# void.sh void-sh is a program written in Bash that configures Void Linux. ### Content - Update the system - Install recommended packages - Install development packages - Install the X Window System (1/13) (optional) - Install a Desktop environment (2/13) (optional) - Xfce, MATE, GNOME, KDE Plasma, Budgie, Cinnamon, LXQt, Enlightenment, - LXDE, Lumina - Install Display Manager (3/13) (optional) - LightDM, emptty, slim - Install a Window manager (4/13) (optional) - i3wm, Openbox, Fluxbox, bspwm, herbstluftwm, IceWM, awesome, jwm, dwm, FVWM3, - Wayfire, Sway - Install fonts (5/13) (optional) - Install an Internet browser (6/13) (optional) - Install LibreOffice (7/13) (optional) - Install GIMP + Inkscape (8/13) (optional) - Install QEMU + Virt Manager (9/13) (optional) - Install a Terminal emulator (10/13) (optional) - Install a Backup program (11/13) - Install a Video player (12/13) - Enable required services (13/13) - Configure Cron - Configure Audio (optional) - Configure Network Management (optional) - Configure Bluetooth (optional) - Configure Printing support (optional) - Configure TLP for notebook power saving (optional) - Configure the Display manager (REQUIRES STEP 2/3/4) ### How to use Please make sure git is installed:

`xbps-install -S git` Then run:

`git clone https://codeberg.org/fossraven/void-sh.git`
`cd void-sh`
`sudo sh void.sh` This script should be executed as root because it must execute the package manager and copy some configuration files. ### Notes - This program is not part of Void Linux. - This program was successfully tested and can be used on production systems.