#+DATE: 2021 * Using bbdb in emacs BBDB is the "Big Brother’s Insidious Database". It can be used as email/phone contacts address book. ** How to install Install bbdb : M-x package-install bbdb Install "bbdb-vcard" to extract vcard information : M-x package-install bbdb-vcard Install helm-bbdb to query the database using ~helm~ package : M-x package-install helm-bbdb ** How to create a new record : M-x bbdb-create Or use helm : M-x helm-bbdb Then, write the name of the new record. If it is not in the list, ~helm~ will ask if it should be included. ** Importing records from vcard (phone or email) : M-x bbdb-vcard-import-file : M-x bbdb-save ** Edit records Open bbdb and press "e" on the line to be edited in bbdb buffer. Or use: : M-x bbdb-edit-field ** Display records : M-x bbdb-display-records : M-x bbdb-display-all-records : M-x helm-bbdb ** Add birthdays to agenda Include this code in one of the agenda files: #+begin_example * Anniversaries :PROPERTIES: :CATEGORY: Anniv :END: %%(org-bbdb-anniversaries-future) #+end_example This includes a reminder 7 days before the birthday in the agenda. Then go to bbdb and add a new field : M-x bbdb-insert-field Now you can write the new field name "anniversary" and include a date for this field.