
829 lines
30 KiB

import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple
import click
from chia.cmds.plotnft import validate_fee
from chia.wallet.transaction_sorting import SortKey
from chia.wallet.util.wallet_types import WalletType
@click.group("wallet", short_help="Manage your wallet")
def wallet_cmd() -> None:
@wallet_cmd.command("get_transaction", short_help="Get a transaction")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the wallet to use", type=int, default=1, show_default=True, required=True)
@click.option("-tx", "--tx_id", help="transaction id to search for", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("--verbose", "-v", count=True, type=int)
def get_transaction_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, id: int, tx_id: str, verbose: int) -> None:
extra_params = {"id": id, "tx_id": tx_id, "verbose": verbose}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, get_transaction
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, get_transaction))
@wallet_cmd.command("get_transactions", short_help="Get all transactions")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the wallet to use", type=int, default=1, show_default=True, required=True)
help="Skip transactions from the beginning of the list",
help="Max number of transactions to return",
default=(2 ** 32 - 1),
@click.option("--verbose", "-v", count=True, type=int)
help="Prompt for each page of data. Defaults to true for interactive consoles, otherwise false.",
help="Sort transactions by height",
help="Sort transactions by {confirmed, height, time}",
help="Reverse the transaction ordering",
def get_transactions_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
id: int,
offset: int,
limit: int,
verbose: bool,
paginate: Optional[bool],
sort_key: SortKey,
reverse: bool,
) -> None:
extra_params = {
"id": id,
"verbose": verbose,
"offset": offset,
"paginate": paginate,
"limit": limit,
"sort_key": sort_key,
"reverse": reverse,
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, get_transactions
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, get_transactions))
# The flush/close avoids output like below when piping through `head -n 1`
# which will close stdout.
# Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>
# BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
@wallet_cmd.command("send", short_help="Send chia to another wallet")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the wallet to use", type=int, default=1, show_default=True, required=True)
@click.option("-a", "--amount", help="How much chia to send, in XCH", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("-e", "--memo", help="Additional memo for the transaction", type=str, default=None)
help="Set the fees for the transaction, in XCH",
@click.option("-t", "--address", help="Address to send the XCH", type=str, required=True)
"-o", "--override", help="Submits transaction without checking for unusual values", is_flag=True, default=False
help="Ignore coins worth less then this much XCH or CAT units",
def send_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
id: int,
amount: str,
memo: Optional[str],
fee: str,
address: str,
override: bool,
min_coin_amount: str,
) -> None:
extra_params = {
"id": id,
"amount": amount,
"memo": memo,
"fee": fee,
"address": address,
"override": override,
"min_coin_amount": min_coin_amount,
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, send
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, send))
@wallet_cmd.command("show", short_help="Show wallet information")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
help="Choose a specific wallet type to return",
type=click.Choice([x.name.lower() for x in WalletType]),
def show_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, wallet_type: Optional[str]) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, print_balances
args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if wallet_type is not None:
args["type"] = WalletType[wallet_type.upper()]
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, args, print_balances))
@wallet_cmd.command("get_address", short_help="Get a wallet receive address")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the wallet to use", type=int, default=1, show_default=True, required=True)
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
"Create a new wallet receive address, or show the most recently created wallet receive address"
" [default: show most recent address]"
def get_address_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], id, fingerprint: int, new_address: bool) -> None:
extra_params = {"id": id, "new_address": new_address}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, get_address
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, get_address))
"delete_unconfirmed_transactions", short_help="Deletes all unconfirmed transactions for this wallet ID"
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the wallet to use", type=int, default=1, show_default=True, required=True)
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
def delete_unconfirmed_transactions_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], id, fingerprint: int) -> None:
extra_params = {"id": id}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, delete_unconfirmed_transactions
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, delete_unconfirmed_transactions))
@wallet_cmd.command("get_derivation_index", short_help="Get the last puzzle hash derivation path index")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
def get_derivation_index_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int) -> None:
extra_params: Dict[str, Any] = {}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, get_derivation_index
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, get_derivation_index))
"update_derivation_index", short_help="Generate additional derived puzzle hashes starting at the provided index"
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
"-i", "--index", help="Index to set. Must be greater than the current derivation index", type=int, required=True
def update_derivation_index_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, index: int) -> None:
extra_params = {"index": index}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, update_derivation_index
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, update_derivation_index))
@wallet_cmd.command("add_token", short_help="Add/Rename a CAT to the wallet by its asset ID")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
help="The Asset ID of the coin you wish to add/rename (the treehash of the TAIL program)",
help="The name you wish to designate to the token",
help="The wallet fingerprint you wish to add the token to",
def add_token_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], asset_id: str, token_name: str, fingerprint: int) -> None:
extra_params = {"asset_id": asset_id, "token_name": token_name}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, add_token
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, add_token))
@wallet_cmd.command("make_offer", short_help="Create an offer of XCH/CATs for XCH/CATs")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
help="A wallet id to offer and the amount to offer (formatted like wallet_id:amount)",
help="A wallet id of an asset to receive and the amount you wish to receive (formatted like wallet_id:amount)",
@click.option("-p", "--filepath", help="The path to write the generated offer file to", required=True)
@click.option("-m", "--fee", help="A fee to add to the offer when it gets taken", default="0")
def make_offer_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, offer: Tuple[str], request: Tuple[str], filepath: str, fee: str
) -> None:
extra_params = {"offers": offer, "requests": request, "filepath": filepath, "fee": fee}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, make_offer
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, make_offer))
"get_offers", short_help="Get the status of existing offers. Displays only active/pending offers by default."
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-id", "--id", help="The ID of the offer that you wish to examine")
@click.option("-p", "--filepath", help="The path to rewrite the offer file to (must be used in conjunction with --id)")
@click.option("-em", "--exclude-my-offers", help="Exclude your own offers from the output", is_flag=True)
@click.option("-et", "--exclude-taken-offers", help="Exclude offers that you've accepted from the output", is_flag=True)
"-ic", "--include-completed", help="Include offers that have been confirmed/cancelled or failed", is_flag=True
@click.option("-s", "--summaries", help="Show the assets being offered and requested for each offer", is_flag=True)
@click.option("-r", "--reverse", help="Reverse the order of the output", is_flag=True)
def get_offers_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
id: Optional[str],
filepath: Optional[str],
exclude_my_offers: bool,
exclude_taken_offers: bool,
include_completed: bool,
summaries: bool,
reverse: bool,
) -> None:
extra_params = {
"id": id,
"filepath": filepath,
"exclude_my_offers": exclude_my_offers,
"exclude_taken_offers": exclude_taken_offers,
"include_completed": include_completed,
"summaries": summaries,
"reverse": reverse,
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, get_offers
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, get_offers))
@wallet_cmd.command("take_offer", short_help="Examine or take an offer")
@click.argument("path_or_hex", type=str, nargs=1, required=True)
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-e", "--examine-only", help="Print the summary of the offer file but do not take it", is_flag=True)
@click.option("-m", "--fee", help="The fee to use when pushing the completed offer", default="0")
def take_offer_cmd(
path_or_hex: str, wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, examine_only: bool, fee: str
) -> None:
extra_params = {"file": path_or_hex, "examine_only": examine_only, "fee": fee}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, take_offer
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, take_offer))
@wallet_cmd.command("cancel_offer", short_help="Cancel an existing offer")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-id", "--id", help="The offer ID that you wish to cancel")
@click.option("--insecure", help="Don't make an on-chain transaction, simply mark the offer as cancelled", is_flag=True)
@click.option("-m", "--fee", help="The fee to use when cancelling the offer securely", default="0")
def cancel_offer_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, id: str, insecure: bool, fee: str) -> None:
extra_params = {"id": id, "insecure": insecure, "fee": fee}
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, cancel_offer
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, cancel_offer))
@wallet_cmd.group("did", short_help="DID related actions")
def did_cmd():
@did_cmd.command("create", short_help="Create DID wallet")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-n", "--name", help="Set the DID wallet name", type=str)
help="Set the DID amount in mojos. Value must be an odd number.",
help="Set the fees per transaction, in XCH.",
def did_create_wallet_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, name: Optional[str], amount: Optional[int], fee: Optional[int]
) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, create_did_wallet
extra_params = {"amount": amount, "fee": fee, "name": name}
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, create_did_wallet))
@did_cmd.command("set_name", short_help="Set DID wallet name")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the wallet to use", type=int, required=True)
@click.option("-n", "--name", help="Set the DID wallet name", type=str, required=True)
def did_wallet_name_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, id: int, name: str) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, did_set_wallet_name
extra_params = {"wallet_id": id, "name": name}
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, did_set_wallet_name))
@did_cmd.command("get_did", short_help="Get DID from wallet")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the wallet to use", type=int, required=True)
def did_get_did_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, id: int) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, get_did
extra_params = {"did_wallet_id": id}
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, get_did))
@wallet_cmd.group("nft", short_help="NFT related actions")
def nft_cmd():
@nft_cmd.command("create", short_help="Create an NFT wallet")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-di", "--did-id", help="DID Id to use", type=str)
@click.option("-n", "--name", help="Set the NFT wallet name", type=str)
def nft_wallet_create_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, did_id: Optional[str], name: Optional[str]
) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, create_nft_wallet
extra_params: Dict[str, Any] = {"did_id": did_id, "name": name}
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, create_nft_wallet))
@nft_cmd.command("mint", short_help="Mint an NFT")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the NFT wallet to use", type=int, required=True)
@click.option("-ra", "--royalty-address", help="Royalty address", type=str)
@click.option("-ta", "--target-address", help="Target address", type=str)
@click.option("--no-did-ownership", help="Disable DID ownership support", is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.option("-nh", "--hash", help="NFT content hash", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("-u", "--uris", help="Comma separated list of URIs", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("-mh", "--metadata-hash", help="NFT metadata hash", type=str, default="")
@click.option("-mu", "--metadata-uris", help="Comma separated list of metadata URIs", type=str)
@click.option("-lh", "--license-hash", help="NFT license hash", type=str, default="")
@click.option("-lu", "--license-uris", help="Comma separated list of license URIs", type=str)
"-st", "--series-total", help="[DEPRECATED] NFT series total number", type=int, default=1, show_default=True
@click.option("-sn", "--series-number", help="[DEPRECATED] NFT series number", type=int, default=1, show_default=True)
@click.option("-ec", "--edition-count", help="NFT edition count, defaults to 1", type=int)
@click.option("-en", "--edition-number", help="NFT edition number, defaults to 1", type=int)
help="Set the fees per transaction, in XCH.",
help="NFT royalty percentage fraction in basis points. Example: 175 would represent 1.75%",
def nft_mint_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
id: int,
royalty_address: Optional[str],
target_address: Optional[str],
no_did_ownership: bool,
hash: str,
uris: str,
metadata_hash: Optional[str],
metadata_uris: Optional[str],
license_hash: Optional[str],
license_uris: Optional[str],
series_total: Optional[int],
series_number: Optional[int],
edition_count: Optional[int],
edition_number: Optional[int],
fee: str,
royalty_percentage_fraction: int,
) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, mint_nft
if metadata_uris is None:
metadata_uris_list = []
metadata_uris_list = [mu.strip() for mu in metadata_uris.split(",")]
if license_uris is None:
license_uris_list = []
license_uris_list = [lu.strip() for lu in license_uris.split(",")]
if not (edition_number and edition_count):
if series_number and series_total:
print("\nWARNING: Series total(-st) and number(-sn) options are *deprecated*, please use -en and -ec.\n")
edition_number = series_number
edition_count = series_total
edition_number = 1
edition_count = 1
extra_params = {
"wallet_id": id,
"royalty_address": royalty_address,
"target_address": target_address,
"no_did_ownership": no_did_ownership,
"hash": hash,
"uris": [u.strip() for u in uris.split(",")],
"metadata_hash": metadata_hash,
"metadata_uris": metadata_uris_list,
"license_hash": license_hash,
"license_uris": license_uris_list,
"edition_count": edition_count,
"edition_number": edition_number,
"fee": fee,
"royalty_percentage": royalty_percentage_fraction,
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, mint_nft))
@nft_cmd.command("add_uri", short_help="Add an URI to an NFT")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the NFT wallet to use", type=int, required=True)
@click.option("-ni", "--nft-coin-id", help="Id of the NFT coin to add the URI to", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("-u", "--uri", help="URI to add to the NFT", type=str)
@click.option("-mu", "--metadata-uri", help="Metadata URI to add to the NFT", type=str)
@click.option("-lu", "--license-uri", help="License URI to add to the NFT", type=str)
help="Set the fees per transaction, in XCH.",
def nft_add_uri_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
id: int,
nft_coin_id: str,
uri: str,
metadata_uri: str,
license_uri: str,
fee: str,
) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, add_uri_to_nft
extra_params = {
"wallet_id": id,
"nft_coin_id": nft_coin_id,
"uri": uri,
"metadata_uri": metadata_uri,
"license_uri": license_uri,
"fee": fee,
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, add_uri_to_nft))
@nft_cmd.command("transfer", short_help="Transfer an NFT")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the NFT wallet to use", type=int, required=True)
@click.option("-ni", "--nft-coin-id", help="Id of the NFT coin to transfer", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("-ta", "--target-address", help="Target recipient wallet address", type=str, required=True)
help="Set the fees per transaction, in XCH.",
def nft_transfer_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
id: int,
nft_coin_id: str,
target_address: str,
fee: str,
) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, transfer_nft
extra_params = {
"wallet_id": id,
"nft_coin_id": nft_coin_id,
"target_address": target_address,
"fee": fee,
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, transfer_nft))
@nft_cmd.command("list", short_help="List the current NFTs")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the NFT wallet to use", type=int, required=True)
def nft_list_cmd(wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int], fingerprint: int, id: int) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, list_nfts
extra_params = {"wallet_id": id}
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, list_nfts))
@nft_cmd.command("set_did", short_help="Set a DID on an NFT")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-i", "--id", help="Id of the NFT wallet to use", type=int, required=True)
@click.option("-di", "--did-id", help="DID Id to set on the NFT", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("-ni", "--nft-coin-id", help="Id of the NFT coin to set the DID on", type=str, required=True)
help="Set the fees per transaction, in XCH.",
def nft_set_did_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
id: int,
did_id: str,
nft_coin_id: str,
fee: str,
) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, set_nft_did
extra_params = {
"wallet_id": id,
"did_id": did_id,
"nft_coin_id": nft_coin_id,
"fee": fee,
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, set_nft_did))
@nft_cmd.command("get_info", short_help="Get NFT information")
help="Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml",
@click.option("-f", "--fingerprint", help="Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use", type=int)
@click.option("-ni", "--nft-coin-id", help="Id of the NFT coin to get information on", type=str, required=True)
def nft_get_info_cmd(
wallet_rpc_port: Optional[int],
fingerprint: int,
nft_coin_id: str,
) -> None:
import asyncio
from .wallet_funcs import execute_with_wallet, get_nft_info
extra_params = {
"nft_coin_id": nft_coin_id,
asyncio.run(execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port, fingerprint, extra_params, get_nft_info))