including many different seemingly unrelated topics. This allows you to make unusual connections and come up with original ideas. Your networking skills are another thing that sets you apart. You connect people, ideas, resources and businesses for everyone's benefit. Having said that, you have two issues that may sometimes affect your career development: you are not the most punctual person in the world. you aren't good at forcing yourself to do things you don't enjoy doing.

I try to outdo others.
I have a strong need for power.
I get angry easily.
I like it when people are scared of me.
I boss people around.
I RARELY try to please everyone.
[I can be aggressive in my decisions.]
[I can be proud of my unpopular opinions.]

I tend to feel very hopeless.
I feel my anxiety overwhelms me.
I feel attacked by others.
I RARELY feel comfortable with myself.
[I hate to be alone.]
I often feel blue.
I feel pain when people insult me.

I radiate joy.
I am the life of the party.
I make friends easily.
I prefer variety to routine.
I make people feel welcome.
I dance when I am alone.

It takes a lot of abuse to get me angry.
I am relaxed most of the time.
I seldom get mad.
The good life is a peaceful life.
I RARELY have a dramatic falling out with a friend.
[i keep in touch with old friends.]
I RARELY experience my emotions intensely.
[I can easily detach from my emotions.]
four temperaments (CMSP).
book: Four Temperaments, Astrology, and Personality Testing. by Martin Bobgan and Deidre Bobgan, page 9.

via: OSPP Four Temperaments Test
choleric melancholic sanguine phlegmatic
Quick to anger
Melancholy [sad, lazy]
circle of temperaments (CMSP). book: Fact and Fiction in Psychology. by Hans Eysenck.
12 are "unstable" aka bipolar, cos their bodies are non-symmetric (heartshape or pearshape).
via: book: Four Temperaments, Astrology, and Personality Testing. by Martin Bobgan and Deidre Bobgan
via: OSPP Four Temperaments Test
choleric melancholic sanguine phlegmatic
unstable [12] and extraverted [13] unstable [12] and introverted [24] stable [34] and extraverted [13] stable [34] and introverted [24]
leadership [socialist leader]
LaHaye 1966
In summary, temperament is the combination of traits we were born with
[basetype, nature, old nature, old testament];
character is our "civilized" temperament
[strongest subtype, nurture, new nature, new testament];
and personality is the "face" we show to others [all subtypes].
via: book: Four Temperaments, Astrology, and Personality Testing. by Martin Bobgan and Deidre Bobgan
via: OSPP Four Temperaments Test
choleric melancholic sanguine phlegmatic
extraverted [13] introverted [24] extraverted [13] introverted [24]
sin: anger sin: fear sin: anger sin: fear
+ Strong Will Power
+ Practical
+ Leader
+ Optimistic
+ Sensitive
+ Perfectionist
+ Analytical
+ Faithful Friend
* Self-Sacrificing
+ Enjoying
+ Optimistic
+ Friendly
+ Compassionate
+ Witty
+ Dependable
+ Practical
+ Efficient
* rarely gains weight
[physical loser, mental winner]
- Hot-Tempered
- Cruel
- Impetuous
- Self-Sufficient
- Self-Centered
- Pessimistic
- Moody
- Revengeful
- Restless
- Weak-Willed
- Egotistical
- Emotionally Unstable
- Slow and Lazy
- Tease
- Stubborn
- Indecisive
Florence Littauer
via: LaHaye 1966
via: book: Four Temperaments, Astrology, and Personality Testing. by Martin Bobgan and Deidre Bobgan
via: OSPP Four Temperaments Test
Choleric Melancholy Sanguine Phlegmatic
achievement, appreciation sensitivity, order attention, approval respect, feeling of worth
Ayurveda Doshas, Hindu Elements:
usually only three doshas: Pitta Kapha Vata
Prithvi is the hindi word for Earth
Pitta [Prithvi] Kapha Vata
Animal Human Angel Mystic
Animal Plant Star Moon
I am an Animal, and my element is Fire I am a Plant, and my element is Earth I am a Star, and my element is Air I am a Moon, and my element is Water
Dragon Mole Bird Fish
I am a Dragon, and my element is Fire I am a Mole, and my element is Earth I am a Bird, and my element is Air I am a Fish, and my element is Water
Psychiatry, Personality Disorders:
Narciss?, Antisocial Borderline Hysteric, Histrionic Schizoid
Christian Bible, Old Testament, Ezekiel's vision.

four living creatures with four faces,
four gospels =
four angels =
four evangelists,
four fixed signs in zodiac (signs with fixed modality),
wheel of fortune (tarot card 10) (four letters: TARO),
four Cherubim (islam: al-Karubiyyin)
As for the likeness of their faces,
they four had the face of a man,
and the face of a lion, on the right side:
and they four had the face of an ox on the left side;
they four also had the face of an eagle.
(Ezekiel 1:10)
Leo, lion, right side, wild animal Taurus, bull, ox, left side, domestic animal Aquarius, man, human, front side eagle, bird, back side, (scorpio, scorpius)
Judah Ephraim Reuben Dan
four evangelists = authors of the four gospels
When surrounding Christ, the figure of the man usually appears at top left -- above Christ's right hand, with the lion above Christ's left arm. Underneath the man is the ox and underneath the lion is the eagle. This both reflects the medieval idea of the order of "nobility" of nature of the beasts (man, lion, ox, eagle) and the text of Ezekiel 1:10.
Mark, lion Luke, ox Matthew, man John, eagle
Mark the Evangelist, the author of the second gospel account (or first gospel), is symbolized by a winged lion -- a figure of courage and monarchy.
The lion also represents Jesus' resurrection (because lions were believed to sleep with open eyes, a comparison with Christ in the tomb), and Christ as king.
This signifies that Christians should be courageous on the path of salvation.
Luke the Evangelist, the author of the third gospel account (and the Acts of the Apostles), is symbolized by a winged ox or bull -- a figure of sacrifice, service and strength.
Luke's account begins with the duties of Zechariah in the temple; it represents Jesus's sacrifice in His Passion and Crucifixion, as well as Christ being High priest (this also represents Mary's obedience).
The ox signifies that Christians should be prepared to sacrifice themselves in following Christ.
Matthew the Evangelist, the author of the first gospel account, is symbolized by a winged man, or angel.
Matthew's gospel starts with Joseph's genealogy from Abraham; it represents Jesus' Incarnation, and so Christ's human nature.
This signifies that Christians should use their reason for salvation.
John the Evangelist, the author of the fourth gospel account, is symbolized by an eagle -- a figure of the sky, and believed by Christian scholars to be able to look straight into the sun.
John starts with an eternal overview of Jesus the Logos and goes on to describe many things with a "higher" christology than the other three (synoptic) gospels; it represents Jesus's Ascension, and Christ's divine nature.
This symbolizes that Christians should look on eternity without flinching as they journey towards their goal of union with God.
Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey [M4 playing fire]:
Satan Belial Lucifer Leviathan
Lord of the Inferno Without a Master The Morning Star Serpent of the Abyss
element of fire element of earth element of air element of water
The adversary The baseness of the earth The bringer of light the great dragon
opposition independence and self-sufficiency pride and enlightenment primal secrecy
direction of south direction of north direction of east direction of west
Sigil of Baphomet during ritual Sigil of Sword during ritual Sigil of Candles during ritual Sigil of Chalice during ritual
The Infernal Diatribe Mastery of the Earth The Enlightenment The Raging Sea
four temperaments chart
12 = Dry humor = Sustained response
34 = Wet humor = Short-lived response
13 = Hot humor = Quick response
24 = Cold humor = Slow response
1 Choleric Ruling type Dominant type 2 Earth Avoiding type 3 Sanguine Socially Useful type 4 Phlegmatic Water Getting type
1 Roles: Leaders Producers Builders 2 Roles: Artists Musicians Inventors Philosophers Doctors 3 actor salesman speaker 4 Roles: Diplomat Accountant Teacher Technician
1 Strengths ambitious passionate Leader-like focused efficient practical good at planning good at problem solving confident motivating a delegator usually right great in an emergency 2 Strengths thoughtful considerate cautious organized an excessive planner schedule oriented detailed highly creative in poetry, art and invention independent good at preventing problems 3 Strengths sociable charismatic outgoing confident warm-hearted pleasant lively optimislic a fun lover spontaneous a preventer of dull moments a quick apologizer an easy friend maker 4 Strengths relaxed quiet and calm contenl with themselves kind consislent a steady and faithful friend accepting affectionate diplomatic peacemaking rational curious observant an easy friend maker
1 Weaknesses agressive domineering inflexible impatient rude and tactless argumentative unable to relax uncomfonable around emotion Low on empathy discouraged by failures too busy for people intolerant a leader who demands loyalty 2 Weaknesses obsessive too cautious prone to depression prone to moodiness per1ectionistic pessimistic difficult to please deeply aflected by tragedy a person with tunnel vision sometimes a procrastinator discontent with themselves and others prone to play the martyr 3 Weaknesses impulsive chronical|y late shamless forgetful a compulsive talker too loud sometimes too happy dislractible not interested in following through with tasks that are boring self-absorbed an exaggerator someone who appears unauthentic 4 Weaknesses sometimes shy fearful of change prone to laziness stubborn passive-agressive indecisive permissive not goal oriented unenthusiastic too compromising undisciplined sarcastic discouraging non-participative (passive)
analog clock with 12 hours
formula: hour modulo five
the same pattern is used in the christian cross: fire (the devil) is pushed away to the bottom (south),
water and air (left and right) seek closeness to earth (the earth goddess, mother earth)
in alchi, we use this pattern in the tenscross
hour 6
6 modulo 5 = element 1
hour 12
12 modulo 5 = element 2
hour 3
3 modulo 5 = element 3
hour 9
9 modulo 5 = element 4

translation between inner values and outer values:

sense = inner age.
move = inner gender.

Hans Eysenck:
extravert = young inside.
introvert = old inside.
neurotic = female inside.
psychotic = male inside.

top half of body, inner age
13 24
Fire + Air Earth + Water
Red + Yellow = Orange Green + Blue = Turquoise
extrasense introsense
sensor, strong sensor, sensitive memor, weak sensor, deaf and blind
strong short-term memory strong long-term memory
emotional, warm rational, cold
improviser, artist routine worker
careless, lightheaded, leichtsinnig serious, focused, striving, zielstrebig, tiefsinnig
cat, selfish, playful dog, loyal, reliable
"life is a game of luck" "life is a waiting game"
"i want to solve this here and now" "time will heal all wounds"
Design thinking via google re:work → Guide: Practice innovation with design thinking
scientists, designers, developers, researchers architects, producers, maintainers, managers, administrators
problem-focused thinking solution-focused thinking
non-linear process linear process
In the creation of new design proposals, designers have to infer possible solutions from the available problem information, their experience, and the use of non-deductive modes of thinking such as the use of analogies. This has been interpreted as a form of Peirce's abductive reasoning, called innovative abduction.
Convergent thinking aims for zooming and focusing on the different proposals to select the best choice, which permits continuation of the design thinking process to achieve the final goals. To achieve divergent thinking, it may be important to have a diverse group of people involved in the process. Design teams typically begin with a structured brainstorming process of "thinking outside the box."
Vertical thinking is a type of approach to problems that usually involves one being selective, analytical, and sequential. vertical thinking consists of using more of a conscious approach via rational assessment in order to take in information or make decisions. This type of thinking encourages individuals to employ a sequential approach to solving problem where a creative and multidirectional response are seen as imprudent ("childish", "chaotic", "crazy idea", "dirty", "wild theory", "impulsive", "emotional", "irrational"). Vertical thinkers prefer to rely on external data and facts in order avoid failure or counterfactual thinking. the intention of vertical thinking is to derive a single compelling answer to a problem (monotheism: "there is only ONE god", monogamy: "i need only ONE partner"). the answer acquired through vertical thinking is often seen as the "most correct" (perfectionism) stability, maturity, Limit levels of anger and aggression (pacifism, peace, order), success in school and work (discipline, patience). create a solution that demonstrates the "depth of knowledge" (professionalism, specialization). The depth of knowledge in an elucidation predominantly reflects how well the individual can construct a logical justification for their solution with regards to detail. (many problems, one solution) Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious. It involves ideas that may not be obtainable using only traditional step-by-step logic.[1] Considered pseudo-science by some,[2] the term was first used in 1967 by Maltese psychologist Edward de Bono in his book The Use of Lateral Thinking. using added intuition, risk taking, and imagination through unconscious and subconscious processes. the use of lateral thinking creates a solution where the "breadth of knowledge" is exhibited. breadth of knowledge would express how well the individual can come up with a VARIETY of solutions (quantity) for the same problem. (one problem, many solutions)
Systems thinking
thinking in wholes and relationships

Systems theory
(need for results. need for clear decisions. need for order.)
the solutions formed through vertical thinking is a finite process. By basing the outcome on existing knowledge (rather than expending the depths of your creativity in forming a solution) there are generally only a few possible answers within logical limitations.
Hence, the number of solutions are viewed as finite and in most cases are only limited to one.
There are five attributes that Google believes contribute to the development and use of new ideas:
Shared vision - Make sure everyone knows where the organization is heading.
Autonomy - Allow employees to define their own work as much as possible.
Intrinsic motivation - Hire naturally curious people who like to learn.
Risk-taking - Enable employees to feel psychologically safe to take risks and try new ideas.
Connection & collaboration - Make it easy for employees to find partners and work together.
when making fotos ...
make 1000 fotos in many situations, then select the 10 most "interesting" fotos, which are representative of a certain situation, or which remind of a certain problem. delete 90 "boring" fotos (too happy, too many smiles). (bad conscious. memory has negative charge. learn from mistakes. avoid mistakes.) make 10 fotos only in "good" situations. shoot a foto only when people are smiling. delete fotos when people are not smiling. keep only the "positive" images, to reinforce positive memories. (good conscious. memory has positive charge. past is positive. history is positive. learn from success. repeat solutions.)
Google Project Aristotle: the perfect team, team composition, group norms
google re:work
hunters gatherers
guts ("masculine" in traditional alchemy) fear ("feminine" in traditional alchemy)
research, development production
risk security
generalists, amateurs specialists, experts
free-flowing, playful serious-minded
risk seeking
strong enough to solve new problems
taking risk can create new problems
fear of loss
hold on to status quo
over controlling
micro managing
helicopter parenting
The team is evenly divided between successful executives and middle managers with few professional accomplishments. Teammates jump in and out of discussions. People interject and complete one another's thoughts. When a team member abruptly changes the topic, the rest of the group follows him off the agenda. At the end of the meeting, the meeting doesn't actually end: Everyone sits around to gossip and talk about their lives. The team is composed of people who are all exceptionally smart and successful. When you watch a video of this group working, you see professionals who wait until a topic arises in which they are expert, and then they speak at length, explaining what the group ought to do. When someone makes a side comment, the speaker stops, reminds everyone of the agenda and pushes the meeting back on track. This team is efficient. There is no idle chitchat or long debates. The meeting ends as scheduled and disbands so everyone can get back to their desks.
On this team, people may speak over one another, go on tangents and socialize instead of remaining focused on the agenda. The team may seem inefficient to a casual observer. But all the team members speak as much as they need to. They are sensitive to one another's moods and share personal stories and emotions. While Team B might not contain as many individual stars, the sum will be greater than its parts. This team may be filled with smart people, all optimized for peak individual efficiency. But the group's norms discourage equal speaking; there are few exchanges of the kind of personal information that lets teammates pick up on what people are feeling or leaving unsaid. There's a good chance the members of the team will continue to act like individuals [selfish, strong borders] once they come together, and there's little to suggest that, as a group, they will become more collectively intelligent.
conversational turn-taking
average social sensitivity
psychological safety: shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking
confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject or punish someone for speaking up
interpersonal trust and mutual respect in which people are comfortable being themselves
a team leader is direct and straightforward, which creates a safe space to take risks
enthusiasm for one another's ideas, joking around and having fun: allows everyone to feel relaxed and energized
dialog bonds
take turns during a conversation
listen to one another
emotional conversations
also openly talk about private problems
low separation between "work" and "life"
be open and honest at work
no one must put-on a "work face" when they get to the office
no one must leave part of their personality and inner life at home
we can be free enough to share the things that scare us WITHOUT FEAR of punishment [bad consciousness, explicitly talk about problems]
we can talk about what is messy or sad
we can have hard conversations with colleagues who are driving us crazy
work is more than just labor
we can talk about negative feelings
members listen to one another and show sensitivity to feelings and needs
we can talk about our insecurities, fears and aspirations in constructive ways
the usefulness of imperfection
feelings [soft limits] are worth paying attention to
emotional interactions
complicated conversations and discussions of who we want to be and how our teammates make us feel
use jokes to defuse tensions
fights over leadership
tendency to critique
monolog bonds
greed for profit
focus on efficiency
greed for harmony
ignore problems
Hans Eysenck:
Extravert Introvert
seek friends. friends or partners are more important than parents or kids. liberal / tolerant as parents, kids should have many friends seek family. blood relatives [parents and kids] are more important than friends or partners. intolerant as parents, kids should have few friends
solve problems. find problems and change them repeat solutions. find solutions and repeat them
rich, seek quality, want to survive better poor, seek quantity, concerned with survival, what does not kill me makes me stronger
open minded confirm bias
cognitive dissonance
circular logic
own will
other will
good taste bad taste
strong top weak top
strong opinions weak opinions
honest polite
invasive defensive
team red = attack team blue = defend
classical element:
fire or air
odd numbers
earth or water
even numbers
orange turquoise
red + yellow green + blue
translation to outside values:
young inside, childish old inside, mature
mentally young mentally old
son inside [1]
daughter inside [3]
mother inside [2]
father inside [4]
all solutions are equal
good things are feelings
feelings are good
values of solutions change quickly
short-term memory holds positive objects
forget friends
all problems are equal
bad things are feelings
feelings are bad
values of problems change quickly
short-term memory holds negative objects
forget enemies
clear hierarchy of problems
bad things are conscious
consciousness is bad
values of problems change slowly
long-term memory holds negative objects
remember enemies
clear hierarchy of solutions
good things are conscious
consciousness is good
values of solutions change slowly
long-term memory holds positive objects
remember friends
nonlinear, chaotic: avoid known errors, regret for mistakes, deviate from old bad behavior, punish bad behavior, "behavioral inhibition system (BIS)", clearly recognize bad things linear, orderly: repeat known solutions, greed for profit, reinforce good behavior, reward good behavior, "behavioral activation system (BAS)", clearly recognize good things
low anxiety high anxiety, high death-anxiety, high fear of death, materialistic, video: Humanity at the Crossroads | Sheldon Solomon | TEDxSkidmoreCollege, money and status are symbols for security, want to live long, seek the eternal life, life is a waiting game, play on time, patience, time will heal all wounds, time will solve all problems = "the future" will solve all problems = "the next generation" will solve all problems = "kids" (fire and air) will solve all problems, driven by fear, activated by fear, motivated by fear, defensive, survival
pioneers, creators, curiosity, take risks, start new projects, radical farmers, maintainers, patience, optimize old ways
free will, autonomous, leaders, independent, rebellious, deviant, low conscientiousness discipline, high conscientiousness, obedience, compliance in crime, trust in authority (elders, experience, other specialists)
Raymond Loewy, industrial design. humans are torn between two opposing forces: neophilia, a love of new things; and neophobia; a fear of anything that's too new. Hits live at the perfect intersection of novelty and familiarity. They are familiar surprises.
neophilia, love for news neophobia, fear of news
Big Five personality traits
uses three domains to measure sense (13/24), because in sense, most people are balanced.
balanced sense is caused by same-age groups in normal education.
High Openness Low Openness
High Extroversion Low Extroversion
Low Conscientiousness, bad consciousness, long-term memory has negative bias, recognize bad things (feel good things, diffuse hopes) High Conscientiousness, good consciousness, long-term memory has positive bias, recognize good things (feel bad things, diffuse fears),
NERIS model, big five + mbti + david keirsey
Identity was added to mbti as fifth domain. as in big five, this should measure sense (13/24), because in sense, most people are balanced.
balanced sense is caused by same-age groups in normal education.
Strategy = Identity x Mind = 13/24 x 14/23 = 1234.
neris-mind = move = 14/23 = mbti-introvert/mbti-extravert.
Turbulent Assertive
dynamic, doubt, hesitate, insecure stable, confident, strong ego
think a lot about their regrets (bad consciousness, avoid mistakes, thinking about their past actions or choices) feel confident facing day-to-day difficulties (good consciousness, repeat successes, aim for goals)
few problems create many solutions few solutions solve many problems
eager to improve, become better, notice little problems, sensitivity to potential problems past is good, past is protected, past is static, past is frozen, what's done is done, no way back
four humors, Galen Of Pergamon:
hot, early response cold, late response
choleric type [1]
sanguine type [3]
melancholic type [2]
phlegmatic type [4]
body shape:
broad top long top
divergent top convergent top
circular paradigm (archive) (via Noam Chomsky).
all must fight for and earn their wealth/life
risk tolerance
"safety net"
minimum wage
risk aversion
political spectrum, Hans Eysenck, economic scale of political compass, primary scale in english cultures:
left, radical, liberal? right, moderate, conservative
republican? democratic?
veto vote, deviants [?] majority vote, peer pressure [?]
open mind narrow mind
naturalism constructivism
essentialism empirism
feeling, youth, dementia experience, age, memory
prefer physical health = strong body prefer mental health = good reputation
greed: want success in this life patience: time can heal all wounds, time is a healer
start relations, optimist? end relations, pessimist?
artist, Gestalter, creator, improviser manager, Verwalter, bureaucrat, secretary, routine worker
gift economy
exchange economy
some rights are given by nature, human rights, constitution, fundamental rights, axioms, basic income, equal opportunity, soft limits nothing is given by nature, every right must be earned, equal outcome, hierarchy, status, materialism, possession, property, hard limits
seek legitimate order, criminal seek legal order, conformist
content, inner values [sense and move], discriminate by sensorics and motorics rhetoric, sophistic, sheepskin, shallow, superficial, materialistic, outer values [age and gender], discriminate with ageism and sexism [mothers raise kids, fathers go to work]
evolution creation
natural order: talents are predetermined tabula rasa: all are born empty
predetermination, destiny, fate opportunism, work hard and become anything
mammal brain reptile brain
left hand right hand
right brain left brain
complex world view, wholistic simple mind, black/white
deviants conformists
question answer, responsible
impulsive reactive, reactionary
MBTI position 2:
Ntuition/Ntuiting Sensing
see possibilities, open mind, deviate, take risks, creative, sensitive, receive, interpret, associate, imagine, discover, large steps, quick insights, variate, see general principles, [prescriptive], active, [aggressive], complex joys, rich, individualist, [liberal], [radical], bring change to outside world, short sight, improvise, broad interest, seek new information, decide later, independent, [autonom], academics, "intelligent", quick to understand, strong presence, understand symbols, see context, idealist, abstract, critical, high standards, [follow first guess] see actualities, repeat, routine worker, weak presence, distant, experience over feelings, concrete, realist, small steps, avoid symbols, focussed, direct, weak association, precise, [convergent], solid, tradition, facts, loyalty, passive, accept world as is, bring change to inside, adapt, simple joys, relax, poor, content, low standards, persist, patient, descriptive, conformist, narrow mind, decide early, far sight, focussed, slow to translate/learn, [ignore first guess], addicted, need security, knowledge over sensation, strong memory, strong long-term memory, hard to distract, explicit
MBTI position 4:
Perceiving Judging
ask questions, open mind, sensitive, understand, learn, active, strong presence, flexible, curious, observe, decide later, avoid judgement, avoid conclusions, starter, spontan, subconscious, easy to distract, interrupt routine easily, wait for more information, seek news, tolerant for chaos, take risks, allow multiple valid views, adapting, learning, neutral, improvise, live the moment, broad interest, experience everything give answers, recognize, stong memory, narrow mind, advisor, author, patient, hard to distract, decide early, quick to judge, finish work, settle matters, prejudice, consistent, order, plans, programs, schedules, long range plans, decide in advance, conformist, organize, enforce rules, strong settled opinions, one sided, stubborn, routine worker, quick response, ready witted, control, choices are definite and hard to change, want to be right, health type:
Activator Diplomat, flow profile:
Hard Charger [1]
Crowd Pleaser [3]
Flow Goer [2]
Deep Thinker [4]
Hans Eysenck, Political Spectrum:
radical conservative
communist [1]
socialist [3]
capitalist [2]
fascist [4]
Political Spectrum § Milton Rokeach, equality scale:
high equality low equality
Lenin-Communism [1]
Socialism [3]
Goldwater-Capitalism [2]
Hitler-Nazism [4]
political spectrum, David Nolan, Nolan Chart, personal scale:
personal freedom, open minded, research personal control, narrow minded, reproduction
Liberals [1]
Libertarians [3]
Conservatives [2]
Authoritarians [4]
style of magic, left or right hand, Blavatsky, Crowley:
Left Hand Path
black magic
devil worship, self worship, eigen value
evil rule + good exception
break taboos, breaking the law
alternative, unorthodox, dissident, nonconformist, moral relativism, anti-religious, antinomy, heretics, opposition, rebellion, escape, liberal, antisocial
egoist, voluntary, selfish, Self-Deification, criminal
satanism, dark, mundane, flesh, strong sex drive, polyamory, many friends
high risk, danger, greed, fast results, high expectations
Right Hand Path
white magic
god worship, outside worship, other value
good rule + evil exception
follow rules
respect authority
altruist, masochist, ascetic
lazy, passive meditation
secure, low risk, patience, low expectations, slow results, weak sex drive, monogamy, marriage, one friend
learning styles, David Kolb (1984):
testing, doing reflecting, watching
active experimentation
planning, applying knowledge and observing reactions
reflective observation
reviewing, reflecting on experience, compare experience and knowledge [sensory vs memory]

move TODO introduce

bottom half of body
inner gender
14 23
fire or water earth or air
Red or Blue Green or Yellow
male inside, masculine female inside, feminine
long bottom broad bottom
weak bottom strong bottom
strong mind + weak body strong body + weak mind
strong self-control, save money weak self-control, waste money
let produce kids produce kids
child-bearing hips
Hans Eysenck:
Psychotic Neurotic
purple lime
red + blue green + yellow
translation to outside values:
son inside
father inside
mother inside
daughter inside
fine motor skills gross motor skills
loner, work alone, solve problems alone, strange, antisocial, minority, oligotics, zoon oligoticon, alien, stranger, outsider, foreigner, hermit, deviant, author social, work with others, seek others for help, popular, majority, politics, zoon politicon, polis, citizen, attached, follower, person
researcher, scientist, nominator, few strong words teacher, story teller, many weak words
Big Five personality traits:
High Conscientiousness Low Conscientiousness
Low Neuroticism High Neuroticism
MBTI position 1:
Introversion Extraversion
mysterious, focussed, patient, endurance, create lasting value, linear, pause before action, quick to judge, silent, few strong words, need security, distant, detached, cautious, rational, serious, passive, [weak body and strong mind], "eastern view", spiritual, think first and maybe talk later, reserved vocal, loud voice, avoid to judge, emotional, "western view", materialistic, [strong body and weak mind], take risks, forgetful, accessible, talkative, interactive, playful, many weak words, worldly, needs experience, thinking while talking, [poor self control/discipline]
MBTI position 3:
Thinking Feeling
things orientation, task orientation, objective, passive, precise, need security [weak body], relate to objects, logical, analytical, honest [not afraid of big issues], critical, distant, [hostile], brief [few strong words], explicit, speak the hard truth, likes to hit the nail on the head, linear, understand and solve problems, work alone, strong contrast, black white thinking, hard limits, authoritarian, [strong mind = mind leader], boring, cold people orientation, relate to humans, subjective, personal, soft limits, social, democratic, work in groups, take risks [strong body], active, interactive, emotional, see hidden motives, implicit, many weak words, circumscribe issues, tender heart, personally offended, polite, seek harmony, conformist, friendly, [weak mind = mind follower]
four humors, variant SMCP, Hippocrates, Kant:
wet, short-lived response
sanguine and phlegmatic
dry, sustained response
melancholic and choleric, flow profile:
Hard Charger [1]
Deep Thinker [4]
Flow Goer [2]
Crowd Pleaser [3]
loner, work alone social, work in groups/teams
silent, quiet voice talkative, loud voice, singer, corpus
things/task orientation people/person orientation
objective subjective
Political Spectrum § Hans Eysenck, social scale of political compass, primary scale in arabic cultures:
authoritarian, elitist, Tough-Minded, militarism, harsh punishment, easier divorce laws, companionate marriage [loners] democratic, libertarian, Tender-Minded, pacifism, racial equality, religious education, pro life
communist [1]
fascist [4]
capitalist [2]
socialist [3]
Power, tough-minded, dominance, control, cynicism tender-minded, empathy
Political Spectrum § Milton Rokeach, freedom scale:
low freedom high freedom
Lenin-Communism [1]
Hitler-Nazism [4]
Goldwater-Capitalism [2]
Socialism [3]
political spectrum, David Nolan, Nolan Chart, economic scale:
economic security/regulation, minimum wage, [welfare state], [high tax], [eat the rich] economic freedom, free markets, free trade, private property under free enterprise, low tax
Conservatives [1]
Authoritarians [4]
Liberals [2]
Libertarians [3]
learning styles, David Kolb (1984):
conceptualize, thinking experience, feeling
abstract conceptualization
concluding, learning from experience, find new knowledge, modify old knowledge
concrete experience
doing, having the experience, explore new situation
anti social social
work alone work in groups
multi tasking? single tasking?

what does the map tell us?
the map shows "humans and their relations".
the map can answer the question:
what humans are "naturally close" to me?
and what humans are "naturally distant" to me?
in short, who are my friends, and who are my strangers?

the hardest question is: who is who?
more precise: who does embody what "inner values"?
the good news is: inner values can be seen or measured.
the bad news is: inner values can be hidden or ignored.

how can we see inner values?
two ways:
1. from absolute signs.
2. from relative signs.

with "absolute" we mean: isolated, alone, no relations with other humans.
with "relative" we mean: connected, bound, in relations with other humans.

what are absolute signs of inner values?
1a. the "long or broad" test.
1b. the "william sheldon" test.

what are relative signs of inner values?
"tell me who your friends are,
and i tell you, who you are."
for this way, we must know the inner values of other people,
so we can observe "closeness or distance" relative to our test person.

body type and mate choice.
we use body type to predict mate choice.

mate choice and body type.
and we use mate choice to predict body type.

our system is dualistic by design.
we do not separate psychology and sociology
into two separate sciences,
but we treat psychology and sociology
as two sides of one coin, called mental chemistry, or alchemy.

static and dynamic.
the properties gender and move are static, or absolute.
the properties age and sense are dynamic, or relative.
relative properties are "secondary" as in,
only a "reaction" to static/absolute/primary properties.
static properties tell us "who is this?"
and dynamic properties tell us
"how does he react to his static properties?"
"how does he cope with his absolute values?"
extravert sense is proud of its own move.
introvert sense is ashamed [TODO better word] of its own move.
1 = fire = extravert psychotic = smart and proud of it.
2 = earth = introvert neurotic = strong but ashamed of it.
3 = air = extravert neurotic = strong and proud of it.
4 = water = introvert psychotic = smart but ashamed of it.

two classes: vagotonic and sympatonic. [vagotonia and sympatheticotonia = parasympathetic and sympathetic (nervous system bias)]
"class" is a "secondary" value, or "virtual" property.
we get class by multiplication of move and sense.
to every value, we give the signs plus and minus.
+ = extravert sense
- = introvert sense
+ = neurotic move = "extravert" move [carl jung]
- = psychotic move = "introvert" move [carl jung]
now we multiply the signs, and we see:
fire and earth have the same product = same class,
and air and water have the same product = same class.
we call these products ....

class = diagonal in a (sense x move) square.

fire + earth air + water
1 + 2 3 + 4
low numbers high numbers
vagus-nerve tension
preference for the paraSympathetic nervous system (PN)
paraSympathetic nervous system (PN) is stronger
preference for the sympathetic nervous system (SN)
sympathetic nervous system (SN) is stronger
parasympathetic sympathetic
relaxed stimulated
calm excited
low cortisol? calm. low Pen score. docile. approachable. acclimated. reach puberty sooner. high pregnancy rates. high cortisol? excitable. high Pen score. wild. volatile. aggressive. non-acclimated. reach puberty later. reduced pregnancy rates. (blood cortisol concentrations are greater in temperamental cattle compared to calm cattle, decreased feed intake) reduced growth rates, reduced carcass traits, reduced immune function. greater peripheral blood concentrations of the adrenal gland derived stress-related hormones cortisol and epinephrine. Cortisol stimulates the production of glucose and stimulates the breakdown of muscle protein. Epinephrine (adrenaline) increases plasma concentration of glucose and non-esterified fatty acids by stimulating the breakdown of glycogen and triglycerides. yield less tender carcasses. less fat stores (marbling, indicative of a negative effect on quality grade). lymphocytes produce less antibodies. white blood cells have less bactericidal activity (from 24 hours to 6-to-9 days post-weaning) which may make these calves more susceptible to pathogenic bacteria.
late response, wait for better solutions, patient, many reasons, convergent, order, "perceiving", keep observing, deliberate, considered early response, jump to conclusions, greedy, few reasons, divergent, chaos, prejudices, "judging", act early, impulsive, careless
passive, lazy, depressed active, industrial, eager, manic
low blood pressure high blood pressure
little sweating? [dry humor] much sweating? [moist humor]
rest and digest fight and flight
location: craniosacral = cranial nerves + vagus nerve? location: thoracolumbar
naturally relaxed, inhibited, cool-headed ("blue", old color for Republicans, Federalists, rational, cold-hearted, "antisocial"), even-tempered, calm, peaceful, tranquil, prudent, composed, level-headed, unflappable naturally stimulated, nervous, impulsive, hot-headed ("red", old color for Democrats, Socialists), quick-tempered, hot-tempered, hot-blooded, passionate, easily provoked, excitable, volatile, explosive, short-fused, touchy, impetuous, rash
late response quick response
hostile, unfriendly, disagreeable, DE: unsympathisch, high standards, critical, picky, choosy, choosey, selective, exclusive, cherry picking (take only the best), DE: wählerisch (heikel, hoaklig), discriminating, dislikable, uncongenial, disgenial (seek division), few friends, selfish, individualistic, independent (balanced when alone) friendly, agreeable, DE: sympathisch, sympathic, sympathetic, likable, nice, congenial (seek harmony, union, compromise), low standards, many friends, altruistic, dependent (extreme when alone)
task focus, deviants, "leaders" people focus, conformists, "followers"
pro choice? pro life?
paradox: their nature is chaotic (natural chaos, born chaotic), so they seek "made order" (dress colors: red and green). their nature is "red" and they seek "blue" to relax, calm, chill. paradox: their nature is ordered (natural order, born ordered), so they seek "made chaos" (dress colors: blue and yellow). their nature is "blue" and they seek "red" to drive, push, activate.
blue lodges, blue Masonry: Blue is the fundamental colour of ancient, free and accepted masonry, or that branch of speculative freemasonry commonly called craft freemasonry and meeting in what are known as blue lodges. Blue is the fundamental colour because, as a symbol of universal friendship and benevolence, it is intended to remind every brother that in his breast these virtues should be equally extensive. The degrees of craft freemasonry are the basis of speculative freemasonry and are a prerequisite for membership of all branches of freemasonry. BLUE: represents the blue vault or canopy of heaven; universally it denotes immortality, eternity, chastity, and fidelity. While the pale blue represents prudence and goodness, royal blue represents prudence and goodness alone and replaced red at the Court in the Middle Ages when that colour was given to the lower' classes. The colour blue became associated with the terms of prestige such as blue chip' and blue blood.' In the Holy Bible we read of white, green and blue hangings fastened with cords of fine linen and purple, and, thou shall make the robe of the ephod all of blue. The ancient Jews considered blue a chief religious colour and the High Priest wore a blue robe, as well as oaths being taken on a blue altar. red lodges, Red Masonry: Royal Arch Chapter red is an ancient symbol of fervency and zeal, which is one of the core teachings of the Royal Arch and its associated degrees. RED: crimson or scarlet is considered the symbol of fire and heat and traditionally associated with war and the military [fight/rage and flight]. The colour of blood is connected with the idea of sacrifice, struggle and heroism. It signifies charity, devotion, abnegation. In Masonry, it is the emblem of faith, fortitude, fervency and zeal. On a darker side it is connected with the flames of hell, appearance of demons and the apoplectic face of rage. Red, scarlet and crimson are also shown to signify love, magnanimity as well as that of martyrdom.
blue lodges = the Craft Lodges = the initial 3 degrees of Masonry (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason) = basic knowledge. Craft Freemasonry, the core part of Freemasonry. foundation of Freemasonry. purity. heaven. blue sky. blue is emblematic of the universal friendship and benevolence, instructing us that in the mind of a Mason those virtues should be as extensive as the blue arch of heaven itself. The Blue Lodge is so named in reference to the metatron, Michael. Blue is the Blood of Knowledge'. Blue-grey is also the reference to Sirius. red lodges = appendant degrees of Masonry. most common: Scottish Rite, York Rite, The Shriners
blue blood = nobility, noble (DE: adel, edel), upper class, "vampires", "bloodsuckers" red blood = lower class
YELLOW: While this colour is rarely observed in a lodge room, it has been said to be a symbol of wisdom. As the rays of the sun enlighten the day, the candidate in the F.C. Degree is enlightened educationally, because in this degree we, for the first time, instruct the Mason in the Science of Art. It represents both the best and the worst in man; the colour of brass and honey as well as sulphur and cowardice. It reflects on the golden age, golden apples and the quality of the Golden Fleece. It was the colour of the patch imposed on the Jews and referred to as the Badge of Infamy. It reminds us of the sun and of gold. Yellow and gold, as well as silver, is said to have been used in Freemasonry since gold is the symbol of the sun [element air, yellow] while silver is that of the moon [element water, blue]. Universally, yellow represents jealousy, incontinence and treachery, although in masonry it is said to represent the colour of gold and its meaning is reversed. GREEN: is directly associated with the idea of resurrection and immortality. The acacia, occasionally referred to as the Masonic evergreen, has been suggested as a symbol or a moral life and rebirth as well as immortality. The ancient Egyptians used it as a symbol of hope. It is always regarded as the symbol of gladness and abundance [plants].
The parasympathetic division functions with actions that do NOT require immediate reaction. A useful mnemonic to summarize the functions of the parasympathetic nervous system is SSLUDD (sexual arousal, salivation, lacrimation, urination, digestion, defecation). The sympathetic division typically functions in actions requiring quick responses.
The parasympathetic nervous system promotes digestion and the synthesis of glycogen. Parasympathetic action helps in digestion and absorption of food by increasing the activity of the intestinal musculature, increasing gastric secretion, and relaxing the pyloric sphincter. diminished heart rate and more variable heart rate. The main mechanism by which the parasympathetic nervous system acts on vascular and cardiac control is the so-called respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). RSA is described as the physiological and rhythmical fluctuation of heart rate at the respiration frequency, characterized by heart rate increase during inspiration and heart rate decrease during expiration. The PN plays a significant role in reproduction. erectile tissues PN uses chiefly acetylcholine (ACh) as its neurotransmitter. ACh acts on two types of receptors, the muscarinic cholinergic receptors and nicotinic cholinergic receptors. slowing down the heart rate. stimulate secretion in salivary glands and other glands of the body. naturally stimulated, "nervous"
The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of "rest-and-digest" or "feed and breed" activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, including sexual arousal, salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion, and defecation. fight and flight
constipation (over-digestion)
Satan [1] + Belial [2]
Lucifer [3] + Leviathan [4]
sedentary culture nomadic culture
few long relations, few close friends many short relations, many distant friends
military government [fire] weak government [water]
weak citizens [earth] military citizens [air]
guns are privilege [fire] guns for all [air]
drugs are privilege [fire] drugs for all [air]
regional tourism, eco tourism global tourism, exotic tourism
local self-sufficiency, grow your own, eat regional + seasonal food global trade, import exotic food from far away
anti migration pro migration
breed to stabilize one phenotype or "race", well-adapted to the local climate breed to hybridize, inter-racial breeding
stability (NI) variety (NE)
quality (NI) diversity (NE)
primitive culture, low risk, high quality high technology, high risk, high diversity
natural medicine synthetic medicine, genetic engineering, transhumanism
traditional education [earth] progressive education [air]
minority vote [fire]
majority vote [air]
majority makes poor decisions [earth] minority makes poor decisions [water]
accumulate wealth, save money distribute wealth, spend money
sexual monogamy [fire] sexual liberty, bisexual [air]
mesomorph endomorph + ectomorph = extramorph
many strong small states few weak large states
competition of states union of states
two class society, local order classless society, local chaos
hierarchy, [monolog bonds?] anarchy, [dialog bonds?]
religious, monotheism, one god [fire] atheist, polytheism, many gods [air]
low tax high tax, eat the rich
private schools public schools
private insurance/charity public insurance/welfare
exchange economy, market gift economy, steal and donate
some humans are better all humans are equal
some cultures are better all cultures are equal
practical rational [carl jung]
concrete abstract [david keirsey]
natural sciences, exact sciences, engineering sciences, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, [hard skills?], [practical training] liberal arts, literature, philosophy, psychology, humanities, social sciences, [soft skills?], [theoretical study]
cycloThymia schizoThymia [Ernst Kretschmer]
rest + digest fight + flight
depressed manic
task focus. reasons first, people second. [inductive reasoning?] people focus. people first, reasons second. rationalizations. [deductive reasoning?]
big five, NEO-PI-R
Low Agreeableness High Agreeableness
HEXACO model: Honesty-humility factor
Low Honesty-humility High Honesty-humility
Low Sincerity: manipulate others or lie to others, to achieve a desired outcome
Low Fairness: cheat or steal in order to get ahead use fraud, be corrupt, or take advantage of others. High Fairness: have integrity and behave in a manner that treats all parties fairly and equitably.
paradise on earth, protestants religious = paradise in heaven, catholics
Frankfurt School, single axis model:
authoritarian, conservative, right [12] democratic, liberal, left [34]
Carl Jung:
irrational rational
perceiving judging
David Keirsey:
concrete abstract
Ernst Kretschmer:
cycloThymia (gay/sad) schizoThymia (sensitive/cold)
rest, digest, feed, breed, sleep, passion, endurance, low blood pressure (hypotension), low heart rate (bradycardia), eyes are closed, pupils are constricted (miosis) fight, escape, wake, action, strength, high blood pressure (hypertension), high heart rate (tachycardia), eyes are open, pupils are dilated (mydriasis)
sexual multiplication, primitive culture, "parents" oral multiplication, high culture, high society, "children"
aroused, low stress tolerance relaxed, high stress tolerance
Political Spectrum:
Right?, Republicans? Left?, Democrats?
majority is memor [earth] majority is sensor [air]
politically conservative [earth] politically liberal [air]
circular paradigm (archive) (via Noam Chomsky).
small states
small groups
minority vote
"free trade" (with protectionism as "exception" → idealism, lies)
large states
large groups
safety in numbers
majority vote
Carl Jung:
antirational, irrational rational
archy, with "arkia" = introvert sense:
inner matriarchy
mater = mother = earth
inner patriarchy
pater = father = water
politics are conservative
neurotics are introvert
politics are liberal
neurotics are extravert
majority is repetitive [earth] majority is sensitive [air]
republican democratic
pro choice, anti life, pro death penalty pro life, anti choice
thanatos eros
death force (1) life force (3)
extravert is psychotic extravert is neurotic
youth is masculine [fire, son] youth is feminine [air, daughter]
age is feminine [earth, mother] age is masculine [water, father]
quality quantity
individualism collectivism
austrian school of economics, Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, ... collectivism
Narcissism, Nazism
Grandiose Narciss [1]
Vulnerable Narciss [2]
Echoism, echo chamber, groupthink
"endopsych" [1]
"ectopsych" [2]
endomorph [3]
ectomorph [4]
athletic anti-athletic
odd face pretty face
strong facial expressions poker face, very rare facial expressions
strong mimics and weak gestures strong gestures and weak mimics
talking with face .... talking with hands ....
Big Five - Agreeableness:
Low Agreeableness High Agreeableness
Fire + Earth Air + Water
Selfish, Egoistic Social, Altruistic
Transactional Leadership, maintain order, realism Transformational leadership, seek change, idealism
individualism, competition, athletic collectivism, cooperation
lone fighters, lone wolves, lone warriors team players
strong leadership [fire], directive, explicit, hard power, military interventions, rule by force weak leadership [water], soft power, nudging, civilized, political correctness, diplomacy, subliminal messaging (implicit signals, cover noise and hidden signals)
exchange economy, capitalism, hierarchy, reward or punish gift economy, socialism, equal outcome
task focus people focus
maintain order, production, efficiency, performance, fixed goals create new order, bring change, innovate, variate, adapt to new goals
strong order, few long relations weak order, many short relations, spontaneous association, spontaneous order (Friedrich Hayek)
extrinsic motivation, money, tangible rewards, short-term success intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, self-actualization, self-realization, idealism, long-term goals
dominate in predictable climates, fixed goals dominate in changeable climates, open end
Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
provide for basic needs (food, water, shelter, sleep, security), primitive culture, low culture, naturalism, hard skills, hard sciences, natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geoscience), objective, strict, precise, testable, Anarcho-primitivism [TODO?], Simple living? provide for higher needs (self-actualization, freedom), high culture, high tech, "developed" culture, soft sciences, social sciences (archaeology, cultural anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics)
Hard Science and Soft Science:
hard science, natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geoscience), objective, strict, precise, testable, extensive use of graphs soft science, social sciences (archaeology, cultural anthropology, history, psychology, [sociology], [economics], art), rapid turnover of buzzwords, pseudo science with untestable claims (Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Life after death), metaphysical, dogmatic, vague claims, unmeasurable, lack of scientific control, sublime, confusing, obscure, intransparent, no need for evidence/proof, ignorant of basic principles, eternal patience, open end, ignore results, "we will never know"
Douglas McGregor - Theory X and Theory Y:
Theory X Theory Y
importance of heightened supervision, external rewards, and penalties motivating role of job satisfaction and encourages workers to approach tasks without direct supervision
workers are lazy [2] workers are eager [3]
Transactional leadership Transformational leadership
Culture Alignment Framework (CAF) by Spencer Stuart
Results Culture [2/3 independence + 1/3 stability] [89% influence] Caring Culture [2/3 dependence + 1/3 flexibility] [63% influence]
Results Culture is characterized by achievement and winning. Work environments are outcome-oriented and merit-based places where people aspire to achieve top performance. Employees are united by a drive for capability and success; leaders emphasize goal accomplishment. Caring Culture focuses on relationships and mutual trust. Work environments are warm, collaborative, and welcoming places where people help and support one another. Employees are united by loyalty; leaders emphasize sincerity, teamwork, and positive relationships.
Open society
see also: Open Society Foundations by George Soros (M3) (master of philosophy)
closed society
small groups
natural order
paradise on earth
loyal (strong bonds)
open society
mass culture
large groups
anonymous (weak bonds)
made order (fascism, type 4)
group cohesion by technology (type 4)
social credit system
Government by algorithm
Deus ex machina
Artificial intelligence
hell on earth
organized chaos
melting pot
rationalization of overpopulation
Friedrich Nietzsche
Apollo and Dionysus
Apollo (M1)
Dionysus (M3)
Natural Order (and Made Chaos) Natural Chaos (and Made Order)
Quality Quantity
Quantity is constant
Group size is constant
Natural group size is 150 people (Robin Dunbar, Dunbar's Number)
All groups follow the same rules for internal structure
Quality is constant
Group members are equal
Homogen groups
Differences are between groups
Individuals are other-critical (Individual Narcissism)
Groups are self-critical (closed society)
Individuals are self-critical (weak alone)
Groups are other-critical (Chauvinism, Group Narcissism)
Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche, Dionysus and Apollo
Apollonian and Dionysian are terms used by Nietzsche in "The Birth of Tragedy" to designate the two central principles in Greek culture
The Apollonian, which corresponds to Schopenhauer's principium individuationis ("principle of individuation"), is the basis of all analytic distinctions. Everything that is part of the unique individuality of man or thing is Apollonian in character; all types of form or structure are Apollonian, since form serves to define or individualize that which is formed; thus, sculpture is the most Apollonian of the arts, since it relies entirely on form for its effect. Rational thought is also Apollonian since it is structured and makes distinctions. The Dionysian, which corresponds roughly to Schopenhauer's conception of Will, is directly opposed to the Apollonian. Drunkenness and madness are Dionysian because they break down a man's individual character; all forms of enthusiasm and ecstasy are Dionysian, for in such states man gives up his individuality and submerges himself in a greater whole: music is the most Dionysian of the arts, since it appeals directly to man's instinctive, chaotic emotions and not to his formally reasoning mind.
Apollo archetype (Carl Jung)
archer (sagittarius, type 1)
sun god
protector of the young (teacher, education)
prophet (oracle, active thinker, giver of laws)
healer for his friends
killer for his enemies
poet (simple but effective, summarize, wrap it up)
wants clear definitions
build walls
master morality
is drawn to master a skill
favors thinking over feeling
favors distance over closeness
favors objective assessment over subjective intuition
favors abstraction over details
Liber Pater (Free Father)
wine god
destroy walls
blurring of boundaries
break free
open sexual expression
loss of reason
loss of self-control
no limits
"we will never know for sure"
"panta rei" (everything flows)
"progress is forever"
Artemis (Greek goddess)
goddess of the hunt
goddess of ...
wild animals
chastity (sexual purity, self-control)
Diana (Roman goddess)
goddess of the countryside
Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games
TODO F3 goddess? twin-sister of dionysus/bacchus?
Albert Einstein
genius knows its limits (and the limits of others) idiots know no limits (not its own limits, and not the limits of others)
High trust and low trust societies
High Trust Society
Asking for consent
Mutual consent
Separation of enemies
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies at distance" (logical, symmetric, simple)
Low Trust Society
Rape culture
Dog eat dog society
Homo homini lupus (man is a wolf to other men)
Secret Politics
Enemies are everywhere (paranoia, distrust)
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" (Niccolo Machiavelli) (paradox, anti-logical, complex)
"Perfection is boring"
High-trust societies display a high degree of mutual trust not imposed by outside "contractual, legal or hierarchical regulation", but instead are based upon "prior moral consensus".

Much writing on the subject refers to Francis Fukuyama's 1995 book, Trust: Social Virtues and Creation of Prosperity, in which he describes "the ability of various peoples to organize effectively for commercial purposes without relying on blood ties or government intervention".

respect for private property rights
a trusted civil court system
democratic voting
acceptance of electoral outcomes
voluntary tax payment
mostly kinship-based [family over friends, conservative]
difficulty in forming and maintaining corporate structures [blind for order]
linear-active cultures (type 2)
following a daily schedule with a single task at a time
multi-active cultures (type 3)
flexible schedules with many tasks at once
often in an unplanned order
voluntary altruism
true altruism
forced altruism
fake altruism
as posted on reddit:
> what is supposed to be fascist isn't decided by logic

in the end its always humans who decide or define, so its not WHAT you believe but WHO you trust

my definition of fascism? here are some points : P

* organized in large groups (over 150 people)
* large companies
* high agreeableness (big five)
* rationalism (carl jung) (not "antirationalism")
* caring culture (CAF cultural alignment framework) (not "results culture")
* transformational leadership style (workers are naturally eager and only need "soft power" to push them to the right direction, workers need little external motivation)
* long distance relations and dependencies ("oil from africa")
* open borders (large empires)
* weak communities (anti "communism", but rarely under the explicit name of anti-communism)
* melting pot (not cultural mosaic)
* prohibition of serial murder (and compensation with mass murder every 100 years)
* pro life attitude
* collectivism (equal outcome, superficial equality, differences are hidden, caste system, compartments, "no need to know")
* weak individuals with a strong dependency on others (anti-egoist, anti-narciss)
* many weak friends and only one good friend (monism, monotheism, only one god, only one ideal partner, monogamy)
* integrationism and anti-separatism (circular paradigm)
* wet humor (humorology)
* seek compromise
* want to attract many people under a low standard (sacrifice qualitiy to gain quantity)
* want to enforce the same man-made rules on a large territory, so "their people" can travel freely (more nomadic than sedentary, born "refugees" and "migrants")
* expect that words have one universal definition, and when you ask them "what exactly do YOU mean by the word x" then they tell you to "just look it up in the dictionary" (implying that you are stupid, cos you dont know the official definition)
* hunt small criminals as scapegoats for their organized crime (white collar crimes)
* project everything bad to individuals, who then are punished, so the collective is cleansed of the "dirt"
* psychology is used to critizise individuals
* real sociology (in the sense of "critizise the majority") is sabotaged or censored
* majority vote (but how exactly are these majorities generated and manipulated? and who will count the votes?) (again, superficial liberalism to fool the stupid masses)
* overrate education (indoctrination to pacifism)
* forced pacifism, anti nature, equal outcome: the strong are made weak, and the weak are made strong (at least inside the compartments, to create homogen groups)
* underrate "natural order" (believe that all are born equal, believe that criminals and wrongthinkers can be cured by "exorcism" and re-education)
* seek a paradise in heaven, high culture, anti primitive, high tech
* fascinated by astronomy (or airplanes)
* superficial liberalism (neo-liberalism, recruiting oppressed groups for class struggle)
* hidden conservatism ("this 5000 year old prophecy says we must do this")
* shadowbanning, "the wall of silence", have critics "silenced" (or murdered) = hidden conservatism
* leaders cultivate an image of modesty and "arrogant kings deserve to die" (justum necare reges impios)
* tend to wear dresses in uniform color (upper and lower body have the same color)


test "long or broad" shows element = inner values:
with one hand, make a ring with thumb and ring-finger.
with this ring, encircle the wrist-joint of the other hand.
three possible answers:

3 4
fire or earth
air water
same size
of fingers and joint
broad joint
short fingers
long fingers
slim joint
thumb and ring-finger exactly touch
thumb and ring-finger do not touch, with a distance of 2 centimeter thumb and ring-finger easily overlap, for 2 centimeter
endomorph ectomorph
diet + energy ratios
Zone Diet = 40:30:30
Low Carb Diet = 25:20:55
Low Carb High Fat Diet = LCHF Diet
High Carb Diet = 60:20:20
High Carb Low Fat Diet = HCLF Diet
diet, macronutrient energy ratios, Carbs : Protein : Fat, Cal = Calories, total 100 Calories
C 40 Cal
P 30 Cal
F 30 Cal
C 25 Cal
P 35 Cal
F 40 Cal
C 55 Cal
P 25 Cal
F 20 Cal
diet, macronutrient mass ratios, Carbs : Protein : Fat, Gr = Grams, total 100 Grams
C 48 Gr
P 36 Gr
F 16 Gr
C 32 Gr
P 45 Gr
F 23 Gr
C 62 Gr
P 28 Gr
F 10 Gr

every point on the map has six next-ones [peers, neighbors].
with these six, one is "naturally compatible", either with dialog bond or monolog bond.
in a dialog bond, both can switch roles between "sender" and "receiver".
in a monolog bond, one is always sender, and the other is always receiver.
pallas sign = key of seven = one self plus six next-ones.

test of "body hair" shows element.

1 2 3 4
fire earth air water
bald top
hairy bottom
hairy top
bald bottom
bald top
bald bottom
hairy top
hairy bottom

the natural seat-order.
the holy seating order.
the healing seat order.
the alchemist his friendmap.

i have a small megalo-mania, and i hope:
my plan is valid for all people.

[TODO gültig, hilfreich: valid, effective, good, working, helpful]

element and modality.
(old name for modality was "pathos", but we prefer to re-use the name from astrology, which is modality.)
every element can play two "sides", two "play types", two "pathos types".
the element describes the center, average, balance, mutable modality in the zodiac system.
the pathos describes the exception, deviation, temporary imbalance, cardinal modality or fixed modality in the zodiac system.
who can play what?
the play type always has "diff class".
vagotonics (fire and earth) can play sympatonics (air and water).
sympatonics (air and water) can play vagotonics (fire and earth).
every element can never play his opposite element:
fire can never play earth.
earth can never play fire.
air can never play water.
water can never play air.

translation to the zodiac system.
four elements = the four signs with mutable modality.
vagotonics (1 + 2) are single / singular / individual.
sympatonics (3 + 4) are multiple / plural / collective.

1 2 3 4
mutable fire mutable earth mutable air mutable water
sagittarius virgo gemini pisces
archer virgin twins fishes

flusskreis und spannkreuz.
flow-loop and tens-cross.
every point is an intersection point
of one flowloop and one tenscross.
see the "pallas" sign = key of seven.
in every amploop, next ones communicate via monolog, and diagonals talk in dialog.

circular solutions versus linear solutions. circular solutions use pooling of resources: we collect a group of people into one place .... TODO

TODO fill this with some helpful text
so our users can understand our project faster
and need to spend less brain-warping
in their course of learning.
