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19 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Nextcloud bot ea445a7c36
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2019-01-15 01:19:22 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 43a5e429a6
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2019-01-13 01:19:43 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 414696dd76
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2019-01-11 01:18:40 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 838ffda63e
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-12-27 01:18:15 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 39db548e65
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-12-21 01:18:00 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 71daab5c7f
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-12-10 01:17:52 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 0e0d83f9c6
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-11-27 01:17:41 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 137a5638c5
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-11-15 01:18:15 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 43b1494391
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-11-13 01:19:43 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 11fd83238a
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-11-06 01:18:53 +00:00
Nextcloud bot b5a44d2163
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-10-22 00:12:33 +00:00
Nextcloud bot a4c91d0dc7
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-10-11 00:11:22 +00:00
Nextcloud bot f549ce1fb1
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-09-30 00:18:00 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 9c6f139ee7
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-09-27 00:18:44 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 3279a74d03
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-09-26 00:18:26 +00:00
Nextcloud bot a684161b67
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-09-25 08:40:26 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 417eab148e
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-09-01 00:18:03 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 8bfd5a3c2c
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-08-27 00:18:08 +00:00
Nextcloud bot e8567cf835
[tx-robot] updated from transifex 2018-08-23 00:19:33 +00:00
34 changed files with 376 additions and 14 deletions

l10n/ca.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"sent!" : "enviat!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "No es va poder contactar caap administrador.",
"Personal data export request" : "Sol·licitud d'exportació de dades de caràcter personal",
"Hello %s," : "Hola %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "L'usuari %s, identificats per id d'usuari \"%s\", ha demanat una exportació de les seves dades personals. Si us plau, actuar en conseqüència.",
"Account deletion request" : "Sol·licitud de supressió de compte",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "L'usuari %s, identificats per id d'usuari \"%s\", ha demanat suprimir el compte. Si us plau, actuar en conseqüència.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Cap administrador ha definit una adreça de correu electrònic",
"Data Request" : "Petició de Dades",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Sol·licitar les teves dades dels administradors",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permetre els usuaris per a sol·licitar una exportació o supressió de les seves dades. Les opcions corresponents s'afegeixen a l'apartat de configuració personal. Els administracions seràn notificats per correu electrònic sobre la petició.",
"Account" : "Compte",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Pots sol·licitar a ladministrador del sistema lexportació de les teves dades o lesborrat del compte. Pot trigar fins a 30 dies.",
"Request data export" : "Sol·licitud d'exportació de dades",
"Request account deletion" : "Sol·licitud de supressió de compte"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/ca.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "enviat!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "No es va poder contactar caap administrador.",
"Personal data export request" : "Sol·licitud d'exportació de dades de caràcter personal",
"Hello %s," : "Hola %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "L'usuari %s, identificats per id d'usuari \"%s\", ha demanat una exportació de les seves dades personals. Si us plau, actuar en conseqüència.",
"Account deletion request" : "Sol·licitud de supressió de compte",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "L'usuari %s, identificats per id d'usuari \"%s\", ha demanat suprimir el compte. Si us plau, actuar en conseqüència.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Cap administrador ha definit una adreça de correu electrònic",
"Data Request" : "Petició de Dades",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Sol·licitar les teves dades dels administradors",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permetre els usuaris per a sol·licitar una exportació o supressió de les seves dades. Les opcions corresponents s'afegeixen a l'apartat de configuració personal. Els administracions seràn notificats per correu electrònic sobre la petició.",
"Account" : "Compte",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Pots sol·licitar a ladministrador del sistema lexportació de les teves dades o lesborrat del compte. Pot trigar fins a 30 dies.",
"Request data export" : "Sol·licitud d'exportació de dades",
"Request account deletion" : "Sol·licitud de supressió de compte"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
OC.L10N.register( OC.L10N.register(
"data_request", "data_request",
{ {
"sent!" : "odeslat!", "sent!" : "odesláno!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nepodařilo se kontaktovat žádného ze správců.", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nepodařilo se kontaktovat žádného ze správců.",
"Personal data export request" : "Požadavek na export osobních dat", "Personal data export request" : "Požadavek na export osobních dat",
"Hello %s," : "Zdravíme %s,", "Hello %s," : "Zdravíme %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, identifikovaný uživatelským identifikátorem „%s“, si vyžádal export svých osobních dat. Příslušně zareagujte.", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, určený identifikátorem uživatele „%s“, si vyžádal export svých osobních dat. Příslušně zareagujte.",
"Account deletion request" : "Požadavek na smazání účtu", "Account deletion request" : "Požadavek na smazání účtu",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, identifikovaný uživatelským Id %s, požádal o smazání účtu. Proveďte příslušné akce.", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, určený identifikátorem uživatele „%s“, si vyžádal smazání účtu. Příslušně zareagujte.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Žádný ze správců nemá zadanou e-mailovou adresu", "No administrator has set an email address" : "Žádný ze správců nemá nastavenou emailovou adresu",
"Data Request" : "Požadavek na data", "Data Request" : "Požadavek na data",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Vyžádat si svá data od správců", "Request your data from the admins" : "Vyžádat si svá data od správců",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Umožnit uživatelům požádat o export nebo smazání jejich dat. Dle voleb jsou přidány do sekce osobních nastavení. Správci budou upozorněni na požadavek emailem.",
"Account" : "Účet", "Account" : "Účet",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "U správce systému je možné si zažádat si o export svých dat nebo smazání účtu. Vyřízení může trvat až 30 dnů.", "You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "U správce systému je možné si zažádat si o export svých dat nebo smazání účtu. Vyřízení může trvat až 30 dnů.",
"Request data export" : "Vyžádat export dat", "Request data export" : "Vyžádat export dat",

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
{ "translations": { { "translations": {
"sent!" : "odeslat!", "sent!" : "odesláno!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nepodařilo se kontaktovat žádného ze správců.", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nepodařilo se kontaktovat žádného ze správců.",
"Personal data export request" : "Požadavek na export osobních dat", "Personal data export request" : "Požadavek na export osobních dat",
"Hello %s," : "Zdravíme %s,", "Hello %s," : "Zdravíme %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, identifikovaný uživatelským identifikátorem „%s“, si vyžádal export svých osobních dat. Příslušně zareagujte.", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, určený identifikátorem uživatele „%s“, si vyžádal export svých osobních dat. Příslušně zareagujte.",
"Account deletion request" : "Požadavek na smazání účtu", "Account deletion request" : "Požadavek na smazání účtu",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, identifikovaný uživatelským Id %s, požádal o smazání účtu. Proveďte příslušné akce.", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Uživatel %s, určený identifikátorem uživatele „%s“, si vyžádal smazání účtu. Příslušně zareagujte.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Žádný ze správců nemá zadanou e-mailovou adresu", "No administrator has set an email address" : "Žádný ze správců nemá nastavenou emailovou adresu",
"Data Request" : "Požadavek na data", "Data Request" : "Požadavek na data",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Vyžádat si svá data od správců", "Request your data from the admins" : "Vyžádat si svá data od správců",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Umožnit uživatelům požádat o export nebo smazání jejich dat. Dle voleb jsou přidány do sekce osobních nastavení. Správci budou upozorněni na požadavek emailem.",
"Account" : "Účet", "Account" : "Účet",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "U správce systému je možné si zažádat si o export svých dat nebo smazání účtu. Vyřízení může trvat až 30 dnů.", "You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "U správce systému je možné si zažádat si o export svých dat nebo smazání účtu. Vyřízení může trvat až 30 dnů.",
"Request data export" : "Vyžádat export dat", "Request data export" : "Vyžádat export dat",

l10n/el.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"sent!" : "απεστάλη!",
"Hello %s," : "Γεια σου %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Αίτηση διαγραφής λογαριασμού",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Κανένας διαχειριστής δεν όρισε μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου",
"Data Request" : "Αίτημα δεδομένων",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Αιτηθείτε τα δεδομένα από τους διαχειριστές",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Ενεργοποίηση των αιτημάτων χρηστών για εξαγωγή ή διαγραφή των δεδομένων τους. Σύμφωνα με τις επιλογές που έχουν προστεθεί στο τμήμα των προσωπικών ρυθμίσεων.Οι διαχειρηστές θα ειδοποιούνται με email για το αίτημα.",
"Account" : "Λογαριασμός",
"Request account deletion" : "Αίτηση διαγραφής λογαριασμού"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/el.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "απεστάλη!",
"Hello %s," : "Γεια σου %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Αίτηση διαγραφής λογαριασμού",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Κανένας διαχειριστής δεν όρισε μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου",
"Data Request" : "Αίτημα δεδομένων",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Αιτηθείτε τα δεδομένα από τους διαχειριστές",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Ενεργοποίηση των αιτημάτων χρηστών για εξαγωγή ή διαγραφή των δεδομένων τους. Σύμφωνα με τις επιλογές που έχουν προστεθεί στο τμήμα των προσωπικών ρυθμίσεων.Οι διαχειρηστές θα ειδοποιούνται με email για το αίτημα.",
"Account" : "Λογαριασμός",
"Request account deletion" : "Αίτηση διαγραφής λογαριασμού"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

l10n/eo.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"sent!" : "sendita!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Neniu administranto povis esti kontaktita.",
"Personal data export request" : "Peto pri propra datumeksporto",
"Hello %s," : "Saluton %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "La uzanto %s, kun identigilo „%s“, petis eksporton de siaj propraj datumoj. Bv. fari tion, kio necesas.",
"Account deletion request" : "Peto pri konta forigado",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "La uzanto %s, kun idetigilo „%s“, petis forigadon de sia konto. Bv. fari tion, kio necesas.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Neniu administranto havas retpoŝtadreson.",
"Data Request" : "Peto pri datumoj",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Peti viajn datumojn el via administranto",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permesas al viaj uzantoj peti eksporton aŭ forigadon de iliaj datumoj. Laŭaj opcioj aldoniĝos al iliaj agordoj. Administrantoj sciiĝos per retpoŝtmesaĝo pri la peto.",
"Account" : "Konto",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Vi povas peti eksporton de viaj datumoj aŭ forigadon de via konto el la sistema administranto. Tio povas daŭri ĝis 30 tagoj.",
"Request data export" : "Peti datumeksporton",
"Request account deletion" : "Peti kontoforigadon"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/eo.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "sendita!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Neniu administranto povis esti kontaktita.",
"Personal data export request" : "Peto pri propra datumeksporto",
"Hello %s," : "Saluton %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "La uzanto %s, kun identigilo „%s“, petis eksporton de siaj propraj datumoj. Bv. fari tion, kio necesas.",
"Account deletion request" : "Peto pri konta forigado",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "La uzanto %s, kun idetigilo „%s“, petis forigadon de sia konto. Bv. fari tion, kio necesas.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Neniu administranto havas retpoŝtadreson.",
"Data Request" : "Peto pri datumoj",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Peti viajn datumojn el via administranto",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permesas al viaj uzantoj peti eksporton aŭ forigadon de iliaj datumoj. Laŭaj opcioj aldoniĝos al iliaj agordoj. Administrantoj sciiĝos per retpoŝtmesaĝo pri la peto.",
"Account" : "Konto",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Vi povas peti eksporton de viaj datumoj aŭ forigadon de via konto el la sistema administranto. Tio povas daŭri ĝis 30 tagoj.",
"Request data export" : "Peti datumeksporton",
"Request account deletion" : "Peti kontoforigadon"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
OC.L10N.register( OC.L10N.register(
"data_request", "data_request",
{ {
"sent!" : enviado!", "sent!" : Enviado!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "No se pudo contactar con ningún administrador.", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "No se pudo contactar con ningún administrador.",
"Personal data export request" : "Solicitud de exportación de datos personales", "Personal data export request" : "Solicitud de exportación de datos personales",
"Hello %s," : "Hola %s,", "Hello %s," : "Hola %s,",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": { { "translations": {
"sent!" : enviado!", "sent!" : Enviado!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "No se pudo contactar con ningún administrador.", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "No se pudo contactar con ningún administrador.",
"Personal data export request" : "Solicitud de exportación de datos personales", "Personal data export request" : "Solicitud de exportación de datos personales",
"Hello %s," : "Hola %s,", "Hello %s," : "Hola %s,",

l10n/gl.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"sent!" : "enviado!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Non foi posíbel contactar cun administrador.",
"Personal data export request" : "Solicitude de exportación de datos persoais ",
"Hello %s," : "Ola %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "O usuario %s, identificado polo ID de usuario «%s», solicitou a exportación dos seus datos persoais. Actúe en consecuencia. ",
"Account deletion request" : "Solicitude de eliminación da conta ",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "O usuario %s, identificado polo ID de usuario «%s», solicitou a eliminación da súa conta. Actúe en consecuencia. ",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Ningún administrador estabeleceu un enderezo de correo-e",
"Data Request" : "Solicitude de datos",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Solicite os seus datos aos administradores.",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permita que os seus usuarios soliciten unha exportación ou eliminación dos seus datos. As opcións corresondentes engádense á sección de axustes persoais. As administracións notificaranse por correo electrónico sobre a solicitude.",
"Account" : "Conta",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Pode solicitar a exportación dos seus datos ou a eliminación da conta dende o administrador do sistema. Isto pode demorar ata 30 días. ",
"Request data export" : "Solicitar a exportación de datos ",
"Request account deletion" : "Solicitar a eliminación da conta "
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/gl.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "enviado!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Non foi posíbel contactar cun administrador.",
"Personal data export request" : "Solicitude de exportación de datos persoais ",
"Hello %s," : "Ola %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "O usuario %s, identificado polo ID de usuario «%s», solicitou a exportación dos seus datos persoais. Actúe en consecuencia. ",
"Account deletion request" : "Solicitude de eliminación da conta ",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "O usuario %s, identificado polo ID de usuario «%s», solicitou a eliminación da súa conta. Actúe en consecuencia. ",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Ningún administrador estabeleceu un enderezo de correo-e",
"Data Request" : "Solicitude de datos",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Solicite os seus datos aos administradores.",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permita que os seus usuarios soliciten unha exportación ou eliminación dos seus datos. As opcións corresondentes engádense á sección de axustes persoais. As administracións notificaranse por correo electrónico sobre a solicitude.",
"Account" : "Conta",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Pode solicitar a exportación dos seus datos ou a eliminación da conta dende o administrador do sistema. Isto pode demorar ata 30 días. ",
"Request data export" : "Solicitar a exportación de datos ",
"Request account deletion" : "Solicitar a eliminación da conta "
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

l10n/hu.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"sent!" : "elküldve!",
"Personal data export request" : "Személyes adatok exportálásának kérése",
"Hello %s," : "Szia %s,",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Kérd az adataidat a rendszergazdáktól",
"Account" : "Fiók"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/hu.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "elküldve!",
"Personal data export request" : "Személyes adatok exportálásának kérése",
"Hello %s," : "Szia %s,",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Kérd az adataidat a rendszergazdáktól",
"Account" : "Fiók"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Enginn kerfisstjóri hefur stillt tölvupóstfang", "No administrator has set an email address" : "Enginn kerfisstjóri hefur stillt tölvupóstfang",
"Data Request" : "Beiðni um gögn", "Data Request" : "Beiðni um gögn",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Biddu stjórnendur um gögnin þín", "Request your data from the admins" : "Biddu stjórnendur um gögnin þín",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Gerir notendum þínum kleift að biðja um útflutning eða eyðingu gagnanna sinna. Viðeigandi valkostir birtast þá í einkastillingunum þeirra. Stjórnendur fá tilkynningar í tölvupósti um slíkar beiðnir.",
"Account" : "Notandaaðgangur", "Account" : "Notandaaðgangur",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Þú getur beðið um útflutning á gögnunum þínum eða eyðingu notandaaðgangsins þíns frá kerfisstjóra. Þetta getur tekið allt að 30 dögum.", "You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Þú getur beðið um útflutning á gögnunum þínum eða eyðingu notandaaðgangsins þíns frá kerfisstjóra. Þetta getur tekið allt að 30 dögum.",
"Request data export" : "Biðja um útflutning gagna", "Request data export" : "Biðja um útflutning gagna",

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Enginn kerfisstjóri hefur stillt tölvupóstfang", "No administrator has set an email address" : "Enginn kerfisstjóri hefur stillt tölvupóstfang",
"Data Request" : "Beiðni um gögn", "Data Request" : "Beiðni um gögn",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Biddu stjórnendur um gögnin þín", "Request your data from the admins" : "Biddu stjórnendur um gögnin þín",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Gerir notendum þínum kleift að biðja um útflutning eða eyðingu gagnanna sinna. Viðeigandi valkostir birtast þá í einkastillingunum þeirra. Stjórnendur fá tilkynningar í tölvupósti um slíkar beiðnir.",
"Account" : "Notandaaðgangur", "Account" : "Notandaaðgangur",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Þú getur beðið um útflutning á gögnunum þínum eða eyðingu notandaaðgangsins þíns frá kerfisstjóra. Þetta getur tekið allt að 30 dögum.", "You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Þú getur beðið um útflutning á gögnunum þínum eða eyðingu notandaaðgangsins þíns frá kerfisstjóra. Þetta getur tekið allt að 30 dögum.",
"Request data export" : "Biðja um útflutning gagna", "Request data export" : "Biðja um útflutning gagna",

l10n/ja.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"sent!" : "送信しました!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "管理者に連絡が取れなかった可能性があります。",
"Personal data export request" : "個人データのエクスポート要求",
"Hello %s," : "こんにちは %s さん、",
"Account deletion request" : "アカウントの削除要求",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "メールアドレスに管理者が設定されていません",
"Data Request" : "データリクエスト",
"Request your data from the admins" : "管理者からのデータのリクエスト",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "ユーザーがデータのエクスポートまたは削除を要求できるようにします。 オプションに従って、個人設定セクションに追加されます。 管理者には、その要求について電子メールで通知されます。",
"Account" : "アカウント",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "データのエクスポートまたはアカウントの削除は、システム管理者に要求できます。 これには最大30日かかります。",
"Request data export" : "リクエストデータのエクスポート",
"Request account deletion" : "アカウントの削除をリクエストする"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");

l10n/ja.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "送信しました!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "管理者に連絡が取れなかった可能性があります。",
"Personal data export request" : "個人データのエクスポート要求",
"Hello %s," : "こんにちは %s さん、",
"Account deletion request" : "アカウントの削除要求",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "メールアドレスに管理者が設定されていません",
"Data Request" : "データリクエスト",
"Request your data from the admins" : "管理者からのデータのリクエスト",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "ユーザーがデータのエクスポートまたは削除を要求できるようにします。 オプションに従って、個人設定セクションに追加されます。 管理者には、その要求について電子メールで通知されます。",
"Account" : "アカウント",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "データのエクスポートまたはアカウントの削除は、システム管理者に要求できます。 これには最大30日かかります。",
"Request data export" : "リクエストデータのエクスポート",
"Request account deletion" : "アカウントの削除をリクエストする"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"

l10n/lt_LT.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"sent!" : "išsiųsta!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nepavyko susisiekti su jokiu administratoriumi.",
"Hello %s," : "Sveiki, %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Paskyros ištrynimo užklausa",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Joks administratorius nenusistatė el. pašto adreso",
"Data Request" : "Duomenų užklausa",
"Account" : "Paskyra",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Gali užklausti sistemos administratoriaus eksportuoti jūsų duomenis arba ištrinti paskyrą. Tai gali užtrukti iki 30 dienų.",
"Request account deletion" : "Užklausti paskyros ištrynimo"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");

l10n/lt_LT.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "išsiųsta!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nepavyko susisiekti su jokiu administratoriumi.",
"Hello %s," : "Sveiki, %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Paskyros ištrynimo užklausa",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Joks administratorius nenusistatė el. pašto adreso",
"Data Request" : "Duomenų užklausa",
"Account" : "Paskyra",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Gali užklausti sistemos administratoriaus eksportuoti jūsų duomenis arba ištrinti paskyrą. Tai gali užtrukti iki 30 dienų.",
"Request account deletion" : "Užklausti paskyros ištrynimo"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"

l10n/lv.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"sent!" : "nosūtīts!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nevarēja sazināties ar nevienu administrātoru.",
"Personal data export request" : "Personas datu eksporta pieprasījums",
"Hello %s," : "Sveicināti %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Lietotājs %s, identificējams ar lietotāja id \"%s\", ir pieprasījis savu personas datu eksportu. Lūdzu vajadzīgi rīkojieties.",
"Account deletion request" : "Konta dzēšanas pieprasījums",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Lietotājs %s, identificējams ar lietotāja id \"%s\", ir pieprasījis sava konta dzēšanu. Lūdzu vajadzīgi rīkojieties.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Neviens administrators nav norādijis e-pasta adresi",
"Data Request" : "Datu Pieprasījums",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Pieprasi savus datus no administrātoriem",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Ļauj saviem lietotājiem pieprasīt savu datu eksportu vai dzēšanu. Balstoties uz iespējām, kas pievienotas personas iestatījumos. Administrātoriem pieprasījums tiks paziņots caur e-pastu. ",
"Account" : "Konts",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Tu vari pieprasīt savu datu eksportu vai konta dzēšanu no sistēmas administrātora. Tas var aizņemt līdz pat 30 dienām.",
"Request data export" : "Pieprasīt datu eksportu",
"Request account deletion" : "Pieprasīt konta dzēšanu"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);");

l10n/lv.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "nosūtīts!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nevarēja sazināties ar nevienu administrātoru.",
"Personal data export request" : "Personas datu eksporta pieprasījums",
"Hello %s," : "Sveicināti %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Lietotājs %s, identificējams ar lietotāja id \"%s\", ir pieprasījis savu personas datu eksportu. Lūdzu vajadzīgi rīkojieties.",
"Account deletion request" : "Konta dzēšanas pieprasījums",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Lietotājs %s, identificējams ar lietotāja id \"%s\", ir pieprasījis sava konta dzēšanu. Lūdzu vajadzīgi rīkojieties.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Neviens administrators nav norādijis e-pasta adresi",
"Data Request" : "Datu Pieprasījums",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Pieprasi savus datus no administrātoriem",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Ļauj saviem lietotājiem pieprasīt savu datu eksportu vai dzēšanu. Balstoties uz iespējām, kas pievienotas personas iestatījumos. Administrātoriem pieprasījums tiks paziņots caur e-pastu. ",
"Account" : "Konts",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Tu vari pieprasīt savu datu eksportu vai konta dzēšanu no sistēmas administrātora. Tas var aizņemt līdz pat 30 dienām.",
"Request data export" : "Pieprasīt datu eksportu",
"Request account deletion" : "Pieprasīt konta dzēšanu"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
OC.L10N.register( OC.L10N.register(
"data_request", "data_request",
{ {
"sent!" : "Sendt!", "sent!" : "sendt!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Kunne ikke kontakte en administrator", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "Kunne ikke kontakte en administrator",
"Personal data export request" : "Spør etter personlig data eksportering", "Personal data export request" : "Spør etter personlig data eksportering",
"Hello %s," : "Hei %s," "Hello %s," : "Hei %s,"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": { { "translations": {
"sent!" : "Sendt!", "sent!" : "sendt!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Kunne ikke kontakte en administrator", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "Kunne ikke kontakte en administrator",
"Personal data export request" : "Spør etter personlig data eksportering", "Personal data export request" : "Spør etter personlig data eksportering",
"Hello %s," : "Hei %s," "Hello %s," : "Hei %s,"

l10n/pl.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"sent!" : "wysłano!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nie można było skontaktować się z żadnym administratorem.",
"Personal data export request" : "Żądanie eksportu danych osobowych",
"Hello %s," : "Witaj %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Użytkownik %s, zidentyfikowany jako \"%s\", zażądał eksportu swoich danych osobowych. Proszę podjąć odpowiednie działania.",
"Account deletion request" : "Prośba usunięcia konta",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Użytkownik %s, zidentyfikowany jako \"%s\", zażądał usunięcia swojego konta. Proszę podjąć odpowiednie działania.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Żaden administrator nie ustawił adresu e-mail",
"Data Request" : "Żądanie danych",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Poproś o dane od administratorów",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Umożliwiaj użytkownikom zażądanie eksportu lub usunięcia ich danych. Odpowiednie opcje są dodawane do sekcji ustawień osobistych. Administracje zostaną powiadomione pocztą elektroniczną o żądaniu.",
"Account" : "Konto",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Możesz zażądać eksportu danych lub usunięcia konta od administratora systemu. Może to potrwać do 30 dni.",
"Request data export" : "Zażądaj eksportu danych",
"Request account deletion" : "Zażądaj usunięcia konta"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);");

l10n/pl.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "wysłano!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nie można było skontaktować się z żadnym administratorem.",
"Personal data export request" : "Żądanie eksportu danych osobowych",
"Hello %s," : "Witaj %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "Użytkownik %s, zidentyfikowany jako \"%s\", zażądał eksportu swoich danych osobowych. Proszę podjąć odpowiednie działania.",
"Account deletion request" : "Prośba usunięcia konta",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "Użytkownik %s, zidentyfikowany jako \"%s\", zażądał usunięcia swojego konta. Proszę podjąć odpowiednie działania.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Żaden administrator nie ustawił adresu e-mail",
"Data Request" : "Żądanie danych",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Poproś o dane od administratorów",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Umożliwiaj użytkownikom zażądanie eksportu lub usunięcia ich danych. Odpowiednie opcje są dodawane do sekcji ustawień osobistych. Administracje zostaną powiadomione pocztą elektroniczną o żądaniu.",
"Account" : "Konto",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Możesz zażądać eksportu danych lub usunięcia konta od administratora systemu. Może to potrwać do 30 dni.",
"Request data export" : "Zażądaj eksportu danych",
"Request account deletion" : "Zażądaj usunięcia konta"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"

l10n/pt_PT.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"sent!" : "enviados!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nenhum administrador poderia ter sido contactado.",
"Personal data export request" : "Pedido de exportação de dados pessoais",
"Hello %s," : "Olá %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "O utilizador %s, identificado pela id. de utilizador \"%s\", solicitou uma exportação destes dados pessoais. Por favor, tome medidas em conformidade.",
"Account deletion request" : "Pedido de eliminação de conta",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "O utilizador %s, identificado pela id. de utilizador \"%s\", solicitou a eliminação da conta. Por favor, tome medidas em conformidade.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Nenhum administrador definiu um endereço de e-mail",
"Data Request" : "Pedido de Dados",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Solicite os seus dados via administradores",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permita que os seus utilizadores solicitem uma exportação ou eliminação dos próprios dados. As opções de acordo são adicionadas à secção de definições pessoais. As administrações serão notificadas por e-mail sobre o pedido.",
"Account" : "Conta",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Pode solicitar uma exportação dos seus dados ou a eliminação da conta via administrador do sistema. Isto pode demorar até 30 dias.",
"Request data export" : "Solicitar exportação de dados",
"Request account deletion" : "Solicitar eliminação da conta"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/pt_PT.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "enviados!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nenhum administrador poderia ter sido contactado.",
"Personal data export request" : "Pedido de exportação de dados pessoais",
"Hello %s," : "Olá %s,",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "O utilizador %s, identificado pela id. de utilizador \"%s\", solicitou uma exportação destes dados pessoais. Por favor, tome medidas em conformidade.",
"Account deletion request" : "Pedido de eliminação de conta",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "O utilizador %s, identificado pela id. de utilizador \"%s\", solicitou a eliminação da conta. Por favor, tome medidas em conformidade.",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Nenhum administrador definiu um endereço de e-mail",
"Data Request" : "Pedido de Dados",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Solicite os seus dados via administradores",
"Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrations will be notified by email about the request." : "Permita que os seus utilizadores solicitem uma exportação ou eliminação dos próprios dados. As opções de acordo são adicionadas à secção de definições pessoais. As administrações serão notificadas por e-mail sobre o pedido.",
"Account" : "Conta",
"You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "Pode solicitar uma exportação dos seus dados ou a eliminação da conta via administrador do sistema. Isto pode demorar até 30 dias.",
"Request data export" : "Solicitar exportação de dados",
"Request account deletion" : "Solicitar eliminação da conta"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Personal data export request" : "Žiadosť o export osobných údajov", "Personal data export request" : "Žiadosť o export osobných údajov",
"Hello %s," : "Ahoj %s,", "Hello %s," : "Ahoj %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu", "Account deletion request" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Žiaden administrátor si nenastavil emailovú adresu",
"Account" : "Účet", "Account" : "Účet",
"Request data export" : "Vyžiadať export dát",
"Request account deletion" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu" "Request account deletion" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu"
}, },
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"); "nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");

View File

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
"Personal data export request" : "Žiadosť o export osobných údajov", "Personal data export request" : "Žiadosť o export osobných údajov",
"Hello %s," : "Ahoj %s,", "Hello %s," : "Ahoj %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu", "Account deletion request" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu",
"No administrator has set an email address" : "Žiaden administrátor si nenastavil emailovú adresu",
"Account" : "Účet", "Account" : "Účet",
"Request data export" : "Vyžiadať export dát",
"Request account deletion" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu" "Request account deletion" : "Žiadosť o zmazanie účtu"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
} }

l10n/sq.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"sent!" : "u dërgua!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nuk mund të kontaktohej asnjë administrator.",
"Personal data export request" : "Kërkesë për eksportim të të dhënave personale",
"Hello %s," : "Përshëndetje %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Kërkesë për fshirje të llogarisë",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Kërko të dhënat e tua nga administratorët",
"Account" : "Llogari"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/sq.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{ "translations": {
"sent!" : "u dërgua!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "Nuk mund të kontaktohej asnjë administrator.",
"Personal data export request" : "Kërkesë për eksportim të të dhënave personale",
"Hello %s," : "Përshëndetje %s,",
"Account deletion request" : "Kërkesë për fshirje të llogarisë",
"Request your data from the admins" : "Kërko të dhënat e tua nga administratorët",
"Account" : "Llogari"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"sent!" : "发送!", "sent!" : "发送!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "没有可联系的管理员。", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "没有可联系的管理员。",
"Personal data export request" : "个人数据导出请求", "Personal data export request" : "个人数据导出请求",
"Hello %s," : "%s 你好", "Hello %s," : "您好,%s",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求导出其个人数据。 请采取相应措施。", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求导出其个人数据。 请采取相应措施。",
"Account deletion request" : "账户删除请求", "Account deletion request" : "账户删除请求",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求删除其账户。 请采取相应措施。", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求删除其账户。 请采取相应措施。",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"sent!" : "发送!", "sent!" : "发送!",
"No administrator could have been contacted." : "没有可联系的管理员。", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "没有可联系的管理员。",
"Personal data export request" : "个人数据导出请求", "Personal data export request" : "个人数据导出请求",
"Hello %s," : "%s 你好", "Hello %s," : "您好,%s",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求导出其个人数据。 请采取相应措施。", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of his personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求导出其个人数据。 请采取相应措施。",
"Account deletion request" : "账户删除请求", "Account deletion request" : "账户删除请求",
"The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求删除其账户。 请采取相应措施。", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete the account. Please take action accordingly." : "由用户ID“%s”标识的用户%s请求删除其账户。 请采取相应措施。",