from setuptools import setup dependencies = [ "blspy==1.0.6", # Signature library "chiavdf==1.0.3", # timelord and vdf verification "chiabip158==1.0", # bip158-style wallet filters "chiapos==1.0.4", # proof of space "clvm==0.9.7", "clvm_rs==0.1.11", "clvm_tools==0.4.3", "aiohttp==3.7.4", # HTTP server for full node rpc "aiosqlite==0.17.0", # asyncio wrapper for sqlite, to store blocks "bitstring==3.1.9", # Binary data management library "colorama==0.4.4", # Colorizes terminal output "colorlog==5.0.1", # Adds color to logs "concurrent-log-handler==0.9.19", # Concurrently log and rotate logs "cryptography==3.4.7", # Python cryptography library for TLS - keyring conflict "fasteners==0.16.3", # For interprocess file locking "keyring==23.0.1", # Store keys in MacOS Keychain, Windows Credential Locker "keyrings.cryptfile==1.3.4", # Secure storage for keys on Linux (Will be replaced) # "keyrings.cryptfile==1.3.8", # Secure storage for keys on Linux (Will be replaced) # See "PyYAML==5.4.1", # Used for config file format "setproctitle==1.2.2", # Gives the chia processes readable names "sortedcontainers==2.4.0", # For maintaining sorted mempools "websockets==8.1.0", # For use in wallet RPC and electron UI "click==7.1.2", # For the CLI "dnspython==2.1.0", # Query DNS seeds "watchdog==2.1.3", # Filesystem event watching - watches keyring.yaml ] upnp_dependencies = [ "miniupnpc==2.2.2", # Allows users to open ports on their router ] dev_dependencies = [ "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "flake8", "mypy", "black", "aiohttp_cors", # For blackd "ipython", # For asyncio debugging ] kwargs = dict( name="chia-blockchain", author="Mariano Sorgente", author_email="", description="Chia blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.", url="", license="Apache License", python_requires=">=3.7, <4", keywords="chia blockchain node", install_requires=dependencies, setup_requires=["setuptools_scm"], extras_require=dict( uvloop=["uvloop"], dev=dev_dependencies, upnp=upnp_dependencies, ), packages=[ "build_scripts", "chia", "chia.cmds", "chia.clvm", "chia.consensus", "chia.daemon", "chia.full_node", "chia.timelord", "chia.farmer", "chia.harvester", "chia.introducer", "chia.plotting", "chia.pools", "chia.protocols", "chia.rpc", "chia.server", "chia.simulator", "chia.types.blockchain_format", "chia.types", "chia.util", "chia.wallet", "chia.wallet.puzzles", "chia.wallet.rl_wallet", "chia.wallet.cc_wallet", "chia.wallet.did_wallet", "chia.wallet.settings", "", "chia.wallet.util", "chia.ssl", "mozilla-ca", ], entry_points={ "console_scripts": [ "chia = chia.cmds.chia:main", "chia_wallet = chia.server.start_wallet:main", "chia_full_node = chia.server.start_full_node:main", "chia_harvester = chia.server.start_harvester:main", "chia_farmer = chia.server.start_farmer:main", "chia_introducer = chia.server.start_introducer:main", "chia_timelord = chia.server.start_timelord:main", "chia_timelord_launcher = chia.timelord.timelord_launcher:main", "chia_full_node_simulator = chia.simulator.start_simulator:main", ] }, package_data={ "chia": ["pyinstaller.spec"], "": ["*.clvm", "*.clvm.hex", "*.clib", "*.clinc", "*.clsp", "py.typed"], "chia.util": ["initial-*.yaml", "english.txt"], "chia.ssl": ["chia_ca.crt", "chia_ca.key", "dst_root_ca.pem"], "mozilla-ca": ["cacert.pem"], }, use_scm_version={"fallback_version": "unknown-no-.git-directory"}, long_description=open("").read(), long_description_content_type="text/markdown", zip_safe=False, ) if __name__ == "__main__": setup(**kwargs)