import { HOSTS } from './config' import * as https from 'https' import { removeInstance, sshCommand } from './commands' import { createConnection, getConnection, getRepository, Not, Raw } from 'typeorm' import { Instance } from './entity/instance' async function main() { await createConnection() const repo = getRepository(Instance) console.log('maybe trigger HTTP certificate refresh') for(let host of HOSTS) { await new Promise( (resolve: any) => { const req = https.request({ hostname: host.hostname }, (res) => { console.log(host.hostname, res.statusCode) resolve() }) req.end() }) } const isSqlite = getConnection().options.type == 'sqlite' const instances = await repo.find({ state: "running", validUntil: Raw((alias) => isSqlite ? `${alias} < strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f','now')` : `${alias} < NOW()`) }) for(let instance of instances) { console.log('remove '+instance.uuid) try { const host = HOSTS.find(h => h.hostname == await removeInstance(host.sshString, instance.uuid, instance.port) instance.state = 'deleted' await } catch(err) { console.error(err) } } getConnection().close() } main()