import os import re import requests import markovify import sys import argparse import html2text fnf = ': error: file not found. please provide a path to a really-existing file!' def URL(insert): """ fetch a url """ try: req = requests.get(insert) req.raise_for_status() except Exception as exc: print(f': There was a problem: {exc}.\n: Please enter a valid URL') sys.exit() else: print(': fetched URL.') return req.text def convert_html(html): """ convert a fetched page to text """ h2t = html2text.HTML2Text() h2t.ignore_links = True h2t.images_to_alt = True h2t.ignore_emphasis = True h2t.ignore_tables = True h2t.unicode_snob = True h2t.decode_errors = 'ignore' h2t.escape_all = False # remove all noise if needed print(': URL converted to text') s = h2t.handle(html) s = re.sub('[#*]', '', s) # remove hashes and stars from the 'markdown' return s def read(infile): """ read your (local) file for the markov model """ try: with open(infile, encoding="utf-8") as f: return except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(infile, encoding="latin-1") as f: return except FileNotFoundError: print(fnf) sys.exit() def mkbtext(texttype, args_ss, args_wf): """ build a markov model """ return markovify.Text(texttype, state_size=args_ss, well_formed=args_wf) def mkbnewline(texttype, args_ss, args_wf): """ build a markov model, newline """ return markovify.NewlineText(texttype, state_size=args_ss, well_formed=args_wf) def writeshortsentence(tmodel, args_sen, args_out, args_over, args_len): """ actually make the damn litter-atchya """ for i in range(args_sen): output = open(args_out, 'a') # append output.write(str(tmodel.make_short_sentence( tries=2000, max_overlap_ratio=args_over, max_chars=args_len)) + '\n\n') output.write(str('*\n\n')) output.close() def writesentence(tmodel, args_sen, args_out, args_over, args_len): """ actually make the damn litter-atchya, and short """ for i in range(args_sen): output = open(args_out, 'a') # append output.write(str(tmodel.make_sentence( tries=2000, max_overlap_ratio=args_over, max_chars=args_len)) + '\n\n') output.write(str('*\n\n')) output.close() ### functions for def get_urls(st_url): """ fetch a bunch of article URLs from The Guardian world news page for a given date. Format: '' """ try: req = requests.get(st_url) req.raise_for_status() except Exception as exc: print(f': There was a problem: {exc}.\n: Please enter a valid URL') sys.exit() else: print(': fetched initial URL.') soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(req.text, "lxml") art_elem ='div[class="fc-item__header"] a[data-link-name="article"]') # pull the element containing article links. urls = [] for i in range(len(art_elem)): urls = urls + [art_elem[i].attrs['href']] print(': fetched list of URLs') return urls # returns a LIST def scr_URLs(urls): # input a LIST """ actually fetch all the URLs obtained by get_urls """ try: content = [] for i in range(len(urls)): req = requests.get(urls[i]) req.raise_for_status() content = content + [req.text] # SUPER slow. print(': fetched page ' + urls[i]) except Exception as exc: print(f': There was a problem: {exc}.\n: There was trouble in your list of URLs') sys.exit() else: print(': fetched all pages.') return content def scr_convert_html(content): # takes a LIST of html pages """ convert all pages obtained by scr_URLs """ h2t = html2text.HTML2Text() h2t.ignore_links = True h2t.images_to_alt = True h2t.ignore_emphasis = True h2t.ignore_tables = True h2t.unicode_snob = True h2t.decode_errors = 'ignore' h2t.escape_all = False # remove all noise if needed s = [] for i in range(len(content)): s = s + [h2t.handle(content[i])] # convert t = [] for i in range(len(s)): t = t + [re.sub('[#*]', '', s[i])] # remove hash/star from the 'markdown' u = ' '.join(t) # convert list to string print(': Pages converted to text') return u