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Executable File

#+date: 2021
#+options: toc:nil num:nil author:nil
* How to organize, update and deal with 'packages' in emacs
** How to update packages:
Open emacs and then:
- Go to package's list using
: Mx - package-list-packages
- Within the 'packages' buffer use "U" to mark the packages to be upgraded
- Use "x" to execute the upgrade
- To delete old versions of packages use "autoremove"
: M-x package-autoremove
: M-x p-a
** Package management with helm
"Helm" is an alternative package to deal with packages in emacs.
: M-x helm-list-elisp-packages
| Keys | Description |
| M-A | Show all packages. |
| M-I | Show installed packages only. |
| M-O | Show non-installed packages only. |
| M-U | Show upgradable packages only. |
| M-B | Show built-in packages only. |
| C-c i | Install package(s). |
| C-c r | Reinstall package(s). |
| C-c d | Uninstall package(s). |
| C-c u | Upgrade package(s). |
| C-c U | Upgrade all packages. |
| C-c @ | Visit package homepage. |