Go to file
Nathan 57ba3cf09c pipewire-start added to up 2022-02-19 15:05:58 -06:00
conf initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
fonts initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
screenshots initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
scripts initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
wallpapers initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
README.md initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
change_to_tag initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
config.toml set default layout 2022-02-18 18:42:44 -06:00
down initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
down.jpg initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
installfonts.sh initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
polybar.colors initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
polybar.config Re-add pulse 2022-02-19 14:34:18 -06:00
polybar.liquid initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
polybar.modules update 2022-02-18 15:54:41 -06:00
sizes.liquid initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
theme.toml initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
unifont.bdf initial 2022-02-18 15:44:19 -06:00
up pipewire-start added to up 2022-02-19 15:05:58 -06:00



A LeftWM minimalistic theme inspired by the adorable homonymous pastel theme s


screenshot1 screenshot2 launcher launcher2 powermenu powermenu2 layout layout2



  • Iosevka Nerd Font
  • Roboto
  • Noto Sans
  • FontAwesome

Fee free to install some fonts from the theme root folder


In general it might be a good idea to install all nerd fonts.

Run by up script

  • polybar
  • feh
  • numlockx
  • picom

Run by polybar (and keybindings)

  • pavucontrol
  • nm-connection-editor
  • blueberry
  • pamac


  • alacritty (or change configs to match your terminal emulator)
  • dunst / xfce4-notifyd (adapt up script accordingly)
  • papirus-icon-theme


  1. Install all required dependencies

  2. Clone the repository in ~/.config/leftwm/themes

cd ~/.config/leftwm/themes
git clone https://github.com/di-effe/catppuccin.git
  1. Remove the symlink to your current theme if set
rm ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current
  1. Set this as your current theme
ln -s ~/.config/leftwm/themes/catppuccin ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current
  1. Restart your window manager
$MOD + Shift + r



In a theme like this colors are spread all over the place and it's not fun keep track of everything, every time you want to change something. That's why I am using a custom color script to do the dirty job for me.

Colors are set each time the UP script run

source $SCRIPTPATH/scripts/colors.sh catppuccin

Two color themes are already available to choose from:

  • catppuccin
  • catppuccin2

Long story short colors.sh performs different tasks, mostly sed, in all files where colors are set. The parameter after the script is communicating colors.sh to read from the colors variables from scripts/colors_<THEME_NAME>.sh, and by default that would be scripts/colors_catppuccin.sh

## Catppuccin theme

So, if you want to change colors manually comment the source $SCRIPTPATH/scripts/colors.sh catppuccin or your changes will be overwritten.

My suggestion, to avoid going crazy, would be to use the same method and

  • create a custom color theme
  • add your theme to the themes=(catppuccin catppuccin2); array in colors.sh
  • optionally adapt colors.sh to your needs


This theme doesn´t have a launcher and powermenu modules configured in Polybar, but you can configured a few keybindings to launch some Rofi applets.

For example you could add these to your config.toml

# Theme applets

# Launcher
command = "Execute"
value = "$HOME/.config/leftwm/themes/current/scripts/launcher.sh"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "space"

# Powermenu
command = "Execute"
value = "$HOME/.config/leftwm/themes/current/scripts/powermenu.sh"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "p"

# Layout switcher
command = "Execute"
value = "$HOME/.config/leftwm/themes/current/scripts/layout.sh"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "l"

Run a leftwm-check to ensure you don´t have multiple bindings on the same keys.


up is configured with the options to

  • set random wallpapers from the /wallpapers folder
  • set ONE wallpaper for all displays
  • set MULTIPLE wallpapers for all displays (default)

Uncomment what you prefer and comment the rest. It should be clear enough reading the file.


Pulseaudio Control

This is an interesting module you might want to use, just keep in mind it will grab your device description from

pactl list sinks | grep device.description

and that is usually a very long string. The pulseaudio-control module in polybar.modules has been configured to use fancier nicknames for speakers and headphone, but you have to replace my values with yours.

For speakers (without any wired or bluetooth headphone connected) check

pactl list sinks short | cut -f2

and use the output here

--sink-nickname "VALUE_DETECTED_HERE:蓼 Speakers" 

For wired headphones, plug them, check again

pactl list sinks short | cut -f2

and use the output here

--sink-nickname "VALUE_DETECTED_HER: Headphones"


Systray has beed disabled by default in polybar.config

tray-position = none

If you want to use it change position and adjust the tray-offset-x value.



  • catppuccino 1.2 updates


  • Multiple color themes
    • catppuccin
    • catppuccin2
  • Updated documentation
  • Minor changes


  • First release

To do

  • More color schemes from the catppuccin project

Credit / Sources