#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import sys from pathlib import Path from subprocess import CalledProcessError, run from typing import List, cast import click file_path = Path(__file__) here = file_path.parent exclusion_file = here.joinpath("mypy-exclusions.txt") def write_file(path: Path, content: str) -> None: with path.open(mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as file: file.write(content.strip() + "\n") def get_mypy_failures() -> List[str]: # Get a list of all mypy failures when only running mypy with the template file `mypy.ini.template` command = [sys.executable, "activated.py", "mypy", "--config-file", "mypy.ini.template"] try: run(command, capture_output=True, check=True, encoding="utf-8") except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 1: return cast(List[str], e.stdout.splitlines()) raise click.ClickException(f"Unexpected mypy failure:\n{e.stderr}") from e return [] def split_mypy_failure(line: str) -> List[str]: return list(Path(line[: line.find(".py")]).parts) def build_exclusion_list(mypy_failures: List[str]) -> List[str]: # Create content for `mypy-exclusions.txt` from a list of mypy failures which look like: # # chia/cmds/wallet_funcs.py:1251: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", variable has type "int") [assignment] # noqa return sorted({".".join(split_mypy_failure(line)) for line in mypy_failures[:-1]}) @click.group() def main() -> None: pass @main.command() @click.option("--check-exclusions/--no-check-exclusions", show_default=True, envvar="CHIA_MANAGE_MYPY_CHECK_EXCLUSIONS") def build_mypy_ini(check_exclusions: bool = False) -> None: if not exclusion_file.exists(): raise click.ClickException(f"{exclusion_file.name} missing, run `{file_path.name} build-exclusions`") exclusion_file_content = exclusion_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8").splitlines() exclusion_lines = [line for line in exclusion_file_content if not line.startswith("#") and len(line.strip()) > 0] if check_exclusions: mypy_failures = get_mypy_failures() updated_exclusions = build_exclusion_list(mypy_failures) # Compare the old content with the new content and fail if some file without issues is excluded. updated_set = set(updated_exclusions) old_set = set(exclusion_lines) if updated_set != old_set: fixed = "\n".join(f" -> {entry}" for entry in sorted(old_set - updated_set)) if len(fixed) > 0: raise click.ClickException( f"The following fixed files need to be dropped from {exclusion_file.name}:\n{fixed}" ) new_exclusions = sorted(updated_set - old_set) new_failures = sorted( line.strip() for line in mypy_failures if any(exclusion.split(".") == split_mypy_failure(line) for exclusion in new_exclusions) ) if len(new_failures) > 0: new_failures_string = "\n".join(new_failures) raise click.ClickException(f"The following new issues have been introduced:\n{new_failures_string}") # Create the `mypy.ini` with all entries from `mypy-exclusions.txt` exclusion_section = f"[mypy-{','.join(exclusion_lines)}]" mypy_config_data = ( here.joinpath("mypy.ini.template") .read_text(encoding="utf-8") .replace("[mypy-chia-exclusions]", exclusion_section) ) write_file(here.joinpath("mypy.ini"), mypy_config_data) @main.command() def build_exclusions() -> None: updated_file_content = [ f"# File created by: python {file_path.name} build-exclusions", *build_exclusion_list(get_mypy_failures()), ] write_file(exclusion_file, "\n".join(updated_file_content)) sys.exit(main())