Font weights

This commit is contained in:
Out Of Ideas 2024-05-21 22:42:31 -05:00
parent 7031a4ed7c
commit d0435f985e
2 changed files with 82 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -8,22 +8,36 @@ def get_class_definitions():
return style_defs
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
return ""
def parse_class_definitions(class_definitions):
class_colors = {}
pattern = r'\s*\.(.*?) {.*?color: (#[0-9A-Fa-f]+).*?}(?: /\* (.*?) \*/)?'
matches = re.findall(pattern, class_definitions)
for match in matches:
class_weights = {}
color_pattern = r'\.(\w+) {[^}]*?color: (#[0-9A-Fa-f]+)[^}]*}(?: /\* (.*?) \*/)?'
weight_pattern = r'\.(\w+) {[^}]*?(font-(weight|style): \w+)[^}]*}(?: /\* (.*?) \*/)?'
color_matches = re.findall(color_pattern, class_definitions)
weight_matches = re.findall(weight_pattern, class_definitions)
for match in color_matches:
class_name, color, comment = match
if not class_name.startswith("linenos"):
comment = comment.strip() if comment else ""
class_colors[class_name] = (color, comment)
return class_colors
comment = comment.strip() if comment else ""
class_colors[class_name] = (color, comment)
for match in weight_matches:
class_name, weight, _, comment = match
comment = comment.strip() if comment else ""
class_weights[class_name] = (weight, comment)
return class_colors, class_weights
def main():
class_definitions = get_class_definitions()
if class_definitions:
class_colors = parse_class_definitions(class_definitions)
class_colors, class_weights = parse_class_definitions(class_definitions)
# Print class colors
print("# Define colors for different classes (modify as needed)")
print("class_colors = {")
for class_name, (color, comment) in class_colors.items():
@ -32,6 +46,16 @@ def main():
print(f' "{class_name}": "{color}",')
# Print class weights
print("\n# Define weights for different classes (modify as needed)")
print("class_weights = {")
for class_name, (weight, comment) in class_weights.items():
if comment:
print(f' "{class_name}": "{weight}", # {comment}')
print(f' "{class_name}": "{weight}",')
print("No class definitions found.")

View file

@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
import os # Import the os module
import os
# Define the code snippets and their respective languages
code_snippets = {
# These are code examples.
# I recommend only generating HTML code for one language at a time, and using different class_colors.
"bash": 'echo "This is an example"',
"c": """
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
printf("This is an example");
printf("This is an example");
return 0;
return 0;
"html": """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
@ -41,10 +39,10 @@ int main() {
<p>This is an example</p>
# Define colors for different classes (modify as needed)
# Define colors and weights for different classes (modify as needed)
class_colors = {
"hll": "#ffffcc",
"c": "#3D7B7B", # Comment
@ -113,6 +111,36 @@ class_colors = {
"il": "#666666", # Literal.Number.Integer.Long
# Define weights for different classes (modify as needed)
class_weights = {
"c": "font-style: italic", # Comment
"k": "font-weight: bold", # Keyword
"ch": "font-style: italic", # Comment.Hashbang
"cm": "font-style: italic", # Comment.Multiline
"cpf": "font-style: italic", # Comment.PreprocFile
"c1": "font-style: italic", # Comment.Single
"cs": "font-style: italic", # Comment.Special
"ge": "font-style: italic", # Generic.Emph
"ges": "font-weight: bold", # Generic.EmphStrong
"gh": "font-weight: bold", # Generic.Heading
"gp": "font-weight: bold", # Generic.Prompt
"gs": "font-weight: bold", # Generic.Strong
"gu": "font-weight: bold", # Generic.Subheading
"kc": "font-weight: bold", # Keyword.Constant
"kd": "font-weight: bold", # Keyword.Declaration
"kn": "font-weight: bold", # Keyword.Namespace
"kr": "font-weight: bold", # Keyword.Reserved
"nc": "font-weight: bold", # Name.Class
"ni": "font-weight: bold", # Name.Entity
"ne": "font-weight: bold", # Name.Exception
"nn": "font-weight: bold", # Name.Namespace
"nt": "font-weight: bold", # Name.Tag
"ow": "font-weight: bold", # Operator.Word
"sd": "font-style: italic", # Literal.String.Doc
"se": "font-weight: bold", # Literal.String.Escape
"si": "font-weight: bold", # Literal.String.Interpol
# Create a directory to store the generated HTML files
output_dir = "highlighted_code"
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
@ -130,8 +158,20 @@ for snippet_name, code in code_snippets.items():
raise ValueError(f"No lexer for language '{snippet_name}' found.")
# Generate class colors for the specific language
html_class_definitions = "\n".join(f".{cls} {{ color: {color}; }}" for cls, color in class_colors.items())
# Generate class styles for the specific language
css_class_definitions = []
# Create a set of all class names
all_classes = sorted(set(class_colors.keys()) | set(class_weights.keys()))
# Add class definitions for each class, ensuring alphabetical order
for cls in all_classes:
color = class_colors.get(cls)
weight = class_weights.get(cls)
if color is not None:
css_class_definitions.append(f".{cls} {{ color: {color}; {weight or ''} }}")
elif weight is not None:
css_class_definitions.append(f".{cls} {{ {weight} }}")
html_class_definitions = "\n".join(css_class_definitions)
# Highlight the code
formatter = HtmlFormatter()
@ -146,4 +186,3 @@ for snippet_name, code in code_snippets.items():
print(f"Generated HTML file for '{snippet_name}' code snippet: {output_file_path}")