
111 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File

#Settings here will take effect for all games run in this Proton version.
user_settings = {
#By default, logs are saved to $HOME/steam-<STEAM_GAME_ID>.log, overwriting any previous log with that name.
#Log directory can be overridden with $PROTON_LOG_DIR.
#Wine debug logging
# "WINEDEBUG": "+timestamp,+pid,+tid,+seh,+debugstr,+loaddll,+mscoree",
#DXVK debug logging
# "DXVK_LOG_LEVEL": "info",
#wine-mono debug logging (Wine's .NET replacement)
# "WINE_MONO_TRACE": "E:System.NotImplementedException",
# "MONO_LOG_LEVEL": "info",
#Set DXVK custom config path
#Enable DXVK Async pipecompiler
#Enable DXVK's HUD
# "DXVK_HUD": "devinfo,fps",
#Enable AMD FSR
#Write the command proton sends to wine for targeted prefix (/prefix/path/launch_command) - Helpful to track bound executable
#Alternative way to run executables directly with wine binary instead of using steam.exe. This is the preffered way when using proton standalone.
#Enable nvapi support through nvidia provided nvngx.dll (Requires nvidia driver 470+) - Needed for DLSS support
#Disable nvapi and nvapi64
#Pass "--use-gl=osmesa" to the command line. Fixes various launchers showing up with a black window (Star Citizen, Warframe, etc..). Might give poor perf on native opengl games, so disable in case of issues.
#Set a wine override to disable libglesv2. Fixes various launchers showing up with a black window (Star Citizen, Warframe, etc..). Alternative to running an app with `--use-gl=osmesa`, but more extreme.
#Known to break at least the Rockstar Games Launcher, so only use if the PROTON_GL_OSMESA option above doesn't fix your issue.
#We used to have a revert for that, but it would only affect upstream builds. This is a more universal solution -
#Disable winedbg
#Disable conhost
#Disable IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE override - In case it breaks your (32-bit) game - System Shock 2 is known to break with LAA enabled
#Reduce Pulse Latency
#Enable Winetricks prompt on game launch
#Enable seccomp-bpf filter to emulate native syscalls, required for some DRM protections to work. Requires staging on proton-tkg.
#Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches.
#This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
#Spoof d3d12 feature level supported by vkd3d. Needed for some d3d12 games to work.
#Use OpenGL-based wined3d for d3d11/d3d10/d3d9 instead of Vulkan-based DXVK & D9VK
#Use OpenGL-based wined3d for d3d11/10 only (keeping D9VK enabled). Comment out to use Vulkan-based DXVK instead.
# "PROTON_USE_WINED3D11": "1",
#Enable custom d3d9 dll usage. This is the option you want to enable to use Gallium 9. Builtin D9VK won't be used with this option enabled.
#Use OpenGL-based wined3d for d3d9 only (keeping DXVK enabled). Comment out to use Vulkan-based D9VK or custom d3d9 dll instead.
#Use Wine DXGI instead of DXVK's. This is needed to make use of VKD3D when DXVK is enabled. It will prevent the use of DXVK's DXGI functions.
#Disable d3d11 entirely !!!
# "PROTON_NO_D3D11": "1",
#Disable d3d10 entirely !!!
# "PROTON_NO_D3D10": "1",
#Disable d3d9 entirely !!!
# "PROTON_NO_D3D9": "1",
#Disable eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
#Disable futex-based in-process synchronization primitives
#Disable futex2-based in-process synchronization primitives
# "PROTON_NO_FUTEX2": "1",
#Enforce driver shader cache path when Steam's shader pre-caching is disabled