#+options: toc:nil num:nil author:nil * Manuals To explore the manuals use the command ~man~ or ~info~ followed by the name of the function or program #+begin_src bash man #+end_src #+RESULTS: | What manual page do you want? | | For example, try 'man man'. | Search for information about the manual interface within ~man~ : man man Description of the system hierarchy : man hier Showing only the first four lines of "info" interface #+begin_src bash info | head -4 #+end_src #+RESULTS: | File: | dir, | Node: | Top, | This | is | the | top | of | the | INFO | tree. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This | is | the | Info | main | menu | (aka | directory | node). | | | | | A | few | useful | Info | commands: | | | | | | | | Search for ~info~ page about Bash shell features : info bash The manuals can also be accessed from emacs using "M-x" (using the "meta" key or CTRL + x) : M-x info : M-x man : M-x woman