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How to use weechat to connect to matrix service

First, you should install weechat on your computer. Then, go to the command-line and initialize a weechat session:


Note: To learn first steps to begin with weechat, check the documentation

Within the weechat session use the following command to load the `weechat-matrix` script:

  /script load

Set up username and password using the following in the weechat session:

  /set matrix.server.matrix_org.username UserNameHere # Change "UserNameHere" for your username in matrix
  /set matrix.server.matrix_org.password PasswordHere # Change "PasswordHere" for your password in matrix

Connect to matrix server:

/matrix connect matrix_org

Saving configuration:


And now, what?

Once in the channel you can use / to access the available commands, e.g.,

  • /buffer weechat: go to weechat buffer
  • /buffer user_name: got to "user_name" buffer