2022-08-28 16:10:29 -03:00

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An example on how to look for files and editing scripts

luakit is an awesome web browser. It's extensible and customizable.

To get some things set on this browser it's important to find system files and edit configuration files.

After installing luakit, e.g., in Parabola GNU-Linux:

  pacman -S luakit

You may be interested in make some adjusts. Let's say you want to set 'Adblock' extension to the browser.

Set adblock in luakit

To do that you could follow the luakit manual:

  • Add require "adblock" and require "adblock_chrome" to your rc.lua.
  • Download AdblockPlus-compatible filter lists to the adblock directory. Multiple lists are supported. EasyList is the most popular Adblock Plus filter list, and can be downloaded from
  • Filter lists downloaded to the adblock directory must have a filename ending in .txt in order to be loaded.
  • Filter lists need to be updated regularly (~weekly), use cron!

Add require 'adblock' to yout 'rc.lua'

First search for the rc.lua script:

  pacman -Ql luakit | grep rc.lua

Which results in:

luakit /etc/xdg/luakit/rc.lua

Then, edit the file, including the suggested lines.

Download AdblockPlus-compatible filter lists to the adblock director

All filterlists should be downloaded to the adblock data directory (~/.local/share/luakit/adblock) By default, this is the adblock sub-directory of the luakit data directory. All filterlists must have a filename ending in .txt.

  cd .local/share/luakit/adblock