# FlareSolverr.js 🚀

License: MIT npm version

FlareSolverr.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that provides an API for interacting with the dockered [FlareSolverr](https://github.com/FlareSolverr/FlareSolverr) service. *FlareSolverr* is a solution designed to **bypass** challenges implemented by the Cloudflare anti-bot protection, allowing you to automate interactions with Cloudflare-protected websites. ## Installation You can install FlareSolverr.js using npm(or yarn): ```bash npm install flaresolverr.js # or yarn add flaresolverr.js ``` ## Usage: ```typescript const { FlareSolverr } = require('flaresolverr.js'); /* Also you can import this library via esm syntax: import { FlareSolverr } from "flaresolverr.js" */ // Initialize FlareSolverr with the API endpoint URL const client = new FlareSolverr('http://localhost:8191/v1'); // Solve a Cloudflare challenge const challengeResult = await client.get({ url:new URL('http://example.com'), returnOnlyCookies:true }); console.log(challengeResult); /* { status: 'ok', message: 'Challenge solved!', solution: { url: 'http://example.com', status: 200, cookies: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) ...' }, startTimestamp: 1692311934966, endTimestamp: 1692311970847, version: '3.3.2' } */ ``` ## Documentation For detailed information on how to use FlareSolverr.js and available methods, please refer to the source code. ## To-do - [ ] Tests - [ ] Normal docs ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Note: FlareSolverr.js is a third-party tool and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Cloudflare. Feel free to contribute to this project!