#+options: toc:nil num:nil author:nil * Bash tutorial [[https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/][Bash]] (Bourne Again Shell) is a shell commonly used on GNU-Linux systems for multiple purposes. Knowing about bash is an enjoyable experience and a great opportunity to learn about computers, files, directories and programs. ** Basics * [[./tutorial/describe_hardware.org][Describing hardware]] * [[./tutorial/variables.org][Learning about variables]] * [[./tutorial/dictionaries_translat.org][Using dictionaries and translation tools]] * [[./tutorial/listing_process.org][Listing process]] * [[./tutorial/move_files.org][Move or rename files]] * [[./tutorial/redirect_output.org][What exactly are input, output and standard error?]] ** Appearance, screens * [[./tutorial/i3wm_screens.org][xrandr: working with multiple screens in i3-windows manager]] ** Manuals, documentation * [[./tutorial/manuals.org][Reading the fabulous manuals!]] ** Users * [[./tutorial/add_user.org][How to add users]] * [[./tutorial/changeowner.org][Changing file permissions: 'chmod' and 'chown']] ** File manipulation * [[./tutorial/display_files.org][Display files: 'less', 'head' and 'tail' commands]] * [[./tutorial/files_directories.org][Learning about files and directories]] * [[./tutorial/rsync.org][Using rsync to copy files]] * [[./tutorial/search_files.org][Searching for files in the system]] * [[./tutorial/diff.org][Comparing two files or directories: 'diff']] * [[./tutorial/diff_patch.org][Comparing two files and create a unified version: diff and patch]] * [[./tutorial/dd_command_flash_usb.org][Using dd command to flash usb]] * [[./tutorial/compress_pdf.org][Compress a pdf file]] * [[./tutorial/luakit.org][Searching and editing configuration files]] * [[./tutorial/pacman.org][Use package manager in Parabola GNU-linux: verify packages in cache]] * [[./tutorial/removing_packages.org][Removing packages in Parabola GNU-Linux]] ** Secure shell ssh and file transfer * [[./tutorial/copy_server.org][Transfering files between machines]] * [[./tutorial/croc.org][Using 'croc' to tranfer files between machines]] * [[./tutorial/streaming_terminal.org][A really nice feature: streaming from terminal!]] * [[./tutorial/wgetandmore.org][Download from terminal: wget curl, pandoc ]] ** Work with images * [[./tutorial/image_size_reduction.org][Reduce image quality and size from terminal]] ** Disk space utilization and manipulation * [[./tutorial/ncdu.org][Exploring disk space with 'ncdu']] ** File conversion * [[./tutorial/convertppt2pdf.org][Convert office files to pdf]] * [[./tutorial/convert_html_to_text.org][Convert web pages to text]] * [[./tutorial/pandoc.org][Convert markup text to multiple formats using 'pandoc']] * [[./tutorial/poppler.org][Convert pdf to text or html using 'poppler']] * [[./tutorial/video_convert.org][Convert videos]] ** Scripting * [[./tutorial/rmlint.org][Using 'rmlint' to clean your hard disk]] * [[./tutorial/run_bash_script.org][How to run bash scripts]] * [[./tutorial/run_rscript.org][How to run R-scripts]] ** Communication, messengers * [[./tutorial/weechat.org][Using weechat for matrix with python script 'weechat-matrix']] ** Text edition * [[./tutorial/sed_subsitute.org][Using 'sed' editor to substitute text]] ** Gawk - GNU-awk * [[./tutorial/gawk.org][GNU-awk program: a nice tool!]]