
1.8 KiB


View average and maximum sensors temperatures and fan RPM in the modeline.


Running Linux with lm-sensors installed.


To load this module, place (load-module sensors) in your .stumpwmrc.

Sensors information is then available to display in the modeline using %S in your modeline config.

As an example, here is my modeline config:

  (setf *screen-mode-line-format*
        (list "^3^B%d ^2[%n] ^7%v ^n ^> %S %T"))

The following variables are exported

  (defvar *sensors-refresh-time* 30
    "Time in seconds between updates of sensors information.")

  (defvar *red-above-temp* 60
    "Temperature to turn red at.")

  (defvar *yellow-above-temp* 50
    "Temperature to turn yellow at.")

  (defvar *display-above-temp* 40
    "Temperature to start displaying at.")

  (defvar *red-above-rpm* 4000
    "Fan RPM to turn red at.")

  (defvar *yellow-above-rpm* 3000
    "Fan RPM to turn yellow at.")

  (defvar *display-above-rpm* 2000
    "Fan RPM to start displaying at.")

  (defvar *ignore-below* 20
    "Ignore temperatures below this temperature when calculating average.")


This module only displays average (and maximum for temperature) temperature and fan RPM, not all sensors. It would be good to make it more configurable in this respect.

Also, I'm very new to Common Lisp, so the code is pretty hacky. I'd welcome any advice on how to make it better.

Also credit must go to the author of Battery Portable for the *refresh-time* logic.


As an extra bonus this module contains the stumpwm command sensors for viewing the same information in a message window.