* Display files Show content of a file. Concatenates and writes file. Using "tac" reverses the result of "cat" command : cat file.txt Using head, tail and less to show parts of files Showing the first two entries #+begin_src bash head -n 2 /etc/hosts #+end_src #+RESULTS: | | localhost | | | myuser | Showing the last two entries #+begin_src bash tail -n 2 /etc/hosts #+end_src #+RESULTS: | ff02::1 | ip6-allnodes | | ff02::2 | ip6-allrouters | #+begin_src bash less /etc/hosts #+end_src #+RESULTS: | | localhost | | | | | myuser | | | | ::1 | localhost | ip6-localhost | ip6-loopback | | ff02::1 | ip6-allnodes | | | | ff02::2 | ip6-allrouters | | | Show content of a zip file using less and pipe "|" #+begin_src bash unzip -l tntvillage_484094.zip | less #+end_src