Chris Marslender 313cf27eee
Installer Fixes - New UI (#9506)
* Update to node 16

* Install lerna globally. Lerna clean, and comment out audit:fix for now since it doesn't work with Lerna (see https://github.com/lerna/lerna/issues/1663)

* Global lerna in build mac as well

* Test building the gui package, instead of from the root

* Build installer from the gui package and copy daemon folder to the correct place

* Pass executable name / options.name to linux installers

* Move installers to the root of blockchain-gui

* Fix winstaller

* Latest NEXT

* Update to latest UI

* Copy signing cert for windows to proper location
2021-12-08 15:39:01 -07:00

27 lines
1.1 KiB

# Cleans up files/directories that may be left over from previous runs for a clean slate before starting a new build
rm -rf ../venv || true
rm -rf venv || true
rm -rf chia_blockchain.egg-info || true
rm -rf build_scripts/final_installer || true
rm -rf build_scripts/dist || true
rm -rf build_scripts/pyinstaller || true
rm -rf chia-blockchain-gui/build || true
rm -rf chia-blockchain-gui/daemon || true
rm -rf chia-blockchain-gui/node_modules || true
rm chia-blockchain-gui/temp.json || true
( cd "$PWD/chia-blockchain-gui" && git checkout HEAD -- package-lock.json ) || true
cd "$PWD" || true
# Do our best to get rid of any globally installed notarize-cli versions so the version in the current build script is
# installed without conflicting with the other version that might be installed
PATH=$(brew --prefix node@16)/bin:$PATH || true
export PATH
npm uninstall -g notarize-cli || true
npm uninstall -g @chia-network/notarize-cli || true
npm uninstall -g electron-installer-dmg || true
npm uninstall -g electron-packager || true
npm uninstall -g electron/electron-osx-sign || true