
168 lines
6.8 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type
from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError
from chia.rpc.farmer_rpc_client import FarmerRpcClient
from chia.rpc.full_node_rpc_client import FullNodeRpcClient
from chia.rpc.harvester_rpc_client import HarvesterRpcClient
from chia.rpc.rpc_client import RpcClient
from chia.rpc.wallet_rpc_client import WalletRpcClient
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.mempool_submission_status import MempoolSubmissionStatus
from chia.util.config import load_config
from chia.util.default_root import DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH
from chia.util.ints import uint16
from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord
NODE_TYPES: Dict[str, Type[RpcClient]] = {
"farmer": FarmerRpcClient,
"wallet": WalletRpcClient,
"full_node": FullNodeRpcClient,
"harvester": HarvesterRpcClient,
def transaction_submitted_msg(tx: TransactionRecord) -> str:
sent_to = [MempoolSubmissionStatus(s[0], s[1], s[2]).to_json_dict_convenience() for s in tx.sent_to]
return f"Transaction submitted to nodes: {sent_to}"
def transaction_status_msg(fingerprint: int, tx_id: bytes32) -> str:
return f"Run 'chia wallet get_transaction -f {fingerprint} -tx 0x{tx_id}' to get status"
async def validate_client_connection(
rpc_client: RpcClient, node_type: str, rpc_port: int, fingerprint: Optional[int], login_to_wallet: bool
) -> Optional[int]:
await rpc_client.healthz()
if type(rpc_client) == WalletRpcClient and login_to_wallet:
fingerprint = await get_wallet(rpc_client, fingerprint)
if fingerprint is None:
except ClientConnectorError:
print(f"Connection error. Check if {node_type.replace('_', ' ')} rpc is running at {rpc_port}")
print(f"This is normal if {node_type.replace('_', ' ')} is still starting up")
await rpc_client.await_closed() # if close is not already called this does nothing
return fingerprint
async def get_any_service_client(
node_type: str,
rpc_port: Optional[int] = None,
root_path: Path = DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH,
fingerprint: Optional[int] = None,
login_to_wallet: bool = True,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Optional[Any], Dict[str, Any], Optional[int]]]:
Yields a tuple with a RpcClient for the applicable node type a dictionary of the node's configuration,
and a fingerprint if applicable. However, if connecting to the node fails then we will return None for
the RpcClient.
if node_type not in NODE_TYPES.keys():
# Click already checks this, so this should never happen
raise ValueError(f"Invalid node type: {node_type}")
# load variables from config file
config = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")
self_hostname = config["self_hostname"]
if rpc_port is None:
rpc_port = config[node_type]["rpc_port"]
# select node client type based on string
node_client = await NODE_TYPES[node_type].create(self_hostname, uint16(rpc_port), root_path, config)
# check if we can connect to node, and if we can then validate
# fingerprint access, otherwise return fingerprint and shutdown client
fingerprint = await validate_client_connection(node_client, node_type, rpc_port, fingerprint, login_to_wallet)
if node_client.session.closed:
yield None, config, fingerprint
yield node_client, config, fingerprint
except Exception as e: # this is only here to make the errors more user-friendly.
print(f"Exception from '{node_type}' {e}")
node_client.close() # this can run even if already closed, will just do nothing.
await node_client.await_closed()
async def get_wallet(wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]:
if fingerprint is not None:
fingerprints = [fingerprint]
fingerprints = await wallet_client.get_public_keys()
if len(fingerprints) == 0:
print("No keys loaded. Run 'chia keys generate' or import a key")
return None
if len(fingerprints) == 1:
fingerprint = fingerprints[0]
if fingerprint is not None:
log_in_response = await wallet_client.log_in(fingerprint)
logged_in_fingerprint: Optional[int] = await wallet_client.get_logged_in_fingerprint()
spacing: str = " " if logged_in_fingerprint is not None else ""
current_sync_status: str = ""
if logged_in_fingerprint is not None:
if await wallet_client.get_synced():
current_sync_status = "Synced"
elif await wallet_client.get_sync_status():
current_sync_status = "Syncing"
current_sync_status = "Not Synced"
print("Wallet keys:")
for i, fp in enumerate(fingerprints):
row: str = f"{i + 1}) "
row += "* " if fp == logged_in_fingerprint else spacing
row += f"{fp}"
if fp == logged_in_fingerprint and len(current_sync_status) > 0:
row += f" ({current_sync_status})"
val = None
prompt: str = (
f"Choose a wallet key [1-{len(fingerprints)}] ('q' to quit, or Enter to use {logged_in_fingerprint}): "
while val is None:
val = input(prompt)
if val == "q":
return None
elif val == "" and logged_in_fingerprint is not None:
fingerprint = logged_in_fingerprint
elif not val.isdigit():
val = None
index = int(val) - 1
if index < 0 or index >= len(fingerprints):
print("Invalid value")
val = None
fingerprint = fingerprints[index]
assert fingerprint is not None
log_in_response = await wallet_client.log_in(fingerprint)
if log_in_response["success"] is False:
print(f"Login failed: {log_in_response}")
return None
return fingerprint
async def execute_with_wallet(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
extra_params: Dict[str, Any],
function: Callable[[Dict[str, Any], WalletRpcClient, int], Awaitable[None]],
) -> None:
wallet_client: Optional[WalletRpcClient]
async with get_any_service_client("wallet", wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint=fingerprint) as node_config_fp:
wallet_client, _, new_fp = node_config_fp
if wallet_client is not None:
assert new_fp is not None # wallet only sanity check
await function(extra_params, wallet_client, new_fp)