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2024-03-10 19:20:55 -05:00
foot Add configs and lynx invocaiton script 2024-03-05 18:01:05 -06:00
fuzzel Fuzzel 2024-03-09 13:09:08 -06:00
river Fuzzel 2024-03-09 13:09:08 -06:00
vis Minor adjustments to Vis. Load colorscheme before line numbers, and set color column color 2024-03-08 17:00:15 -06:00
Wallpapers Wallpaper and README 2024-03-04 16:03:28 -06:00
yambar Add configs 2024-03-09 12:25:49 -06:00
.ashrc Format 2024-03-09 13:13:25 -06:00
.profile Update .profile and .ashrc 2024-03-05 22:14:25 -06:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2024-03-04 21:57:06 +00:00
lynx Fix background color 2024-03-06 07:49:13 -06:00
README Fix typo 2024-03-10 19:20:55 -05:00

Window Manager: River
Text editor: vis
WWW Client: Lynx
Terminal Emulator: Foot
Launcher: fuzzel
Bar: Yambar
Shell: ASH
Font: Mononoki Nerd Font

Set up repositories
	vi /etc/repositories
The file should read:
Update and upgrade
	apk update && apk upgrade
Remove Doas
	apk del doas
Set up eudev
	setup-devd udev
Install the mesa-gallium drivers
	apk add mesa-dri-gallium
Install River documentation (optional)
	apk add river-doc

Install River

Option 1: From APK
	apk add river
	apk add xwayland (optional)

Option 2: From source (Not working)
Install packages that will be used to build river
	apk add git zig pkgconfig
Install river dependencies
	apk add wayland wayland-dev wayland-protocols wlroots wlroots-dev libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-dev libevdev libevdev-dev pixman pixman-dev
Clone river
	mkdir /home/<user>/.Git
	cd /home/<user>/.Git
	git clone
	git submodule update --init
Revert to the latest version
	git reset --hard v0.2.6
Build river
	zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe --prefix /usr/local/bin install
Remove unneded packages (optional)
	apk del git zig pkgconfig 

Install Foot
	apk add foot
Start the seat daemon
	rc-update add seatd
	rc-service seatd start
Add the user to the nessessary groups
	adduser <user> seat
	adduser <user> input
	adduser <user> video
Install Git
	apk add git
Crate directories
	cd /home/<user>
	mkdir -p .Git .config .local/bin
Change to the /home/<user>/.Git directory
	cd /home/<user>/.Git
Clone the git repo for this guide
	git clone
Remove Git
	apk del git
Change to the directory.
	cd minimal-but-usable
Copy config files
	cp .profile .ashrc /home/<user>/
	mkdir -p /home/<user>/.local/bin/
	cp lynx /home/<user>/.local/bin/
	cp -r vis river foot yambar fuzzel /home/<user>/.config/
Create the wallpaper folder
	mkdir -p /home/<user>/.local/share/wallpapers/
Copy the wallpaper over
	cp Wallpapers/wallpaper.png /home/<user>/.local/share/wallpapers/
Install packages
	apk add lynx vis fuzzel fastfetch yambar imv wlr-randr wbg
Install a font 
	apk add font-mononoki-nerd
Now give the user ownership of the files
	chown -R <user>:<user> /home/<user>/

Now logout of root. Login as the user.
Run River