#+options: toc:nil num:nil author:nil * Files and directories ** Create empty file Create "file.txt" with command ~touch~ : touch file.txt Create a file redirecting the shell output using "~>~" operator : echo I will put this text wthin a file > file2.txt ** List files Use ~ls~ in the directory you want to explore : ls List with properties using options ~-l~ and ~-la~ : ls -l : ls -la List using wildcards List all files ending in ".csv" : ls *.csv List all files containing the characters "moda" within name, e.g., "acomoda", "comoda.txt"... : ls *moda* Remove "x" : rm x Copy a file using "~cp~ source destination" : cp /home/text.csv /home/myuser/text.csv Copy multiple files, directories or disk using "rsync" (source, destination). The command accepts arguments: - "-r" recursive - "-v" verbose - "-a" archive (keeps info about files) : rsync -rav /home/user/Documents /run/media/user/disk/backup/ ~rsync~ can be also used with selective copyng based on file type : rsync /home/user/Desktop/*.jpg /home/user/Desktop/backupdata/ Create directory : mkdir new_dir Remove (unlink) a directory Some arguments: * -r: recursively unlink * -v: verbose * -f: force : rm -r new_dir Remove a file : rm file.txt Space used by a directory : du -hs /usr Display directory : pwd Change directory you are working from terminal. Go to the home of the user : cd Go one level up in the directory tree : cd .. Go to "Documents" directory : cd /home/myuser/Documents