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This module implements the ExtGroup and ExtGroupElement classes used for
building extensions of vector bundles.
_Mickaël Montessinos: initial implementation
# Copyright (C) 2024 Mickaël Montessinos (,#
# #
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) #
# either version 3, or (at your option) any later version #
# #
# #
from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
from sage.structure.element import is_Matrix
from sage.matrix.special import block_matrix
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
class ExtGroup(SageObject):
The group of extensions of ``left`` by ``right``.
The group `Ext^1(\mathrm{left},\mathrm{right})` is
`H^1(\mathrm{left}^\vee \otimes \mathrm{right})`.
Its elements may be represented as matrices of infinite répartitions
lying in `M_{\mathrm{right}.rank(),\mathrm{left}.rank()}(R)` or as
vectors of length ``self.dim()`` with coefficients in the coefficient
field, representing linear forms on
`H^0(\omega \otimes \mathrm{right}^\vee \otimes \mathrm{left})`, where
`\omega` is the canonical bundle of the function field of ``left`` and
The two representations are related via Serre duality.
If ``precompute_basis`` is set to ``True``, a basis of répartition
matrices is computed. Its element represent the linear forms
``vector([0,...,0,1,0,...,0])``. Otherwise, linear forms are converted
to elements of the `H^1` on the fly. You should set ``precompute_basis``
to ``True`` only if you plan to create several extensions with this group.
- ``left`` -- VectorBundle
- ``right`` -- VectorBundle; must have the same function field as left
- ``precompute_basis`` -- boolean
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle, trivial_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(F)
sage: triv.extension_group(triv)
Extension group of Vector bundle of rank 1 over Rational function field in x over Finite Field of size 3 by Vector bundle of rank 1 over Rational function field in x over Finite Field of size 3.
def __init__(self, left, right, precompute_basis=False):
if not left._function_field == right._function_field:
raise ValueError('left and right should have the same function'
+ 'field')
self._left = left
self._right = right
self._hom = left.hom(right)
self._ext_dual_basis, self._ext_dual_bundle = self._hom.h1_dual()
self._s = len(self._ext_dual_basis)
if precompute_basis:
self._basis = None
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._left, self._right))
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._left == other._left and self._right == other._right
def _repr_(self):
return "Extension group of %s by %s." % (self._left, self._right)
def _compute_basis(self):
Compute the representation of basis elements of ``self`` as elements of the `H^1`
if self._basis is None:
self._basis = [self._hom.h1_element(
vector([0] * i + [1] + [0] * (self._s-i-1)))
for i in range(self._s)]
def dim(self):
Return the dimension of the extension group as a vector space over the
base coefficient field
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(11))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^5 - 1)
sage: ksi = VectorBundle(K, K.places_finite()[0].divisor())
sage: ext = ksi.extension_group(ksi.dual()); ext.dim()
return self._s
def left(self):
Return the left vector bundle of ``self``.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: L1 = VectorBundle(F, x.zeros()[0].divisor())
sage: L2 = VectorBundle(F, x.poles()[0].divisor())
sage: ext = L1.extension_group(L2); ext.left() == L1
return self._left
def right(self):
Return the right vector bundle of ``self``.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3))
sage: L1 = VectorBundle(F, x.zeros()[0].divisor())
sage: L2 = VectorBundle(F, x.poles()[0].divisor())
sage: ext = L1.extension_group(L2); ext.right() == L2
return self._right
def dual_basis(self):
Return a basis of the dual of the `Ext^1` group. This is a basis of
`H^0(\omega \otimes \mathrm{right}^\vee \otimes \mathrm{left})`, where
`\omega` is a canonical line bundle.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(11))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^5 - 1)
sage: ksi = VectorBundle(K, K.places_finite()[0].divisor())
sage: ext = ksi.extension_group(ksi.dual()); ext.dual_basis()
[[x^4/(x^5 + 6)], [x^5/(x^5 + 6)], [(x^2/(x^5 + 6))*y + 10*x^2/(x^5 + 6)]]
return self._ext_dual_basis
def basis(self):
r"""Return a basis of `Ext^1` group. Its element are matrices of
infinite répartitions represented by field elements.
Computes and stores the basis if it was not precomputed yet.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(11))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^5 - 1)
sage: ksi = VectorBundle(K, K.places_finite()[0].divisor())
sage: ext = ksi.extension_group(ksi.dual()); ext.basis()
[[(x^9/(x^10 + 2*x^5 + 1))*y], [(x^3/(x^5 + 1))*y], [x^6/(x^5 + 1)]]
return self._basis
def _extension_from_ext_element(self, ext):
Return the extension of ``self.left() by ``self.right()`` encoded by
``ext`` is a matrix of elements of ``self._function_field`` which
represents the constant value over the infinite places of a répartition
matrix with support at infinity representing an element of
Such an element encodes an extension `V`:
`0 \to \mathrm{other} \to V \to \mathrm{self} \to 0`
- ``ext`` -- a matrix of dimension ``right.rank(),left.rank()``
from vector_bundle import VectorBundle
function_field = self._left._function_field
ideals = self._right._ideals + self._left._ideals
g_finite = block_matrix([[self._right._g_finite, 0],
[0, self._left._g_finite]])
g_infinite = block_matrix([[self._right._g_infinite,
-ext * self._left._g_infinite],
[0, self._left._g_infinite]])
return VectorBundle(function_field, ideals, g_finite, g_infinite)
def _extension_from_linear_form(self, form):
if self._basis is None:
ext = self._hom.h1_element(form)
ext = self._ext_dual_bundle._vector_to_matrix(ext).transpose()
ext = sum([coeff * e for coeff, e in zip(form, self._basis)])
return self._extension_from_ext_element(ext)
def extension(self, ext=None):
Return the extension of ``self.left()`` by ``self.right()`` encoded by
``ext`` can be a matrix of elements of ``self._function_field``
which represents the constant value over the infinite places of a
répartition matrix with support at infinity representing an element of
Such an element encodes an extension `V`:
`0 \to \mathrm{other} \to V \to \mathrm{self} \to 0`
``ext`` can also be a vector of length `self.dim()` representing an
extension in the basis of the Ext vector space.
By default, ``ext`` is chosen as any non trivial extension.
sage: from vector_bundle import VectorBundle, trivial_bundle
sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(GF(11))
sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: K.<y> = F.extension(y^2 - x^3 - x)
sage: triv = trivial_bundle(K)
sage: ext = triv.extension_group(triv)
sage: V = ext.extension()
sage: V.rank()
sage: V.determinant() == triv
sage: V.h0()
[(1, 0)]
sage: V.end().h0()
[0 1] [1 0]
[0 0], [0 1]
if ext is None:
ext = vector([1] + [0]*(self._s-1))
if is_Matrix(ext):
return self._extension_from_ext_element(ext)
return self._extension_from_linear_form(ext)