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API: Basic | Advanced

About API Token scope

To use this service you need MyPDNS.org API Token. This is for preventing abusive requests.

The API Token requires read_user permission to read account status (banned or not) and username on mypdns.org. Other information such as your email address is NEVER be read or collected.

There is another optional permission, api. If you enable it the bot will automatically add your vote to already existing issue for voting-based priority. Also you can add your comment from add-on directly without logged in. It is not required although it will help maintainers to decide their priority. (The committer website will misbehave if you do not have api permission)


Just send a URL and it will turn into useful issue!

Clearnet & Tor:

curl --http2 -d "k=yourApiTokenHere&cat=news&url=https://nytimes.com/" -X POST https://apiUrlHere
  • Change k to your personal access token.
    • e.g. k=byIe_ns-39cWCQ (not k="ab-Cd_E" nor k='a_bc-DE')
  • Change url to the URL such as: https://porn.com/lesbian.html


Type URL
Clearnet/Tor https://mypdns.eu.org/api/reporting/

POST data

required? name value
✔️ k Key. MyPDNS Token (read_user + api or read_user permission)
✔️ url Full URL of the website. If you do not know the URL just add https:// or something (discouraged for good screenshot)
✔️ cat Category of the website
(the cat value OR in Matrix value)
wmemo Optional Comment. UTF-8 encoded string
wimg Optional JPEG BASE64 encoded image. ....
wdesc Optional Existence. If set & there is already an issue, the reply value will be the issue's description.
byme Optional Existence. If set, issue will be created using your token instead of reporter's.

The cat value

Category Case-Sensitive format
adware AdWare
coinblocker CoinBlocker
drugs Drugs
gambling Gambling
malicious Malicious
movies Movies
news News
phishing Phishing
pirated Pirated
politics Politics
religion Religion
scamming Scamming
spyware Spyware
torrent Torrent
tracking Tracking
typosquatting Typo_Squatting
urlshortener Redirector or Url_Shortener
weapons Weapons
------------------- -------------------------------
porn NSFW::Porn
porngore NSFW::Gore
pornsnuff NSFW::Snuff
pornstrict NSFW::Strict
  • The response is always JSON.
    • Response always have reply key (and issue key when the issue is already exist)
    • For example the return value {'reply':'roger'} means it accepted your request.
  • After some minutes later your issue will appear on Matrix issues (or not, if the issue is already exist or unable to take a screenshot)
    • If there are many submissions this might take hours. You can know your requests are still in line by sending same request again. API will reply "This domain is still waiting in line.".
  • If you are going to report CSAM (aka Child Porn) website add the word CSAM to the comment.
    • The issue will be created with Confidential flag.