
332 lines
13 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
from typing import List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
from aiosqlite import Row
from chia.data_layer.data_layer_wallet import Mirror, SingletonRecord
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.util.db_wrapper import DBWrapper2
from chia.util.ints import uint16, uint32, uint64
from chia.wallet.lineage_proof import LineageProof
_T_DataLayerStore = TypeVar("_T_DataLayerStore", bound="DataLayerStore")
def _row_to_singleton_record(row: Row) -> SingletonRecord:
return SingletonRecord(
def _row_to_mirror(row: Row) -> Mirror:
urls: List[bytes] = []
byte_list: bytes = row[3]
while byte_list != b"":
length = uint16.from_bytes(byte_list[0:2])
url = byte_list[2 : length + 2]
byte_list = byte_list[length + 2 :]
return Mirror(bytes32(row[0]), bytes32(row[1]), uint64.from_bytes(row[2]), urls, bool(row[4]))
class DataLayerStore:
WalletUserStore keeps track of all user created wallets and necessary smart-contract data
db_wrapper: DBWrapper2
async def create(cls: Type[_T_DataLayerStore], db_wrapper: DBWrapper2) -> _T_DataLayerStore:
self = cls()
self.db_wrapper = db_wrapper
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute(
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS singleton_records("
"coin_id blob PRIMARY KEY,"
" launcher_id blob,"
" root blob,"
" inner_puzzle_hash blob,"
" confirmed tinyint,"
" confirmed_at_height int,"
" proof blob,"
" generation int," # This first singleton will be 0, then 1, and so on. This is handled by the DB.
" timestamp int)"
await conn.execute(
"coin_id blob PRIMARY KEY,"
"launcher_id blob,"
"amount blob,"
"urls blob,"
"ours tinyint)"
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_id on singleton_records(coin_id)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS launcher_id on singleton_records(launcher_id)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS root on singleton_records(root)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS inner_puzzle_hash on singleton_records(inner_puzzle_hash)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS confirmed_at_height on singleton_records(root)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS generation on singleton_records(generation)")
await conn.execute(("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS launchers(id blob PRIMARY KEY, coin blob)"))
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS id on launchers(id)")
return self
async def _clear_database(self) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM singleton_records")).close()
async def add_singleton_record(self, record: SingletonRecord) -> None:
Store SingletonRecord in DB.
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute_insert(
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO singleton_records VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
async def get_all_singletons_for_launcher(
launcher_id: bytes32,
min_generation: Optional[uint32] = None,
max_generation: Optional[uint32] = None,
num_results: Optional[uint32] = None,
) -> List[SingletonRecord]:
Returns stored singletons with a specific launcher ID.
query_params: List[Union[bytes32, uint32]] = [launcher_id]
for optional_param in (min_generation, max_generation, num_results):
if optional_param is not None:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute(
"SELECT * from singleton_records WHERE launcher_id=? "
f"{'AND generation >=? ' if min_generation is not None else ''}"
f"{'AND generation <=? ' if max_generation is not None else ''}"
"ORDER BY generation DESC"
f"{' LIMIT ?' if num_results is not None else ''}",
rows = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
records = []
for row in rows:
return records
async def get_singleton_record(self, coin_id: bytes32) -> Optional[SingletonRecord]:
Checks DB for SingletonRecord with coin_id: coin_id and returns it.
# if tx_id in self.tx_record_cache:
# return self.tx_record_cache[tx_id]
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute("SELECT * from singleton_records WHERE coin_id=?", (coin_id,))
row = await cursor.fetchone()
await cursor.close()
if row is not None:
return _row_to_singleton_record(row)
return None
async def get_latest_singleton(
self, launcher_id: bytes32, only_confirmed: bool = False
) -> Optional[SingletonRecord]:
Checks DB for SingletonRecords with launcher_id: launcher_id and returns the most recent.
# if tx_id in self.tx_record_cache:
# return self.tx_record_cache[tx_id]
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
if only_confirmed:
# get latest confirmed root
cursor = await conn.execute(
"SELECT * from singleton_records WHERE launcher_id=? and confirmed = 1 "
"ORDER BY generation DESC LIMIT 1",
cursor = await conn.execute(
"SELECT * from singleton_records WHERE launcher_id=? ORDER BY generation DESC LIMIT 1",
row = await cursor.fetchone()
await cursor.close()
if row is not None:
return _row_to_singleton_record(row)
return None
async def get_unconfirmed_singletons(self, launcher_id: bytes32) -> List[SingletonRecord]:
Returns all singletons with a specific launcher id that have not yet been marked confirmed
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute(
"SELECT * from singleton_records WHERE launcher_id=? AND confirmed=0", (launcher_id,)
rows = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
records = [_row_to_singleton_record(row) for row in rows]
return records
async def get_singletons_by_root(self, launcher_id: bytes32, root: bytes32) -> List[SingletonRecord]:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute(
"SELECT * from singleton_records WHERE launcher_id=? AND root=? ORDER BY generation DESC",
(launcher_id, root),
rows = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
records = []
for row in rows:
return records
async def set_confirmed(self, coin_id: bytes32, height: uint32, timestamp: uint64) -> None:
Updates singleton record to be confirmed.
current: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.get_singleton_record(coin_id)
if current is None or current.confirmed_at_height == height:
await self.add_singleton_record(
dataclasses.replace(current, confirmed=True, confirmed_at_height=height, timestamp=timestamp)
async def delete_singleton_record(self, coin_id: bytes32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM singleton_records WHERE coin_id=?", (coin_id,))).close()
async def delete_singleton_records_by_launcher_id(self, launcher_id: bytes32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM singleton_records WHERE launcher_id=?", (launcher_id,))).close()
async def add_launcher(self, launcher: Coin) -> None:
Add a new launcher coin's information to the DB
launcher_bytes: bytes = launcher.parent_coin_info + launcher.puzzle_hash + bytes(uint64(launcher.amount))
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute_insert(
(launcher.name(), launcher_bytes),
async def get_launcher(self, launcher_id: bytes32) -> Optional[Coin]:
Checks DB for a launcher with the specified ID and returns it.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute("SELECT * from launchers WHERE id=?", (launcher_id,))
row = await cursor.fetchone()
await cursor.close()
if row is not None:
return Coin(bytes32(row[1][0:32]), bytes32(row[1][32:64]), uint64(int.from_bytes(row[1][64:72], "big")))
return None
async def get_all_launchers(self) -> List[bytes32]:
Checks DB for all launchers.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute("SELECT id from launchers")
rows = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
return [bytes32(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def delete_launcher(self, launcher_id: bytes32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM launchers WHERE id=?", (launcher_id,))).close()
async def add_mirror(self, mirror: Mirror) -> None:
Add a mirror coin to the DB
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute_insert(
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO mirrors VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
b"".join([bytes(uint16(len(url))) + url for url in mirror.urls]), # prefix each item with a length
1 if mirror.ours else 0,
async def get_mirrors(self, launcher_id: bytes32) -> List[Mirror]:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute(
"SELECT * from mirrors WHERE launcher_id=?",
rows = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
mirrors: List[Mirror] = []
for row in rows:
return mirrors
async def get_mirror(self, coin_id: bytes32) -> Mirror:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute(
"SELECT * from mirrors WHERE coin_id=?",
row = await cursor.fetchone()
await cursor.close()
assert row is not None
return _row_to_mirror(row)
async def delete_mirror(self, coin_id: bytes32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM mirrors WHERE coin_id=?", (coin_id,))).close()