Added algorithms related to splitting vector bundles

This commit is contained in:
Montessinos Mickael Gerard Bernard 2024-03-13 13:03:43 +02:00
parent 3c37da73b0
commit bdb62fdd9f
9 changed files with 1968 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Local install from source
Download the source from the git repository::
$ git clone
$ git clone
Change to the root directory and run::

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@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ develop:
$(SAGE) test
$(SAGE) debug
$(SAGE) -coverage $(PACKAGE)/*

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@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ class SageTest(TestCommand):
if errno != 0:
# For the tests
class SageDebug(TestCommand):
def run_tests(self):
errno = os.system("sage -t --debug --force-lib vector_bundle")
if errno != 0:
name = "vector_bundle",
version = readfile("VERSION").strip(), # the VERSION file is shared with the documentation
@ -44,7 +51,7 @@ setup(
], # classifiers list:
keywords = "Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Curves Vector Bundles",
packages = ['vector_bundle'],
cmdclass = {'test': SageTest}, # adding a special setup command for tests
cmdclass = {'test': SageTest, 'debug': SageDebug}, # adding a special setup command for tests and debugs
setup_requires = ['sage-package'],
install_requires = ['sage-package', 'sphinx'],

vector_bundle/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
Implementations of algorithms for associative algebras. Many of those
appear in the reference of Sage but the class is somewhat buggy for
the moment.
A lot of it is very hacky but I just want to get something that works
until the Sage implementation can be fixed.
It's also pretty unoptimized, there is a lot of room for improvement
if it is too slow.
# Copyright (C) 2024 Mickaël Montessinos (,#
# #
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) #
# either version 3, or (at your option) any later version #
# #
# #
import itertools
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_function
from sage.categories.algebras import Algebras
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from sage.algebras.all import FiniteDimensionalAlgebra
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
from sage.arith.misc import CRT_list
from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.matrix.special import block_matrix
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
def subalgebra(A, basis, category=None):
The main issue with the algebra class in Sage is that the submodule method
used to generate subalgebras raises an error. We implement this function
instead which generates structure constants for a subalgebra.
This is not very efficient since we have to recompute the multiplication
table instead of using multiplication in A, but it works
An advantage is that the identity of the subalgebra needs not be the
identity of A, so we may represent two-sided ideals as algebras as well.
-``A`` -- A finite dimensional algebra with basis
-``basis`` -- A free family in A generating a subalgebra
-``S`` -- The subalgebra of ``A`` generated by basis
-``to_S`` -- A left inverse to ``from_S`` (raises an error if the element
is not in S)
-``from_S`` -- The inclusion map from S to A
k = A.base_ring()
mat = matrix([e.vector() for e in basis]).transpose()
tables = [matrix([mat.solve_right((f*e).vector()) for f in basis])
for e in basis]
if category is None:
category = A.category()
S = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(k, tables,
assume_associative = True,
category = category)
to_S = lambda a : S(mat.solve_right(a.vector()))
from_S = lambda s : A(mat * s.vector())
return S, to_S, from_S
def in_column_space(mat, vec):
Checks if vec is in the space spanned by the columns of mat.
Not very pretty but does the job
sage: from vector_bundle.algebras import in_column_space
sage: mat = matrix(QQ,2,1,[1,2])
sage: in_column_space(mat, vector([2,4]))
sage: in_column_space(mat, vector([0,1]))
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def clear_zero_columns(mat):
return mat.matrix_from_columns([i for i in range(mat.ncols())
if not mat[:,i].is_zero()])
def subalgebra_from_gens(A, gens, category=None):
mat = matrix([gen.vector() for gen in gens]).echelon_form()
basis = [A(row) for row in mat.rows() if not row.is_zero()]
return subalgebra(A, basis, category=category)
def radical(A):
return subalgebra(A, A.radical_basis())
def center(A):
return subalgebra(A, A.center_basis(), category=A.category().Commutative())
def wedderburn_malcev_basis(A):
Compute a basis of A of the form ``[r1,r2,...,rk,s1,...,sm]`` such that
``[r1,...,rk]`` is a basis of the radical and ``[s1,...,sm]`` is a basis
of a semisimple subalgebra of ``A``.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: from vector_bundle.algebras import wedderburn_malcev_basis
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: L1 = VectorBundle(F, 3 * x.zeros()[0].divisor())
sage: L2 = VectorBundle(F, -2 * x.poles()[0].divisor())
sage: V = L1.direct_sum(L2)
sage: T = matrix(F,2,2,[5*x^2 + 3*x + 2, x^2 + 4*x + 4, 4*x^2 + x + 1, 6*x^2 + 4*x + 5])
sage: V = V.apply_isomorphism(T)
sage: End = V.end()
sage: A, to_A, from_A = End.global_algebra()
sage: basis = wedderburn_malcev_basis(A)
sage: [T^-1 * from_A(b) * T for b in basis]
[0 0] [1 0]
[0 1], [0 0]
if not A.radical_basis():
return A.basis()
#A is not semi-simple
k = A.base_ring()
n = A.dimension()
basis = A.basis()
#Compute bases of the powers of the radical.
gens = [A.radical_basis()]
while gens[-1]:
gens.append([a*b for a in gens[0]
for b in gens[-1] if not (a*b).is_zero()])
gens = gens[:-1]
gen_vecs = [[g.vector() for g in gen] for gen in gens]
#Organise them into a hierchical basis
mat = clear_zero_columns(matrix(gen_vecs[-1]).echelon_form().transpose())
rad_power_steps = [n, n - mat.ncols()]
for i in range(len(gens)-2, -1, -1):
new_cols = matrix([c for c in gen_vecs[i]
if not in_column_space(mat, c)])
new_cols = clear_zero_columns(new_cols.echelon_form().transpose())
mat = block_matrix([[new_cols, mat]])
rad_power_steps.append(n - mat.ncols())
#Now, add a complement which we'll turn into an algebra
for i in range(n):
col = matrix(k,n,1,[1 if j == i else 0 for j in range(n)])
if not in_column_space(mat, col):
mat = block_matrix([[col, mat]])
if mat.ncols() == n:
r = rad_power_steps[1]
imat = mat**-1
#We may now begin running the algorithm in earnest.
basis = [A(c) for c in mat.columns()]
table = [imat * c.left_matrix().transpose() * mat for c in basis[:r]]
for first, stop in zip(rad_power_steps[:-1], rad_power_steps[1:]):
b_pairs = list(itertools.product(enumerate(basis[:r]), repeat=2))
d_tuples = [[0]*i + [d] + [0]*(r-1-i)
for i in range(r) for d in basis[first:stop]]
#(first, stop) marks the positions of the vectors generating V_i.
eq = matrix([sum([list(mat.solve_right(
+ ds[i]*bj
- sum([table[i][s,j]*d
for (s, d) in enumerate(ds)])).vector())[first:stop])
for (i, bi),(j, bj) in b_pairs], [])
for ds in d_tuples])
target = vector(sum([list(mat.solve_right(
(sum([table[i][s,j]*b for s, b in enumerate(basis[:r])])
- bi*bj).vector())[first:stop])
for (i, bi), (j, bj) in b_pairs], []))
sol = eq.solve_left(target)
sol_chunks = [sol[i: i + stop - first]
for i in range(0, len(sol), stop - first)]
d_sols = [A(mat[:, first: stop] * d) for d in sol_chunks]
for (i, d) in enumerate(d_sols):
basis[i] += d
return basis[:r]
def wedderburn_malcev_complement(A):
category = A.category().Semisimple()
return subalgebra(A, wedderburn_malcev_basis(A), category=category)
def idems_from_element(e):
factorization = e.minimal_polynomial().factor()
factors = [fa[0] for fa in factorization]
n = len(factors)
hs = [CRT_list([0]*i + [1] + [0]*(n-i-1), factors) for i in range(n)]
return [h(e) for h in hs]
def splitting_from_idems(C, idems):
return [subalgebra_from_gens(
[idem*c*idem for c in C.basis()])
for idem in idems]
def wedderburn_splitting_large_field(C):
Assume that C is semi-simple and commutative, and that the base field of C
is finite but larger that 2*C.dimension()
k = C.base_ring()
d = C.dimension()
search_set = [k(i) for i in range(2*C.dimension())]
while True:
a = C(vector([k.random_element() for _ in range(d)]))
f = a.minimal_polynomial()
if == d:
splits = splitting_from_idems(C, idems_from_element(a))
return [(split[0], [split[2](b) for b in split[0].basis()])
for split in splits]
def wedderburn_splitting_small_field(C):
Assume that C is semi-simple and commutative, and that the base field of C
is finite.
k = C.base_ring()
test = matrix([(a**k.cardinality()- a).vector() for a in C.basis()])
basis = test.left_kernel()
if len(basis) == 1:
return [(C, C.basis())]
one =
e = basis[0]
mat = matrix([one.vector(), e])
if mat.rank() == 1:
e = basis[1]
partial_split = splitting_from_idems(C,idems_from_element(C(e)))
splits_of_splits = [wedderburn_splitting_comm(S[0]) for S in partial_split]
return sum([[(split[0],
[S[2](b) for b in split[1]])
for split in splits]
for S, splits in zip(partial_split, splits_of_splits)], [])
def wedderburn_splitting_comm(C):
Assume that C is semi-simple commutative. Return an isomorphism from A to a direct
sum of simple algebras.
n = C.dimension()
if 2*n < C.base_ring().cardinality():
return wedderburn_splitting_large_field(C)
return wedderburn_splitting_small_field(C)
def wedderburn_splitting(A):
Assume that A is semi-simple. Return a list of simple algebras with maps
to and from A. A is isomorphic to the direct sum of these algebras.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: from vector_bundle.algebras import (wedderburn_malcev_complement,
....: wedderburn_splitting)
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: L1 = VectorBundle(F, 3 * x.zeros()[0].divisor())
sage: L2 = VectorBundle(F, -2 * x.poles()[0].divisor())
sage: V = L1.direct_sum(L2)
sage: T = matrix(F,2,2,[5*x^2 + 3*x + 2,
....: x^2 + 4*x + 4, 4*x^2 + x + 1,
....: 6*x^2 + 4*x + 5])
sage: V = V.apply_isomorphism(T)
sage: End = V.end()
sage: A, to_A, from_A = End.global_algebra()
sage: S, to_S, from_S = wedderburn_malcev_complement(A)
sage: simples = wedderburn_splitting(S)
sage: idems = [T^-1 * from_A(from_S(s[2](s[0].one()))) * T for s in simples]
sage: len(idems)
sage: matrix(GF(7),[[1, 0], [0, 0]]) in idems
sage: matrix(GF(7),[[0, 0], [0, 1]]) in idems
C, to_C, from_C = center(A)
split = wedderburn_splitting_comm(C)
return [subalgebra_from_gens(A, [a * from_C(b)
for a in A.basis() for b in s[1]])
for s in split]
def subfield_as_field(A, basis):
Return a bijection from the center of A to the corresponding extension
of the base field of A
n = len(basis)
if n == 1:
to_k = lambda a : matrix([]).solve_left(a.vector())[0]
from_k = lambda a : a*
return A.base_ring(), to_k, from_k
k = A.base_ring()
q = k.cardinality()
mat = matrix([(c**(q**(n-1)) - c).vector() for c in basis])
ker = mat.left_kernel().tranpose()
b = [c for c in basis() if not in_column_space(ker, c)][0]
f = b.minimal_polynomial()
K = k.extension(f)
mat = matrix([(b**n).vector() for n in range( - 1)])
def to_K(a):
sol = mat.solve_right(a.vector())
return K(sol)
from_K = lambda a: A(mat*vector(a.list()))
return K, to_K, from_K
def min_poly_over_subfield(A, basis, e):
K, to_K, from_K = subfield_as_field(A, basis)
mat = matrix([c.vector() for c in basis]).transpose()
n = 0
acc = e
sol = mat.solve_right(acc.vector())
except ValueError:
n +=1
mat = block_matrix([[
matrix([(c*acc).vector() for c in basis]).transpose()]])
acc *= e
d = len(basis)
coeffs = [-to_K(sum([c*v for c, v in zip(sol[i:i+d], basis)]))
for i in range(0, len(sol), d)] + [1]
return PolynomialRing(K, 't')(coeffs), mat
def zero_div_from_min_poly(a, f):
facto = f.factor()
if len(facto) > 1:
prod([(fa[0]**fa[1])(a) for fa in facto[1:]]))
if facto[0][1] > 1:
return((facto[0][0])(a), (facto[0][0]**(facto[0][1]-1))(a))
return None
def solve_norm_equation(K, L, a):
This is not a general norm equation solver. It works only in the cases
relevant for zero_div!
d, r =
assert r == 0
if d % 2 == 1:
g = UnivariatePolynomialRing(L)([-a] + [0]*(d-1) + [1])
facto = g.factor()
assert all([f[0].degree() == 1 for f in facto])
h = facto[0][0]
return -h.coefficient(0)/h.coefficient(1)
if d == 2:
b = sqrt(L(-a))
if b not in K:
return b
q = K.cardinality()
f = UnivariatePolynomialRing([1] + [0]*1 + [1])
a = f.roots()[0][0]
return a*b
raise NotImplementedError
def zero_div(A):
r""" Return a pair of zero divisors in A or conclude that A is a field
extension of its base field (which, as always, is assumed finite)
rad = A.radical_basis()
if rad:
a = rad[0]
n = [a**n for n,_ in enumerate(rad)].index(0)
return a, a**(n-1)
#A is semisimple
split = wedderburn_splitting(A)
if len(split) > 1:
s0, to_s0, from_s0 = split[0]
s1, to_s1, from_s1 = split[1]
return (from_s0(, from_s1(
#A is simple
center_mat = matrix([c.vector() for c in A.center_basis()]).transpose()
q = A.base_ring().cardinality()**center_mat.ncols()
if A.is_commutative():
return None, None
#A is not a field
b = [a for a in A.basis() if not in_column_space(center_mat, a.vector())][0]
f, Cb_mat = min_poly_over_subfield(A, A.center_basis(), b)
t = zero_div_from_min_poly(b, f)
if t is not None:
return t
#C(b) is a field
if % 2 == 0 and > 2:
Cb_basis = [A(c) for c in Cb_mat.columns()]
eq = matrix([(a**(q**2) - a).vector() for a in Cb_basis])
ker = eq.left_kernel()
b = [sum([v[i]*b for i, b in enumerate(Cb_basis)]) for v in ker
if any(v[q:])]
#C(b) has rank odd or 2 over C
eq = matrix([(b*c - c*b**q).vector() for c in A.basis()])
c = A(eq.left_kernel()[0])
fc, _ = min_poly_over_subfield(A, A.center_basis(), c)
t = zero_div_from_min_poly(c, f)
if t is not None:
return t
#c is invertible and c^-1bc = b^q
fb, mat_Ab = min_poly_over_subfield(A, A.center_basis(), b)
basis_Ab = [A(v) for v in mat_Ab.columns()]
_, mat_Abc = min_poly_over_subfield(A, basis_Ab, c)
if mat_Abc.ncols() < A.dimension():
basis = [A(v) for v in mat_Abc.columns()]
S, to_S, from_S = subalgebra(A, basis)
z1, z2 = zero_divisor(S)
return from_S(z1), from_S(z2)
#The subalgebra generated by the center, b and c is equal to A
n =
assert all([fc.coefficient(i) == 0 for i in range(1,n)])
alpha = -fc.coefficient(0)
K, to_K, from_K = subfield_as_field(A, A.center_basis())
L, to_L, from_L = subfield_as_field(A, basis_Ab)
d = from_L(solve_norm_equation(K, L, 1/alpha))
x = 1 - c*d
y = sum([c**i * d**sum([q**j for j in range(i)]) for i in range(n)])
return x, y
def idempotent_from_zero_div(A, z):
if z is None:
return, 1
mat = matrix([(a*z).vector() for a in A.basis()]).echelon_form()
ideal_basis = [A(r) for r in mat.rows() if not r.is_zero()]
eq = matrix([sum([list((a*e).vector()) for a in ideal_basis], [])
for e in ideal_basis])
target = vector(sum([list(a.vector()) for a in ideal_basis], []))
e = sum([c*v for c, v in zip(eq.solve_left(target), ideal_basis)])
n = (A.dimension() // len(A.center_basis())).sqrt()
r = len(ideal_basis) // (len(A.center_basis())*n)
if r > n/2:
return 1 - e, n - r
return e, r
def rank_one_idempotent(A):
r = len(A.center_basis())
n = (A.dimension() // r).sqrt()
z1, _ = zero_div(A)
e, d = idempotent_from_zero_div(A, z1)
if d == 1:
return e
S, to_S, from_S = subalgebra_from_gens(
[a*e*b for a in A.basis() for b in A.basis()])
e = rank_one_idempotent(S)
return from_S(e)
class SplitAlgebra:
Class for a splitting of an algebra. Contains the isomorphic matrix algebra
and maps to and from it
def __init__(self, A, to_A=None, from_A = None):
z = rank_one_idempotent(A)
self.A = A
self._to_A = to_A
self._from_A = from_A
ideal_gens = [a*z for a in A.basis()]
center_basis = A.center_basis()
self._r = len(center_basis)
basis_over_center = []
mat = matrix(A.base_ring(), A.dimension(), 0, [])
for g in ideal_gens:
if not in_column_space(mat, g.vector()):
mat = block_matrix([[
matrix([(f*g).vector() for f in center_basis]).transpose()]])
self._K, self._to_K, self._from_K = subfield_as_field(A, center_basis)
self._n = len(basis_over_center)
self.M = MatrixSpace(self._K, self._n)
self._eq = None
self._ideal_matrix = mat
self._basis_over_center = basis_over_center
def _coords_over_center(self, a):
sol = self._ideal_matrix.solve_right(a.vector())
coefs = [sum([c*v for c, v in zip(sol[i: i+self._r], self.A.center_basis())])
for i in range(0, self._n, self._r)]
return vector(self._K, [self._to_K(c) for c in coefs])
def to_M(self, a):
if self._to_A is not None:
a = self._to_A(a)
return matrix( self._K, [self._coords_over_center(a*v)
for v in self._basis_over_center]).transpose()
def from_M(self, mat):
if self._eq is None:
self._eq = matrix([sum([list((self._coords_over_center(a*b)))
for b in self._basis_over_center],[])
for a in self.A.basis()])
target = vector(mat.transpose().list())
sol = self._eq.solve_left(target)
res = sum([self._from_K(s)*a for s, a in zip(sol, self.A.basis())])
if self._from_A is not None:
res = self._from_A(res)
return res
def full_split(A):
A is any associative algebra over a finite field.
Returns the wedderburn_malcev complement S of A, and then a list of
splittings of all the simple factors of S.
S = wedderburn_malcev_complement(A)
ss_split = wedderburn_splitting(S[0])
splits = [SplitAlgebra(ss[0], ss[1], ss[2]) for ss in ss_split]
return S, splits
def random_central_simple_algebra(k, n):
Mat = MatrixSpace(k, n)
while True:
Isom = matrix(k, n**2, n**2, [k.random_element() for _ in range(n**4)])
if Isom.is_unit():
basis = [Mat(c) for c in Isom.columns()]
table = [matrix([Isom.solve_right(vector(bi * bj)) for bi in basis]) for bj in basis]
category = Algebras(k).FiniteDimensional().WithBasis().Semisimple()
A = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(k, table, category=category)
return A, Isom

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def canonical_bundle(K):
sage: L == trivial_bundle(K)
pi,_ = function_field_utility.safe_uniformizer(K)
pi = function_field_utility.safe_uniformizers(K)[0]
return VectorBundle(K, pi.differential().divisor())
def _euclid(a,b):
@ -94,7 +94,10 @@ def atiyah_bundle(field, rank, degree, base=None):
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(11))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: base = VectorBundle(K, K.places_finite()[0].divisor())
sage: base = VectorBundle(
....: K,
....: K.places_finite()[0].divisor()
....: - K.places_infinite()[0].divisor())
sage: E = atiyah_bundle(K, 5, 3, base)
sage: E.rank()
@ -120,22 +123,28 @@ def atiyah_bundle(field, rank, degree, base=None):
if degree < 0:
return atiyah_bundle(field, rank, -degree, base).dual()
divisor = field.places_infinite()[0].divisor()
gcd = _euclid(rank, degree)
plan = [(i % 2,q) for i,(_, _, q, _) in enumerate(gcd)]
a, b = plan[-1]
plan[-1] = (a, b - 1)
starting_rank = gcd[-1][1]
if degree == 0:
plan = []
starting_rank = rank
gcd = _euclid(rank, degree)
plan = [(i % 2,q) for i,(_, _, q, _) in enumerate(gcd)]
a, b = plan[-1]
plan[-1] = (a, b - 1)
starting_rank = gcd[-1][1]
result = trivial_bundle(field)
line_bundle = VectorBundle(field, divisor)
for _ in range(starting_rank - 1):
result = result.extension_by_global_sections()
result = result.tensor_product(line_bundle)
for move, reps in reversed(plan):
result = result.tensor_product(base)
if degree > 0:
result = result.tensor_product(line_bundle)
for op, reps in reversed(plan):
for _ in range(reps):
if move == 0:
result = result.extension_by_global_sections()
if op:
result = result.tensor_product(line_bundle)
result = result.extension_by_global_sections()
return result

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@ -135,11 +135,30 @@ class ExtGroup(SageObject):
return self._right
def dual_bundle(self):
Return the dual bundle of the `\mathcal{Ext}^1` bundle. This bundle
is `\omega \otimes \mathrm{right}^\vee \otimes \mathrm{left}`, where
`\omega` is a canonical line bundle of `K`.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(11))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^5 - 1)
sage: ksi = VectorBundle(K, K.places_finite()[0].divisor())
sage: ext = ksi.extension_group(ksi.dual()); ext.dual_bundle()
Homomorphism bundle from Vector bundle of rank 1 over Function
field in y defined by y^2 + 10*x^5 + 10 to Vector bundle of rank 1
over Function field in y defined by y^2 + 10*x^5 + 10
return self._ext_dual_bundle
def dual_basis(self):
Return a basis of the dual of the `Ext^1` group. This is a basis of
`H^0(\omega \otimes \mathrm{right}^\vee \otimes \mathrm{left})`, where
`\omega` is a canonical line bundle.
This is the same as ``self.dual_bundle().h0()``
The output basis is dual to ``self.basis()`` under Serre duality.

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@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
Implementations of all sort of algorithms for function field that are not
yet implemented in Sage.
A lot of code for the FunctionFieldCompletionCustom class comes directly
from the sage source, and was written by Kwankyu Lee.
.. [Coh00] H. Cohen
Advanced topics in computational number theory
# Copyright (C) 2024 Mickaël Montessinos (,#
# #
@ -8,7 +21,9 @@
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
from import Map
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
from sage.rings.infinity import infinity
from copy import copy
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_function
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
@ -19,6 +34,8 @@ from sage.rings.function_field.function_field_rational\
import RationalFunctionField
from sage.rings.function_field.order_rational\
import FunctionFieldMaximalOrderInfinite_rational
from sage.rings.function_field.order import FunctionFieldOrderInfinite
from sage.rings.function_field.ideal import FunctionFieldIdealInfinite
def all_infinite_places(K):
@ -49,7 +66,7 @@ def infinite_valuation(a):
if a == 0:
return Infinity
return infinity
return a.denominator().degree() - a.numerator().degree()
@ -71,7 +88,7 @@ def infinite_mod(a,i):
def infinite_integral_matrix(mat):
Return an matrix with coefficient in the infinite maximal order and its denominator.
Return a matrix with coefficient in the infinite maximal order and its denominator.
@ -116,11 +133,16 @@ def infinite_hermite_form(mat,include_zero_cols=True,transformation=False):
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R = K.maximal_order_infinite()
sage: mat = matrix(R,[[1, x**-1, x**-2, (x**3+1) / x**3], [(2*x+2) / (x**3+2), x**-2, (x**2+2) / (x**4+1), 1]])
sage: H,T = infinite_hermite_form(mat,transformation=True); H
sage: H, T = infinite_hermite_form(mat,transformation=True); H
[0 0 1 0]
[0 0 0 1]
sage: mat*T == H
sage: H, T = infinite_hermite_form(mat, False, True); H
[1 0]
[0 1]
sage: mat*T == H
@ -165,6 +187,7 @@ def infinite_hermite_form(mat,include_zero_cols=True,transformation=False):
H *= E
if not include_zero_cols:
H = H[:,r-n:]
T = T[:,r-n:]
if transformation:
return H,T
return H
@ -225,6 +248,9 @@ def infinite_order_xgcd(ideals):
sage: all([a[i] in primes[i] for i in range(2)])
s = len(ideals)
non_zero_indices = [i for i, ideal in enumerate(ideals) if ideal != 0]
ideals = [ideal for i, ideal in enumerate(ideals) if ideal != 0]
order_basis = ideals[0].ring().basis()
if order_basis[0] != 1:
raise ValueError('The first element of the basis of the order should'
@ -241,8 +267,12 @@ def infinite_order_xgcd(ideals):
H,U = infinite_hermite_form(C, include_zero_cols=False, transformation=True)
if not (H/den).is_one():
raise ValueError("The ideals should be coprime.")
v = U[:,-n].list()
return [sum([ideals_bases[i][j]*v[n*i+j] for j in range(n)]) for i in range(k)]
v = U[:,0].list()
coefs = [sum([ideals_bases[i][j]*v[n*i+j] for j in range(n)]) for i in range(k)]
res = [0]*s
for i, c in zip(non_zero_indices, coefs):
res[i] = c
return res
def infinite_approximation(places,valuations,residues):
@ -272,55 +302,296 @@ def infinite_approximation(places,valuations,residues):
def safe_uniformizer(K):
def safe_uniformizers(K):
Return a safe uniformizer and an infinite place of self._function_field
A uniformizer is safe if its valuation at other infinite places is 0.
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import safe_uniformizer
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import safe_uniformizers
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x**-5 - 1)
sage: places = K.places_infinite()
sage: pi, place = safe_uniformizer(K); pi
((2*x + 1)/x)*y + (2*x + 2)/x
sage: place == places[0]
sage: pis = safe_uniformizers(K)
sage: all([(pi.valuation(place) == 1 and i == j) or (pi.valuation(place) == 0 and i != j) for (i,pi) in enumerate(pis) for (j, place) in enumerate(places)])
sage: pi.valuation(place)
sage: pi.valuation(places[1])
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import all_infinite_places
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 + x + 2)
sage: places = K.places_infinite()
sage: pi, place = safe_uniformizer(K); pi
sage: place == places[0]
sage: pi.valuation(place)
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^4 + (2*x^2 + 2)/x^2)
sage: pi, _ = safe_uniformizer(K)
sage: [pi.valuation(place) for place in all_infinite_places(K)]
[1, 0, 0]
sage: safe_uniformizer(F)
(1/x, Place (1/x))
places = all_infinite_places(K)
n = len(places)
return (infinite_approximation(
return [infinite_approximation(
[2] + ([1]*(n-1)),
[places[0].local_uniformizer()] + ([1]*(n-1))),
[2 if p == place else 1 for p in places],
[place.local_uniformizer() if p == place else 1 for p in places])
for place in places]
class FunctionFieldCompletionCustom(Map):
Completions on function fields.
Allows for choice of uniformizer.
- ``field`` -- function field
- ``place`` -- place of the function field
- ``pi`` -- a local uniformizer at place
- ``name`` -- string for the name of the series variable
- ``prec`` -- positive integer; default precision
- ``gen_name`` -- string; name of the generator of the residue
field; used only when place is non-rational
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import FunctionFieldCompletionCustom
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = FunctionFieldCompletionCustom(L,p)
sage: m
Completion map:
From: Function field in y defined by y^2 + y + (x^2 + 1)/x
To: Laurent Series Ring in s over Finite Field of size 2
sage: m(x)
s^2 + s^3 + s^4 + s^5 + s^7 + s^8 + s^9 + s^10 + s^12 + s^13
+ s^15 + s^16 + s^17 + s^19 + O(s^22)
sage: m(y)
s^-1 + 1 + s^3 + s^5 + s^7 + s^9 + s^13 + s^15 + s^17 + O(s^19)
sage: m(x*y) == m(x) * m(y)
sage: m(x+y) == m(x) + m(y)
The variable name of the series can be supplied. If the place is not
rational such that the residue field is a proper extension of the constant
field, you can also specify the generator name of the extension::
sage: p2 = L.places_finite(2)[0]
sage: p2
Place (x^2 + x + 1, x*y + 1)
sage: m2 = FunctionFieldCompletionCustom(L, p2, name='t', gen_name='b')
sage: m2(x)
(b + 1) + t + t^2 + t^4 + t^8 + t^16 + O(t^20)
sage: m2(y)
b + b*t + b*t^3 + b*t^4 + (b + 1)*t^5 + (b + 1)*t^7 + b*t^9 + b*t^11
+ b*t^12 + b*t^13 + b*t^15 + b*t^16 + (b + 1)*t^17 + (b + 1)*t^19 + O(t^20)
The choice of local uniformizer used for the expansion can be supplied.
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import safe_uniformizers
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import all_infinite_places
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x**-5 - 1)
sage: pi = safe_uniformizers(K)[0]
sage: place = all_infinite_places(K)[0]
sage: f = 1 / (1-pi)
sage: m3 = FunctionFieldCompletionCustom(K, place, pi)
sage: m3(f)
1 + s + s^2 + s^3 + s^4 + s^5 + s^6 + s^7 + s^8 + s^9 + s^10 + s^11 +
s^12 + s^13 + s^14 + s^15 + s^16 + s^17 + s^18 + s^19 + O(s^20)
def __init__(self, field, place, pi=None, name=None, prec=None, gen_name=None):
sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings sage.rings.function_field
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = L.completion(p)
sage: m
Completion map:
From: Function field in y defined by y^2 + y + (x^2 + 1)/x
To: Laurent Series Ring in s over Finite Field of size 2
if name is None:
name = 's' # default
if gen_name is None:
gen_name = 'a' # default
k, from_k, to_k = place.residue_field(name=gen_name)
self._place = place
if pi is None:
self._pi = place.local_uniformizer()
self._pi = pi
self._gen_name = gen_name
if prec is infinity:
from sage.rings.lazy_series_ring import LazyLaurentSeriesRing
codomain = LazyLaurentSeriesRing(k, name)
self._precision = infinity
else: # prec < infinity:
# if prec is None, the Laurent series ring provides default precision
from sage.rings.laurent_series_ring import LaurentSeriesRing
codomain = LaurentSeriesRing(k, name=name, default_prec=prec)
self._precision = codomain.default_prec()
Map.__init__(self, field, codomain)
def _repr_type(self) -> str:
Return a string containing the type of the map.
sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings sage.rings.function_field
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = L.completion(p)
sage: m # indirect doctest
Completion map:
From: Function field in y defined by y^2 + y + (x^2 + 1)/x
To: Laurent Series Ring in s over Finite Field of size 2
return 'Completion'
def _call_(self, f):
Call the completion for f
sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings sage.rings.function_field
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = L.completion(p)
sage: m(y)
s^-1 + 1 + s^3 + s^5 + s^7 + s^9 + s^13 + s^15 + s^17 + O(s^19)
if f.is_zero():
return self.codomain().zero()
if self._precision is infinity:
return self._expand_lazy(f)
return self._expand(f, prec=None)
def _call_with_args(self, f, args, kwds):
Call the completion with ``args`` and ``kwds``.
sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings sage.rings.function_field
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = L.completion(p)
sage: m(x+y, 10) # indirect doctest
s^-1 + 1 + s^2 + s^4 + s^8 + O(s^9)
if f.is_zero():
return self.codomain().zero()
if self._precision is infinity:
return self._expand_lazy(f, *args, **kwds)
return self._expand(f, *args, **kwds)
def _expand(self, f, prec=None):
Return the Laurent series expansion of f with precision ``prec``.
- ``f`` -- element of the function field
- ``prec`` -- positive integer; relative precision of the series
sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings sage.rings.function_field
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = L.completion(p)
sage: m(x, prec=20) # indirect doctest
s^2 + s^3 + s^4 + s^5 + s^7 + s^8 + s^9 + s^10 + s^12 + s^13 + s^15
+ s^16 + s^17 + s^19 + O(s^22)
if prec is None:
prec = self._precision
place = self._place
F = place.function_field()
der = F.higher_derivation()
k, from_k, to_k = place.residue_field(name=self._gen_name)
sep = self._pi
val = f.valuation(place)
e = f * sep**(-val)
coeffs = [to_k(der._derive(e, i, sep)) for i in range(prec)]
return self.codomain()(coeffs, val).add_bigoh(prec + val)
def _expand_lazy(self, f):
Return the lazy Laurent series expansion of ``f``.
- ``f`` -- element of the function field
sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings sage.rings.function_field
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = L.completion(p, prec=infinity)
sage: e = m(x); e
s^2 + s^3 + s^4 + s^5 + s^7 + s^8 + ...
sage: e.coefficient(99) # indirect doctest
sage: e.coefficient(100)
place = self._place
F = place.function_field()
der = F.higher_derivation()
k, from_k, to_k = place.residue_field(name=self._gen_name)
sep = self._pi
val = f.valuation(place)
e = f * sep**(-val)
def coeff(s, n):
return to_k(der._derive(e, n - val, sep))
return self.codomain().series(coeff, valuation=val)
def default_precision(self):
Return the default precision.
sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings sage.rings.function_field
sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(2)); _.<Y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(Y^2 + Y + x + 1/x)
sage: p = L.places_finite()[0]
sage: m = L.completion(p)
sage: m.default_precision()
return self._precision
def local_expansion(place,pi,f):
@ -342,26 +613,7 @@ def local_expansion(place,pi,f):
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import local_expansion
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import safe_uniformizer
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x**-5 - 1)
sage: pi, place = safe_uniformizer(K)
sage: f = 1 / (1-pi)
sage: exp = local_expansion(place, pi, f)
sage: all([exp(i) == 1 for i in range(20)])
if f == 0:
return lambda i : 0
K = place.function_field()
der = K.higher_derivation()
k, _, to_k = place.residue_field()
val = f.valuation(place)
e = f * pi**(-val)
return lambda i : to_k(der._derive(e, i - val, pi)) if i >= val else 0
def residue(place,pi,f):
Return the residue of constant répartition f at place with respect
@ -464,3 +716,310 @@ def smallest_norm_first(mat,i = 0,norms=[]):
norms[i] = norms[j+i]
norms[j+i] = n
return norms
def finite_order_xgcd(left, right):
Compute `a \in left` and `b \in right` such that `a + b = 1`
-a: FunctionFieldIdeal_polymod: ideal of a finite maximal order
-b: FunctionFieldIdeal_polymod: ideal of the same maximal order
[Coh00]_ Algorithm 1.3.2
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import finite_order_xgcd
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: places = K.places_finite()
sage: left = places[0].prime_ideal()
sage: right = places[1].prime_ideal()
sage: a, b = finite_order_xgcd(left, right)
sage: a in left
sage: b in right
sage: a + b
O = left.base_ring()
O_basis = O.basis()
m_left = left.hnf()
n = m_left.nrows()
m_right = right.hnf()
c = block_matrix([[m_left], [m_right]])
h, u = c.hermite_form(False, True)
if not h.is_one():
raise ValueError('The ideals left and right must be coprime.')
x = u[0,:n].list()
a = sum([c*e for c, e in zip(x,left.gens_over_base())])
return a, 1-a
def euclidean_step(ideal_a, ideal_b, a, b, d=None):
Let `d = ideal_a a + ideal_b b`. Return `u \in ideal_a d^-1` and
`v \in ideal_b d^-1` such that au + bv = 1
[Coh00]_ Theorem 1.3.3
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import euclidean_step
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: ideals = [P.prime_ideal() for P in K.places_finite()[:2]]
sage: a = x^2*y + 3
sage: b = 2*y*x^5
sage: d = a*ideals[0] + b*ideals[1]
sage: u, v = euclidean_step(ideals[0], ideals[1], a, b)
sage: u in ideals[0] * d^-1
sage: v in ideals[1] * d^-1
sage: a*u + b*v
infinite = isinstance(ideal_a.base_ring(),FunctionFieldOrderInfinite)
if a == 0:
return 0, b^-1
if b == 0:
return a^-1, 0
if d == None:
d = a*ideal_a + b*ideal_b
I = a * ideal_a * d**-1
J = b * ideal_b * d**-1
#It would make sense to distinguish between finite and infinite order
#in a unified xgcd function, but the hnf form for infinite ideals
#needs to be refactored: we currently use opposite convention from
#that of sage.
if infinite:
s, t = infinite_order_xgcd([I,J])
s, t = finite_order_xgcd(I, J)
return s/a, t/b
def finite_integral_quotient(left, right):
return (left.numerator()*right.denominator()) // (left.denominator())*(right.numerator())
def infinite_integral_quotient(left, right):
if left == 0:
return 0
r = left / right
x = left.parent().gen()
return x**(r.denominator().degree() - r.numerator().degree())
def hnf_reduction_mod_ideal(ideal, elem):
Reduce an element of a function field \(K\) modulo an ideal of a maximal
order of K
if isinstance(ideal, FunctionFieldIdealInfinite):
quotient = infinite_integral_quotient
hnf = infinite_ideal_hnf(ideal)
quotient = finite_integral_quotient
hnf = ideal.hnf()
n = hnf.ncols()
basis = ideal.base_ring().basis()
basis_matrix = matrix([e.list() for e in basis]).transpose()**-1
y = basis_matrix * matrix(n,1,elem.list())
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
q = quotient(y[i,0],hnf[i,i])
y -= q * hnf[:,i]
y = sum([y[i,0]*e for i, e in enumerate(basis)])
return y
def pseudo_hermite_form(ideals, mat, include_zero_cols=True, transformation=False):
Return the hermite form of the pseudo-matrix ``(ideals, mat)`` with
coefficients in a function field and ideals in a maximal order.
Uses the opposite convention from sage for hermite forms, aligns with
Cohen's book instead.
- Algorithm 1.4.7 from [Coh00]_
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import pseudo_hermite_form
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: ideals = [P.prime_ideal() for P in K.places_finite()[:3]]
sage: mat = matrix(K, [[1, x, y],[2, x+1, y+1]])
sage: h_ideals, h, u = pseudo_hermite_form(ideals, mat, transformation=True)
sage: h
[ 0 1 3*x^3 + 4*x]
[ 0 0 1]
sage: h == mat * u
sage: all([u[i,j] in ideals[i] * h_ideals[j]^-1 for i in range(3) for j in range(3)])
sage: prod(ideals) == u.determinant() * prod(h_ideals)
K = mat.base_ring()
k = mat.ncols()
n = mat.nrows()
U = identity_matrix(K,k)
h = copy(mat)
h_ideals = copy(ideals)
j = k-1
for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
#Check zero
if all([h[i,m] == 0 for m in range(j+1)]):
m = [h[i,m] == 0 for m in range(j+1)].index(False)
h[:,m], h[:,j] = h[:,j], h[:,m]
U[:,m], U[:,j] = U[:,j], U[:,m]
h_ideals[m], h_ideals[j] = h_ideals[j], h_ideals[m]
#Put 1 on the main diagonal
a = h[i,j]**-1
h_ideals[j] *= h[i,j]
h[:,j] *= a
U[:,j] *= a
for m in range(j-1,-1,-1):
if h[i,m] == 0:
#Euclidean step
partial = h[i,m]*h_ideals[m] + h_ideals[j]
u, v = euclidean_step(h_ideals[m], h_ideals[j],
h[i,m], 1, partial)
U[:, m], U[:, j] = U[:, m] - h[i, m]*U[:, j], u*U[:, m] + v*U[:, j]
h[:, m], h[:, j] = h[:, m] - h[i, m]*h[:, j], u*h[:, m] + v*h[:, j]
h_ideals[m], h_ideals[j] = h_ideals[m] * h_ideals[j] * partial**-1, partial
#Row reduction step
for m in range(j+1,k):
ideal = h_ideals[m]**-1 * h_ideals[j]
q = h[i, m] - hnf_reduction_mod_ideal(ideal, h[i, m])
U[:, m] -= q*U[:, j]
h[:, m] -= q*h[:, j]
j -=1
if not include_zero_cols:
first_nonzero = [h[:,j].is_zero() for j in range(k)].index(False)
h = h[:,first_nonzero:]
h_ideals = h_ideals[first_nonzero:]
U = U[:,first_nonzero:]
if transformation:
return h_ideals, h, U
return h_ideals, h
def hermite_form_infinite_polymod(mat, include_zero_cols=True, transformation=False):
Return the hermite normal form of mat.
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import hermite_form_infinite_polymod
sage: from vector_bundle.function_field_utility import all_infinite_places
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: mat = matrix(K,[[1,x^-1,y^-1],[2,(x+1)^-1,(y+1)^-1]])
sage: h, u = hermite_form_infinite_polymod(mat, transformation=True)
sage: h
[ 0 (4*x + 1)/(x^2 + x) (4*x^2 + 6)/x^2]
[ 0 0 1]
sage: h == mat * u
sage: O = K.maximal_order_infinite()
sage: all([c in O for c in u.list()])
sage: all([u.determinant().valuation(place) == 0 for place in all_infinite_places(K)])
K = mat.base_ring()
O = K.maximal_order_infinite()
pis = safe_uniformizers(K)
places = all_infinite_places(K)
mins = [min([m.valuation(place) for m in mat.list()]) for place in places]
den = prod([pi**min(-m,0) for pi, m in zip(pis, mins)])
h = den*mat
k = mat.ncols()
n = mat.nrows()
U = identity_matrix(K,k)
j = k-1
for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
if all([h[i,m] == 0 for m in range(j+1)]):
min_vals = [min([h[i,m].valuation(place) for m in range(j+1)])
for place in places]
gcd = prod([pi**m for pi, m in zip(pis, min_vals)])
#put gcd on the diagonal
ideals = [O.ideal(h[i,m]/gcd) if not h[i,m].is_zero() else 0
for m in range(j+1)]
coefs = infinite_order_xgcd(ideals)
ell = [c == 0 for c in coefs].index(False)
U[:,j], U[:, ell] = gcd*sum([(c/h[i,ell])*U[:,m]
for m,c in enumerate(coefs)]), U[:, j]
h[:,j], h[:, ell] = gcd*sum([(c/h[i,ell])*h[:,m]
for m,c in enumerate(coefs)]), h[:, j]
assert(all([u in O for u in U.list()]))
#eliminate coefficients left of diagonal
for m in range(j):
c = h[i,m]/h[i,j]
U[:,m] -= c*U[:,j]
h[:,m] -= c*h[:,j]
assert(all([u in O for u in U.list()]))
#reduce coefficients right of diagonal
for m in range(j+1,k):
ideal = O.ideal(h[i,j])
q = (h[i, m] - hnf_reduction_mod_ideal(ideal,h[i, m]))/h[i,j]
U[:,m] -= q*U[:,j]
h[:,m] -= q*h[:,j]
h /= den
if not include_zero_cols:
first_nonzero = [h[:,j].is_zero() for j in range(k)].index(False)
h = h[:,first_nonzero:]
U = U[:,first_nonzero:]
if transformation:
return h, U
return h
def full_rank_matrix_in_completion(mat, place=None, pi=None):
Return a full rank matrix with coefficients in the constant base field.
Its columns are concatenations of expansions of the coefficients in the
columns of mat.
K = mat.base_ring()
k = K.constant_base_field()
s = mat.ncols()
r = mat.nrows()
if place is None:
if isinstance(K, RationalFunctionField):
place = K.gen().zeros()[0]
place = K.get_place(1)
Kp = FunctionFieldCompletionCustom(K, place, pi, prec=infinity, name="pi", gen_name="b")
exps = [[Kp(c) for c in row] for row in mat]
vals = [min([mat[i,j].valuation(place) for j in range(s)])
for i in range(r)]
ell = 0
N = matrix(k,0,s)
while N.rank() < s:
for i in range(r):
row = [exps[i][j].coefficient(vals[i] + ell) for j in range(s)]
N = insert_row(N, (i+1)*(ell+1) - 1, row)
ell += 1
return N, Kp, vals

View File

@ -40,9 +40,14 @@ is the constant field of `K`::
# #
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.matrix.special import identity_matrix
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
from sage.categories.all import Algebras
from sage.algebras.all import FiniteDimensionalAlgebra
from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
from vector_bundle import function_field_utility, algebras
class HomBundle(VectorBundle):
@ -231,6 +236,17 @@ class HomBundle(VectorBundle):
If other is also a hom bundle, this is the hom bundle from
to ``self.domain().tensor_product(other.codomain()``
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: L1 = VectorBundle(F, 2*x.zeros()[0].divisor())
sage: L2 = VectorBundle(F, -3*x.poles()[0].divisor())
sage: hom = L1.hom(L2)
sage: T = L1.tensor_product(L2)
sage: hom.hom(hom) == T.end()
if isinstance(other, HomBundle):
return self._codomain.tensor_product(other._domain)\
@ -242,6 +258,17 @@ class HomBundle(VectorBundle):
Return the tensor product of a hom bundle and a vector bundle.
This is the same thing as
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: L1 = VectorBundle(F, 2*x.zeros()[0].divisor())
sage: L2 = VectorBundle(F, -3*x.poles()[0].divisor())
sage: hom = L1.hom(L2)
sage: hom2 = L1.hom(L2.tensor_product(L1))
sage: hom.tensor_product(L1) == hom2
return self._domain.hom(self._codomain.tensor_product(other))
@ -299,7 +326,246 @@ class HomBundle(VectorBundle):
sage: all([all([a in O_infinity for a in (x**-2 * mat * g_infinite).list()]) for mat in h0])
if self._h0 is not None:
return self._h0
h0 = super().h0()
return [self._vector_to_matrix(v) for v in h0]
h0 = [self._vector_to_matrix(v) for v in h0]
self._h0 = h0
return h0
def coordinates_in_h0(self, mat):
Return the coordinates in the basis of ``self.h0()`` of the matrix
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^4 - x^-2 - 1)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: V1 = triv.direct_sum(can)
sage: V2 = can.direct_sum(triv)
sage: hom = V1.hom(V2)
sage: hom.coordinates_in_h0(matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]]))
(1, 1, 0, 0)
if self._h0_matrix is None:
vec_h0 = [self._matrix_to_vector(m) for m in self.h0()]
basis_mat = matrix(self._function_field, vec_h0).transpose()
self._h0_matrix, self._h0_Kp, self._h0_vs =\
vec_f = self._matrix_to_vector(mat)
res = VectorBundle.coordinates_in_h0(self, vec_f, check=False)
if mat == self.h0_from_vector(res):
return res
return None
def image(self, f):
Return an image of global homomorphism ``f`` which is an element of
That is, a vector bundle `V` together with an injective morphism of `V`
into ``self.codomain`` such that the image of `V` in ``self.codomain``
is also the image of ``f``.
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: V1 = triv.direct_sum(can)
sage: V2 = can.direct_sum(triv)
sage: hom = V1.hom(V2)
sage: image, map = hom.image(matrix(K, [[0, 1], [0, 0]]))
sage: image.isomorphism_to(can) is not None
sage: image.hom(V2).coordinates_in_h0(map)
(1, 0)
dom = self._domain
cod = self._codomain
ideals, C_fi = function_field_utility.pseudo_hermite_form(
C_inf = function_field_utility.hermite_form_infinite_polymod(
g_fi = C_inf.solve_right(C_fi)
K = self._function_field
image = VectorBundle(K, ideals, g_fi, identity_matrix(K, g_fi.ncols()))
return image, C_inf
def kernel(self, f):
Return a kernel of global homomorphism ``f`` which is an element of
That is, a vector bundle `V` together with an injective morphism of `V`
into ``self.domain`` such that the image of `V` in ``self.domain``
is the kernel of ``f``.
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: V1 = triv.direct_sum(can)
sage: V2 = can.direct_sum(triv)
sage: hom = V1.hom(V2)
sage: kernel, map = hom.kernel(matrix(K, [[0, 1], [0, 0]]))
sage: kernel.isomorphism_to(triv) is not None
sage: kernel.hom(V1).coordinates_in_h0(map)
(1, 0)
dom = self._domain
cod = self._codomain
ideals, _, U_fi = function_field_utility.pseudo_hermite_form(
_, U_inf = function_field_utility.hermite_form_infinite_polymod(
r = f.rank()
n = f.ncols()
ideals = ideals[:n-r]
C_fi = U_fi[:,:n-r]
C_inf = U_inf[:,:n-r]
g_fi = C_inf.solve_right(C_fi)
K = self._function_field
image = VectorBundle(K, ideals, g_fi, identity_matrix(K, g_fi.ncols()))
return image, C_inf
def is_isomorphism(self, f):
Check if f is an isomorphism from ``self.domain()`` to
sage: from vector_bundle import atiyah_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: V = atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0)
sage: W = atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0, canonical_bundle(K))
sage: isom = x^2/(x^2 + 3) * identity_matrix(K, 2)
sage: V.hom(W).is_isomorphism(isom)
dual = self.dual()
return self.is_in_h0(f) and dual.is_in_h0(f**-1)
class EndBundle(HomBundle):
Vector bundles representing endomorphism sheaves of vector bundles.
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^4 - x^-2 - 1)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: triv.direct_sum(can).end()
Endomorphism bundle of Vector bundle of rank 2 over Function field in y defined by y^4 + (6*x^2 + 6)/x^2
def __init__(self, bundle):
HomBundle.__init__(self, bundle, bundle)
self._A = None
def __repr__(self):
return "Endomorphism bundle of %s" % (self._domain)
def global_algebra(self):
Return ``self.h0()`` as a k-algebra in which computations may be done.
Also return maps to and from the algebra.
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^4 - x^-2 - 1)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: end = triv.direct_sum(can).end()
sage: A, to_A, from_A = end.global_algebra(); A
Finite-dimensional algebra of degree 4 over Finite Field of size 7
sage: h0 = end.h0()
if self._A is not None:
return self._A
k = self._function_field.constant_base_field()
category = Algebras(k).FiniteDimensional().WithBasis().Associative()
basis = self.h0()
tables = [matrix(k,[self.coordinates_in_h0(b*a) for b in basis])
for a in basis]
algebra = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(
category = category)
to_a = lambda mat : algebra(self.coordinates_in_h0(mat))
from_a = lambda a : self.h0_from_vector(a.vector())
self._A = (algebra, to_a, from_a)
return algebra, to_a, from_a
def _global_algebra_split(self):
Return a splitting of ``self.global_algebra()``
- ``factors`` -- List of the matrix algebras that are simple
factors of the semi-simple quotient of self
inverse. Come with maps to and from ``self.global_algebra()``
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: L1 = VectorBundle(F, 3 * x.zeros()[0].divisor())
sage: L2 = VectorBundle(F, -2 * x.poles()[0].divisor())\
....: .direct_sum_repeat(2)
sage: V = L1.direct_sum(L2)
sage: T = matrix(
....: F, 3, 3,
....: [2*x, 4, x+1, 4*x, 4*x+6, 5*x+6, 5*x+2, 5*x+3, 2*x+6])
sage: V = V.apply_isomorphism(T)
sage: End = V.end()
sage: _, _, from_A = End.global_algebra()
sage: S, factors = End._global_algebra_split()
sage: len(factors)
sage: deg_1_index = [f.M.nrows() for f in factors].index(1)
sage: deg_2_index = 1 - deg_1_index
sage: f = factors[deg_1_index]
sage: T^-1 * from_A(S[2](f.from_M(identity_matrix(GF(7),1)))) * T
[1 0 0]
[0 0 0]
[0 0 0]
sage: f = factors[deg_2_index]
sage: T^-1 * from_A(S[2](f.from_M(identity_matrix(GF(7),2)))) * T
[0 0 0]
[0 1 0]
[0 0 1]
A, _, _ = self.global_algebra()
return algebras.full_split(A)

View File

@ -76,10 +76,11 @@ from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from sage.arith.functions import lcm
from sage.arith.misc import integer_ceil
from sage.functions.log import logb
from sage.functions.log import logb, log
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.matrix.special import block_matrix, elementary_matrix\
, identity_matrix
from sage.matrix.special import (block_matrix, elementary_matrix,
identity_matrix, diagonal_matrix,
zero_matrix, block_diagonal_matrix)
from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
from sage.rings.function_field.ideal import FunctionFieldIdeal
from sage.rings.function_field.function_field_rational\
@ -138,12 +139,16 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
Vector bundle of rank 1 over Function field in y defined by y^2 + 2*x^3 + 2*x
def __init__(self,function_field, ideals,g_finite=None,g_infinite=None):
def __init__(self,function_field, ideals,g_finite=None,g_infinite=None, check=True):
if g_finite is None or g_infinite is None:
self._line_bundle_from_divisor(function_field, ideals)
self._line_bundle_from_divisor(function_field, ideals, check=check)
self._vector_bundle_from_data(function_field, ideals,
g_finite,g_infinite, check)
self._h0 = None
self._h0_matrix = None
self._h0_Kp = None
self._h0_vs = None
def __hash__(self):
return hash((tuple(self._ideals),
@ -164,13 +169,14 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
def _line_bundle_from_divisor(self,function_field,divisor):
def _line_bundle_from_divisor(self,function_field,divisor, check=True):
Build a line bundle from a divisor
if not function_field == divisor.parent().function_field():
raise ValueError('The divisor should be defined over the '
+ 'function field.')
if check:
if not function_field == divisor.parent().function_field():
raise ValueError('The divisor should be defined over the '
+ 'function field.')
self._function_field = function_field
couples = divisor.list()
finite_part = [c for c in couples if not c[0].is_infinite_place()]
@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
self._g_infinite = matrix(function_field,[[pi]])
def _vector_bundle_from_data(self,function_field,
ideals,g_finite,g_infinite, check=True):
Construct a vector bundle from data.
@ -207,22 +213,23 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
r = len(ideals)
if (g_finite.nrows() != r
or g_finite.ncols() != r
or g_infinite.nrows() != r
or g_infinite.ncols() != r):
raise ValueError('The length of the ideal list must equal the \
size of the basis matrices')
if not g_finite.is_invertible() or not g_infinite.is_invertible():
raise ValueError('The basis matrices must be invertible')
if not all([isinstance(I,FunctionFieldIdeal)
for I in ideals]):
raise TypeError('The second argument must be a list of \
if not all([I.base_ring() == function_field.maximal_order()
for I in ideals]):
raise ValueError('All ideals must have the maximal order of\
function_field as base ring.')
if check:
if (g_finite.nrows() != r
or g_finite.ncols() != r
or g_infinite.nrows() != r
or g_infinite.ncols() != r):
raise ValueError('The length of the ideal list must equal'
+ ' the size of the basis matrices')
if not g_finite.is_invertible() or not g_infinite.is_invertible():
raise ValueError('The basis matrices must be invertible')
if not all([isinstance(I,FunctionFieldIdeal)
for I in ideals]):
raise TypeError('The second argument must be a list of \
if not all([I.base_ring() == function_field.maximal_order()
for I in ideals]):
raise ValueError('All ideals must have the maximal order of\
function_field as base ring.')
self._function_field = function_field
self._ideals = ideals
self._g_finite = g_finite
@ -376,10 +383,11 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
I = prod(self._ideals)
determinant_finite = self._g_finite.determinant()
determinant_infinite = self._g_infinite.determinant()
return VectorBundle(self._function_field
return VectorBundle(self._function_field,
def degree(self):
@ -500,7 +508,8 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
[0 0], [x 0], [ 0 0], [0 1]
return self.hom(self)
from . import hom_bundle
return hom_bundle.EndBundle(self)
def dual(self):
@ -550,7 +559,8 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
ideals = self._ideals + other._ideals
g_finite = block_matrix([[self._g_finite,0],[0,other._g_finite]])
g_infinite = block_matrix([[self._g_infinite,0],[0,other._g_infinite]])
return VectorBundle(self._function_field, ideals,g_finite,g_infinite)
return VectorBundle(self._function_field, ideals,
g_finite, g_infinite, check=False)
def _direct_sum_rec(self,acc,n):
@ -608,7 +618,8 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
ideals = [I * J for I in self._ideals for J in other._ideals]
g_finite = self._g_finite.tensor_product(other._g_finite)
g_infinite = self._g_infinite.tensor_product(other._g_infinite)
return VectorBundle(self._function_field, ideals,g_finite,g_infinite)
return VectorBundle(self._function_field, ideals,
g_finite, g_infinite, check=False)
def _tensor_power_aux(self,acc,n):
@ -664,7 +675,8 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
O = K.maximal_order()
ideals = [O.ideal(I.gens()) for I in self._ideals]
return VectorBundle(K, ideals,self._g_finite,self._g_infinite)
return VectorBundle(K, ideals,self._g_finite,
self._g_infinite, check=False)
def restriction(self):
@ -717,7 +729,8 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
for c in gen_infinite])
g_infinite = matrix([sum([a.list() for a in collumn],[])
for collumn in g_infinite]).transpose()
return VectorBundle(F, ideals,g_finite,g_infinite)
return VectorBundle(F, ideals,g_finite,
g_infinite, check=False)
def _h0_rational(self):
@ -799,7 +812,7 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
for i in range(self.rank()):
for p in range(min([c.denominator().degree()
- c.numerator().degree()
for c in mat[i, :].list()]) + 1):
for c in mat[i, :].list() if c != 0]) + 1):
basis.append(self._g_infinite * vector(one.shift(p)*mat[i, :]))
return basis
@ -851,6 +864,8 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
sage: len(L.h0())
if self._h0 is not None:
return self._h0
if isinstance(self._function_field,RationalFunctionField):
#Compute restriction to normalize the coefficient ideals.
return self.restriction()._h0_rational()
@ -863,6 +878,7 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
h0.append(vector([sum([y**j * v[i*deg + j]
for j in range(deg)])
for i in range(self.rank())]))
self._h0 = h0
return h0
@ -922,17 +938,17 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
- ''res'' -- vector of elements of K such that the corresponding infinite répartition vectorcorresponds to form under Serre duality with respect to _safe_uniformizer(self._function_field).differential().
- ''res'' -- vector of elements of K such that the corresponding infinite répartition vectorcorresponds to form under Serre duality with respect to ``safe_uniformizers(self._function_field)[0].differential()``.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^4 - x**-2 - 1)
sage: trivial_ideal = K.maximal_order().ideal(1)
sage: g_finite = identity_matrix(K, 2)
sage: pi = K.places_infinite()[0].local_uniformizer()
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: triv.h1_element([1])
[(x/(x^2 + 1))*y]
K = self._function_field
h1_dual, h1_dual_bundle = self.h1_dual()
@ -941,53 +957,90 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
form = [1] + [0] * (s-1)
r = self.rank()
places = function_field_utility.all_infinite_places(K)
pi_0, place_0 = function_field_utility.safe_uniformizer(K)
if not place_0 == places[0]:
raise ValueError('Something went wrong with the order of infinite'
+ ' places of the function field')
pi_0 = function_field_utility.safe_uniformizers(K)[0]
place_0 = places[0]
k,from_k,to_k = place_0.residue_field()
form = vector([function_field_utility.invert_trace(
k, K.constant_base_field(), c) for c in form])
dual_matrix = matrix([h1_dual_bundle._matrix_to_vector(mat)
for mat in h1_dual]).transpose()
zero_rows = [i for i, row in enumerate(dual_matrix) if row == 0]
exps = [[function_field_utility.local_expansion(place_0,
pi_0,dual_matrix[i, j])
for j in range(s)]
for i in range(r)]
min_vals = [[min([dual_matrix[i, j].valuation(place) for j in range(s)])
for i in range(r)]
for place in places]
ell = 0
n_matrix = matrix(k,0,s,[])
while n_matrix.rank() < s:
for i in range(r):
row = [exps[i][j](min_vals[0][i] + ell) for j in range(s)]
n_matrix = function_field_utility.insert_row(
n_matrix, (i+1)*(ell+1) - 1, row)
ell +=1
n_matrix, _, _ = function_field_utility.full_rank_matrix_in_completion(
ell = n_matrix.nrows() // dual_matrix.nrows()
ell_pow = k.cardinality() ** integer_ceil(logb(ell,k.cardinality()))
res = n_matrix.solve_left(form)
min_vals = [[min([c.valuation(place) for c in dual_matrix.list()])]
for place in places]
pi = function_field_utility.infinite_approximation(
[1] + [integer_ceil(-min(min_val)/ell) for min_val in min_vals[1:]],
[1] + [integer_ceil(-min_val/ell) for min_val in min_vals[1:]],
[1] + [0]*(len(places)-1))**ell_pow
res = [function_field_utility.infinite_approximation(
[1] + [0]*(len(places)-1),
[a] + [0]*(len(places)-1))**ell_pow
for a in res]
min_vals_0 = [0 if i in zero_rows
else min([dual_matrix[i,j].valuation(place_0)
for j in range(s)])
for i in range(r)]
return [pi
* pi_0**(-min_vals[0][i]-1)
* pi_0**(-min_vals_0[i]-1)
* sum([pi_0**(-j) * res[i*ell + j] for j in range(ell)])
if not i in zero_rows else 0
for i in range(r)]
def extension_group(self, other, precompute_basis=None):
def extension_group(self, other, precompute_basis=False):
Return the extension group of ``self`` by ``other``.
If ``precompute_basis`` is set to ``True``, a basis of the extension
group is precomputed. Extensions may be constructed without using
a precomputed basis, but each construction is a bit costlier this way.
You should precompute a basis if you are planning to compute
an number of extensions larger than the dimension of the ext group.
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: trivial_bundle(K).extension_group(canonical_bundle(K))
Extension group of Vector bundle of rank 1 over Function field in
y defined by y^2 + 2*x^3 + 2*x by Vector bundle of rank 1 over
Function field in y defined by y^2 + 2*x^3 + 2*x.
return ext_group.ExtGroup(self, other, precompute_basis)
def non_trivial_extension(self, other):
Return any nontrivial extension of self by other.
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: V = triv.non_trivial_extension(can)
sage: V.rank()
sage: V.h0()
[(1, 0)]
sage: V.end().h0()
[0 1] [1 0]
[0 0], [0 1]
ext_group = self.extension_group(other)
return ext_group.extension()
@ -1000,14 +1053,6 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
constructions generalises to arbitrary genus if one replaces the
trivial line bundle with a canonical line bundle.
The implementation is hacky at the moment and relies on the
hypothesis that ``h1_dual`` returns a good basis of the space.
A more robust implementation would either use formal power series to
do linear algebra on the global sections or rely on the ``h0`` computation
using matrices in normal Popov form to have normalized output.
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, VectorBundle
@ -1018,7 +1063,7 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
sage: E = T.extension_by_global_sections()
sage: E.rank()
sage: E.hom(E).h0()
sage: E.end().h0()
[0 1] [1 0]
[0 0], [0 1]
@ -1043,33 +1088,366 @@ class VectorBundle(SageObject):
ohm = constructions.canonical_bundle(self._function_field)\
ext_group = self.extension_group(ohm)
ext_dual = ext_group.dual_basis()
form = [1 if any([vector(mat[:, i]) == v
for i,v in enumerate(h0)]) else 0
for mat in ext_dual]
ext_dual = ext_group.dual_bundle()
canonical_ext = matrix(h0).transpose()
form = ext_dual.coordinates_in_h0(canonical_ext)
return ext_group.extension(form)
def is_isomorphic_to(self, other):
def h0_from_vector(self, v):
Checks whether self is isomorphic to other
Return an element of `H^0(\mathrm{self})` from a vector of coordinates
in the basis given by ``self.h0()``
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: ideals = [P.prime_ideal() for P in K.places_finite()[:2]]
sage: g_finite = matrix([[1,1 / (x**5 + y)],[2, y]])
sage: g_infinite = matrix([[x, 1], [2, y**3]])
sage: V = VectorBundle(K, ideals, g_finite, g_infinite)
sage: h0 = V.h0()
sage: v = vector(list(range(6)))
sage: V.coordinates_in_h0(V.h0_from_vector(v))
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
return sum([a*e for a, e in zip(v, self.h0())])
def coordinates_in_h0(self, f, check=True):
Return a vector of coordinates of ``f`` in the basis returned
by ``self.h0()``
Computes the space of global homomorphisms and looks for
an invertible matrix. Can probably be improved.
If ``check`` is ``True``, it is check whether ``f`` actually lies in the
`H^0` space, and None is output if ``f`` is not in `H^0`. If ``check``
is set to ``False`` the result may be garbage.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: ideals = [P.prime_ideal() for P in K.places_finite()[:2]]
sage: g_finite = matrix([[1,1 / (x**5 + y)],[2, y]])
sage: g_infinite = matrix([[x, 1], [2, y**3]])
sage: V = VectorBundle(K, ideals, g_finite, g_infinite)
sage: h0 = V.h0()
sage: v = sum([i*e for i, e in enumerate(h0)])
sage: V.coordinates_in_h0(v)
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
if self._h0_matrix is None:
mat = matrix(self._function_field, self.h0()).transpose()
self._h0_matrix, self._h0_Kp, self._h0_vs =\
ell = self._h0_matrix.nrows() // self.rank()
series = [self._h0_Kp(c) for c in f]
v = vector(sum([[s.coefficient(val + j) for j in range(ell)]
for s, val in zip(series, self._h0_vs)],[]))
res = self._h0_matrix.solve_right(v)
if not check or self.h0_from_vector(res) == f:
return res
return None
def is_in_h0(self, v):
Check if vector ``v`` with coefficients in
``self.function_field()`` lies in the `k`-vector space spanned
by the output of ``self.h0()``
sage: from vector_bundle import trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^4 - x^-2 - 1)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: triv.is_isomorphic_to(can)
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: ideals = [P.prime_ideal() for P in K.places_finite()[:2]]
sage: g_finite = matrix([[1,1 / (x**5 + y)],[2, y]])
sage: g_infinite = matrix([[x, 1], [2, y**3]])
sage: V = VectorBundle(K, ideals, g_finite, g_infinite)
sage: V.is_in_h0(V.h0_from_vector(vector(list(range(6)))))
sage: V.is_in_h0(vector([x^i for i in range(6)]))
if self.coordinates_in_h0(v) is None:
return False
return True
def _isomorphism_to_large_field(self, other, tries=1):
Return an isomorphism from self to other if it exists and None otherwise.
May fail to find an isomorphism with probability less than
`(\frac{s}{|k|})^\mathrm{tries}`, where k is the constant field and
s is ``len(self.hom(other).h0())``. This is only usefule if `k` has
cardinality larger than ``len(self.end().h0())``.
Hom1 = self.hom(other)
hom1 = Hom1.h0()
hom2 = Hom1.dual().h0()
End = self.end()
end = End.h0()
s = len(hom1)
if s != len(hom2) or s != len(end):
return None
k = self.function_field().constant_base_field()
for _ in range(tries):
v = vector([k.random_element() for _ in range(s)])
P = Hom1.h0_from_vector(v)
mat = matrix([End.coordinates_in_h0(P*Q) for Q in hom2])
if mat.is_unit():
return P
def _isomorphism_indecomposable(self, other):
Return an isomorphism from self to other if it exists.
Assumes that self is indecomposable.
sage: from vector_bundle import atiyah_bundle, canonical_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: V = atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0)
sage: W = atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0,canonical_bundle(K))
sage: isom = V._isomorphism_indecomposable(W)
sage: isom is not None
sage: hom_1 = V.hom(W)
sage: hom_2 = W.hom(V)
sage: hom_1.is_in_h0(isom)
sage: hom_2.is_in_h0(isom^-1)
mat_basis = self.hom(other).h0()
r = self.rank()
if other.rank() != r:
return None
V = self.direct_sum(other)
End = V.end()
A, to_A, from_A = End.global_algebra()
(S, to_S, from_S), factors = End._global_algebra_split()
if len(factors) > 1:
return None
split = factors[0]
if split.M.nrows() != 2:
return None
K = self._function_field
id_self = split.to_M(to_S(to_A(
diagonal_matrix(K, [1]*r + [0]*r))))
im_self = id_self.transpose().echelon_form().rows()
im_self = [r for r in im_self if not r.is_zero()]
id_other = split.to_M(to_S(to_A(
diagonal_matrix(K, [0]*r + [1]*r))))
im_other = id_other.transpose().echelon_form().rows()
im_other = [r for r in im_other if not r.is_zero()]
P = matrix(im_self + im_other).transpose()
F = split._K
s = split._n // 2
id_s = identity_matrix(F, s)
zero_mat = zero_matrix(F, s)
isom = P * block_matrix([[zero_mat, zero_mat], [id_s, zero_mat]]) * P**-1
isom = from_A(from_S(split.from_M(isom)))
return isom[r:,:r]
def _indecomposable_power_split(self):
Check if self is a direct sum of copies of an indecomposable bundle.
If so, return this indecomposable `L` and an isomorphism from
``L.direct_sum_repeat(s)`` to ``self``.
sage: #long time (25 seconds)
sage: from vector_bundle import atiyah_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: V = atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0)
sage: W = V.direct_sum_repeat(2)
sage: T = matrix(K, 4, 4,
....: [x+1, 4, 3*x+4, 6*x+6,
....: 4*x+5, 6*x+5, 2*x+1, 4*x+3,
....: 3*x+1, 5*x, 3*x+1, x+6,
....: 5*x+4, 6*x, 5*x+2, 6*x+6])
sage: W = W.apply_isomorphism(T)
sage: ind, s, isom = W._indecomposable_power_split()
sage: s
sage: V._isomorphism_indecomposable(ind) is not None
sage: ind.direct_sum_repeat(s).hom(W).is_isomorphism(isom)
End = self.end()
A, to_A, from_A = End.global_algebra()
(S, to_S, from_S), factors = End._global_algebra_split()
if len(factors) > 1:
return None, None
split = factors[0]
K = split._K
s = split._n
idems = [diagonal_matrix(K, [0]*i + [1] + [0]*(s-i-1))
for i in range(s)]
idems = [from_A(from_S(split.from_M(idem))) for idem in idems]
images = [End.image(idem) for idem in idems]
factor = images[0][0]
isoms = [factor._isomorphism_indecomposable(im[0]) for im in images[1:]]
phis = ([images[0][1]]
+ [im[1]*isom for im, isom in zip(images[1:], isoms)])
return (factor,
block_matrix(self._function_field, [phis]))
def split(self):
Return a list of indecomposable bundles ``inds``, a list of integers
`ns` and an isomorphism from
`\bigoplus_{\mathrm{ind} \in \mathrm{inds}}
\mathrm{ind}^{n_\mathrm{ind}}` to ``self``.
sage: # long time (20 seconds)
sage: from vector_bundle import atiyah_bundle, trivial_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(7))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: V = atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0)
sage: W = triv.direct_sum_repeat(2).direct_sum(V)
sage: T = matrix(K, 4, 4,
....: [x+1, 4, 3*x+4, 6*x+6,
....: 4*x+5, 6*x+5, 2*x+1, 4*x+3,
....: 3*x+1, 5*x, 3*x+1, x+6,
....: 5*x+4, 6*x, 5*x+2, 6*x+6])
sage: W = W.apply_isomorphism(T)
sage: inds, ns, isom = W.split()
sage: b1 = [ind.rank() for ind in inds] == [1, 2]
sage: b2 = [ind.rank() for ind in inds] == [2, 1]
sage: b1 or b2
sage: b1 = ns == [1, 2]
sage: b2 = ns == [2, 1]
sage: b1 or b2
sage: sum = inds[0].direct_sum_repeat(ns[0])
sage: sum = sum.direct_sum(inds[1].direct_sum_repeat(ns[1]))
sage: sum.hom(W).is_isomorphism(isom)
K = self._function_field
End = self.end()
A, to_A, from_A = End.global_algebra()
(S, to_S, from_S), splits = End._global_algebra_split()
injections = [[from_A(from_S(s.from_M(diagonal_matrix(
[0]*i + [1] + [0]*(s._n-1-i)))))
for i in range(s._n)]
for s in splits]
images = [[End.image(inj) for inj in injs] for injs in injections]
inds = [im[0][0] for im in images]
phis = [[ims[0][1]]
+ [im[1] * ind._isomorphism_indecomposable(im[0])
for im in ims[1:]]
for ind,ims in zip(inds, images)]
ns = [len(injs) for injs in injections]
isom = block_matrix([sum(phis, [])])
return inds, ns, isom
def _isomorphism_to_small_field(self, other):
Return an isomorphism from self to other if it exists and None otherwise
inds_self, ns_self, isom_self = self.split()
inds_other, ns_other, isom_other = other.split()
if sorted(ns_self) != sorted(ns_other):
return None
isoms = [[ind_self._isomorphism_indecomposable(ind_other)
for ind_other in inds_other] for ind_self in inds_self]
fits = [[i for i, iso in enumerate(isos) if iso is not None]
for isos in isoms]
if any([len(fit) != 1 for fit in fits]):
return None
#We now know that self and other are isomorphic
fits = [fit[0] for fit in fits]
ranks_self = [ind.rank() for ind in inds_self]
ranks_other = [ind.rank() for ind in inds_other]
s = len(inds_self)
blocks = [block_diagonal_matrix([isoms[i][fits[i]]]*ns_self[i])
for i in range(s)]
isom = block_matrix([[blocks[i] if j == fits[i] else 0
for j in range(s)]
for i in range(s)])
return isom_other * isom * isom_self**-1
def isomorphism_to(self, other):
Return an isomorphism from self to other if it exists and None otherwise
sage: from vector_bundle import (trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle,
....: atiyah_bundle)
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: iso = triv.isomorphism_to(can)
sage: triv.hom(can).is_isomorphism(iso)
sage: V = can.direct_sum(atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0, can))\
....: .direct_sum(triv)
sage: W = can.direct_sum(atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0)).direct_sum(can)
sage: iso = V.isomorphism_to(W)
sage: V.hom(W).is_isomorphism(iso)
Not well implemented for infinite fields: need to specify how to chose
random elements and adequatly set the sample size.
s = len(self.end().h0())
k = self._function_field.constant_base_field()
return any([sum([(c*mat).is_unit() for c, mat in zip(vec, mat_basis)])
for vec in ProjectiveSpace(len(mat_basis)-1, k)])
if k.cardinality() > s:
return self._isomorphism_to_large_field(
return self._isomorphism_to_small_field(other)
def apply_isomorphism(self, isom):
Isom is an invertible square matrix of order ``self.rank()``.
Return the image of ``self`` by ``isom``.
sage: from vector_bundle import (trivial_bundle, canonical_bundle,
....: atiyah_bundle)
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: can = canonical_bundle(K)
sage: iso = triv.isomorphism_to(can)
sage: triv.hom(can).is_isomorphism(iso)
sage: V = can.direct_sum(atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0, can))\
....: .direct_sum(triv)
sage: W = can.direct_sum(atiyah_bundle(K, 2, 0)).direct_sum(can)
sage: iso = V.isomorphism_to(W)
sage: V.apply_isomorphism(iso) == W
return VectorBundle(self._function_field,
isom * self._g_finite,
isom * self._g_infinite,