
101 lines
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/* defines the simple protocol between the daemon and the PAM module
* Copyright 2021 Daniel "q66" Kolesa <>
* License: BSD-2-Clause
#include <sys/un.h>
#define RUNDIR_PATH "/run/user/%u"
#define SOCK_PATH "/run/dinit-userservd"
#define DAEMON_SOCK SOCK_PATH"/control.sock"
#define USER_PATH SOCK_PATH"/%u"
#define USER_FIFO USER_PATH"/dinit.fifo"
/* sanity check */
sizeof(DAEMON_SOCK) > sizeof(decltype(sockaddr_un{}.sun_family))
/* maximum length of a directory path we can receive */
#define DIRLEN_MAX 1024
/* protocol messages
* this is a simple protocol consisting of uint-sized messages; each
* message carries the type (4 bits) and optionally auxiliary data
* (only some messages; MSG_DATA and MSG_REQ_RDATA)
* dinit-userservd is the server; the pam module is the client
* the client connects to DAEMON_SOCK (seqpacket sockets are used)
* from there, the following sequence happens:
* CLIENT: sends MSG_START and enters a message loop (state machine)
* SERVER: receives it and adds the session into pending connections,
* then responds MSG_OK
* CLIENT: consumes MSG_OK, sends MSG_DATA with user id attached
* SERVER: responds MSG_OK
* CLIENT: consumes MSG_OK, sends MSG_DATA with group id attached
* SERVER: responds MSG_OK
* CLIENT: consumes MSG_OK, sends MSG_DATA with homedir length attached
* SERVER: validates, allocates a data buffer and responds MSG_OK
* loop:
* CLIENT: consumes MSG_OK, if there is any of homedir left unsent,
* it sends it; otherwise loop ends
* SERVER: adds to buffer, responds MSG_OK
* CLIENT: consumes MSG_OK, sends MSG_DATA with rundir length attached;
* if no rundir is set clientside, sends 0 instead and the server
* will make its own; if rundir handling is intentionally skipped,
* DIRLEN_MAX+1 is sent instead and the server will disregard it
* loop: same as above, but for rundir (nothing is sent for 0 length);
* at the end, server acknowledges the session and replies MSG_OK
* CLIENT: sends MSG_OK to confirm everything is ready on its side
* SERVER: if service manager for the user is already running, responds
* with MSG_OK_DONE; else initiates startup and responds with
* CLIENT: if MSG_OK_WAIT was received, waits for a message
* SERVER: once service manager starts, MSG_OK_DONE is sent
* SERVER: responds with MSG_DATA with rundir length (0 if not known)
* loop:
* CLIENT: sends MSG_REQ_RDATA with number of remaining bytes of rundir
* that are yet to be received
* SERVER: responds with a MSG_DATA packet until none is left
* CLIENT: finishes startup, exports XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if needed as well
* as DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, and everything is done
/* this is a regular unsigned int */
enum {
/* sent by the server as an acknowledgement of a message, and by
* the client once it has sent all the session info
MSG_OK = 0x1,
MSG_OK_WAIT, /* login, wait */
MSG_OK_DONE, /* ready, proceed */
MSG_REQ_RLEN, /* rundir length request */
MSG_REQ_RDATA, /* rundir string request + how much is left */
/* sent by server on errors */
MSG_DATA_BYTES = sizeof(unsigned int) - 1
#define MSG_ENCODE_AUX(v, tp) \
(tp | (static_cast<unsigned int>(v) << MSG_TYPE_BITS))
#define MSG_SBYTES(len) std::min(int(MSG_DATA_BYTES), int(len))