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How to make citations using Emacs org-mode

It is possible to include bibliographic citations within org documents.

Interesting information about org-cite can be found in the manual.

Use C-h i in emacs to access the manual and then access the org-manual navigating in the menu (use the letter m and type 'org..')

See Org Manual -> Citation handling -> Citations

Include a header linking a file with references

You should include the path and the name of the file containing the bibliographic references. Include something like this at the beggining of your document:

#+bibliography: ./bibliog.bib
#+bibliography: ~/Doc/file.json

Here the file may be a '.bib' , 'bibtex' or a '.json' document.

Including citation

You can use 'C-c C-x @' (org-cite-insert) to include references from the linked file. For instance:


Citing from the second file [cite:/s/v/@bernard_leptospirosis_1993]

Print bibliography

Use the following to print the references:


The references will appear when you export (tangle) the document to any format (html, odt…)

Some cool documents to learn more about bibliography management in org-mode