alchi/english/fragments/ideological-subversion/Yuri Bezmenov - Deutsch.1EC...

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understand what's going on around you
you are in a state of war and you have
little time to save yourself is a slow
which we call active measures what
matters is essentials
economy foreign relations defense
with a violent change of power structure
and economy period of normalization
this is what will happen in the united
states if you allow all these schmucks
to put a big brother government
in washington dc who will promise lots
of things
never mind whether the promises are
fulfillable or not
the disaster is coming closer and closer
the danger
is real subversion is the term
if if you look in in a dictionary or
criminal code
to that matter usually is ex
is explained as a part of activity
to destroy
things like religion government
system political economical system of a
and usually it's linked to espionage and
such romantic things as blowing up
bridges side tracking trains
clock and dagger activity in hollywood
when what i'm going to talk about now
absolutely nothing to do with the cliche
of espionage or kgb activity of
collecting information
so the greatest mistake or mis
misconception i think is that uh
whenever we are talking about kgb for
some strange reason
uh starting from hollywood movie makers
to professors of political science
and quote-unquote experts on soviet
affairs or
cremonologists as they call themselves
they think that
the most desirable thing for andropov
and the whole kgb
is to steal blueprints of some
supersonic jet
bring it back to soviet union and
sell it to the soviet military
industrial complex
it's only partly true if if we take
the whole time money
and manpower that the soviet union
and kgb in particular spends
outside of ussr border we will discover
of course there are no official
statistics unlike with cia or fbi
that the espionage as such
occupies only 10 to 15 percent
of money time and manpower
15 percent
of the activity of kgb the rest 85
is always subversion
and unlike a dictionary of english
oxford dictionary
subversion in soviet terminology means
always a destructive
aggressive activity aimed to
destroy the country nation
or geographical area of your enemy
so there's no romantics in there
absolutely no blowing up bridges no
microfilms in coca-cola cans
nothing of that sort no james bond
it's most of this activity is overt
legitimate and easily
observable if you give yourself time and
trouble to observe
it but according to the law
and law enforcement systems of the
western civilization
it's not a crime exactly because of
manipulation of terms we think that
subverter is a person who is going to
blow up our beautiful bridges
no subverter is a student who come for
exchange a diplomat
an actor an artist a journalist like
was 10 years ago
now subversion
is an activity which
is a two-way traffic
you cannot subvert an enemy which
doesn't want to be subverted
if you know history of japan for example
before uh 20th century japan was a
closed society
the moment a foreign boat comes to the
shores of japan
the imperial japanese army politely tell
them to get lost
and if american salesman comes to the
shore of japan
let's say 60 or 70 years from now back
and says oh i have a very beautiful
vacuum cleaner for you
you know with the good financing please
leave us we don't need your vacuum
if they don't leave they shoot them
to preserve their culture ideology
values intact
you were not able to subvert japan
you cannot subvert soviet union because
the borders are closed
the media is censored by the government
the population is controlled by the kgb
and internal police with all the
beautiful glossy pictures of time
and magazine america which is published
by by the
uh american embassy in moscow you cannot
subvert soviet citizens because the
magazine never reaches
soviet citizens it's collected from the
new stance
and thrown to garbage can
subversion can be only successful when
initiator the actor the act the agent of
has a responsive target
it's a two-way traffic united states is
a receptive target of subversion
there is no response similar to that one
from united states to the soviet union
it stops halfway somewhere it never
reaches here
the theory of subversion goes all the
way back
2 500 years ago
the first human being who formulated the
tactics of subversion was a chinese
by the name of sun set
to 3500 years bc
it was an advisor for several imperial
courts in
ancient china and he said
after long meditation that
to implement foreign to implement
state policy in a warlike manner
it's the most counterproductive barbaric
and inefficient to fight on a
you know that war is continuation of
state policy right so if you want
successfully to implement your state
and you start fighting this is the most
idiotic way to do it
the highest arc of warfare is not
to fight at all
but to subvert anything of value in the
country of your enemy
until such time that the perception of
reality of your enemy
is screwed up to such an extent that he
does not perceive you as an
enemy and that your system
your civilization and your for ambitions
look to your enemy as an alternative
if not desirable then at least visible
better red than dead
that's the ultimate purpose the final
stage of subversion after which you can
simply take your enemy without a single
shot being fired
if the subversion is successful this is
basically what subversion is
as you see not the single mentioning of
blowing up bridges of course sunset
didn't know about
blowing up bridges maybe there were not
that many bridges at that time
but the basics
of subversion is being taught to every
of kgb school in ussr and to officers of
military academies
i'm not sure if the same offer is
included in the
list of breeding for american officers
to say nothing about ordinary students
of political science
i had difficulty to find the translation
of sunset
in in the library of a university
in toronto and later on here in los
but it's a it's a book which is not
available it is forced to every students
in ussr
every student who is who is taught to be
dealing further
in in his future career with foreigners
what's the version is basically it
consists of four
periods time wise
if we start from here and go this way
time right this is the beginning
point the first stage of subversion is
the process which is called
basically demoralization says for itself
what it is
it takes from um
say 15 to 20 years
to demoralize a society
why why 15 or 20 years this
is the time sufficient to educate
one generation
of students or children one generation
one lifetime span of a person a human
which is dedicated to study to shaping
the outlook ideology personality
no more no less usually it takes from 15
to 20 years
what it includes it includes
influencing or by various methods
propaganda methods direct contacts
doesn't really matter
i will describe them later of various
areas where public opinion is formulated
or shaped
religion educational system
social life administration
law enforcement system military
of course and labor
and employer relations economy
okay five areas
i will not write them down because will
not have enough space
some sometimes when i describe all the
uh students ask me question are you
sure this is the result of the soviet
not necessarily you see the tactic of
about which i'm talking is similar to
the martial art
the japanese martial art if you're if
some of you familiar with that tactic
probably you will remember that if an
enemy is bigger and
heavier than yourself it would be very
to resist his direct strike
if a heavier person wants to strike me
in the face
it would be very naive and
counterproductive to stop his blow
the chinese and japanese judo
art tells us what to do first to
avoid the strike then to grab the feast
and continue his movement in the
where it was before right until the
enemy crashes in the wall you see
so what happens here the target country
obviously does something wrong if it's a
free democratic society
there are many different movements
within the society
that obviously in every society
there are people who are against this
society they may be simple criminals
ideologically in disagreement with the
state policy
conscientious enemies simply psychotic
personalities who are against anything
right and finally they're a small group
of agents of a foreign
nation bought subverted
recruited right the moment
all these movements will be directed in
one direction
right this is the time to catch that
movement and to continue
until the movement forces the whole
into collapse into crisis right so
that's exactly
the martial art tactic we don't stop
an enemy we let him go we help him to go
in the direction we want them to go okay
so on the stage of demoralization
obviously there are tendencies in each
society in each country which are going
to opposite direction from the basic
moral values and principles
to take advantage of these movements to
capitalize on them
is the main purpose of the originator of
so we have religion we have education
we have social life we have power
we have labor relations unions and
finally we have
law and order one two three four five
okay these are the areas of application
of subversion
what it means exactly in case of
destroy ridicule it replace it with
various sex cults which bring
people's attention faith whether it is
naive primitive doesn't really matter
as long as the basically accepted
religious dogma
is being slowly eroded and taken
away from the supreme purpose of
religion to keep people
in touch with with the supreme being
that serves the purpose
therefore accepted respected
religious organizations with fake
distract people attention from the real
and attract them to various different
education distract them from learning
something which is constructive
efficient instead of mathematics physics
foreign languages
chemistry teach them history of urban
natural food
home economy your sexuality
anything long as it takes you away
okay uh social life
replace traditionally established
institutions and organizations with
fake organizations take away the
initiative from people
take away the responsibility from
naturally established links between
individuals group of individuals and
society at large
and replace them with artificially
bureaucratically controlled bodies
instead of social life and friendship
between neighbors
establish social workers
institutions the people who are on
payroll of whom
society no bureaucracy the main concern
of social workers is not your family not
you not social relations between groups
of people
the main concern is to get the paycheck
from the government what will be the
result of their social work doesn't
really matter
they can develop all kind of concepts
to show them to show to the government
and to the people that they are useful
okay away from the natural links
power structure okay the natural
bodies of administration which are
traditionally either elected by
by people at large or appointed by
elected leaders of society are being
actively substituted by artificial
the bodies of people groups of people
whom nobody elected
never as a matter of fact most of the
don't like them at all and yet they
one of the such group is media who
elected them
how come how come they they face they
have so much power
almost monopolistic power on your mind
they can
rape your mind but who elected them how
they are they have a nerve to decide
what is good and what is bad for
for the elected by you president and his
who the hell are they uh
spiro agnew who was hated by the liberal
called them a bunch of enfield snobs
and that's exactly what they are
they think they know they don't say
the level of mediocracy in a big
establishment like new york times los
angeles times
major television network you don't have
to be excellent journalist
you have to be exactly a mediocre
journalist that's easier to survive
there's no competition anymore
you have your good nice income 100
000 a year that's it whether you are
better or worse doesn't really matter
anymore as soon as you're smiling
to the camera and do your job
that's it no more no more competition
power structure slowly
is eroded by the bodies and groups of
who do not have neither qualification
nor the will of people
to keep them in power and yet they do
have power
okay together with that there is another
law enforcement law and order uh
organization and structure is being
for the last 20 25 years you you if you
old movies and new movies you can see
in new movies a policeman an officer of
the united states army looks
dumb angry psychotic paranoid
a criminal looks nice kind of well
he smokes hash and shoots the whatever
but basically he's a nice human being
he's creative
and he's unproductive only because
society oppresses him
whereby a general pentagon is always by
definition a dumb
a war maniac a policeman is a
pig rude policeman he abuses his power
no a generality generalization like that
the hatred the mistrust to the
people who supposed to protect you and
enforce law and order
moral relativity the angel of warner
process lasted two years in los
angeles and yet there are still some
lawyers who say look
he's a nice character as a matter of
fact there was some witness who said
also a criminal who said well he's a
nice guy
i asked him one day to burn a house of
my enemy and he wouldn't do it
a slow substitution of basic moral
whereby a criminal is not a criminal
actually he's a defendant
even if his guilt is proven there is
still a doubt to kill or not to kill to
be or not to be
thy shall not kill yes but
this uh line may not necessarily be
applicable to a murderer
but i shall not murder that should be
the the presumption not not that
i shall not kill okay labor relations
at this stage within 15 to 20 years
we destroy the
traditionally established links of
bargaining between employer
and employee the classical marxist
theory of natural exchange of goods
a person a has five sacks of grain and
person b
has five pairs of shoes
and the natural exchange without money
is when they
bargain between each other and only with
the introduction of the third for
c an entirely
third foreign stranger who says no don't
give him
five sacks of bring give it to me and
you give me your five pairs of shoes and
i will distribute it accordingly
so the economy will go
this is the death of natural exchange
and that death of natural bargaining
well trade unions were established 100
years ago
the objective was to improve working
conditions and to protect the rights of
from those employers who were abusing
their their right because they had more
objectively at that time initially the
trade union movement did work
what we see now is that the bargaining
is no longer resulting into in the
compromise which is leading objectively
betterment of working conditions and
increase of salary what we see
is that after each prolonged strike the
lose even if they have 10 increase of
their salaries
they cannot catch up due to inflation
and due to missed time
more than that millions of people suffer
from that strike
because economy now is interdependent
it's intertwined like one body
if previously still workers say hundred
years ago could strike and nobody would
now it's impossible anymore if a garbage
collector strikes today
the rest of the multi-million city is
i mean that there's no more service
in quebec for example we had the
electricians who were on strike in the
of winter you can freeze your bottom
and they still weren't strike did they
catch up with the celery no
they lost who benefited the leaders of
trade union
what is the motivation for strike
improving our workers condition no
obviously it's not
then what is it ideology
to prove to these capitalists
and the obedient horde of workers like
sheep follow these people and they
cannot disobey why
because if they do you know what happens
to them tickets
murders shooting truck drivers by
pikachus in montreal for example i saw
with my own eyes when i was
correspondent of cbc
international canadian broadcasting
corporation when the workers of aircraft
destroyed computers and and the
equipment in the factory
and they the administration employed
strike breakers
their cars were turned upside down and
their houses were burned their kids were
intimidated and some
victims were there of that you can be
why to improve conditions of workers
no ideology okay so
this is what happens basically
it may or may not happen without the
help of the soviet union
but the natural tendencies are being
greatly taken advantage of and
capitalized by the soviet propaganda
systems how
whenever trade union strikes we have
influx of propaganda
mass media ideological dissemination the
workers right
and we repeat it like parrots yes
workers right whose rights workers
no the the only freedom of worker to
sell his labor according to his own
desire and will is taken away from him
by whom
by trade union boss unlimited power
is given responsibility i want to sell
my labor not for 250 an hour but for two
dollars i don't have right
my freedom is denied to me i know that
if i sell my work
for 200 for two dollars an hour not for
three dollars now
i will compete better with it with the
other guy who is lazy
and more greedy i don't need two three
dollars i need only two dollars
no i was made to believe by media by
by advertising agencies that i need more
and more and more
have you ever heard any advertising on
tv to consume less
no no way
whether you need a six-cylinder car or
you have to buy it and hurry up
when i was driving here on the local
radio station
an excited announcer said you hurry up
rush and safe safe safe there is a
plenty house's sale
save by buying more
of course of course it would be too
naive to expect that kgb makes that
advertising agency
to do such a crazy commercial no of
course not
but what we did when i was working for
knowledge depressing
we would snow plow editorial offices
student organizations religious group
with literature
of class struggle may if if not directly
marxism then it is propaganda
then a propaganda of of a legitimate
aspirations of working class
betterment of life equality equality
mind you president kennedy once said
people we will make america to believe
that people are born
equal are people born equal
is there any mentioning in the bible or
any other
holy scripture in any religion any
religion if you don't believe me go to
library and check it
there is not a single word about
just the opposite by your deeds
god will judge you what you do is
the merit of your personality
you cannot legislate equality if you
want to be equal
you have to be equal you have to deserve
and yet we build our society on the
principle of equality we say people are
we know it is false it's a lie
some people are tall and stupid others
are short
bold and clever
if we make them
if we make them equal by force
if we put the principle of equality in
the basis of our social political
it's the same thing as building a house
on sand
sooner or later it will collapse and
that's exactly what happens
and we as soviet propaganda makers are
trying to
push you in the direction which you go
yourself equality
yes the quality people are equal land of
equal opportunities
is it true or not think about it
equal opportunities should there be
equal opportunities
for me and for a lazy bastard who come
from some other country and immediately
registers as a welfare
uh recipient benefits i never received a
single dot no
sorry i did this once but i never
applied for welfare for the 13 years i
took any job
security guard journalist taxi driver
well i was restless but some people
don't like it they
immediately so why should we be why
should we have equal opportunities
why the equal opportunity to
excel equal opportunity in equal
circumstances yes but we know people are
different to excel yes
provided we reach the same level of
perfection which is hypothetical distant
yes maybe but we know perfectly well
even with the best intentions people
could not
be equal why should we have equality in
in in the say legal system myself
i'm considering myself a law-abiding
and a person who comes here to rob and
shoot say
the united states administration on the
imported thousands of cuban criminals
they were non-criminal yet they were
do you think it's fair if myself and my
wife from philippines who work like
excuse me horse as a lab technician in
the hospital
should have the same rights as a
criminal film from cuba
why and yet we repeat as parents
equality equality equality
and the soviet propaganda system helps
us to believe that equality is something
which is desirable
democracy as it was established by
fathers of this country
of the system in the last century
is is not equality
is the system where different people
unequal people
have a chance to survive and help each
in constant competition in constant
not inequality which is superimposed
from from a
godfather or a nice person in washington
and the absolute equality exists in
soviet union
quote unquote equality everybody is
in dirt except some people are more
equal than the others in politburo
so the moment you you bring a country
to the point of almost total
demoralization when nothing
works anymore when you are not sure that
is right
or or wrong good and bad
but there's no division between evil and
good when even the
leaders of church sometimes say well
violence for the sake of justice
especially social justice is justified
in the countries like
nicaragua el salvador well maybe
and we listen to them and say yeah
it's true is it true no it is not true
violence is not justified especially for
the sake of
quote-unquote social justice introduced
by marxist leninist
that is my former colleague from noah's
depressed agency
okay so where is that point the next
step is destabilization
again this word says for itself what it
is to destabilize
all the relations all the accepted
and organizations in the country of your
enemy how you do it
you don't have to send up a battalion of
agents to blow up bridges no you let
them do it themselves
the area of application is again it's
it's narrower now not like the previous
the overt legitimate actions of the
of the kgb in this case would be
hardly noticeable there is no crime if a
professor who recently went to ussr
introduces a course of marxist leninism
in in a californian college for example
nobody is going to to come to his
doorstep and say okay
mister come you are under arrest no it's
not a crime
it's not even considered a moral crime
against your country
so the area of application here is
narrowing down
to economy again labor relations
right to law and order
plus military
and the economy law and order
yes and again the uh media but
uh wider scope little bit different i'll
later okay basically three areas
economy the radicalization of
bargaining process if on that stage
we still could achieve theoretically
some positive
compromise between the negotiating sides
with with uh say uh
our arbitrary introduction of rb3
judges third side objectively judging
the demands of both sides here it's
on this on the stage of destabilization
we cannot
come to compromise even within a family
the husband and wife couldn't figure out
which is better
husband wants his kids to eat at the
table and wife
wants him a child to roam around the
room and
and drop food all over the floor they
cannot come to compromise
unless they start a fight it's
impossible to reach a compromise
constructive compromise between
some people say i don't like you to
watering your lawn at that time because
exactly at that time i'm walking my dog
and he's getting nervous
he cannot uh pass his bowels you know so
they cannot compromise they go to
a a civil court or something like that
radicalization of human relations
no more compromise fight fight fight
the normal traditionally accepted
relations are destabilized
the relations between teachers and
in schools and colleges fight
the the relations between in economical
sphere between
laborers and and employers are further
radicalized no more
acceptance of the legitimacy of demands
of workers
unlike japanese with the theory z if you
ever heard about it
when the workers are involved in
decision making process therefore they
don't have
uh moral incentive to to fight their uh
their bosses in united states is just
the opposite the harder is the fight the
the more heroic they looked when the
greyhound uh
network was on strike recently the
correspondence of local tv networks uh
all over the united states were
approaching these strikers and they say
oh yes we are doing something nice they
look like heroes and they were proud
there was some family uh the husband
was a bus driver now they decided in
in in the protest against the uh bosses
camp somewhere in the forest and they
were presented to the to the audience as
as a heroic nice people
you see the violent clashes between
passengers ticketers and and
the strikers are presented as something
10 15 20 years ago we would we would be
we would be angry say why why why so
much hatred
today we are not we say well commonplace
radicalization militarization sometimes
as i explained on that stage i
took a step a little bit further
shooting people
okay law and order now
also is uh
pushed into the area where previously
settle their differences uh peacefully
and legitimately
now we are getting with this uh
court cases in the in the smallest
irrelevant cases we cannot solve our
problems anymore
the society at large becomes more and
more antagonistic
between individuals between groups of
individuals and the society at large
the media puts himself in the opposition
to the society
in general at large
separate alienated okay
on that stage you remember i was talking
a a couple of hours ago
about the sleepers that's when the
from say united states if they are
trained in lumumba university
or developing nations that's the
students i was dealing with are being
sent back
from the soviet union here or if they
were already in the united states in the
which is the object of subversion they
spring to action
the sleepers go up
they slept for 15 to 20 years
now they become leaders of groups
preachers uh
i don't know public public figures
they act they actively include
themselves in a political process
all of a sudden we see a homosexual
15 years ago he did his dirty job and
nobody cared
now he makes it a political issue he
recognition respect human rights and
hiral is a
large group of people and there are
violent clashes between him and police
his group and
and ordinary people no matter what it's
black against white
yellows again green doesn't matter
where's the vision line goes
as long as this group come into
antagonistic clash
sometimes militantly sometimes with
that is the stabilization process the
many of whom are simply kgb agents
become leaders of the process of
doesn't mean that comrade andropov sends
comrade ivanov to the united states
the person who takes care is already
he's a respected citizen of united
states sometimes he gets
money from various foundations for his
uh struggle for i don't know human
women rights kid lib prison lib whatever
there are sympathetic americans who
donate their money to him
this could be like this stabilization
process usually leads directly
to the process of crisis in case of
developing nations
that's the area where i i was active
the process starts
when when the
legitimate bodies
of power the social structure collapse
it cannot function anymore
so instead we have artificial body
injected into society such as
non-elected committees you remember i
was talking about them here
social workers who are not elected by
people media who sell who are
self-appointed rulers of your
opinion uh some strange groups
uh which claim that they know how to
lead society forward
they don't usually all they care is how
to collect the nations and
and from and sell their own concocted
mixture of religion and ideology here
we have all this artificial body
claiming power
if the power is denied to them they take
it by force
in case of iran for example all of a
sudden we have revolutionary committees
who what what kind of revolution there
was no revolution yet
and yet they had the committees they
were taking power of
of judgment they had they had the power
of execution they had the power of
of legislation and that they had the
power of
judicial all of them combined in one
person who is half-baked intellectual
sometimes graduated from harvard
university or berkeley
he comes back to his country and um he
thinks that he knows the answer to all
the social economical problems
okay crisis is when society cannot
function any more productively it
obviously that's the word for crisis so
the population at large is looking for a
the religious groups are expecting a
messiah to come
the workers say we have family to feed
let's have a strong government maybe
socialist government centralized when
when somebody put put their employers on
their place
and let us work we are sick and tired of
going to strike and
missing overtime and all that stuff we
need some strong man
strong government a leader
a savior is needed population is sick
and tired already
and here we are we have a savior either
a foreign nation comes in
or the local group of leftists
marxist no matter what they call
themselves sandinista
a reverend or some sort
bishop musureva like in zimbabwe
doesn't matter a savior comes and says i
lead you so we have two alternatives
civil war and invasion
okay see how it goes
civil war we know what it is lebanon is
the best example
the civil war which was artificially
in lebanon by injection of force of plo
palestinian liberation organization
invasion we have in many other countries
like afghanistan
name any east european country it was
invaded by the soviet army
but the result is the same the next
stage is
normalization normalization
is a very ironic word of course
it is borrowed from 1968 situation in
czechoslovakia when the soviet
and after them new york times declared
the country is normalized
the tanks moved into prague so there is
no more prague spring there is no more
violence normal normalization
at that stage the
self-appointed rulers of the society
don't need any revolution anymore they
don't need any radicalism anymore so
this is the reverse from destabilization
basically it is
stabilizing the country by force
so all these sleepers and activists and
social workers and liberals
and homosexuals and professors and
marxists and levines
are being eliminated physically
they've done their job already okay they
are not needed anymore
the new rulers need stability to exploit
the nation to exploit the country to
take advantages
of the victory okay so no more
revolutionaries please
and that's exactly what happens in
number of countries you remember
this is the crisis in which i was
instrumental first they had mujibur
in 1971 he was the leader of of people's
league with mustache like stalin he was
in in
russia many times in five years he was
shocked by his former colleagues
he fulfilled his function in afghanistan
it happened three times
because there was taraki then there was
amin nowadays
they killed each other successively one
after another
the moment he fulfills his duty the
first one demoralized country the second
the third one brought it to crisis
goodbye comrade
karma comes from moscow and put him into
the seat of power
same thing happened in grenada recently
maurice bishop
marxist was killed by austin what's his
name general something
it was also a marxism right
so no more revolutions please
normalization now
from now on no more strikes no more
sexuals no more women lived no more kid
no more lib period
good solid democratic proletarian
now to reverse this process
takes enormous effort when today
united states had to invade granada
to reverse the process of subversion
some people say
boy this is not good it's not kosher to
invade the beautiful country
island of granada well why didn't you
stop the process here
when granada was just approached by
why not to prevent maurice bishop to
come in power in the first place
did grenadas want him very questionable
they didn't know who was most bishop in
the first place
he came to power by coup d'etat himself
okay now we let the situation develop
further and for them further
until the crisis and normalization very
and then united states decided to invade
country discovering that the
the country was absolutely a military
base for the soviet union
of course it's a drastic measure of
course it's repeated that
marine corps had to lose what 17 lives
very bad
why not to stop the process before it
comes to crisis
or no intellectuals will not let you
it's interference into domestic affairs
they're very careful not to not not to
american administration to interfere in
domestic affairs of latin american
they don't mind soviet union interfere
in this affair
okay so to reverse this process from
it takes only and always military force
no other force on earth can reverse this
process at this point
at this point it does not take military
of united states army it takes strong
action like in chile
a cia covert involvement
to prevent the savior from outside to
come into power
and to stabilize country before it
erupts into civil war
okay support the right-wing conservative
forces buy money by crooks so love
doesn't matter
stabilize the kind don't let the crisis
develop into into civil war or invasion
oh no your liberals will say it's
against the law
the congress will not appropriate money
for covert actions
of cia why not
should we wait till the normalization
come and soviet tanks landed in in los
angeles airport
now at that point at the point of
also the process could be reversed again
easily than this
no cia involvement at this point you
know what it takes here
restriction of some liberties for small
groups which are self-declared enemies
of the society
as simple as that oh no the median
liberals will tell you this is against
the american constitution
how can we
uh by force deny the civil rights to
criminals for example
it's not good okay so we allow them to
okay if you allow the criminals to have
civil rights go on and
bring the country to the crisis this is
a bloodless way to do
curb the rights i mean not to put them
in prison no no i'm not talking about
putting all the gays from san francisco
in the concentration camp
do not allow them to take
political force do not elect them to the
seats of power whether it is
municipality level
state level or federal level it has to
bitten in the heads of american voters
that the person like that in the city of
power is an
enemy do not be afraid of this word it
is an animal if he is not an enemy here
he will be here
later on he will be shot of course
but at this point he is an enemy
okay you are doing great service by
denying him a right
to capitalize on his own crazy ideas and
a powerful man a man who uses
the seat of power restriction of certain
freedoms and permissiveness at that
would prevent sliding into crisis and
probably will return the process of
to curb unlimited power monopolistic
power of trade unions
here at that point would save economy
from collapsing
to introduce a law to stop
private companies of raping public
mind income in the in the direction of
no company must have a right
to force you into buying more unless you
want it
there must be a law you want to
advertise your your car
okay but not a single mentioning of
buying it now and saving money
it must be against the law to force
people to consume more
self-restraint previously before this
process started
the self-restraint was the business of
church religion because our preachers
the fathers of church would tell us
material values are good but it's not
the prime
function of human being because you have
to live with
something obviously the design for our
is not to consume more deodorant
there must be something greater if such
a complicated
instrument this human body was created
obviously there must be some higher
purpose for that
and it's very easy to avoid
destabilization by denying
the greedy companies one little freedom
one little liberty forcing you into
turning yourself
into processors of unwanted products and
they turn you into machines
like a the worm who there's inlet and
outlet so
and how long an average appliance lasts
these days
less than a year why
is workmanship we want you to buy more
okay this stabilization process could be
easily overcome
if as i say the society
by its own will or after persuasion by
the leaders
will come to the idea of self-restraint
it's so hard we want to consume more but
you have to
unless you will come to this stage when
as we say in russia if sahara desert
ever becomes a communist state
there will be shortage of sand
so you have to curb your
you have to you have to curb your
expectations at this point
before it's too late but no we don't
want to do it
demoralization process again it's the
easiest thing to reverse
first of all by restricting import of
the easiest thing to do
unlimited unrestrained import
of soviet literature soviet journalists
uh giving soviet propaganda and
ideological agitators equal time on
american tv network
it has to be stopped and it's easy
they won't they won't be offended minded
as a matter of fact they will respect
more but then my former colleague
vladimir posner appears on nightline
and ted coffee will ask him well
vladimir what do you think about this
what can he think he is an instrument of
propaganda he thinks what what
what comrade andropov tells him to think
he is just a nice articulate mouthpiece
of the soviet uh
uh subversion system and telco makes you
that my friend vladimir posner thinks
the process of demoralization may not
have started at
all if at that point
the country which is a recipient of
subversion actively
not violently but actively prevents
importation of foreign ideology
i don't want america to follow the
pattern of ancient japan
you don't have to shoot every foreigner
when it approaches
the sacred borders of the united states
but when he
offers you a junk in the disguise of
very shiny something
you have to tell him no we have our own
if at that point the society is strong
brave and conscientious enough
to stop importation of ideas which are
then the whole chain of events could be
recently i've been to philippines and i
was shocked
how in big cities like manila children
listen to deafening music
a melodious nation with long traditions
good nice ethnic music introduced by
long time ago maybe two centuries three
centuries ago i don't remember
all of a sudden listen to musical
blasting their radios at full blast at
full volume why in
india i spent many years watching the
reactions of
indians walking out of movie theaters
after seeing hollywood production
they they couldn't figure out why
americans are so wasteful they smash
their cars
their shiny cars every five minutes how
come they shoot each other for half
million dollars
is it true that they are so sex sex
i mean obsessed with sex can you imagine
showing a movie where each five minutes
there is a
copulation on the screen to a country
like india with long traditions
tradition of of respect to this private
or to pakistan
and united states expect these people to
respect you
no way oh yes they will see the movie
they'll pay five rupees to see that
but they walk out and will tell their
kids don't
respect americans don't be like
see so the process of demoralization
could be stopped right here
both as an expert and as an import
and that takes one step
one very important thing to do you don't
have to expel
all the kgb agents from washington dc
the most difficult and at the same time
the simplest answer
to the subversion is to start it here
and even before
by bringing back the society to
religion something that you cannot touch
and eat and put on yourself but
something that
rules society and makes it move and
preserve it
a soviet scientist who has nothing to do
with religion
he is a computer scientist did a very
intensive research
on the history of socialist countries
he called socialist or communist any
country with the centralized
economy and the pyramidal style of power
and he discovered actually he didn't
discover it he just
brought to attention of his readers that
civilizations like mohan jodaro
in the river hindus area
like egypt like maya incas
like the below but the bologna culture
collapsed and disappeared from the
surface of earth the moment they lost
as simple as that they disintegrated
nobody remembers
about them anymore well distantly
so the ideas
are moving society and keeping mankind
as a society of human beings intelligent
moral agents of god
the facts the truth the exact knowledge
may not all the sophisticated technology
and computers will not prevent society
disintegrating and eventually dying out
have you ever met a person who would
sacrifice his
life freedom for the truth like that
this is truth i never met the person who
said this is truth and i'm ready to
shoot me
to defend the truth right
but millions sacrifice their life
comfort everything
for things like god
like jesus christ it's an honor
some markers in in the soviet
concentration camp died
and they died in peace unlike those who
shouted longleaf stalin
knowing perfectly well that you may not
live long
something which is
something which is not material
moves society and helps it to survive
and the other way around the moment we
turn into two by two is four
and make it a guiding principle of our
life our existence
we die even though this is true
and this we cannot prove we only can
and have faith in it so the answer to
ideological subversion
strangely enough is very simple you
don't have to shoot people you don't
have to aim missiles and
pershings and cruise missiles at
andropovs headquarters
you simply have to have faith and
prevent subversion
in other words not to be a victim of
don't try to be a person who in judo
is trying to smash your enemy and being
caught by your hand
don't strike like that strike with power
you have spirit and moral superiority
if you don't have the power it's high
time to develop it
and that's the only answer
that's it thank you