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* @FileDescription: 消息列表页面
* @Author: Stapxs
* @Date:
* 2022/08/14
* 2022/12/14
* @Version:
* 1.0 - 初始版本
* 1.5 - 重构为 ts 版本代码格式优化
<div class="friend-view">
<div :class="'friend-list' + (runtimeData.tags.openSideBar ? ' open' : '')" id="message-list">
<div class="base only">
<span>{{ $t('message_title') }}</span>
<div style="flex: 1;"></div>
<svg @click="cleanList" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M170.5 51.6L151.5 80h145l-19-28.4c-1.5-2.2-4-3.6-6.7-3.6H177.1c-2.7 0-5.2 1.3-6.7 3.6zm147-26.6L354.2 80H368h48 8c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24h-8V432c0 44.2-35.8 80-80 80H112c-44.2 0-80-35.8-80-80V128H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24S10.7 80 24 80h8H80 93.8l36.7-55.1C140.9 9.4 158.4 0 177.1 0h93.7c18.7 0 36.2 9.4 46.6 24.9zM80 128V432c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32H336c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V128H80zm80 64V400c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16s-16-7.2-16-16V192c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16s16 7.2 16 16zm80 0V400c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16s-16-7.2-16-16V192c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16s16 7.2 16 16zm80 0V400c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16s-16-7.2-16-16V192c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16s16 7.2 16 16z"/></svg>
<div class="small">
<span v-show="runtimeData.tags.openSideBar">{{ $t('message_title') }}</span>
<div @click="openLeftBar">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
d="M0 96C0 78.3 14.3 64 32 64H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32C14.3 128 0 113.7 0 96zM64 256c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32H480c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H96c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zM448 416c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32z" />
<div id="message-list-body" :class="(runtimeData.tags.openSideBar ? 'open' : '')">
<!-- 系统信息 -->
<FriendBody key="inMessage--10000"
v-if="runtimeData.systemNoticesList && Object.keys(runtimeData.systemNoticesList).length > 0"
:select=" === -10000"
:data="{ user_id: -10000, always_top: true, nickname: $t('list_system_notice'), remark: $t('list_system_notice') }"
<!-- 其他消息 -->
<FriendBody v-for="item in runtimeData.onMsgList"
:key="'inMessage-' + item.user_id ? item.user_id : item.group_id"
:select=" === item.user_id || ( === item.group_id && chat.group_name != '')" :data="item"
@click="userClick(item)" @contextmenu.prevent="readMsg(item)" @touchstart="readStart"
<div class="ss-card">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
d="M447 56.25C443.5 42 430.7 31.1 416 31.1H96c-14.69 0-27.47 10-31.03 24.25L3.715 304.9C1.247 314.9 0 325.2 0 335.5v96.47c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-96.47c0-10.32-1.247-20.6-3.715-30.61L447 56.25zM352 352H160L128 288H72.97L121 96h270l48.03 192H384L352 352z" />
<span>{{ $t('chat_space') }}</span>
<script lang="ts">
import app from '@/main'
import FriendBody from '@/components/FriendBody.vue'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { runtimeData, notificationList } from '@/function/msg'
import { UserFriendElem, UserGroupElem } from '@/function/elements/information'
import { getRaw as getOpt, run as runOpt } from '@/function/option'
import { loadHistoryMessage } from '@/function/util'
import { Logger, LogType, PopInfo, PopType } from '@/function/base'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'VueMessages',
props: ['chat'],
components: { FriendBody },
data() {
return {
runtimeData: runtimeData,
trRead: false
methods: {
* 联系人点击事件
* @param data 联系人对象
userClick(data: (UserFriendElem & UserGroupElem)) {
if (!this.trRead) {
if (this.runtimeData.tags.openSideBar) {
const index = runtimeData.onMsgList.indexOf(data)
const back = {
// 临时会话标志
temp: data.group_name == '' ? data.group_id : undefined,
type: data.user_id ? 'user' : 'group',
id: data.user_id ? data.user_id : data.group_id,
name: data.group_name ? data.group_name : data.remark === data.nickname ? data.nickname : data.remark + '' + data.nickname + '',
avatar: data.user_id ? '' + data.user_id : '' + data.group_id + '/' + data.group_id + '/0'
if ( != {
// 更新聊天框
this.$emit('userClick', back)
// 获取历史消息
this.$emit('loadHistory', back)
// 重置消息面板
// PS这儿的作用是在运行时如果切换到了特殊面板在点击联系人的时候可以切回来
if (runtimeData.sysConfig.chatview_name != '' && runtimeData.sysConfig.chatview_name != getOpt('chatview_name')) {
runtimeData.sysConfig.chatview_name = getOpt('chatview_name')
runOpt('chatview_name', getOpt('chatview_name'))
// 清除新消息标记
runtimeData.onMsgList[index].new_msg = false
// 清除消息通知
const notificationIndex = notificationList.findIndex((item) => {
const tag = item.tag
const userId = Number(tag.split('/')[0])
return userId == data.user_id || userId == data.group_id
if (notificationIndex != -1) {
const notification = notificationList[notificationIndex]
// PS使用 close 方法关闭通知也会触发关闭事件,所以这儿需要先移除再关闭
// 防止一些判断用户主动关闭通知的逻辑出现问题
notificationList.splice(notificationIndex, 1)
* 系统通知点击事件
systemNoticeClick() {
if (this.runtimeData.tags.openSideBar) {
const back = {
type: 'user',
id: -10000,
name: '系统消息'
this.$emit('userClick', back)
runtimeData.sysConfig.chatview_name = 'SystemNotice'
runOpt('chatview_name', 'SystemNotice')
* 侧边栏操作
openLeftBar() {
runtimeData.tags.openSideBar = !runtimeData.tags.openSideBar
* 标记群组消息为已读
readMsg(data: (UserFriendElem & UserGroupElem)) {
const index = runtimeData.onMsgList.indexOf(data)
runtimeData.onMsgList[index].new_msg = false
// 标记消息已读
const id = data.group_id ? data.group_id : data.user_id
const type = data.group_id ? 'group' : 'user'
loadHistoryMessage(id, type, 1, 'readMemberMessage')
// pop
new PopInfo().add(
PopType.INFO, app.config.globalProperties.$t('chat_readed'))
readStart() {
const logger = new Logger()
this.trRead = false
setTimeout(() => {
logger.add(LogType.UI, "列表触屏长按触发。")
this.trRead = true
}, 800)
readEnd(data: (UserFriendElem & UserGroupElem)) {
if (this.trRead) {
* 清空消息列表
cleanList() {
// 刷新置顶列表
const info = runtimeData.sysConfig.top_info as { [key: string]: number[] } | null
runtimeData.onMsgList = []
if (info != null) {
const topList = info[runtimeData.loginInfo.uin]
if (topList !== undefined) {
runtimeData.userList.forEach((item) => {
const id = Number(item.user_id ? item.user_id : item.group_id)
if (topList.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
item.always_top = true