
118 lines
4.4 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Dict, Optional
from blspy import G1Element
from chia.protocols.pool_protocol import POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin
from chia.types.blockchain_format.program import Program
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.util.byte_types import hexstr_to_bytes
from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32
from chia.util.streamable import Streamable, streamable
class PoolSingletonState(IntEnum):
From the user's point of view, a pool group can be in these states:
`SELF_POOLING`: The singleton exists on the blockchain, and we are farming
block rewards to a wallet address controlled by the user
`LEAVING_POOL`: The singleton exists, and we have entered the "escaping" state, which
means we are waiting for a number of blocks = `relative_lock_height` to pass, so we can leave.
`FARMING_TO_POOL`: The singleton exists, and it is assigned to a pool.
`CLAIMING_SELF_POOLED_REWARDS`: We have submitted a transaction to sweep our
self-pooled funds.
class PoolState(Streamable):
`PoolState` is a type that is serialized to the blockchain to track the state of the user's pool singleton
`target_puzzle_hash` is either the pool address, or the self-pooling address that pool rewards will be paid to.
`target_puzzle_hash` is NOT the p2_singleton puzzle that block rewards are sent to.
The `p2_singleton` address is the initial address, and the `target_puzzle_hash` is the final destination.
`relative_lock_height` is zero when in SELF_POOLING state
version: uint8
state: uint8 # PoolSingletonState
# `target_puzzle_hash`: A puzzle_hash we pay to
# When self-farming, this is a main wallet address
# When farming-to-pool, the pool sends this to the farmer during pool protocol setup
target_puzzle_hash: bytes32 # TODO: rename target_puzzle_hash -> pay_to_address
# owner_pubkey is set by the wallet, once
owner_pubkey: G1Element
pool_url: Optional[str]
relative_lock_height: uint32
def initial_pool_state_from_dict(state_dict: Dict, owner_pubkey: G1Element, owner_puzzle_hash: bytes32) -> PoolState:
state_str = state_dict["state"]
singleton_state: PoolSingletonState = PoolSingletonState[state_str]
if singleton_state == SELF_POOLING:
target_puzzle_hash = owner_puzzle_hash
pool_url: str = ""
relative_lock_height = uint32(0)
elif singleton_state == FARMING_TO_POOL:
target_puzzle_hash = bytes32(hexstr_to_bytes(state_dict["target_puzzle_hash"]))
pool_url = state_dict["pool_url"]
relative_lock_height = uint32(state_dict["relative_lock_height"])
raise ValueError("Initial state must be SELF_POOLING or FARMING_TO_POOL")
# TODO: change create_pool_state to return error messages, as well
assert relative_lock_height is not None
return create_pool_state(singleton_state, target_puzzle_hash, owner_pubkey, pool_url, relative_lock_height)
def create_pool_state(
state: PoolSingletonState,
target_puzzle_hash: bytes32,
owner_pubkey: G1Element,
pool_url: Optional[str],
relative_lock_height: uint32,
) -> PoolState:
if state not in set(s.value for s in PoolSingletonState):
raise AssertionError("state {state} is not a valid PoolSingletonState,")
ps = PoolState(
POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION, uint8(state), target_puzzle_hash, owner_pubkey, pool_url, relative_lock_height
# TODO Move verify here
return ps
class PoolWalletInfo(Streamable):
Internal Pool Wallet state, not destined for the blockchain. This can be completely derived with
the Singleton's CoinSpends list, or with the information from the WalletPoolStore.
current: PoolState
target: Optional[PoolState]
launcher_coin: Coin
launcher_id: bytes32
p2_singleton_puzzle_hash: bytes32
current_inner: Program # Inner puzzle in current singleton, not revealed yet
tip_singleton_coin_id: bytes32
singleton_block_height: uint32 # Block height that current PoolState is from