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Thank you.", "channel_id": "UC30jm2WJ03mTCOxzU3mBC1A", "channel_url": "", "duration": 3795, "view_count": 1076841, "age_limit": 0, "webpage_url": "", "categories": ["News & Politics"], "tags": ["gbppr", "kgb", "marxist", "leninist", "jewish", "communist", "propaganda", "obama", "oligarch"], "playable_in_embed": true, "live_status": "not_live", "automatic_captions": {"af": [{"ext": "json3", "url": "", "name": "Afrikaans"}, {"ext": "srv1", "url": "", "name": "Afrikaans"}, {"ext": "srv2", "url": "", "name": "Afrikaans"}, {"ext": "srv3", "url": "", "name": "Afrikaans"}, {"ext": "ttml", "url": "", "name": "Afrikaans"}, {"ext": "vtt", "url": "", "name": "Afrikaans"}], "ak": [{"ext": "json3", "url": "", "name": "Akan"}, {"ext": "srv1", "url": "", "name": "Akan"}, {"ext": "srv2", "url": "", "name": "Akan"}, {"ext": "srv3", "url": "", "name": "Akan"}, {"ext": "ttml", "url": "", "name": "Akan"}, {"ext": "vtt", "url": "", "name": "Akan"}], "sq": [{"ext": "json3", "url": "", "name": "Albanian"}, 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