
212 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File

#' ---
#' title: "Create a SQLite database for mortality data - Brazil population"
#' author: "José A Bran -"
#' date: "2021-04-22"
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' code_folding: hide
#' toc: yes
#' toc_float:
#' smooth_scroll: true
#' highlight: zenburn
#' bibliography: ../bib/references.bib # References
#' csl: ../bib/apa-5th-edition.csl # Citation style language
#' ---
#+ setup, include=FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
rm(list = ls())
#' ## Dealing with large data
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R canot handle data larger than RAM. Therefore, how "big" some data is, is
#' relative to the memory and processing capacity of the machines.
#' These population mortality data are larger than the RAM memory of most commom
#' personal computers (4 to 16 Gigabytes).
#' Thus, it would be appropriate to look for smart strategies to deal with this data.
#' We may consider the following options:
#' - Download the data in csv format, and reduce the size of each file
#' - You may use 'rds' files in R for this purpose
#' - Check "?saveRDS" help for more information
#' - Work with pieces of data, extracting only columns or rows you are interested
#' in
#' - Explore a database solution
#' - You could potentially process data weighing up to approximately 100
#' gigabytes and millions of observations.
#' - There are multiple resources to work with SQL and NoSQL databases in R
#' - Take a look at RPostgreSQL package for SQL integration
#' - Check the "mongolite" package for NoSQL integration
#' Learn about SQLite database can be an option to make a first approach to
#' basic concepts about databases and connections in R.
#' A great discussion about this topic can be found in this book
#' [@wiley2020advanced]
#' And, don't forget to take a look at this:
#' ## How to create a new SQLite database
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## From: ##
## ##
## ##
#' Check the function help in R for more information:
mortdb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "mort_db.sqlite")
#' When you are done with the process of writing or extracting data, just
#' stop the connection with the database:
#' dbDisconnect(mortdb)
#' unlink("mort_db.sqlite")
#' ## Including tables in the SQLite database
#' Download the data. Then load the table to be written in the workspace.
#' I saved the data as 'rds' to reduce the object weight.
#' You may also access the data from the cloud:
#' url = ''
#' d <- fread(url)
d <- readRDS("../data/ETLSIM.DORES_2010.rds")
setnames(d, tolower)
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## Update 2022:
#' Please note that the data has been updated since the build of this script, thus
#' some colum names and type differ between tables
#' The following code is used to include the data on the database:
dbWriteTable(mortdb, "Mortalidade_Br_2010", d)
#' ## List the tables
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## Reading again as data.table
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dt = dbReadTable(mortdb, "Mortalidade_Br_2010")
setnames(dt, tolower)
#' Disconnect and remove duplicated information
rm(mortdb, d)
#' Then, you can select the columns or lines you want to use
dt = dt[, .(idade_obito_anos, def_sexo, dtobito, dtnasc)]
dt[, .N, .(idade_obito_anos, def_sexo)]
#' ## Recoding dates from integers to "IDate"
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dt[, `:=` (idtnasc = as.IDate(dtnasc, "%d%m%Y"),
idobito = as.IDate(dtobito, "%d%m%Y"))]
dt[, age := year(idobito) - year(idtnasc) ] #' Age in years
dt[, .N, .(year(idobito))]
dt[, .N, .(year(idtnasc))]
dt[, .N, (age)]
#' ## Visualizing data distribution
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(dt, aes(age, fill = def_sexo)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 200) +
theme(legend.position = "") +
facet_wrap(~ def_sexo, ncol = 2)
#' The end
#' ## References
#' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------