#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Tobias Leupold # # gpx2svg - Convert GPX formatted geodata to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation in version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. __version__ = '0.1.4' import argparse import sys import math from xml.dom.minidom import parse as parseXml from os.path import abspath def parseGpx(gpxFile): """Get the latitude and longitude data of all track segments in a GPX file""" if gpxFile == '/dev/stdin': gpxFile = sys.stdin # Get the XML information try: gpx = parseXml(gpxFile) except IOError as error: print('Error while reading file: {}. Terminating.'.format(error), file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except: print('Error while parsing XML data:', file = sys.stderr) print(sys.exc_info(), file = sys.stderr) print('Terminating.', file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Iterate over all tracks, track segments and points gpsData = [] for track in gpx.getElementsByTagName('trk'): for trackseg in track.getElementsByTagName('trkseg'): trackSegData = [] for point in trackseg.getElementsByTagName('trkpt'): trackSegData.append( (float(point.attributes['lon'].value), float(point.attributes['lat'].value)) ) # Leave out empty segments if(trackSegData != []): gpsData.append(trackSegData) return gpsData def calcProjection(gpsData): """Calculate a plane projection for a GPS dataset""" projectedData = [] for segment in gpsData: projectedSegment = [] for coord in segment: # At the moment, we only have the Mercator projection projectedSegment.append(mercatorProjection(coord)) projectedData.append(projectedSegment) return projectedData def mercatorProjection(coord): """Calculate the Mercator projection of a coordinate pair""" # Assuming we're on earth, we have (according to GRS 80): r = 6378137.0 # As long as meridian = 0 and can't be changed, we don't need: # meridian = meridian * math.pi / 180.0 # x = r * ((coord[0] * math.pi / 180.0) - meridian) # Instead, we use this simplified version: x = r * coord[0] * math.pi / 180.0 y = r * math.log(math.tan((math.pi / 4.0) + ((coord[1] * math.pi / 180.0) / 2.0))) return x, y def moveProjectedData(gpsData): """Move a dataset to 0,0 and return it with the resulting width and height""" # Find the minimum and maximum x and y coordinates minX = maxX = gpsData[0][0][0] minY = maxY = gpsData[0][0][1] for segment in gpsData: for coord in segment: if coord[0] < minX: minX = coord[0] if coord[0] > maxX: maxX = coord[0] if coord[1] < minY: minY = coord[1] if coord[1] > maxY: maxY = coord[1] # Move the GPS data to 0,0 movedGpsData = [] for segment in gpsData: movedSegment = [] for coord in segment: movedSegment.append((coord[0] - minX, coord[1] - minY)) movedGpsData.append(movedSegment) # Return the moved data and it's width and height return movedGpsData, maxX - minX, maxY - minY def searchCircularSegments(gpsData): """Splits a GPS dataset to tracks that are circular and other tracks""" circularSegments = [] straightSegments = [] for segment in gpsData: if segment[0] == segment[len(segment) - 1]: circularSegments.append(segment) else: straightSegments.append(segment) return circularSegments, straightSegments def combineSegmentPairs(gpsData): """Combine segment pairs to one bigger segment""" combinedData = [] # Walk through the GPS data and search for segment pairs # that end with the starting point of another track while len(gpsData) > 0: # Get one segment from the source GPS data firstTrackData = gpsData.pop() foundMatch = False # Try to find a matching segment for i in range(len(gpsData)): if firstTrackData[len(firstTrackData) - 1] == gpsData[i][0]: # There is a matching segment, so break here foundMatch = True break if foundMatch == True: # We found a pair of segments with one shared point, so pop the data of the second # segment from the source GPS data and create a new segment containing all data, but # without the overlapping point firstTrackData.pop() combinedData.append(firstTrackData + gpsData[i]) gpsData.pop(i) else: # No segment with a shared point was found, so just append the data to the output combinedData.append(firstTrackData) return searchCircularSegments(combinedData) def combineSegments(gpsData): """Combine all segments of a GPS dataset that can be combined""" # Search for circular segments. We can't combine them with any other segment. circularSegments, remainingSegments = searchCircularSegments(gpsData) # Search for segments that can be combined while True: # Look how many tracks we have now segmentsBefore = len(remainingSegments) # Search for segments that can be combined newCircularSegments, remainingSegments = combineSegmentPairs(remainingSegments) # Add newly found circular segments to processedSegments -- they can't be used anymore circularSegments = circularSegments + newCircularSegments if segmentsBefore == len(remainingSegments): # combineSegmentPairs() did not reduce the number of tracks anymore, # so we can't combine more tracks and can stop here break return circularSegments + remainingSegments def scaleCoords(coord, height, scale): """Return a scaled pair of coordinates""" return coord[0] * scale, (coord[1] * -1 + height) * scale def generateScaledSegment(segment, height, scale): """Create the coordinate part of an SVG path string from a GPS data segment""" for coord in segment: yield scaleCoords(coord, height, scale) def writeSvgData(gpsData, width, height, maxPixels, dropSinglePoints, outfile): """Output the SVG data -- quick 'n' dirty, without messing around with dom stuff ;-)""" # Calculate the scale factor we need to fit the requested maximal output size if width <= maxPixels and height <= maxPixels: scale = 1 elif width > height: scale = maxPixels / width else: scale = maxPixels / height # Open the requested output file or map to /dev/stdout if outfile != '/dev/stdout': try: fp = open(outfile, 'w') except IOError as error: print("Can't open output file: {}. Terminating.".format(error), file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: fp = sys.stdout # Header data fp.write( '\n') fp.write(('\n')) fp.write( '\n'.format(__version__)) fp.write(('\n').format(width * scale, height * scale)) # Process all track segments and generate ids and path drawing commands for them # First, we split the data to circular and straight segments circularSegments, straightSegments = searchCircularSegments(gpsData) realCircularSegments = [] singlePoints = [] for segment in circularSegments: # We can leave out the last point, because it's equal to the first one segment.pop() if len(segment) == 1: # It's a single point if dropSinglePoints == False: # We want to keep single points, so add it to singlePoints singlePoints.append(segment) else: realCircularSegments.append(segment) circularSegments = realCircularSegments # Draw single points if requested if len(singlePoints) > 0: fp.write('\n') for segment in singlePoints: x, y = scaleCoords(segment[0], height, scale) fp.write( '\n'.format(x, y) ) fp.write('\n') # Draw all circular segments if len(circularSegments) > 0: fp.write('\n') for segment in circularSegments: fp.write('\n') fp.write('\n') # Draw all un-closed paths if len(straightSegments) > 0: fp.write('\n') for segment in straightSegments: fp.write('\n') fp.write('\n') # Close the XML fp.write('\n') # Close the file if necessary if fp != sys.stdout: fp.close() def main(): # Setup the command line argument parser cmdArgParser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Convert GPX formatted geodata to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)', epilog = 'gpx2svg {} - http://nasauber.de/opensource/gpx2svg/'.format(__version__) ) cmdArgParser.add_argument( '-i', metavar = 'FILE', nargs = '?', type = str, default = '/dev/stdin', help = 'GPX input file (default: read from STDIN)' ) cmdArgParser.add_argument( '-o', metavar = 'FILE', nargs = '?', type = str, default = '/dev/stdout', help = 'SVG output file (default: write to STDOUT)' ) cmdArgParser.add_argument( '-m', metavar = 'PIXELS', nargs = '?', type = int, default = 3000, help = 'Maximum width or height of the SVG output in pixels (default: 3000)' ) cmdArgParser.add_argument( '-d', action = 'store_true', help = 'Drop single points (default: draw a circle with 1px diameter)' ) cmdArgParser.add_argument( '-r', action = 'store_true', help = ('"Raw" conversion: Create one SVG path per track segment, don\'t try to combine ' 'paths that end with the starting point of another path') ) # Get the given arguments cmdArgs = cmdArgParser.parse_args() # Map "-" to STDIN or STDOUT if cmdArgs.i == '-': cmdArgs.i = '/dev/stdin' if cmdArgs.o == '-': cmdArgs.o = '/dev/stdout' # Check if a given input or output file name is a relative representation of STDIN or STDOUT if cmdArgs.i != '/dev/stdin': if abspath(cmdArgs.i) == '/dev/stdin': cmdArgs.i = '/dev/stdin' if cmdArgs.o != '/dev/stdout': if abspath(cmdArgs.o) == '/dev/stdout': cmdArgs.o = '/dev/stdout' # Get the latitude and longitude data from the given GPX file or STDIN gpsData = parseGpx(cmdArgs.i) # Check if we actually _have_ data if gpsData == []: print('No data to convert. Terminating.', file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Try to combine all track segments that can be combined if not requested otherwise if not cmdArgs.r: gpsData = combineSegments(gpsData) # Calculate a plane projection for a GPS dataset # At the moment, we only have the Mercator projection gpsData = calcProjection(gpsData) # Move the projected data to the 0,0 origin of a cartesial coordinate system # and get the raw width and height of the resulting vector data gpsData, width, height = moveProjectedData(gpsData) # Write the resulting SVG data to the requested output file or STDOUT writeSvgData(gpsData, width, height, cmdArgs.m, cmdArgs.d, cmdArgs.o) if __name__ == '__main__': main()