
207 lines
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2022-07-03 21:06:29 +02:00
#+TITLE: bash commands
#+DATE: 2021-08-30
#+STARTUP: indent
#+OPTIONS: num:nil
* DONE work in bash tutorial
CLOCK: [2021-09-08 mié 18:52]--[2021-09-08 mié 19:22] => 0:30
CLOCK: [2021-09-04 sáb 16:04]--[2021-09-04 sáb 16:34] => 0:30
CLOCK: [2021-09-04 sáb 15:19]--[2021-09-04 sáb 15:49] => 0:30
* Execute stuffs
* Show command history
: history
The file can be found in the user home:
: /home/user/.bash_history
** Convert pdf to text or html using poppler
Use poppler and redirect the text to a org file.
~pdftotext~ converts a pdf to "txt" if no other format is
: pdftotext foo.pdf foo
: pacman -S poppler
: pdftotext foo.pdf ->> # first option
: pdftotext foo.pdf # second option
Convert pdf to html
: pfdftohtml foo.pdf foo.html
** Convert files using pandoc
Use pandoc with "-s" flag to produce a standalone document and "-o" to
redirect output to a file.
In the example a file "foo" is converted from ~odt~ to ~org~
: pandoc -s -o foo.odt
** Convert files to pdf using libreoffice
Convert odt file "tcl_online3.odt" to pdf
: libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf tcl_online3.odt
** Display files
Show content of a file. Concatenates and writes file.
Using "tac" reverses the result of "cat" command
: cat file.txt
Using head, tail and less to show parts of files
Showing the first two entries
#+begin_src bash
head -n 2 /etc/hosts
| | localhost |
| | myuser |
Showing the last two entries
#+begin_src bash
tail -n 2 /etc/hosts
| ff02::1 | ip6-allnodes |
| ff02::2 | ip6-allrouters |
#+begin_src bash
less /etc/hosts
| | localhost | | |
| | myuser | | |
| ::1 | localhost | ip6-localhost | ip6-loopback |
| ff02::1 | ip6-allnodes | | |
| ff02::2 | ip6-allrouters | | |
Show content of a zip file using less and pipe "|"
#+begin_src bash
unzip -l | less
** Backup a file
Using "cp"
: cp bbdb{,.bak}
: bbdb.bak
Backups with tar (tape archiver)
Back up of "home"
* c = create file
* v = verbose
* f = write to a file/device
* z = compress the file (gzip) ""
* j = compress the file (bzip2)
: tar -czvf /tmp/home.tar.gz /home
** Simple code to encrypt
: gpg -c X
: gpg X
Use the code to remove the original file:
: shred --remove X
** Download files
This code download the file and the argument ~-O~ is to rename the file
wget -O new_file
* Devices
- mount /what /where
- what = device name
- where = directory
- /mnt = devices that mount occasionally
- /media = devices that mount frequently
: run/$USER/media/$LABEL
* List process
Use ~ps~, ~top~ or ~htop~ to list process:
* ~ps~ reports a snapshot of the current process
: ps aux | less
* ~top~ display dynamic real-time view of linux process
: top
* ~htop~ displays an interactive process viewer
: htop
To kill a process use:
: kill [PID]
: pkill [PID]
PID = process identificator
* Evaluate time to load
In emacs:
: time emacs --eval '(save-buffers-kill-terminal)'
* Cool commands
: cal # calendar
: clear # clear output
: uname # display system information (-r, -p, -a)
: wc # wordcount (file name)
: date # check the date
* References:
* [[][The bash hackers wiki]]
* [[][Beginning the linux command line]]
* [[][Pandoc manual]]
* [[][stackoverflow]]